#yuuki x matsuo
rifki16 · 3 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Finale Episode Review
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A very sweet strawberry fruit cupcake
I think this finale really sates my thirst for how to make a good finale for a Japanese BL work. The reason is simple; the finale really ties all of the questions and problems which have popped up throughout the series. I don’t think it was the best finale I’ve ever seen amongst Japanese BL works, however I would like to consider it as the best one in this year, so far.
Let’s kick off with the first theme:
Omegaverse Mechanics
I stand by my last episode’s essay that the Omegaverse mechanics which force a determinist sequence of events which lead to sex after an alpha senses an omega’s pheromone is harmful. I really don’t think that said representation is helpful for a society, frankly for a world, with very persistent and imbedded harmful rape perception and culture.
In this episode, we get more explanations as to how pheromones actually operate. When Yuuki was on a, fake, date with Matsuo-san, Matsuo-san explained the whole kerfuffle that Mochizuki-san and Hiromu had; Hiromu was affected by Mochizuki-san’s pheromones. He implied further that Mochizuki-san’s hormones were much stronger because Mochizuki-san had animosity against alphas. I don’t understand how that works either.
Fast forward several minutes, we were shown to Mochizuki-san coming to the park and he tried to explain his behavior from the other day. He claimed that he hadn’t been on the right medications; he was still figuring the dosage to control his pheromones. He added that his emotional state also contributed to the severity of his pheromones, for which he apologized. He apologized specifically for not controlling his hormones and thus causing pain to Hiro-san.
Setting aside the apology game, one thread from the last episode has been that the pheromone, the determinist stimulus, seems like a curse to humans in the omegaverse since even not acting on it, ignoring it, will also cause alphas to suffer. If we analyze this through media studies analysis, one can argue that it is admirable that Hiro-san controlled his hormones in the face of this determinist stimulus, this curse. The question then becomes: why doesn’t this universe create a medication which could ease the pain for the alphas who don’t act on their pheromones’ responses urges. Why does it fall solely on the omegas to curb their pheromones’ secretion?
I think the show wants to highlight more on the segregationist attitudes and prejudices lie within all of the characters. I don’t think that my complaint about the inner working of the omegaverse mechanics can be solved by this show or manga alone.
Secondly, the episode also told us about the mating mechanics. During the fake date of Yuuki and Matsuo-san, Matsuo-san told Yuuki that Hiromu and Masaki had doubts before they mated. Masaki at first offered to have an open relationship with Hiro-san since he’s an omega and Hiromu is an alpha. Hiro-san then, according to Matsuo-san, refused to tie Masaki down under those circumstances. I don’t know what happened afterwards, however, Masaki then agreed to be Hiro-san’s mate. Matsuo-san added that in between the time they became boyfriends, got married, and mated, the two alphas learned a lot about omegas, as if we need to applause them for doing the bare minimum in knowing more about their freaking husband and bestfriend’s husband.
I think Masaki’s worry was the fact that for omegas, if you mate, you mate for life. I assume that if you mate with an omega, and you die, your now, omega widow or widower cannot have a new mate. I still don’t understand what the urgencies are of needing to have a mate. Does it stop you from being sexually assaulted by an alpha if you’re an omega?
Matsuo-san didn’t properly explain Hiro-san’s worry. All he said was that: 1). Matsuo-san didn’t want an open relationship with Masaski, 2). Matsuo-san kept pressuring Hiro-san to mate already, because he was scared of something happening [to them] 3). They learned a lot about omega mechanics. What were Hiro-san’s worries in mating with Masaki? Was it just because of Masaki’s insecurities that they waited that long to mate? I don’t know.
This whole story about Masaki and Hiromu’s relationship was a recounting by Yuuki to Mochizuki-san when they were talking about the future of his relationship with the Fujiyoshis. After telling the whole story to Mochizuki-san, he then asked Yuuki, “you’re saying that his family understands, so it’s, okay?”. Yuuki then stood up and became angry by that statement. I don’t know why that conclusion was triggering for Yuuki. I think Mochizuki-san’s point was very typical of a segregationist, and something that I as a novice omegaverse observer frequently reads. However, Yuuki then said something very important, “…It’s about respect, Masaki and Hiromu always try to understand each other”. Based on that statement, I think it’s fair to say that Hiromu waited until Masaki was ready to mate, and then they mated. Maybe, that was how simple the sequence of events took place.
