#yun akayona
koukaimagines · 5 months
Hello!! What do you think of a scenario where a goofy reader goes quiet bc of yoon says something like “can you be serious for one second? I wish you’d just stop!” bc he’s stressed out. Then reader stays quiet for a few hours and the HHB don’t really notice until yoon catches her by herself and realizes she’s crying and was trying to hide she felt bad about it cue clearing misunderstandings and fluff!!
I think that sounds very interesting anon! Thank you for sending this one in! Yoon is so cute and I love writing him. Cue silly squabble followed by fluff! I hope this is good, I'm still a little rusty after prying my way out of writer's block and this is my first time writing a scenario request in a WHILE. But I had so much fun writing him! So once again, thank you! I hope any Yun fans reading enjoy it too.
Side note- I never know how to spell his name. Akayona seems based off of ancient korea with the names at least so Yoon feels right to me but I'm so used to seeing it spelt as Yun! I'll keep to Yoon in the writing for now, but what do you guys think?
Reader pronouns are she/her as used in anon's ask!
word count: 1402
The past few days have been awfully tense for the Happy Hungry Bunch and the Dark Dragon. Resources have been low and all your faces are fresh in the minds of the Kouka citizens. You’re on the run. Your access to village traders and merchants isn’t as lenient as it used to be— you’re forced to wear your hoods over your heads and keep out of sight.
On guard duty, while you and Yoon weren’t looking, a bundle of herbs was carried off by curious critters into the depths of the forest. Luckily, it was nothing you didn’t have seconds of, but resources being as scarce as they were, it weighed on Yoon’s mind quite heavily. 
“Crap— What were you doing??? That could’ve— ugh—” The young genius clenched his hands into fists as his mind turned upside down, trying to find a solution that didn’t exist. His fists loosened, and he found nothing but the end of his sentence. “That was at least one injury’s worth of herbs. Those plants don't grow around here.” He said, turning his back to you and crouching near his bag. He knew this wasn’t the time for an argument. He himself didn’t quite have the energy for one either.
"Well, at least the animals won’t have to worry about an injury then," you smirk, trying to ease his mind with a cute joke. You smile at the thought of raccoons putting their opposable thumbs to use with a rock somewhere, pounding the weeds the way you see Yoon do so often.
Unfortunately, your joke didn't quite land with him.
“Are you being serious?” He turns to you as he's crouched.
“I dunno, when am I ever?” You chuckle, not noticing how his tone is darker than it usually is when he banters with you. You smile at him in hopes that your expression would make him realize the situation itself wasn’t as dire as he made it out to be.
Yoon’s brows furrowed, and your smile faded. He rapidly shot up from his spot, his beautiful features scrunched in a scowl.
“Well, would it kill you to be serious for once??” He thundered. You blinked, trying to process his tone, why he was so upset— and why at you. His gaze grew more intense at your silence. “This is no time to be joking around! Do you realize that??? We’re already low on resources as it is, and you know with this group, injuries are as inevitable as there are stars in the sky!” 
Yoon bit his lip to try to put a lid on his boiling emotions. This was not the time. He needs to prepare for dinner.
“What’s wrong?” A voice emerges from beyond the tree trunks. Yona hurriedly steps through the beaten path and takes a glance back and forth between your expressions.
“What, are they fighting or something?” Hak strolls in, carrying a stack of twigs in his arm. You stay quiet. You don’t know how to answer that, at least not seriously, you suppose.
“Not really.” Yoon mumbles, turning his back to you once more to sort through the edible flora he’s found throughout the day. “Leave your wood by that trunk, Thunder Beast.” 
Your face feels numb at his answer, and you stare at the small back that never failed to support you and everyone else around him. His words echo in your head as footsteps approach you.
“Are you alright?” A dignified voice addresses you, and you look up to see Kija gazing at you with concern laced in his brow. You force a smile.
“Y-Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be? Yoon and I kinda messed up a bit, that’s all… Some raccoons had their way with some of his herbs.” You mutter, busying yourself by taking some materials the returning group brought back.
Kija eyed you with concern as you set down some dry leaves for kindle, but didn’t pry.
The tree branches rustled as the wind carried night across the sky. The fire lapped at the cold air of the season, and dinner was ready. Scooping some soup into some wooden bowls, Yoon bellowed the signal.
“Okay, good work everyone! Dinner’s ready.”
Six bodies crowded around the pot. Yoon raised a brow at the odd void he felt after seeing everyone present— everyone but you.
“Where’s Y/N?”
