beautifulbroken · 3 years
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“Take it to the cross.” Such a simple thing, and yet it can be so hard. To continually run to the foot of the cross with everything that you carry and leave it there. Trusting that the word of God is true and that Jesus is there waiting to take it all from you. Not some, ALL. This is something I am working on daily, bringing everything that is heavy for me to Jesus. Sleepless nights and a crying baby... Taking it to Jesus Feelings of worthlessness and un acceptance... Taking it to Jesus Worrying about being good at what I do... Taking it to Jesus Fear of the future, fear of the unknown... Taking it to Jesus Comments about parenting or homeschooling... Taking it to Jesus The bad things that have happened to me in the past... Taking it to Jesus Shame for the life I once lived and all that I did... Taking it to Jesus I’m pretty good at bringing Jesus into all the small areas of my life, all the day to day decisions. BUT I’m still learning how to give my load to Him... and that’s okay. It’s okay that I’m still learning. It’s okay that I don’t have everything right. As long as I continue to take steps closer to Jesus, it’s okay! ❤️👣“It’s was then that I carried you...”👣❤️ #ywam #missions #daughterofgod #womanofgod #notperfect #findingjoyinthejourney #understandingchristianity #ywamlife #ywamfamily #familydts #joyinthelittlethings #joyinthejourney #bringittojesus #homeschoolmom (at Rancho Abierto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNbl0YJBVBg/?igshid=1wry70qhd0wsm
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The whole team!!! We are almost to the top! #funday #outreach #ywamorlando #ywamlife #ywam #orlsummer2016
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mybravesong · 6 years
Week 10
DAY 66 Monday (10 Sept) I can’t remember what I got for quiet time but during base worship time, I had this image in my head of an enemy, dark and ekky and the words, “I cut it down before u even move!” And the enemy was cut! This was what God was saying to me. God has the victory. This week’s topic was the Father Heart of God and Peter Brownhill was giving it. Also I found out that we’d be flying to Nepal through Thailand then through qatar to manila. We did rehearsals everyday 7:30pm! It was a busy week!
DAY 67 Tuesday (11 Sept) God woke me up that morning but I didn't want to wake up. I went to read my Eph passage today and it talked about forsaking first love. Conviction moment - God was telling me not to lose my first love. I got an image of a priest who is set apart but feels that he should do something immoral to tell others he is a sinner too. What a horrible misconception. I prayed against any lie of the enemy that invited a casualness towards sin and if that person is real, to ask God to protect him from the head to the toe. That day we learnt about Jesus as a human and what He went through.
DAY 68 Wednesday (12 Sept) Today I realised I don't expect from God. I don’t dream with God and I’m wondering why. I felt I needed to go to base early and not just lay in bed til 7am. I walked to base and read numbers - it was about the israelites being divided on who is really god? I really conclude that God is merciful, He got them swallowed up in Sheol. The day before we were talking about Numbers. 
At 7.30am, we had prayer for outreach, the question was what is your contribution to the team? Ask Holy Spirit for it! I ask and the word I got was light. Sam Hakes shared with me that she had this image of a fire on a torch, sharing the light, and burning bright. I thought that was pretty cool!
We also went to get our Manila visas done, guess where? Cockburn! LOL! That was pretty funny!
DAY 69 Thursday (13 Sept) We went to King’s park in the morning! It was like surprise to go there in the morning! 
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Pete was outlining certain areas of our life that would relate to a need of the Father Heart of God. I was writing down things that come to mind straight away! 1. Self esteem - expectations / Trust No expectation with God in terms of relationship Security in not knowing 2. Authority/acceptance/affection / values This is a bit weird but we’re very proper in our culture in terms of affection. It’s a bit of a “Have to ask for hugs before getting hugged” kinda thing which is different in other cultures. Some just hug you without asking. Also the cycle of success - asian culture. Education, job, marriage, kids. 3. Authority Memories of disciplining by maid, parents etc. PSLE marks.
Pete was talking about to received the Father’s love, you have to come as a child to Him - having this child-likeness towards the Father. I like how He also talked about the point of the gospel was not to just point you to Jesus, but the end destination was to point you to the Father!
I also had my one on one today! Abigail wrote this on my cup when I ordered a latte! Sho sweeet! :D
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We had rehearsal for the saturday after dinner dishes!
DAY 70 Friday (14 Sept) In the morning, I was doing quiet time and the words that came to me was, “Eyes of wonder”. Have the child-like wonder towards God and the things of God.  Matthew 6:22-23 Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!
