#z!cangse sanren
vermillioncrown · 3 years
Oops I meant to submit this as a Ask instead, so ANYWAY:
Two ideas, and pls forgive me if it goes into another plane of possibility:
1. How about ZYX + the Prince? Only because it hints that the guy ZYX made fun of in the royal library for reading romance novels is actually the Prince. Wouldn’t it be hilarious for ZYX to suddenly appear as Queen in front of Gucci gang and WWX/LMJ going “lol you guys are fucked”, and turning the MDZS world upside down with her queenly rule? Also the Prince might be soft hearted, and ZYX helps to balance this out with their *chaos*.
I started on this ship and I can’t stop going forward.
2. How about Z!Cangse Sanren? That would be *amazing*, and what is CSR actually survives through mad inventions and lots of math?
1. hey. you. your peepers are sure working 👀👀👀👀👀
there's stuff in store for the imperial entanglements :)
but if zyx becomes empress/imperial consort (bc at this level, it's not just a queen), they would be choosing to no longer involve themselves with the cultivation realm. part of cultivation is the fact that you're defying the heavens by trying to ascend, and that's not just philosophy, it's fact. the more powerful you get, the more breakthroughs you attempt, the more the heavens will test you (violently). by trying to cultivate and establish power in the mundane realm, it's as if you're trying to challenge the heavens with the earth. not allowed. that's calling for heavenly calamities to hit the earth for that transgression.
you might be wondering "verm, then how can there be any imperial entanglements at all???"
well, grandpa zhu has an in, somehow. you'll see when you see.
[crown prince is currently UNAVAILABLE as an option. pre-requisites have not been met.]
2. z!cssr is rogue!zyx that wandered out of containment two decades earlier
(i have a feeling that og!cssr wasn't merely wild, she prob was teasing lqr to the point of bullying him)
(like, no matter how much you find a guy annoying, it's mean and highly disrespectful, borderline violent, to forcefully modify their body)
things haven't gone to full shit yet, might as well do something about it
find a way to assassinate wrh (bc what does z!cssr know about power vacuums and history of a sect??) whatever falls out, will fall out
(what if z!cssr's increasingly outlandish assassination attempts become the fun thing that keeps wrh from going off the megalomania deep end?)
(jianghu's weirdest friendship, take 6)
z!cssr spends a lot of time otherwise roaming around, seeing sights, helping people (like rogue!zyx, but with less of the 'oh god there is a problem and i'm pretending it doesn't exist'). so of course she'll have encounters with the big sects ("what's 'jurisdiction'? haha i'm barely literate") (she's literate enough)
spends a lot of time avoiding big sect heirs (besides her biannual 'murder wrh' event), but makes friends with the people in their periphery. or women that will someday be married to the heirs/leaders.
(no way to miscommunicate any jfm & cssr & yzy drama, z!cssr doesn't go out her way to interact w jfm and would rather meet w yzy if she had to meet someone of authority, idk what jfm's deal is so let's say he only has passing interest in "bssr's disciple" like many others but it fizzles out, yzy becomes reluctant friends w z!cssr when it becomes apparent that z!cssr might be slightly ignorant, but they're not a naïve idiot)
idk i think wei changze must have had something to have drawn in cssr in canon, he seems like a person that z!cssr can genuinely catch feelings for (zyx is typically demisexual, but feelings are never off the table. with how society tends to conflate sex = feelings, it's easier to forego both).
pregnancy is bweh gross, but biggest fear is dying via childbirth + loss of autonomy as a pregnant lady from doctors + other people's perceptions. as z!cssr and a powerful rogue cultivator, she can literally do the thing she wants - fuck off without no contact until she wants to come back, after all business has been concluded. biggest influence is a morbid curiosity/some sort of obligation to bring wwx into the world.
"... me?"
^yzy near throttling her friend for her whimsical ways.
oh, and as a wandering rogue, likely z!cssr would have made friends w mme lan a long time ago. spidey senses tingle when she thinks about a friend she hasn't checked in on for a while, and "no... nah, that would be too convenient. but maybe... but nah. nah?"
wcz sighs, packing up the family's bags and corralling little wwx "i'll get us checked out of the inn and grab supplies." he's too used to z!cssr's whims.
