#yuji holding a rabbit while megumi holds him
strawmates · 1 year
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This frame was so cute!!! Yuji holding a rabbit while Megumi holds him. I hereby conclude that the bunny is a itafushi truther.
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Timorous - Itadori Yuji
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I love hybrid au’s for the fact that I can google deep dive animal research for hours lol and speaking of research I went with a bunny, breed being a French lop with speckles. also this is a college au my guys, gender neutral reader! 6k words
A bit of a size difference thing here? Itadori is a tiger and tigers are bigger than rabbits...so I made him bigger and by that logic he’s bigger than you...tiger big rabbit small...I hope that makes sense lol and both reader and itadori are adorably skittish in this :) at least I think it’s adorable
To say Itadori had a problem would be both an understatement and an over exaggeration, depending on who you asked. Megumi said he was blowing things out of proportion while Nobara agreed that this dilemma he had was probably the biggest problem of their generation.
He had a crush on you, a rabbit hybrid. A soft, wonderful little thing with long ears and cute speckles all around your body. And it wouldn’t be such a problem if not for the painful fact of who Itadori was: a tiger hybrid. A predator nearly directly above you, much larger and stronger than you could ever hope to be.
He laid eyes on you during your first year of university, back in a prerequisite class for the major both of you had chosen. Seeing you walk in surrounded by other rabbits and sitting at the front of the class, he could barely take his eyes off you and when you said your name, he committed it to memory.
Everything about you was perfect, everything Itadori could ask for in a partner and more, but he knew there wasn’t any hope out there that he could approach you, at least not alone and especially not in your first year. So he waited patiently, almost too patiently, for the right opportunity to talk to you.
He waited so long it was now almost the end of your second year.
“Alright everyone, I’d like you to think about who you want to pair up with for this project and report back to me by the end of the week. Anyone that doesn’t have a partner by then will be paired up.” The professor announced at the end of class, closing up the textbook you’d been pouring over for an hour. This was the perfect opportunity for Itadori to get close to you.
Lingering in the classroom, Itadori packed up his things slowly and watched as the usual people you were with left class while you hung around to ask the professor a question. Holding his breath, Itadori walked out of the classroom at the same time as you.
You didn’t look in his direction at all, keeping your head down and ears framing your face. Itadori could smell the subtle unease rolling off you in waves and it disheartened him enough that he watched you walk away.
“H-hey (Y/N)!” Mustering up the courage to say your name, Itadori rushed over to your disappearing form. Looking over your shoulder, your eyes went wide seeing Itadori running toward you.
“What uh, what can I help you with?” This was the first time you were speaking to him and your voice was trembling. Your fingers were pulsing from how hard you were holding onto the strap of your bag, and you only briefly made eye contact with him.
“I was wondering…” Itadori’s tail twitched nervously and a lump began to form in his throat the longer he looked at you. You were just so cute it physically hurt him and all Itadori wanted to do was bundle you in his arms and nuzzle your fuzzy ears.
“I was wondering if you want to be partners for that project in class?” Seeing you flinch when he raised his hand up to scratch at the back of his neck, Itadori winced and tucked both hands behind his back.
“Uhm…” Worrying your lip, you took a look up and down the halls. There was a decent amount of people milling about, giving you a little more peace of mind. Even though Itadori was an arms length away he still took up a large portion in your field of vision.
“Y-you don’t have to give me an answer right now!” Putting both hands up in surrender, Itadori gasped as you stumbled back, clearly frightened by the sudden movement and his long claws. “Sorry! Sorry, I’m so sorry!”
Now he really felt bad. He scared you bad enough that you were pressed against the wall behind you, slightly crouched like you were ready to run away. Taking a generous step back, Itadori once again tucked his hands behind his back, idly grabbing onto the base of his tail as well.
“Can I give you an answer later?” You whispered, slowly coming to a full stand again.
“Of course! We actually have a few classes together later, so you can tell me then if you want.”
“Itadori! M-my name is Itadori!” Blushing lightly as he told you his name, he watched you think it over.
“Okay Itadori.” Nodding curtly, you pressed your lips into a thin line and started to shuffle down the hall. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Bye!” Waving at your retreating form, Itadori felt a trickle of hope. Even if you didn’t say yes to being his partner, at least now you knew his name.
“Excuse me, Itadori?” Two classes later and you approached his desk, keeping a fair distance away.
“Yes?” Looking at you with hearts in his eyes, Itadori sent you a beaming smile with all his sharp teeth on display.
“Why do you want to be my partner?” The question was unexpected, at least for him, and his smile fell.
“Well I- I just thought it’d be nice?” Panicking as he saw confusion flash across your face, Itadori sat up a little straighter in his chair. “N-nice to get to know my fellow classmates! We’re in the same major, so why not get more acquainted?” Stretching his mouth into a tense smile, Itadori let out a breath the same time you did.
“That’s actually a relief. I thought you wanted to be my partner to make me do all the work.” He visibly watched your shoulders relax, the unease in your stance somewhat gone.
“No, never! I would never do that to you! In fact, I’ll do all the work if you want me to! Just say the word, (Y/N)!” Bolting up from his chair, Itadori slammed his hands on his desk. It was probably a good thing you weren’t close to him, you didn’t flinch as hard at his sudden movements.
“We can work on it together.” Laughing under your breath, Itadori’s chest tightened up at seeing a soft smile grace your face.
“So you’ll be my partner? For the project?” Nearly running around the room when you nodded, Itadori forced himself to take a deep breath instead. “That’s great!” His tail swayed happily from side to side, and Itadori had a silly smile on his face as he looked at you.
“So uh, I’m going to take my seat now.” You said slowly, unnerved by his unmoving smile. “But we should meet up later? To discuss what we’ll do for the project.”
“Good idea!” Ripping a piece of paper out of the corner of his notebook, Itadori scribbled his phone number down and held it out to you. “Text me anytime, I’ll answer!”
“Good to know.” Chuckling softly, you took the paper and Itadori swore he would never forget the way your fingers brushed against his. With one last final goodbye muttered under your breath you went to your seat.
Itadori watched you for the rest of class, just waiting to see you take out your phone and text him. He hadn’t seen you do anything with the paper he gave you except tuck it away into your pocket.
Keeping his phone clutched in his hand for the rest of the day, Itadori experienced the highest of highs whenever he got a notification, and then the lowest of lows when it turned out not to be you.
