#thank you ronan!
paladinwife · 2 years
rose petal and key lime for whoever you’re feeling?
Going to give these to Adriana because I’m dying to talk about her
rose petal: what traditions do you and your F/O share?
Adriana and Mira have somewhat of a ritual when they’re in a trial together. First, Adriana will take care of the other survivors in such a way that the gates will never open - which means that she and Mira will have more time together. Then, she’ll find Mira and carry her to her makeshift home. Mira starts usually hiding in the same place, not that Adriana hadn’t been tracking her the whole time to keep an eye on her. Often their time together will involve cuddling on her bed, possibly a shower for Mira if she has a working shower in there, and Adriana making sure she gets some rest. It’s unusual for her to be caring for someone like this, Adriana would concede, but the situation is one that is clearly hard on Mira, so she tends to do all of this to make sure she’s more comfortable for when she inevitably has to give her back.
key lime: how would you describe your self-ship’s aesthetic?
Hmm, it’s kind of hard to articulate! There’s certainly an edge to it, given Adriana’s whole appearance, but I think it’s very elegant as well. Lots of black and red, I’d think. Adriana is certainly one for aesthetics (I mean, seems like she designed the costumes herself), so I’d say the ship’s aesthetics as a whole are going to be an extension of hers as well, and luckily Mira’s whole look works well with hers.
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clotpolesonly · 14 days
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The brothers, outside, looked at the brothers, inside. Declan, with his good boring suit and Niall Lynch's nose and curled dark hair. Ronan, with his shaved head and his tattoo creeping out of his collar and Niall Lynch's mouth and nose and eyes and chin and build and dream ability and everything else.
Unmistakably Niall Lynch's sons, unmistakably brothers.
absolutely STUNNING commission by @sidver!! obsessed with Declan's intensity. fuck being dull, this is the Declan that razors into memory. and with Ronan at his back, like the two sides of a coin that they've always been, whether they realized it or not.
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11 additional behind the scenes photos from Christos Lawton!
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pillsopa · 3 months
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ronan!!! he is straight up cheesing!!!!!
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pepp-love · 7 months
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Raven meeting
Some close-ups:
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squash1 · 5 months
the dreamer trilogy makes my artist heart very happy. it talks about art in metaphor — dreaming being a metaphor for creating art and dream objects being a metaphor for artwork — but it also mixes in so much art history AND has literal artists, jordan and hennessy, creating, for the first time, work that is Theirs. making, not in an effort to copy great work, but to create great work themselves, for themselves. one of the Points to me is about who artistic creation — in any form — is for and Why we continue to create. it’s declan collecting art, art that makes him want to goddamn cry, and putting it in his attic, just for him, just because. it’s ronan loving light, creating balls of light that just float around, for no other reason than his love of light. it’s hennessy’s “of fucking course” waking up the mouse. it’s jordan painting declan. it’s adam’s dreamt watch. it’s the mirrors that show your honest self. it’s all of it, all of it.
there’s something to be said about the fairy markets, these exclusive, somewhat dangerous, dream black markets, being a metaphor or representation for the institutions of the art world. because that really is what it’s like in so many ways. the fairy markets are taking something magical, pure, and creative — dreamt objects that are made by dreamers simply for the joy and horror of creating — and turning it into a commodity, something that is inaccessible to most and must be hidden away behind barriers and armed guards.
the dreamer trilogy says so much about the value of art and art objects. their ability to reflect their creator. the necessity of art objects not just for artists but for other makers, for everyday people, for the world and for our culture.
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unrealwasteland · 25 days
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by Christos Lawton
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wander-wren · 2 months
bothers me in trc fandom when people refer to “ronan’s suicide attempt” because it was pretty importantly NOT a suicide attempt. gansey, noah, adam, they all assumed it was, which is why gansey freaks out when ronan goes missing overnight at the beginning of trb, but it is not. it was a dream creature he brought back that had clawed him up.
i’m sure you could argue that that’s just an indirect suicide attempt, ronan’s subconscious, etc (opal tells him the night horrors are him), but i don’t see it that way. ronan is angry and grieving and violent in the wake of niall’s death. the night horrors, to my knowledge, don’t target ronan so much as they target any soft, living thing they can destroy. we don’t see this scene happen. we don’t see the day or the nightmare that comes before. we just have ronan’s word, and ronan says it wasn’t a suicide attempt, so it wasn’t.