Start to see things with wonder! I love how it related to light as well! Cause the previous day I was asking God what do I contribute and I got the word, “light”.
We had application day so basically, we went up to a couple. I had David and Coleen who are founding leaders at the base. Basically I went through my list and then they let me sob on their shoulder and prayed for me. They also told me interestingly to, “walk with gratefulness”. They also said, “God is good in everything. Ask what you are teaching me instead of why is this happening to me?” Which was pwetty interesting cause last week I was thinking about Joy and how I lack it sometimes. And when I practice gratefulness, it really fills me with the joy of the Lord and I begin to see things the way God sees them.
DAY 71 Saturday (15 Sept) Today was just an insane day. We have this thing called weekend service and basically it’s like work duties but the whole day - you serve the base. So I was there from 10am to about 1.30pm. Then went back to change into black clothes (that day was the day of the showcase). Went back for rehearsal for the performance and then prep for dinner. After that, we washed dishes and clean the area and went straight into the performance! I must say it was a great night! Had a lot of fun! :) God definitely gave me the strength to go through the day! Also, outreach teams from the April quarter were all coming back so our dorms are quite rowdy now!
DAY 72 Sunday (16 Sept) Today I basically spent the day with Ravi Zacharias. In the morning, he talked about: Opinion - preferences and styles. Conviction holds you - it shapes your life and choices. It is the bedrock in which you make. It is not based on the time of day etc. What is it that is a deep conviction of us? Matt 4 1. Intellect - wrong assumption 2. Will - right assumption, wrong conviction 3. Imagination - Young people you will always be a worshipper. The only question is who and what is the object of your worship. The way you prepare for conflict and temptation is that you have hidden His word in your heart. The wealthier we are the more self reliant we are. In one case they refuse the exception and the The intellect is a very powerful instrument and it can reason you into doing the most horrible sin.  They distort reality and your soul. The love of God that heals the brokenness within. 
2. Will This temptation is the greatest for the wrong reason. You don't determined when, God does, You just decided all times to lean into God.The message of redeemation and grace. Every other world view its your own deeds. Righteousness is a gift. Being covered by the blood of Christ that we lived. Illustration of Indian dude under the bodies of his friends.Evil, love, justice and forgiveness Where is the one place? It is at the hill. The 4 absolutes come together. 
3. Imagination Can wreak havoc in our souls. It can be capable of plunging us down in the darkest depths. We do not just worship in beauty, we worship him in the beauty of holiness. You can only worship the Lord Worship posture and service. Worship with your mind and serve him with your body.
Applications 1. Diversity and we long for unity, how do we do that? Greeks thought they unity and in diversity - university The first loving God becomes the foundation of loving your neighbour. How do we worship is all of the nature of God purifying of his life imagine Internal commitment. Don't ever lose your heart, cause I'm in there. God's love is supreme for you and me. He has us in His heart.  -------
After that, I went to Hifumiya for lunch, met a couple of peeps from FCC there. Then I went to the night session and met even more FCC people haha!
Night Service>> How does one rebuild your life? A life where so much went wrong Jacob Genesis 25:19 How God sees a child - it could be nations or even the son of God. Child can stimulate wonder and to enjoy wonder.** Nathan played with a balloon. And he took it outside and let the balloon go and he said to his dad.. ravi.. Next time u fly you can get the balloon for me.We come uniquely so equipped. In accordance and temperament of that child, it will never depart from the child. Perception becomes a reality. Half a baby and half a baby do not make a baby. - the uniqueness of a baby. Where God has placed you is unique with a part to play.2. They were taught to succeed through deception. 3. Breakdown of communication How to be a partner in life. 
Application Tabernacling 1. It all begins with a transformation in communant with God.2. Reunion with your brother You owe it to the individual - he has his own heart acknowledge your mistake - he sees God in his brother - the transferable of trust for the generations.3. Comes for the trust for the next generation Kids as builders of nations.
