andronetalks · 5 months
Bomb threat emailed to nearly two dozen Jewish sites in NYC as disturbing text revealed: sources
New York Post By Joe Marino and Jorge Fitz-GibbonPublished May 5, 2024, 4:13 p.m. ET Authorities are investigating a disturbing bomb threat emailed to more than two dozen synagogues and Jewish institutions in the Big Apple — and to temples upstate and on Long Island. “Hello, if you see this email just have notice of a bomb I have set inside of yourbuilding,” the email sent Saturday read, law…
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[What Great Relationships Look Like]
Welcome to our latest video: Elite Building Services Working with Bowens. 
We hope you enjoy this video. It is a small insight into what has become such a beneficial and trusted relationship for our business. 
Working with Bowens means we work with people who believe in and share the same values as we do, which makes our job all the more enjoyable and takes the ‘hard’ out of ‘hard work’. 
Bowens helps us in sourcing many materials including unique items for our homes. Bowens also host trade nights which helps us stay on top of the latest products and innovations in the industry to ensure that our customers are always receiving the very best. 
We are grateful to Bowens for this opportunity and look forward to many more years working together in Bringing People Home.
You can also watch this video on our YouTube channel HERE or on Instagram HERE.
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hu1inamillion · 3 years
STOP LITTERING ! PLAIN AND VERY SIMPLE ! RAT FEEDER It's not someone else's job to pick up after you, not your supers, not sanitation, not your parents (after a certain again) not your partner. YOU ! Teach yourself to keep it clean! #nolitter #dontlitter #captinplanet #keepitclean #lookgood #feelgood #lookclean #feelgreen #yourblock #yourbuilding #yourhood #yoirchoice #norats #noratfeeder https://www.instagram.com/p/CZYA2NFqnXG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Do you want to make sure your business is reaping the maximum benefits of energy efficiency? To learn more, contact energy consultants at https://ecovision.ca/.
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What happens if you don’t clean your building’s gutters?
If gutters are not cleaned and water overflows from the gutters, it will fall along the foundation of the building.
Also, if the foundation is wet and then freezes, this will cause heaving and cracks. In extreme cases, water damage can cause structural damage both internally and externally, and result in expensive repairs.
Clogged and damaged gutters can cause a number ofproblems for your wider building and even the tiniest leak or crack can resultin major issues that are costly to fix.
When roof water overflows into blocked gutters thenthe only route for this water is down into the ground, as well as causing waterlogging on your premises, increased water absorption will cause damage to yourbuilding’s structure.
Escaping water will accumulate around your building’s foundations and without the correct maintenance or repairs, this water willslowly seep into your foundations and weaken the overall structure.
If you’re experiencing damp in your property, it’s a good idea to check your gutters before you do anything else to see if that’s what’s causing the problem.
Damaged gutters and drains will lead to an accumulation of excess water, and thanks to blockages at any part of your system this water will simply have no place to go
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pvccream8 · 4 years
Leading Rated Home Builder Business On Trustpilot
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Painter And Also Designer Hourly Price.
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Speak with local as well as on-line estate representatives, look at building websites as well as inspect land auctions as a starting factor. You'll additionally need a big deposit up front before any kind of loan provider will certainly supply you a self-build mortgage. published supply self-build mortgages, so you may need to speak to an expert service provider. Unless you have lots of cost savings or equity in your existing home, it's most likely you'll need a self-build home loan. If you might develop your own version for a fraction of the asking rate, it's worth thinking about. Use the web to study costs and also don't be afraid to negotiate. Naturally, this all suggests that it's far better to get your own products-- it's both not likely that a builder will work out as hard in your place as well as additionally that they will certainly pass on the complete advantages of expense decreases.