At seven pm, just after eating dinner, Itadori finally received the message he’d been waiting for all along.
(Unknown number): Hello, Itadori? It’s (Y/N) :)
He immediately cringed after sending the message. What kind of person replied like that to someone they’d just met?
(Y/N): I’m good lol I was wondering when you were free to meet up? I don’t have any classes tomorrow if you’re free
(Itadori): yes yes I’m free whenever tomorrow!
(Y/N): that’s great, how about we meet at the north library at 1?
(Itadori): I’ll be there!!
Itadori could hardly close his eyes let alone calm down enough to go to sleep that night. Much to the chagrin of his roommate Megumi, Itadori got up several times during the night to pace around the room and rummage through his closet to choose the perfect outfit.
He was nearly late meeting up with you, having properly gone to sleep just before 4am and sleeping through his alarm. Stumbling through his room, Itadori just barely remembered to grab his bag before he sprinted out of the room and to the library.
“(Y/N)!” Screaming your name as he got closer, he caught a lot of stares from people and from you.
“Did you run all the way here?” You asked, looking over his breathless, sweaty body nearly collapsing.
“Were you waiting long? I’m sorry I was late!” Fumbling to grab his phone, the time read 1:10pm.
“No, it’s okay, don’t worry about it!” Your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. Not only had he ran all the way here just to meet you, but he had made quite a scene while doing it. You were eager to get inside and away from all the people passing you by and looking curiously between the two of you.
“Let's...let’s go inside…” Itadori panted, light headed from the run but still making his way to open the door for you. Slumping into the first available seat at the first table he saw, Itadori let his dry, narrowed eyes look over you.
It was a warm spring day and you’d chosen the cutest outfit, one that showed off the speckles on your ears and skin. Itadori always liked them, likening them to his own tiger stripes on his ears and tail. He wanted to compare markings with you, trace a line with the dots on your body and learn more about them.
“Have you had a chance to go over the list of topics our professor gave? A few others have already chosen their topics, so we have to cross some out.” Pulling out the assignment, you showed Itadori the ones you’d crossed off and the ones you marked having interest in. Even your handwriting had Itadori wanting to coo at you.
“Whatever you pick is fine.” He replied dumbly, staring at the way you’d written your name on the top of your paper.
“You should have some say in what we choose!” You pushed back, slightly shaking your head.
“No, whatever you want is fine, I swear.” Looking up at you with rosy cheeks and a dry mouth, Itadori watched the gears turn in your head before you looked away and back to the paper.
“If you say so.” Shrugging your shoulders, you looked over the list more seriously before circling a topic and showing it back to him. “Is this one fine?”
“It’s perfect.” Just like you, Itadori almost said. Pulling out his laptop, Itadori put it between the two of you. “We can start researching and making a rough draft, I was actually looking some stuff up last night about the different topics.”
Not using a private browser last night was Itadori’s first mistake. His second mistake was opening Google with you right next to him, where you saw exactly what he’d been looking up during his sleepless night.
French lops, French lops with speckles, French lop ears, how do bunnies get speckles, what do rabbit hybrids like to do for fun, rabbit hybrid favorite food, favorite things to give rabbit hybrids, how to befriend rabbit hybrids, can prey and predator hybrids be friends, what to do if you’re a predator that has a crush on a rabbit hybrid-
Letting out an indistinguishable noise from the back of his throat, Itadori slammed his laptop closed. His face was bright red, not that you could see much of it because he had slammed his face into the table in shame.
Your soft giggle was immediately picked up by him, and Itadori nearly melted from the chair and onto the floor, dissolving into a puddle of nothing but embarrassment and regret. He thought about switching classes or switching majors entirely, anything to save him from having to face you again after this.
“All of my spots grew in by the time I was five, in case you were still curious, Itadori.” He actually was, almost more than he was last night. The internet had given him answers, but just as many questions he still wanted to ask you.
“Really?” Smooshing his cheek against the table, Itadori turned to look at you. You didn’t seem phased at all from what you’d seen, not if the small smile on your face was anything to go by.
“Mhmm.” Opening up his computer again, you took a brief glance at some of the questions he’d looked up. “And I’m assuming from your research you learned I’m a strict herbivore? My favorite type of food is fruit, mangoes and melons especially.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Still hanging his head low, Itadori pulled himself up from the table. He had wanted to get to know you more naturally, not have you find his obsessive search history.
“I want to! And It seems like you want to know, too!” Gesturing to the screen, you giggled when he hit his forehead against the table again. Patting him on the back for a few seconds revitalised him, the fact that you initiated physical contact enough to have him sitting straight in his chair again.
“I do, a lot! I’m really curious about-” Meeting your eyes for a second, Itadori screwed his eyes shut and forced the next words out of his mouth. “I’m really curious about you, (Y/N). I really want to get to know you more.” Nobara and Megumi were going to be so proud of him for finally saying those words to you. He’d been lamenting about wanting to befriend you for nearly two years, it was time to act on that desire.
“You can ask me any question, Itadori.” A soft warmth settled over your face and you tilted your head forward, blocking out your view of the world with your ears. Truth be told, you’d never had a predator show such genuine interest in you before, and it had your heart bumping hard against your ribs.
“My first question is: can we be friends, (Y/N)?” There wasn’t a doubt in Itadori’s mind that you hadn’t seen the last question he looked up, about having a crush on you. He almost wanted to address it, wanted to get his confession out of the way. But it wasn’t the right time or place, and there wasn’t a doubt in Itadori’s mind that if he confessed to you right now you wouldn’t reject him.
“What did your search say about that one? Is it possible for us to be friends?”
“100% possible.” Itadori said with no hesitation.
“Then yes, we can totally be friends.” There was a brief pause between the two of you, one filled by your nervous laughter and Itadori’s relieved sigh.
“Alright then friend, let’s get started on this project.”
Itadori tried his best to focus on the project, he really did. He typed up everything you said, bookmarked everything you wanted and even went back and forth between the stacks to get the books you needed for the project. But his mind was wrapped up in the new title of your relationship, and the greed he felt deep inside himself to make it something more romantic.
By the time you left the library it was well past five pm and the sun was already beginning to dip behind the campus buildings and to the horizon. Helping you clean and pack up, Itadori was astounded at the amount of time that passed; it barely felt like an hour had gone by.
“Man, I’m starving!” Itadori exclaimed as you left the library, throwing his head back and inhaling the fresh air.