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Hold onto what matters in life, and run with it. #ywamlifers (at Cabarita Beach)
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amissionary · 7 years
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There has to be a better way to record this and manage all the echo I get in the room ... #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #podcastlife #ywam #ywamlife #recordingstudio via Instagram http://ift.tt/2Gzjgzq
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eternitynfocus-blog · 8 years
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Working hard to help others #eternitynfocus #ywam #ywamlife #christian #serving #serve #2008 #costarica #costarica🇨🇷 #puravida #bnw_demand #bnw_life #bnw #bnw_of_our_world #bnw_planet #bnw_perfection #bnw_splash #bnwmood #bnw_divine #bnw_people #bnw_photo #bnw_society #bnwphotography #bnw_world #bnwlovers #bnw_diamond #bnw_captures #bnw_rose #bnwsplash_perfection #bnwsouls (at CostaRica)
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lifewiththealtmans · 8 years
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   So just a few weeks ago we moved from India to the Island of Cyprus which is Melina’s home country. Our time in India was full of NEW experiences, NEW foods, and a whole NEW / Different way of life! We meet a lot of great people along the way, we got the chance to share Jesus’ love and heart with so many spiritually hungry people and we also hiked some of the most beautiful mountains ever to be seen by human eyes. “The Himalayas!” Let’s just say, there’s a lot more to the story... BUT.... what about now? Well, since you asked. We are now in a NEW Chapter of our life... “Life in Cyprus!” We are so blessed. Melina’s mom is so happy we’re hear and so are we. It has been amazing that we have gotten the chance to catch up (talk) with so many of Melina’s family and church friends. It’s a “God Thing” that we are even hear. With very limited money, we are very grateful that our God has allowed us to travel the way we have been lately. It’s truly the Lord’s provision that has us where we are today. We asked the Lord for opportunity, adventure, excitement, travel, and a life spent with Him... and let’s just say that’s exactly what we have and He has once again answered our prayer! Life is good... we are blessed... and I don’t know about you but we love Jesus!
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dreamgabb · 8 years
almost home...
In only a couple days I return home.
After almost 2 years living in Ensenada and working with YWAM, my time here is nearing its end, at least for now. I have so many great memories of this place and I cannot count the number of people who have come through here that I have had the opportunity to meet. YWAM is such a big place but at the same time spans the distance of the world. I have also had the opportunity to reconnect with friends that I met a while ago.
I feel truly blessed to be here, of everything I have learned and everything I did. I feel that God was taking care of me and blessed me more than I could have hoped for, especially this year. The reason why I am returning home God put in my heart a few months ago when I returned from outreach in Costa Rica. 
A big blow returned me to reality; with the excitement to return to my country, the only thing I wanted to do was speak with my family. But I stopped myself when I remembered that a couple of months before the trip, my mom had passed away. It was a heavy blow and a difficult time, in remembering this time I can only think that God was watching over me with so much love and if it weren't for this, I would not have been able to make decisions. 
So the reason to return home is to spend time with my family and go through the grieving process. When I think about this, I cannot imagine how difficult or painful it will be. I only have peace about returning in knowing that God is blessing me by sending me home. 
It is just as difficult to decide if I will return or not, when and how, I am unsure for now. But during my time in YWAM, as I have shared many times, I need to cover my housing and daily meal fees. As I said before, God has blessed me a lot and he has allowed me to cover a part, but I do not want to leave with a debt. For this I am sharing my need. If you would like to help me I am leaving a link below so that you can make a donation directly to the organization online, and it is tax deductible. 
Thank you for your help during this time.
Would you like to pray for me?
Pray for my family, each day we miss each other more. And for strength once I return home.
This past week we celebrated 25 years of YWAM San Diego/Baja and God's faithfulness in Loreto, Mexico! We had a beautiful time of fellowship and relaxation before jumping back into a busy Fall season. It was truly a blessing to come together in such a beautiful place. 
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#outreach #ywam #ywamorlando #ywamlife #orlsummer2016
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mybravesong · 6 years
Week 7
DAY 45 Monday (20 August) I feel like majority of this week was about finances! Also didn’t really have photos from this week! Hahaha! Our finances were due on the Wednesday and we still have a lot of money left to go! During Quiet Time, I prayed and am trusting God for finances. For some reason during the night felt like I had mosquito bites but actually don't have any when I woke up. Also reading Psalm 23 .... What does rod and staff mean? Rod - discipline to be within the safe boundaries Staff - shepherding/chosen - Aaron's staff This week’s lecture was led by Q. He’s run 11 young people 1 medical DTSs’, can you believe it? Today I also got to have a chat with Jamie who was flying over to America! God also reminded me to follow up with people!
DAY 46 Tuesday (21 August) We had an interceding time with my manila team.. we were all gonna fast.. I was gonna fast my chickpeas cause I've been eating them  everyday..then.. we had quiet time and breakfast. During Quiet time, I got this verses. 
