yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
Hi! May I request platonic headcanons about the matsu brothers befriending the reader after reader moves to japan? They're very friend shaped to me and I would love more platonic x readers out in the world
Thanks for the req!!!! I absolutely adore platonic matsuno x reader it’s always so cute 😭😭
matsuno siblings x gn!reader
TW//CW: ???
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Osomatsu is really easy to make friends with! Although this guy is an irresponsible slacker, it is still easy to start communicating with him. Of course he is a complete idiot, but this idiot values ​​​​you. he often complains to you about how his younger siblings do not listen to him and he is glad that he can talk to you. he invites you over for a beer or a game of pachinko because he loves your company. when he is drunk, he can sometimes come to you, reclining on your couch and talking about some kind of nonsense. you have to bring him back home when he falls asleep.
Ooooh damn, if you become friends with Karamatsu, you will never know what peace is. This guy adores you like a sibling. Sometimes you can go shopping together and look at his new outfits, which will be DAMN painful. You are almost the only person who does not offend him and treats him well, so he appreciates you and likes spending time with you more. Sometimes he may ask about the country in which you live, sincerely interested in the culture. (he's a really nice guy please let me hug him 😭😭😭)
Choromatsu considers you better than all his siblings, so he prefers to spend time with you. He complains to you about his clueless brothers and endlessly talks about his plans to find a job (he doesn't even try). You are the only person with whom he shares his anime figures and manga, discussing his impressions and thoughts. There are times when you both manage to get to the concerts of your favorite performers, where this “serious” person turns into a crazy fan.
I have only one question - HOW. How did you become friends with such a dark and scary guy like Ichimatsu..? Seriously, he’s shocked that such a nice person like you paid attention to him. You have to invite him for walks yourself, because he is damn shy. His favorite thing to do with you is when you are in the park and there is silence, just feeding the street cats, without saying a word and allowing your mind to rest. Sometimes he shows you funny and cute cat videos that calm him down. You are the closest person, since his brothers don't really pay attention to him, and other people find him scary. he truly values ​​you as a close friend.
Aww, you're really lucky with Jyushimatsu. he is literally the kindest ray of sunshine! you quickly became friends, as he is an open and cheerful guy. Every morning he comes to you with a baseball bat, begging you to play with him. You can just watch him play from the sidelines, he just wants to spend time with you. he talks incessantly, sharing his emotions and impressions. Even though he's clingy, it's nice to have someone who's always there to cheer you up.
Todomatsu is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing. you will meet in the cafe where he worked, when he will make his cute face and serve you, forcing you to give up your number. in correspondence, he often sends you his selfies and asks which ones are better, asking you to like them all on Instagram. In that one episode, he will still take you on a double date, since you are the only adequate person he knows. he is a real gossip, telling you all the gossip and shameful stories about his brothers, pretending to be innocent in front of others.
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
hi there! May i req a matsu brothers x a younger adopted sister? Ofc this is gonna be platonic, hcs pls! Thank you have a wonderful day! (U can do this later or delete if u dont feel like u wanna do this ^^)
hi hii! :33 thanks for the request, I really like this idea <3
Matsuno siblings x adopted little sister s/o
TW//CW: ???
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Osomatsu is a typical older brother. He jokes about you a lot and treats you like a small child, not paying attention to your age. But still, he is much softer towards you than towards the rest of his siblings. He can be very clingy and even annoying, constantly trying to hug or touch your cheeks. there is a feeling that he is jealous of your other brothers, so he tries to spend as much time with you as possible in order to show himself as a “cool older brother.” in fact, he doesn’t care that you are adopted, he considers you part of his family and is ready to protect you just as much as the others.
Karamatsu loves you VERY MUCH. He was delighted when he found out that he was going to have a little sister. always tries to show himself as a “protector” around you, although he does it as stupidly as possible. He treats you like a princess, dresses you up in beautiful clothes, paints your nails and does your hair. If you have a hard time sleeping at night, he will offer to lie next to you and sing you a lullaby (which will make your ears bleed, but he really tries his best..). Consults you about his clothes, asking for your opinion. sees in you a small creature that he is obliged to protect.
