#yuna’s gratitude journal
134340am · 2 years
Sweet Yuna i have been thinking about lazy making session with Daichi that doesn’t lead to anything, just sweet and slow kisses and enjoying each others warmth and presence
(But also squeezing his boobs bc I can)
Anyway hope your day was great! My gratitude journal of the day is dedicated to you (grateful for your presence on here <3 much love!)
dearest anon, i've been wanting to write a short blurb in response to this ask to thank you for being so kind, but i'm way too busy now so i can't T^T i'm defo saving this prompt for when i have more time tho, because what a mood!!!
somehow i think daichi's a great kisser? his kisses are always warm and sweet and he does the thing where he cradles the side of ur face or the back of ur head... if not, he's intertwining ur fingers together and squeezing lightly ; ; when he holds u by the waist he's always gentle, being careful not to squish u or poke u in any way (especially if u're ticklish!!!) but if u bite his lip he'll laugh a bit and try to grab ur ass hehehehe
and yes. i'd grab the doobs too. how can i not!!! they're nice n squishy!!! (n his nipples get hard easily LOL, they're especially visible in the thin cotton shirts he likes to wear when u two r just lounging around)
he's perfect <3 and so are you, anon!!! my gratitude journal of the day is dedicated to YOU and i'm blowing u a big kiss >3< !!!
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Independent research
Holly Stapleton intertwines feelings of “bliss and melancholy” to create truly serene illustrations.
With her fully immersive, carefully considered practice, the illustrator has mastered the art of both commissions and striking personal pieces.
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Holly Stapleton: The Woods (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2022)
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Holly Stapleton: Say Goodnight (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2021)
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Holly Stapleton: Glass of White (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2021)
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Holly Stapleton: Knack – Weekend (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2021)
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Holly Stapleton: Reflections (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2020)
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Holly Stapleton: Summer People (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2022)
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Holly Stapleton: How’s It Going to End? (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2020)
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Holly Stapleton: Gratitude – for The Wall Street Journal (Copyright © Yuna Kim, 2022)
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Holly Stapleton: Chatelaine (Copyright © Holly Stapleton, 2022)
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My opinion
The medium being used is digital and physical. From observation, chalk pastel may be used and later digital edited. It is a simple yet beautiful style. It relies on composition and telling a simple story. Most inspiration comes from being in solitude. This, I can relate to, being around other humans at times can kill creativity and not allow the flow of ideas. This varies from person to person, that’s my own ideology. There may be imperfections in an idea but no idea is perfect, there are just suitable propositions for the time being.
Author: Olivia Hingley
21 April 2022.
Date Accessed: 22 Saturday April 2023.
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134340am · 2 years
rambling bout my life under the cut + littol vent so look away if that’s not ur thing!!
school is really kicking my butt… i don’t have a lot of classes but i have to do my capstone project and that makes up for the classes i don’t have to take :*( my classes are all pretty challenging too but i’m trying to make the most of them since it’s my last year and everything
sorry i haven’t been here a lot!!! i’ve been busy trying to get it together and adjust to life on campus again >o< i haven’t lost interest in writing but i just don’t have the time… on another note my interaction has been very very low lately, almost lower than in the early days of my blog and i think i know why but thinking about it makes me feel sucky and bad inside. :-/ i’ve been feeling very unwelcome here lately so maybe i’ll take a long-ish break and see if i still want to be here but i’ll miss my frens and mutuals :-(
in other news i applied for a part time job at a little on-campus cafe today!!! idk if they’ll hire me but i’m hoping for good news. the food there is really good and i’ve always wanted to learn how to make coffee, so i really hope i get the job : )
i have some things due tomorrow but i’m too tired to do any of them so i might just sleep early and wake up early to do them when i feel better T^T ummm yes that’s all… thank u for reading if u did this was like a rambly diary entry!!! i hope everyone’s been well <333
quick little gratitude journal entry b4 i go
i had dinner with a fren at the cafe i mentioned above ^^^ and the vibes were really good we had a nice long chat about graduation and life and other things… hehe
met another fren i haven’t seen in a year and we had fun catching up though we only had twenty minutes to chat before class started
grateful for the anon who popped by to tell me about the hawks fic T^T
grateful for the hot coffee i had today!!!