“Me too.” You agreed, fatigued from all the work you’d just done and still needed to do.
“You wanna head to the dining hall together?”
“Sure.” Following his lead, you walked through campus. You still kept your distance from Itadori, not quite able to shed how nervous being around him made you, but with time he hoped it would come to pass. Someday, Itadori hoped to hold your hand in his.
Sitting down at a quiet table together, Itadori wasn’t sure how to make conversation with you now. At the library it was easy, there was the project he could talk about and keep a conversation going with that. But here, he was drawing blanks.
“So Itadori, what-”
“Yuji!” Just as you’d started to speak, the familiar voice of Nobara cut in all the way from across the dining hall. Both of you turned to see Nobara waltzing in with a big grin on her face and Megumi trailing after her.
“Oh god.” This was the one time he didn’t want his friends to come and sit with him. But there they were, already collecting food and coming to sit down at the table.
“Found you!” Nobara giggled behind her hand, her own tiger ears relaxing flat against her head.
“Yup, you did.” Speaking behind tight lips, Itadori took a glance at you. Megumi had taken the seat next to you and he easily dwarfed your smaller body. All of them did, it almost looked like you were a child among adults.
“Nice to see you again, (Y/N).” Making sure his large fluffy wolf tail wasn’t brushing against you, Megumi gave you a polite nod and you returned it.
“W-what?! You two know each other?” In all the time Itadori has been crying over you, he never knew of Megumi's connection to you.
“Yeah, Tsumiki and (Y/N) are roommates.”
“Really?” Itadori gasped loudly, exaggeratedly turning his back to you.
“Mhmm!” Picking up your utensils, you began to eat. “Having a wolf as a roommate was kind of scary at the beginning, but we get along great now!”
Itadori was floored. Positively flabbergasted. He could have gotten to know you this whole time by using the excuse of being Megumi’s roommate and best friend as a reason to drop by and ‘check in’ on Tsumiki and see you by extension.
Sending a sharp, pointed look to Megumi, Itadori began to eat in a huff. He would have to grill his friend later on why the connection was never brought up.
“Have you two been here long?” Nobara asked, tapping her long claws against the table.
“No, we just got here.” Your voice only sounded a little meek when you replied, only able to meet Nobara’s intense gaze for a moment before looking down at your plate again.
“Yeah, we just came from the library. We’re partners on a class project.” Mumbling childishly, Itadori snorted at the surprised looks on his friends faces.
“You are?” Nobara almost gasped. “Who asked who?”
“I asked.” Itadori raised his hand.
“And you agreed, (Y/N)? Just like that?”
“Well, not really.” Giggling softly behind your hand, you took a glance at Itadori. “I told him I’d think about it first. I know we’re all in university now and should be adults, but I still get so scared around predators, I needed to weigh my options.”
“Did Yuji say he’d do all the work?” Megumi chimed in.
“He did! It was pretty funny, I thought the desk was going to fall over.”
“Sounds like Yuji.” Snorting, Megumi gave Itadori a look before eating his food.
“Hold on, I still got a couple questions.” Rapidly tapping the table, Nobara flicked her fingers between you and Itadori.
“Can’t they wait until we’re done?” Itadori already had food stuffed in his mouth, his cheeks were bulging out quite a bit. You had also started to eat the mountain of vegetables on your plate.
“Alright, fine.” Heaving a sigh, Nobara grabbed the juice she’d gotten. “But don’t think I’ll forget!”
It was a blessing that Nobara ended up forgetting that she wanted to grill you and Itadori because there would have been no avoiding all the awkward questions she was sure to ask. As your meal progressed, she got onto the topic of beauty products for tiger hybrids and that was all that occupied her mind for a good while.
“(Y/N).” Catching you by the elbow as you walked out of the dining hall almost an hour and a half later, Itadori looked up at the dark sky. “Let me walk you to your dorm.”
“You don’t have to, I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way! Nobara and I can walk back together, we live in the same dorm.”
“Ha well, uh actually…” Scratching the back of her head, Nobara grabbed onto Megumi's sleeve. “Actually, Megumi and I are going to go to a…” Swatting him on the back, Nobara fell silent.
“My father sent Tsumiki and I some more things and I promised to give Nobara some old books.”
“Yup, books! Exactly! So you two walk together and we’ll see you later!” Grabbing onto the back of Megumi’s shirt, Nobara sprinted away, her orange and black tail the last thing you saw before she turned the corner.
“Let’s go, (Y/N).” Itadori tugged on your sleeve gently, bringing your focus back to him. Walking side by side, the night time didn’t seem as scary compared to if you had been alone. You generally tried to avoid being out alone at night, but with Itadori it felt like the sun was still high in the sky.
“Are you cold?” Itadori broke the silence that had settled over you.
“You just shivered.” Right as he said that, another gust of wind went through the air and blew your ears back, making a strong shiver go up your spine. “Here.” Itadori was already taking off his thick hoodie and pushing it into your arms.
“But you’ll be cold!” Looking at the long sleeve he had on underneath, surely it couldn’t be enough to keep him warm.
“Nonsense, I’ll be fine. Put it on.” It was a miracle that Itadori hadn’t fallen onto the ground from how lightheaded he was. He had given you his hoodie in the spur of the moment and now his actions were catching up to him.
“Okay.” Giving him one last look, you put it on. Swimming in fabric and with the scent of Itadori all around you, it was truly a sight to behold. “How do I look?” You chuckled, trying to adjust the giant hoodie onto your body.
“You look good.” There was a high lilt to the end of his sentence, and Itadori slapped a hand over his face and turned his back to you. If he looked any longer, he would pass out from how cute you looked.
“Thanks Itadori, it’s really warm!”
“N-no problem.” He seriously couldn’t look at you, and seeing your sweater paws out of the corner of his eye had him tripping over his own feet. Thankfully and tragically, the walk to your dorm wasn’t too long, so Itadori didn’t have to deal with it for too long.
“Thanks for walking me back.” Giving him a smile, you began to take off the hoodie.
“K-keep it, keep it on.” Planting his hands on your shoulders, Itadori looked down at you. “I have a million, so just keep that one.” The mixture of your scent and his that was wafting up to his nose was going to be ingrained into his mind forever.
“Wow Itadori, you’re so nice! We should have become friends way sooner!” Patting him on the arm, you shuffled closer to the front door. “Text me when you get back to your dorm, okay?”
