daffodilesblog · 6 months
Im going fucking nuts. I have SO MANY ideas for the fliping oneshot (with zadf/r ofc) but i don't know how to cook them 2gether into somethin' that makes sense and im fucking screaming and crying cuz it sucks so bad, i want to cook everything into somethin' that makes good sense for the oneshot but i can't and im sad because of this.
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bggmhkm3 · 2 years
¿Qué sabe del restaurante tanzano? @/[BCGAME5.COM] Viaje al restaurante de Kosovo
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yulnabi · 6 years
Day 61 [IC-Chuvash Saga]
Sunday: Dreams of Novi Cheboksary
Logs of Grand Duchess Yuliya N. Kardasheva, leader of the Chuvash People’s Republic.
Today marked the beginning of our first Ten-Year Plan.  Our goal is to expand our borders to the uninhabited systems around us, to increase our defensive capacities exponentially, and to build as many megastructures as we can to fuel our economy.
S.O. Erika Hertseg informed me that the Fission Suppressor in the Timati System had begun to successfully compress the star.  The Star’s fusion has been altered, creating a powerful gravitational field.  This field has shrunk the star’s volume.  Our labs within the Fission Suppressor are currently studying the effects this has had on the stellar plasma.
S.O. Aleksandr Golovin reports that the Yggdrasil Orchid Complex site has been built.  Once complete, it will seed the gas giant with bioforms that can be used to feed our populace.
A victory for peace. Ambassador Timofiev informs me that the Hazar Hierarchy has dropped their silly policy of closed borders and has decided to open their borders to our ships.  This is a step forward in fomenting a peaceful coexistence between our peoples.
Chief Engineer Artem Isaev reported today that the construction of the labs in the Yggdrasil Orchid Complex had been built.  These labs will serve the purpose of designing the particular plant matter that will be seeded in the gas giant’s upper atmosphere.
C.E. Artem Isaev’s report indicates that we have finished construction of the Yggdrasil Orchid Complex’s atmosphere manipulators.  These devices will manipulate the atmosphere of the gas giant to make sure the organisms we ‘plant’ there actually survive.  Once they finish the process of manipulating the atmosphere, the gas giant will be like a giant farm for our nation.
Enough is enough.  The Bashkir and other nations have informed us that the Matsonia System is unpassable because of the pirates making their home there. This morning, I ordered the 1st Evtushenko Kosmoflota to head there and put an end to the pirate’s evil deeds.  Whether they do so peacefully or through the force of arms is at the discretion of our capable admiral.
 I realize that many of our men and women will be lost if it comes to hostilities, but it is a sacrifice that must be made for the peace of the galaxy and the glory of Inanna.  
 Reports from our Sentry Array tell us that their fleet consists of 20000 cruisers, 16000 frigates, and 4000 raiders.  They also have 1000 gigantic galleons stationed in the system.
C.E. Isaev reports that the Yggdrasil Orchid Complex is finally complete and fully operational. Billions of plant organisms now thrive in the armosphere of the gas giant Norilsk I.  We estimate the planet alone can feed the population of dozens of colonies.
S.O. Vera Brezhneva submitted her report on the Cybrex research facility we found on Cygny VII. S.O. Brezhneva concluded that the Cybrex had been experimenting with cybernetic life forms in the facility. Hundreds of unwilling prisoners were moved to this facility as subject for their dastardly and inhumane experiments. These prisoners had body parts replaced by mechanical contraptions.  The objective of these experiments remain a mystery to us.
The Fusion Suppressor has finished compressing Timati again.  The star is of an even smaller volume than before.  Our findings are extraordinary and beyond the wildest dreams of our scientific community.  Some of the findings defy the currently adhered to laws of physics.  We have little option but to further compress the star and see what other mysteries we can unlock.
Today the 1st Evtushenko Kosmoflota reached the Matsonia System.  As soon as they were spotted, the pirates began undertaking hostile actions.  Admiral Natalya Stroeva informs that our Sentry Array was correct, the pirate forces consist of 1000 galleons, 20000 cruisers, 16000 frigates, and 16000 raiders. Our fleet consists of 1000 Evtushenko Class heavy titans, 10000 Gantimurova Class cruisers, 10000 Antonenko Class destroyers, and 20000 Golovanova Class corvettes.  
We pray to Lady Inanna that the battle turns in our favor and that we suffer as little losses as possible.
Today the Battle of Matsonia came to an end.  It was an overwhelming victory.  Though thousands of our ships sustained damage, we did not lose a single one in the battle.  Admiral Natalya Stroeva reports that the entire pirate fleet was wiped out.  Never had we imagined for such an overwhelming victory.  It seems that our technology far surpasses anything the pirates had in their possession.
I have ordered the 1st Evtushenko Fleet to return to the Alexander Pushkin System, where they are to enjoy a vacation and be rewarded for their service.