Choromatsu seems quite strict. Monitors your studies, cleanliness in the room and behavior, not allowing you to say even mild curses. But in fact he really loves you and just doesn’t know how to show it. Allowing you to read his mangas (SAFE ONLY, he hides any porn mangas from you), takes you with him to Nya chan’s concerts and sometimes allows you to play with his anime figurines. He believes that the rest of Matsuno are a bad influence on you, especially Osomatsu, so he tries to spend more time with you than they do.
it looks like Ichimatsu doesn't care about you, but that's not true at all. At first, he didn’t even come close to you, nervously peeking from the corner and avoiding, as if afraid to scare you away. but if you take the initiative into your own hands, you can easily make friends with him. You are one of the few people with whom he likes to spend time and with whom he is comfortable, together with you he looks for cats on the street and offers to feed them. Thinks he's a shitty big brother, but he really tries to be nice to you.
Jyushimatsu considers you his best friend! Seriously, you guys have been together since the first day you crossed the threshold of the apartment. When he wakes up, the first thing he does is run to wake you up, shouting “y/n-nisaan!!!!! get up!!!! get up!!!! Good morning!!! let's go!!!! Y/N-NISAAN!!!!!” tugging and lifting from bed. Since he has no one to play with, he teaches you baseball, rejoicing at your success and showing you what he can do. He talks to you a lot, telling you all his thoughts and listening to you carefully. He is pleased that he finally has a sibling with whom he is so close friends besides Ichimatsu.
Todomatsu adore you very much. He is glad that now in their house there are not only stupid virginal degenerates, but also a sweet little sister. Loves to dress you up in cute outfits or wear his hats on you. He takes you with him to cafes or dates, which is why many girls are touched by you and want to communicate with Todomatsu more, which is why he always takes you with him. Among all the siblings with you, he is the softest and kindest. (smells like sibling favoritism)
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yuimatsumatsuno · 3 months
This is very specific and i'm too tired to check the mistakes in my writing so pls ignore and forgive them 😞
I'm from a country well knowed for being too friendly and even shameless and i was wondering how would be the matsuno brothers reaction to it.
Things such as alot of bodycontact when they as barely know each others (like, yn is their new neigthboor and she just greet them with hugs and kisses on the cheek—its pretty common here at least in my state) she talking about private subjects like is nothing much while they are dumbfolded in shock
Hi Hi!! Sorry it took me so long to write, I really like your idea! Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I couldn’t accurately understand the traditions of your countries, but I hope that I was able to satisfy you :3
Matsuno brothers x fem!reader
Short headcanons
TW//CW: ???
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At first Osomatsu won’t understand, and will fall into a wild stupor when you just hug him.  he'll make a joke like, "Ooohh shit, haha! you really like me, don't you?" but when you kiss him on the cheek, it won't be so easy for him. But when he learns about the traditions of your country, he will laugh awkwardly, scratching his nose with his index finger in a familiar gesture. but he will still be a little awkward to hug you and kiss you on the cheek, after all, he has never had such intimacy with beautiful girls like you.
Karamatsu will be taken by surprise, because he has never hugged strange girls! he will try to regain the look of a confident hot guy, but he will look like a red awkward virgin. Having learned that you are from another country, he will understand and try to get used to your unusual friendliness and will also begin to joyfully greet you with hugs. in fact, he likes this feature about you, yet he rarely gets to hug someone. (PLEASE HUG HIM OFTEN HE DESERVES BETTER)
Choromatsu is the worst option of all. He literally goes crazy with your every touch, which highlights the fact how much of a virgin he is. He will try to stop reacting this way when he learns about your country, but he still finds it difficult to accept your hugs and kisses sometimes.
For Ichimatsu, these would be the most awkward moments of his life. when an attractive girl hugs and kisses him, he feels cornered. he will also try to respond to hugs in a friendly manner, but at first he will most likely avoid you, hide, and simply be afraid. It will take a long time until he starts to get used to it.
for Jyushimatsu it... doesn't matter? Seriously, this guy is definitely up for hugs and friendly kisses himself. Of all the Matsunos, the 5th brother has the most normal reaction. You can tell that he will be delighted when he learns about your traditions and will begin to ask more. From the moment he learns this fact, Jyushimatsu hugs you in greeting more often, and this is the norm for both of you.
Todomatsu immediately knew this fact, after all, from the very first meeting, he scrolled through all your social networks, looked through all your photos and extracted every information from you, as usual, using the cute face of an innocent little devil. He will make the most of this fact, never missing a chance to hug you with an innocent giggle and smell your hair while the rest of his brothers glare at him and want to kill him. I do not advise trusting a Matsuno like Totty. he knows exactly what he's doing.
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
another req from the 🥭anon themselves and ofc, another younger matsuno sibling req. 
How would the matsuno brothers react if their younger sister, went home (for context reasons this is set in valentines day aka feb 14) with ALOT of valentines day candy, chocolates and flowers from her classmates? Like after a few minutes of silence they just blurt out “i think they like me a lil tew good… want some?”
