#youngbae scenario
sindrafalcone · 6 years
Answered Prayers
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Youngbae x reader
Synopsis: Bad jokes with Youngbae
Warnings: Holiday fluff
Author’s Note: And, so... the second name out of the hat was Youngbae. :) I think I’ll dedicate this one to @talonblack... because she “gets it”. <3
Reminder  that there will be one drabble posted each Saturday until Dec. 29. It’ll be in random order, since I’m pulling them from a hat again. lol It’s  fun that way! Also, there will be reposts of last years Christmas Drabbles every Wednesday.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work. I do not own the gifs used.
Youngbae stepped into the apartment, closing the door behind him with a foot & brushed the snow from his hair and shoulders with his one free hand. The weather had noticeably declined on the way home and he felt thankful to have gotten out of the YG building when he did. He hadn't even wanted to go in today. After all, it was Christmas Eve... he'd rather have spent the day helping you cook and watching cheesy Christmas movies cuddled on the couch together. But, when the leader had called in one of his perfectionist moods, Youngbae didn't have much of a choice.
He tried not to think about it, after all it was a normal part of his idol lifestyle. But now he was home and he had the rest of the evening to relax with his wife & hopefully even watch a couple of movies with you before you both collapsed into bed together.
He slipped off his coat, being careful not to upend the huge bag of takeaway he'd brought home with him. He hung it on the coat rack beside the door and slid out of his shoes, choosing to just stay in his sock feet for now. The warmth of the house was a huge difference compared to the frigid cold outside and it was already helping him to unwind. But Youngbae knew that there was only one thing that would help him completely shake off his long day... and that was spending some time with the love of his life.  
You weren't in the living room when he walked in and he couldn't hear any sounds coming from anywhere else in the apartment. Youngbae called your name, but there was no answer. He strolled through the living room and headed toward the kitchen, thinking that you might still be in there cooking.
The light was on, but you weren't in there either.
There were cookies and various other baked goodies in festive containers on the kitchen table. The last batch was still spread out all over the counter, left to cool. You had started early this morning before he'd even left, but Youngbae had been hoping to be home early enough to help you out at least a little bit.
He headed for the bedroom next, it was the only other place he could think of that you could possibly be. It was either that or the bathroom at this point.
"________-ah?" he called again, pushing open the door. He kept his voice soft and quiet this time, just in case you were napping.
A feeling of relief flooded him as he caught sight of you sitting there on the bed, messy hair pulled up away from your face and your body wrapped up in one of his many big hoodies. Once he got a closer look though, something about you seemed to be... off. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he knew instinctively that something wasn’t right.
Youngbae carefully set down the sack of takeaway that contained dinner on the dresser, feeling guilty about having been away for most of the day & leaving you to do most of the Christmas preparations by yourself.
“________-ah? Um, I’m sorry this isn’t exactly the Christmas Eve that we had planned.” he said anxiously, walking closer to where you sat on the bed.
“It’s all right.” you replied, sounding as if you were on auto-pilot.
You were sitting cross-legged, with your back up against the headboard, deathly still. You hadn't even looked up when Youngbae called your name & opened the door... you just stared blankly at the duvet that covered the bed, your expression one of vacant shock. He noticed that your eyes looked puffy, as if you'd been crying.
Youngbae said your name again as he sat down on the bed across from you, but you still didn't look up at him. "What's wrong?" he asked, tracing a gentle finger down one tear-stained cheek. "Come on, ______-ah..." he took your face in both of his hands and lifted your head so he could see your eyes clearly. "You're scaring me."
Finally you blinked rapidly and shook your head as if snapping out of a trance and actually looked at him. "Youngbae..." you said, voice sounding shaky.
"What happened, yeobo? Are you sick?" one of his hands felt your forehead to see if you were feverish while the other grasped at your tightly clenched fists.
You tried to smile so you could reassure him, but your bottom lip quivered as if you were going to start crying again. "No... I’m not sick. I'm fine. I... "
You suddenly stopped talking and that unnerved your husband.
"You what? What happened?" his voice pitched an octave higher in slight panic.
You still didn't say anything and it looked like you were having a difficult time trying to think of the right words to explain. But before Youngbae could say anything else, you picked something up off the bed and placed a small, light object into his hand.
Youngbae looked down, trying to see what it was that you had given him. He focused intensely on the little plastic stick in his palm, his eyebrows creased adorably in concentration.
"The plus sign means it's positive, Youngbae. We finally..."
He absently realized that your voice sounded like you were getting choked up again, but he couldn't stop staring at the little blue plus sign on the pregnancy test. For over two years, it had wrecked you both emotionally when the only result you’d gotten was a single, lonely line. Negative... over and over again.
Joy swelled in his chest and vaguely he noticed that tears were spilling from his own eyes and down onto his jeans, making little dark splotches on the light colored denim. The two of you had been trying for so long, praying that you would finally succeed in starting a family, but had been left with nothing but dashed hopes. But not this time... this time it was positive and it felt almost too good to be true.
Youngbae looked back up. You were smiling at him so brightly and he suddenly thought that you'd never looked more beautiful... not even on your wedding day. "Are you really...?" he couldn't even finish the sentence, he was feeling so emotional.