and we can talk in circles then about whether ronan is suicidal actually—personally i think he has a sort of reckless disregard for his own life (see: drag racing, dream drugs) and has internalized a lot of the ideas about him being a “bad kid,” but i don’t think he’s actively suicidal. and that’s important to me. it’s important that ronan doesn’t actually want to die. i think he’s struggling to see the point of what everyone wants him to do (school), and struggling to envision a future for himself.
if ANYTHING was going to make ronan suicidal, truly, it should have been the dreamer trilogy. he’s isolated from all of his loved ones, literally starts dying if he’s not careful with the ley lines, and also the world is ending. we can see his same thought patterns repeating (“you’re always the car crash, ronan”) and we see him struggling with reality and identity (every conversation with bryde, who remember is part of ronan’s psyche, and also the looping dream with the mirror). and he’s not suicidal in the dreamer trilogy.
we talk a lot in this fandom about “gansey kind of wanted to live.” i think we should talk about how, despite everything, so did ronan.
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serennes-art · 1 year
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final batch of emblemcon comms!
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oddsconvert · 4 months
My brain: make friends! Send asks! Exist in more then just your blog!
Me: but what if I'm scared of friends!?!?!
Anyway, can I request Ronan catching Issak hurting Henley?
Flowers for author. 💐💐💐💐💐
Friends!!! It's official! No being scared! <3 I am so sorry for the delay with this but I hope this ticks your boxes! :D
“How do you sleep at night?”
Henley stirred awake, his world a blurred mess of throbbing pain. Crusted sleep clung to his lashes, he blinked fiercely to chase away the haze. He could only just about make out a hulking silhouette looming over him. When his vision finally sharpened, he instinctively clutched his scratty blanket closer to his heaving chest - his futile shield.
Cold dread flooded Henley as he saw Izaak, free of the chains that usually rattled with every twitch of a muscle. The chains that kept Henley safe and sound, out of harm's way. Far from Izaak’s reach.  Izaak's fists were clenched so hard his knuckles were white, his face contorted in a feral snarl. Panic squeezed Henley’s chest like a vice. He was a rabbit trapped in a fox's den. 
“Wha-?” Henley’s voice was a hoarse rasp. He’s half-convinced no sound left his lips at all. 
"Oh, did I interrupt your sweet dreams, Henny?" Izaak's voice was a low growl, sending shivers trickling down Henley's spine. That nickname. The way it dripped with mocking familiarity, but years of ingrained fear hid within it. It made all the hairs on Henley’s arms stand on edge. 
Izaak suddenly lunged forward. One massive hand clamped around Henley's throat, squeezing every last drop of air from his lungs. Henley's wrists burned in protest against his chains, straining as he fought for a sliver of slack, a desperate inch to reach his throat and fight Izaak off. "You," Izaak spat, barely containing his rage, "are the reason for my suffering. The cause of my anguish. Every scar on my body has your name written on it.."
Tears pressed from beneath Henley’s eyelids, and he shook his head furiously. Passionately. No. It’s not true. He’s not responsible for this. He didn’t land them here, he didn’t start all of this. This is all Izaak’s doing. This is the price he has to pay. 
“So answer the question,” Izaak demanded, now nearly crushing Henley’s windpipe as he choked and wheezed, “How the hell do you sleep at night? No. Scratch that shit. Better yet. How do you live with yourself? After what you’ve done to me?”
“I-Izaak, pleas-”
Izaak’s fist came at Henley with such speed it was like a cannonball. It connected with a sickening crunch as Henley felt his nose cave in, and hot-white pain erupted. The force of the blow sent him sprawling, the floor rose up to meet him with a jarring thud. He lay helpless. Cool blood dripped from his nose and pooled on his lips, he could taste the metallic tang. 
“You dare call me that again, and I’ll put you six feet under this fucking cement. Understand?” Izaak seethed through gritted teeth, with spit spraying and a vein pulsing from his temple. Izaak didn’t even give him the second to respond, Henley was still reeling and seeing stars. “I SAID, “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” he roared. 