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (30/5)
haven’t done one of these in a while 🥲
1. grateful that my favourite coworker gave me some help with this stupid thing i couldn’t understand. turns out it is actually Very Easy and i was just overthinking it
2. grateful thaaaat hmmm i got very inspired to write this piece that i’ll start on tomorrow i think. grateful that i’ve been feeling inspired lately!!! (in general) like wow
3. oh oh grateful for the breakfast pizza i had it was so good…. i love pineapple on pizza….. don’t cancel me
4. grateful i finally finished the thing i had to do for school and now i won’t have to think about it again ~
5. grateful that people actually liked my gojo piece wtf i was hella nervous posting it because what if it sucks + gojo’s like. dabi and levi aka popular characters i initially sworn against writing because i feel like people will burn me at the stake if i get their characterisation wrong
i know i can technically just write whatever i wanna write but idk i’ve seen so much hate everywhere recently that it’s made me paranoid -_- but i digress
6. grateful for air conditioning because today was so mf hot
ok that is all
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (11/6):
starting a new thread :-)
1. grateful that i got it together and deep cleaned my room right after breakfast… now i can relax in it comfortably
2. grateful for the nice nap i got in the afternoon
3. grateful forrrr hmmm oh dinner was nice we ate outside the kitchen at the new dining table we bought and the vibes were great
4. grateful for spy x family :*) what a lovely show bekwdjehe i look forward to it every week
5. grateful that i didn’t try to force myself to write or anything when i wasn’t feeling it today… must be the weather idk i don’t like it when it’s dark outside it makes me sad 😞 hmmm
6. grateful for the new milestone i just hit um 😵‍💫 yes yes i’ll try to finish up my requests asap so i can start another event &/or the sundress szn collab i was thinking about and i should probably do it soon…! while it’s still sundress szn!!!!!!!
im sleepy again goodnight everyone
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (19/5)
1. it was freezing cold in the office today! but some interns offered to buy lunch for everyone and they helped me buy my favourite soup from the lil market across the street. it was such a comforting meal that really warmed me up <3 i ate while chatting with the interns and we had so much fun getting to know one another, so i’m grateful for them :*) and the soup
2. managed to clear some really urgent and important work today and i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! tomorrow will be busy as well but it shouldn’t be too bad and i’m looking forward to the weekend
3. grateful for the many nice people on this site!!! grateful for the amazing fics i’ve come across and read over and over again… grateful to b here, really :*) i’m glad i took the plunge and started posting my work 3 months ago
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (19/7):
1. had my favourite noodle soup for lunch today and it helped ease the tension headache i had
2. had a nice dinner… and after dinner i watched haikyuu while folding laundry and sipping on a blueberry pineapple smoothie!!! it was refreshing and sweet
3. managed to write something today
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (8/7):
1. organised my wips and wrote a little
2. went to the library, read my favourite book in one sitting, and cried
3. bought coffee and cookies
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (25/4) \^-^/
1. grateful that my mom came back home to help me feed my bun her meds and critical care 🥺 it’d have been more stressful for me otherwise. also grateful that both feedings went smoothly today! good job bunners <3
2. had a little epiphany that sometimes life is >:( bad and sad but also…! i’m excited for the good experiences and people that await me down the road… like you know what? i think i do have a chance and i do have a choice after all. just something for me to think about
3. [cw food] is it really a gratitude journal entry if i don’t talk about food haha but today i had a waffle and i heated it up in the oven and put butter and peanut butter on it… it was amazing 🤤 i love waffles and idk why i stopped eating them. they’re my go-to food when i needed something quick to eat for lunch between classes in high school, or a late night snack after dance practice in my freshman year :’-) thank you waffles for being there for me
