#yume hinamori
bravesung · 2 months
hanamaru has made 3 animal crossing islands so far : yume, sakura and hinamori ( which was sachiko's island but hanamaru took over when sachiko lost interest. ), yume was fairycore, sakura was pink-gardencore and hinamori was elegantcore. yes, she has stayed up on her days off to play it, she also advertises them on her social media so other players can visit them !
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itshisk · 6 years
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More Yume. I cannot be stopped. 
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macpot · 7 years
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My mum's cooler than yours.
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watashiwayume · 7 years
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Ok ok ok
Hear me out.
What if Murdoc... was a Time Lord ❗❗❗❓❓
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juliet-flowershop · 7 years
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Estaba llorando. Unos niños de mi salón me habían golpeado de camino a la casa y tenía varias heridas; mi mamá se había encargado de curarme, pero salí corriendo en cuanto me preguntó qué había pasado. Lo último que quería era que fuese a la Academia a reclamar y que después los niños la tomaran más contra nosotras, así que me encerré en mi cuarto y empecé a llorar sola. "¿Tsubasa? ¿Puedo pasar?", preguntó mi hermana mayor Yuki, con su dulce y hermosa voz. "Vengo con Hikari y Yume". No quería que mis hermanas menores me vieran así, pero intenté animarme diciéndome que un poco de compañía no me vendría mal. "Entren", mascullé, estrechando con más fuerza a mi conejito de peluche y secándome las lágrimas con el dorso de la mano. Yuki entró, con Hikari y Yume agarradas a sus manos. Yuki era la mayor de las cuatro con sus nueve años, la más bonita y amable; Hikari era un año menor que yo, es decir que tenía seis años, y era la más escandalosa y cercana a mí; y por último Yume, que con sólo cuatro años era la más pequeña y tímida. "¿Qué te pasó, onee-chan?", preguntó Hikari, abriendo los ojos de par en par y corriendo junto a mí. "¿Por qué lloras? ¿Por qué estás...?". Yume no dijo nada, naturalmente, pero ella y Yuki se me acercaron también; la pequeña se limitó a mirarme con sus enormes ojos marrones llenos de tristeza y a tomarme la mano, pero Yuki se sentó junto a mí y me abrazó. "¿Te golpearon otra vez, Tsubasa?", murmuró mi hermana. Pude sentir tristeza en su voz. Asentí. "No sé por qué... por qué nos odian tanto...", farfullé, sollozando. "No quise decirle nada a mamá... No quiero que se preocupe más... Y si reclama, sólo se burlarán más de mí". "No te preocupes. Estoy segura de que hay alguna forma...", intentó decir Hikari, pero la interrumpí. "No la hay, Hikari. Ya ha pasado muchas veces y seguirá así", dije con rabia, limpiándome las lágrimas. "No quiero que mamá haga nada. Estoy bien. Estaré... Estaré bien". Mis hermanas se miraron. No quería involucrar a nadie; si aquello seguía pasando, quería resolverlo por mi cuenta. Ya estaba cansada de ver triste a todo el mundo por mi culpa. "Onee-chan... Si te sientes mal... te puedo dar un abrazo...", dijo Yume con su pequeña vocecita llena de inocencia. "No me gusta verte llorar... Si necesitas un abrazo, nosotras podemos darte uno". Las tres me sonrieron y me abrazaron sin más. No pude evitar llorar, pero eso sólo pudo aliviar mi dolor superficialmente; no había ninguna cura para la rabia que me provocaba todo lo que nos sucedía a mí y a mi familia. Me dije que lo soportaría, hasta que pudiera hacer algo y no necesitara decirle nada a nadie... Hasta que no hubiera necesidad de que mis hermanas lloraran por mí.
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saki-daimon · 7 years
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『 Nemuri ni tsuku koro anata mo dokoka de ~ shiawase na yume o mite iru no? ♪ 』
I was just talking some Utau pics because I feel better and because I couldn’t take almost any in last con, and while I was editing my eyes to make them purple bc circle lenses are expensive ug  I really liked how I looked in this one, it reminded me of how cool / distant Utau seemed to Amu the first time they met, and that feel also reminds me of Meikyuu Butterfly, so I started editing this. Even tho the dress is not the same and that xD
I want to dedicate this pic to my Amu @amu-hinamori-tsukiyomi because it was her birthday 10 days ago and I still didn’t have time to finish her present :’) I know she loves my Utau cosplay so have this in the meanwhile, I love you so much ❤
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kpopperreaction · 7 years
Omegaverse Chapter 6
*7 years ago*
Everything was simple when Jungkook was a child; he came from a well off family, he was born an alpha just like his father, who was also an alpha, wanted and he was a happy child…..until his 15th birthday when his parents told him the truth. The truth was that he was to be married to someone he had never met before because their families made a deal that the first alpha born to the Jeon family and the first omega born to the other family were to be wed.
