just-eyris-things · 1 year
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
Omg... what if....yvrell and vie threw hands...........
playful slap fight, next question
okay okay but for real... it's probably a spar? I don't think they would full-on fight unless it's some wibbly wobbly time shit where it's Scarlet-Era Yvrell
For Vie, in a spar, she's probably helping him test out holosmith or scrapper abilities. Helping him figure out gyros or holoforge. She'll probably be blocking with her staff and trying to keep close but not too close you know??
For EngVie, they're probably doing it to blow off steam that hammering down metal can't do. They're hitting each other hard and there will be some injuries that Occam tends to on both of them afterwards.
Full fight though, EngVie would be the interesting one because even if the Yvrell she's fighting isn't her uncle, Yvrell is still her uncle. So despite being an ex-con that does what she has to do, she's struggling. Blocking with her shield, raising the holoforge trying to not hurt him. She doesn't want to hurt him. It takes him actually hurting her- or someone she cares about- to make her stop and full on attack. She presses hard, tosses out bombs, sets her sword aflame.
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akurathereaper · 4 years
6, 8, 9, 13 from commander asks? .w.
6. Did they have any pets?
I mean... he has those six minioncats... I’m not sure if I would count Rosemary since her... unfortunate departure, but I think Skyscale Rosie would count too :D Since he doesn’t rly fly her often cuz it high, she’s more of a lap pet then. (Just imagining Rosie trying to fit in Akura’s lap is hilarious)
8. How did their peers view them?
They were unsure of him, a bit intimidated, like you are intimidated by that new kid that came in school y’know? “Oh I wonder if he would talk to me, but he looks scary.” type of way. As a sapling Caithe took care of him mostly, and the only other sylvari he started to connect with was Eyris, Trahearne, and perhaps eventually Yvrell and Airell and the rest.
Nowadays he’s so separated from everyone that he sometimes doesn’t feel like a sylvari
9. Do they miss home?
Terribly. But not the small room in the Dreamer’s terrace, or the house he and Trahearne were planning to grow together once the Mordremoth campaign was over, he misses the feeling of home home, you get me? Not the place, but the feeling.
(Eiladhur eventually helps, but Akura struggles and always has to be assured that indeed, he is welcome there)
  13. What is their fondest memory of the past?
He and Trahearne, years years ago, before Mordremoth was even a whisper on the wind, had a short time to spare together. They hiked up the gorgeous mountains in Timberline Falls, bathed in the freezing river that eventually became a waterfall, and they set up a camp and watched the stars together. I like to think that for both of them, it was finally time when both realized they might not be alone after all.
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just-eyris-things · 1 year
⚔️ for Yvrel and/or Airell depending who you want to talk about 🤩
you know what?
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CONTENT WARNING: dismemberment, loss of limb
When it comes to Yvrell, he loses his right leg twice. The first time is when he still works with Scarlet. He loses it when the Breachmaker is falling apart - it gets crushed under the weight of collapsing machine. The second time is when he is pulled out of a blighting pod and it grows back corrupted. Yvrell claims that to stop the corruption they need to cut it off before Mordremoth's influence reaches further.
As for Airell - we know that he is a bard. But did you know he writes his own songs? One of the very first ones he has written is the one about one of many of his Itzel brothers who has eaten a firefly and its glow could still be seen within his stomach for days after.
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
an ask for you! :D <3 which of your characters like and/or would get pets? would they get any specific type of pet? @kerra-and-company
Eyris is a really pet-loving person. For majority of her life she had Airost, an overgrown fernhound, now retired. Eyris, is given opportunity, will adopt all the animals. She already asked Freya if they could have a pen or something and a lot of animals.
Their homestead has a lot of cats, dogs and, of course, wolves.
Yvrell likes the idea of a pet but he worried he wouldn't be able to take care of if properly, so he built himself a cat.
Airell likes frogs. Obviously.
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
Hey psst Yvrell questuons
How shit is his sleep schedule? Does he like festivals? Doesh e visits the Grove at all, and how often if so? In the "He is vie's uncle" aus, does he enjoy having her kids over? What pet would he gift Saoirse, of any? Would he help Vie made a dagger for Romeo's coronation?
Optional bonus, how bad did he freak out when he saw baby vie talking to a fucking largos?
Yvrell likes festivals...watching! He likes to observe them, he is not much of an activity participant enjoyer. He will go to them and sell some trinkets and toys, some jewellery, yknow, typical festival stall merchant.
He avoids the Grove. Ever since he got this side of Nightmare in him, he's very :/ on going there. But if he has to, he will. For Occam.
Yvrell might act like he hates everything and everyone. He might look annoyed all the time. In general he likes it. He jokes that it makes him appreciate the silence of the house more. But the truth is he really enjoys those family get-togethers.
