cherimina · 1 year
Here are some things you might wish you could do during your 20s in the summertime:
Travel: Explore new destinations, whether it's a road trip, a backpacking adventure, or a tropical getaway. Take advantage of your youth and freedom to experience different cultures and make unforgettable memories.
Learn a new skill or hobby: Use the summer months to pick up a new skill or hobby that interests you. It could be anything from learning to play a musical instrument, painting, photography, surfing, or cooking. Summer provides a great opportunity to invest time in personal growth and self-improvement.
Volunteer or give back: Dedicate some of your time to volunteering for a cause that you're passionate about. It could involve helping at a local community center, participating in environmental clean-ups, or supporting a charity event. Making a positive impact on others' lives can be incredibly rewarding.
Embrace outdoor activities: Take advantage of the warm weather and longer days by engaging in outdoor activities. Go hiking, camping, swimming, kayaking, or have a picnic in the park. Enjoy the beauty of nature and stay active while having fun.
Build meaningful relationships: Summer is a great time to connect with friends, family, and new people. Organize gatherings, host barbecues, or plan weekend trips with your loved ones. Foster deep and lasting relationships that will enrich your life.
Attend music festivals or concerts: Summer is known for its vibrant music scene. Explore local music festivals or attend concerts of your favorite artists. Immerse yourself in the energy of live performances and create memorable experiences.
Read and expand your knowledge: Set aside time for reading and personal enrichment. Choose books across various genres, both fiction and non-fiction, that ignite your curiosity and expand your knowledge on different subjects.
Focus on personal wellness: Prioritize your well-being by incorporating self-care practices into your routine. Engage in activities like yoga, meditation, or outdoor workouts. Take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health.
Start a passion project: Use the summer months to pursue a passion project or side hustle. Whether it's starting a blog, launching an online store, or creating artwork, devote time to something that brings you joy and allows you to express your creativity.
Reflect and set goals: Take some time to reflect on your aspirations and set goals for the future. Use the summer as an opportunity to evaluate your progress, identify areas for growth, and plan your next steps.
Remember, your 20s are a time of self-discovery and personal growth. Make the most of the summer season by exploring new opportunities, nurturing relationships, and investing in your well-being.
CHECK IN HERE : https://kit.co/Cherimina/chic-and-timeless-unveiling-the-must-have-one-piece-swimsuit-for-2023
CHEK IN : https://kit.co/Cherimina/summer-elegance-2023-chic-hats-for-stylish-sun-protection
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taxmaazra · 11 months
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Wishing the future leaders, scientists, and artists a very Happy Children's Day! Dream big, little ones, the world is yours to explore. #HappyChildrensDay #ChildhoodJoy #KidsDay #LittleStars #SmilesOfTomorrow #CelebratingInnocence #ChildrensDayCelebration #FutureLeaders #JoyfulMoments #KidsDeserveIt #TinyTots #WorldOfWonder #PlayfulHearts #KidsInspire #InnocenceUnleashed #HappinessIsChildhood #GigglesAndGrowth #ChildrensDayMagic #YouthfulDreams #ChildhoodAdventures
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boydwilcox-blog · 6 years
The Consequences of Our Dreams
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As a youth, many times we dream and ponder what our future will be. We contemplate a path that will take us forward to the vision of what we are to become. We take classes in high school and college or trade school that will benefit us with our journey toward our goal and feel the rush of what the benefit of our ambitions holds for us. However, we sometimes neglect to consider the consequences of our dreams. Oftentimes, when we think we can realize our dreams, through persistent work, we may not be prepared for the consequences of our endeavors. There are some dreams where the dangers are obvious, and there are those that we have yet to realize. As we begin to build a path for a fresh journey, we may not realize how we will be touched by the hope or the dangers of our dreams. The word consequence traditionally has a negative connotation; however, it also has a positive meaning. The consequence of hard work and study pays off when you receive a good grade in school or a raise in pay or a promotion at your place of employment. Our choices on the pathway to realizing our dreams may be filled with “pot-holes” and detours. Of course, we will most certainly experience the certainties of the downfalls, but they are what help us grow stronger and more resilient on our journey. A dream, when realized, may not be what you really want or need. You may find it is not the bright goal you had in mind, but a dark and uncertain place. This is when the negative consequence takes over. If you choose to stay in this negative experience, you will learn the dangers of not moving on or elevating yourself above the “dream” that is no longer truly meant for you. Reflect on what you can do to brighten your hopes and act on your impressions. Read the full article
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Why Happy Memories Sadden Us?