“Yes!” Henley wailed miserably. Tears mingled with blood and dirt. He sniffed pathetically and whimpered as new pain flared through his obviously broken nose. He stayed glued to the floor. Too afraid to move, to even dare lift his head up. Henley didn’t see Izaak reaching for his long curls of hair and wrenching them in his fist. Yanking his head back, Henley’s Adam's apple bobbed against his collar as he gasped and gulped back the fear.
“‘Yes’, what?” Izaak whispered. It was hard to miss the element of enjoyment in his voice. It sounded like old times. Must feel like it to him too. 
But Henley immediately knew what he was looking for.
“Yes, sir!” Henley gasped out. There’s not a beat of hesitation. Izaak can say many things about Henley. A bad pet, he is not. 
Henley’s head smacked to the ground, his forehead banging against cold, unforgiving cement as Izaak threw him out of his hand. He’s on a warpath. He paced back and forth, contemplating what to do next. 
Izaak's foot then swung into Henley's gut. The air whooshed from Henley's lungs in a strangled scream that ripped free from his throat. The world lurched sideways, a wave of nausea crashing over him. Bile rose in his throat as pain lanced through his abdomen. Izaak unrolled Henley from his cocoon and straddled his hips, slamming his palm over Henley’s mouth, “Shut the fuck up! Don’t you dare make a sound.”
Henley obeyed. He forced himself to seal his lips, now sobbing silently and huffing through the pain. 
“You got us into this fucking mess. You deserve everything you’ve got coming to you. I’m going to make you wish you were never born-”
“I already do-” Henley croaked.
Izaak doesn’t hold back anymore. He unleashed a flurry of punches, raining blow after blow down on Henley. Henley’s already-battered body convulsed with each hit - he twisted and flailed in a desperate bid to shield himself from the onslaught. It was no use. Darkness cornered his vision, and ringing screeched in his ears. His entire body was slowly growing limp.
Henley squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the sweet relief of unconsciousness. He waited for the next punch. And waited. But it never came. Confused, Henley cracked open a swollen and purpling eye.
Izaak was no longer looking at him, and a flicker of raw terror replaced the unhinged rage that had plagued his eyes before. Henley groaned as he lifted his pounding head, and turned to follow Izaak’s petrified stare.
A shadow shifted at the top of the stairs, a tutting sound emanating from the darkness.
“What are you doing to my boy?” Ronan asked, cool as a cucumber on the surface, but fury bubbled below. The calm facade didn’t last. Ronan flew down the stairs, and pulled that oh so familiar remote from his pocket. In the blink of an eye, Izaak was a quivering, jittering wreck as his shock collar lit up and shocked him stiff. He collapsed from Henley’s body like a tonne of bricks. His screams pierced the sound barrier - his fingers scrabbled and ripped at the collar, kicking his legs and bucking his entire body. Ronan punched the button again, and again until the screaming stopped. It’s just silent gargles, with drool dribbling down the edge of Izaak’s blue lips. 
Ronan threw Henley a single, and quick look as he bolted past. It wasn't a look of reassurance, but a quick flicker up and down to acknowledge him. Reaching his locked cabinet, Ronan fumbled with the combination and finally, the cabinet swung open, and he snatched a vial and syringe, and a length of rope.
He wastes no time in racing over to where Izaak is heaving and panting on the floor, and stabbing the syringe in his neck. Izaak roared, a sound that curdled the blood, but it was cut short by a weak gasp as the muscle relaxant began to take hold.
“There, there. That should settle you down, big-un,” Ronan chuckled, patting Izaak on the chest.
“F-ffuc- fuckk y-yoou,” Izaak slurred, his eyes rolled like pinball machines in their sockets. Henley watches as all the tone in Izaak’s muscle depleted and he flopped lifelessly. Izaak lay sprawled on the floor, a pathetic mew escaping his lips as the muscle relaxant coursed through his veins. His previously violent thrashing had dissolved into a pathetic trembling, his limbs heavy and unresponsive.
Henley's cry echoed through the basement. Now that the threat was neutralised. "You didn't tie him tight enough, sir! He almost—!" His voice choked on the rising panic, his gaze locked on Izaak's slack form. “He was going to kill me.”
