#young man What are you doing trying to 'celebrate' such a day hmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!
justiisms · 1 year
"Noooo! I have to have a sip of bourbon today for National Bourbon Day!! I wanna try it!!" *kaito then makes the mistake of trying to grab the glass only to suddenly find himself staring up at the ceiling! kiryu had flipped him so quickly that the astronaut is completely stunned silent!!*
Enjoying a glass of bourbon with Kiryu sounded like a nice way to spend the evening; partially because to celebrate today, but in general, just always being more than happy to relax with the other.... At Kaito's tantrum, P can't help but chuckle, as he was about to say: "Now, now, Kaito... you know you can't have-" But trails off when he blinks in shock at Kaito being flipped over like that!! "Ah...! Kaito, are you okay-?!"
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He puts his glass down, so he can quickly kneel down to Kaito to make sure he's okay!! "That was....quite the flip....K..Kazuma, I know you most likely did that out of instinct, but try to be a little more....gentle when trying to stop him. And Kaito, you should....probably not try doing that again...."
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jihyuncompass · 3 years
Unexpected Changes
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It’s time for a very special fic for a very special boy who lives in my head and my heart. Happy birthday Shawty I love you <3
I want to give a very very special thanks to my wonderful friend @otherlandshark​ for giving me this idea, your mind never ceases to amaze me and I love you so very much. 
I would also love to give thanks to everyone who has encouraged me or helped me with this fic. There’s several of you, some of which aren’t on here. But thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. 
Summary: You decide to surprise Shaw for his birthday, but some unexpected events get in the way. 
Shaw x MC
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Some cursing, adult jokes. 
Leaning forward you squinted at the calendar in front of you checking it, you confirmed the date, June 21st. The date was circled in a red pen, the little box for the date had Shaw’s B-day!!!!! Written in the same red felt pen. You smiled to yourself as you reached out to your phone left face down on the table beside you. 
You’d half expected a text from Shaw already, after all he usually was the one to text you first. Yet when you checked your notifications you didn’t see anything from him. You sat down at the kitchen table, considering if you should text him first, maybe he was sleeping in today, his finals should be done by now so maybe he was taking a day to rest. Even if that didn’t really sound like Shaw’s style. 
As it turns out, you didn’t have to wait too long to decide if you should text him or not. Your phone screen lit up with a text message, the contact image of a young lavender haired man. 
Shaw: Do you remember what today is?
MC: Oh I know this one!
MC: It’s monday!
Shaw: Care to try again? 
MC: Ah fine, it’s the 21st of June!
Shaw: You’re not wrong, but do you know what else it is? 
MC: Hmmmmm 
Shaw: Hm?
You knew very well that Shaw’s birthday was today, but still you wanted to tease him a little bit. Maybe just to get back at him a little bit for his usual rounds of teasing you. 
MC: Maybe you should remind me what today is, since it seems I don’t know
Shaw: Or, how about we meet up? 
Shaw: With my finals I’ve haven't had the time to entertain you 
MC: Oh today? I’m not sure if I have the time…
Shaw: You can’t be that busy can you? 
MC: Shaw it’s Monday! I have a job you know 
MC: Buuuuut 
MC: It is a bit slow today, perhaps I could take the day off. 
Shaw: Meet me at the park.  Don’t be late. 
MC: Hey!!! I should be telling YOU that!!!! 
Putting your phone back down on the table you quickly rose from your seat. You had preemptively taken the day off, preparing for today weeks ago. Today was not only his birthday, but also right after his final exams for school. Both events in your eyes were worthy of a celebration. 
First, you got yourself dressed and ready, putting on the carefully chosen ensemble, an outfit more in line with Shaw’s personal style than your own, but one you knew he’d appreciate seeing you in. 
You pulled out the large picnic basket from your closet, putting it down on the table while you opened your fridge door to grab the neatly packaged and wrapped food you’d spent the night before putting together. Once you finished your personal game of picnic basket tetris you carefully snuck in a picnic blanket on top. 
The last step was the gift wrapped box sitting on the other side of your dining table, the gift was wrapped with the shark wrapping paper you’d special ordered on a whim the week beforehand. You slipped the box into your bag, trying to keep it at least a little bit hidden from view. You slipped on your shoes as you held your bag in one arm and the picnic basket in the crook of your elbow. 
The bright blue sky was the first thing you noticed when you stepped outside. The warm new summer air swaying the newly bloomed flowers on your path. The summer breeze was just warm enough that you felt a bead of sweat appear on your brow as you walked to the park you had arranged to meet at. 
Since the weather was so warm for the first time in what seemed like forever it looked like everyone in the city was outside today. Families walked into ice cream shops, groups of friends wandered into stores and restaurants. Couples holding hands walking down the sidewalk hand in hand. 
The park wasn’t any less busy, it took several rounds walking along the park to find the perfect spot to get yourself set up, after walking the perimeter for a while you found a good spot you could get yourself situated. 
Your phone rang just as you finished pulling out the last items from your picnic basket. Once the items were set down you reached out and quickly answered your phone without even really checking the caller ID. 
“I’m almost there, where are you?” Shaw asked on the other end. 
“I’m sitting under one of the trees, just walk around I’ll wave when I see you” 
Shaw sighed on the other end. “You can’t just find me?” 
“Nope! You have to find me. I’m not moving.” Shaw dramatically sighed. “Just come find me. Trust me it’ll be worth it.” 
“Alright,” Shaw said. “I’ll find you, I can see the park now. Be ready.” He hung up the phone just a moment after that. 
Your eyes swept around the park looking for him. You looked for that familiar lavender hair or that patented leather jacket he seemed so very fond of. Still, it was hard to see through all the crowds of people, the way they crowded up the paths and sidewalks and made it even harder to see anyone specific. 
Once you saw that lavender hair sticking out of the crowd your hand was raised in the air, waving wildly to try and grab his attention, and as some of the people thinned out you could clearly see Shaw walking down the sidewalk, his eyes also looking around the park to try and find you. 