You nodded, a little laugh bubbling out of your mouth. "I took three tests. All of them were positive."
Youngbae launched himself at you, but he kept the test clutched safely in one fist. He had no idea what to say because he hadn’t exactly expected getting news like this today. He wasn't even sure if there was anything that he could say that might get everything he was feeling across without making him sound like a sentimental, lovesick fool.
“_________-ah...” he whispered, his face a mere inches from yours.
“Youngbae...” you replied with a wry smile, sighing when your husband fit his torso in the space above your legs.
He caught your lips in a kiss, earning himself a surprised gasp, but he didn't let up. He kissed you long and hard, a little frantic and just perfect in the intense way that he was so very good at. It was exactly the type of kiss that was able to speak everything he was feeling without using actual words.
You practically melted. Your noises of surprise turned into ones of content as you wrapped your arms around Youngbae's back, tugging him closer. Leaning into the solidness of your husband's muscular frame, you seemed on board with his plan of letting all the words fall away in favor of body language. You swiped your tongue playfully along the inside of his mouth before pulling away to nibble little kisses across his jaw. Youngbae's ears were filled with your slow and steady breaths against the sensitive area behind his ear. He turned his head, making it easy for you to place a lingering kiss there.
“Merry Christmas.” you whispered.
“Merry Christmas, darling.” he grinned, pulling back but still staying close in front of you. He reached out and swiped a thumb over your smiling lips and held up the pregnancy test. “Way to out-gift me, by the way.”
“I actually got you three other things.” you teased. “I can't have you outdoing me every year that we're married!”
“Hey... I helped make this one.” he growled playfully while sliding a palm under the hoodie of his you were wearing and resting it against the non-existent swell of your middle.
The feel of his hand against your skin made sudden realization hit you.
“Oh my gosh... I'm pregnant!” you blurted out in shock, as the authenticity of what was happening settled in for the first time since you'd laid eyes on that third positive test.
“Hello, pregnant...” Youngbae chuckled as he lovingly stroked his thumb across your abdomen. “Nice to meet you. I'm Dad!”
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rscenarios · 7 years
Taeyang - Language Barrier
A while back an anon asked for a scenarios where Taeyang doesn’t speak the same language as your parents and is adorably shy about it. This is kept pretty vague so hopefully many of you can relate to a different language somehow. If not, I hope you still enjoy this short bit of fluff. -Admin Em
Warnings: kinda vague to stay relate-able. Cheesy.
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“Relax, they’re going to love you,” you say, squeezing Taeyang’s hand as he stares nervously at the house you grew up in.
“What if they don’t? We won’t even be speaking the same language,” he sighs.
“Hey, you came to a whole new country to meet them. That counts for something and they appreciate that. You know a few phrases, and for the rest I’ll be your translator, don’t worry,” you remind him.
He take a deep breath, giving a small nod before the two of you walk up the stairs to the front door. A moment after you knock, a woman opens the door and wraps her arms around you. Taeyang can hear her saying something excitedly in your native tongue. You kiss your mother’s cheek before pulling away to introduce Taeyang.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” he says slowly, hoping that he had said the phrase properly. He didn’t want to mispronounce something and offend anyone.
He must have done well as your mother smiles at him and returns the greeting before gesturing the both of you inside. You move to hug everyone present and introduce Taeyang, who speaks with a bit more confidence each time he talks to someone. “I didn’t know so many people would be here,” you whisper to him, taking hold of his hand once again. All he can do is nod as your mom speaks up.
“Dinner is almost ready.”
You relay the message to Taeyang. He sees someone gesture to the open space on the couch and he doesn’t need words to know that it’s an invitation for both of you to sit. “You have a....nice home,” he says slowly after looking around.
Your father mumbles some sort of reply and all Taeyang can make out is thank you and Korea. Taeyang looks at you, waiting for you to translate. “He says thank you and wants to know if you have a nice house like this in Korea.”
“Oh, um, can you tell him about our apartment?”
With a nod, you begin doing so. When you stop someone else in the room makes a comment. “Grandma says we should get a bigger place to raise kids someday.”
“Someday,” Taeyang smiles at the family member that spoke up. He hears you repeat the word beside him.
A silence falls over the room as Taeyang tries to think of what he can say to start conversation. He’s nervous and his mind just seems to be blank. He’s saved as your mother steps into the room to announce dinner is ready.
Your grandfather is the first to speak up at the table, “Tell us about yourself.”
It takes a moment for Taeyang to realize this was a phrase you taught him. He clears his throat, once again to remember more. “I am a singer in a group called Big Bang,” he says slowly, before he begins listing off some of the other hobbies you translated for him.
“My aunt wants you to sing,” you say as someone makes a comment.
“Oh, um, okay,” he gives a nervous smile before starting to sing the chorus to one of his ballads. When he finishes, he can see admiration in the eyes of some of the people sitting at the table.
“Beautiful,” your aunt comments. That’s another word he knows, it was a word he learned early on in your relationship to compliment you in your first language.
“Thank you,” he replies back before starting to eat again. There’s light chatter around the table, only some of which you can translate for him between talking and eating.