“Umma, I don’t want to marry this person! I have never even met them!” the teen complained and laid on his bed huffing like the child he was. Mrs. Jeon sighed and sat next to him while gently petting her youngest son’s hair.
“Kookie, I know you don’t want to, but this was something your father decided and I can’t really go against him now can i? Plus, you will like your fiancé. I guarantee it,” she said and kissed his forehead, “so, let’s get you ready for the party.” Mrs. Jeon got up from the bed and walked to the door to let the maids in from the hall to help her son get ready then she sat on the chair by the vanity in the room. After a bit, Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror while he tried fix the tie he was meant to wear and he turned to look at his mother who had some tears in her eyes.
“My goodness, my baby is growing up so fast. You look just like your father the day I first met him,” Mrs. Jeon said and did the tie for him while also fixing his collar, “so very handsome.”
“Thanks Umma,” the teen said and got slightly embarrassed at the compliment.
*At the party*
Jungkook stood by himself watching others dance to the music and he straightened himself up seeing his parents walk up with more people with them.
“Yume, this is our son. Jungkook, this is Yume Hinamori,” his father said and the 15 year old bowed to the woman.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Jungkook. I hope you have a wonderful time at this party,” Mrs. Hinamori said and curtseyed toward the male. The teen nodded and watched the adults walked away then he took a deep breathe to calm his nerves. Jungkook looked around and he saw someone standing by themselves again looking very shy and timid. The person was a young man who looked to be the same age as Jungkook with neck length brown hair, milk colored skin and large, deep brown doe eyes and the male looked in the direction of the teen on the other side of the ballroom. Jungkook set down his drink and he made his way over to the area where the male is then he stopped right in front of the other. The shorter male blushed lightly and he looked toward the ground seeing the taller male stare at him intensely.
“I-Is something on m-my face?” the short male stuttered and played with the hem of his white, freshly pressed dress shirt. The alpha teen got out of his daze and he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Sorry. I….just thought you were mesmerizing and I guess my mind wandered off,” Jungkook stated bluntly while blushing slightly.
“Ah, Jungkook, I see you have met Mistuke,” they heard a voice talk and they turned to see Mrs. Jeon standing there, “Mitsuke, this is my son Jungkook.”
“Oh, you’re Hikari’s fiancé!” the male, Mitsuke, said and he held out his hand, “I’m Mistuke, Hikari’s cousin. You can call me Misu if you like.”
Jungkook nodded his head numbly and he took the other’s hand, but when their hand connected, there was a spark between them. They pulled their hands back quickly and with huge blushes covering their faces completely not knowing how their lives have changed with them connecting their hands.
*4 years ago*
Warning: alcohol consumption, slight language and slight drunken sex! You have been warned!
It had been 3 years since Jungkook met Misu and his fiancé, Hikari who was Misu’s cousin, and the two had become good friends over the years. Tonight was the two month mark to the alpha’s wedding with the older omega girl and the omega male thought they should go out to celebrate the marriage.
“Come on, it’s one night~! Just have a bit of fun~!” Misu yelled over the music and handed the younger male a drink that he ordered from the bar. The 18 year old looked at the liquid in the cup and he sighed to himself before taking a huge gulp.
“This is sweet. What did you get?” Jungkook questioned and looked at the shorter male who smiled.
“It’s a fruit punch with just a hint of vodka. Not too much alcohol since I know you can’t handle it well~” the omega said and took more of a drink of his. The younger alpha watched as the older omega male wandered around to the dance floor and he sat at one of the booths in the corner. A few hours passed and Jungkook found himself lying on a soft bed in a hotel room with his eyes closed as he tried to make the room stop spinning.
“Kookie, you should have paced yourself better. What are our families going to think if we show up late tomorrow because you have a damn hangover,” Misu said and paced in the room nervously, not noticing as the younger male sat up and he froze feeling a hand around his wrist. Before the omega could ask anything, he is pulled onto the bed and pinned beneath the other whose eyes were full of lust and want.
