#your honor they're so fucking gay it's disgusting (beautiful)
your-honor-im-zesty · 2 months
hot take but leo valdez is not the "uwu simp girl" in the relationship. that mf roasts people on a daily basis, and the amount of jason slander he dished out in the series (all lovingly, of course) is actually wild 😭 nah if anyone's the simp it's jason "melting-down-every-time-leo-smiles" grace.
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formerdirectioner · 7 years
I think that can be said for all larries. They're mad they've been wrong for so long and now the people proving them wrong, the so called "nobodies", are getting fame and attention and it makes them mad. That's why I feel so bad sometimes for young larries bc it's like you're 15/16/etc and you have so much ahead of you! Do you really want to end up 30 and bitter blogging about a relationship that's not even real? Lou doesn't like larries. Gemma doesn't. Do u want that to be your fan experience?
That’s a really good point about the fan experience. Like, even if they genuinely believe every time they’ve been called out is fake and staged by “boss man,” it still makes their experience such a shitty one. None of the boys or their friends or their family every acknowledge Larry in a positive way anymore. If they retweet stuff from Larries it gets turned into a huge fucking thing to the points the boys have blocked Larrie accounts and Louis has banned the word “Larry” from his Instagram. They sit around and reblog pictures of women they claim to hate just to talk shit about their appearance, spread rumors they know are fake, and wish them harm. They can’t enjoy when Louis posts anything on social media because it all has to be fake and they get super fucking nervous it’s something about his girlfriend or his son. There are larries who have anxiety attacks daily over this ship. They are angry all the time and they don’t even know who they’re angry at anymore. Just whoever is in charge. Is it NT? Is it OT? Is it Simon? Is it Anne-Marie? Is it Sony? Is it Syco? Is it The Sun? Is it the girlfriends gone rogue? They’ll just be angry at all of them and wish death to them all just in case. 
And then the only good things they have going for them are the slowed down gifs from 2012 and the fact that primary colors exist. They have to build up a fake sense of happiness because sometimes the sky is blue or Louis wears a t-shirt they can play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with. 
Then they turn around and say “lol antis are so pressed they know something is wrong they hate Louis because they call us out for wishing harm on a child and women who have done nothing wrong to us because they hate gay people! antis are never happy! it would suck to be as stupid as an anti!” And they turn around and they say “het fans are so gross they sexualize the boys and that’s??? disgusting anyway harry is literally balls deep right now lol.” And they turn around and say “houies/narries/lilos/ziams/etc. are all fetishizing gay relationships and we’re the only ones that actually respect the boys anyway can you believe louis has a gay wrist lol??????” 
They’re not happy. They haven’t been happy in a really long time. And truth of the matter is they’re going to continue not to be happy until they eventually leave the fandom. It’s already starting for a lot of the “bigger” larries. Louis has been a dad for well over a year now. He and Harry have seen each other once since the hiatus started and it was with the rest of the boys on a day where Louis needed support and they didn’t get the Larry picture they wanted and they made the day that should have been about Louis celebrating his mother’s life into a day about their ship. Harry is going solo. Harry is in a movie. Louis is back with Eleanor who he once called his life partner. Briana is refusing to let them silence her and continues to share photos and videos of her son and show to the entire fandom how happy he makes her. 
I really wish they could enjoy the fun parts of fandom. I wish that they saw Louis go on a tweeting spree about pizza and thought “omg he’s such a cute idiot just LEAVE UR HOUSE AND GET A PIZZA U DWEEB” instead of “oh my god nobody fucking cares that’s not louis even this harmless tweet about pizza hut is fucking awful promo god i fucking hate everyone involved.” I wish they could see the video of Louis with his son on his birthday and feel their heart swell at seeing how much he loved his little lad instead of having to attack everything about the beautiful moment he spent with Freddie and say that Louis and Briana cared so little about Freddie they didn’t care that they decided he was about to be harmed by touching a cake with his bare hands or standing on the floor. 
I wish they could be happy that Louis, although he’s had a really rough year with the loss of his mom and the paparazzi fight, has people surrounding him that love him and that make him happy including his girlfriend and his son. I wish they could honor Jay’s memory by showing kindness to her grandson. I wish they could grow up. 
But they won’t. Not until they’ve sucked all the fun and joy out of the fandom that they can. And it’s sad. I’m sad for them. 
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