When it comes tocladding, budget self builders will find either ablockwork/render or block outer skin the most economicalof all. In truth, the basic methods and materials that housebuilders have actually been making use of over many years are likewise typically the most effective choices if you get on a tight budget. The fact is that if a product or system is frequently as well as extensively made use of across the industry and also across the country, there will be even more individuals providing it and there will certainly consequently normally be even more competitors on cost. You'll spend around 15% of yourbuild costson the outside wall and, metre for metre, blockwork is taken into consideration to be the most affordable.
What Do Our Builders Do?
While residential property websites occasionally note stories of land offer for sale, they're unlikely to be your ideal alternative. A serviced story is a piece of land that has electricity, water and waste water links, and accessibility to a public roadway. The government has actually been taking steps to make this process easier, by demanding that councils keep Right to Develop registers, including the details of any person who has expressed an interest in a self-build task. Having the ideal designer will imply you attain the right, one-off style for your self-build home. It'll also help make the self-build procedure as worry-free as feasible. When you're building your own home, getting a good architect can be the trick to making your desire home a truth.
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Early contact with the coordinators is the best means to find out whether your task is practical. The majority of local authority planning divisions offer 'pre-application recommendations'. Whether you pick a bundle distributor, an engineer or one more house developer, be sure to choose a person who comprehends your needs is able to create thoughtful actions that fit with your budget. Dedicated self-build home mortgage items are now widely offered with brokers such as BuildStore Mortgage Services.
Painter And Designer Hourly Price.
Utilize our Build Cost Calculator for a precise price quote of just how much your desire home will certainly cost to build. Anotherpotential saving is in the heating system-- owing to the huge variety of options now readily available. A top-of-the-range heating system, complete with underfloor home heating, designer towel rails, controls and a top notch central heating boiler, might conveniently cost ₤ 5-7,000.
Illumination is significantly in the kind of movement discovery systems that save on power usage.
If bigger service areas are required, much more pricey 'tensed' rectangle-shaped openings are needed.
Round openings are much more reliable structurally than rectangular openings.
In highly energy efficient buildings, lighting can be one of the significant resources of power usage as well as for this reason associated carbon discharges.
Cellular light beams are preferable for use as lengthy span additional beams than for main beams, as the shear capability of the web is substantially damaged by the openings.
Nonetheless, they can be made for use as key members by reinforcing the openings where shear pressures are really high, either by infilling the openings or by utilizing straight stiffeners.
These work with a stage payment basis, so funds are launched at key points throughout your project-- either ahead of time or behind, depending upon the product you pick. One of the first points you require to have in place on a self-build project is moneying-- and also having the money readily available right from the start could be important in securing the bargain on a story. With custom-build, you deal with a programmer to layout as well as develop your home.
Plasterer Hourly Rate.
Georgian-style homes are terrific instances of stylish yet straightforward styles that are generally based on a basic box form. However it deserves keeping in mind that a tiny self build residence, around 150m ², would still be larger than a typical four-bedroom designer home, which might be no more than 100m ². The first idea for how to develop a home for under ₤ 150,000? The bigger your home, the even more blocks, blocks, floor covering, roof floor tiles will certainly be required.
As soon as full planning authorization is given, you can begin work. If your strategies don't match the preparation authorization, you may require to send more building prepare for approval. This is where a complete building proposal has actually been agreed carefully, for a particular construct. builders high wycombe might be for a three-bedroom home or one-bedroom bungalow, for example. There's rundown planning authorization and detailed/full planning approval. You need to additionally look at the marketplace value of homes in the surrounding location and also see just how the price of land compares. There's little benefit to having a significant plot of land if you can not access it.