Hebrews 10:19‭-‬25 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, “In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.”  And, “But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.”  But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. The Key words were , “don't throw your confidence away. “ -- God was telling me.. you're either in it totally or not at all.. so our whole team decided to fast lunch and dinner. God has been coming through we had 3441.. and I had a donation of 900ish but it was directed to me personally which ohmygosh so blessed!! We were also learning about the submission Jesus had towards the father then I also prayed about it and I wanted to be in line with the character of God.. he doesn't withhold.. so I decided to put the extra money I had left over to the team... Here’s the timeline of money reduction!
Friday:    5139 Monday: 5pm       4721 8pm       3971 Tuesday: 6am       3441 1:30pm  2776 2:45pm  1674 7pm       1624 9pm       1574
DAY 47 Wednesday (22 August) Outreach Meeting - By the time morning hit, we had enough pledges to take the whole team to the nations! Now we just had to wait for the money to hit the system. PRAISE GOD!!! The school got our team to share this huge testimony. During Quiet Time, I was thanking God for His goodness and He said thank you for trusting me. The verse I had was:
Psalm 91:2 I will say of the Lord , “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” After chores, we had worship together as a school but I felt worship didn't land. There was a lack of joyful singing instead, it felt like the atmosphere was gloomy. I had a One on one with Abigail and talked about it! Other than that, the rest of the day was pwetty chills!
DAY 48 Thursday (23 August) During the morning, the word was Unbelief is a big part of unsubmission to God. Accusation. Mistrust. Comparison. Passivity. We enforce the word of God and we empower His hand. I'm not responsible for saved souls but I am responsible for scattering seed.
For Intercession, we asked God.. How do you want us to fight to see the release for the rest of the team? 
- as a team, go down the list of everyone in school and ask if you could pray for them.. - take up the sword (word of God - when pray verse for everyone)Strategies of the enemies - dullness - indifference I was a little snappy today. My attitude wasn’t super good during lunch duties and I had to ask forgiveness from Sarah and Emily. I also got the chance to pray for Jacob against his tiredness. I got to ask Sammy about her story! It was her birthday! :)
Later in the day, I met Joycelyn who took my pulse! 
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DAY 49 Friday (24 August) Quiet time - I realised, God doesn’t hold back. 
Isaiah 55:11‭-‬13 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.  Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord ’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.” Also prayed for the teams!
For application, we washed each other’s feet as a sign of submission to one another! I washed david’s feet then I washed abigail’s and we cried together. I also got to wash karmen’s feet and leonie’s. It was super good!!
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Also got the chance to go have dinner with Iel! We went to Hifumiya, then we went to the twilight markets which was pretty cool for her cause she’s not been to a market in Perth yet. We got to catch up with how each other was doing in DTS. We also went for ice cream right after! It was great!!!
DAY 50-51 Saturday-Sunday (25-26 August) Basically spent the weekend with my family! It’s been 7 weeks since I’ve seen my parents so it was a good reunion! :) 
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I did however feel like I hadn’t grown much after 7 weeks and I saw the vast difference between the spiritual atmosphere in ywam and out of ywam! It sadden me greatly. I thought I wouldn’t get so affected by words that people said but it did and it felt like my security in God wasn’t as solid as I thought it’d be. God is still working through me! 
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lifewiththealtmans · 8 years
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From America to Central East Asia!
- Travel time: 28 Hours
- Miles Traveled: 10,000+
-  Also lost a lot of sleep...
  The world as we know it may seem rather larger, and to some, it may seem quite small, but the truth is, no matter what you think about this topic, the fact still remains..... every country has there differences. There is certain things that some people / culturals do in their daily life, that others wouldn’t believe even if they saw it. It’s true though. Life around the world is so much difference than some people may imagine it to be.
  This post is more of a PHOTO POST so sit back and take it easy while you get a small idea of... “Their Way Of Life.”   O yea and stay tuned for another HFM Blog!
