#yun jin tag tbd
paladinwife · 1 year
💕 i remember reading a fic that you wrote for a video game a while ago ?? idk if it was dead by daylight but i think it was the one with yun-jin. im curious :3
It was Dead By Daylight, yes! And as I know you just saw I just did one for DBD Mira, but since you mentioned Yun-Jin I might as well take the chance to elaborate on their dynamic.
As I mentioned in the last post, Yun-Jin is the first person Mira finds in the fog. Rather than the kind of budding camaraderie you might see with my friends’ self insert origins or even the canon interactions along these lines, Yun-Jin isn’t thrilled to see Mira and sees her as a bit of a liability. I think Mira was too confused at that point to be offended.
But this, of course, leads in to the major conflict between them. Yun-Jin is described repeatedly in game as self interested; to her, it’s a mentality that helped her survive in what she sees as a cold and uncaring world. Even her perks reflect this, with her sometimes benefitting from other survivors getting injured. So, sometimes she’s less likely to stick her neck out when other survivors are in danger. Mira takes issue with this, not because she herself expects rescuing, but she pretty firmly believes that the survivors all need each other to escape and no one has room to be selfish. I wrote about one, but I think this has probably led to more than one spat between them.
Part of Yun-Jin’s mentality is the belief that no one else would do something to help her for purely selfless reasons, and especially not if it would risk them to do it. She gets some pushback on this when Mira, despite their differences, does risk her life to rescue her from certain death. For one, she has to cope with the struggle of reconsidering her whole life mentality and realizing she may have been wrong. For another, she develops a huge, huge, embarrassing crush on Mira as a result. At first she would rather literally die than have her know, but also she struggles with burying her feelings. So, ultimately, she does try to make a move.
So now they’re dating! Thing is, Yun-Jin has casually dated (men and women both, because I say so), but she’s never had anything this serious. I think she really has a struggle between absolutely craving affection and intimacy and being absolutely terrified of emotional vulnerability. She also has plenty of trauma to deal with - which Mira can at least recognize because she’s seen many of those same things in herself. Mira is persistently pretty gentle and patient, though, which I think helps Yun-Jin a lot.
Anyhow! A specific example that was inspired from some headcanons I saw once, and I think is pretty representative of their dynamic. Yun-Jin is not comfortable really sleeping alone in the Fog and does not like that she wouldn’t be able to keep herself safe - not to mention her persistent issues with insomnia. But she also does not trust any survivor aside from Mira to watch over her; so, she always chooses to rest with her. At First her idea - or at least, what she convinced herself was her idea - was just to have Mira keep an eye on her and make sure she’s safe. But ultimately, every single time, her affection starved side wins out and they end up either cuddling up together or with Yun-Jin laying her head on Mira’s lap. Having Mira there does also soothe her, and the feelings of being safe help with her sleeping issues somewhat.
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fogsnatched · 1 year
When Yun-Jin had found herself paralyzed and trapped in that chair - when she witnessed Ji-Woon‘s true self for the first time; that maniac hidden behind the face of a man she thought she’d known... there were a lot of things she’d thought.
I won’t just be a scared child for you to play with. If you’re taking me down, I’m going down fighting.
That’s what she’d told herself. Fuck you, she’d thought, because the anger bubbling in her gut was all she had to protect her from the terror rising within her. She wasn’t scared, even if her hands were trembling, and her mind became consumed with images of what her own death might be like - bloody and gruesome, painful and cruel and final...
How could she have let him go? Anger, too, distracted from the guilt that pierced her in that moment. It couldn’t be her fault - she wasn’t the one cutting people up like some monster; yet every scream they gave felt like it was directed at her. Only at her.
That’s when the fog came, and Yun-Jin’s world truly fell apart.
Now, he stands before her again, and that same firey hatred still burns in her eyes as she glares up at him. I’ll never forgive you, she thinks. She’s thought it a thousand times before.
“You’re sick. You probably see that as a compliment, but trust me - it’s sad that you can’t see how pathetic you truly are.”
@seoulkill ( starter for Jiwoon!)
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paladinwife · 2 years
oh, yun jin loves so many things about you! your resilience and kindness, and how she loves your heart. she once believed herself to be stone hearted, but you’ve brought so much warmth into her life. if she could bottle up this feeling and carry it with her, she would. but she has something even better, you.
No but I
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I think about her getting soft for me all the time, so to think that I make her feel warm just gets me, you know?
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paladinwife · 2 years
I wanted to send you another, so! 7 and 8 from love for Yun-Jin?