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pokewancom · 4 years
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Clash of Clans NEWB TO LEGEND! ★ Top 3 Tips For Beginners ★ Early Town hall Strategy Guide ★
oh hey guys what's up and today we havebeen getting a lot of requests to make anew account and just basically startover so I thought this would be a goodtime because a lot of new people are downloading clash of clans (you can also download from here: https://onhax.io )every single day newpeople joining our channel itself so Ithink this would be a good episode foryou guys also the experienced players togive advice to people we're juststarting out the games so what I wantyou guys to do right now comment downbelow your number one tip to yourfriends who are just picking up the gameand I'll go ahead and feature some ofthe best comments in a future video ofthe series now this episode I just wantto open up with my top three tips andI'll explain them later on as we go inthe video and they'll start to make alot more sense but I just want to sayfour top three tips number one is rateas fast as you can when your army campsare fullnumber two is trophies do not matter andthen number three make sure all yourbuilders are busy alright so the nextpart of this tutorial is this basicattacking all you have to do you havefive wizards and you don't use all ofthem so just maybe drop a couple firstoutside of this little red squarerectangle area and then watch it takedown the cannon alright so that goesdown the first tip like I said you knowyou want to rate as fast as you can whenyour army camps are full what I mean bythat is you also don't want to use allof your troops if they're not needed soyou wanna you want to basically try toconserve troops if you possibly can andagain I'll try to explain that later onas we go so let's just go ahead and jumpright into this Town Hall to attackingstrategies and here's here's kind of onethat I'm talking about right here so wehave a very exposed cannon with anotherexposed camera here another exposedArcher tower but the reason why I'm notgonna attack this is because they havethree defenses I need to take care ofand my troops are pretty low level ofI'm going to actually skip this faceeven though his his defenses are veryexposed he'd he does have a lot of themthough so that is sort of deterring mefrom attackingthis one he has lower level defenses yesto two cannons but it doesn't appear hehas a lot of loot alright so on the topleft what you have is a description ofwhat your what your enemy has to offeryou at 600 gold 1100 elec sir so andthen 30 trophies trophies again does notreally matter these lower town halls donot worry about that do not prioritizetrophies we're just going to look solelyfor some some good loot so 300 lootright now each not not up a lot we'regonna maybe look for something in like2000s range just like this one but againlet's take a look this Archer towerpretty pretty well-protected barbarianstry to attack the nearest availablestructure wizards as well so we got agot to kind of look at the defenses andnot just the loot - this actually lookslike a pretty well protected base I'mgoing to go ahead and find find anotherone one other thing you guys have tokeep in mind is every time I hit nextright here that's going to cost somegold so eventually you do what you dowant to just an attack a base when ithas you know a fair amount of lootbecause otherwise you're just going torun out of gold alright so for tutorialpurposes I think this space is actuallya decent one to attack to prove my pointI do have fifty gold left so if I hitnext I would be my last base to attackso that's another thing if you're tryingto search for bases don't hit next toomany times because you won't make it upif you you know only kind of base withvery little resources so what I'm goingto do this is exactly what I'm talkingabout the cannon is really reallyexposed so if I just drop a fewbarbarians at the very edge right herethey're gonna run straight and they'regonna take down that cannon right hereand those wizards are very powerful so Ido want to say them for a tougher baseif possible so once that cannon getstaken down all that's left is prettymuch a defenseless base now in terms ofwhere the loot is that's another thingthat clashers have to understand whenthey're first starting out is the lootis actually either in the collectors orin the storages and there's also some ofthe in the Town Hall as well but most ofit is typically in the storages andcollectors but how do you know storagesor collectors which one where is where'smore loot well there's the little trickand if you look at this gold mine righthere there's two carts right one on theleft one in the top right and if there'sgold in the top right cart that meansthat there there's a lot of gold in thatcollector that gold mine rather and thenfor this elixir collector if someonecollects elixir then it will have sortof a brown ring in that elixir collectorif not then that means that electriccollector is fairly full so no brownring equals very very full so