#yrui katsuki
capsensislagamoprh · 7 months
Head cannon nonsence:
Shit two dork assed teenagers did at the onsen because they are idiots who respect there elders/ actually like Yuuri's parents.
Cleaned the gutters: Otabek cleaned them, Yuri mostly took the bags of stuff to where they needed to go.
Fell asleep on the roof: Victor was getting to Yuri. Otabek wanted to read in peace. He went to the roof. Yuri followed. Sleep happened.
Almost fell off the roof: See previous entry and know that Yuri almost rolled off. Fortunately, Otabek has great reflexes to make up for his lesser dexterity.
Cleaned out the storage room: Everyone else kept getting caught up in sentimental memories. Yuri was for burning it all, so Otabek actually did the sorting. This was great fun. Turns out Yuuri has a lot of old clothes he saved, and they found his poster collection. Victor is delighted.
Change light bulbs: Yuri standing on Otabek's shoulders makes them about teen feet tall-ish. Mari walked along with them. Yuri pulled out old ones, handed it to Otabek, who handed it to Mari. Mari handed Otabek a new light bulb, who handed it to Yuri, who put it in and closed the fixture where ever needed. Otabek's shoulders hurt after the whole onsen was done but wont say a word. Just rolls them a few times.
Dust the high places: Same dynamic as above, only with a feather duster and cloth. Otabek's shoulders need a break, but it's good stamina and weight lifting training.
Clean and polish the Katsuki's car: This was mostly to impress on Yuri how much time vehicle maintenance takes, but they gave the boy a hose and someone to turn it on, and if that someone happens to be very hot dripping wet and about to get vengeance, well that's just a bonus. You know once water gets involved, Victor and Yuuri get in there too because fun times will be had by all.
Accidentally on purpose teach a bunch of seagulls how to terrorize rude tourists for french fries: Look, Otabek is deviously patient, and once Yuri finds that out he will find a way to turn those traits to evil. Like asking Otabek how to get vengeance on someone who was rude to Mrs. Katsuki. Yuri wont stand for it. French fry lured seagulls, Otabek says with a straight face, because of course he does. What's that? Well, you lure seagulls one french fry at a time to the aria where rude tourists usually gather so they are haggard by said avian for food, thus giving them a shuddering terror of the birds every time they have a meal outside. Parking lots near coastal towns will never be the same.
Get told not to lure seagulls with french fries: they are amassing an army and it's starting to scare people.
Climb a lamp post: This is mostly a dare. Until Yuri can't get down. Otabek helps him, but they never speak of how long it took for Yuri to get back to ground level again because he was afraid to let go of the pole until he knew Otabek would catch him. It becomes an inside joke. May or may not be why the Russian skate team keeps trying to get Otabek to catch them. (Only Yuri is allowed this privileged.)
Discover Otabek is an absolute heater when he's asleep: Storms knock power out. Generator needed for fridge and such. It gets cold. Only room with heat? Yuri and Otabek's. Why? Because Otabek fell asleep hours ago, and radiates that pleasant sleepy warm like he was a small fusion star. Woke up wondering why he is surrounded by people laying on him, and questioning if he's allowed to move to go do morning things. Manages to find a way. Thirty minutes latter everyone else wakes up because all that heat dissipated quickly. It's okay. Powers back on a few hours latter.
Figure out exactly how many M&Ms Yuri can fit in his mouth: 37. He drools after that.
Discover Otabek's reading glasses actually make him hotter and that's an absolute fucking sin: look, he's just trying to do his homework, okay? Collage credits don't amass themselves.
Find out Otabek is a math dork: He and Yuri are watching ice skating play backs with Mari. Otabek is writing out equations absently mindedly as they do. When asked: it's the equations of the skaters jumps and spins. He's working out how to improve them per individual skater. For funzies. Yuri is both impressed and disgusted. No one should like math this much. And if they do, they shouldn't help the enemy. Otabek tells Yuri how to get higher on his quad and suddenly this is the best thing ever. Victor hears. Yuuri is impressed. Otabek winds up on the roof again, trying to escape. No, he is not going to school for maths.
Discover Yuri is actually a pretty good cook. Once he gets over the disgust of spots on vegetables, and figures out how to use a knife (thanks for that Mr. Katsuki, JJ is DOOMED), he's very methodical (perfectionist) so while it takes him longer, it turns out right most times.
Scare the living shit out of people: It's the three am five miles out, five miles back jog Otabek dose every day he can. Yuuri finds out and joins him. Makes breakfast taste better, they say. Yuri thinks they are nuts. Not for the running. For three am.
I got more, but honestly, I have so So SO much for these ice babies.