“I will!” Waving at you until you went inside, Itadori let out a breath he’d been holding in. The feel good chemicals in his brain were all flooding in at once; the day had gone from good, to great to perfect. Seeing you in his hoodie was one of the things Itadori had wanted for so long it hurt, and now that goal was finally reached.
His happiness turned to adrenaline, making his hands shake and body tremble from how excited he was to see you tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. He was so excited for the future that he ran all the way back to his dorm, letting out cheers and excited screams as he went.
(Itadori): made it to my dorm :)
(Y/N): have a good night!
(Itadori): you too! See you tomorrow!
Clutching his phone to his chest, Itadori threw open the door to his room and immediately made eye contact with Megumi.
“Now let me explain-”
“Save it, wolfy! Tell me all about your relationship with (Y/N)!”
As days turned into weeks, Itadori noticed a subtle change in your demeanor around him. You slowly started to walk closer to him, sometimes close enough to occasionally brush shoulders. The fear that was so pungent before was now gone, only replaced with some unease whenever Itadori threw his hands around too much or chewed with his mouth open. All in all, Itadori felt like you could call him a true friend.
And what did friends do? Invite each other to parties of course! Being so personable and easy to get along with, it was only natural that Itadori got invited to a lot of events around campus, and he wanted you to join him.
Which is how you found yourself at probably the biggest party of the season, people pouring out of the doors and spilling into the yard around the university house chosen for this night.
“I’ve never been here before.” You mumbled to Itadori as you approached the house, flanked by Nobara and Megumi. Sure you’d been to parties before, but none this size.
“That’s okay, just stick by me!” Over the past few weeks the level of physical contact in your relationship with Itadori had risen high enough that he was able to put an arm around your shoulder and pull you a bit closer to him.
“Yeah (Y/N) we’ll make sure you have a good time!” Nobara chimed in, her words just a bit slurred. She had pregamed on the way to the party, the flask she kept offering you tucked snugly against her hip.
“Let’s find Maki and the others.” Fushiguro was the first to step into the house and take the lead on where to go. Pushing through the crowds of people for you, Itadori made sure you stayed close by his side.
Meeting up with Maki and a few other upperclassmen, you felt safe among the group. There was a plastic cup in your hand mixed with god knows what, the music was loud and overbearing, but you had been welcomed into the fray with open arms. No one looked twice at your floppy ears and tense body, they just launched into conversation like you’d always been there.
“G-gotta go bathroom.” Your words were slurring more than you expected after finishing your second cup of horribly mixed liquor. Standing away from the wall you’d been leaning against, the world was spinning.
“Need help?” Itadori held onto your elbow tightly, helping keep you stable.
“No.” Shaking your head slowly, you pushed him away. “I got this.”
“(Y/N), lemme show you where the bathroom is! I’ve been here like a million times!” Swooping in between you two, Nobara took confidently drunk steps with you under her arm.
“M’kay!” Giggling, you gave Itadori a wave and stumbled away with her.
“I’ll stay out here and keep guard!” She announced to not only you but to the people around you as well. Throwing open the door, you gave her a big thumbs up before slamming it closed and locking it.
Doing your business as quickly as possible, when you opened the door, Nobara was gone. You could hear her voice echoing throughout the house and when you turned a corner she was at the dining table playing beer pong and losing horribly.
Looking up and down the hall, you were at a loss at what to do. You didn’t remember the right way back to the group and Nobara was too ensconced in the drinking game she was a part of to be of any help.
Dragging your feet down the hall, you ended up at the front of the house, a far cry from where you wanted to be. There were so many people pushing past you to go deeper into the house, or yelling for others to come to them, some of them didn’t seem to care when they bumped you against the wall or nudged you a little too hard.
“Hey little bunny, you look a little lost.” You could smell the fox hybrid before you could see him appear before your eyes, cornering you against the wall as another wave of people walked by.
“I- no, I’m fine.” The lie was evident in your voice and he caught it right away.
“You sure? A little thing like you shouldn’t be all alone.” His voice was condescending, mocking you in plain sight. His soft red fur gleamed under the light of the house and while you would probably admire it from afar, now wasn’t the time.
Nodding instead of speaking, you looked down the hallway again. Surely someone would come looking for you and Nobara.
“Who’re you looking for, bunny? I could help you find them.” Leaning more into your space, the unnamed fox gave you a once over, flashing his teeth once he met your eyes. “Or maybe you were looking for me?”
“No.” The alcohol in your body was making it difficult to string together more than a few words or thoughts in your head, but you knew one thing for sure: you didn’t want to be around this guy anymore. The party was overwhelming enough as it was and adding him into the mix, a predator directly above you, was only making it worse.
“Aw, no need to be shy! All your dreams have come true!” Chuckling to himself, he grabbed onto your wrist. “Let’s go get you a drink, I’ll introduce you to some friends.”
“No.” You said a little louder, but he just ignored you. Trying to get your wrist free wasn’t working either and you quickly found yourself being dragged away from the wall. Digging your heels into the ground, you kept looking for a familiar flash of pink hair. “Itadori!” You shouted, voice mixing with the others in the air and hopefully travelling to the person it was intended for.
“You’re lookin’ for Itadori? Why, I know him! He’s my best friend, I’ll take you to him!” The fox hybrid sent you a sleazy grin, running his free hand through his hair.
“(Y/N).” A familiar heavy hand landed on your shoulder, preventing you from going anywhere.
“Who the hell are you?” The two men shared a sneer, sizing each other up. Finally getting your wrist free, you attached yourself to Itadori’s side.
“I’m their boyfriend. Now get lost.” Wrapping an arm around you, Itadori gave one last glare to the other man before turning and walking away. Getting you to the kitchen, he quickly got you a glass of water. “Drink this.”
“Thanks.” Downing it immediately, the growing tension in your body subsided just from having Itadori next to you.
“If anyone else gives you trouble, tell them I’m your boyfriend. I’m in sports clubs with a lot of the people here, they’ll know who I am.”
“Thanks.” Repeating yourself like a fool, you were overcome with sudden emotion and hugged Itadori. Burrowing your face into his chest, you muttered thanks over and over.
“S’no problem.” He grunted. Itadori was glad you couldn’t see the bright blush on his face right now; he’d only dreamed about hugging you almost every second of the day. Hugging you back, he let his hand come up and stroke your ears and your fur was just as soft as he imagined it to be.