let's goahead and take a look at that and thenstorages you know it's partially filledbut if it's overflowing that that alsomeans that storages are fairly filledsame thing goes for both the goldstorage and the end the elixir storageas well so remember again what I'mtrying to do is I'm not trying to useall of my all of my troops at oncebecause as you guys know the the troopswill cost elixir to train so if I do useall of them that's kind of like you knowsometimes an overkill and you want towaste your troops and then the lesstroops I use the less troops I have toTrain when I get back and I can justread a lot quickly a lot more quicklyand be able to sort of maximize my mytime in between the raids so don't useall your troops if it's not necessaryand also train troops before going tobattle just to sort of recap that littletip and again we did get a hundredpercent that equals three starswe do get some trophies but again do notworry about trophies at these lowertownhall levels we're going to explainthat in another video all right so nowour army camps have six barbarians -archers three wizards again the Wizardsare just basically a more powerful formof the archer but let's just go aheadand find one more base to attack beforeI do that remember I got to keeptraining troops because once I use thosetroops these troops will start kind offilling the rest of my army camps Ican't use these troops in battle or inthe current battle that I'm going tofind but they will be in my army campsso that I can use them in the next raidafter the raid that I'm about to do solet's go ahead and do those troopsbecause we don't to waste any time andthen I'll build or maybe I'll just goahead an upgrade alet's see what I want to do I'll just doI'll do 10 seconds here but then oncethat happens I'll maybe just finish upthe cannon as well and then come backand do some more upgrades but ideallyagain you just want to keep all yourbuilders busy because you don't want towaste any any any minute rather you knowso you want to keep everything going goup fairly quickly alright so going goingthrough those bases and I'll try tobreak down certain bases again what tokind of look for and what not to lookfor so this this one is a base this is athis is a no base this is do not attackbase because we have the cannons thatare centralized Archer tower that iscentralized and they are very much oncovering the rest of the resources sothis is gold mine gold storages of lookslike the elixir collectors are fairlyfull because there's no brown ring but Iam NOT going to attack this base becauseit is very well protected on this one hehas one cannon upgrading so that cannonis basically offline you cannot attackor that cannon cannot attack you this isa very exposed cannon right here butlook at the loot not that much loot sobecause of that I'm just going to hitnext so basically my eye where it goesto it first goes towards the loot thetop top side trophies again negligiblewe don't need to worry about that so ifI see decent loot then I look at thebase so I'm looking at the base I'mthinking wow this is um this is not badwhat I do what I do notice about it isthere is a lot of gold right herethere's a lot of gold in the storagesand I could potentially I'm thinking Icould potentially just take the gold andthe gold is very very you know it's veryexposed and it's very important but he'skind of putting a lot of emphasis onthis Archer tower and this cannonprotecting you know maybe just like thatyou know these elixir storages righthere and that elixir collector righthere so if I can possibly just take downthis uh this cannon maybe I have somefree maybe I have some free goldstorages so I'm not sure yet but thegeneral strategy if you're going to usebarbarians and archers the archers doshoot over the over the wall so we usebarbarians the tank archers to shootover the wall there youand then me I'll just thrown a wizard aswell just to give some extra addedfirepower but the wizard typically isn'tavailable at these lower Town Halllevels you just got that from thetutorial and we got those archers alsoshooting over the wall so the archers dohave a little bit of range and they'retaking out this gold storage right hereand again giving giving a the troops alittle bit more range that Archer towercan't hit us so I'm just going to letthe raid play out right now I don't needto use another wizard um I we mightactually lose the raid and not get 50%which equals one star which will get ussome trophies but again remember thattip that I gave you guys early on in thevideo trophies will not will not mattertypically at this stage so again becausethe wizard and the archer are arrangedattacker they're basically out of harm'sway at the moment that archer tower isonly taking down the barbarians becausethey're their melee fighter they'reclose range combat so we got the archerfocusing on the townhall wizard on theon the gold storage and as you can seewe took about 2,000 gold which we'vepretty much maxed out our gold storageif you see on the top right side ourgold storage or our gold capacity ispretty much just maxed out