waveofahand · 1 year
On Paul “going commando”
There are a number of photographs of Paul McCartney that prove not only did the boy like his inseams high and tight but that he also went without drawers quite a lot. Possibly, this is because he wore his pants so tight there was no room for them, but I’ve often thought, well, that’s not terribly sanitary or thoughtful to the wardrobe people. Still. It really does look to me like the only time he dependably wore underwear was when filming movies. Probably was forced to. 
I’m going to share several pics that bear out my thinking but this one first. Because it surprised me. This is 1965, as they were getting into their suits for the Shea Stadium concert. One of the Beatles must held up a camera -- knowing Paul’s proclivities -- and dared him to disrobe for it. Paul seems to dare them right back. “Go ahead, take the pic, I dare ya!” A game of chicken, so to speak.
At first glance, one thinks he’s unzipped and showing off his tighty whitey. But... on closer inspection, one sees that... oh... something has been WHITED OUT in that picture! You can confirm it because part of his middle fingertip is also under the white. 
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Just look UNDER the white smears (which are NOT fabric, but drawn in). You can see the human flesh beneath. 
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And there you have it. Whoever dared him, got the full frontal treatment. Paul McCartney clearly had no insecurities about his manhood. A few more “commando” shots where we see no indication of a brief line -- or that there was room for underpants: 
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The jury is out o this one. There MIGHT be a faint pantyline... maybe.
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Jury is also out on this one. I think he’s commando. Thoughts? 
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FINALLY! A CLEAR PANTY LINE! And it looks like they needed to add a side panel to fit it! 
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Ridiculous, beautiful, nasty commando boy. I know people call him “the most baby of all times” (and I think that’s probably right) but some others call him a “slut” and... well... I’m going to just say he’s a man comfortable in his own skin, probably promiscuous, who liked to get himself teased a little with his own frictions throughout the day.  One more for posterity. Or... posteriority! 
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moreslendermales · 4 months
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inacatastrophicmind · 5 months
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Same, Jensen. SAME.
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rainbow-banana-slug · 3 months
eye strain warning
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gummy 🌈🐬
[plain text: gummy 🌈rainbow emoji🐬dolphin emoji]
(^ shark emoji not blue enough)
[id: dark skinned black person with williams syndrome in decora kei fashion walk with posterior walker. person have pink hair with rainbow bangs n all sorts hair clips in hair & stickers on cheek. have many rainbow necklace include one with double yoke egg. wear blue sweater with white cloud where one sleeve is yellow horse with pink leash thing. there many pins on sweater include gummies (gummy shark, peach ring, gummy worm, gummy bear) & green crayons & others. she wear cross body green dino plushie (bag?). rainbow vertical stripe pants with rainbow n star chain. one shoe red one shoe blue. posterior walker made of different color crayons. there text around character describe her which be functionally described below. end id]
girl (complicated gender) with williams syndrome n love decora kei fashion & bright colors (she call them happy colors/excited colors)!! she has lotssss of bows n head pieces n hair clips n necklaces n bracelets n other decoration & big wardrobe with bright colored clothing! she love wear different outfits but it consistently decora kei.
she love gummy candy & named herself after them >:) blue/red gummy worm & blue gummy shark her favorites (blue gummy shark also my favorite. to look at.)
williams syndrome (also known as williams-beuren syndrome) is genetic developmental disorder micro-deletion of some of chromosome 7. for gummy, WS lead her have moderate intellectual disability (ID) & global developmental delay, level 2 autism, ADHD-c; congenital heart defects (CHD); hypotonia (low muscle tone), & loose joints.
like many people with WS, gummy very friendly & social! she love hugs & talking to people & talk lot & very physical in show affection! but also often struggle tell when other people not want be social / be social with her, be called “a lot” & “too much,” which lead her have trouble make n keep friends n make her sad—even tho WS make her extra outgoing, she also still get sad n mad n not hide it. she also struggle with danger awareness & often treat strangers like would with friend, n it been something that her support team very focused on work with her entire life because this lead her be very easily taken advantage of n be put in danger.
also like many ppl with williams syndrome, language & verbal abilities her strong suit—tho it’s relative to her moderate ID, so one shouldn’t expect she write speak communicate like average person without struggle. her words more simple, n still need many help for communication, including various form of AAC & aide person.
she has aides that pretty much 24/7 present because WS & moderate ID but working on skills so can be more independent! it something she been work very hard on entire life n she quite proud of progress.
she has many classic facial features associate with williams syndrome, like epicanthal folds at eye, upturned nose, wide mouth & small teeth, small jaw, full cheeks (badly drawn), n large ears.