“That was good,” he tells your mother as he finishes.
“Thank you,” your mother says slowly in Korean. Both you and Taeyang look at her in surprise, it would seem Taeyang wasn’t the only one trying to lessen the language barrier. “Want to play a game?” Your mother asks, reverting back to her own language.
You and Taeyang both nod, returning to the living room. You quickly explain the rules to your boyfriend before things get started. He’s quiet and unsure at first, but as a second round leads into a third, he’s laughing and having a good time.
Eventually, you look at the clock only to gasp, “It’s late, we should get back to the hotel.”
“So soon?”
“We will come back tomorrow,” you assure your father. You hug everyone and Taeyang does the same, able to say his own well wishes.
When he reaches your mother she softly says, “You are good for _________,” in Korean.
“Thank you, I had a nice time,” he tells her just like he practiced with you.
When the two of you are in the rental car again, he settles into his seat with a content smile as you start the engine. “See, I knew they would love you! You did great even with everyone else around,” you praise.
“I had a great teacher,” he tells you, making you give a soft laugh at how cheesy he is. “It was really nice your mom is trying to learn Korean too.”
“I had no idea she was doing that, but I’m really glad too. It’s nice to see you and my family connecting.”
“I’ll keep learning and improving,” Taeyang vows before adding, “If you don’t mind helping me more.”
“Of course I will!”
“Thank you. But for tonight, let’s just head to bed,” he chuckles. He’s glad the hotel isn’t far away. He feels drained from all the nerves earlier in the evening.
“That sounds like a great plan,” you agree, pulling into the hotel parking lot. Mentally, you’re a bit exhausted from all the translating, it had been a while since you had to do it so quickly. It doesn’t take either of you long to get settled into bed and to fall into a deep slumber.
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bbreactions · 3 years
Life is unpredictable. How do you know you’ve made the right decision? Through time you judge and comment others’ life. Is that right? Obv not. But we all still do it. Even with the sign angel over your heady there is no way I am gonna believe you that you never judged or commented on someones life or action.
I am typing that feeling like an old af lady. It’s just that some variable impact on your life and I know that changes you. But would you as a friend stand by someone even if they changed and that change simply wouldn’t click in with you?
That one change? 
Would it be worth it?
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Now I saw the gif and I remembered the song loser. Ever feel like a loser?
Huh, who doesn’t?
I wonder what would happen if Seungri hadn’t done the bullshit he allegedly did. He has to accept bigger conequences because “he was someone”.
Would you say you are nothing?
Big bang always cheered me up. So here we go. They cheering me up bc I need them to.
I came in walking on Daesung and T.O.P arguing about whose hair looks better. You couldn’t stand an watch/hear them argue over something that obv GD is the winner.
They both looked at you.
“Don’t. You. Dare.” they said both at a time.
“Jiyong wins my little boys.”
They knew that you would say that. Of course, since you were no. 1 fangirl and their make up artist. But mostly thruogh the work you developed a bond- making you care very much about them. Them all. Even about Seungri-with whom you were particurally close, since the recent events.
“Did those rashes fade away, Dae” you said knowing ofc you gave hime the best advice.
“NO. THEY ARE STILL HERE.” he said sttubornly, crossing his hands.
He couldn’t just admit the fact that those 3 years of cosmetics school gave you the basic knowledge to help with simple skin problems.
“Tabbi~ You ready for our daily face care? You know those fangirls are waiting for your update. I heard that they want the pink hair back.”
He looked scared at you.
“No. I agreed to do that for th album before the military. I am not doing it again”
You heard he must be in a bad mood, because let’s be honest the crazier the idea the more he liked it ofc. 
Jiyong stepped in with the fancy af look of his.
“OHHHH OUR SENPAIII IS HEREE~~”  T. O.P  had to start.
Jiyong went along with it. 
“ My students bow abowe me, your senpai has comen.” he said bowing back, while T.O.P and Dae started bowing on their knees
Sometimes you wondered how old they really are. Even tho, it was time for make up and you were ordered to make them look young ang hit for the time. They’ve been out of the kpop scene for a long time and it’s gonna be a big bang when they appear on the screens once again. New song is up on the rising and today is the first they are doing after all the years. 
Taeyang was gonna be late because of his family situation at home. Wife was busy and he had to step in and take the time to look afer his child for some time. 
You did your best ot get al those old babies on the chairs to do some magic and put some glitter on them to make them shine
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They were out of shape, a little rusty let’s say for the talking shows, but since you heard all of the jokes they were particing and you laughed to all of them, they all thought they were next generation comedians. 
Sadly that was not the case.
You tried hard to catch them up with current popular shit, but sadly you were a little bit behind too. 
So they were very surprised when a cameraman with a very young man holding a microphone came up to them while in changin room/ make up room.  
T.O.P jumped from the chair and hugged Dae who started high pitched screaming. And GD  who just looked at the boy confused af.
Little did they know that that “boy” as they imagined was one of the biggest and the most famous idols at the moment. Actually for a couple of years to be honest.
That was a surprise and a half?
Who is that?
You dare to guess?