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Looking back to the happy memories of our youthful days brings a feeling of nostalgia. Feeling nostalgic often precipitates extreme sadness. Subsequently, we have this strong longing to live in the past more than in the present. Finally, the past becomes an ultimate obsession and our heart starts crumbling. We then ask ourselves why happy memories have so much power when breaking hearts. Happy Memories Are Overwhelming If the days of youth are spent well, we create memories we love to immortalize. As each day passes by, time buries them in its sands. Most often than not, time buries them to an unfathomable deep as if nothing ever happened. Many years later, the stockpile of memories hits us all at once. We miss these happy memories so much that they morph into grief somehow. Thinking about a fun-filled summer, one romantic rain shower, and so on makes us wonder where the people whom we (once) consider(ed) dear are now. Despite the burnt bridges or the preserved ones, a growing urge wants us to relive these memories. Moreover, we often suffocate from the desperation of transforming the past into present. The tales of our innocence are not as complex as the lives of the adults. And, we just want to rid all the complexities we experience in the present. Thus, we become transfixed at something that is impossible. This event is not only limited to happy memories. In fact, sad memories also have their ways of overwhelming us. Sometimes they even disrupt our reverie of happy memories. From this, our sadness heightens even further. Accepting Memories as They Are Memories are extremely addictive, especially the happy memories. But, we must learn to accept that these memories are nothing more than just mere memories now. The only thing left to do is to cherish them. Grieving over the days the youthful days only leaves us devastated as they morph into an obsession. If you feel missing someone whom you shared a significant past, try reaching out to them to catch up. You can talk about the good old days like they only happened yesterday. Allowing sadness to take over as you reminisce sweet memories may poison these memories. Hence, you have to start looking back at them to help you weather whatever the storms you are in. Happy memories are worthy of preservation. Mixing sadness with them turns them sour and often leads to burning of bridges. Accept the memories as they are, and smile because they happened. Read the full article
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kk3327465 · 6 years
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華麗轉身”剛開始進去可能不覺得有啥關聯 但越走後面越能感受到... 並帶著第一次看展的人ha 個人比較偏好中間的White Ocean 的部分 是可以好好靜下來享受由燈光打下來的舒適與寧靜 應該最多人的地方,不外乎就是Youthful Dream-青春夢 由光影及雕塑利用水晶球的投射去觀賞,真的滿吸引人眼球 - 詠嘆青春已內化為我們生活中,無所不在的文化現象與環境現實 逝去的青春回不來,我們所要面對的... 就是這個所在的現實 就像青春時的夢想及情感,是這樣的美好!! 回不去的過去 更加叮囑我們去珍惜現在所擁有... 即使過去很值得留戀 #thecharismaticrebirthofyore#meunderthestarrysky#whiteocean#youthfuldream #museum #contemporaryart #moca (在 台北當代藝術館 MOCA Taipei)
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What Became of Yesterday’s Tomorrows?
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Have you ever reached the point of your life when you wondered what became of yesterday’s tomorrows? Destined to move on, we simply sigh at the chances we lost and thereby the unachieved tomorrows. Obsessing over this thought often violently twists our present selves. Yet, we have to consider that maybe the yesterday’s tomorrows are not really entirely lost. Perhaps there remain possibilities for us to achieve them. If we really desire these dreams, then we have to believe and commit beyond doubts to that great perhaps. But before taking actions of our plans, let’s ponder deeply on what has become of our yesterday’s tomorrows. The Bold Yesterday’s Tomorrows When we were young, we dreamed freely at our fancy’s content. Our dreams were so vivid, daring, and full of great causes all combined into a ball of innocence. We were once filled with a burning passion that compelled us to move forward each day. But, we came face to face with storms that were impossible to weather. As we grew old, we met greater tempests that have dimmed our fires. Although we met familiar rainbows along the way, some storms were just too much that they left us devastated. Even in the state of sheer devastation, we saw rainbows—but with a decreased enthusiasm from then onward. Due to these events, we let go of our yesterday’s tomorrows to find anything that fills our loss. Though these are left with a leveling dust on the shelves, some events or people remind us of them without the intention to do so. Our heart aches at the mere glimpse of these memories. Distraught from the disappointments, we succumb to the suffocating tension. Even then, we hold the dreams of many a yesterday dear no matter how much we deny it. We have to understand that some of these dreams maybe are really not just for us. Or, these dreams are yet to be achieved. Maybe it’s not yet too late to dust off the thickening dust of defeat from our yesterday’s tomorrow. But, how do we do it? Reviving the Dimmed Passion to Life When thinking about our past dreams, we doubt the chances of successfully bringing those dreams to life. The attitude to take action without believing we can do it nullifies all our attempts. For these dreams to be successful, we have to have a renewed faith. A broken faith only grows doubts that destroy both our dreams and us. If you want to believe again in those dreams, you have to rid the thoughts of previous failures. Fill your mind with thoughts of breakthroughs rather than doubts. Most importantly, you have to start believing in your abilities and skills more than ever. Maybe by then, you’ll realize your yesterday’s tomorrows have not become just yet. They still are becoming. Read the full article
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