70% or more people with WS have some sort cardiovascular problem, n so do gummy. she has supravalvar aortic stenosis (narrowing of aorta) which form of congenital heart defect (CHD). hers not very severe n be closely monitored.
she also have hypotonia & loose joints due to WS & uses posterior walker full time to get around. she really like her posterior walker, it shaped like many crayons :D also wear SMOs but forgot write it so oops
art fight character profile
[reblog welcome but please no repost]
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malwaredykes · 3 months
would tumblr ban me for posting leigh tits and bush. and so on and so forth
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tangledinink · 10 months
So... Without mystics, Donnie would be paralyzed? How bad would the paralysis be, like leg down or full paraphiligua (don't know if I spelled that right)? Does he have or will he have mobility aids?
Gemini!Donnie has an incomplete spinal cord injury, so while he wouldn't necessarily be paralyzed without mystics, his mobility would definitely be affected. He has a hard time with balance and sensation, and since he can't really feel his legs or sense where they are in space, walking can be a bit difficult and he falls down a lot. Part of the problem right now, however, is that the actual injury has never really been addressed in any way-- he's never had the chance to learn how to walk with these symptoms, never received any physical therapy, never been given any mobility aids, etc etc, just used the Nexus witchdoctors' mystics to suppress all the symptoms and kept going. But that won't always be the case.
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netisinfin8ty · 5 months
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this didn't come to me in a dream. fuck you
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moreslendermales · 27 days
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Sean Ford
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
One of the reasons I think it's so important to foster intellectual curiosity and, ultimately, learning and a love for learning is how it subtly changes the very way you interact with and understand the world around you.
It's funny, because I spent time just to hunt and find a skull in Skyrim just so I could rotate it in my inventory and admire how detailed it was for five minutes, pleased about how I could point out and name individual bones (they even included the individual cranial sutures! Including my favourite suture (lambdoid suture)). I'm now trying to hunt for a skeleton so I can spend even more time admiring it. There's something funny and empowering about how the way I interact with things has changed with my learning.
If there is nothing else you do, learn. It doesn't matter what you learn, just seek out information. I know for some, a love of learning was almost punished in environments like school, so start out with things you are inspired by, things that deeply pique your interest. Learning isn't a punishment, it doesn't have to be scary. Whatever you want to learn about is worth the time and effort it takes to understand it.
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cordeliawhohung · 3 months
hi! i was the one with the soft spot art that got me into my uni program and stuff LOL i don’t really post on my account much anymore but i can post it for you!
it is my version of spook but i hope you enjoy, its always scary to share your art haha. thanks for writing that masterpiece
you have no no no idea how happy this just made me I am REELING they are so perfect this is amazing thank you for bringing my babies to life I am speechless and you have an insane, incredible talent and amazing skills how am I supposed to go to bed when im staring at this all night oh my god
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dysenchanted · 19 days
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The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All (ch98: Am I a Good Friend?)
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carinoso13 · 11 months
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More cheeks
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nubiannewyorkers · 10 months
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doulayogimama · 2 months
Maybe I just know how to better identify sensations now but I am going to guess my placenta is posterior this time. I feel so much movement.
With Sky, I swore I couldn’t feel anything until 19/20 weeks. I would use my Doppler a lot because I couldn’t feel her. I can’t imagine this is another anterior placenta with all im feeling going on inside my uterus at 10 weeks… if im right, I’m scared for big baby kicks 😅
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very-uncorrect · 3 months
Sometimes I have these super vivid intruding thoughts that aren't in my voice (usually when I'm very tired) and I was just starting to get ready to lay down to sleep (at 2am) and heard some dude say "happy birthday" like sir that was 4 months ago
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moreslendermales · 2 months
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