For the rest of the night, Itadori was like your second shadow. He made sure you didn’t drink anymore alcohol, filling you up with water and snacks until you were as sober as he was. He also introduced himself as your boyfriend whenever the need arose, like constantly shouting ‘boyfriend coming through’ as he pushed through crowds for you.
“I hope you had fun, (Y/N).” Itadori said at the end of the night with Nobara passed out drunk being carried on his back.
“I did!” It was nice to meet some upperclassmen, a couple you learned were in your major as well. Fushiguro was walking with them a few feet in front of you, talking animatedly to them.
“That’s good. I was worried that the whole ‘boyfriend’ thing was making you uncomfortable.” A bashful blush coated Itadori’s face as he gave you a sideways glance. Your own cheeks got warmer as well.
“I uh, I kind of liked it.” You said quietly, hoping that he wouldn’t catch it.
“You did?” Of course he heard it. Stopping in his tracks, Itadori’s mouth hung open slightly. Biting his lip, Itadori checked to make sure Nobara was truly out before speaking again. “Well then, can we maybe make it official?”
Maybe it was the lingering energy from the party that was giving him the confidence to ask or maybe Itadori had finally lost it, either way there was no backtracking from what he had just said. Taking your lack of immediate answer as skepticism, Itadori quickly spoke up again.
“If you want, I can take you out on a proper date first! Truthfully I already have everything planned in my head, I’ve wanted to take you out on a date for a while now. B-but you don’t have to if you don’t want to! I just- I want you to give us a chance, but don’t feel pressured to say yes!”
His face was completely flushed, adrenaline pumping through his body. Whether you said yes or no, Itadori was just glad to have finally gotten it off his chest.
“I want to go on a date with you too.” You smiled gently at Itadori, playing with your fingers nervously. “I just have one question.”
“Did you also Google best first dates to take a rabbit hybrid on?”
“(Y/N)!” Laughing breathlessly, Itadori felt the tension in his body release.
“It’s a fair question!” Laughing along with him, you started to walk down the street again.
“For your information, no I didn’t look that up.” A comfortable silence settled over you as the laughter died down. As soon as Itadori could get a second alone with you, he would. There was actually a lot to discuss for the date that he’d been planning since the first year of university.
“Mmmm…” Nobara groaned and both of you looked at her curiously.
“Nobara? Are you awake?” You asked, brushing the hair from her forehead.
“Kiss...kiss each other.” Her words just barely made sense and Itadori nearly dropped her once he made sense of what she’d said.
“Go back to sleep!” He shouted, nudging her with his shoulder. The blush that had managed to subdue itself was now back tenfold.
“We’ll kiss each other later, Nobara.” You added, fixing her hair and letting her relax onto Itadori again.
“Promise?” She sighed.
“Promise?” Itadori echoed.
“Yeah, I promise.”
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + kugisaki nobara + gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 26 january
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon 
↳ request : Hello! Can I order headcanon's of the main trio + gojo of how they would take care of reader when they have the flu or are sick? Thank you!!! ~
↳ barista’s notes : hi there everyone~ how are you all? doing well? technically yesterday since it’s midnight here, but when i was answering question during my online class, i was listening to JJK ending song to fill in the silence and then my chemistry teacher scared me out of nowhere ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ (probably might upload a video later because i do have it on camera) but moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come to the cafe again soon ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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When you have fallen ill, Itadori will confidently show that he is worried about you and will constantly ask if you are okay - even when you have fallen asleep, he will ask you in a whispered tone.
“Are you okay? Are you comfortable, baby? Do you need anything?” 
“Babe, I’m alright for now, I just want cuddles”
On the low, I feel like his bright personality is medicine itself and once you gain vitamin D from his smile, you are up and feeling better already.
When he finds you ill, he will slightly panic since he sort of doesn’t know what to do, but he will try to calm himself down - of course, he has taken care of his grandfather, it was mainly the hospital taking care of him most of the time.
He has an idea on what to cook for you - because ever since that little juju stroll, we know he can - he will cook you something that is light, so expect a bowl of the soup on your bedside table.
He will 100% feed you but let you take as much time as you need because we all know that when we are sick, we have no appetite - or is that just me?
He will sometimes forget if you have taken your medicine or not since his worries get the best of him - so please inform him that you have and don’t lie.
Just know he will buy a huge bottle of water and place it near you since you need to be hydrated - and the huge bottle is because he will forget to get you more water if you have finished a cup.
Cuddles! If you demand cuddles, he will happily waste no time to cuddle you - probably because he wants cuddles as well - and just hold you to keep you comfortable.
He knows he can’t kiss you since you refuse to since you don’t want him to get him ill as well, so he will kiss your cheek/forehead as a temporary solution for the time being.
If you can’t sleep, he will tell you about his day and what he did leading you to fall asleep at the sound of his voice.
He knows that it's not good for you, but he will give you some sweets and a few snacks to help you have some sugar in your system so you have some sort of energy.
Overall, Itadori will be such a caring person and will try his best to make sure you get better as quickly as possible since he is worried that he’s not really the best carer, so please tell him that you are thankful.
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Fushiguro will be worried but somehow doesn’t express it and will lightly scold you for getting ill in the first place - well I’m sorry, but what did you expect when you were fighting in the rain for an extremely long time.
“I told you to take care of yourself and you decided to do the opposite?”
Once he has finished scolding you, he checks everything like temperature and how you’re feeling before asking if you have eaten or had anything to drink - even if you have, he will make you drink a glass of water and eat right in front of him, so he knows you have - he will also make you ginger tea with honey as well because he is such a gentleman.
Will also make you take your medicine in front of him so he knows that you have as well - before you were even sick, he would have painkillers within his pocket already.
Fushiguro will prepare you a bowl of fruits like oranges, strawberries, apples, grapes and more - because citrus does help with illness (he probably knew that from one of his non-fiction books)
He will offer to change into one of his shirts if you have a fever or his jumper if you have a cold since he doesn’t want you to stay in your ill-ridden clothing.
“Take this and change into, you can give it back to me later okay?”
If he has to go somewhere, he will summon his divine dogs so they can keep an eye on you while he is away - but he won’t do this when he is on a mission because I think he can’t summon more than one shikigami at a time.
When he comes back, both divine dogs are already on your bed cuddling with you because you lowkey beckoned them to - Fushiguro will be jealous and tries not to show it.