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textmybias · 7 years
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Feeling down texts W/ Taeyang
Thanks for requesting
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brunettemarionette · 4 years
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"Oh my god! I love this song!" you screamed, leaning forward to turn the volume up as you began to sing 'Fantastic baby' you were their biggest support when it came to music and their lives.
Seunghyun grinned to himself but tried to hide it as he watched you through the mirror as you danced in your seat between Jiyong and Daesung, both of who were watching you with fond smiles.
Youngbae smiled at you as he nodded and tapped along with the beat feeling his heart flutter when you smiled widely when his voice rang through the car stereo.
The four of them gazed at you in amazement as you sang and acted so carefree. You grabbed Jiyong's hand and began serenading him as he just laughed, a small blush formed on his cheeks.
Suddenly everyone in the car was singing along to the song as you clapped happily. They all eyed each other carefully, knowing they were all completely wrapped around your finger and in love.
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tacojisung · 4 years
[8:53pm] Having a rap battle with Jiyong.
“Yo mama is so fat she can’t even...uh…um...”
“Jagi, please stop before I hurt you...WITH THIS LOVE!” Jiyong says as he throws finger heart’s at you.
Meanwhile Taeyang is behind you jumping up and down. “OOOHHH! BUUURRRNNN!”
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
The Type to: BIGBANG Edition
T.O.P: The type to randomly move things around in your house to ‘organize’ it, even though it just makes things impossible to find
Taeyang: The type to clog a toilet
G-Dragon: The type to wear women's underwear, including yours
Daesung: The type to fall in love with his friend and endure unrequited love
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igot7monbebes · 5 years
BigBang React to; Their S/O is a Med Student
Seunghyun / T.O.P
So you and Seunghyun haven't been dating for a really time, you guys have honestly been out three or four times at this point and he has already asked you to be his partner but you haven't gotten super deep into what the other person does. Tonight the two of you are going out on your first date as a couple rather than friends and even though you're supposed to talk about these things BEFORE starting a relationship, you guys are getting to know one another on a bigger level. 
Although he's an idol, Seunghyun likes to collect and sell old art as well as dabble a little bit in the fashion world alongside his best friend Jiyong. You on the other hand are a proud med student and you don't hesitate to let him know that! He would automatically be super stoked about it; he would look at you with a cute little grin and go "no way! please tell me all about it." -- He would spend the rest of the night listening to you talk about school and what you plan to do after you graduate.
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Youngbae / Taeyang
Youngbae knows that you've been waiting years to get into actual med school while going to a pre-med school in preparation for the big switch. Finally, you were able to make it into the acceptance classes for the following years and you were so excited you didn't know what else to do but cry. 
Obviously, Youngbae was extremely concerned about what had you crying so badly so he was freaking out internally, not really knowing what to do. Before he could worry too much, you told him that you were finally accepted into the school you've been waiting to get into. He would also get really emotional because he knows how much this means to you and he doesn't hesitate to tell all of his friends and family that his partner is a great big nerdy med student now!
"I'm so proud of you. You did it!"
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Jiyong / GD / G-Dragon
Being that you're his partner, Jiyong is very involved in your life and the things that you do school and workwise. He has always been your biggest supporter and even though he doesn't know a whole lot about medical stuff, he's always helping you study and remember stuff for your big entrance exam. When exam day came, Jiyong cheered you on and even took you out on a nice dinner in a secluded part of town to celebrate the most stressful day of your life so far into your college journey. 
Your test results and acceptance letter came in the mail while you were at work and Jiyong spent the entire day pacing around his apartment waiting for you to get home and tell you the results you got. When you got home, the first thing he did was throw bring you the mail and jump up down waiting for you to finish opening everything. You read him the acceptance letter and you could have sworn this man dove so high into the air his head almost went through the entire ceiling. 
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Daesung has always been your biggest supporter! He cheers you on constantly and makes sure you're prepared for whatever is thrown at you in school so he's always up late at night with you to help you with your homework and do flashcards with you to make sure you're 100% ready for this entrance exam. 
Daesung is nosy and he won't deny this fact so when you received a letter from the med school he didn't waste a moment to tear that bad boy open and read it before you had the chance to do it. You watched him open the letter and got nervous when he started to cry, thinking that you had been rejected and they told you to never apply again or some weird scenario like that but he would wrap you up in a great big hug and smooch your forehead. 
"Future Dr. {Your last name}. I knew you could do it, I'm so proud of you honey. I'm here every step of the way."
- he would also be the first one to tell your mom because he can’t keep his mouth shut long enough for you to do it
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somekpopthingsuknow · 5 years
hello~ can i request a bigbang reaction to their friend (or partner) using them as a pillow? please and thank you💕
I made the reader as a partner! Hope you like it ~
Bigbang reaction to their partner using them as a pillow
G-Dragon/ Kwon Jiyong
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You weren’t plainly award of what you doing. You were sleepy and the nearest thing of you was… Jiyong. So, naturally, you wrapped your arms around his chest and placed your head on his shoulder. 
