#your fragile enough without the ultra slim fall out of the hands style
funny how those new-fangled smartphones dropped headphone jacks for "more battery" while at the same time getting worse lifespans and a stting that protects your battery by limiting it to 85%
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
exes for abimel, as in mel is the one to meet one of abby exes this time, and she is jelly. Abby loves it.
(I kinda made some angst? Instead of Abby loving it she’s a bit upset by her ex) but like it think it’s still ok?
As in MEL MEETS ABIGAELS EX AND IT GOES AS GREAT AS “Who wears a bikini watering their plants???” WENT
ahahahha this gonna be fun
“Heyyy Cariño!”
Abigael laughed, rolling her eyes at Mels flirtatious tone, “Hello my love.”
Mel quickly took a seat across from Abby, grinning wildly for not particularly reason.
“What’s got you in a chipper mood?” Abby questioned pleasantly.
“Nothing really,” she smiled wider, “I just love being in your presence.”
“How warm hearted.”
Mel reached out, heart picking up slightly when Abby immediately entwined their hands.
“Did you order our coffee? You know I usually take-“
-“Ultra dark, three shots of expresso, two creams, and exactly 2.5 lumps. Which honestly seems fairly annoying because everyone knows you shouldn’t split a lump!” Abigael ranted, face screwing up slightly at the thought of her English ways be so ‘thoroughly tarnished’
Mel sighed lovingly, attracting her attention.
The Latina giggled, “Your simply so adorable when you get like that!”
A noise akin to a mewl was heard from the secret softy, her nose scrunching in the most adorable way.
“I am not adorable!” Abby tried to defend, “I’m a demon overlord. Adorable is not allowed in our description!”
“Oh sure!” She mocked placatingly, “Definitely not adorable.”
The hybrid scowled, “Oh wipe that smile off your face! Besides the fact I have no idea how you even drink that boiled trash! Everyone knows If it doesn’t come in appropriately sized cup it’s rubbish!”
“Appropriately sized?” Mel snorted, “You mean those literal mini tea cups you have at home?!”
Abby sighed with a flourish, “And this is why tea is the superior drink.”
The lesbian fake pouted, “But I love coffee?”
Abigael softened, just like the huge marshmallow she was.
“And apparently fate has decided that I love you. So for now, I deem your Rubbish drink tolerable.”
She laughed, bringing Abbys hand to her lips for a kiss.
“How I love meeting your high and mighty British standards!”
The later preened, “We are an unusually flawless brood.”
“Oh my GOSH! Abigael Jameson-Caine does have a soft side! Alert the press!”
The sultry rich accented voice came out of nowhere, Mel taking notice on how Abby stiffened. Hands jerking in a quickly stifled stim.
A girl in her mid twenty’s walked up to them, her swagger matching her voice to a T.
She was fairly light skinned, her dark tresses curling into flamed highlights at the end. Her waist was slim, her beauty as evident as her immaculate complexion.
It more then annoyed Mel when she draped herself over Abigeals shoulders.
“Abigael,” she crooned, “So nice to see you.”
The smiled Abby wore was forced, Mel knew this just by looking at her.
“Rachel.” She spoke smoothly, as if the laters presence wasn’t affecting her.
“Rachel is it now?” The girl smirked, leaning down till her mouth was right behind Abigaels ear, “What happened to what you called me in the night?”
Abby uncharacteristically squeaked, her face reddening considerably.
Her poor Cariño looked absolutely flustered, practically sweltering under the blunt statement.
Mel didn’t like this.
She didn’t like it one bit.
And no, she totally wasn’t jealous of the supermodel clone in front of her.
How crass would that be?
“Ehghem!” Mel coughed loudly, drawing the unwanted attention of ‘Rachel’ who looked at her as if she was something disgusting on the floor, “Abby? Care to introduce me to your….”
She trailed off, peering suspiciously at the girl. Gripping Abigaels hand just a bit tighter, if not possessively.
“Right! Right yes of course.” Abigael fumbled slightly, the glint in her eyes saying everything she couldn’t.
“This is Rachel, Rachel Parkingson, you could say, she was one of my Ex’s.”
She gestured vaguely to the girl behind her, the beautiful woman grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
Rachel laughed coyly with a wave of her hand, “Oh Abigael, we were More then Ex’s.”
Mel was sure her face was burning, She couldn’t pinpoint her exact emotion. Just knew it was negative, and aimed toward Rachel-Supermodel-Parkingson.
Rachel soon leveled Mel with another uninterested stare.
“And who might the girl with the simply styled hair be?”
“It’s bloody wonderful hair!” Abby bit in defensively, calming down just a tad afterwards, “And Rachel, Meet my Girlfriend, Melanie Vera.”
She emphasized the word girlfriend, trying to get her obvious point across.
“Hmmmm,” the miss universe copy barely acknowledged, “Must be recent.”
“And why is that?!” Abby retorted
Mel, however, could tell from Rachel’s smile that her girlfriend had just walked into a trap.
“We’ll it’s simple!” She left her perch on Abbys shoulders, walking leisurely till she was finally in view, “You don’t stick around for anyone! She’s a quick bang in a series of hookups!”
Her voice dropped to a whisper, “I would know. I was one of them.”
Abby looked petrified, letting her hair fall in her face slightly, as if a curtain to shield her.
Mel could feel the hybrids hand shaking in hers, matching her own rapidly increasing anger.
She didn’t quite understand why this was phasing her girlfriend so much, as she usually has the sharpest of tongues and infinite wordplay.
However, someone was affecting her Cariño, and she wasn’t about to let that fly.
“Rachel I’m pretty sure-“
-“I mean, it’s not like it matters!” The girl interrupted loudly, leaning in close, “I mean she’ll be done with you eventually. And then we could hang out again? Hmm? What you think? Ditch lame haired and come for some awesome Netflix and chill minus the Netflix?”
