#your continuing patience with my sporadic activity will forever be appreciated!
a-earthssprout · 2 years
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🌻🍯 OOC. spent the last few precious moments at home sending some more Halloween asks … & it was a wonderful choice to make 🍃 it certainly made my morning enjoyable !
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ink-flavored · 9 months
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Slow-Down Announcement
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your patience during my break, my move, and through the holidays. It means a lot that you’d all be so generous as to keep paying me while you wait. In general, your continued support is incredibly important to me. And as much as I appreciate it, I will have to ask you for a bit more patience.
Ko-Fi was an experiment I started to see if it was practical for me. I was excited about the response my AUgust 2022 prompts had gotten, and I wanted to see how my audience would respond to access to more of my writing and more of my process. I was also curious to see if I could use Ko-Fi to grow my audience, or supplement my writing career. Building a brand online is difficult, but I couldn’t let an opportunity like this slip by me.
After about 15 months, I can say I’ve had a lot of fun on Ko-Fi. I love Magnet Mondays, I like sharing what happens behind-the-scenes, and giving you all sneak peaks of what’s to come. Like I said, I’m forever grateful you thought my art to be worth paying monthly for in the first place, it’s not something I ever dreamed people would do for me. Unfortunately, posting on Ko-Fi as regularly as I wanted has become impractical for my schedule and mental health.
Keeping up with the rate of posting I promised—weekly, biweekly, and monthly, over my various categories—isn’t sustainable in my current environment. If I had the opportunity to do nothing but write for 8-hours a day, 5-days a week, it would be easy! I would have plenty of time to share my writing with you, continue my personal projects, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Sadly, my writing schedule is not so generous. My full-time office job cuts into my creative time a lot, and stacking the self-imposed obligations of my Ko-Fi schedule on top of that means that I’m “at work” a lot more than I otherwise would be.
Long story short, I’m getting fatigued trying to keep pace with Ko-Fi updates. I’m going to be slowing down my activity here, and prioritize what I can do without burning myself out. I have a flexible plan that I’ve been developing, so you know where you can find me outside of Ko-Fi if you’d still like to follow my work elsewhere.
Keep Reading below here or on Ko-Fi
First, Magnet Mondays are sticking around, but this time for free. Polls are easier than counting comments, so I’ll be hosting the weekly vote and the poems on my ink-flavored Tumblr account. I really don’t want to give up doing Magnet Mondays, since it was a lot of fun for me (and for you all too, I hope). The first poll will go up this Sunday (January 7th) and the first poem will go up the next Monday (January 15th), so I hope I’ll see you all on Tumblr! I’ll still post the final poems here on Ko-Fi for organization's sake.
Second, one of my goals for 2024 is to be more active on my new Neocities website. The freedom of having my own writing website where I can post whatever I want without the need to be overly professional like a portfolio, and no risk of getting my content reported like on social media, means that I can share a lot more of what I write. Please do check it out, and feel free to sign the guestbook while you’re there!
More generally, I want to migrate some of the Typewriter-tier behind-the-scenes posts to Tumblr and Neocities, so more people can see what goes on under the hood when I write. I don’t have imminent plans to share the exclusive content on Saturdays anywhere else—save for things like AUgust, which are already all free—but I won’t write it off.
Finally, as for the fate of this Ko-Fi account, I’ll be reworking the tiers a bit. Magnet Mondays will be free, so it can’t be a perk, and my plan is to post behind-the-scenes or exclusives sporadically, whenever I feel like I have something to share. I’ll keep the BTS to Wednesdays and the exclusives to Saturdays, but that will be the only consistency in scheduling. Nothing from the Manuscript tier needs to change, since I don’t plan on halting commissions.
Thank you all for being so understanding, and for being so generous this past year and a bit. I’m happy I even had the opportunity to try this out, and it would have been over before it started if I didn’t have people like you.
