#your new bestfriend ~ [ alt baby spinel rps ]
two-sides-halved · 2 years
@erisdiamas | Continued
Raspberry Tart huffed as he knew there was another song from the pink gem. If Gem Steven were witness to this memory, he wondered if this would lessen the rage toward Spinel, or further reinforce it.
"Wh-what about this place do you remember, Spinel?" He asked holding her shoulder to show he was right by her side... hoping that she'd understand that he was doing his best to show his care and support to the gem that reset his family back to square one, after all she's upset, and he wants to know what caused it. "This was a special place, just for Pink and I." She replied, happily reminiscing, "She used to come here to spend time with me, talk about her day... over time when she got her colony she visited less and less often." Spinel replied, looking down. "... ok... i'm right here if you need a shoulder to cry on, or a hug." He offered. Spinel took a breath shaking her head, she needed to get it out of her head, her gem glowing showing the hologram of her memories much like Pearl. "Here in the garden, let’s play a game, I’ll show you how it’s done." The hologram of Pink, while the hologram of Spinel replied, "this’ll be so much fun!" Spinel now talking to Steven in her sing song voice, "And then she smiled, that’s what I’m after, the smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter, happy to listen, happy to play, happily watching her... drift away" She sighed the hologram showing a calendar flipping through pages and pages "Happily waiting, all on my own, under the endless sky, counting the seconds standing alone as thousands of years go by..." The garden in the hologram aging while Spinel, just stood there in the same position for years on end, the garden unkempt, roots keeping her in the place she hadn't moved in years, her heart shaped buns drooping sadly, the little cute fasteners dropped from her hair and on to the floor, yet she still had a smile on her face. "Happily wondering, night after night, is this how this works? Am I doing it right? Happy to listen, happy to stay, happily watching her ... drift away." Steven frowned watching the other walk away from him the hologram before them fizzing out, he made sure to follow the other as she sang her somber song. "You keep on turning pages, for people who don’t care, people who don’t care about you." Spinel giving Steven a withered flower, as she continued her song. "And still it takes you ages, to see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, everyone’s gone on without you." Steven muttering under his breath, "we are in a dome out in space... where did that gust of wind come from??" He paused, shaking his head, looking over to Spinel as she continued. "Finally something, finally news, about how the story ends..." The communicator that sat on the pedestal, fizzled back to life playing the message from before announcing Gem Steven's stepping down as Pink Diamond and a little promo for little homeschool. "She doesn’t exist now survived by her son and all of her brand new friends... Isn’t that lovely? Isn’t that cool? And isn’t that cruel?! And aren’t I a fool to have, happily listened, happy to stay, happily watching her" Spinel's gem glowed, the heart flipping upside down as she continued singing, "driiiift, driiiift, driiiiiiiiift, away." She huffed her form, her hair unfurled into their more wild pigtails, her round puffed sleeves turned into longer spiked ones, the little hearts on her gloves popped up into spikes... her outfit growing darker to match her more upset and bitter look on life. "Oh Spinel.... I can't believe mom would do that to you... ehh, actually I can... she was really stupid and didn't really think things all the way through.... I'm sorry that this happened to you." Spinel turned to him, sniffling, "Well, now you got me here.... I suppose you want to keep me here like your mother would have wanted... use your plant powers to keep me chained up here." (1/?)
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
@erisdiamas | Continued
Raspberry Tart looked over as the child were about to give him a talking to about how mean he was being, the butterflies swarming around them again after Eris utters the word 'oh'. He knew she was being serious about the situation as much as he was at the time.
He was in agony, but just feeling Human Steven losing hope, was far more painful than the torture that rejuvenation had done to him. His lips curled up into a knowing smile, looking at the hybrid child. "You sound surprised to see that the embodiment of negativity is acting like an asshole."
"You must understand that even if I know my words are like venom that sends chills down the spine, and shakes someone to their very core and make them really think about how badly they must have messed up to end up with me, spitting out their own negative thoughts back at them... it's really up to them rather they just wait till the venom takes them, or start working themselves up to find an antidote." With his last words on the subject, not even pausing to ask if she'd like to go back already knowing that he'd annoyed her long enough with chances to back out and just hear it second hand, she was firm in that she wanted to witness it. He waved his swarm off as they continued to watch the scene.
