webdiggerxxx · 2 days
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yesterdays-xkcd · 2 days
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I guess if she accepted irrational realities, she'd hardly be my fantasy.
Fantasy [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Cueball sits hugging his knees. From his head, there go three bubbles to a thought bubble.] Cueball: If only there were some way we could be together.
[The comic fades into a thought bubble in shaded gray color. The bubble contains the next four panels.]
[Cueball and Megan are lounging on a bed. He seems to be massaging her neck while she is lying down.] Megan: We're so lucky to have each other. How did it happen, anyway? Cueball: I, uh... I don't remember.
[Zoom in on Megan sitting up with her hands behind her. The bed is not drawn.] Megan: No, really, how did we get together? It's hard to imagine it happening. Cueball (off-screen): It does strain the bounds of fantasy... Megan: ...Fantasy? That's it!
[Megan now stands up at the foot of the bed. Cueball sits with one hand around his knee and the other to his chin.] Megan: My God, it's the only explanation: We're objects in some transient fantasy. We'll be gone when it ends! Cueball: We'll lose each other. Megan: Oh God.
[Megan leaps from the bed with a flaming torch. Cueball jumps after her on his knees with his hands in the air.] Megan: Well, I'm not going out quietly. I'm burning this fucking world. Cueball: Burn the world! Megan: Fire! Fire! Cleanse this hellish place—
[The thought ends with three bubbles going down to Cueball, who is now standing and scratching his head. Again, the comic is back to the normal black drawing style.] Cueball: ??
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witchrealms · 2 days
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90s-2000s-barbie · 23 hours
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Club Libby Lu
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dozydawn · 2 days
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ascene · 3 days
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iamtryingtobelieve · 2 days
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Never Wanted 2 Dance video behind da scenez
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amberheardarchive · 3 days
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goslings-girlx · 2 days
take a gander at my gosling 21/?
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zegalba · 11 months
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Plastic Chair in Wood by Maarten Baas (2008)
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webdiggerxxx · 3 days
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yesterdays-xkcd · 3 days
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I always figured the word 'blog' would sound *less* silly as the years went by.
Starwatching [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Cueball and Megan are lying on the ground stargazing.] Cueball: Just look at those stars.
Cueball: My father once told me that the great bloggers of the past are up there, watching over us.
[Cueball sits up, and then stands up, stretching his arms in the air as if to encompass the whole night sky.] Cueball: High above the blogosphere, a gap opens in the tag clouds. Cory Doctorow's voice booms forth... Megan: You need to get out either more or less. I can't decide.
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miamaimania · 2 months
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Abandoned buildings reclaimed by the desert sands ➤ Kolmanskop, a ghost town frozen in time. ph. Mark Daniel
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2001hz · 7 months
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Hiroko Igeta: 'makiko doll' (2008)
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icklewolfiekins · 1 year
you ever learn something you wish you didn't? I, for example, just learned that between 2008 and 2015 not a single episode of Doctor Who aired that was written by a woman. Between The Sontaran Stratagem, a story with David Tennant as the Doctor, and The Woman Who Lived, a Peter Capaldi story, not a single episode was written by a woman.
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