(You can do this req later or delete it if u dont wanna do this :))
OMG I LOVE THIS thanks for the request!!
matsuno siblings x little sister s/o
TW//CW: ???
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Osomatsu is very proud of you! I mean, of course he will be jealous that you have so many Valentines and candies, but he is glad that his little sister is doing so well. but still, this idiot will definitely take your candies and constantly take them from you under the pretext of “you need to listen to big brother!”
Karamatsu will fall into a stupor. he always thought that HE was the most attractive Matsuno, but after seeing the number of gifts that your classmates gave you, he will be impressed. He'll definitely start saying something like "✨✨✨heh.. I knew my little sibling was really good.. when you have such a cool brother like Karamatsu Matsu-" (he won't be able to finish the word because you throw a box of candies at his face).
as usual, Choromatsu is the most adequate among his siblings. he will happily praise you, not expecting that his younger sister is so popular among her classmates. He will be annoyed by how the other Matsus will be biased towards this, and will protect your candies from the hungry Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu. (I love this frog he is so sweet)
Ichimatsu is surprised as hell. he definitely didn't expect his sister to be so lucky. perhaps he is even jealous of you because you are great at communicating with people and making friends, he would like to be like you. he is embarrassed to ask you for candy, but is grateful if you offer.
Jyushimatsu is impressed! he will greet you with a bright smile and shout “congratulations y/n-nisaan!!!!!!” but don't think that he won't want to steal your sweets. you'll have to fight him for your candies, so you better hide them away from him.
Todomatsu is jealous. and very strongly. he works every day to finally get attention from girls, while his little sister just gets all the attention from her classmates! this is not fair >:( of course he will pretend that he is happy for you, putting on a cute face, but secretly he is incredibly embittered. Be careful with him, he is the most dangerous among all Matsuno
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
Req: Riceballs x younger matsuno sister except the more the matsuno brothers notice them talking, the more it seems like they’re taking her attention away from them… ever so slightly..
(Hcs pls!!)
-🥭 anon
thanks again for the request!!! you have the cutest ideas 💗💗💗 also sorry if I misunderstood your request or wrote it differently than you wanted <:33
Riceballs and Matsuno siblings x little sister s/o
TW//CW: sibling jealous
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The Omusubi really love you. Once they started to become independent, they liked to communicate with you and spend time more, because you were the nicest Matsuno among all these slackers. You are almost the only person they listened to and wanted to please. these robots get angry(?) when your older siblings act stupid and are a bad influence on you, so they try to keep you away from them and steal all the attention, which obviously your older brothers won't like.
as usual, Osomatsu will act like he doesn't care. all he will do is snort and lie down on the sofa, yawning actorly and leafing through a porn magazine he happened to have on hand. he really tries to pretend that he doesn’t care, but in reality he is sincerely offended that these two stupid robots are taking all the attention of his little sister. in extreme cases, he will begin to passively aggressively attack them, and possibly even you. you really should talk to him about this, after all, this asshole will never admit to being jealous.
Karamatsu gets annoyed when he poses so diligently in front of you, but you ignore him and continue to spend time with Omusubi! this makes him puff out his cheeks offendedly and defiantly leave. He tries with all his appearance to show you how much he is offended, he may even try to squeeze out a tear to convince you. perhaps this will completely piss him off and he will directly tell you what he doesn’t like. He certainly doesn't mind that you're so close to Omusubi, but he's sad that his only close sibling ignores him.
Choromatsu is much more adequate than his brothers, so he will gently but seriously explain to you that he is not comfortable with the fact how little time you devote to your older brothers. In fact, I think, this is the most normal reaction among all Matsunos; after all, Choromatsu is the smartest guy among them. (Bless this lil boi)
Ichimatsu will think that he’s just not worthy of your attention. he will notice how slowly you are moving away from him, which will make him upset. The most he'll do is sit in the corner again and watch you guys have a good time with Omusubi, trying to convince himself that he doesn't need friends and is fine alone. You need to talk to him, just like Osomatsu, about this, because he cannot talk openly about his feelings. (damn that was sad)
Oh-Oh, Jyushimatsu seems really upset! There is no way for Jyushimatsu to let Omusubi have your full attention. He will do everything, pull you by the hand, hug you, take you to play baseball, talk to you a lot, but he will never let you ignore him. Every time the Omusubi draws your attention away from him, Jyushimatsu makes an exasperated cat-eye and grips the bat tighter. Even though he is an adult guy, he is still childishly jealous of you, since you are his favourite little sister.