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crownedrogue · 6 years
MUTUALS, EXCLUSIVES, GRAPHICS. You do not need to be a mutual to send me asks, memes or plot / thread requests. The background, ads, icons & banners etc. for this blog are made by me. Please do not take things that I have made for this blog – they match the aesthetic and I would prefer to keep them only for my use. If you would like the bases for the icons you can feel free to ask me and I will be happy to send them to you and if you would like them personalized, I am usually very happy to do so, though it might take me a few days / week or two (sometimes more) to actually get any graphic requests done depending on life!
MY ACTIVITY! If you’ve ever written with me before then you know the drill. My real life is absolutely crazy between three kids (each in a different school with different after school activities) and my numerous health concerns which tend to keep me away from rp sometimes just because of sheer pain levels or sometimes because of frequent doctors visits etc. Stress is always a huge factor in whether or not I feel up to doing any actual writing, but I am almost always available for plotting or talking or the occasional sk.ype roleplay. I tend to make graphics, banners, backgrounds and the like when I can’t actually write for whatever reason, so never feel like you’re being a bother if you ask if I can make something for you just - as in all things on this blog, patience is definitely key. If I feel pressured or if I start to get anxious about not being able to keep up activity then I tend to panic and just push the whole blog away for a while. Not the best coping mechanism, but it is what it is and this is above all else FOR FUN.
YOUR ACTIVITY! I will never pressure you for replies, though I may bombard your inbox with memes and poke you to plot or chat but never ever feel obligated to reply to anything, be it posts or memes or chats etc. if you aren’t up for it or just aren’t feeling it. Please do let me know if you are dropping a thread just so I know, you don’t need to explain or apologize for taking forever or dropping an interaction or wanting to write on a different blog or for a different character than one that had a lot of interactions with mine. Do always feel free to let me know if you start a new character or blog and would like to plot something with me, I can almost guarantee if we already write together (or have in the past) and you go somewhere new I will be happy to write with you! I may love the characters and plots but the muns behind the characters are the most important things to me. And, as a side note, I don’t care if you take an hour or a year to reply, I will always be happy to see you & it!
FORMATTING. My preference is some very light formatting and icons (of a consistent size - I might, at most, bounce between 100x100 and 200x100 depending on my mood). I don’t care if you format a lot or only a little. If you format a lot I may try and match your formatting but if I am actually pumping out replies at a steady pace I probably will skip it - it’s pretty but my brain only cooperates so often so I want to take advantage of it when it’s actually functioning like a normal human being brain and not a whirlwind of chaos and mini nuclear disasters.
My main turn offs when it comes to other people’s blogs / formatting … I do really really prefer the small font BUT I can work around it. I will probably take the quick second to make your text small when I reblog your reply in order to keep the aesthetic the same on my dash / theme as much as possible. My really big turn off though are using images that are way above the average icon-ish size. It throws everything off in terms of my visual perception and I don’t know, it just. Bugs me. It’s honestly one of the main reasons I can’t join rp groups on tumblr anymore. I don’t know when it started bugging me, or why it bugs me so much, but it just does. I am doing my best to work around that so as not to miss out on the wonderful writers out there so just bear with me!
NSFW & TRIGGERING CONTENT. I will straight up warn everyone now, I love writing dark themes, horror, murder, torture, graphic violence and angsty smut are all like my favorite things ever. However, I am WELL aware that not everyone shares those interests so please note that I will be tagging pretty much anything that I think might bother someone with the simple ‘tw triggernamehere’ tags. Self-harm, drug use, potential noncon/dubcon, mind control, alcoholism, domestic abuse, so on and so forth are likely to appear here. NSFW will always be tagged with just the simple 'nsfw’.