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azureumbram · 7 years
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My Yuri On Ice!!! Shrine 💙⛸
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callsign-blue · 8 years
Yuri On Ice
Why does Yuuri, Victor and Yurio remind me of the power-puff girls 😂😂 •Yuuri-blossom •Victor-Bubbles •Yurio-buttercup
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capsensislagamoprh · 7 months
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"Hello? Hello, is this thing connecting?" Phichit came thrugh in a patchy static, his face distorted by the crystal cut of the mirror.
"Hello Phichit. This is Christoph. How have you been, my old friend?"
"Well, well. Thank you. I don't often hear from you unless there's a need. So what is it this time? A new lover, a mortal treat? Do I need to get one of your court out of scandal again?"
Victor rose a brow, his gaze flicking up and down the man next to him. "You don't really order lovers from the mortal realm do you?"
"I never have to order any lover," Christoph grinned.
"Who is with you, Christoph?" Phichit asked, trying to see around the distorted edges for the source of the second voice.
"Ah, my dear, delicate flower," Christoph purred, "have I got a surprise for you!" With a sharp yank, he pulled the silver haired fey into view. "Meet Victor Nikiforov, Lord of Winter, or King of Ice, which ever you prefer," the last said with a flicker of his fingers.
Phichit straightened up immediately. A noble. A titled and realmed noble. It had been ages since he'd seen one. "Your majesty," he squeaked, quickly bowing. "How may the embassy be honored to help you today?"
Victor paused, eyes desperately crying out for Christoph to help him. Christoph wiggled his brows in response, eyes twinkling. Making a face Lilia would not approve, Victor composed his most winning smile, then turned back to the crystal mirror. "Ambassador. You wouldn't happen to know the were about of a fey, about this high, dark hair, horse?"
Victor looked blank. Gathering himself, he bubbled, "No, no. No. He's one of - " motioning to himself, with a glittering grin.
"A noble. In the real? Well, your majesty, I do have a full list of nobles for our records. Perhaps we could reduce the pool with more descriptive details?"
"Yes! This sounds good. Ask me your questions."
Phichit caught sight of Christoph stifling a giggle in the background. Pulling out a pad of paper and a yellow click pen, he schooled his features. "Alright, please tell me, your majesty, the court of the noble you are looking for."
Phichit made a note. "Season?"
Victor hesitated. "Fall and winter."
Phichit started to note this, then paused. "You can't be both. Which one is he more of?"
"There is not more of. He is both."
Christoph whispered over his shoulder, "Might as well tell him. He's going to need to know."
A deep breath. "I need to find the Hero."
"Oh, well that shouldn't be hard. He'll be where ever the need is greatest. How long do we have to find him?"
"Two weeks?"
"Two... weeks?" Phichit paused, looking at the scene thrugh his desk top mirror. "Forgive me your majesty, but that's... it takes enormous power to find someone in those places. I'd have to call in the worst sort of unseelie. Are you sure we can't push it out further? I could use trusted contacts, from ether court."
"Yes, well, the thing is, Beltaine is in three weeks, and we need time to prepare."
"Why not simply wait until after the change of courts?"
Victor's lips puckered into a tight circle, his eyes wide. "Ah, well, the thing about that is - "
"Is there a way to open the gates from your side?" Christoph asks.
"Oh! Well, yes, but it's dangerous."
"Dangerous! Yes! That will fetch him! Tell me all about it," Victor preens, palm on his chin.
"We'd have to ask."
"Ask? That's it? Open sesame the gates to Arcadia?"
Phichit's chin hit the back of his neck as Christoph rolled his eyes. The man really needed to get out more. "No, your majesty. You cannot 'open sesame' the gates to the dreaming. You have to offer them something, or brute force them."
"No, no brute forcing. Damages the dream. What about this offering."
"As it's a Seelie court, I'd say offer it a dream of fire and heat. Passion. Offer it growth. Something like that."
"Yeah, I mean, it should be easy if you have a dream or two of summer to spare. A spring dream wouldn't go amiss, honestly. You could choose to make a dream come true. That's powerful, though. It could take time. You said you only have two weeks?"
"If this is about the Hero, he always returns home. That's one of his basic foundations."
"Unless he's a tragic hero," Christoph said dramatically, back of his hand to his forehead as he sink half way into a swoon.
"Well, yes," Phichit agreed. "But he still returns home."
"Not if home is also missing," Victor muttered.
"I'm sorry, your majesty. I didn't quite catch that."
"Nothing. A dream come true you say? Well, that shouldn't be hard. "Christoph! Be a darling and arrange things? I have to face down," he shuddered, "Baranovskaya."
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
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