Ronan paid no mind to Henley, the shivering wreck that he was. Instead, he focused on yanking Izaak’s arms behind his back. With rough rope, he bound Izaak's wrists together with a vengeance, the knots pulled tight, drawing a choked gasp that did little to faze Ronan. Next, he secured Izaak's ankles with another length of rope, the slack yanked out until Izaak's legs were splayed uncomfortably wide. Finally, with a cruel twist, Ronan bound Izaak's ankles to his secured wrists, hog-tying him in a position that screamed discomfort. Izaak's gasps faded to choked moans as his body contorted in a way it wasn't meant to, forced into an arched bow.
Ronan left Izaak on the ground and approached Henley slowly. With a touch that could have been gentle or cruel, he cupped Henley's bruised and bloodied cheek. Henley flinched at the contact, a hiss escaping his lips. Ronan’s eyes flickered over the damage and he tsked, disappointed. Then his eyes met Henley’s and locked in. “Do you really think I’d let him break one of my favourite toys?”
“He - He got pretty close, master.” Henley snivelled. He flinched as Ronan’s arms moved, expecting another blow, but instead, his arms wrapped around Henley’s tiny frame in a sudden and suffocating embrace. Ronan’s grip was tight, possessive, leaving no wiggle room. Defeated, Henley sagged into the hug and rested his head on Ronan’s chest, letting his eyes flutter shut. It was always easier to give into this than brave the pain. Ronan began to stroke Henley’s hair, twirling it in his fingers. It wasn’t a gesture of genuine affection and Henley was never under the impression that it was. It was Ronan’s sense of ownership. Like Izaak’s claim was the bruises and scars. Ronan’s was more inside than out. For Henley, at least.
“Shh Shh. Come with me. I’ll get you patched up, little one”. Grunting with effort, Ronan hoisted Henley to his feet, a hand wrapped under his armpit to guide him up the creaking stairs.
Ronan turned at the very last step, leering at the sight of Izaak, bound and subdued. "That little temper tantrum of yours was cute, pet" he called down, his voice heavy with sarcasm. "But playtime's over. Now, you get to lie there, nice and quiet, and contemplate all the fun things I have planned for you when your little cocktail wears off. I want you to feel every second.”
Henley taglist: @livelaughwhump @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @sorrowful-hyacinth
Ronan taglist: @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
Izaak taglist: @emmettland @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @sorrowful-hyacinth @whumpsoda
Drabble taglist (which I forgot existed and have recently rediscovered assdfghjkl so will be using from now on unless you would like off it <3 ): @whatwasmyprevioususername @whumpsday @sparrowsage @whumperfully @wolves-and-winters @canislycaon24 @happy-little-sadist @darkthingshappen @whumping-in-the-dark @vagabouund @turn-the-tables-on-them
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pandemonium108 · 11 months
what is your favorite line from trc if you have one. or a collection of them if you need
oh no you have opened the floodgates be prepared for so many quotes
“'Why do we breathe air? Because we love air? Because we don’t want to suffocate. Why do we eat? Because we don’t want to starve. How do I know I love her? Because I can sleep after I talk to her. Why?'”
"'Tell me,' Artemus whispered, 'when you dream, do you dream of the stars?'"
“‘While I’m gone,’ Gansey said, pausing, ‘dream me the world. Something new for every night.’”
“Blue was perfectly aware that it was possible to have a friendship that wasn’t all-encompassing, that wasn’t blinding, deafening, maddening, quickening. It was just that now that she’d had this kind, she didn’t want the other.”
“The choice was death or hurting Adam, which wasn't much of a choice at all.”
"His heart hurt with the wanting of it, the hurt no less painful for being difficult to explain."
"Glendower was dead. He'd always been dead. And Gansey kind of wanted to live."
“'Here is what I have learned,' Henry said. 'If you cannot be unafraid--' There was a place where terror stopped and became nothingness. But today, in this hole, with an insect on his skin, with a promise that he was to die soon, the nothingness never came. Henry finished, '--be afraid and happy.'"