When Yuuki spotted Mochizuki-san and Michi-chan one town over, Yuuki tried to stop the evading Mochizuki-san by screaming that he’s a beta. Yuuki’s mum then said, “why are you shouting it out loud? It’s a personal information”. I laughed a little bit at that interaction.
The other important note from the meeting of Yuuki and Mochizuki-san at the out-of-town park was when Mochizuki-san said, “… but there are some issues only we can understand”. I think that was a very good stance by him. No matter how sympathetic or well-meaning Yuuki or Matsuo-san can be, they are still not omegas. They don’t have the same fears or bodily functions like omegas. Hence, I think the way that the show tries to present this ideological clash was quite good.
We were presented by how the mainstream perspectives on the supposed interactions between the secondary sex identities have been rooted in peoples’ minds which was shown by Mochizuki-san’s speech after the first time he met Matsuo-san. Mochizuki-san might have an experience of his own, we don’t know. Then, we were made to sympathize him further by knowing: 1). Omegas can’t have children easily when they fertilize with each other (how do they reproduce then? By the random birth lottery? Like what had happened to Masaki), 2). As a single omega parent with an omega child against this scary alpha-filled world, it seems like Mochizuki-san has several good points in protecting his child. Of course, I don’t defend him restricting Michi-chan from playing with Hikari.
The way that we slide back to the Fujiyoshis’ side is by bringing home all of the emotion-driven arguments. I have recited how Yuuki told Mochizuki-san that Hiromu is not some overbearing lust monster to his own husband, and he tries to actively understand his husband. Then, during the confrontation at the park, Masaki then reminded Mochizuki-san that he didn’t need to be the only person who has to protect Michi-chan, that he can trust Masaki and others. After that, the two boys’ pleas to Mochizuki-san made him to let Michi-chan play with Hikari again.
Masaki and Hiromu’s Relationship
Yes, I think I can safely say that these two are very supportive of each other. However, I just wanted to point out a little bit about how Hiro-san is always “the steady anchor” of the relationship. I’m very irritated by this characterization, because in heterosexual relationships, men are expected to be this unfazed, unemotional, steady-against-the-current person, whereas women are expected to be the emotional wishy-washy part of the relationship. I don’t think that it needs to be replicated here. Men are humans too. They have emotions, one way or another, men must acknowledge their emotions and work through it.
I also don’t think that this characterization, which Masaki brought up to Yuuki when he was just about to go to the park to potentially meet Mochizuki-san, is accurate. Masaki is a very brave omega man who had endured countless mockeries and struggles to finally have a stable home. Maybe Masaki said that about Hiro-san to Yuuki just to praise his husband – the old hyping up my spouse trope. However, I know that Masaki is not just some wishy-washy character.
Final Thoughts
All of the show’s biggest plotlines, be it from Masaki’s overthinking, Masaki’s fear of repeating bad coping mechanism, Yuuki’s low self-esteem problem, Hikari’s role within the family, Fujiyoshi-san’s perspectives on his own grandson’s co-father, and now Mochizuki-san’s omega worries, have been properly addressed. I’m so happy that even in the finale, everyone made a cameo, even Masaki’s cousin. I’m going to really miss this show. Go watch this finale yall, it’s so good.
Also, I ship Mochizuki-san with Yuuto or Shuuto so much lol.
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snowyshadow · 5 years
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matsuo and yuuki.
Tadaima, Okaeri [ただいま, おかえ]
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trashexplorer · 3 years
BLCD: Etoiro Koizoushi
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Title: Etoiro Koizoushi (十二支色恋草子)
Author/Artist: Matsuo Isami
Release Date: 2020/10/14
Shingaki Tarusule x Saitou Souma
Nogami Sho
Uchida Yuuma
Kamio Shinichirou
Okitsu Kazuyuki
Sakakihara Yuuki
Synopsis: Masataka takes care of a shrine, which houses the 12 spirit animals of the Chinese zodiac. One day he gets a surprising visitor, a young man named Kotarou, who is possessed by the cat spirit, Koma. Their own shrine having been burned down, Kotarou now searches for a new place and ends up on Masataka's doorstep.