With a smile on his face, he watched you, ‘cause you too cute when you sleep. You often were a bit shy around him but sometimes you’d a bit of courage and make your way near of him. He really appreciated this kind of moment because he felt close to you and your body. But, he is a playful man. After watching you a few minutes, he began to touch your cheeks, your forehead, your closed eyes and your lips. It’s as much because he liked being in contact with you than he wanted to tease you.
“Jagiya~” you chuckled, his lips now starting to attack your face.
“Hm? Anything to say babe?” 
He now bit your lips and you can’t help but moaned a bit.
“No, keep doing this please”
“As you wish babe~”
 T.O.P/Choi Seunghyun
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Seunghyun was lying on your bed, a book in his hands, clearly hyped by the actions in the novel. Usually, you’ll just lying next to him, let your lips made their way on T.O.P’s face and neck before say “good night”. But tonight, you felt more childish. You fell behind him and before he could even understand what was going on, you grasped his chest on your arm and you wrapped your legs with his.
 “Mine.” you murmured, sleep already starting to be felt.
He put his book on the mattress before took your hands playfully and tried to bite them like a puppy, which don’t fail to make you laugh.
“I don’t really heard what you said…”
He really liked the way your arms were wrapped around him and the sensation to be so close to you.
“I said you were mine.” You answered, with a lovely voice.
 Taeyang/Dong Young-bae
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Actually, this wasn’t unusual to use him as a pillow. You always loved the way his body perfectly fit with your own. But this time, Youngbae wanted to make this day a bit special so, when you were peacefully grasped at him, he took his phone and took a selfie of him with you. You were very cute to him, with your hair transforming into some Medusa and your goofy smile.
When you eventually woke up, you saw him with an idiot smile, looking at you.
“How much I’ve splet?” you asked, with a hoarse voice.
“Long enough to have time to take a picture of you” he answered.
“Oh.” A few seconds later, you realized what he said. “You have what-?”
“In my defense, you were too cute” he explained himself with an adorable laugh.
“You’re lucky I love you ‘Bae because you are the most childish person in this world.”
 Kang Daesung
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You never really used him as a pillow. Actually, it’s the opposite. Every time he had the opportunity, he grabbed you, like a koala its eucalyptus. It never bothered you because you liked have his head on your chest but you never understood why he liked this position so much. So, one day, you tried it. 
Daesung was a very muscular man and the way his torso felt was so good… You don’t know if he experienced the same thing with you, but you could now understand why he was always curled on you.
“Trying something new, love?” he asked, a warm and large smile on his face.
“I’m trying to resonate with your inner self” you answered as you closed your eyes.
“You’re so cute jagiya” he responded with a soft touch on your nose.
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motteclub · 4 years
in honor of being on lockdown and having nothing 2 do, i guess ill take some requests for some au/scenarios for bigbang members <3 make them fun and creative!! lets get funky 
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sindrafalcone · 7 years
Christmas Drabble #4
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Dong Youngbae x reader
Synopsis: Christmas Lullaby with Youngbae
Warnings: Holiday fluff
Author’s Note: This drabble is dedicated to my 6 month old grand-niece... the littlest Youngbae fan. <3 Reminder that there will be one drabble posted each Friday until Dec. 30. It’ll be in random order, since I’m pulling them from a hat again.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work. I do not own the gifs used.
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You shuffled tiredly into your house, following your husband & shutting the door quietly behind you. Stifling a yawn, you slipped off your shoes as Youngbae did the same before turning around to face you.
“I'm going to get her ready for bed.” he said, gently lifting the bundled up baby in his arms & leaning over to kiss your cheek lovingly.
“Okay.” you smiled at his thoughtfulness.
You watched him make his way down the hall to your daughters room & then went into the living room to finish some last minute present wrapping. Sitting down on the floor, you pulled the wrapping paper and scissors to you and began working. As you carefully cut the paper to fit the gift you began hearing sounds coming from the baby monitor in the corner... Youngbae was talking to the baby as he got her ready for bed.
The two of you had only been parents for about six months now, but you couldn't have asked for a better father for your child. Despite his hectic schedule, Youngbae seemed to be there whenever you need him & his daughter adored her Daddy.
You yawned again, a huge one this time, as you began wrapping the paper around the box and carefully folding the paper to tape it into place. Midnight Christmas mass had been beautiful & you were grateful to get to share it with your little family, but you were really tired. Now that you were sitting still, you felt like just laying your head down and going to sleep.
Suddenly, you heard something else from the baby monitor... the soothing sound of Youngbae's voice.
Silent Night Holy Night All is calm All is bright …
You grinned, placing the last piece of tape on the present in front of you. Apparently your husband felt the need to sing his daughter to sleep tonight. Truthfully, he sang her a lullaby almost every night he was home. She was a lucky little girl.
You stretched out to get the bag of bows that was on the other side of the floor, you had to finish this gift. In doing so, your head somehow managed to land on one of the sofa cushions. You gave a heavy sigh. It felt so good to lay your head down like this.
'Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a few seconds.' you thought.
The next thing you knew, Youngbae was shaking your shoulder gently. “Come on, yeobo. Wake up.”
You jolted awake, looking confused for a second until your bleary vision cleared & you could make out your husbands smiling face in front of you. “Wha....?”