Human Steven mentioned out loud still forming a plan, "Well, when I was little, Garnet mentioned she first formed when Ruby rushed to Sapphire's aide... so maybe if we put Sapphire in danger Ruby would rush in and fuse with her and make Garnet again." He paused, while Peridot got his attention, "How about this?" "A giant pizza cutter?" "Well, not exclusively a pizza cutter, but yes that is one of its functions... you could use this to threaten Sapphire." "I can't threaten them with this." He replied as he was handled the giant blade. Peridot nodded, and pressed it, "Well now you can." She replied giving Human Steven a smile. "Plus you've handled a sword before, this shouldn't be too different right." "... right..." He was already not liking this plan. Spinel giving a cheery, "Good-luck!" Human Steven had come up to the pair of reset gems, their faces still reminding him of his family. He hardened his nerves, this was for the best, he had to do this. Ruby stepped between the Steven wielding the spinning serrated blade. "Stop right there, I can not let you near my precious Sapphire, with such a threatening device." Human Steven's tone, darkened, "Well that's too bad, because I'm going to slice you to pieces." He replied, raising the spinning blade above his head. Ruby not turning from Sapphire, "Permission to dispatch the curly haired one my Sapphire?" Sapphire calm, "Ruby, stand down. He's in genuine distress at the thought of hurting us, and he's not going to follow through." Human Steven's façade dropped, "It's true.... Even if we are just pretending" He turned off the blade with a huff and through it on the ground, walking away, distraught at the plan not working. Ruby amazed that the Sapphire's prediction came through. "My Sapphire, you were right, what do you predict would happen next?"
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
@erisdiamas | Continued
Raspberry Tart's eyes rested on the small child, even he looked tired, and he manipulates the realm of the mindscape just a snap of his fingers on a near daily basis. He took a breath, "As you want, but remember what I've said, it's not my fault if you don't take the chances I've given you to leave."
He commanded his swarm of butterflies. The butterflies flying faster and faster, before the two of them were teleported out side of the memory of the gem-space itself, and rather observing the actions outside, just like the third person observers they were acting as in that moment.
Human Steven, Greg, and Connie were looking over the gems splayed out on the coffee table. The kitchen still a mess from the days worth of baking the cookies uneaten. Human Steven still glowing pink. "hey Schtuball, its gonna be ok, they'll be back in no time." Greg replied trying to keep a positive attitude. Connie nodding, "Yea, I mean this isn't the first time they poofed right?" Human Steven gaze was at his brother's gem, "Yes, this wouldn't be the first time, but this was certainly different, this gem came out of no where, with this giant drill that's pumping the Earth full of something, and then she said 'my human half wouldn't stand a chance' I mean granted I think she might have thought Steven was a hybrid, maybe?... but she said she did something to his gem! What did she do to you guys??" The human's voice cracking feeling the sadness in his throat, before seeing Pearl's gem start to float up into the air, eventually forming a hologram of a clam asking for a name. Steven and Connie both silent before turning to Greg, who spoke out his own name with a shrug. Pearl reforming in front of them. However not in the same outfit that Pearl sported before. The short hair that stopped just at the neckline with golden choker, pink cold shoulder top with the small darker pink star on her chest, with the long green fingerless gloves, with a darker green pair of pants that stopped at the mid calf, with a muddy red pair of flats with green socks that matched the gloves, were replaced with a long braided hair style that came down to the Pearl's waist, her outfit now more of a fancy dress, a pink diamond on her chest to indicate the Diamond she served, while a second pink diamond where her navel would be as a way to match her diamond. This Pearl had walked past the concerned Steven that was so confused to see her like this, only for her to greet his father as her Um Greg Universe. His eyes widening in shock, as the Pearl began to sing. The gem residing in her right palm wasn't cracked at all adding to more of the confusion. As the others reformed one after another, Ruby sporting a pony tail holding her curly hair back, Sapphire, forming soon after her hair reminiscent of a Padparadscha rather than the long hair most Sapphires were known for, Amethyst looking like a little puppet mimicking everyone else's movements as she was overcooked. It became more and more clear to Human Steven, "They forgot who they were.... this thing made them forget who they were." His eyes widened, going to pop the bubble containing Spinel, as she floated up as the other gems besides his brother's gem who still laid on the table dormant. The once twisted gem's heart shaped gem formed with it right side up and her glowing arms wrapping around Steven practically launching her into a hug knocking him to the ground and making him roll into the counter, with the song from the reset Pearl explaining that this cutey heart clad gem with the perfect cut, and that was pink as well, was named Spinel. Human Steven looked at her confused at the form he had seen before getting reset back into this small innocent form. "..." Human Steven twitched, his mind putting the pieces together, if everyone had forgot who they were that meant.... He just started muttering no repeatedly under his breath, his tears welling up in his eyes, to the point where he couldn't see, he was shaking. He lost Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven all in one day. While this cute little gem had no recollection of the days events at all, even trying to cheer him up by making his cute little faces, but his grief was stronger than the efforts of those around him at the moment... after all, there was that voice... it seemed familiar but distant?
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