After waving your hands for a few more moments, Shaw's eyes met yours, a spark of recognition crossing his face, and then, his facial expression slowly changing as he noticed where you were sitting, and the assortment of food that you had put around yourself. All for him. 
He stopped just a few steps away from you, you could tell that he was trying to hide his exact facial expression. Trying to hide it with his classic cool and unbothered face, but his eyes didn't lie, and the way they seemed to be sparkling. 
"What's this?" Shaw asked as he looked down at the set up. You smiled and motioned to the blanket you had spread out on the ground. 
"Happy birthday Shaw." You said, his eyes looked like they were glowing. His pupils wide as he took it all in. His mouth was slightly open, like he couldn't quite believe what it was that he was seeing in front of him. "What are you doing just standing there! Come on, sit down." 
After a half a moment of him staring he sat down on the other end of the blanket. He still wasn't saying much, almost uncharacteristically quiet. 
"What do you think? I tried to make some things I know you like. It's no hotpot but I couldn't quite figure out how we could do hotpot in the park, but since the weather is so nice I figured that a picnic would be nice!" 
Shaw looked at you, and in the moment that he was staring at you it was like an instant change. He cleared his throat and let his usual cool and collected expression return to his face, looking cool, calm, and collected like he had been expecting this the whole entire time. 
“It doesn’t look too bad.” He finally said. You smiled at him, a comment like that from Shaw was quite the compliment. “You did all this?”
You nodded. “Yeah I made all this last night and this morning.” You handed him a can of coke and a can of pepsi, his two favorites. “Consider this a double celebration, we’re celebrating your birthday and you finishing your finals.” Shaw looked up and down at the picnic food on the blanket and you sitting on the other end of the blanket. 
Shaw’s usual smirk reappeared on his face as he popped the tab open on the can of coke, taking a long sip. “I suppose I can admit you made an okay show of pretending to forget today.” 
“I would never forget!” You said, “I’ve had the date written down on my calendar ever since I found out when your birthday was.” 
Shaw’s face was unreadable, he hid his expression by sipping on his soda. Trying to keep his face away from you, as if by looking at you it would reveal something he wasn’t ready for you to see yet. 
Maybe you would have asked if he was okay, or try to say something to make him face you again. But before you could do anything about that thought your attention was broken by the raindrops that fell right on top of your head. 
The rain started to fall faster, dark rain clouds overtaking the whole no-longer blue sky. You looked up at the sky, as the raindrops started falling faster and harder. Within seconds it was pouring down rain on the once warm soil. 
It seemed to take Shaw a bit longer to notice the rain that was soaking his hair and clothes. Once he noticed his eyes went upwards to look up at the now darkened sky. 
Although he didn't say it, and neither did you, you had a very good feeling that you knew what had caused this sudden rainstorm. 
Looking around the park, the once happy families and couples were packing up their things, running for shelter or to their cars, no one seemingly prepared for any kind of sudden rain. Even you, who should have prepared for this possibility, hadn't even considered the idea that it could rain. Especially with the person you were with. 
"Shit, the food!" You quickly tried to repackage and rewrap the food you'd brought, trying to keep it from getting wetter and ruined. 
"It's just a little rain" Shaw said looking up at the sky, he must have known the rain's origin. There's no way that he couldn't have known what caused this. 
“I would say it’s a little more than a little rain!” You tried to shove them back into the basket. "Also I don't want all this food getting wet and soggy." You pushed back some of your wet hair as the raindrops ran down your face and neck. 
Quickly you put all the food back into the basket, and motioned for Shaw to stand up, the blanket below you was already soaked, and the mud started to stick to the other side. You bit your lip and you tried to fold it up the best you could. 
“Did you bring an umbrella?” You asked him, Shaw shook his head. 
“Didn’t think it would rain.” You glared at him. “What?”
“You don’t just keep one on you in case of sudden rain? That seems to happen a lot around you.” You hugged yourself to try and keep warm as the rain soaked your clothes. 
“I didn’t think I’d need it.” Shaw said. “Besides, it’s June.” You resisted the urge to remind him that not only does it rain in June but the time of year doesn’t seem to matter when you have an Evolver who makes it rain whenever he’s in a good mood. 
Trying to hide from the rain under the tree you held the picnic basket close. “How about we go back to my place, we can eat there.” Shaw picked up your other bag, the one with his present hidden in it, biting your tongue you tried not to make clear that you didn’t want him seeing the contents just yet. But he didn’t try to look. 
“Here.” Shaw shedded his jacket and handed it over to you. You took the jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders, the arms a little too long and the jacket not quite fitting, but it was comfortable, and you could feel the lingering warmth from his body heat on it. 
“I’ll follow your lead.” Shaw said casually, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Looking out to the rest of the now deserted park you mentally mapped the quickest way home, the two of you would be soaked, no doubt, but at least you could get back. 
Together you took off into the rain, trying to walk beneath any kind of cover you both could find on the way back. You held Shaw’s jacket close, as you did the scent of peppermint and light cologne was easy to pick up, an almost comforting smell. 
Throwing open the door to your apartment building you both breathed a sigh of relief when you were out of the rain, so filled with relief it took a few moments to realize something wasn’t right. 
“Someone turned off the lights.” You commented looking at the dark lobby. Shaw punched the up button on the elevator, to no avail. No elevator sounds, no lighting up on the button. 
“The power’s out.” He said, pushing wet hair out of his eyes. “Probably the heavy rain.” 
You withheld the groan growing in your throat. “Seriously?” You tried the elevator button 
yourself, with no better result. 
Shaw didn't seem nearly as bothered as you did, or at least he pretended like he wasn't bothered. He looked to the door leading to the stairs up. 
"Come on. I won’t carry you up the stairs." Shaw said, pushing open the door. 
You followed up, slowly trudging up the long stairwell, your socks squelching uncomfortably in your shoes. Your hair dripping with the rain, Shaw's jacket being the only thing giving you the smallest bit of comfort at the moment. 