4. grateful for everyone who sent in an ask and/or interacted with me today during my headcanon ask game! it was fun and stimulating for my little brane (that’s already tired from work though it’s only monday) and i hope everyone likes the headcanons i came up with though i’m a little rusty :’-)
that is all goodnight pals <3
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (23/6):
i need to b more consistent with these lmao
1. had an amazing 2 hour nap after lunch… 🤤 it was so good my body was struggling to wake up lol i had to force myself out of bed
2. went on a long bike ride and my butt hurts now but it felt good to go outside for a bit! also stopped by the grocery store and bought this truffle parm dip(?) that i’m excited to try tomorrow ~
3. didn’t wear my retainers for 3 days(!!!) because i wasn’t feeling it but they still fit and they don’t hurt… thank goodness T T
4. gonna eat a chimichanga for dinner again tomorrow i’m so excited
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134340am · 2 years
feelin good 🌟
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (27/6):
1. FINALLY posted my stupid bkg piece now i don’t have to think about it ever again!!! it feels so cathartic to just throw it out into the universe and shut my door as quick as i can ya feel… i know i sound like i hate what i wrote aaaaand i don’t? not really i think? hmmm it’s more of like i just don’t like writing angst in general and most of my angsty works all come from a place of intense emotion so HAHHA it’s a little awkward posting it and any kind of reaction/comment/feedback makes me nervous… like this is a little piece of my heart ok… please don’t break it (or do, if you have to) i’m rambling now but point is i’m grateful i finished it and posted it
2. had some bomb af fried chicken for dinner today
3. watched iron chef while folding clothes aka my favourite pastime
4. had a good nap!!!
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (9/5)
1. celebrated a birthday with some melty froyo in replacement of a cake :*) we laughed and we ate
2. it’s already been a few days but i’m grateful i finally got it together and finished my requests!!!
3. grateful for fanfiction authors <3
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (19/4)! (*^▽^*)
1. i posed a question here at a random time of the day (when the dash is usually dead) but i received an overwhelming amount of positive responses and 😭 i’m so so grateful that people like my blog though it’s kind of a mess ; ; m very grateful for everyone who sent in a response (anon or not) and for everyone i’ve interacted with so far. you guys are the ones making my blog fun <3
special shoutout to the anon who told me they liked my gratitude journal entries because that reminded me to write this post :’-)
2. [cw food] grateful for the quiche i ate for breakfast LOL it’s my first time having one and it was really good, like a big savoury egg tart that’s bouncy and soft? yums i can’t wait to eat it tomorrow too haha
3. tbh i have a lot to worry about rn but i’m grateful i have time and the emotional capacity to sort things out... how do i phrase this... it’s like. i have many big and challenging things coming my way but i have the resources and the ability to live life at 0.75x speed for now to figure out how to tackle said challenges so...! i’m gonna try to make the best of it while i can :’-) sorry this is so vague but yeah HAHAHAHA was just a realisation i had in the middle of the day today
4. grateful for my mechanical keyboard that goes thocc thocc thocc and makes writing very enjoyable LOL
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134340am · 2 years
yuna’s gratitude journal (14/4)! (☆▽☆)
1. grateful for this new laptop stand i bought that lets me look at my laptop at eye level :’-) it’s saved my neck and my rubbish posture lmao
2. grateful that i really pushed myself at work today (within reasonable means of course) and got a fair bit of stuff done!
3. grateful that i finally found time to read some of the incredible fics i’ve been saving <3 talked about this a lil in my prev post hehe
here’s to hoping tomorrow will be as good as today :-) goodnight frens!
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134340am · 2 years
it’s been a while since my last one so!!!
yuna’s gratitude journal (16/9):
1. woke up feeling grumpy and exhausted but!!!! i ate a really good breakfast sandwich with a hot cup of tea and that really soothed my soul... the rest of my day went well after that so today i’m grateful for breakfast <3
2. i’ve been watching extraordinary attorney woo and i’m enjoying it very much! today i m grateful for netflix lol
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