The Fusion Suppressor in Timati has turned the star into a neutron star.  That is that it has been compressed to such an extent that the protons and electrons within its core have fused and become neutrons.  The core is surrounded by stellar plasma.
While we could keep the star as is, I have ordered that it be compressed further.  If successful, we would be the first civilization in the galaxy to create an artificial black hole.  
Our attempts to turn Timati into an artificial black hole have been successful!  The Fusion Suppressor and the labs remain in place.  The research value of this cannot be overstated! Our entire scientific community is ecstatic with such a development.
S.O. Olexandr Timoshenko reports from Regor I that the dead aliens we found all died from vacuum exposure. The corpses had the same type of barcodes we now know the Cybrex would laser onto the skin of their captives. These aliens were executed by being “spaced.”  The reason for their execution remains unclear.
We have located the home system of the Cybrex!  It is a ruined ringworld where they retreated after their numerous attempts to cleanse the galaxy of organic life were thwarted.
Today I ordered the construction of a mega project around Krasnodar—A Particle Accelerator around the star.
Today we finished building the construction site for the Particle Accelerator around Krasnodar. This megastructure will wrap around the star, making it possible to accelerate particles to tremendous speeds.
Pursuant to our Federation’s bylaws, the Khanate of Bashkortostan has taken leadership of the Federation.  We will assume leadership again in five years.
What a glorious day for our nation!  Today we signed a trade agreement with the Canthari Empire.  For 20 years, they will pay us a large number of minerals and energy credits in exchange for Yurantic Crystals.  Yurantic Crystals are a very rare and powerful strategic resource. The crystals have mostly military applications, and are mostly used to increase the power output of energy weapons, increasing their power by 20%.
It seems we have become the economic power of the galaxy!  Today we signed a 20 year trade deal with the Union of Biris.  They will provide us with a large number of minerals each month in exchange for Neutronium Ore.  Neutronium Ore is a super-dense substance only mineable from neutron stars that is made up of neutrons.  It can be forged into extremely resistant ship hulls.  Ship hulls with neutronium alloys are 20% more resistant than the strongest of hulls.
Today I also ordered the colonization of Minsk in the Minsk System.
After years of tense relations, today we signed a trade deal with the Jas-Gavaz Galactic State!  They have offered us a monthly stipend of minerals for 20 years in exchange for Garanthium Ore.  Like neutronium, garanthium ore can be refined into an extremely malleable and durable metal.  It makes ship armor up to 20% more resistant to incoming damage.
I am speechless. Today the Hazar Hierarchy declared war on the Mandate of Izk.  
 The Hazar Hierarchy is a despotic hegemony.  Their government is a materialistic form of hereditary autocracy.  The government of the Hazar Hierarchy views its citizens as nothing but cogs in the state machinery.  They value efficacy and technological progress above all else. Most worrying of all, they see themselves as the rightful rulers of the galaxy and are willing to use any and all methods to achieve this goal.
 The Mandate of Izk is a moral democracy.  They are pacifist democrats, ruled by moralist principles and committed to non-violence.  Their main goal is to form federations with other nations to protect all sapient life in the galaxy.  We find it unfortunate that war was brought upon them, and can only hope that luck is on their side.
 Given the rising aggressiveness of the Hazar Hierarchy, I have ordered the construction of a second fleet.
Our population is booming. As such, today I ordered the colonization of the planets Shnurov A, Shnurov B, and Norilsk.
A modern marvel, after years of effort, we have finished construction of the Yuliya Polyachihina (formerly Vladislava Evtushenko) dual ringworld.  Once colonized, it will be able to house 300 billion people.
Our population leaves us no option, we have to put the ringworld around Yuliya Polyachihina to good use.  I have ordered the colonization of all 12 segments, as well as the construction of more habitable segments.  
S.O. Anna Sedokova informs me that her team has finished researching the Jump Drive.  The jump drive shreds the local space-time continuum and rearranges it on the quantum level to be identical to that of the target destination—and thus the ship appears to near-instantly jump from system to system.
 Later in the evening, I was informed that the colony in Minsk had become fully operational.  This is excellent news, as Minsk is a gaia world that can house up to 25 billion people.
The colony in Shnurov B was established today.  It is a continental world with climate similar to that of earth around the year 2018 A.D.  Shnurov B can house up to 23 billion people.
Today we established our colony on Shnurov A.  It is a predominantly tundra world that can sustain up to 19 billion colonists.
We finished construction of the Norilsk colony.  It is a planet covered mostly by vast oceans, but it’s small landmasses can house up to 20 billion people.  
Lady Inanna, today marked the end of our first 10-Year Plan.  Outside the Novi Cheboksary system, our nation currently consists of nine colonies, holding 7 major shipyards and 7 starbases.
  According to our census, the Chuvash People’s Republic has a total population of 466 billion, including 437 billion Chuvash, 13 billion Bashkir immigrants, 5 billion Kedeshi. And 11 billion aliens from 11 species.
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daffodilesblog · 5 months
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Venting from Discord.
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