The two of you eventually made it up to your floor, and down your hallway to your door. You couldn't waste any time with sticking in your key and getting through the door. 
Your apartment was dark, just like the lobby, no lights on, not even the stove or oven. The apartment was completely dark beyond the small amount of light coming in through the window, and completely silent without the hum of the fridge or your computer. 
You set the picnic basket down on the table, rushing to the bathroom to grab towels. Grabbing the biggest towels you had in your cupboard. Tossing one to Shaw and using your own to dry your face and hair first. 
"I'm gonna change clothes." You told him. Then looked him up and down. “I’d offer you some of mine but I’m not sure they’ll fit.”  You racked your brain, there must be something you could offer him. “I could ask my neighbor, he’s a little shorter than you but maybe-” 
Shaw shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.” 
“I’m not that wet.” Shaw said as he dried off his hair, the lavender strands still damp when he pulled the towel away. Shaw looked you up and down, that mischievous look reappearing in his gaze “You on the other hand-” He said with that tone that could have suggested anything. 
“Shaw!” You said as your cheeks flushed red. His smirk intensified at your flustered face, and you did your best to reel it in. After all that was the reaction he was hoping for. You huffed and pulled out a set of clean clothes from your closet. 
You left him in the living room while you changed clothes, drying your hair further in the darkness of the bathroom. You probably should have predicted a result like this, but it was too late to go back now. 
In dry clothes and sufficiently put back together you ventured back into the living room. Shaw stood with his shirt in his hands as he set it on your clothes drying rack in the corner of your apartment. 
Although his back was turned to you, you quickly averted your gaze from him as the flush returned to your face. You kept your eyes on the ground as you put away your other damp clothes to be washed and dried once the power was back.
“Oi.” Shaw said, You kept yourself from looking directly at him. “Why are you staring at the floor like that? Did you break your neck putting on a shirt?” Your face turned an even brighter red color as he spoke. 
“I-” You turned your head away. “I’m just thinking.” You tried to steer the conversation in a different direction. Maybe so he wouldn’t try and pull an even more embarrassed reaction out of you. 
Shaw’s slit brow raised up, his classic playful expression returning in full force. “What could you possibly be thinking about?” He said, walking towards you. Still feeling too flustered to look at him, you grabbed the throw blanket from the couch and tossed it at him. 
“You’re probably cold right? There’s no heating right now so you must be freezing.” Your words came out faster and maybe a little more jumped than you’d typically like. Watching him out of the corner of your eye he unfolded the blanket and placed it over his bare shoulders, relieving a little bit of your embarrassment. 
The picnic basket still left on the table caught your eyes once you felt calm again. The basket was still a bit wet, raindrops clinging to the top and sides of the basket. The bag with Shaw’s present is also just as damp. Glancing from the picnic basket to the blanket around Shaw’s shoulders, an idea formed in your head. 
“What’s going on in your head?” Shaw asked, poking your arm playfully. 
You smiled and looked at him. “The rain ruined my original plan but, I think I know what we can do to still celebrate.” You picked up one of the other throw blankets on the couch, and unfolded it and spread it on the living room floor. 
Shaw caught onto your plan pretty quickly, you handed him the picnic basket and pointed to the blanket. “You get this all set up, I’m going to go and find some candles so we can have a little bit of light.” 
You arranged your candles and flashlights around the blanket so there was at least some light overlooking your picnic food, even if some of the items had become slightly soggy from the rain. 
“Nice atmosphere.” Shaw joked. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “We can always eat in the dark.” 
“Nah.” Shaw said as he took a bite of the sandwich you��d made. “The dark is for other things.” He gave you a suggestive look as he said that, making your face turn red again. 
“Don’t be gross!” 
Shaw’s suggestive smirk only intensified. “I saw how embarrassed you were when you came out here. I know what I look like. You can-”
“Shaw stop it!” You said louder, trying to hide your flustered expression in the shadows left by the candles and flashlights. “I don’t care if it’s your birthday, I will make you go back out in the rain.” 
Shaw’s expression changed, but you still saw that mischievous spark, although that was just a regular feature of Shaw’s face. “You sure do get embarrassed easily.” He said as he took another bite. You ignored his comment, not interested in humoring his dirty mind further. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t have other plans today.” You said, looking up at Shaw. “I figured you’d go to Live House or hang out with the band.” 
Shaw shrugged. “Birthdays aren’t that big of a deal.” He said, sipping on the new can of cola you’d gotten him. “Besides, I knew you had something planned.” 
“Wait, how did you know?” 
“You’re not very good at surprises.” Shaw set the can of cola down as he picked at the side dishes. “I will give you one thing though, I wasn’t expecting this.” 
A smile broke across your face. “Do you like it?” 
Shaw looked back up at you. “It’s alright, you didn’t do too bad.” 
“Well,” you sat up straighter and leaned for the closed bakery box you’d set next to the picnic basket. “I still have a few surprises left in me.” You set the bakery box between you. Shaw’s expression changed as you opened up the top. Revealing the birthday cake you’d gotten for him. A simple cake frosted in blue with a dorky looking shark frosted onto the top, Happy Birthday Shaw! Written in black frosting below it. 
Shaw’s face shifted through a variety of emotions in a few seconds, at first confusion, surprise, and then he started laughing. Covering his mouth as he laughed. 
“What is that?” Shaw said between laughter. “It looks so childish.” 
You huffed, “It’s what the bakery had! And I figured you wouldn’t want a boring cake!”
Shaw managed to get his laughter under control as he looked at the cake again. “Let’s hope it tastes good for your sake.” He said, handing him a fork you both dug into the cake, not even bothering to slice it. 
The cake was sweet, and thankfully unaffected by the rainstorm, the cake flavor was fairly basic but the sweetness was enough to make it good. Shaw also seemed pleased with the flavor, taking bite after bite of the cake without complaint. 
Once the two of you had pretty much eaten the entire frosted shark you both considered that more than enough cake for the two of you. Now, it was time for your final surprise. 