“I was trying to put the baby to sleep...” he chuckled. “Not you.”
You laughed as he helped pull you up off the floor & into his arms. “Yes, well... you know that I can't resist your voice.”
“I know.” he kissed you softly. “And it better stay that way. Merry Christmas, darling.”
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bbreactions · 2 years
T.O.P. scenario "I adore you..." [part 1]
As he was leaving the studio, he noticed the light in the dance studio. He was curious about who was crazy enough to be practising at 3 am. Well, he was, but still, he didn't know there were others as crazy as him. He slowly walked to the door and found you sitting on the floor, watching choreography on the computer. All he had on his mind was why the fuck would you stay this long just to practice choreography. He entered the studio.
"Ya! Why are you still here? Don't you have a gig tomorrow?"
He scared the shit out of you and you jumped and immediately closed the computer.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" after saying (screaming) the words you realized that was rude af.
"I mean I'm sorry, but you scared me... I was practising, I thought I was alone..."
He laughed at how much he scared you only by opening the door.
"You were practising alone? A group dance... Well since I'm here I can help you with that. But well I don't know if I can be of any help because as you know I am the worst at dancing."
You laughed with the appreciation for him trying to help even though he obviously can not be much of a help in this field. He also smiled and you looked at those beautiful eyes that were looking softly at you. He offered a hand and asked you to show him a choreography. You already knew the steps but they were clumsy and you had no balance so in the middle you fell and just stayed on the ground.
'Maybe this really isn't for me... I guess I really am too clumsy for that' you thought and suddenly felt a tear coming down your cheek. You immediately felt embarrassed and started to apologise.
"Oh god, I'm sorry... I really need to stop with all of this...."He grasped your shoulders and interrupted you.
" Don't say that Y/N, you know this is just the exhaustion talking from you. I'll get you some tea, in the meanwhile, you look at the choreography and choose the part that you don't know the most."
And so he walked out the doors and suddenly you felt better, just by knowing he is prepared to help you. You were just a rookie at the company, who just got a chance to debut. Your group was getting big in South Korea, so the next goal was to take over the hearts of global fans. Since you were a rapper of the group, that meant most of the songs were (at the moment) written by you. It was a huge amount of stress laying on you. CEOs pressuring you to write new songs, you struggling to learn the choreography... And your brain just didn't want to stop counting the problems in your life.
"I got you a chamomile tea... I'll tell you a secret" he stepped in with two cups of tea, smiled and sat on the ground of the dance studio. You sat next to him and looked him in the eyes.
"Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm not gonna tell you my Instagram password..." you both laughed."
As a newbie who just debuted, you had no idea how to dance. And so I also thought staying here and forcing myself to dance moves I can't fucking remember was the brightest idea." he was saying while sitting on the ground with his legs apart, making you feel awkward af, but he kept on talking and sharing how he couldn't learn the choreography at all.
"BUT, since you have no other choice than to learn and master the choreography I will tell you a secret technique. Watch and learn."
You had no idea what was about to happen. But you did notice how classy he was dressed. He grabbed a teddy bear from the shelf and asked you to start the music. He was suddenly dancing. You thought he is absolutely crazy and had no idea what the hell he is doing.
"COME ON Y/N JOIN ME" he offered a hand and suddenly you were both dancing.
With a fucking teddy bear. You both kept on going and laughed hard while doing it. You couldn't believe how soft and kind his personality is hidden by his sharp and professional image known.
"I adore you."
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He leaned closer and your eyes were observing what his next move will be. You closed your eyes and felt his lips slowly touching yours. Your heart was beating like crazy and your hands started shaking. He felt all of that and held your hands softly, smiled a bit, while slowly kissing. It was like a bomb explosion in your head. You couldn't think at all. All you felt were his lips slowly caressing yours and his hands moving around your back, making you breathe slowly and passionately. He was very happy how just a little touch and a kiss made you feel. So he stopped.
What happened. You opened your eyes and hoped everything was real. And so it was. He was softly smiling at you."Don't show this choreography to anyone else!" he joked immediately. Woah. You still couldn't believe it. Choi Seunghyun and you just kissed. There were a few moments of silence.
"Uhm... Thank you very much for helping me with the choreogr... I mean everything..."
He saw how awkward it was for you and kindly gave you a hand to stand up and smiled.
"Don't worry I'll help you more often. I'll see you around Y/N" You stood still for a minute, your brain realizing what just happened. You were hallucinating. Absolutely.
There is no way this actually happened.
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Will there really be a next time?
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high4everyours · 4 years
Crossing Oceans | Ch.6 [An Explanation]
Ch.1 | prev | next 
“So let me get this straight,” Seungri said cutting Youngbae off before he could speak. “You want my hyung to go to a wedding with you in Japan to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
I nodded, “well yeah, but after-“
“And then he’s supposed to go to the states with you to continue to pretend to be your boyfriend so that your grandma can meet him and stop bugging you about dying alone?”
“That basically sums it up,” I answered, looking between him, Youngbae and Jiyong.
“No offense, but this is dangerous for him, didn’t you take that into consideration?” Jiyong asked.
“I did, and that’s why I was reluctant to even call,” I said, picking at my manicure.