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lifeofkenzie-blog1 · 8 years
At the beginning of this season, our leaders asked us to think about how we want to grow in this time with YWAM. After, praying about it, I asked God to help me with my patience. To my surprise, I didn't expect how much patience I would actually acquire. Patience in living with 6 girls, then with 10 people, patience with traveling in big groups, patience with selfish people, in listening for Gods voice and His timing, not knowing what the future holds, feeling left out from things back home, patience with old and new friends, patience with money, leadership, relationships ...patience abundantly. I've become more patient than I ever expected I would be, and all the credit goes to God. I know I asked for patience, God wasn't going to instantly give me "a supernatural patience". That's not how we grow. When we ask for something, God gives us opportunities to make a choice. That's been proven to me over and over again. Choosing to be patient, makes being patient later, so much easier. I was the least patient person coming into this season of life. Do I consider myself changed in that today? Absolutely. The amazing thing is, you can replace "patience" with anything you want to grow in; (self control, gentleness, kindness) It's having the maturity to make the decision to grow. Thank you God for helping me grow, even through pains and struggles, you never leave my side. You know where I'm going and you know what's best for me. You always have my wellbeing in mind and you love to surprise me with blessings in disguise. You truly are the best dad ever.
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Let's do this! #germany🇩🇪 here we come!! #outreach #orlsummer2016 #ywam #ywamorlando #ywamlife ✈️🛫 (at Orlando International Airport or MCO)
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mybravesong · 6 years
Week 6
Hey Guys! I’m switching the way I post. I’ll focus on posting about the highlights of the week from now on! :)
DAY 38 Monday (13 August) We started the day with morning exercise - walked round nib stadium, played scarecrow. 
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For Quiet time, God said you are good. And I said I am good because you are good. And I got the song, let the king of my heart. I ask God what his mission was for me today? It was to look after a friend who was recently heartbroken. How? To love and care for her. We had worship with the whole ywam.. it was all about the goodness of God which was exactly what I had during quiet time!! The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7 NLT. We had a very productive band practice and started tweaking things here and there! :D Also we started on our weekly topic, “Holy Spirit” by Rachel Mcgirr. 
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We also did rehearsals at night as usual for dance numbers! Also I saw that Abby from priceless had left me a note <3 So much loveeeeee! miss her
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DAY 39 Tuesday (14 August) During Qt.. God was reminding me to move away from slave mentality to child of God mentality. It occurred to me during lecture the day before that I still retained aspects of a “slave mentality” instead of relying on God and pursuing a more purposeful relationship with God. Today was also my turn to do a “God Talk”. It’s basically you teaching your small group about an aspect of God. I was really thinking of what to talk about even to the day. That morning, God wanted me to repent of greed of money. I had thoughts of wanting to keep donations for myself so that I didn’t have to pay more for outreach but God said it’s not for me. So I repented and made sure all went to David and Abigail. He reminded me that He is the God of the plentiful. God our provider. And that was what I decided to talk about in small group. The bunch of us went to Emma’s.
The Gist was... When we say let’s keep it for ourselves you are telling God, God u are not enough for me. When we aren't generous - we withhold the blessings that another person could receive, we aren’t being channels of blessings. And I ask them to spend some time and ask God to reveal to you areas of your life that is stuck in this slave mentality.. It was pretty cool because God talked to through of them from this God talk. They also had that mindset. 
I sang with Caleb and Gyu which I had not ever done before after dinner! That was fun! Also spent some time updating the team newsletter. We ended the day with song rehearsals and the learning of a new dance for greatest showman.
DAY 40 Wednesday (15 August) During Quiet time: God said I am enough so you are enough. I said You are enough but I am not and He said you are enough for me. Your everything is enough for me. I felt a hug from the back with one arm across my shoulders and the other across the top of my head.
See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him. 1 John 3:1 NLT
Brought to mind, my dad and I our relationship. He doesn't want anything else accept to receive my love in return. God doesn't ask for anymore than who we are. Children of God. Like when I heard them from God, I had an image of my own father squatting down with arms wide open and with a huge smile just waiting for me to run into his arms. It might be tear a lot! <3 During worship, we did something different, there was a part where if God was asking you to lay something down, you lay it in front of the cross. God told me to lay Unworthyness down. My greed, my not enoughness - The root was unworthyness and I needed to proclaim the truth of God's word in my life. During lecture Rachel said this - The only sin you're not forgiven for is the sin u don't want forgiveness for. Forgiveness is for us. Unforgivenness is like drinking poison and wishing for the other to die. Things to really think about.  I had one on one with Abigail that day and as we reflected, I came to the conclusion that I want to know Holy spirit as a person instead of just His function. How to tell him apart from Jesus, spiritual authority and father or some sort of energy. 