Shaw was still focused on the cake when you pulled out the two gift wrapped packages, holding them out for him. 
“Your final surprise of the day, I promise.” 
Shaw took the two boxes, setting one down and unwrapping the other. You watched him intently as he ripped away the wrapping paper. 
A slight surprised noise came from Shaw as he looked at his gift. “A children’s fossil dig kit?” He held the box in his hands, the front showing two children digging in the play sand for plastic fossils. He gave you a bizarre look. 
“I thought it’d be fun! Little field work practice.” 
“It’s for children.” Shaw said. “Do I look like a child?” 
You reached for the toy. “If you don’t want it I’ll just return it then-”
Shaw pulled the box away. “Nuh uh, you don’t get to take a gift back. This is mine.” Shaw set the box down beside him, out of your grasp. You settled back where you sat, even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew he did like the gift. He picked up the second item, much smaller than the first, barely bigger than a stack of envelopes. 
Tearing the wrapping paper away, once again he seemed a bit confused by the gift in his hands. A stack of notecards, hole punched and held together by a binder ring. Each one with slightly different writing on it. 
“This is?” Shaw asked you, giving you a look. 
“It’s a coupon book, for my time and for favors. If you want to drag me along to a concert or an antique fair, you can use those, and I can’t say no.” 
“And I can use these for any kind of favor?” 
You nodded. “Yep! Anything at all.” 
Shaw looked back at the coupon book and then at you. A particular look in his eye. As he looked at you, you watched as the blanket that had been around his shoulders started to fall. 
Opening the binder ring he handed you one of the notecard coupons. “I’m using one right now, my first request.” Shaw scooted closer to you, so close you could feel the body heat radiating from his bare torso. “I want you to spend every one of my birthdays with me.” 
“Every single one?”
Shaw nodded. “Every single one.” Your eyes were locked together, your wide eyes against his slightly troublesome gaze. Still you weren’t worried about what was going on in his head. Beyond that troublesome gaze, there was also the softness in his face, the way he looked perfectly calm, and perfectly happy. “I think I have another idea for a coupon to use right now.” 
Smiling gently at him, you reached out to hold his hand, not breaking eye contact for a second. 
“I think I’ll let this one be a freebie.” 
Shaw leaned closer, until your foreheads were practically pressed together. 
“Perfect.” He whispered, closing the small gap between you. His soft lips pressed against yours he pulled away just a centimeter after one long kiss.
“This, I think, is the best gift I’ve gotten all day.”
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chimcharstar · 5 years
1-50 ho
you got it ho
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. ive been Purchasing various smelly candles for my gay divination activities, and i have a few nominees. i first thought of the candle i have now, a pink one with a very sweet vanilla smell, i love very sweet smells because it makes me think of candy which i tend to try to fill my inner void with. however im going to go with the first candle i bought, a dark orange one with a citrus smell. citrus scents are my next favourite and specifically this one reminded me of curiously smelling candles at my piano teachers apartment when i was very young. 
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
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idk. ive been listening to her lion king stuff lately. dont judge me i needed to hear remixes of lion king music i was lost in that sauce in high school. and i just think shes neat. i dont think she would aggressively make me feel bad about everything, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Look……. i really don’t know???? what is the criteria?? do they need to be like my siblings? dare i criticize my arguably criticizable siblings by picking out my ideal siblings? if i pick an ideal sibling, what does that say about what im lacking in my life? do i pick celebrities i hate so theoretically my family shames them into becoming silent and self-defeating
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
50. i think im going to have to figure myself out for a long time, and achieve some personal goals first. thats my excessively confident prediction and PERHAPS educated guess
5. Do you know a hoarder?
nnnnnoooooooo????? not a real, cant function because of hoarding hoarder. i can see in a few family members, including myself, liking to hang onto things that maybe become sentimental/unnecessary clutter but that sounds like something many non-hoarders experience?
6. Can you do a split?
lemme try one sec
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Idk maybe 7? Or 11? i think my parents taught me at a children age and then i started biking for fun like, later, like pre middle school?
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
1. i dont really remember swimming in an ocean but i may have faded childhood memories of salty water and seaweed
9. How many countries have you been to?
2… i went to idaho for a band trip… my dad really doesnt like travelling
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
NO. ACTUALLY YES. but its funny because the specific brand of christianity we are supposed to be is super pacifist so ive heard. but then i remembered one dude apparently who joined the us military?????? it seemed like it was… an unusual choice. i dont really know anything else about this guy, not even his name
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
🙏 *inhale* buddy. oooooohhffffff i want to say something gender neutral honestly. i dont want to rock the boat being unconventional or something but im just thinking of all those years trying to live up to a feminine name
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
same i guess… why have i never thought about this????? was i preoccupied naming myself.
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
hmmmmm hmmmmm trying to unlock the vault. i think i remember a 1 or a 0 on a math quiz. i think i got 30% or something very very bad (i dont even want to know) on my last english exam, but to be fair, i was having such a bad mental breakdown my professor did an intervention
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
like a very very small child? i was obsessed with the save-ums (?!?!?) for some reason. i would sing the anthem… no. theme song? i dont know. i guess it was catchy and there were lots of fun characters. OHHHH I SEE WHATS WRONG
ITS BECAUSE WE ONLY HAD A TV TILL I WAS LIKE 5 OR SOMETHING. what are you cultured people watching as children? what are the shows? 
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
My Halloween experience:
i dont even remember i probably had some kind of fairy wings? i think i remember fairy wings. we went to one (1) house. later on, since we werent allowed to go trick-or-treating, we were each allotted a certain amount of candy, and if we ate more than a designated amount per day, we were in trouble and wouldnt be allowed anymore. i do remember getting in trouble for this. i think i stole someones candy. sibling against sibling. finally we were allowed to go trick or treating, i went with my younger brothers and by then, was a teenager and felt too tall and really uncomfortable
LMAO I JUST REMEMBERED THAT LAST TIME WE WENT TRICK-OR-TREATING NOT IN A RURAL AREA, my dad drove us around in a van and watched us like a hawk i believe. it was very tense and methodical.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
i read the harry potter series (I WROTE SIBLIGS LOL) more times than i could count while growing up. i read the first hunger games book and didnt fancy it for whatever reason, and i had an obnoxious twilight-hating phase.
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
sometimes, though, im really genuinely worried about what accent i do have. im worried i read so much harry potter growing up, it rubbed off on me. when i was a server, people would ask about an unusual accent i apparently had, and once, when i was talking to a super british guy who called me luv at walmart, he was like STOP. WAIT. YOU HAVE A BRITISH ACCENT. and i was like WHAT UHHH BYEBYE AND HE WAS LIKE NO. I HEARD YOU. STOP and i was like that michael jackson meme where he covers his face running away and everyone else in the line was staring
18. Did your mother go to college?
i believe she went to a bible college where people put a grand piano on top of the roof. 
19. Are your grandparents still married?
all of my grandparents are dead.
…. hmmMMMM yow. ok. my grandparents who werent estranged stayed married for as long as either of them were living… however, my OTHER grandparents, i mean the fucking kidnappers, my abuser grandpa… remarried? when he was… really really aging. im judging him for it because i know what kind of person he was.
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
I WISH. my parents didnt seem to like that sort of thing (surprise). im interested in it now but… as usual… i feel like its too late, im too old.
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
….. i… i thought i did… hes blessed… thats all.
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
how could you ask me this?
no wait! i went to the waterslides. then, later on, i was never allowed to go to the waterslides.
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
Spanish. ive been “intending” to learn for a long time, and a lot of people who have been really good influences on me and been genuinely kind to me speak it, id like to learn it
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
one sec
yup thats canadian!
25. Is your father bald?
on the top of his head, yes >:(
26. Do you know triplets?
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
no? what is this straight stuff? i listened to the dramatic titanic song and felt nothing.
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
i guess so, at a friends house! i dont think otherwise ive gone to a restaurant and actually had indian food
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
*gazes tearily at my OWN FUCKING OLD WORKPLACE
the food was sO GOOD MAN. IT WAS SO GOOD. im just not saying because despite how stalkable i probably am already, i dont want to be specific
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
no whats that
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
belong? whats bjs? whats a warehouse for?
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
i decided at one point they would never tell me this and it was no use asking. i do know they almost named my brother a very fusty old fashioned name fitting in with the thomas the tank engine theme 
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
G is the ONLY one i will accept so far.
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
i……… hmmmm…. i really dont like picking favourites. each person in my life has a unique relationship with me (even though a lot of them arent very warm, trusting or close). because of unhealthy middle school friendships ive grown an aversion to ranking relationships as if they have material value.
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
rural, i think. i need nature in my life!!! but i also need to be able to have connections to people.
36. Can you whistle?
yes, but not very loudly or accurately
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
no, but ive always wanted a nightlight
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
ive started to, yeah! this morning i made a whole thing with bread and mushrooms and eggs, and coffee, and i ate it outside watching the traffic. im really trying to treat myself nicely you see. its what id do for someone else.
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
and im really fortunate to be in pretty good health, and have access to things i do need
40. What medical conditions do you have?
I dont think… i actually have any. id say gender dysphoria but i think it was informed consent. (im VERY lucky)
im pretty sure there are SOME mental conditions running around undiagnosed. MY BRAIN IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
for myself? once… when i got hives and started swelling up all over, but otherwise was fine. i really wonder what that was. other times was visiting sick/dying relatives which has made me feel sad and apprehensive whenever i enter a hospital or smell the food
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
yes! i had a gerbil named nemo! 
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
i dont … remember … really nowhere special i actually have yet to find some jeans i LOVE. sometimes there is a pair of jeans that sparks joy. i do not have such a pair
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
my sister said my pants looked good on me. they are actually their pants, which they left on the floor in my room for an unknown reason, and they want them back. of course.
but because im excited about it and want to brag, the real compliment was when i made borscht and my sister not only ate it faster than me, but wanted a second helping. and my roommate stuck his face in the steam and said it smelled good. hell yes. i put fucking cilantro in it. fcking beast mode.
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
yes. theyre usually really emotional and symbolic. if ive been talking to my parents, theyre usually nightmares. ive been reading about dream interpretation for a long time to deal with some of the ominous images that can come up
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
red rose reminds me of wheni was little my mom would make really sweet sweet red rose tea for me (thats the kind she drinks all the time) and it brings me those good feelings. otherwise licorice spice really appeald to me for some reason.
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