GODMODDING. This one is pretty simple. No godmodding. Don’t write for my characters. Even if you are writing a god, writing someone with the ability to control and puppet others, if you are attacking my character with a miniature nuke and they are standing there in their birthday suit with no way to defend themselves and you know they’re going to be annhialated … you still don’t get to write my character. You write what your intentions are, what you command them to do, how you are influencing them to do something, how you are manipulating their emotions, etc. but I will handle writing the effects of that in my reply! I am always happy to discuss plots and actions before hand, if that would make things easier for you, but I am happy to wing it and work things out as the thread develops too, in terms of harm done, effects of spells or influences etc. so please, just be respectful about handling this and we’ll get along perfectly fine!
DRAMA. Flat out simple: keep it in character. I have been roleplaying for 20 odd years now. I promise you I’ve seen it all and I have always had zero interest in being involved in it. You can always come talk to me if you are experiencing a problem, ic or ooc, with me or someone else, in the sense of I will be happy to try and offer you advice, but in general I can promise you I will not be inclined to throw myself into the middle of anything going on on the dash etc. Please do not assume that this means I don’t care about you at all, I will discuss matters privately when possible, but what it all boils down to is that I am here to have fun and I don’t like poking bears with sticks, pointy or otherwise. Confrontation makes me literally ill, and if this blog becomes a not safe place then no one gets to have fun with it … especially me.
SMUT! As I said a little bit ago, I love writing smut. It is not however the only reason I am here though, at times I’m sure the blog might seem to disagree. I get in moods where it’s all I want to write and then other times I’m just EH SURE. All of that aside, I will not, have not, will never write smut with anyone that is under the age of 18. I understand different states and countries have different age limits where that is concerned but my state / country dictates 18 is the age of consent and there is no smut in the world that is worth the potential and genuine risk of legal actions up to the possibility of incarceration for engaging in sexual content with a minor. Please, please, please do not send me NSFW related asks if you are under 18. Do not like my NSFW starter calls if you are under 18. If we are in a thread that is leading towards potential smut, I will ask you if you are 18. Please do not lie. Legally speaking, it doesn’t matter if you tell me that you are 18 and you aren’t, I am still responsible and they can still prosecute - just like with physical interactions. They really do take this stuff seriously guys and so do I, for a number of reasons, and not just legal concerns!
If you ARE 18+ and would like to do something smut related with me, by all means, let me know. Even if it’s the first interaction, I don’t care. And don’t feel like you can’t make a suggestion regarding kink or interactions out of fear of kinkshaming or anything of the sort. I will write pretty much anything except for pedophilia (again for a number of reasons) and anything involving washroom related functions. Of course, anything NSFW / triggering / explicit etc. WILL be tagged!
GENERAL. Please do not reblog my rp posts if you are not my rp partner in that thread. If you want to promote me you can reblog my promos etc., but please don’t repost my in character interactions. Please reblog your posts as TEXT. When you reblog as link it cuts off a good portion of the text and adds a bulky box to the dash. Please CUT your posts. Two or three replies at most are all that’s needed to keep the feel of a thread / interaction going. Any more than that and one: it takes forever to scroll through the dash and two: i’ve seen it go so far as to have one letter of text per line it’s so thin and thirty lines from the ‘reblog’ function. It’s bulky and generally just not necessary. Each person will have their own tag. This will be simply your URL (minus any dashes) so that you can search my page by /tagged/url for our interactions. (If you want to read someone’s interactions in order, just add /chrono to the end of any tag search!)
If you have read all of this, kudos! I really do appreciate it. You don’t have to send anything in letting me know or whatnot but if you do want to send me an ask with your url & faceclaim – and maybe your name too so I can get to know you! – I will be happy to make you a few icons or a simple graphic of some kind just as a general sign of appreciation for the follow and the time you spend reading all of my rambling!
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone that has supported me, that has put up with me, that has followed me from blog to blog, that I have dropped threads with and been so sporadic with it has to be like a whirlwind. I appreciate each and every one of you and without all of your support and continuous patience, I know that my experience here would have fallen flat and I would not still be here in any capacity so, know that you will always have my gratitude.
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