Review Proper
See, I’ve followed this series from beginning to end, and the very first manga I’ve ever bought in Japan was the first two volumes of this. I blame my beastiality kink on this very manga (and Koketsu Dining) because of these 12 fucking men. 😩 It’s really surprising that it was only now that it’s been adapted into a BLCD. With that being said, nothing major really happened in volume 1 of the manga, so the BLCD was the same. I honestly regret ever listening to this because my excitement was as intense as an avalanche that was abruptly stopped only after three feet of mountain. 😂 Ngl, I’m a bit doubtful that they’ll adapt the following volumes, BUT I SURE HOPE THEY DO BECAUSE I NEED SOUSUKE PINING AND YOSHIHIRO BEING AWKWARD.
Anyway, moving onto the voice work—
If Shingaki Tarusuke used this voice for his Hara-san, the world would’ve been a better place. It’s literally the perfect fit for him and they both share the same attitude to boot. Also, this might not be the best I’ve heard from Shingaki (and Saitou Souma) this year, but this certainly refreshed my memory and let me remember exactly why I simped for Masataka so much. Brothers and sisters in thirst, this man served.
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Just imagine what kind of performance he’ll bring once he gets possessed by the tiger!!! 
As for Saitou Souma, like what I’ve said earlier, this wasn’t his best performance either. I’m not saying that it was bad or whatever, but I’m glad that this BLCD wasn’t so centered around him so much that he outshines the other cast. That’s actually another reason why I like this particular series and BLCD. Sure, Masataka and Kota get the spotlight most of the time, but everyone else is as important as they are and you can hear Saitou Souma sort of tone it down in his performance. Also, this isn’t surprising considering that we’re talking about Shingaki Tarusuke and Saitou Souma, but dang—THEY SOUNDED NOTHING LIKE THEIR ROLES IN KOISURU RYUU. If I didn’t know them and listened to the two CDs, it might take a while for me to realize that they were the same people. Ya just gotta stan, man. 😩
And this is where the real spazz begins.
THE SUPPORTING CAST OMG!! Y’all know me. I won’t read full cast lists to save my life. I just came from Olf-fashioned Cupcake, you know, so imagine my surprise to hear Okitsu here!!! HOLD THE PRESSES SHINGAKI AND OKITSU ARE IN ONE BLCD AND ARE FIGHTING OVER THE SAME MAN!!!
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And if that wasn’t enough, we all know that Nogi gets pwned by Kusonoki!!! EEEEEEEEE!!! So when are we going to get Kamio Shinichirou in another lead role in BL? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Man, I love the supporting cast!!! And there’s so much potential in a Koma harem here! Y’ALL I SHIP KOMA WITH LITERALLY EVERYONE. THIS STORY ISN’T ABOUT MASATAKA AND KOTA; IT’S ABOUT KOMA AND HIS TWELVE BITCHES. 😂 Why don’t we all bring Nogami Sho’s partners here for the rest of the zodiac animals?! The three here are already perfect as they are (Uchida as Sousuke is *chef’s kiss), but I would also want for Kaede to be voiced by Moririn, YOSHIHIRO BY ONO YUUKI, Mikoto by Shiraimu, Kouestu by Katou Masayuki, Kagari by Mappi, Yukio by Itou Kento, Konami by Kumagai Kentarou, and Mitsumasa by Nakajiki. Yo, if they follow any one of my choices, I’m going to be so happy and die. 😂 I’m really begging for Ono Yuuki to be cast for Yoshihiro, though!
I wouldn’t really recommend immediately listening to only volume 1 yet because again, it’s such a cliff-hanger. There hasn’t been any news of an adaptation for the second volume up until now, so idk. However, it’s a great adaptation for what it is. It followed the original story quite faithfully (I wish it didn’t and was extended! 😤) and the voice work is superb. If you’re a fan of the series, then definitely do listen to this if you want to. If you’ve never read this series before, then I’d suggest reading the manga first before deciding if you want to listen to the BLCD. I don’t think I’ve ever come across another plot like this, so I can’t recommend anything else. Wish there were more, though! *sigh
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement]ドラマ「FAKE MOTION -卓球の王将-」 第2弾 (drama fake motion -takkyuu no oushou- dai 2 dan)
season 2 announced!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
more details to come^^
Itagaki Mizuki Morisaki Win Jan Kaito
Sano Hayato Furukawa Tsuyoshi Tanaka Kouki Yoshizawa Kaname
Kusakawa Takuya Ogasawara Kai Murata Yuuki Funatsu Ryouga Matsuo Takashi
Ikeda Hyouma 天下布武学園
Kusakawa Naoya Miyase Ryuubi Ookura Takato
Seki Tetta Yamashita Eiku Kamimura Kenshin Takao Hayato Sawamura Rei
Shimura Reo  Mokudai Kazuto
twitter natalie (x) (x)
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newsintheshell · 7 years
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“Akkun to Kanojo”
Serie TV anime, 6 aprile 2018
Episodi: 25 x 4 min.