six. because of social pressure.
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
i never thought about this kind of thing…. i really don’t know….. id just want them to know how to be kind to others and themselves and thats literally it. 
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
i was one of those edgy kids trying to spoil it for everyone. guess what other common fun thing my parents didnt do
50. Why do you have a youtube? 
i dont! so i dont know what this question means! :)
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fandomscraziness22 · 2 years
fic writer asks: 1, 2, 7, 29, 38!
hi shelly my beloved
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
answered here
2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
hmmmmm i think 'there's only one bed' maybe? i freaking love that trope but i dont think i've ever written it (maybe con au????)
7) Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
answered here but i'll find another one for ya. heehee from a fic you HATE here's a bit from i miss the days when
The day itself is no different than any other day, save for the chocolate cake his mom makes and the few presents his parents give him. Luke manages a small smile and thank you at the sight of the necklace and new pair of socks, but inside he feels like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode.
The loneliness he’s felt every day over the last few months increases ten-fold. His friends should be here, celebrating this landmark occasion of Luke surviving till adulthood. It used to be the running joke between them all, mostly lighthearted teasing mixed with a touch of concern about his runaway life. But now it just feels like the universe is laughing at him, seeing how much it can screw with Luke before he gives up completely. 
He looks in the mirror and flinches at the realization that he’s older than Reggie was. Than Alex was.
Luke hates the fact that he has to talk about his brothers, his family, in the past tense. They should be here. They should be smiling and laughing and basking in the glow of the Orpheum even months after the gig. But they aren’t, and Luke is left sitting in front of a mirror begging to go back in time, to a young and innocent seventeen year old that didn’t know this kind of pain. 
i'm proud of this fic for a lot of reasons, and one of them is how i was able to get the mental anguish across well, as the physical pain is easier for me to write.
29) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
oh man, i have no idea! can't think of anything off the top of my head
38) Talk about a review that made your day.
literally all of them lol. but i searched through my comments and found this one on right this way from @cassiopeiakaleidoscope (which you probably don't even remember bc it was soooo long ago lol) but it means a lot to me because this fic was one of my first truly self-indulgent fics. i wrote this because i really wanted to read it, and to have such a positive review made me feel like i truly knew what i was doing!
Yes!! This is so good, I absolutely loved it!! You did such an amazing job of capturing all of those sweet, sweet parallels, and your characterization of all of the band members is spot on. I loved that you were drawing comparisons to both moments in the musical/show and the characters in them. I was so happy that you had Reggie acknowledge Johnny and Davy's jokes; in my mind, Reggie's personality is somewhere between Johnny's and Davy's, and I think you did a really good job of showing how the characters are similar not just in their trauma and experiences, but in their humor and friendships, too.
I also particularly enjoyed your interpretation of Luke's reaction to the "I don't need to be rescued"/"What if I do?" scene, which is one of my favorite moments from Bandstand. Both of these couples really are just out there rescuing each other, aren't they?? Ugh, it makes me so emotional!! And the idea of Julie doing the lift from Nobody--yes, please lol  
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r0rorowurboat · 7 years
All of them!
200: My crush’s name is: n/a lmao199: I was born in: naples, fl198: I am really: gay?? idk197: My cellphone company is: t mobile196: My eye color is: green/blue/gray/idk man195: My shoe size is: 7 1/2 8 sometimes194: My ring size is: um i think that was 7 too but i dont remember193: My height is: 5′4″192: I am allergic to:pineapples and penicillin191: My 1st car was: a v old red saturn190: My 1st job was: a waitress189: Last book you read: um i think it was uhhhhhh shit uhhhh god fuck it was the warrior cats book but!!! it was bc i was stuck at my sister house with nothing but bibles or that series to read188: My bed is: an air mattress atm187: My pet: is perfect and i love her her name is luna and shes a little black cat who loves cuddles and kisses186: My best friend:is wonderful and i love him185: My favorite shampoo is: uhm. error i hardly ever use shampoo bc i have v dry curly hair and it makes it horrible184: Xbox or ps3: pc boi183: Piggy banks are: cure182: In my pockets: they dont make pockets in womens fashion wtf are you on. but uh. usually my phone, wallet, and keys181: On my calendar: i.. dont.. have one. 180: Marriage is: alright i guess. tax benefits179: Spongebob can: do that annoying laugh 178: My mom: tries v hard177: The last three songs I bought were? *squints* i think... it was keshas new album?176: Last YouTube video watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQuR8LVKhUE175: How many cousins do you have? 2174: Do you have any siblings? yes i have 3 older sisters173: Are your parents divorced? yeup172: Are you taller than your mom? nope171: Do you play an instrument? not anymore but i used to play clarinet170: What did you do yesterday? uhm spent the day at home as usual[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: nah man168: Luck: to an extent i guess?167: Fate: i dont think so. 166: Yourself: sometimes165: Aliens: yes164: Heaven: nah163: Hell: nah162: God: nah161: Horoscopes: yes160: Soul mates: nah159: Ghosts: hmmm probably158: Gay Marriage: yes!157: War: no156: Orbs: orbs?? what are those?? like in ghost hunter shows? bc if so then no155: Magic: hm. what type? i think theres stuff we dont know about but idk if id call it magic. I think certain things have more power than we give credit. idk its hard to explain.[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: drunk152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: redheadsredheadsredheads150: Blondes or Brunettes: hmmmm blondes i guess?149: Hot or cold: cold148: Summer or winter: winter147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: hmmm oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: usually sneakers tbh but uhhh i own more heels then flip flops138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: hm i mean i guess sweet and poor? im already poor so137: Coke or Pepsi: i dont drink soda, water. or coffee136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: cremated134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: um. walmart? 