thewritingdungeon · 3 years
Pollution from Good Omens for the Tarot Challenge, please. I love your cards ♥
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Now this is gonna be interesting...
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whatafuckinnerd · 3 years
2, 6, and 20 for the writing meme pretty please!
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project   Well, just last night I plotted out a big reveal moment/first kiss scene for my latest OC, and my two biggest enablers are demanding I write it. I’m pretty excited to get that put onto paper. 
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?   Hmmm... Honestly, I have fun writing pretty much all the characters I write for. I’m a sucker for great dialogue so I get to write a lot of really fun lines with the characters I tend to write, both canon and OC. If I had to pick though, I’d likely go with a tie between Wrench from Watch Dogs 2 and Blaine DeBeers from iZombie. 
Wrench is so ridiculous and volatile that writing something for him is always a wild and weird ride. As for Blaine, he’s such a charming scumbag, and getting to write how he would quip and schmooze and threaten his way through everything is an absolute delight.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)   Oh no... you don’t understand, friend. I do so much of this. I put so much work into detail no one will ever notice. Even just picking one* story, I put so much meta work into it. I mean, I’ll do it. Don’t you worry. But it’ll have to be its own post. 
*one story, but in two parts, from both POVs
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aurorarosepetal · 7 years
RULES: Tell me your favorite character from 10 fictional works (Shows, Movies, Novels, Etc.) & tag 10 people!
I was tagged by @winter-deerling and holy fuck like??? just 10??? These aren’t in order, honestly, just the first 10 characters I can think of
1. Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
2. Moana (Moana)
3. Rapunzel (Tangled)
4. Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
5. Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
6. D.Va (Overwatch)
7. Emily (Corpse Bride)
8. Yang (RWBY)
9. Opal (Steven Universe)
10. Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
Tag 10 people???? Fucking hell... uuuuh @wudonnas, @holtzmann-af, @heatherbmxer, @sapphic-corgi, @officiallapislazuli, @spuddymuffin, @harvest-the-wheatley, @dangxiaolong, @imlumpingamazingstuff, @yourfloorislava
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wyrmforge · 8 years
You're going to show the Pope a game in which a warrior monk tells the religion he used to follow to fuck off for screwing the world over with their apathy and internal corruption? Nice. Agree 100%
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sp0nchy · 9 years
Windpipe and wrists? And if so, how?
Ask me about my body. (¬‿¬)
Windpipe: Do you sing? Yes actually, I'm not great but I love to sing when there's no one around. Sometimes I record covers and then just put them on my soundcloud before I realise what I've done
Wrists: Have you ever broken a bone? I broke my wrist playfighting with my sister, I ended up missing a good part of the closing ceremony of the 20212 Olympics because I was in hospital... Got to see Muse perform though ^-^
Thank you yourfloorislava!!
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sunieepo · 9 years
I truly loved both Regal and Presea though. Regal was a joy to use in combat, despite constantly running out of TP. And Presea added more depth and backstory to Rodyle's arc.
I really have no problem with them by themselves - I just can't stand the way they were written into the story. They had barely really any lines after their mini-arc concluded, as if they were forgotten entirely by the storyline. It seems to me that Regal especially was just "thrown in" to even out the Sylvarant + Tethe'alla ratios. While Presea has some level of relevance due to her equivalence to Colette, Regal is really just like another Kratos. If we had more time to spend with them, more time to really care about them, I would not have minded them, but otherwise they feel random, almost auxiliary.
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tovanori · 9 years
your blog is so cool!
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whatafuckinnerd · 5 years
I done been tagged by @iridescentai, and I’ve never been tagged in one of these things before sooooo let’s go
-Relationship Status: single
-Favorite Color: I like dark shades and muted shades, but don’t have specific favorite colors
-Top 3 Ships: I don’t actually ship like other people do?? Like, I appreciate ships, but I don’t actively root for any. 
-Last Song: Last song I listened to was Everybody Gets High by MISSIO
-Last movie: Alita Battle Angel
I encourage anyone who wants to do this to pretend I tagged them, but I’ll specifically tag @thehoardofthegreatdragon, @main-redironrouge and @yourfloorislava cuz I can.
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sterling-doyle · 9 years
Gaaaah your theme and header are the best! Love Sakurasou!
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yourfloorislava replied to your post: “Male or Female Shepard?”:
Not sure if you've been advised already, but never choose the neutral option. Always paragon/renegade.
I'm a weenie when I play video games in general I'm always nice to people I was getting paragon by accident
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whatafuckinnerd · 7 years
E Q U W Y ;>
e – easiest person to talk to     People...people aren’t easy to talk to. I’ll choose the person that’s been in my life longest and knows me and my patterns best and has thus learned how to best engage/interact with me, @yourfloorislava​. Literally can’t get rid of him going on 8 years now. 
q – question you’re always asked      “What are your preferred pronouns?” or, as of late, “what happened to your back/why are you walking with a cane?” The answer to both, if anyone wants to know, is A) I have none (don’t refer to me), and B) My body has been trying to kill me since I was a child, but unfortunately belongs to me so it’s too fucking lazy to finish the job. This is it’s most recent attempt in the form of a back injury.That parenthetical part is a joke...sort of. 
u – underwear color      Oh, darling, I’m not wearing any =O
w – worst habit     Flaking. I flake like a motherfucker. I just am not good with people. Even people I like. I’m a full-blown hermit at this point in my life. Positive note, though, my crazy pills are working on this with small amounts of success!
y – your favorite food      Oh fuck. I love food. I just fucking love it. Even when I’m on my ADHD meds and can’t eat even half a meal without getting full. I fucking love food. How do I choose?! Umm...pasta? I love pasta. But I think I’ll go with asian bbq. Mongolian, Korean, ooh! Shabu shabu! Which, okay, I know isn’t bbq but fuck it, I’m gonna count it cuz it’s kind of the same style. Yea, asian bbq is just the fucking best. It beats pasta. And gravy. And potstickers. And sweets of all kinds - even nothing bundt cakes, this bakery by my house which is to die for seriously I’m super fucking fat right now because I basically ate an entire bundt cake from them for my birthday last month (and then had a second cake but hush!). Phiily cheese steaks get beaten by asian bbq. In-n-out loses out. Okay I need to stop because I’m getting hungry again and if I eat any more food tonight I will have to throw away my Blob-in-Training sign because I’ll have reached by goal. 
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whatafuckinnerd · 8 years
I love being myself in all my brusqueness, hermitry, and candor because it means the friends in my life work well as foils to my grumpy-ass attitude
Me: FRIEND! POKEMON STUFF IS HAPPENING! Friend(s): I know! How exciting! I can’t wait to choose a starter! Me: Me too! Btw you’re getting Sun because I’m getting Moon and I said so.  Friend(s): Okay! =D
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