we can't holdany more which is kind of bad for usbecause that meant meant we're kind ofwasting gold we should have maybe builta lot more you know other type ofstructures that that cost gold becausewe never want to like waste resourcesthat we kind of pillage or attack orloot from other bases so we could havemanaged our resources a little bit moreefficiently but I'll go ahead and talkabout that concept in another videoabout managing your resources buthopefully you guys kind of get thatpoint you know maybe I should have spenta little bit more gold beforehand onother buildings and things like thatso what I'm going to do we could maybeget this town hall but the archer atlevel 1 is very very weak might not beable to take down this Town Hall so whatI can do is I can just hit surrender wedidn't get any stars we didn't get theTown Hall we didn't get 50% we're goingto lose some trophies but again thatdoes not matter do not worry aboutlosing trophies at these lower townhalllevels probably sound like a brokenrecord at this point but we only lostone trophy which again doesn't reallymatter um alright so I guess that aboutwraps it up for this episode kind ofTown Hallone Town Hall - what basis to look forthe basics of clash guys and for thoseof you experienced viewers who stuck itout all the way to the end feel free togo ahead again if your friends or youknow relatives or whatever are justpicking up clash from the very firsttime feel free to please comment downbelow some of the tips that you wouldgive them if they're first starting outthe game and I'll go ahead and featurethem as sort of tips and strategies inthe next sort of let's play video andthen also I want your guys's comments onmaybe where what direction to take thisaccount I you know I have a lot of ideasbut I also want to hear from you guys interms of what you guys want to seebecause I do have one that's sort of youknow maxing out every town hall level Ihave my main account as well so I don'tknow what to do with this account giveme some ideas love to hear from you guysand also before you guys go don't forgetto Like comment favorite subscribe allthat good stuff but other than thatthanks again so much for watching untilnext time stay classy suit.
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stiles-wtf · 7 years
Meet Luna the Tidy Lab
Looking for a adopter, currently in foster care. About 3 years old, 50 lbs. Labrador Retriever. Good with dogs and kids. Scroll to bottom of this post for contact info.
Luna is a very relaxed and upbeat girl. She can be flexible… she likes to romp around the backyard, but if it’s  a rainy -lazy- day she enjoys just hanging out around the house. Luna is very clean and likes to keep her space this way. She does her best to avoid spilling food on the floor and to keep her bed tidy. She will even try to clean the house if you let her!
Luna is a little shy to new people but within minutes she warms up to everyone — especially if people bring her treats! She just wants to be loved and cared for! She is sure to put a lot of warmth and love into your house. Luna is healthy, up to date on vaccinations, spayed.
Care of Long Road Home Rescue. Located in being fostered in Queens, NY.
Email [email protected], & CC Foster Dogs in your inquiry email: info [at] fosterdogsnyc.com. Let them know you found this dog on FosterDogsNYC.com!
Things to keep in mind: $350 adoption fee applies if you plan to adopt, unless otherwise stated (Foster caretakers must pay adoption fee if they choose to adopt). You may be required to complete a foster/adoption application prior to meeting the dog. Please check with your landlord about yourbuilding’s pet policy and of course talk to your roommates. Each dog on FosterDogsNYC.com is the legal property of his/her rescue organization until an adoption contract is signed.
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, the information provided in this listing is from the dog’s rescue group and/or foster caretaker; Foster Dogs Inc cannot guarantee the accuracy of dogs’ descriptions. Foster Dogs Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that connects people with dogs in need. Read more about our organization
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
clash of clans iphone
clash of clans iphone
Clash of Clans cheats & more for iPhone (iOS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Clash of Clans cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for iPhone (iOS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the iPhone cheats we have available for Clash of Clans.
Genre: Role-Playing, Online Developer: Suzak Publisher: Apple ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: August 2, 2012
Plan Your Town Layout
There’s a solid success rule to limiting damages – WALLS, WALLS, WALLS. Youshouldn’t have any weak spots in your village defence. You should have many layersof walls that attackers will need to get through. You should also place all yourbuilding together in a defendable position, so your cannons and other defences canprotect them all. You want maximum coverage.
