#youre 30 and you think the echo chamber you put yourself in on the internet is proof that clrly a vast majority of ppl agree w u
sybbi · 4 months
"If enough of us vote third party for president, we could actually GET somewhere with our policy goals!"
Baby girl you can't even get a majority of third party/independents in a single state legislature. In the past 30 years there have been seven independent/third party state governors, and of those, only three were genuinely independent. The rest either got elected as a R/D and switched mid-term when they alienated themselves from their state party, got elected as I and then switched to R/D during their terms (with some of them having served the R/D parties before), or served as proxy candidates with heavy backing and support from one of the major two parties. Even VERMONT, a relative stronghold for independent/third party candidates -- the place that brought you Bernie Sanders -- doesn't have a majority of third party candidates. And when I call them a stronghold, I mean they are the only state (I know of) that consistently elects (less than a handful of) Independent candidates to the state legislature; the place is still dominated by Ds and Rs.
"The highest power in the land can't actually be voted on so there's no reason to vote for the democrats"
Hey princess here are some high school civics question for you: How are Supreme Court judges nominated? :) By what process are they appointed? Who starts that process? :) Why is the Supreme Court considered reflective of who has won the presidency? :)
#the reason you 'cant get anywhere' with your policies is bc youre not the political strategists you think you are#some of you barely know how your own government functions and it fucking shows#and it would be one thing if i looked in ur bios and u were like. 15 or smthg.#but 30?!?!?! you're 30 yrs old and you dont understand that the rsn rvw was overturned under biden is bc trump got his foot in the door???#youre 30 and youll rant abt the long lasting effects of reagan's presidential policies but you cant fathom trump might have left#a similarly long-lasting legacy??#youre 30 and you think the echo chamber you put yourself in on the internet is proof that clrly a vast majority of ppl agree w u#and theres no need to play politics when the democrats couls just wave their wands and fix everything if they werent so evil#despite the fact that both of the ladt two elections about half the population was voting for trump???#the tight margins btwn repub and democrat in congress shld tell you that#you are 30 and dont understand what strategic voting is?#youre 30 and you dont understand the difference between state laws and federal laws#youre 30 and youre upset that joe biden is a 'fascist dictator' but not in the way that gives you everything you want?#youre 30 and youre acting like biden and the dems operate in a vacuum without interference feom political enemies and#moneyed interests that have thrown up lawsuits and obstructionist tactics and misinformation#everytime the try to do something good?#youre 30 and you think palestine will be saved if joe's not in office when the only other viable candidate in the running#was cozy with netanyahu and advocated 'finishing the job' re:palestine and moved the embassy to jerusalem#in a clr fuck you to any palestinian feelings?#youre 30??? youre 30 and you never outgrew the 'mommy and daddy made me mad so I'm gonna smoke to get back at them' mentality???
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Your blog is a masterclass example of untreated mania. Like what's up with your increased usage of r*tard?
the increased volume of retards like yourself that think your opinion matters.
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you realize your hyperobsession with my blog and distinctly unwell way of trying to police how people talk is, in fact, masterclass untreated mania... right?
You realize my anon box aint a mirror. Now fuck off back to the Whore Squad. go find some other shit you're powerless to control to make squawking noises at. I'm sure there's a thread you can act like a shrill victim for attention in somewhere out there. jesus yall, find someone to touch you, i know you all look like ass but goddamnit if shea can find someone at 400 lbs you can too. Given the only other man able to tolerate her is one that acts like a five year old girl. Maybe you can bitch trans guys like Mark into conforming to you until their DM interactions are indiscernible from a 15 year old girl. Me, I intend to pass as a man, and the first step of that is nobody gives a FUCK about your opinion, Karla.
i'm not your father. I'm not here to make you comfortable, princess, and the sooner you learn that a bunch of grown women can stop acting like spoiled teenagers. You come here, not the other way around. That is *definitional* mania. "OH MY GOD, THERE IS A MAN SAYING THINGS I DONT APPROVE OF, TIME TO WASTE HOURS EVERY DAY FOR YEARS OF MY LIFE PRETENDING I CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT" - some cunt that's gonna act like they can't figure out how this is a culturally gendered trait.
I'm genuinely baffled like. Did none of your dads have male friends? Do you not have male coworkers? Do you only live with terminally online people toeing in LGBT comms without a single foot in the real world? Have you ever talked to a man outside of the internet.
