#young paul mccartney is thicc
waveofahand · 1 year
On Paul “going commando”
There are a number of photographs of Paul McCartney that prove not only did the boy like his inseams high and tight but that he also went without drawers quite a lot. Possibly, this is because he wore his pants so tight there was no room for them, but I’ve often thought, well, that’s not terribly sanitary or thoughtful to the wardrobe people. Still. It really does look to me like the only time he dependably wore underwear was when filming movies. Probably was forced to. 
I’m going to share several pics that bear out my thinking but this one first. Because it surprised me. This is 1965, as they were getting into their suits for the Shea Stadium concert. One of the Beatles must held up a camera -- knowing Paul’s proclivities -- and dared him to disrobe for it. Paul seems to dare them right back. “Go ahead, take the pic, I dare ya!” A game of chicken, so to speak.
At first glance, one thinks he’s unzipped and showing off his tighty whitey. But... on closer inspection, one sees that... oh... something has been WHITED OUT in that picture! You can confirm it because part of his middle fingertip is also under the white. 
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Just look UNDER the white smears (which are NOT fabric, but drawn in). You can see the human flesh beneath. 
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And there you have it. Whoever dared him, got the full frontal treatment. Paul McCartney clearly had no insecurities about his manhood. A few more “commando” shots where we see no indication of a brief line -- or that there was room for underpants: 
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The jury is out o this one. There MIGHT be a faint pantyline... maybe.
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Jury is also out on this one. I think he’s commando. Thoughts? 
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FINALLY! A CLEAR PANTY LINE! And it looks like they needed to add a side panel to fit it! 
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Ridiculous, beautiful, nasty commando boy. I know people call him “the most baby of all times” (and I think that’s probably right) but some others call him a “slut” and... well... I’m going to just say he’s a man comfortable in his own skin, probably promiscuous, who liked to get himself teased a little with his own frictions throughout the day.  One more for posterity. Or... posteriority! 
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waveofahand · 3 years
A boy and his custard
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Was wondering why this pic is so fetching. Well, as usual, his jeans are so tight around his slim hips (helped along by his royal thiccness on the backside) that the top of his trousers are strained, exposing his zipper, and his pockets are so constrained that one of the liners is pulled out. So he kind of looks a wreck. And then the tongue is out, which we always like. Ridiculous, beautiful boy. 
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waveofahand · 4 years
Paul McCartney Shoulder Appreciation Post
Basically, he had wonderfully broad shoulders and they’re currently making me die. 
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This sweater just kills me!
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Again, the very broad, powerful shoulders, even here, as a young Nerk Twin. Although the y-fronts are a bit distracting, I confess. And the flat tummy. And so forth! 
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Moving on....ahem. I have never seen this shot before, but I love it. In “Get Back” John says something early on about how Macca would be able to do something he couldn’t, “Paul could do it with that strong left arm...” Those shoulders do look strong.
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I like the trousers, too. Not as tight as he would normally wear back in ‘65 and a nice color.
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Alright, yeah, broad shoulders and a little bit of bonus backside, there. 
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Okay this is kind of backside-y instead of shoulder-y. But looks to be wearing the y-fronts again for those wondering.
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waveofahand · 4 years
Backfield in Motion, Part III
“McBackside”, that’s what we should call Young Paul McCartney, who was thicc before ‘thicc’ was a thing, and whose tush can never be celebrated enough.  I mean, O my heavens, yeah? 
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There’s no denying it in ski pants. Thicc. BigandRound. Baby got back.
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waveofahand · 4 years
Backfield in Motion, Part IV
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Seriously, though, the way his jacket gets hung up on his glorious backside. Never fails to thrill me. 
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waveofahand · 4 years
Just a Yum Shot
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waveofahand · 4 years
Thicc? Thique?
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waveofahand · 5 years
Do up your pants proper, lad...
It’s remarkable how often Paul McCartney seemed to have trouble getting himself all the way buttoned or zipped... Or, perhaps, you know... it’s all because he’s a bit thicc back there!
(I know there are other pics like this out there, especially with the top button undone. Add ‘em if you have ‘em!)
T’was a problem popped up early and often! 
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Okay, so...maybe I really like the tight jeans.
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