Don’t Play Defense Only
You should always be on the attack. If you spend your time defending, you’re nevergoing to advance as quickly as if you spend your resources on attacking andgaining. It’s a game, so take a little risk and ATTACK! However, if your shieldsare up after an attack, make use of that time – build armies, rebuild your city,that kind of thing.
Spend Gems Wisely
You get lots of chances to spend your gems on a variety of features. Be carefulwhat you use them for, because they have real value. Don’t waste them on simplethings like getting more time. Use them to advance or get permanent benefits.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Clash of Clans yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Clash of Clans yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Clash of Clans yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Clash of Clans yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Clash of Clans yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Clash of Clans yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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DOWNLOAD OUR FREE EBOOK: 7 Steps To Building Your Custom Dream Home ✅
By reading this eBook you will learn the 7 crucial steps involved in building your custom dream home.
Link here: https://www.elitebuilding.com.au/freedownload/
This eBook will guide you through the planning and design journey required in order to build your custom dream home from conception to obtaining your Building Contract abs Building Permit!
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This stunning kitchen is the entertaining hub of this beautiful home in Drouin. 
It was such a joy to create with our amazing team with a commitment to excellence. It is truly beautiful. 
To see more of this home, please visit this link: https://youtu.be/0XjrLaCMPZk or you can also find it on our Instagram TV, Facebook or on our YouTube Channel. 
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11 AUGUST 2020
Head over your the State Revenue Office and apply for the Home Builder Grant to determine your eligibility and potentially receive $25,000!! 
The links are here for the information: https://www.sro.vic.gov.au/owning-property/australian-homebuilder-grant
And here to apply: https://www.firsthome.gov.au/homebuilder/vic/
The Commissioner of State Revenue has extended the construction commencement requirement by 3 months. This means that applicants have six months from the signing of an eligible building contract to commence construction. 
Let me know if you have any queries or need any help. 
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24 JULY 2020
More information has been released about the HomeBuilder Grant today. Applications are to be lodged online via an online portal on the State Revenue Office website. All applications must be received by 31 December 2020. 
Applicants are able to lodge their application once an eligible contract has been entered into (after 4 June). Applications are expected to have a 15 working day turnaround. 
This is an exciting time for first home buyers. If you are eligible for the first home owners grant and are building in a regional area (I.e.Baw Baw Shire) you may be eligible for both State and Federal grants, together with the HomeBuilder grant - THAT’S A HUGE $70,000 in grants!!! What an incredible entry into the property market. 
Please give me a call to discuss your eligibility. Full guidelines are available here: www.sro.vic.gov.au/homebuilder-grant-guidelines
What are you waiting for? Take up this opportunity while it is there. That means starting the design process now to ensure you have your contract ready before the end of 2020. 
We are here to help with anything you need. 
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CHECK OUT the latest issue of BuildHome magazine, available now and showcasing the HIA Victorian Award Winners, including Elite Building Services! 
I’ve included photos of our feature in this post and you can also view it here: https://issuu.com/unimags/docs/bhv57_100dpi 
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We are still open and operating strictly within the government guidelines for new home construction. We have clear signage onsite and the coronavirus declaration is to be completed in the HazardCo app via the QR code on our site fences before entry is allowed on site. If you are feeling unwell. Please #stayhome
We have adapted our business so that we may continue to operate during this time. We have innovated and continue to improve our business and ourselves so that we can best serve our customers and will continue to do so to give you our best. 
We hope that we can help to make this time a little less daunting for those who are currently building their dream home and for those still wishing to start to build as well keeping you updated with all relevant information as it comes from the government. 
Also, don’t forget about the Home Builder Grant either. $25,000 is an amazing start for those who are eligible. Better still, you are a first home buyer and are building in regional Victoria, you may be eligible for the state and federal FHOGs as well as home builder which is an amazing $70,000 boost. Contact us to discuss eligibility requirements on 1300 883 754 or at [email protected]
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