“J-Jungkook…w-what are you d-doing?” Misu questioned with a dark blush on his face and his eyes widen as the younger male got closer to him until he was just above the omega’s lips.
“What do you think I am doing? I’m gonna kiss my omega and fuck him,” Jungkook slurred and he finally put his lips on the elder’s while he held his hips tightly. The omega tried not to kiss back, but the feelings he had developed over the last 3 years for the younger began to come through and he gripped the other’s shirt to pull him closer. They pulled away after a few minutes of hot and heavy kissing and the alpha began to kiss down the elder’s neck making the other moan loudly.
“You are so hot baby,” Jungkook moaned and he bit the male beneath him’s neck. Misu was pulled up and he panted as his shirt was pulled off of his body then he moaned even louder as the younger began to attack his upper torso with kisses and nips. The alpha pushed him back down and growled seeing red blotches appear on the beautifully milk skin of the male below him. Jungkook undressed them both and he looked at the omega who was tried to cover his lower body with his hands.
“Don’t do that baby boy,” the alpha commanded and pulled the other’s hand away, “you are so beautiful. All pretty and pink just for me~”
Misu blushed a deep red again and he watched as the younger moved down so he was face to face with his member. The omega whimpered as the alpha took him into his mouth and he gripped the bedsheets until his knuckles turned white. The younger male bobbed his head and he closed his eyes so he could focus on the noises the elder was making. Jungkook pulled up and looked at the other male while he moved his hand up and down making the elder squirm.
“You like that baby boy~? Should daddy do more~?” Jungkook questioned and he smirked seeing the other male squirm more as he slowed his hand, “what’s the magic word princess?”
“P-Please Jungkook!” Misu moaned out and he panted watching the younger male through half lidded eyes as he sat up on the bed. The alpha reached over to his pants and pulled out his wallet then the omega’s eyes widen seeing a condom come out of it.
“W-Were you planning on doing t-this?” the elder asked as the younger tore the wrapper open with his teeth.
“No, but my hyung thought it would be funny to put it in there. I guess I can really thank him later~” the alpha said and rolled the condom on him then looked up at the other, “this is ok right? I don’t want to hurt you.”
Misu smiled lightly and took the other’s free hand into his own then nodded his head as an ok for him to enter. Jungkook gently spread the omega’s legs apart and entered inch by inch, stopping every once in a while when the other winced then continuing until he was fully inside the other. They sat in silence just letting each other get used to their bodies and after a bit, the elder nodded for the younger to move. The alpha leaned down so his hands were on either side on the omega’s head and he began to thrust into him slow and easy as to not hurt him.
“K-Kookie, f-faster! Please!” Misu moaned and ran his hand over the other’s chest, turning the younger on even more.
“Alright baby boy, whatever you want~!” Jungkook said and thrusted faster and deeper into the shorter male. They moaned in unison and the alpha slipped his arms under the omega then pulled him up so that the younger could hit that bundle of nerves inside the elder dead on. The shorter male moaned the loudest he had the entire night and his arms were wrapped around the taller male’s neck.
“I-I’m gonna cum soon baby. Should I help you~?” Jungkook stated and he gripped the omega’s thighs.
“P-Please K-Kookie….i-I need to cum s-so badly~!” Misu whimpered and he got closer so their chests are touching and rubbing against one another with each thrust. The alpha wrapped his hand around the other’s member while he pumped in time with his movements and he smiled lightly as the shorter male came yelling his name. The taller male gave a few more thrusts then came inside the condom and he pulled out while he lied down with the omega. Misu panted heavily and he felt a hand hold his own and he turned his head to look at the younger male who fell asleep. The omega looked up at the ceiling and tears welt up in his eyes as he realized what he just did.
‘I am so sorry Hikari…..but I love your fiancé,’ the short male thought as he fell asleep being held close by the tall male.
*3 years and 6 months ago*
Jungkook looked out the window of the limo as it drove to the church for the big day and the alpha sighed to himself as his parents talked about the day with the planner. Since the night he and Misu went out, the omega had been avoiding him and only speaking to him when he needed to about the wedding. The tall male looked at his phone to see the picture he took of them after they became good friends and he smiled bitterly.
‘I wish it was you I was marrying Misu. I love you so much,’ Jungkook thought and he leaned back into his seat while he slouched. The Jeons arrived at the church and the young man was brought to a room to change his clothes into the attire for the wedding ceremony before the bonding ceremony later that day. He sat by himself for a bit after getting dressed and he looked up in the mirror when the door opened then his eyes widen seeing a certain person walk into the room. The young male turned completely around and stared at the other person in the room who was blushing and being shy.