Stop pretending you care about anything than yourself, you self absorbed cunts. Me NOT typing out "jesus christ robert has downes syndrome and would call these people retarded" and keeping it in my head doesn't unthink it or undo the reality, it just keeps you from facing how retarded you sound because omg feels bad.
naw. if I can have a long conversation with a real life trans male alongside myself that also has walked and lived it upwards of 30 years like me, and we can all agree you're acting like crazy bitches trying to keep trans men to your crazy bitches ideal, maybe you should figure out why Mark was about five seconds from getting the gay mark of cain in the state. Men don't fucking need your approval, rhonda, and the best I can give transmascs that bend over to your insane garbage is being little boys, because otherwise, you'll call me a gatekeeper when I say every trans man I know outside of your echo chambers considers half of yall fadsters just now realizing what the FUCK you signed up for and real mad when you encounter the culture. Culture will not change for you. That is an AFAB privilege, expecting comfort from any random man walking by or default respect or whatever the fuck. Put your big boy pants on, and the rest of you stop using him as a meatshield.
Stop pretending banishing people pointing out that you're acting retarded stops people from thinking you're acting retarded, or pretending you're doing any service for a protected group, when people with mental handicaps are 1. aware 2. generally humorous as fuck about it. The only people that aren't are fragile butterflies like yourself that get angry, then your anger at that you pretend is your defense of them while being deeply offended at the connection. Get bent, you fake ass witches. This bullshit is why the black community rejects intersectionality. Always ends up being some white cunt at the middle pretending to be offended on behalf of everybody else they mostly talk over anyway while missing 95% of the points and making their own versions up, but it works great among other similar lifeless white cunts all telling each other you got everybody else good by acting hysterical, yelling at random twitter blogs, and ignoring context or merit but DAMN you got 3 likes from your other fellow cunts, good job, something to fill that hole your husbands won't.
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easterndaylighttime · 2 years
I do have to have another bitch moment. the absolute internet brain rot of that article by a 30 year old who fell for the depp propaganda machine and then hung around on a different subreddit for a while and realized she'd been lied to but every other sentence is like "I wasn't even seeking out this content, all I did was watch a bunch of youtube videos that were recommended to me (not my fault!) and spend hours on insane person tiktok and reddit (it was on my home page!)" and it's like???? i won't accept these people's being treated as cult victims, if your critical thinking skills are so weak you'll buy the cheapest brand of misogyny put in front of you then you should keep yourself off the echo chamber generator app
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jemariel · 7 years
30 Questions Tag Game
Tagged by @starsinursa Thankz!
Gender: Genderqueer/nonbinary
Birthday: March 25th
Last movie seen: I put on Hook the other day “for background noise” but I hadn’t seen it in years and forgot how good it is. I was immediately.... hooked ;D 
What do you post/reblog: Supernatural and Destiel primarily. All kinds of fandom stuff, though I tend to shy away from meta/speculation. 
Last thing you Googled: Why is a honey dipper shaped like that? (I did not find a satisfactory answer. Wikipedia, I am disappoint.)
Favorite blog: Oh my gosh..... So many excellent blogs........ I don’t think I could pick one x_x
Dream job: Part time (but pays well enough to keep me secure), close to home, in a laboratory setting for an environmental regulation and protection agency. Leaves me enough time and energy to write and go camping and do crafts and all my other hobbies. (My current job fulfills exactly one of those requirements -- it is in a lab.)
Dream trip: The more I think about it, the more I just want to live in a little village in Ireland for like six months with no responsibilities and the freedom to explore the British Isles at my leisure.
What would be your first entry in a new diary: Probably a list of stories I want to write or an outline of the one I was about to start. 
Top 3 things you love about yourself: Being able to write well enough; The comfort and confidence I’ve found with who I am; My positive outlook.
3 things you wish you knew how to do: Make confident decisions at work; Play more than 4 chords on the guitar; Manage money better.
Something you wish you had discovered/ invented first: The Galapagos Islands. (IDK)
3 qualities you like in a person: Not taking oneself too seriously; Enthusiasm; Snarkiness.
3 qualities you dislike in a person: Thoughtlessness or inconsideration; Not being able to take a joke; Deliberate unkindness.
Favorite planet: Mars. It’s so close and we know so much about it, it really feels like another PLACE, you know?
A resolution you make every year: I mean there’s the usual.... get in shape... but I don’t really do resolutions.
Something you’re better at than most people: Ummmmmmm I have a really excellent memory for spoken word and sequences of events.
Something you’re worse at than most people: Talking on the phone.
Favorite thing about tumblr: Your tumblr experience can be anything you want it to be. No matter what you’re interested in, there’s a corner of tumblr just for you, and you can carve out your own happy little niche surrounded by things you love.
Least favorite thing about tumblr: The corollary: Tumblr is one of the easiest places on the internet to create an echo chamber where all you hear and see are opinions you agree with. It’s very easy to develop a skewed perspective of the world that way.