~ librarian-lover 📖
@librarian-lover I appreciate it! Always happy to talk more about Yun-Jin too, I have Thoughts.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
I’ve mentioned this briefly before, but Yun-Jin will listen to Mira sing! Mira had already taken to practicing singing with the sheet music she had on her person when she was taken, and when she gets involved with Yun-Jin, Yun-Jin takes to listening to her. Yun-Jin, being a natural musician and involved in the industry, has a pretty finely honed ear for these things and has pretty helpful commentary on Mira’s singing. But also, she just likes to listen to her. She finds it soothing.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Mira, if just because she has more experience with it. That said, Yun-Jin is definitely not completely hopeless at it. She used to comfort her sister when they were growing up together, and while she might be a bit rusty now, she really does try to make sure Mira is happy.
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paladinwife · 2 years
Little fun fact about Yun-Jin actually: honestly I headcanon her as having a fair few casual boyfriends (and girlfriends, because I say so) before, but she is definitely unaccustomed to real affection.
So, of course, she kind of ends up clinging to Mira and soaking up any affection she’s willing to give.
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paladinwife · 2 years
Okay ... can I ask 4, 5, and 7 for any of your new f/os, and a 1 for Gebura? You know me and my need to ask about my mutuals' Project Moon f/os. /lh
~ librarian-lover 📖
@librarian-lover Listen - you know whatever I’m focused on right now, I’m more than happy to talk about Gebura! Also, you clarified that these were pre-relationship, so that’s what I did!
First, for Miss Yun-Jin Lee:
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Yun-Jin, not that she would ever, ever want to admit that. After Mira saved her life that one time, she found herself getting a huge crush.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Also Yun-Jin. She had way too much pride to easily admit she had a crush, particularly for someone that had humbled her like Mira did. It was probably several days to weeks of her struggling to not think about Mira and utterly failing.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Yun-Jin’s is obvious. She would still be very set about her having no one but herself to rely on, for one thing. Which would almost definitely result in her continuing to hold other people at arm’s length, and continuing to actually be very lonely and deprived of real companionship. But there’s definitely an effect on Mira too, who is naturally a very reserved person, and her experiences with Yun-Jin force her to open up, almost like a mirror image to what happens with Yun-Jin. Besides - Yun-Jin would probably say that she needs to be a bit more mean, which would not happen without her intervention.
And for Gebura:
1. How did they first meet?
This part of their backstory might need some rework - but my original idea was they actually met at the old L.Corp! Initially Gebura felt a lot of confusing “get out of my school” type feelings over Mirabelle, but they did eventually get more close - and that was where the beginnings of their romantic relationship started too.
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paladinwife · 2 years
general 2, 3, and 4 with yun-jin?
Oh I have so many Yun-Jin thoughts.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
In the Entity they don’t really get the chance to have proper “dates”, given the situation they’re in. Instead, Yun-Jin starts quietly choosing to spend her free time with her. Relaxing around the campfire, practicing Mira’s vocals with her (or just listening to her perform), sleeping together. If and when they finally escape, she fully plans on spoiling Mira: fancy restaurants, seeing the town, clubbing, the like. Stuff she either never got to do with other people or was forced to do with people she doesn’t even like. She does dream of it sometimes, some far off future that she hopes they’ll be able to see.
3. What was their first kiss like?
Sudden, and maybe a little awkward given that Mira was caught off guard. But also, in many ways, satisfying. It was somewhat of a release for the tension and suppression Yun-Jin was dealing with, and honestly? Same thing for Mira. The next kiss, immediately after, was much softer though.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
This might be a bit confusing to articulate, so bear with me here - Mira is, at least arguably, Yun-Jin’s first real romantic love. Now, she’s had relationships before, and kisses, and whatnot, but she hasn’t really experienced that real emotional connection before. Whether it’s because Yun-Jin holds people at arm’s length or it’s because of the partners is anyone’s guess. But she feels much more deeply for Mira because she’s allowing herself too, and because Mira is making it safe to do so.
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paladinwife · 2 years
Altruism and Self-Interest
Yun-Jin and Mira can’t seem to see eye to eye. ~1150 words. Warnings for canon-typical violence, brief mention of blood, also this game largely revolves around people getting chased around by slashers so there’s a lot of reference to that. I wrote this on a whim and only edited a little, so beware.
Memory #6219:
“Did you really think that was okay back there, Yun-Jin?” Mira’s voice broke the uncomfortable silence around the campfire. “Dwight could have died if none of the rest of us found him.”
Yun-Jin raised her eyebrows. She had just met this woman days ago, and she was already calling her by first name like they were friends? Who the hell did she think she was?
“Do you really expect me to risk my life for someone I just met? That’s ridiculous.”
Mira sighed, shaking her head. “No, but I think the least you could do is not abandon him to the fucking Doctor.” She looked her right in the eye. “What if that was you? Would you want all of us leaving you to be fodder for the entity?”
Yun-Jin leaned her forehead into her hand. “If it were me,” she met Mira’s gaze, “it would have been my fault I was there in the first place. It’s not my responsibility that everyone else isn’t being careful enough.”