“So why did you?” Seungri butt in.
“Because my cousin called yesterday and I tried to think of a reason why not. I’ll tell them we broke up after, but the time just kind of slipped away,” I answered.
“So it’s just for a weekend right?” Youngbae asked.
“Well, it’ll end up being like a whole 4 days,” I said scrunching up my eyes.
The couch dipped next to me, and the expensive smelling cologne told me that it was Jiyong sitting beside me, not Youngbae or even Seungri. “Why?”
“I mean it’s not like I could have sent you fan mail asking you to be my date, now could I?” I quipped back.
“I would have said yes,” he answered through gritted teeth.
“Yeah right,” I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms turning my attention back to Youngbae who looked like he was seriously considering going with me.
“I’ll do it,” he finally answered.
“Just like that?” Jiyong and I both asked at the same time.
Youngbae nodded and reached out for my hand. I looked into his eyes and blushed as he spoke, “I will do everything in my power to be the best pretend boyfriend you ever had,” he spoke with a serious face and I couldn’t stop myself from bursting with laughter.
A/N:  Hi everyone! I’m back to posting on this blog. I’ll be releasing a little note later on...today possibly? 
Love Always, 
next | M.List 
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brunettemarionette · 4 years
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WARNINGS: Swearing A/N: I didn’t add Seungri to this because I’m not sure what people think of him due to his on-going ‘controversy- thing’ but if you want him added just hit me up and i’ll put him in.
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You are their best friend and accidentally send them one of yours nudes not realizing they had a crush on you.
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Kwon Jiyong / G-Dragon:
» Even though you were only best friends Jiyong always thought you were absolutely stunning, so when he saw your naked body he instantly felt his blood rush south. He wanted you badly and Jiyong is definitely a guy who knows what he wants.  
Yes. he knew you hadn't meant to send it to him but that didn't stop him from saving the photo on his phone with an impressed smirk and a raised eyebrow. Your naked body would be on his mind all day.
“Fuck baby girl, you look so good”
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Choi Seunghyun / T.O.P:
» T.O.P smirked when he saw the image you sent obviously not meant for his eyes. Still, he was mature enough to realize how embarrassed you must have felt when accidentally sent it, especially if your distressed text was anything to go by.
He played it cool when you profusely apologized for sending the nude and pretended that he wasn't fazed by it. He told you that mistakes happen, but what you didn't know was that he saved the photo on his phone, biting his bottom lip when he gazed at it.
“You’re driving me crazy, Princess”
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Dong Youngbae / Taeyang:
» Taeyang giggled when he saw your frenzied texts of pure panic after receiving a photo of your naked body. He couldn’t help but laugh when he realized how embarrassed you were.
Not that you had any reason to be.
Taeyang knew that photo wasn’t for him, but he still liked the image of your soft skin greeting him. Although the two of you were friends, he was too shy to say he had always found you attractive.
“You’ve no idea what you’re doing to me, baby”
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Kang Daesung:
» You were always on Daesung's mind, he thought you were gorgeous, so when he saw the nude you send him, it only made his lust for you bigger. He'd never expressed his feelings, so he knew the photo wasn't for his eyes.
He tried to be a good friend and told you that it was okay, you were a little more than embarrassed but thankful for his response. Little did you know he saved the photo, hoping to tell you how he felt soon.  
“Damn, one day you'll be sending these for real”
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mypalesnowflake · 6 years
Softie | Choi Seung-hyun (T.O.P)
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summary: when the other members discover (Y/N) and Choi Seung-hyun cuddling, they do not hesitate to take the opportunity of teasing the older male.
Seung-hyun looks up from the book he’s reading when someone opens the door to the dressing room of his band. His mood lights up when he saw his girl, (Y/N). He expected her to greet him with her affectionate kisses and tight hugs as if they had not seen each other for years, but when she continued to make her way to one of the empty couches blindly -- because her eyes were closed -- his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
The male watched in curiosity as his lover sat down and leaned back against the couch, still with her eyes closed. Minutes later, Seung-hyun finally concluded that (Y/N) was fast asleep. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. There was never a dull moment with her; he took note of that when they first met. So he should, by now, be used to these moments occurring yet here he is: still amused and taken by surprise. 
Seung-hyun puts his book down and walks over to where the sleeping girl is. He shakes her gently. “(Y/N)-a.” he says, attempting to wake her up. “Jagiya.” 
(Y/N) stirred, eyebrows furrowing together. She waves his hand away, turning her body away from him. 
Seung-hyun chuckles and sits down next to her. He shakes her again. “Jagiya. Wake up.” he tells her. “Aigoo, what did you do all day that you ended up like this?”
“Seung-hyun-ssi?” (Y/N) says without looking at him. 
Seung-hyun nods as if the girl could see him. “Yes, it’s me.” 
(Y/N), without another word, turns around to face him. She scoots closer to him, pinning his body between the couch’s arm and her body. Seung-hyun felt her arms wrap around his torso, bringing herself closer to him. She shifts a little so her upper body is a little bit on top of his. Finally, she nestles her face onto the crook of his neck. 