Other times, he will summon his rabbits to help comfort you and he will be surprised on how many can actually fit in your bed cause all of them surround you to keep you warm - even some will go under your arm to let you cuddle with them.
If you ask for cuddles, he will shyly invite himself into your arms but since you are ill, he will be the big spoon for now and play with your hair to help comfort you - but he has a small smile on his face because it’s his turn now and not his dogs hehe.
Since he can’t kiss you on the lips, he would kiss your hand the most as a sense of comfort to you and him.
If you don’t have a headache, Fushiguro will read to you since you love the sound of his voice and it is easier for you to fall asleep.
If he has to go on a mission, he will leave a note and after the mission, he will text you to make sure you are okay.
Overall, Fushiguro is extremely worried about you internally and will do anything to get you better to the best of his abilities - but still on the low will scold you for not taking care of yourself before apologising for not making sure you’re not okay (baby, it ain’t your fault….)
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When she finds out that you are sick, she will flat out call you an idiot for getting sick in the first place before angrily worrying about you.
“Why did you get sick in the first place you idiot?! We were supposed to go out today!”
Once her sulking fit has finished, she will then begin to try her best to take care of you but I feel like she wouldn’t know where to start.
Of course, she knows that you have to take medicine but she wouldn’t know when - like is it after you eat something or before, so please guide her along.
I don’t think she can cook, so she will order something for you - please tell her it has to be something fit for an illness because she will order cakes - or demand one of the boys to make something for her to give to you (100% she will threaten Itadori to make it then somehow drag Fushiguro into the situation)
You can literally hear them arguing outside your door and it’s quite funny, to be honest - probably lifts up your mood slightly but expect a headache after.
Of course, this doesn’t stop her from ordering both you and her bubble tea because what’s more perfect.
Once you are done eating and taking your medication, she will probably online shop with you to make up for the sudden change of plans for the date you two were supposed to go on.
Kugisaki will also help you do your skincare, probably will make you sit on the edge of the bath and just help you apply your moisturizer on your face since she knows this is one way to make you feel better - it also helps take away the feeling of being sick.
She will also brush your hair for you, so it is not a complete mess for the whole day and will help you put it in a bun.
She will invite Maki into your room to have a girl’s talk because it’s probably one of the only times where you three get to talk to one another about anything - even though you would sort of struggle but they’ll make you laugh (don’t ever expect Itadori and Fushiguro to be invited)
When you two are alone, she would also cup your face and just bombard you with kisses upon your cheek to help you comfort you and will hug you with a little pout - she is still disappointed that she didn’t get to go out with you.
At the end of the day, expect cuddles and a Netflix marathon - you two probably watch a lot of K-Dramas and maybe some Bridgerton (never watched it by the way but I am planning to).
Overall, She will try her best to make you better in no time, but her top priority is to try to make it more enjoyable for you and make you feel extremely beautiful during the time you are ill because the feeling is just horrible.
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When Gojo discovers that you are ill, he will tease you in the beginning once he finds you - it’s not like he doesn’t care, it’s just this is the one thing you can’t really tease/fight him back except for a pillow being thrown at him.
“Honey~ why didn’t you tell me you were lovesick? Awww~ you love me too much” - then will sing Lovesick Girls by BLACKPINK to annoy you more.
Disclaimer, he will either not let the pillow touch him due to his infinity or he will allow the pillow to hit him and then complain that now he is hurt.
However, after his little teasing session is done, Gojo will start to make sure you are feeling okay by asking you a few questions while comparing your temperature to his by placing his forehead against yours.
Once he has established how unwell you are, he will begin to step up everything needed like water, food and medicine because he never knows when he is going to get called up by the higher-ups for an urgent mission.
However, if he is lucky and doesn’t get called up, expect him to dote on you throughout the whole day and the whole time you are ill.
If Gojo can cook, he will make a whole three-course meal for you to eat since he wants you to be full and have some energy, but if he can’t cook, he will make Ichiji go out and buy you something/order something for you.
Gojo will feed the food to you and refuses you to hold the utensils since ‘you’re too weak for it’ - because he just wants to feed and you will tease you by pulling the fork/spoon away.
He will also help you drink the glass of water he has prepared for you and call you a ‘good girl’ after the meal because he knows that you don’t really have the appetite to eat in the beginning.
Gojo will also prepare you a bath overflowing bubbles to help make you feel better and warm - but don’t be surprised when he will join you to hold you close but will make an excuse by saying to make sure ‘you don’t overheat’.
He will change you into one of his black jumpers or his white shirt - depends on the season - and will call you cute no matter what even when you deny it because you are ill.
He will already cuddle with you before you even ask him to, so let’s be happy that this man’s love language is physical touch.
Gojo will try to kiss you on the lips even though you told him not to, so please cover your mouth and let him kiss the black of your hand - other than that, he will kiss anywhere on your body that you will allow.
If he knows he has to go on a mission later, he would sit by your side and hold your hand close to him until he is called - will also leave a note to tell you why he isn’t by your side if you are asleep with a cup of water right beside it.
Overall, Gojo is such a teasing man but also extremely loving towards you when you are ill, he just wants you to get better and will act as normal as he can, so you can’t tell that he is worried about you. 
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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psychewritesbs · 3 years
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Is Megumi done dying to win?
Is Gojo the strongest?
This question came up on Instagram earlier today, and I mentioned that I was starting to feel like Gojo is not as infallible as we might have been led to believe. I added that in a battle between Gojo and a Megumi who has stepped into his potential, my money is on Megumi.
The way I see it, the only CT that can rival a limitless CT, is a CT of endless darkness--like Megumi’s shadow realm. 
Of course, I’m just speculating about Megumi’s shadow realm being one of endless darkness. 
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But we do know that Gojo shared with Megumi that the 10 shadows CT has rivaled limitless in the past in chapter 117. Thus implying Megumi has the same potential.
But what struck me were the responses I got from others who still see Megumi as not having grown at all:
“Honestly same but Megumi doesn't even hesitate to throw his life away. It'll probably take him a lot of time to surpass Gojo (that is, if he doesn't kill himself).”
This type of comment about Megumi is not uncommon even though in chapter 109 Megumi literally tells us “even if I risk my life, I don’t plan on throwing it away”.
So all I can think is that people who think Megumi is still throwing his life away have either not read the Shibuya Arc or missed the nuances.