Do you really think that Todomatsu won't be able to get your attention back to him? he's a damn manipulator and will be clingy as hell until you pay attention to him. He starts offering you to take photos to distract you, and then on the sidelines he will threaten Omusubi if they dare to mess with his little sister again. This devil knows exactly how to attract your attention and perfectly knows how to pretend to be a cutie, after all, he is the youngest son, everyone loves him for his ability to make a cute face.
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
Todomatsu sends you cute videos of couples or animals and signs “us”
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
Hi, hiiii! First time requesting- uhhhh- I don't know how detailed I should be but, could you do a scenario between a house-husband Ichimatsu greeting and pampering his breadwinner-spouse reader. Any pronouns is fine.
hiii!! Thanks for the request <3
I apologize if I did not understand your request correctly or did not write it the way you wanted. . (“ _ _) enjoy reading!!
Ichimatsu Matsuno x gn!reader
Short fic
TW//CW: ???
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After a hard day you feel terrible. You had to work all day, endure irresponsible colleagues and a terrible boss. You feel your legs hurt, your arms can barely hold the heavy bags after shopping, and your brain is begging you to sleep. You start fiddling with the keys in your hands, muttering under your breath about how much you hate this damn job, and then open the door. You flinched slightly at the harsh bright light in the house after the dark street, rubbing your eyes and yawning.
“Ichi, I’m home..” you mumbled. 
While you were taking off your shoes, out of the corner of your eye you noticed Ichimatsu coming out of the kitchen. he looked just as sleepy, but greeted you with a soft smile. he helped you undress, pushing your shoes to the side and hanging your jacket on the hanger. noticing that you were in a bad state, he let out a quiet chuckle, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. he was used to this state of yours, and already knew what to do in such a situation. You sigh and place your hand on his head, stroking it as he talks to you in an almost purring tone. 
“You did well. I'm proud of you." 
he pecked the top of your head, moving to your cheeks and then your neck. You forced a smile, gently running your hand through his shaggy hair. 
“I want to sleep.. I want to sleep and never go to this fucking job again..” 
You mumbled, clinging to your husband’s body. He silently took your hand, leading you to the bedroom to relax you and sleep together like you usually do in the evenings. He laid you down on the bed, giving you a soft kiss to your forehead as he rested your head on the pillow.
 “but I need to cook dinner..” 
you didn’t have time to say 
when Ichimatsu replied 
“I’ll make it.” 
You tried to object, but Ichimatsu kissed you again, leaving no chance.
you sighed, smiling softly. Ichimatsu climbed onto the bed, lying behind you. As you settled more comfortably on the bed, his arms pressed you against him. You felt his warm breath and soft lips on your head, while with his free hand he ran his fingers through your hair. when you were already falling asleep, you heard the quiet voice of Ichimatsu.
“i love you.”
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
I want to congratulate every Matsu! Season 4 is finally officially announced!!! I'm glad to share my joy with you because this show helped me in the most difficult moments! Regarding fics, at the moment I have personal problems and exams, so forgive me for writing so slowly! maybe everything will be done soon ^ _ ^ *
Love you all! <3
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yuimatsumatsuno · 2 months
PLZ MORE OMUSUBI X READER I have a request for the omusubi to like and study(?) the reader cause they are like a monster (any monster would be fine but the reader is in their human form most of the time) idk i just want more riceballs content :,3
THANKS FOR REQUEST i love this sillies so much arggghghg I need more fics with them
platonic hcs
Omusubi x monster gn!reader
TW//CW: ???
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Well, the first time they saw you, you could tell they were TOO excited. The whole time you were around these robots, they were asking you a ton of questions and trying to ask you to go back into "monster form" so they could get a better look at you and touch you (if you're comfortable with that, of course!).
The Matsuno brothers tried to stop them, but their curiosity was just too much. Their favorite thing? Randomly coming into your room and asking you a ton of questions about your species.
I can definitely tell these guys enjoy spending time with you. They're tired of being around these NEETs all the time, and the fact that you're a weird creature just like them makes them really happy.
They try to cook you things that monsters of your species eat. Like, they specifically ask you what kind of food you like and step by step ask if they're doing it right, saving the information in a database for future use.
Sometimes they even start their "stand-up comedy" right in front of you, doing skits and then asking if you like it. They will be glad to receive your advice in jokes or something else!
Maybe their behavior seems annoying or even creepy, they sincerely appreciate you and want to get to know you better. Give these weirdos a chance ;)
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
im so sorry for req again pooks…. Ur writing skills r too cool fr… but theres this idea thats stuck in my head… (im the anon who req the little sister hcs)
may i req a hc of the osomatsu brothers finding out their younger sister is a magical girl? (think of madoka magica or sailor moon) I remember in the show, choromatsu said smthing abt magical girls and i was like “idea!”