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who or who?131: Small town or Big city: hm idk. probably city? 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither pls128: Manicure or Pedicure: hmmm manicure probs.127: East Coast or West Coast: i live on the east coast but idk west coast is home to a lot of friends so hmmmm126: Your Birthday or Christmas: its like a week apart there isnt much difference125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: i dont sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: icky121: George Bush: memes?120: Gay Marriage: im gay119: The presidential election: my vote didnt matter!118: Abortion: its your body your choice117: MySpace: never had one116: Reality TV: i mean, its fake? entertaining tho115: Parents: eh. 114: Back stabbers: icky113: Ebay: cheap stuff112: Facebook: only for family tbh111: Work: pays the bills110: My Neighbors: dont know them109: Gas Prices: expensive108: Designer Clothes: overpriced107: College: wish i could afford it!106: Sports: nah105: My family: haha104: The future: haha[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: my grandma a few days ago102: Last time you ate: pizza a few hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: moving day seeing my extended family again100: Cried in front of someone: the other night with my mom or uhhh in call with kina today actually99: Went to a movie theater: wow uh pretty long time ago i dont actually remember98: Took a vacation: haha idk man97: Swam in a pool: wow uh idk96: Changed a diaper: hm last time i was with the twins. not sure how long its been. maybe 2 or 3 months?95: Got my nails done: when did my sister get married? years ago idk94: Went to a wedding: ^^93: Broke a bone: never have92: Got a peircing: about a year ago91: Broke the law: heh uh 90: Texted: a few hours ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: probably kina or riley rn88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my mom tbh. the kids. wyatt. 87: The last movie I saw: the orphan86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: hm idk getting a job i guess85: The thing im not looking forward to: getting a job lmao84: People call me: by my name. but i have nicknames now!! Ray, rachi, babe, ray baby... its very nice and makes me feel warm and fuzzy and loved83: The most difficult thing to do is: hmmm clean? be honest about things that are bothering me? idk82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never81: My zodiac sign is: capricorn sun aquarius moon80: The first person i talked to today was: the gc i think?79: First time you had a crush: i was v young and they had freckles and red hair and i died78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: um i try not to hide things in general! but someone who will call me out recently is raiken and archie lmao77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: riley lmao tho i beat her to it 
76: Right now I am talking to: riley75: What are you going to do when you grow up: i am grown up technically. uh. hopefully be an animator74: I have/will get a job: as a cashier probably73: Tomorrow: i have a job interview and then im gonna get coffee72: Today: was a long day71: Next Summer: hmmm idk70: Next Weekend: IDK GOD69: I have these pets: a cat!! who i love!!! and already gushed about but shes laying on my lap and purring rn and its so soothing68: The worst sound in the world: scratching against those uhhhh holographic things???? god i hate it67: The person that makes me cry the most is: hmnn my dad haha66: People that make you happy: my friends!!! Kina, Ali, Archie, Riley, Leo, Raiken, Mimi...... all of them good pals the squad my faves i love them65: Last time I cried: today rip64: My friends are: GOOD AND AMAZING I LOVE THEM63: My computer is: big! and i like it62: My School: none61: My Car: ded from the hurricane rip me60: I lose all respect for people who: are shitty? idk. 59: The movie I cried at was: hmmmm idk movies dont usually make me cry58: Your hair color is: uhm it was really dark blue but as the color has faded it kind of looks black/brown now57: TV shows you watch: a lot of them56: Favorite web site: uh i guess tumblr55: Your dream vacation: not being here!! probably just going around visiting everyone and hanging out having a good time54: The worst pain I was ever in was: tearing a ligament in my knee it hurt a lot53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: messy51: My favorite celebrity is: ummm idk50: Where would you like to be: home tbh49: Do you want children: idk48: Ever been in love: ye47: Who’s your best friend: hhhhhhhhhhhh raiken46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls and nb babes45: One thing that makes you feel great is: just hanging out with people tbh44: One person that you wish you could see right now: i guess that would be my mom haha43: Do you have a 5 year plan: i did once. idk what happened to it haha i guess things never really go according to plan and it just hurts more to make one. just set goals, not plans.42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: i did once but i dont think i have the same values as i did when i made that41: Have you pre-named your children: i used to but idk if i want kids anymore40: Last person I got mad at: ummmm hmm 39: I would like to move to: hmm somewhere with 4 seasons not just summer and less hot summer38: I wish I was a professional: artist[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: kit-kats36: Vehicle: um idk small ones i guess35: President: obama? idk34: State visited: ooohhh michigan33: Cellphone provider: ive only ever had the one so idk32: Athlete: uh31: Actor: uh30: Actress: uh29: Singer: hmmmmmmmm rn i would have to say Bea Miller but check back with me in a week28: Band: The Silent Comedy27: Clothing store: hmmmm cotton on has really comfy clothes26: Grocery store: target or publix25: TV show: rn? bnha24: Movie: hhhhhh um idk uhhhhh moulin rouge i guess? it used to be my fav but idk anymore23: Website: tumblr22: Animal: elephants21: Theme park: epcot20: Holiday: halloween19: Sport to watch: none18: Sport to play: none17: Magazine: none16: Book: hmmmmm A Monster Calls15: Day of the week: none14: Beach: hh13: Concert attended: never been12: Thing to cook: uh i guess eggs11: Food: sushi10: Restaurant: its a really good sushi place with bubble tea and thai donuts that i dont remember the name of9: Radio station: hhh idk8: Yankee candle scent: idk7: Perfume: i dont really like perfume it gives me headaches6: Flower: ooooh gardenia5: Color: blue/green teal4: Talk show host: john oliver3: Comedian: hh2: Dog breed: hmmm husky? also labradors and uhhh all dogs tbh ohhh pitbulls and rottweilers i love dogs good yes1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ye mostly
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johncherrystone · 7 years
tagged by @tsaltyshima-kay! (thank you so much, i’ve been so inactive recently but you gave me a reason to pitch in ^u^)
3 things your followers don’t know about you