Weapon of choice: (ง •̀_•́)ง
Something not many people know about you: When I was in high school I could put my fist in my mouth. I could also do weird tricks with my tongue (I can still do weird tongue tricks; the fist thing not so much). I was also innocent enough to have no idea what people were talking about when they said things like “You’re gonna make some guy very happy one day” even though I had been reading explicit m/m fanfiction since I was like 14.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite means of transport: Train!
Favorite story: The Secret Garden. Themes of renewal and rebirth, finding your feet after devastating loss or change, letting go of the past so that you can appreciate the good that’s around you now... Expressed with nature metaphors in the palette of the north English countryside. It’s gorgeous. (Also the Broadway musical is PHENOMENAL.)
Chicken or egg: Egg.
Something that always makes you laugh: None Pizza with Left Beef. Every fucking time. I don’t think anything on the internet has ever made me laugh as hard as that stupid tumblr meme.
What is the strangest thing about you: I mean, I spend most of my time thinking about the same two characters confessing their love to one another and then getting it on over and over again in myriad different situations and scenarios.... but at least I’m in good company!
You get to switch places with someone for a day, who is it and why: My cat. I’d get to lay around my house all day, enjoying my bed and blankets and getting cuddles whenever I wanted them. (Though if my cat had to go to work for me I would probably be out of a job.)
I tag! @silvie111 @naruhearts @gneisscastiel @suckerfordeansfreckles @yeneffersalamander @paperwhitenarcissus @daughter-of-the-rain-and-snow @babyinthetrench @woahthisguy @rosemoonweaver @magnificent-winged-beast If you’d like and if you haven’t already done it. Love you all <3
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ronaldmrashid · 7 years
The Google Manifesto: Conform Or Perish
Once upon a time, I was 28 and dumb. But I was never as dumb as author James Damore who wrote a 3,200 word manifesto saying the reason why women and some minorities aren’t more represented at his firm is due to biological differences. That’s just offensive to the women and minorities who made it to Google.
Overall, Google’s workforce is 69% male, 31% female. However, when it comes to technical positions, just 20% of the jobs are filled by women. 56% of the workforce is White, 35% Asian, 4% Hispanic, 2% Black, 4% bi-racial, and less than 1% Other.
After a decade of trying to become more diverse, Google is clearly has not done a great job since African Americans represent roughly 12.4% and Hispanics about 17% of US the population. Interestingly, when it comes to diversity, Asian Americans don’t seem to count for some reason, even though they are an even smaller minority at only 6% of the US population.
Given Damore is now unemployed and facing potential financial difficulties (if he doesn’t win his lawsuit), I wanted to discuss some important lessons everybody who depends on a job to survive should think about. This is a site about financial freedom after all.
Lessons Learned From The Google Manifesto Fiasco
1) If you are not financially independent, never offend anybody. Something must have really bothered James to spend hours writing his manifesto. I’m guessing he was ticked off because he was passed over for a raise or promotion, and found it unfair that Google has career help programs specifically for underrepresented groups of people.
Welcome to the real world, where even working at one of the most prestigious organizations can make you unsatisfied. Even though you’ve already won the job lottery (0.2% acceptance rate), you curiously think the system is stacked against you.
Check your bank account. Do you have at least a couple years of living expenses locked away? If not, then keep quiet. Check your net worth tracking account. Does it at least equal 20X your gross annual income? If not, then shut up. Check your passive income streams. Can they cover all your living expenses? If not, then what the hell are you doing trying to piss off your managers and peers?!
Performance is only 50% of the way to get ahead at a large organization. The other 50% is developing a large support network who will fight for you at every rung of the ladder. Ostracizing 30% of your peer group when you need a consensus to ascend is a career limiting move.
A List Of Career Limiting Moves To Blow Up Your Future
Once You Have F U Money, It’s Hard To Tell People To F Off!
2) Conform or perish. Before joining a company, you need to have a thorough understanding of the company’s culture and ideology. Every large tech company in the SF Bay Area like Facebook, Google, Salesforce, Airnbnb and Apple has a left-leaning ideology. Therefore, after accepting a job offer, it’s unwise to come out against your company’s ideology.
Damore writes, “When it comes to diversity and inclusion, Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence.”
That’s just the way it is James. If you decide to parlay your Harvard Master’s degree in Systems Biology to become a software engineer at a company you don’t respect for the sake of money and prestige, then that’s on you. Find a company that has the ideology you believe in.
No student is going to the University of Michigan to wear Ohio State sweaters to class. No person expects to live long if they continuously overeat. No financial freedom seeker expects to be rich without investing. Be congruent in your thoughts and actions.
Related: What If You Go To Harvard And End Up A Nobody?