(Also can i be 🥭 anon?)
don't worry, 🥭! I'm not against it at all. Of course you can, I think it's cute! thank you very much <3 also sorry if it didn’t turn out as you expected, this is my first time writing something like this..
matsuno siblings x Madician girl s/o
TW//CW: ???
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Osomatsu’s first reaction will be something like.. “..huh.. HUH.. WHAT-“ at first he will think that you are joking, but after he saw Ichimatsu-cat and was literally able to return from Hell, he really doubts . Once he has verified that it is true, he will be genuinely shocked and delighted. the first question he will ask is “so.. does that mean you.. like.. will transform into an anime girl in dresses and bows?” in fact, he is still in shock, having realized how little he knows about his younger siblings. but in fact, he is truly delighted. he would love to see you in a cute dress in the style of Sailor Moon or Madoka.
It’s impossible to explain in words how much Karamatsu admires you. Of course, at first he will deny that he just saw his little sister transform into a magical girl, but he will say something like
“✨✨✨heh.. our world is full of malice and injustice.. and I am happy to be the sensei of the protector of this ci-“
for which you will probably hit him on the head with a magic wand (or whatever you use) in the middle of his ballad.
so, are you going to look me in the eyes and then tell me that Choromatsu won't be crazy about you and won't be your number one fan? this guy is damn proud. he won't be able to believe that his little sister is the one he admired most in the anime. but if that happens, the first thing he'll probably do is faint or do a "SHHEEEEEEEE" pose. don’t be surprised if suddenly he starts begging you to see you in your magic dress.
Ichimatsu... somehow he doesn’t care? even if you are a real cruel witch, he still considers you a close person and favourite little sister. Of course he will be surprised, but doesn’t he himself have skeletons in his closet? Moreover, this guy in the dark alleys transforms into a cat, you are both in the same boat.
It's hard to tell what Jyushimatsu thinks. his first reaction would be cat eyes and a sleeve covering his mouth, his question would be “but can you still play baseball with me?” and if your answer satisfies him, he will return to his usual facial expression and continue to play with you as if nothing had happened. His reaction is the calmest, one might even say strange. The main thing for him is that you can still play with him and spend time.
Todomatsu is FUCKING surprised. It will take him several days to realize what he saw. but when he calms down, he will start crawling towards you, making cute eyes and acting like a cute big brother (don't trust that devil). Every time he sees you, he asks you to take a photo in your magical form so that he can show off you to beautiful girls. (HE'S FUCKING USING YOU, KICK THIS ASSHOLE'S ASS)
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
hi yui!! 🥭anon here, i just wanted to know how you’re doing lately! I hope you’re taking care of yourself while doing these reqs, i know it may seem overwhelming (bcus of how many i send gaddam 😓 sorry bout that btw) and i know it seems a little pressuring. But just know someone loves you and is glad you exist.
Hello anon! awww, thank you so much for worrying about me 😭💖💖 don’t worry, I’m glad to receive your requests and ideas! I'm working on some requests right now, and then I'll jump right into yours!
love you 💘💘💓💞💞💘💗💗💓💓
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yuimatsumatsuno · 3 months
I've had a lot of problems lately, and unfortunately I've been working much slower on fics :( but don't worry guys, I'll try to write each of them, no matter the cost, but most likely I'll give myself a rest for a while, and then create fics again as often as possible!
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
ooohhhh shit i have some requests and I’m so lazy rn sorry but i will do all of them!!!!
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
arghhhh I've been feeling lazy lately but now I'm working at some silly req headcanons
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yuimatsumatsuno · 4 months
what do you think about profic/blmatsu?
uhhh.. this is kinda weird? I mean, I personally don't feel comfortable with blmatsu, but I don't forbid people who like it from contacting me, as long as they don't try to normalize sexual relationships between siblings in real life, yk.. I believe that everyone has the right to love what they want as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.
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yuimatsumatsuno · 5 months
hai! hellooo!! ^_^
my name is Yuimatsu, but you can call me just Yui ! !
My pronounce are she/her, I’m 18 yrs old ^_< omnisexual INFP-T adhd :3
I write some silly fics and headcanons about anime Osomatsu San ! !
Also я русскоязычная, sorry for my bad eng sometimes tehehe
You always can have request , i will write everything ! !
! ! I’m not into ship discourse ! !
Baii have a nice day <3 <3
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