Meaning... during the Yasohachi bridge ordeal, when Megumi snapped, I wonder if he also realized that if he dies, he’s basically abandoning not just Tsumiki, but also Yuji and Nobara. It’s like the whole experience made him realize he’s more valuable alive than dead.
Gege shows us this new attitude and growth further when Megumi summons Mahoraga to kill Shigemo.
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Ironically, Megumi is infamous for trying to summon Mahoraga every time he finds himself in a pinch. Megumi does it one too many times prior to the Shibuya Arc but is always somehow stopped before he goes through with the ritual.
Gojo even tells him that relying on Mahoraga as his trump card is what’s holding him back from getting stronger. Rightfully so.
But Megumi unleashing Mahoraga on Shigemo was actually not an act of desperation like in previous chapters, but rather a deliberate “F*CK YOU, even if I die, I’m going to win”.
Excuse my French.
Let me explain...
Megumi's overkill win over Shigemo
In other words, Megumi, just like he did when he manifested his DE back during the Yasohachi Bridge Arc, risked his life to win instead of dying to win.
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By the time Shigemo gets to Megumi and injures him fatally, Megumi had already fought other enemies, he had exhausted his CE by using his DE while battling Dagon (an impressive feat as it is, and we already know it takes a huge toll on his body), AND he was also injured from his battle with Toji.
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He was basically at his limit. This time, he really was at a point where he couldn’t run, he couldn’t fight, and he could probably barely defend himself. 
The interesting part is that he hesitates to summon Mahoraga with Toji, who compared to Shigemo is a real beast.
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And yet, at the same time, you can tell he’s probably still coming up with ideas of what else he could do instead of summoning Mahoraga.
With Shigemo, on the other hand, he probably realized that his only choice if he wanted to win was to summon Mahoraga.
Because that's just it. In summoning Mahoraga against Shigemo, Megumi was making a statement. Not only was Megumi punishing Shigemo (he doesn’t like bullies, remember?), he was also fighting to win, even if it meant risking his life.
And nothing says “there was no way I would have let you win and now you get to pay the consequences” more than Megumi’s smug smile in the panel below.
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To be honest, I’ve always found Megumi unleashing Mahoraga on Shigemo very overkill. He clearly had enough left in him to summon Mahoraga, so I am assuming he could have summoned Kon, or Nue, or Rabbit Escape.
But no. Megumi went for the cruelest, most overkill, most sadistic form of punishing and getting back at Shigemo. 
Had Sukuna not intervened, Mahoraga would have had Shigemo with his toast for breakfast.
It would take Megumi a LONG TIME to catch up to Gojo
Or would it?
With the Culling Games around the corner, and with the possible foreshadowing that Sukuna’s plans will make Megumi suffer, I shared how I believe Gege has beat Yuji’s ego to a pulp, but so far Megumi has been spared Gege’s cruelty.
As it’s been stated before, the learning curve of a Jujutsu Sorcerer is not a kind one. It usually takes for a JJS to have their backs against a wall for them to grow exponentially.
Above all, having read chapter 158, I am wondering just how willing Megumi would be to kill others for Tsumiki’s sake, and what that means for his mental health.
Would he come to enjoy it as much as he enjoyed punishing Shigemo?
I guess we’ll find out.
The Jujutsu Kaisen Project
Anyways, thanks so much for nerding out with me. I LOVE reading your comments and chatting about JJK theory, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment!
That being said, in order to write this analysis I just went through 26 JJK manga chapters to find these particular panels of Megumi highlighting his subtle change in perspective regarding relying on his “trump card”. The good news is that this allowed me to start cataloguing the manga chapters like the total organizational nerd that I am.
If, like me, it would help to read a quick synopsis of the chapter so that you can find what you’re looking for more efficiently, then the Jujutsu Kaisen Project might help you. It is a work in progress so just bear with me as I work my way through the manga in search for more juicy foreshadowing and details.
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sukumen · 3 years
Lmao over Megumi in that ask with all those siblings, just oh my god can you imagine his parents going on a date so there he is with like the youngest baby in his arms, there’s like four kids on those cute backpack leashes since they’re the rowdiest, and the quiet one, maybe a sister just holding onto his sleeve. Yuji and Nobara are just like why do you have so many gremlins on you and he’s just like my parents are horny rabbits. Gojo thinks he’s good with kids but these are Toji’s kids they have been trained to just roast that man on sight. The real kicker is that all of them are pretty talented like Megumi and Maki and the Zenin clan is just watching all of this like, shit we fucked up. Honestly with the amount of kids and talents at this point y’all might as well be the Fushiguro Clan.
this is probably the best ask i’ve ever gotten oh my god i have been laughing since you sent it because YES LMAO like here are some things that are 100% true about megumi’s sibling army + the jujutsu tech squad ---
p.s. this is late, so here’s a link back to the original ask for context!
yuuji is their absolute favorite - between the ones who love his jokes and the ones that get to wrestle and race to their heart’s content, he is the perfect babysitter’s assistant to megumi, who appreciates how easily he fits into the fold of his chaotic family. in some ways, it’s just yuuji being yuuji: personable, fun, and warm. but i have to think that there’s a part of him that also values a large, bustling family -- especially after what his grandfather said on his deathbed -- and the opportunity to be a part of megumi’s isn’t one he’ll pass up.
also, there is absolutely a kiddo who is unfazed by sukuna and has, like, put a crayon in his mouth when he’s popped up on yuuji’s cheek. he hates them most of the bunch. 
gojou gets roasted religiously by these kids. and the worst part is they don’t even understand what they’re saying really; they just add insult to injury with this little chorus parroting anything they’ve heard megumi or toji say about him (imagine having a six year old call you an idiot to your face). that said: they still appreciate his habit of bringing treats to share and aren’t above being bribed to be nice to him. 
it never lasts long though!
while yuuji is the overall favorite, you can’t tell me the kids don’t have this deep fascination with nobara too, especially megumi’s sisters. they all think she’s just so cool between her strength and her style and vibe. any time they come to visit, they’re making a beeline for nobara’s dorm and spend their day trailing after her and maki. and don’t get me started on the troublemaking antics - most of the chaos comes in when nobara’s in charge. even yuuji’s getting in on it! prank wars, secret missions to vending machines, she commands the kiddo crew through it all with ease.
i also completely agree re: their power - it can be so easy for folks to forget that they have such potential because they are so young and so normal. but as they start to get older and those techniques and energies really manifest, woo - what a team they have on their hands. i have to think that at least one has some degree of heavenly restriction with both toji and maki having it, but i’ll have to think more about what that could be...