[1] it is my birthday tomorrow!

[2] until college i had lived in the same state since birth
[3] i speak german
Answer 10 questions and tag 10 amazing people!
[1] What’s the last movie you watched? hmmmmm beauty and the beast maybe?
[2] What was the last song you listened to? not sure but MOST LIKELY swalla by jason derulo bc i’m unhealthily unironically in love with him? 
[3] What was the last show you watched? 
 the first episode of american gods 
[4] What was the last book you read? some raymond carver short stories for class
[5] What was the last thing you ate? an orange

[6] If you could be anywhere else, where would you be? probably somewhere in germany, i have a soft spot for eltville
[7] If you could pick a decade to travel back to, what would it be? literally the 90s
[8] If you win the lotto and millions of cash, what would be the first thing you’d do? buy my dad a boat that i promised him, maybe pay my brothers’ tuition? MY OWN TUITION. OPEN A MCDONALDS ON CAMPUS BC WE HAVE NONE AND I NEED CHEAP FAST FOOD SOMETIMES
[9] Which fictional character would you like to hang out with for the day? without a doubt oikawa tooru we’re soul sisters
[10] What was the last fandom you joined? honestly i’ve been so inactive so voltron probably
Favourites Tag: [Place] my grandpa’s house on the chesapeake

[Person] :3 my mans

[Colour] black

[Food] some form of potatoes

[Smell] vanilla

[Book] i cannot actually pick but i put the book thief on my college apps

[Movie] top five: tangled, inglorious basterds, grand budapest hotel, singin in the rain, long way down..........la la land somewhere in the top ten

[Music artist] jaymes young i cannot w a i t for his album to finally come
[Genre of Music] uhm...pop? indie pop? alternative? not sure anymore

[Genre of literature] modern fairytales/fantasies are my shit
<--previous answer but 100% same
[Day of the week] saturday

[Social Media] snapchat

[Thing to do when bored] netflix

[Celebrity] used to be ironic but somehow not anymore, kim kardashian. also rihanna and nicki

[Website other than Tumblr] ao3

[Drink] dr pepper

[Animals] turtles

[Flower] mmm lilies maybe?

[TV show] i could never pick
[Fruit] pineapple

[Vegetable] green beans

[Store] chick fil a counts right?

[Quote] "
[Boy’s name] owen

[Girl’s name] no idea honestly

[Ice cream flavour] mint chocolate chip
[Popcorn flavour] uhm..butter?

[Season] spring
 for weather but i have terrible allergies, so fall
[Month of the year] may, my birth
[Disney Princess] rapunzel

[Insult] fuck the you
[YouTube channel] i’m a try guys hoe so probably buzzfeed or wherever they originate from

[Eye colour] blue or green or whatever, i have like black-brown so i’m always jealous

[Language] uh. german got me into princeton so i owe it my lucky stars

[Thing about yourself] i’m funny and everyone who says otherwise might be right but i’ll ignore them
@iwaizumi-hajimie @megrez99 @whenmikasacriesicry @commodorecliche @i’ve been off this website so long i forgot all my mutuals but please if you want to do this do it i love you
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