Seung-hyun chuckles and shook his head. He shifts a little to bring himself to a more comfortable position. “Aigoo.” He returns the embrace and plants a kiss on top of the sleepy girl’s head. “You can be such a child sometimes.” 
Her hug tightens, but not enough to crush his bones. She nestles closer with a wistful smile on her face. “Yet you still love me for it.” She brings a hand upwards and places it on his cheek, caressing the area affectionately. 
Seung-hyun closes his eyes, letting himself absorb her gentle touch. He was glad that they were the only ones in the room at the moment. The staff and his band-mates were out somewhere, probably buying dinner for the day or finishing a few lines in the recording studio. Either way, Seung-hyun was glad to have this alone time with his lover. 
Yet he spoke too soon.
Because the door suddenly opened and the youngest of the five members, Lee Seung-hyun... Also known as Seungri, entered. “I wonder if hyung is--”
Seungri stops in his words and track when his eyes landed on the couple. His eyes grew wide and his mouth formed a shape of an ‘O’. After probably just a second, the younger male’s eyes sparked with mischief and excitedly grabbed something from the table and headed to the door before the older male could stop him. 
“Seungri-ya, hey! What are you--”
“Ji-yong-hyung! Daesung-hyung! Youngbae-hyung! Come over here, quick!” 
(Y/N) stirred but did not show any sign of waking up.
Minutes later, the three names mentioned one by one appeared and entered the area. All of them looked surprised and had shit-eating grins on their faces. The youngest of them pulled out his phone and began taking pictures. Seung-hyun, with cheeks and ears red in embarrassment, rolled his eyes and waved his hand around in an attempt to whack Seungri yet the latter avoided the hits successfully.
“Omo, hyung! I never thought I’d get to see the day.” Youngbae comments as he crosses his arms.
“I never knew you two were together!” Daesung gushed. He playfully hit Seung-hyun on the arm in an aegyo manner. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Yah!” Seung-hyun interjects, carefully trying not wake the sleeping girl.
“I’m not gonna post this unless Seung-hyun-hyung says so but, man, I am so going to use this for blackmail on you in the future.” Seungri tells him with a familiar mischievous look on his face. He began typing on his phone.
Ji-yong’s eyes sparked a glint of mischief as well. He crosses his arms the same as Youngbae. “So this is how you look like when you’re in love.” he says. “One interaction with her and you turn into a big softie.” 
Seung-hyun rolls his eyes. “Yah! I’m not a--”
“Our hyung is a softie~! Our hyung is a softie~! Aigoo~ A softie~” Daesung cheers in an aegyo manner.
“Oh I can’t wait for our next interviews.” Seungri interrupts. “I mean I’m not gonna spill all the details but you know...” He smirks. “Just a few ones.”
“Yeah and then let us all get called to our boss’s office again.” Seung-hyun tells him. 
“I don’t care at the moment. I’ve been in and out for years now, anyway.” Seungri retorts back, still mischievous as ever.
The other members all shook their heads at the maknae’s ridiculousness. 
Due to the noise, (Y/N) groaned and shifted -- scooting upward and closer to her boyfriend. She caressed his cheek again and unconsciously placed a small kiss onto his neck. The affectionate gesture did not go unnoticed by the other four. 
“Omo, did you see that?” Seungri gushes.
“Aww, they’re so sweet~” Daesung gushes.
“Look how red Seung-hyun-hyung is!” Ji-yong points at the older male and laughed with Youngbae.
Seung-hyun, both embarrassed and a little annoyed, narrows his eyes at his band-mates and waved his hand. “Aish. Stop teasing me. Just... get out and do whatever you were supposed to do. The four of you should be glad that (Y/N)-ssi is restraining me or else I would’ve whacked you all on the heads.”
Daesung pouted. “Aigoo, hyung. So violent. We were just having fun. It’s not everyday we see a side of you like this.” he says. 
Youngbae laughs and starts pushing his smirking band-mates to the direction of the door. “Okay, I think we’ve teased hyung enough for the day. Let’s give them their privacy now. Come on.” he says. 
Seungri and Daesung whined while Youngbae continued ushering them out. Seung-hyun sometimes forgets that these two are in their late 20s now yet they act like this.
Before the door closes, Seungri peeps inside for the last time and calls, “I’ll see you later, love birds~” Meanwhile, the other members complained.
Seung-hyun, now glad that him and (Y/N) are alone again in the room, recalled what just took place and couldn’t help but laugh at his band-mates’ ridiculousness. 
Unbeknownst to him, (Y/N) opened one eye to look at him. A small amused smirk came up to her features. “You’re really a softie.” She says, surprising Seung-hyun. 
The male looks down at her and smiles. He pushes a strand of her hair away to see her face better. “I thought you were asleep.” he says. 
“Oh, I was. That is until your friends came in and began teasing you.” 
Seung-hyun laughs and pulls the girl closer to him, leaning his cheek on the side of her head. He runs his fingers through her hair gently. “They are right though. I am a little bit of a softie when it comes to you.”
“Just a little?”
“...Fine. A lot.”
“Much better.”
author’s note: hello! I hope you guys like this one ^^
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topinot-noir · 5 years
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Overprotective Seunghyun
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