He would give Saoirse a turtle. He really likes turtles.
Yvrell is not really a dagger guy, he'd point Vie to Occam for help with making one. Unless, that is, she would want some trinkets put in the hilt, like net shooter for swift capture or poison holders.
Let's say it wasn't Yvrell who freaked out. Yvrell saw a largos and thought that he needed something more than a fishing net. He'd go protective dad mode, probably. "Oh so you want to date Vie, huh. Prove it, list all her favourite foods and all her allergies." And then he has a gun on the table and you know, you know that he will protect her even if it costs you your life.
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
Do any of your characters keep tabs on the Orr restoration? How far along is the process as of EoD? Are your kiddos enjoying dragon bash? Are any of them avoiding the holiday to do other things?
Thank you for sending in an ask, @mystery-salad !
Nia keeps tabs on Orr because she thinks she should since it was one of the biggest things she has committed to (with Trahearne ofc). She feels responsible to make sure it is beautiful again. Airell and/or Eyris also check in every now and then for Trahearne who wants to "stay dead" to general public.
As of EoD Orr is nearly fully regrown and cleared of the Unchained. There are already unchained-free zones where some braver people, mostly Priory scholars and sylvari, moved in.
Eyris, Freya and Njal are having a blast. Airell is having an existential crisis. Nia is in Lion's Arch with her daughter, spending quality mother-daughter time because she doesn't like the festival. Yvrell is at the festival but not to enjoy himself but to sell trinkets. He's the guy with the stall you don't want your kids to see.
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
Valoop hugs you. Also how do you treat aquabreathers in your own canon and do your characters enjoy using them?
I hug Valoop too. I feel so loved!
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You see, water area is the hardest for me to think about. I don't have it cleared out yet, but I will answer to the best of my ability.
Aqua breathers are mechanisms keeping water out of one's mouth and allow for communication underwater. For the breathing part, it's mostly magic that does the trick.
Non-magical breathers however need an air pouch and a tube connected to it, pouches can be attached to armor easily. Pouches also can be enchanted to have a bigger capacity. There are also underwater plants which gather air bubbles under their leaves/in their flowers, those bubbles can be used to refill the pouches.
Some professions/races can do without breathers or use their own gear
When it comes to elementalists, they can simply manipulate water and air to create an air bubble around their heads. By elemental manipulation they can replenish the air bubble as they see fit. Some can even use an enormous bubble to keep dry under the water!
Engineers/asura can use their golems to traverse the underwater terrain and they can be accompanied by air-storing golems. They will also have breathing pouches and masks to be able to explore things outside golems in case of necessity.
Some sylvari can breathe underwater and they only wear masks to keep the water out of their mouth. Those who cannot breathe underwater can grow leafy masks of different plant-kind than the rest of their bodies. As the mask is naturally attached to their bodies it is like a natural aqua breather.
I divide revenants into two groups: those who died and came back and those who were born like that.
The first ones do not need to breathe that much, their bodies function a bit differently. They are not dead but they are not alive either, but they cannot be qualified as pure zombies either. They are an enormous question mark to everyone. They usually wear masks only to keep the water out. The alive revenants need aqua breathers like everyone else.
Out of my characters, Eyris and Airell use sylvari masks to breathe, Yvrell can use a sylvari mask but he mostly works with his golems and inventions, Freya, Njal and Nia use magic aqua breathers. Achilles does not dive, he is afraid of deep waters. Pirate queen Seadhna doesn't need anything, so she uses a mask to keep the water out of her mouth when she needs to speak.
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just-eyris-things · 4 months
Sure ill play along--
And ofc pics/art under the cut
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just-eyris-things · 1 year
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just-eyris-things · 11 months
Ok I'll join
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just-eyris-things · 11 months
also im very !!!!! about SotO's blorbo like who do i even pull out of the bag for the plot?
my Commander Nia? she retired, she doesnt want to go back! but i will see how the plot goes! maybe she will 'rise from the ashes' to protect her family (she has kids now!)
my shining blade Rachelle? she is a cold hearted bitch but she will do anything for Kryta. So she might be getting some plot
Yvrell, my Nightmare-leaning Soundless engineer? I have literally NO IDEA why or how he would end up there! but I want him to get some action ;w;w;w;w;w;;w pain.jpeg!
im experimenting with some new sylvari characters such as
code name: Green Giraffe - a ranger sylvari dreamer with big ambitions and motivation! he WILL protecc! also he has a dog. it don't bite (it do). will go untamed. for voicelines. yknow how it is.
code name: Blueberry - salvaged Nai Raah, another sylvari, first draft - Airell's daughter, second draft - ???? idk she pretty! also ranger, untamed! she has a dog. and a dog. and a dog and a dog and a dog and a dog and a dog and a dog and a do
code name: Blueboy - idk just a blue boy in a blue world and everything he sees is just blue like him inside and outside blue his house and a blue little window and a blue corvette and everything is blue for him and himself and everybody around cause he aint got nobody to listen
code name: Pew Pew Mancer - deadeye vari, a bit unhinged, your spirit is his ;)
code name: i am working on her. thats it thats the post.
to screens we go!