Adattamento animato del manga “Akkun to Kanojo” di Waka Kakitsubata.
Regia: Shin Katagai 
Sceneggiatura: Yuka Yamada 
Character Design: Motohiro Taniguchi 
Prop Design: Ayano Suzuki 
Design colorazioni: Yoriko Matsumori 
Direttore della fotografia: Shinya Matsuzaki 
Direttore artistico: Masato Shibata 
Produzione del suono: Three Tree, Kanon Sound
Studio di animazione: Yumeta Company (ex-TYO Animations)
Sigla di apertura: Haruna Ōshima "Koi no Balloon"
Atsuhiro "Akkun" Kagari: Tatsuhisa Suzuki 
Non "Nontan" Katagiri: Ayaka Suwa 
Masago Matsuo: Keisuke Ueda 
Chiho Kagari: Arisa Kouri 
Takumi Kubomura: Wataru Hatano 
Konagi Irie: Hikaru Kayou 
La commedia romantica ruota attorno ad Atsuhiro “Akkun” Kagari, un ragazzo estremamente tsundere, e alla sua fidanzata Non “Nontan” Katagiri. Akkun si mostra quasi sempre freddo e scontroso con Nontan, ma in realtà la ama con tutto se stesso, finendo per seguirla ovunque di nascosto. La ragazza, nonostante ignori il suo comportamento da amorevole stalker, trova comunque adorabile il burbero Akkun.
La serializzazione del manga è cominciata nel giugno 2013 sulle pagine della rivista Comic Gene in June 2013. L’opera viene pubblicata regolarmente anche su pixiv. Kadokawa rilascerà l’8° ed ultimo volume il 27 giugno.
Nel dicembre 2016 è uscito anche un drama CD nel quale Akkun è doppiato da Jun Fukuyama, mentre Nontan da Yuuki Aoi.
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snowyshadow · 5 years
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Tadaima, Okaeri [ただいま, おかえり]
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snowyshadow · 5 years
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source: x
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snowyshadow · 6 years
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Poor Matsuo.
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snowyshadow · 6 years
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I’ve been able to keep my love a secret and withstand but I could not keep on forever. And I’m afraid that thinking about it makes it reflect on my face to the point people ask me about it.
(part I)
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snowyshadow · 6 years
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snowyshadow · 6 years
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How i didn't notice it earlier?
They are so cute together.
Source: x
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD Review: Tadaima, Okaeri
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Title: Tadaima, Okaeri
Release Date: 2020/07/28
Morikawa Toshiyuki x Tamaru Atsushi
Toriumi Kousuke + Yashiro Taku
Tanezaki Atsumi
Synopsis: Masaki is a male Omega married to Hiromu a male Alpha. They have a child together named Hikari and they've just moved in to a new neighborhood. The story revolves around the everyday lives of this couple and how they raise their son Hikari.
Review Proper
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Y’all should know by now that I really don’t like plots that involve children and rapists. And if that wasn’t enough, I also don’t like already established couples. Literally the only reason why I endured reading the manga because I felt bad for not supporting my friends’/proofreaders’ favorite manga. I do like Ichikawa Ichi, and Tenjou no Shita ni Koi is still one of my favorites up to this day (even though I have a love-hate relationship with it), but sensei is known to have an affinity towards love triangles—YA GIRL EVEN DOES SQUARES. It’s especially frustrating for me because I end up rooting for everyone to end up with the MC. 😩 Thankfully for me, Tadaima, Okaeri didn’t have a love triangle...in volume one at least.
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If ya ain’t giving me 3P, don’t even bother
Anyway, I was actually ecstatic when news broke out about the adaptation. I mean, despite the fumble Fusion Product had with Fuck Buddy’s casting, I still had faith in their casting for omegaverse because hello? This was the legendary house who brought the award-winning Kashikomarimashita, Destiny onto the table and Romantic Joutou! Of course they’re gonna deliver again this time around, right???