His question incited many heads to turn and scan the area.
“Ah… come to think of it, she said she’d be going to the bathroom…” Jaeha noted. “Quite some time ago,” he smirked awkwardly, trying to mask his worry as he noted the different colour of the sky now as opposed to when you spoke to him.
Concern began to shape Yoon’s features. “A while ago? Which way did she go?” His heart and mind began to race. His eyes wavered as he stood, and he set the ladle down in the pot filled with a concoction of gruel and herbs. 
“She stepped off somewhere that way. I’ll take Shinah with me, so you can sit tight, Yoon. I’ll bring your little darling back soon.” Jaeha winked. Yoon felt his cheeks warm.
 “She’s not!—” The pretty boy genius cut himself off as he swallowed his pride. This was not the time to fall for Jaeha’s antics. He sifted through the possible fates you might be subject to while his eyes aren’t on you, and a sudden pang hit his chest. At the same moment, Yoon struck an odd realization. 
Were you bothered by what he said earlier? 
Concern started to blur into frustration, annoyance, and guilt. “God… you idiot! What a pain...” He exclaimed under his breath. “Ugh, I’ll look for her! I need to talk to her!” He blurted, hurriedly gathering a few supplies and setting off towards the direction Jaeha pointed in.
It didn’t take long for Yoon to find you. You were a little ways out by the river. When he found you, the moonlight kissed your tears as they fell. You were hugging your knees as you watched the steady flow of the stream. The young boy clenched his chest in an attempt to quell an ache he knew he caused.
“Hey, Y/N—” He stepped closer to you, feeling his cheeks warm from the awkward predicament he’s put himself in. He tried to gather the words, but they just didn’t seem to want to come out. “You know, I—”
“I’m sorry,” you managed to say. He held his tongue. His throat felt tight.
That was his line.
“We’re dying just to survive— and I’m making light of things, I’m sorry. You were right.” You muttered through your sleeves as you wiped your disobedient tears. Yoon blinked. That’s not what he wanted to hear, and he was sure that wasn’t not the point you wanted to come to.
“That’s— That’s not it, Y/N, I—” He sighed. He set down his makeshift light source and sat down a ruler’s distance from you. “I’m the one who should be saying sorry. I completely went overboard—” He turned his gaze to the river. “I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you like that.” He balled his hands into fists on his lap as he fretted over you dimming your warm radiance all because of him. As silly as you were, your idiocy kept the group smiling on some of your worst nights— some of his worst nights— and was a warmth that was irreplaceable in his eyes. “We might be dying to survive, but— w-we can afford to spare a few weeds here and there.” He spoke haughtily.
His blue eyes shined as he lifted his gaze. He took a few shy glances at you before mumbling.  
“A-At least the animals won’t have to worry about an injury anymore, right?”
You turned to him in surprise. His cheeks were red and he looked away when you looked at him. A smile creeped on your lips— that one definitely landed for you.
"Yeah. Do you think raccoons would grind the herbs the way you do? They've got opposable thumbs, don't they?"
His eyes widened as his gaze returned to you. Your smile was infectious, and he began to feel its symptoms.
"You idiot." He whispered. "Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to do it half as well as I can."
With that, you both chuckled in each other's company before you made your way back for dinner.
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iluvluvnutella · 9 months
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◦•●◉✿ 𝓐𝓴𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲 𝓷𝓸 𝓨𝓸𝓷𝓪 ✿◉●•◦
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ratherhavehopewithyou · 7 months
Things I will never forgive Kusanagi for…
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…making Yun go through THIS alone
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aritsukemo · 3 months
Love and Devotion | Various Characters
How do they react to you randomly ( or not so randomly ) professing your love for them? ( Or vice versa )
Characters: Yun, Zeno, Meguru Bachira, and Seishiro Nagi
Warnings: Nothing major, but for Zeno's part, they're very vague spoilers to the manga!
A/N: I don't know what this is honestly, but if I find the motivation and if you guys like this, I'll make a part two with different characters! :)
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"I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me," You confessed to the beautiful genius before you, face hot and your body drenched in sweat under thick blankets.
"Stop saying stupid things," The genius in question replies, not sparing you a glance as he worked on your medicine, hands moving swiftly and meticulously as he mixed the herbs in a bowl, "You have more important things to worry about."
"But you are what's most important to me," You shamelessly retort, "Please, don't leave me.. I love you so much..I'd probably cry if you left me.."