“H-Hello Jungkook,” Misu said and rubbed his forearm shyly while he looked toward the ground. He saw dress shoes by his own and he was made to look up at the alpha who was looking at him with sad eyes making the omega feel bad for leaving before the other woke up the next morning.
“Kookie….don’t look at me like that please. What we did that night shouldn’t have happened,” the elder said trying to keep his voice calm.
“Why not?” the younger questioned quietly, clearly afraid of what the other was going to say.
“Because you are going to marry my cousin! I-I may love you, but I can’t have you. Hikari was the first born omega in our family and I was after her so I don’t get to be with you,” Misu said as tears began to fall from his eyes and he is pulled closer to the other. Jungkook leaned down and he kissed the shorter male deeply and full of so much love.
“I don’t care about what who I am marrying. I love you Mitsuke and I will marry you instead of Hikari,” the alpha said and took the other’s hand in his own while he stomped over to the large window. He opened it and he got out of the room while pulling the other, very confused male out with him.
“Kookie, where are we going?” the omega questioned as he is pulled along by the other who stopped at a crosswalk.
“We are going to a small church to get married and do the bonding ceremony,” Jungkook said and looked at the other with a huge smile on his face, “I told you. I am not marrying anyone other than you.”
Misu smiled brightly and he hugged the other tight as they crossed the street on their way to the church to become a married couple.
11 pages and over 2000 words later, it is done~! this is the finally couple backstory and I will be going back to normal chapters(no more past tense crap~!) next time~! I hope you enjoy this LONG chapter~! also, today marks two weeks until voting is closed for baby gender and baby name origin so vote vote vote~!
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Listen to Voice Actress Kanae Ito's Singer Debut 10th Anniversary Song "Ato 3 Centimeters" in MV
  32-year-old voice actress Kanae Ito will release her first best album to celebrate her singer debut's tenth anniversary, "Kanaeru Keshiki" (The scenery that fulfills my wish) from Lantis on August 28, 2019. A full-length music video for a newly-recorded song for the album, "Ato 3 Centimeters" (3 Centimeters more), is now streamed on the record label's official You Tube channel. 
  After graduated from Amusement Media Academy's voice actor/talent course in 2007, she voiced her first protagonist role, Amu Hinamori in Shugo Chara! and its sequels (2007-2010). Her well-known characters include: Ruiko Saten in A Certain Scientific Railgun (2009-), Elsie in The World God Only Knows (2010-2013), Sanae Nagatsuki in Squid Girl (2010-2011), Nana Astar Deviluke in To Love Ru/To Love Ru Darkness (2010-2017), Sena Kashiwazaki in Haganai (2011-2013), Yui in Sword Art Online (2012-), and many more.
  She made her solo singer debut as herself from Lantis n in August 2009, and has released 12 singles, three original albums, and one mini album.
  The lyrics of "Ato 3 Centimeters" is written by herself, and its music is co-composed by her and female singer-songwriter Saori Atsumi , who has collaborated with her since "Setsuna Love Letter," the coupling song of her first single "Yume Miru Kokoro" released in August 2009.
    "Ato 3 Centimeters" MV:
    "Kanaeru Keshiki" CD jacket:
    【伊藤かな恵】 8月28日発売の伊藤かな恵10周年記念ベストアルバム「カナエルケシキ」より、新曲「あと3センチ」のMVが公開となりました!! 皆さまぜひご視聴ください▼https://t.co/MwMHCd8sY3#伊藤かな恵
— Lantis(ランティス)公式 (@lantis_staff) August 21, 2019
    Source: Lantis official YouTube channel
  © BANDAI NAMCO Arts Inc.
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itshisk · 7 years
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wip that i don’t know if i’ll ever finish
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itshisk · 7 years
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Another reupload from my instagram. 
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itshisk · 7 years
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I feel like I’ve uploaded this before but here’s some step-mum action with Yume and my 2D fankid, Mac
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itshisk · 7 years
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Very old...might redraw
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itshisk · 7 years
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WIP of two pretty girls
(angel belongs to @kawaii-bells , yume is mine)
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watashiwayume · 7 years
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Photobomb ❗❗💥
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watashiwayume · 7 years
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Throwback !!!~ Tokyo Nights 💕
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watashiwayume · 7 years
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