 I just about died when I saw that Moririn was coming in for Hiromu, but then when I scrolled down to see who was going to do my and Yuuki's beloved Matsuo-san...
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Y’ALL ARE WRONG TO CAST TORIUMI KOUSUKE FOR MATSUO-SAN. Don’t get me wrong, I love the man and he did his best, but he is in no way suited to play mature and sexy Matsuo-san. I wouldn’t have complained if Tori and Moririn switched roles because Tori is more suited to comedic Papa roles (Dekichatta Danshi), but Matsuo-san has this air of mysery to him that Tori can't emulate. 😤 Plus, Tori, bless his heart, doesn’t have a lot of sex appeal as a top. How was FP even expecting a black cat play a wolf??? There’s a plethora of actors who would slay Matsuo-san’s role out there and I just can’t fathom why FP couldn’t chose any one of them instead. If they were just going to mispurpose veterans in BLCDs, then I’d rather have them not be cast at all! Maeno could have delivered Matsuo-san just fine if only he wasn’t already committed to Kashikomarimashita, Destiny, but there’s still Wacchan, Hirarin, Katou Masayuki, and Shingaki Tarusuke who are around Moririn’s range. SEE, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF Y’ALL JUST CAST KATOU MASAYUKI GODDAMIT. 
Breathe, Cheska. Breathe.
Anyway, as I’ve mentioned earlier, when I saw Moririn’s name on that list, I really did die; BUT NOTHING EVER PREPARED ME FOR WHAT HE WAS GOING TO SERVE ON THAT FUCKING TABLE!!! You don’t understand. Not only did he go a tone deeper than what I had imagined Hiromu’s voice was going to be, he also sounded like he was recording with a goddamn dummy head mic! 😩 Mans made me feel like he was talking to me and that Hikarin was our child (sorry, Masaki)! WELL, THAT SURE TOOK ME FUCKING BACK TO MY TEENS WHERE I’D JUST LISTEN TO HIS LOVERS ONLY AND KARESHI IGAI CDS TO SLEEP. FUCKING CHEAT WITH ME, DADDY!!! The audacity of your duality, FP!!! Now this is how you put veterans to good use! It’s been how many years ever since he was cast in a good role/main role??? Three??? Please come back for more, sir!!! 😩 Ugh. I honestly can’t think of another actor who could play Hiromu better than he can and he’s going to be the very reason why I’m going to listen to the upcoming adaptations if there may be. Again, I didn’t like Hiromu and Masaki’s pair at all and didn’t care about them, BUT YO I’M ALL SIGNED UP FOR THAT MORIRIN ACTION!!!
Tama and Taku also did very well in their respective roles. I also can’t imagine their characters to be played by other people, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I didn’t confuse Tama for Shirai Yuusuke in the beginning. 😂I do have to mention Tanezaki Atsumi here, too, because she fucking deserves it. When I say that I don’t like children, I really mean that I don’t like children. I mostly ignored Hikarin’s entire existence while I read the manga because I found him spoiled and well, you know, disproportionate. However, it’s really hard to ignore him now that he’s voiced, so I had no choice but to actually listen to the plot (surprise I only skipped to Hiromu and Masaki’s bedroom subjugation and Matsuo-san and Yuuki-kun’s interactions). I don’t know if it was because I was a few days away from my period, Moririn’s daddy voice, Tanezaki Atsumi’s stellar voice acting, BUT Y’ALL THAT AWAKENED MOTHER’S INSTINCTS, I—
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YO I GET IT. I GET IT, YOU HIKARI SIMPS. HAPPY NOW?! Hina is a different story, though
I’m still not a 100% in Hiromu and Masaki’s relationship, but I will try reading through it with interest (try is the keyword). If anything, this BLCD made the series better EXCEPT for Tori’s casting fiasco of course. I’d definitely recommend this to you if you’re a fan of the series, but do be warned. If you also thought that Tori’s catching was sketch, trust your instincts because it’s going to turn out like how you imagine it. Regardless, everyone did their best and despite some minor addends/rearrangements on the dialogue, this was a good adaptation over all. PLEASE DO LISTEN TO THIS IF YOU’RE A MORIRIN FAN OH MY I CAN’T STRESS ENOUGH. 
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snowyshadow · 6 years
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This has been happening for a while now.
Whenever I close my eyes all I can see is you. 
(part II)
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