"Calm down, I'm not leaving any time soon," He replies plainly before mumbling, "Not that I could if I wanted to. Knowing you, if I left you'd probably try to brush off your illness like an idiot and end up dying somehow.."
"Do you promise?" You ask and this time, Yun turns to look at you, his frowning face meeting your expectant one.
You truly are stupid, he thinks.
"It's going to take a while for me to finish your medicine so you should rest until then," His eyes break away from yours to return back to the bowl in front of him, "I'll wake you when I finish."
"I'm not sleeping until you promise me you'll stay."
"Fine, I promise I'll stay. Now get some rest."
"I don't believe you when you say it like that."
"Well that was the only time I'm saying it so you'll have to deal with it."
"Can't you be the tiniest bit romantic sometimes. I really think it would benefit our relationship if—"
"Go to sleep or I will leave."
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"Y'know, the miss can stop poking Zeno now," Zeno said cheerfully only to be once again poked in the arm by you, who still seemed to be rather awestruck.
Understandably so. I mean, how can you not after what happened..
"Sorry.." You mumble out, reluctantly letting go of his arm, "It's just.. Even though I saw your powers with my own eyes, it's hard to believe that you're really okay."
As the gruesome events of the other day replayed over and over in your head, your fist clench uncomfortably tight, your nails digging into the skin of the palm of your hand. Zeno's eyes soften at the sight.
Slowly, he takes your balled fist into his hands, using his fingers to gently pry your fingers apart. Once done, he grabs your other hand and intertwines both of his hands with yours.
"Do you feel this? Zeno's holding your hand, you feel that?" He asks, his smile widening when you eventually nod your head.
"See, Zeno's just fine! No need for the miss to worry!" He lets go of your hands, bringing both of his hands up to ruffle your hair, "So cheer up!"
"Zeno.." Was all you mumbled before an almost frustrated groan slips from you. With rather aggressive movements, you grip the back of his head and shirt, forcing him to collide with your chest.
"You idiot! How can you act so carefree after scaring me half to death?" Zeno's eyes widen, not because of your angry tone or how tightly you're holding him, but because of the tears—your tears—that he feels stain his clothed back.
"I was so scared.. I.. I really did think I was going to lose you.." You wrap your arms around his neck, your head coming down to rest atop of his as tears glide down your cheeks, some of which landing on his head and wetting his hair.
"I love you.." You weep, "I love you so much that I couldn't bear the thought of something like that happening again so please..try not to let it happen again.."
Oh, how he wishes he could lie to you. To tell you that he'd never throw himself into a situation like that again but that simply wouldn't be true because he probably will. To be completely honest, he doesn't care about what happens to him or this body of his. Being a shield is his one and only purpose and in a way, his reason to live. It'd be too obvious of a lie to tell you he'd never do something like that again..
..But at the same time, seeing you cry over him like this is not something he wants to make a normal occurrence.. It's nice to know you care for him enough to cry over him, but he'd much prefer your smile over your tears.
And so, he wraps his arms around you, lifting his head up to bury himself in your shoulder as he allows you to sob into his, smiling to himself as he whispers in your ear, "I'll try for you."
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"I'm home!" Bachira's excited voice rings throughout your apartment as he swung the door open.
After being gone for so long, he was so happy to be home! So happy to be able to rest in his bed and eat yummy food and, most importantly, he's so so so excited to be able to see you in person again! To see your smile, to hold you close.. Eeee~! Just thinking about it makes him all the more eager!
..But you aren't waiting for him at the door like you said you would.. Where— Oh, nevermind.
As he walked closer to the large sofa, your figure revealed itself; comfortable and tangled in pillows, you were fast asleep and softly snoring away. The sight makes him pout. As cute as you are like this, he would've liked it if you were awake and greeting him with open arms like he imagined..
Guess he'll have to settle with a goodnight kiss.. Or maybe he should wake you up with a surprise, hehe..~
With a mischievously silly idea now forming in his head and a playful smirk on his face to match it, Bachira takes no time to lean over the couch. He dips down, inching closer and closer to your face..
And just like that, he was caught in your trap.
Everything happened in a instant and before Bachira could process you flipping him over and onto the couch, you were already covering his face in wet kisses and tickling his sides, causing his face to crinkle up as a string of laughs force their way from his pale lips.
"I knew you'd try something!" You say, wide awake and grinning triumphantly at the boy dying of laughter underneath you.
"I- Ahahahaha..~! I- I thought— Wait! I- Ahahahaha..~!" He couldn't even get his words out because of your ruthless assault to his poor sides. It was only when the tears begin to form that you finally showed mercy, removing your hands from his sides at last.