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + kugisaki nobara from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 27 january
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ request : hello!! I love ur blog sm it’s so cozy and safe!! i just wanted to order a black coffee of being comforted and taken care of by the main three (yuuji, megumi, and nobara) when the reader is on their period ;-; tysm!! ❤️❤️
↳ barista’s notes : hi there! let me admit this about my time of the month, i only get cramps/backache on like the first day and people tell me they don’t realise i’m not my time since i don’t have mood swings - which is surprising because i thought i did  ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ other than that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come to the cafe again soon ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ
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The day your period arrives, Itadori will have no idea and will probably be confused about why one second you are angry and the next you are crying - he is just a confused little baby.
Of course, Kugisaki will call him an idiot and will inform him that you are on your period if he hasn’t figured it out yet.
Once he comes into your room and finds you huddling under a mountain of blankets, he will slowly and carefully crouch down to your height and ask if you need anything - since asking if you were okay was not the ideal question (also advised by Kugisaki).
To be honest with you, all the knowledge and advice he has gotten about periods is from Kugisaki - I feel like she made him pay as well for lessons.
Of course, if you tell him you buy you chocolates, he will come back from the convenience store with more than that like snacks, water, chocolate, sweets, ice-cream and pads/tampons.
Just know there are multiple types of pads/tampons in the plastic bag because he doesn’t know what to pick for you and, of course, you thank him because you know he tried his best.
He will also provide you with a hot water bottle that probably has a cute animal cover on it for you since he doesn’t want the heat as well as plastic to burn your skin.
Itadori will cuddle you if you ask for it while placing his hand on your lower stomach to help soothe the cramps with your permission of course.
He will also set up yours or his laptop to watch movies and anime together, he will probably eat some of the snacks he has bought you - which made him learn to buy his whole for the next month.
Sometimes both you and Itadori will have a game night together, where you both would have your Nintendo Switches - which I don’t have personally - and probably play Animal Crossing - New Horizons to help make you forget your pain.
Sukuna will mock him for being a tiny bit scared at your aggressive behaviour when your mood suddenly switches.
In conclusion, Itadori is someone that will be wary around you since he doesn’t want a Kugisaki 2.0 to be his girlfriend but will try his best to make you feel the least amount of pain as much as he can.
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Unlike Itadori, Fushiguro will know when you have started since he does have an older sister as well as two female cousins within his family.
When you had your first period during yours and Fushiguro’s relationship, he probably marked it on his calendar and has it on a series for it every month.
Fushiguro knows that you will come to his room when you are on and just flat drop flat on his bed because his scent helps you to forget the pain - this happens with me like sometimes the smell of lavender helps with my cramps...maybe it’s just me.
You probably know this but Fushiguro has all the essentials you need in his dorm kitchen and bathroom because of your monthly visits - he is prepared and very organised.
He will make sure you have eaten first before giving you painkillers since he wants you to feel somewhat better than you are now.
Fushiguro will summon one of his rabbits for you to cuddle with since he knows that some sort of warmth helps you - the thing is once the rabbit is in your arms, it is not escaping.
If you are having back pains, Fushiguro will help you by massaging your back to help comfort you - his divine dog will probably use its paws to help as well or maybe the rabbits will bounce on your back, I don’t know.
If you ask for something, Fushiguro is already on it and has it prepared as I have mentioned - he just doesn’t want to deal with your sudden lack of patience since he knows that you can get irritated very quickly.
If you suddenly start crying, it is over for Fushiguro because he wouldn’t know how to comfort you - his shikigami will do a better job than him and if Kugisaki was with him, she would yell at him 100%.
He would start by holding you in his arms but he will be stiff, of course, that doesn’t matter because you will tightly hold him back - which surprises him since for some reason this hug is stronger than your other ones.
If you want cuddles from him, he will be hesitant at first because of your mood swings, but once you give him the puppy dog eyes, he can’t resist you and will join you under his covers.
In conclusion, your monthly visit to Fushiguro’s dorms is one of his favourites because that means he gets to come back from missions and find you in his room, he is always prepared and ready to handle the situation - even though, he is quite wary of the short-temper that you have for the next 5-7 days.
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The expert of periods is here! Kugisaki Nobara is the one to be with when you have your period because this girl probably knows everything compared to Itadori and Fushiguro.
When I think about it, she probably has spare pads/tampons in her bags/pockets and will offer one to you when you need it.
However, unlike Fushiguro, she probably doesn’t have any painkillers with her and will probably have to make a trip for you to get some or ask Fushiguro if he has any to save time.
You don’t have to worry about snacks because I know she has a stash of sweets and cakes in her dorm room and will give you some of it - mostly likey chocolate cake or chocolate-covered strawberries.
She already has a water bottle prepared for you as well as a back massager because she is boujee with that Jujutsu Tech money that she has been provided with.
Like Itadori, you and Kugisaki will play games together - I feel like people forget she’s a gamer since she did mention Smash Bro’s in the anime and little scenarios in the manga as well - especially battle games as a way to release your anger from the pain you are suffering from.
If you ever cry about being ugly - because we are emotional - she will hype you up with an angry tone: “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BABE? YOU ARE GORGEOUS, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, STRONG AND AMAZING, DONT SAY ANYTHING OTHER THAN THAT!”
Kugisaki will also do your makeup since she wants you to feel your most beautiful since she and you know that breakouts during periods are just not it.
She will also help you with your skincare and probably introduced to some new products along the way since why not? 
You and Kugisaki will cuddle a lot during the beginning week and you both will probably have matching pyjamas on because you both just give off cute couple outfits vibes even when you both don’t go out.
Sometimes during your cuddling sessions, you and Kugisaki will be looking at her phone swiping through a few clothing sites and suggesting what you both should buy for your next date together and maybe research a few new cafes to try out.
Definitely will send cute selfies together to help you feel beautiful to the boys on the group chat because they need to know that you are in pain and they should send their condolences.
Netflix and ice-cream will be an everyday thing for the whole week you are on and to be honest, it is better than any date because you both are together with no distractions.
In conclusion, Kugisaki will make the time during your period a self-care girl’s week for the both of you and this will happen when she is on as well - and please, when you are both on, it is a nightmare for Itadori and Fushiguro (they will be nervous and avoid you both)
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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