DAY 41 Thursday (16 August) During quiet time, I was asking Holy Spirit... Can I separate holy spirit from the trinity in my mind? He said No, we are one in the same. I reflected and realise that Holy Spirit is wise .. He reminds me of the book of proverbs. He doesn't give the whole picture but he gives nuggets of wisdom to prompt u in the right direction. It was also Sarah’s bday the following day but her birthday table was set up today! So after dinner, we went down to IGA and I bought her fudge!! - Her favourite! :D
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DAY 42 Friday (17 August) During Quiet Time, Holy Spirit convicted me to apologise to David and Abigail about being pushy for the newsletter to get out. David was under the pump to get ready to Camp and I wasn’t a little fustrated that I was trying so hard to get the newsletter out earlier in hopes, to get our info out to send to others and see if we could finish our funding! I had no time to edit the night before so I went to the base early this morning. After I ate breakfast, I went back to the dorm and felt that I needed to kneel and thank God for David, Abigail - they sacrifice so much to staff the DTS and all I was doing was a newsletter. I apologised to them as well and thanked them for their hard work! :) Today was also application day, we repented and made right with people. It was like repentance week all over again. We also had a choice to go up to Randy (Trust Fall), Cristine(Breaking Generational Curses) and Rachel(Receiving of gifts of the holy spirit - tongues etc). I prayed and felt like I needed to do the trust fall. I feel that I trust God but still not completely. You’d have to climb up this stack of chairs and shout God I trust you (as a public declaration) and fall backwards. Randy would catch you. It was hard for me because I am afraid of heights and when I got on, the stack of chairs almost toppled. But I did it anyway and I felt like a burden lift. I also got to pray for Karmen and Emma for healing so that was cool! They got healed by the Holy Spirit. It was also Evangelism day, so Alex and I paired up. She asked me if I just wanted to stand along the street and shout out my testimony. I must say fear really gripped me. I didn’t feel prepared for it. So we walked on, I was praying all along the way. God was saying.. Do you trust me? I said yes. Then do you know I have good thoughts towards these people? I said Yes I do. Then He said, all I want you to do is share My love for them. And I said ok. We did talk to a couple of people. Prayed for some. I was prompted by this lady so was a little disorientated. But I beckon her to come to me after she had walked away and I asked her if I could pray for God’s love on her and she said yes. And I prayed. We also talked to this chatty lady along the street and we talked with her for a good 1 hr 30mins. She was very concerned about her friend and the Holy Spirit prompted her to ask us about the friend in question. Surprisingly, the answers we gave her were based on what we had learnt during the week. About, how choosing sin is saying no to God. and if she is a follower of Christ, she must choose. In the end, we had dinner together and went back to base. I had time to finish my journal and went for friday service. The dude, Mark talked about the Hebrew education system and greek education system. That was interesting!
DAY 43-44 Saturday & Sunday (18-19 August) CAMPING TRIP!!! We brought our stuff to the auditorium at 9am and had breakfast. Packed and left, reached about 11ish? Just before Lunch, Emma Leonie and I went for a walk - we found money on the floor, saw some horses and made friends with the doggie who lives in the opposite house. Little did we know, the dog followed us back to the campsite. Ben had to bring him back to the neighbour hahaa! We had a quick lunch and went down the childow town centre - hung there til about 4ish. Came back for dinner and played capture the flag. It was very fun but at the same time, Tim got a broken collarbone, Kate scrapped her knee, Jonathan split his toenail, Kevin scrapped his knee and so did Noemi. After that, we sat by the campfire which was so good because it was literally freezing that night. After that, showered and slept like a log.
Woke up really early at 7am the next morning, freshen up and walked around the campsite, smelling the fresh air and admiring God’s creation. I was a little concerned about our finances for outreach and God says to lean on me for the finances. So I said okay I will. We had breakfast and I was on  breakfast clean up duty. After that, Leonie and I walked to the Lake! It was beautiful, on the way we saw these little duckies and also got to pat some horses. That was fun. After that, we came for lunch and started to pack away our stuff. We also had to clean up the campsite. I was on toilet cleaning duty. Unfortunately for me, someone had taken a huge dung and it clogged the toilet... so guess who had to unclog it? Yes, yours truly. We packed and left. The heat was crazy though and throughout the whole trip I sat on the sunny side. After coming back to the 228, I literally put on my sheets back and changed and took a one hr nap. It was sooooo gooood.. then I came back to base for dinner and finished up this online journal! :D
Highlights from the Weekend below!!
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