3) Women have a powerful voice in the media. If you write about anything that may be construed as anti-women, you are putting your career and reputation in peril. The vast majority of people who have written about the Google Manifesto fiasco are women. Here’s a list of organizations that wrote about the subject and their authors:
NBC News – Alyssa Newcomb, Jo Ling Kent
Fortune – Ellen McGirt
Gizmod0 Kate Congert
Quartz – Gwynn Guilford
Wired – Nitasha Tiku
Inc. – Suzanne Lucas
Motherboard Vice – Louise Matsakis
Recode – Kara Swisher
Pando – Sarah Lacy
In many large organizations, women are well-represented in diversity leadership positions and HR roles. Don’t make enemies with the very people who can decide your fate. If you are a heterosexual male who was constantly rejected by women growing up because you were a super nerd, instead of being angry, work on your communication skills instead.
Related: The Difficulties Of Pregnancy: More Help Needed For Working Moms
4) Lack of diversity is not hard fought across job functions. Someone on the Twitter echo chamber brought up a good point, “Nobody fights about lack of diversity in modest paying jobs.” So true if you think about different industries with a disproportionate number of men or women. For example, I don’t recall seeing any outrage about the lack of men teaching K – 12 even though women make up ~75% of all teachers. Maybe I just missed it.
Teaching is one of the most important occupations in the world. Why aren’t more equal rights advocates up in arms about the lack of equality? The simple and sad reason is because the median pay for an elementary teacher is only about $40,000 compared to a software engineer who can easily make $200,000+ in  salary and stock.
Society is so wrapped up in money and prestige that they conveniently forget there is inequality everywhere, not just at famous companies which pay handsome salaries. If you choose to fight for equality, try to fight for equality for everyone. The people who make less probably need more help.
After the teaching industry, let’s look for more racial representation in the NBA. I’d love to see at least 6% of the players be Asian. Basketball is huge in Asia and amongst Asian people in America. With over 4 billion Asian people in the world (more than half), more Asians in the NBA would be great for business.
After Five Years Of Unemployment I Finally Found A Dream Job
Why Don’t More Men Go Into Teaching? (NYT)
5) Employment is at-will. Unlike countries like France or Japan, where getting fired is unheard of, employees have little protection here in the United States. Allowing companies to fire employees for whatever reason is part of why we’re the leaders in innovation. America is a cut throat society that thrives on capitalism.
See what the Supreme Court of California has to say about at-will employment.
“An employer may terminate its employees at will, for any or no reason … the employer may act peremptorily, arbitrarily, or inconsistently, without providing specific protections such as prior warning, fair procedures, objective evaluation, or preferential reassignment … The mere existence of an employment relationship affords no expectation, protectable by law, that employment will continue, or will end only on certain conditions, unless the parties have actually adopted such terms.”
As soon as you become mindful that you can be fired at any time, you’ll be more willing to assimilate into the Borg. Make no mistake. If you do not moonlight or build alternative income streams, you’ve chosen to put your entire livelihood in the hands of an organization.
Related: Ranking The Best Passive Income Investments
6) Go Small Or Go On Your Own. If by now you’re upset about having to conform to groupthink, then leave and join a much smaller company or become an entrepreneur. Large companies naturally become more bureaucratic because they employ a larger representation of the American people (except for Google and many of the other tech companies per their diversity reports). One of the biggest fears every company has is getting sued for discrimination. Therefore, a tremendous effort is made to ensure proper systems are in place to make sure everybody gets along (except for at Uber).
As an entrepreneur for the past five years with only my wife to report to, I’ve found making work decisions to be 10X faster than when I worked at a firm with tens of thousands of people. We work with online contractors we’ve never met before e.g. our system administrator. We’ve had business meetings with hundreds of different men and women from all races and backgrounds. Not once did a person’s sex or race come into consideration for working together. It always came down to whether the product was a natural fit for my writing or whether the person was competent to produce good work.
You should not turn into a cancer that negatively affects everyone you’re working with. Someone else will happily take your place if you don’t want it. After getting a terrible bonus despite strong performance, I decided to engineer my layoff instead of complain. I believed in myself more than my company believed in me.
Either take the money and stop biting the hand that feeds you or move on.
If You Need Money, Proceed With Caution
Life is already hard enough as it is. Don’t make things harder on yourself by blowing up your career if you aren’t already rich. It’s OK to speak your unfiltered mind if you are OK with the consequences. Just know that whatever you write will last forever on the internet. Pick up the phone or meet someone face-to-face if you want to insult them. But before you do, learn some self-defense!
Related: Are You Smart Enough To Act Dumb Enough To Get Ahead
Readers, did you read the Google Manifesto? If so, what do you think? Why don’t more people fight for equality in modest or lower paying jobs? Has society become so infatuated with the top 1% that they’ve ignored the plight of everyone else? Why do people who don’t have FU money like to make life harder on themselves?
from http://www.financialsamurai.com/the-google-manifesto-conform-or-perish/
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