The anger Mel felt was threatening to boil, the only reason Rachel wasn’t sporting a broken flawless jaw, was because she was currently holding Abbys hand, and she was worried letting go might cause her fragile personna to break.
“Oh don’t you remember?” Rachel eloquently purred, lowering herself so she was near Abigaels head once again. Hand snaking upwards, “The fun we used to have? Your buttons, which I always pressed.”
Abby was shaking now. Face trembling with restraint.
Mel could see Rachel’s hand trailing upwards, and with rapidly growing concerned, understood the later was going to try and pull Abigaels hair here and now.
That.. that wasn’t allowed. Mel herself would never tug the brunettes locks somewhere she wasn’t comfortable, nevertheless in public, where people could observe it!
She made to punch Rachel in the face, but apparently her girlfriend beat her, to well, the literal punch.
“NO!” The overlord barked immoderately, free hand blazing up, catching the models wrist in her hand before she could reach her hair. Fiery gaze turning to stare at the envy green orbs.
“Rachel I understand your bitter, but I love Melanie. She’s my girlfriend. She’s amazing. And she’s actually loves me. Like can you believe it? She loves me!”
Abby smiled appreciatingly at Mel, who blushed in reply, giving a smile of her own.
“Oh I see,” Rachel’s tone had become harsh, “Cause where’s Abigael without her Mommy issues.”
Abigael let out a choked whine, rapidly bringing both hands to her face so Rachel wouldn’t have the satisfaction of seeing possible tears well.
“Oh that’s ENOUGH!” Mel boomed, finally standing up.
Sure the girl towered over her, but she had just hurt the person she loved the most, and that amount of anger made up for the height difference.
“You are rude, ignorant, cruel, and not to mention a total BITCH!” She seethed violently, the model actually looked worried by her demeanor, “I don’t get why your so strung up on Abby- wait no, scratch that. I do! I do understand! I understand because she’s the best person I’ve ever met In my entire life. And every day I wake up with a smile on my face because I know I’m lucky enough to be loved by someone as amazing as her! And you, Rachel Parkingson-whatever the fuck. You not only ignorantly came over here, you made Abigael uncomfortable, and continued to do so even though it was obvious, you treated me like dirt, you threatened to Out her secrets, and then, on top of all of that, you had the bare audacity to make fun of her trauma she’s gone through with Ratcesca! So now, if you don’t want to loose that pretty little face of yours, I suggest you get the fuck out while you can!”
Rachel let out an unflattering shriek, before stomping away in her break-an-ankle heels.
Mel knew some people were staring, but she couldn’t care less. Right now she wanted to make sure her Cariño was ok.
“Honey? Mi amor?” She cooed softly, quickly moving so she was near her girlfriend.
“Cariño I’m going to hug you now, ok?”
Their was a quick nod from Abby, which is all she needed. Letting her arms wrap around the hybrids slim waist, resting her head on her shoulder.
“Mi sweetness, are you ok? That girl was a total jerk and you shouldn’t listen to a word she-“
-“Thank you.”
The Latina gazed at Abby, with slight confusion, “I mean, of course My Love, I couldn’t just let her treat you like that?”
Abigael blushed, looking down, “You still didn’t have too.”
“Oh honey, sweetie,” Mel fluttered a hand underneath Abbys chin, lifting it so she could look straight into her hazel orbs, they were red rimmed, but she ignored it, “I will always defend you, I will always love you, no matter who says what. I’m sorry I didn’t react quick enough in fact. Your always so sharp with your tongue, but I should have realized Rachel was affecting you.”
“No!” Abby argued, “If anyone should apologize it’s me! I shouldn’t have let her say that stuff to you. I was too weak.”
“Don’t you say that!” She begged, squeezing tighter, “Abby you are the farthest from weak!”
“But I let her say that stuff…”
“Let her? You let her? Last time I checked you didn’t control what people said to me. You didn’t let her do anything! She hurt your feelings and made you uncomfortable. And while I wish no one ever did that, it’s ok to feel hurt and uncomfortable. It’s not weak or pitiful!”
Abigael still avoided her gaze, something else was wrong.
Mel crouched in front of her, grasping both hands in hers.
“Cariño, I love you, what’s on that beautiful mind of yours?”
Her girlfriend looked up, giving her a pained expression.
“Mel, your not Rachel.”
Mel wasn’t sure how she was supposed to handle that information.
“Um… is that a bad thing?”
“NO!” The hybrid exploded, wincing afterwards, “Bloody hell, I’m messing this up entirely!”
She took a deep breath, looking at Mel once again.
“What I’m trying to say is, Rachel said your were just a simple hookup. Just like she was. But your not! Your not like Rachel, can’t you see?” Her eyes glistened with her passion, “Melanie, Rachel could never even be compared to you, because unlike her, I actually love you! I didn’t feel a single thing for her. She was just an outlet for whatever frustrations I had back then. And I had a lot of them. So I also understand why she’s so bitter to me. I wasn’t the best as communicating boundaries, and I assumed everyone knew I only did things for sex. I guess she was just unfortunate.”
Mel smiled a loving smile, cupping the side of Abbys face, “Aww, Cariño! You love me! You really love me.”
“I really really do.” Abigael breathed out, leaning into the touch.
“Aww, your so adorable.”
The squeak of rage that left Abbys mouth was by far the cutest thing Mels heard so far.
“Traitor!” She accused, “I am not adorable!”
“Aww you can’t deny ittt, I looove how adorable you are!” The Latina teased.
Abigael grumbled something unintelligible, letting her head fall forward onto Mels shoulder.
She smiled, pressing a kiss to her crown,
“I love you too.”
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