“You’re missing the point,” Mira cut in right away. “We can’t just use each other as meat shields to get out of here. We’re all in the same situation here.”
The nerve of this bitch. It wasn’t even her that nearly died!
“Look, why can’t you mind your own damn business?” Yun-Jin’s voice hardened. “I don’t know any of you people. How do I know you wouldn’t do this to me the second you have the chance?”
“Hey, look,” Dwight laughed nervously. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this right now?”
Mira sighed. “Just… remember. None of us are getting out of here if we can’t work together. Not even you.”
Yun-Jin shot her a glare, but said no more.
Memory #6220:
Yun-Jin’s breath rattled in her chest. This was it. The metal door of the exit rumbled loudly in the distance, and yet, her arms were too weak to push her to her feet.
This was it. All of the rest of them would leave her alone - alone, with the Ghostface and his knife. She knew this would happen sooner or later.
She laughed to herself. Yes, this was her fault. She shouldn’t have been so careless. She should have known that he would find her in her hiding spot in the brush. She should have paid more attention-
Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she couldn’t contain a scream.
A voice shushed her quickly. “Quiet down,” the voice was low, almost a growl. “I’m trying to save you.”
She could hear rapid footsteps nearby, and a black streak flashed before her eyes, heading away from her.
A pair of arms looped around her waist and began to pull her to her feet.
Wait, was that Mira’s voice?
“Go. Go. Go.”
She turned towards her savior, revealing Mira, hair disheveled and face streaked with blood. Whose blood, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
“Go. Run. Before he gets both of us.” She growled.
She didn’t have to be told twice, her feet taking her towards the gate as fast as they could take her. Her mind spun. Her heart raced.
Memory #6221:
Yun-Jin was in a strange situation. She should have expected strange feelings.
But now she couldn’t even look Mira in the eye without her heart pounding.
The hell was wrong with her? One thing happens, and now she’s acting like a schoolgirl with a crush? This wasn’t like her.
Maybe she could just wait it out, and then she’d regain her sanity.
Her eyes landed on her face. She looked like the whole ordeal had never happened, like she had just dreamed it. Her hair had long since been straightened back into place, any blood washed off, red lipstick carefully reapplied.
Her lips looked nice.
She grimaced.
Why did she have to sit next to her? Was she trying to taunt her? Nice girl Mira, deigning to grace her with her perfect presence?
The two were alone. She had so much she wanted to say to her. All that came out was:
“Mira, why did you do it?”
The other woman paused, as if she was thinking. “I couldn’t leave you like that.”
“But he was right there, he could have-“ the words spilled out of her mouth without her thinking. Stupid, stupid, stupid, what the hell was she doing?
“I still couldn’t.” Her eyes turned towards her. Fuck, damn it. Yun-Jin’s eyes darted away from hers. “It wouldn’t feel right to get out when you were helpless.”
She wanted to say she was sorry, but the words caught in her throat.
Memory #????:
Singing? Who was singing? Yun-Jin thought she was alone.
Was it that one woman - what’s her name, Kate? She came closer to the source of the noise. No, it didn’t sound like her - definitely a deeper voice, and stronger in its projection.
She came closer, and - fuck, it was Mira. She should have guessed, hearing that voice.
She stayed back, listening to her. She would never tell her, but she was impressed. Good projection, good pitch, solid breathing technique - and her range was even more impressive than she could have guessed just listening to her speak. She had heard a fair few voices in her time, but hers was-
The singing stopped.
“Wait, when did you get here?” Her eyes were wide, her cheeks flushing pink. She sighed. “And here I was hoping no one would be around to hear me practice.”
Yun-Jin’s jaw dropped open for a moment, before she regained her composure. “We need to talk,” she managed to get out.
Mira only looked more confused. “About what?”
Yun-Jin took a deep breath. “Look, about the other day. I shouldn’t have said that about you. I was clearly wrong.”
Mira raised an eyebrow. “All this, over that? Water under the bridge, now. I mean you haven’t been-“
“No, I mean. I was wrong about you. I…” her glance lowered. “I’m sorry.”
Mira blinked. “I appreciate it, but I never expected you to-“
“No, there’s more.” Their eyes met. “There’s… more.” She took another deep breath, struggling to hold on to her composure. “You. I actually… like you.”
Mira blinked. “What do you mean?”
Yun-Jin swore under her breath. “I mean, I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t even look you in the eye, haven’t you noticed? And me coming over when you’re practicing, do you think it’s just a coincidence? Or is it because I like your voice? Can’t you tell already?”
Mira stared at her wide-eyed. “You can’t be serious.”
Yun-Jin grabbed her chin, pressing her lips against hers. It couldn’t have lasted much more than a second, and yet, it felt much longer. Mira raised a hand to cover her lips.
“Do you get it now? Or do I have to do that again?”
Her question was answered with Mira wrapping her arms around her neck, pressing her lips right back against hers.
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