"Gansey was aware on a certain level that the description was melodramatic, heightened, illogical. But on a deeper level, it felt, true, familiar, and like it explained much of Gansey's life. It was how he felt about Ronan and Adam and Noah and Blue. With each of them, it had felt instantly right: relieving. Finally, he'd thought, he'd found them. We instead of you and me.”
okay I'll stop lol
can you tell Gansey and The Raven King are my favorites lol
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paladinwife · 2 years
general 2, 3, and 4 with yun-jin?
Oh I have so many Yun-Jin thoughts.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
In the Entity they don’t really get the chance to have proper “dates”, given the situation they’re in. Instead, Yun-Jin starts quietly choosing to spend her free time with her. Relaxing around the campfire, practicing Mira’s vocals with her (or just listening to her perform), sleeping together. If and when they finally escape, she fully plans on spoiling Mira: fancy restaurants, seeing the town, clubbing, the like. Stuff she either never got to do with other people or was forced to do with people she doesn’t even like. She does dream of it sometimes, some far off future that she hopes they’ll be able to see.
3. What was their first kiss like?
Sudden, and maybe a little awkward given that Mira was caught off guard. But also, in many ways, satisfying. It was somewhat of a release for the tension and suppression Yun-Jin was dealing with, and honestly? Same thing for Mira. The next kiss, immediately after, was much softer though.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
This might be a bit confusing to articulate, so bear with me here - Mira is, at least arguably, Yun-Jin’s first real romantic love. Now, she’s had relationships before, and kisses, and whatnot, but she hasn’t really experienced that real emotional connection before. Whether it’s because Yun-Jin holds people at arm’s length or it’s because of the partners is anyone’s guess. But she feels much more deeply for Mira because she’s allowing herself too, and because Mira is making it safe to do so.
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bisexualchaosdemon · 10 months
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Noah Czerny saved all of their lives. Noah Czerny was innocent. Noah Czerny was a sweet, funny, imaginative boy who didn't deserve what life handed him.
Noah Czerny didn't care about Glendower; he only cared about supporting his friend who was going through a hard time. And his friend bashed his skull in and left him to die, alone in the forest. Noah Czerny's death was a heartbreaking betrayal. But it was not for nothing.
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When Noah Czerny died, the ley line showed him how he could do good and he chased it with everything he had. He suffered more, so that they would live.
Noah Czerny suffered through years of his soul decaying so he could find a little boy and give him another chance to live. He told him that he would live because of Glendower; not because Glendower was the answer, but because he knew Gansey would chase that hope until he found a true reason to live.
Noah Czerny gave Gansey life. He gave him purpose. He give him Ronan, and Adam, and Henry, and Blue. And then, he simply ceased to be.
Thank you, Noah Czerny.
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adamprrishcycle · 2 days
I’ve been trying to form an opinion on niall lynch so i would love to hear your pov as a niall lynch apologist!!
As a fandom we are lead to believe throughout trc that niall lynch was a bad father and a shitty person who favoured one of his sons over the others and made this very apparent. But then you read the dreamer tril and you get this bigger picture of this man who wanted to live with his family on this perfect, secluded, magical farm that he had created for them. He wanted to dream cattle and curiosities and HE. LOVED. HIS. SONS. The thing that took me out the most about him was the way he loved. Niall loves how ronan loves. Or rather, ronan loves the way niall did, and it's fierce and whole-hearted and COMPLETE. He was such a comfort for these boys, he was a storyteller, he was their safe place. BUT LIKE ALL GREAT PEOPLE, he was flawed!!! So incredibly flawed and there's that quote idk where it's from but that it's your parents first time doing this as well as yours and how can we expect to know everything and do everything right? Niall Lynch was an idiot and maybe he made a lot of bad decisions, (and declan definitely deserved better in a lot of respects and I'm not excusing all of niall's behaviour) BUT he was Good, in the way we all try to be. And he loved Declan! He loved him so much. He loved Ronan because of Declan, for Declan... are you listening to me?!!? I go insane over this. I'm kissing Niall Lynch. I'm kissing the New Fenian. AHHHHHH
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riverstyxsarts · 4 months
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BORN TO DREAM HENRIETTA IS A FUCK kill em all 2013 i am greywaren 410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDMEN
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evrmoire · 3 months
people should pay me $1000 before speaking on adam parrish and even then some of you won't be allowed
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