Nia - Rachelle - Yvrell - Nai Raah (a.k.a. Blueberry) - Pew Pew Mancer - Green Giraffe - Blueboy
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just-eyris-things · 1 year
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
1, 4, 7, and 8 :3c
Thanks for sending in an ask :3
1. What was the current story release when you started playing?
I made my accound around Tower of Nightmares. I remember exploring Kessex with my human ranger Tlieta (rest in pepperonis, T... rest in pepperonis...) and it was already ruined. Then I stopped playing for a while because my laptop couldn't handle it and resumed playing when LWs2 started airing.
4. Do you have a favourite playable race?
Sylvari :) I love me some big sentient plants <3
7. What is the biggest or most arduous project you have completed in the game?
I think crafting legendaries would be the biggest project, since it's time consuming and I already have 3. Arduous... definitely re-exploring map and playing story on all the characters. I want to do it, although I need to be in the mood for it, otherwise I can't motivate myself.
8. Do you have any items you keep in your characters’ inventory for purely sentimental reasons?
Eyris has a Cerulean Salamander, which you can gather in the Shiverpeaks by fishing. She has it because it's personal for me - the art resembles Airell's mini form from Familiar AU, and it resembles him a LOT. So it's kind of personal...
Yvrell has a Nuhoch Warbler which you get by choosing to ally with Nuhoch in HoT story. Warblers are important in hylek culture (or so I guess considering some NPC dialogues) so I would feel bad for getting rid of it. Yvrell also carries twenty six (26) marsh frogs from Bloodtide Coast because I cannot just "destroy" them D":
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moonlit-grove · 1 year
Also thinking about Vie vs EngVie again... thinking about how the differences between them came from one choice. Where Vie bonded with Occam and learned smithing, EngVie bonded with @just-eyris-things' yvrell and learned engineering.
And because of that choice, they led different lives. Vie joined the Order. EngVie got conscripted by the Consortium. Vie made friends and helped kill Zhaitan. EngVie became a scapegoat and fucked up a whole generation of karka.
But two things are the same. They are both the champion of nykai, and they both love canach. Even if EngVie takes a long ass time to realize how much she cares about the commander
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
i cant help but wonder what will happen next in gw2, because honestly i cant possibly think of anything else but "gods come back and there is DRAMA"
so anyway i like attention so this is what my kids are up to
Nia and Njal retired after Kralk's defeat. They live in LA, they both are back to working at the local Vigil. They adopted a daughter, Chiaki, who wants to be Tyria's best racer. They attend Bangar's party, but more in a symbolic manner. They do not appear in EoD, but Nia is mentioned by Kas that she wanted to come but had Vigil business to attend to.
after Kralk was defeated, Freya and Eyris got together. Eyris travelled with Caithe and Aurene while Freya was transfered to Bjora. Eyris and Freya meet again during IBS and post IBS they get married. They are both in Cantha. Eyris takes Soo-Won's demise really hard. She stays with Aurene for a while after her full ascension, then comes back to Tyria where she settles down in the Shiverpeaks with Freya.
Airell's identity is kept secret to majority of Tyria. Only DW knows about him being an Elder Dragon. Airell travels to Cantha with Aurene because he too feels the need to answer the call. He ascends to full dragonhood at the end, but dies within a few days - it was too much for his body to handle. Aurene becomes the one last elder dragon. Achilles sets off on a journey to find Airell's tree in the desert.
the tree is withered. Airell's firstborn does not survive, his secondborn does and is looking to find a way to somehow contact "the Great Father"
i love my children and i feel so bad about airell so there might be a cringe twist with him somehow coming back but thats a story for another day, i literally wrote the general idea for him coming back but im still thinking whether or not to make it canon
in the next expact i will probably be working with my other characters: Keira (Airell's secondborn), Seadhna (firstborn soundless pirate), Yvrell and maybe some characters that were scratched throught the years, such as Fialynne (previously Airell's gf, now she doesnt exisst whatsoever), and who knows, maybe my Trahearne will come into play again!
gosh i love trahearne........i love airell.....and eyris.......
tbh it's hard for me to say "yeah theyre retiring from the story" because i love them so much ;w; but they deserve it yknow.
my blorbos..........................
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