He takes a few breaths, his body going limp as it's released from your ticklish torture. You wait a few moments to allow him to catch his breath before your hands come up to tangle in his two-toned hair, carding your fingers through it in a rhythm..
"I got you pretty good," You say cheekily, it earns a small, slightly breathless chuckle from your boyfriend.
"I thought you were asleep," He says, "I was asleep until a few minutes ago, thanks to a certain someone," You quip before completely falling on top of him, slamming all your body weight onto him and burying your face in his chest. Not that he minded.
"You made such a ruckus opening the front door you woke me up," You explained in grumble, although your tone made it evident that you weren't actually upset.
"Sorry, 'couldn't help it! 'Wanted to see your gorgeous face as soon as possible!" He says. Planting a kiss on your forehead and following up by pulling you up and kissing you in various other places like your nose and cheeks, "I missed you so so so so so much, babe!"
A huff escapes you, but it looses it's vexing effect due to the wide smile painted on your face, "I missed you too, beautiful. But next time, come in a little quieter.."
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Lazy days were always your favorite.
No annoying ass colleagues annoying you about boring ass work, no early mornings, and the best part, no leaving the bed. What makes things even better is that your boyfriend was home, cuddled up to you as you played in his hair.
"You're really pretty.. My pretty boy.." You cooed into his ear. You've been whispering compliments into his ear ever since the two of you woke up and although he liked it, the endless stream of adoration was really starting to get to him..
"Stop.." Nagi mumbled out in a way that comes off as borderline whining as he attempted to bury his face into your shoulder even more than he already was.
"What? I thought you liked it when I complimented you, baby," You said, eliciting another, even more whiny, groany, mumble from him.
"I do, but not when you're shoving it down my throat like this.." He said, but his pink ears gave away the truth; he simply couldn't handle anymore of sugary-sweet compliments..
Even with his sweet tooth, he knows that any more candy-drop affirmations would give him a stomachache..
You chuckle, "Okay, okay, I'll stop for now. ..I'll just shower you in kisses!" And before he could complain, you were already leaning in and covering any and every part of his face that you could reach with wet pecks, "Heyyyyyy," He groaned, but he doesn't stop you. Afterall, attempting to stop you would be too much effort and he hates putting in effort for anything on lazy days..
Hm, guess he stuck being pampered like this until you tire yourself out. How annoying.. Not really, but it's hard to sleep when you're making his heart race.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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athanora · 1 year
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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soo-won · 2 months
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What if during that short elipse of chapter 256 Rapa told them absolutely everything. Imagine. (suwon is happy...) (keishuk has mixed feelings)
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nemiisnemisis · 2 months
Akatsuki no yona spoilers for ch 256 below
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alrighty, its time to sob even harder now :,)
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kazumasamaanime · 8 months
Aaaaaah I want MOREEEE. This chapter was beautiful and I cried SM but I NEED MORE😭😭.
P.S. I'm not gonna make it until 5th December.....🥲🫠
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yourlocalshade · 1 year
Wasn’t in a good space so here’s a comfort character in his comfort zone
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koukaimagines · 5 months
Son Hak:
Hak NSFW | HCs
Soowon and Hak with an s/o who's evil (undercover assassin) | HCs
Soowon with a sister | HCs
Soowon NSFW | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Soowon woman type | HCs
Soowon and Hak with an s/o who's evil (undercover assassin) | HCs
Soowon jealous | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Yun and a goofy reader squabble and make up | SCENARIO
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Kija and Jaeha tickling their female crush | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Kija x reader who has a feverish nightmare | SCENARIO
Kija and Jaeha taking care of an injured s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Shinah x reader first kiss | SCENARIO
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Shinah NSFW | HCs
Shinah with a reader who's scared of the dark | HCs
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Kija and Jaeha tickling their female crush | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Jaeha NSFW | HCs
Kija and Jaeha taking care of an injured s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Reader finds out about Zeno's powers | SCENARIO
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Zeno NSFW | HCs
Zeno with a reader who's afraid of thunderstorms and tries to hide it | SCENARIO
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
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iluvluvnutella · 7 months
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Akatsuki no Yona key visuals (individual illustrations acrylic stand) by Kusanagi Mizuho for the upcoming art exhibition
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ratherhavehopewithyou · 4 months
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akatsuki no yona valentine's cards <3
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katellan · 1 year
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they have a whole 12 bells between them
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akatsuki-no-yona · 1 year
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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