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drwcn · 4 years
“Discordance”!verse part 1: disciples discovers their secret, Lan Qiren and the elders are informed. Complications ensue. 
in which wwx is lxc’s husband through political alliance, and there is an affair. 
{detailed synposis/premise of this au}
[8] | [7] | [6] | [5] | [4] | [3] | [2] | [1] [synopsis]
They seized Wei Ying immediately. 
That should’ve been Lan Wangji’s first warning - that this was a doomed scenario, that there was no explaining - no talking - their way out of this one, that no one was going to care if he and Wei Ying were sincere in their sentiment. In the eyes of his clan and the world, this was a sordid business, and they were sinners. 
The slap came without warning. A flashing blur of white sleeve and blinding pain bloomed across his cheek, the thunderclap vibrating through his skull and down his spine. 
His Uncle, strict and severe as he was, had never raised a hand to him until now. And in his strike, Lan Wangji felt a third of Lan Qiren’s spiritual reserve and the full force of his anger. 
His mouth was filled with blood in an instant - bitter, metallic and hot, gushing from where his teeth had cut against the inside of his left cheek. The sensation, together with the pain that seemed to grip his head in a vice, left him momentarily reeling, blinded. 
Over the ringing in his ear, Lan Wangji heard his uncle’s voice, tight and low with barely controlled fury: your sect master’s - your brother's - husband, how dare you even think it! Wangji, you have disappointed and disgraced this entire family! 
Then...a set of knees hit the floor with a muffled thud. 
Lan Wangji turned, in time to see Wei Wuxian struggle free from the holds of two of Lan Wangji’s shixiongs - two strong, stoned-faced senior disciples whose names he knew but for the life of him couldn’t recall. 
"Shufu!” Wei Wuxian cried again, when Lan Qiren remained impervious to his call. Shuffling forward on his knees, he latched onto the hem of the older man’s sleeve and begged, “Please, this isn't his fault! It's mine! It's all my fault! I should be punished not Lan Zh - not Wangji. I seduced him, I led him astray, please shufu, you know your nephew, how could he do such a thing if it were not for me?! It was me, it was all me!"
Lan Wangji’s eyes widened, shocked. No, this wasn’t what they’d agree to say! “Wei Ying -”   
“Indeed,” interrupted an Elder from where all twenty-five of them waited in jingshi’s courtyard. The other eight were not currently present in Cloud Recesses, but it hardly mattered. They had majority attendance, if a vote was to be called today. 
“Qiren,” the Elder stepped into the vestibule. “We’ve all watched Wangji grow up. We know his heart and his regard for Xichen. This isn’t his nature." 
Lan Wangji clenched his fist. Who were they to claim to know his nature, to know Wei Ying’s nature, when it was clear that prejudice had blinded them against evidence. So quickly they had allowed themselves to assume that Wei Wuxian must be the culprit to carry the burden of blame, that because he was from Yunmeng, that because he was Wei Wuxian, the son of the rambunctious Cangse Sanren, that he must necessarily be the wretch who corrupted Gusu’s irreproachable Hanguang-jun. 
Lan Wangji tried to open his mouth to argue in Wei Ying’s defence, but found that he couldn’t. He glanced towards his Uncle, who countered his distress with a sullen glare. Of course, the Silence Charm. The irony of the situation was not lost on him, and were he not in such a state of utter panic, Lan Wangji would have found it amusing. 
“You forget yourself, Wangji. ‘Wei Ying’ is not a name you can use. He is your xiong‘fu, and should’ve stayed that way,” said another Elder as he joined them. 
Were he and Wei Ying really such forgivable monsters, wondered Lan Wangji, for doing nothing more than love each other? Were they so despicable that his clansmen thought them terrifying enough to send all the resident Elders and his uncle?  
Kneeling on the floor, still clutching the ends of Lan Qiren’s robes, Wei Wuxian’s eyes were red and watery when they met his, and he shook his head at him pleadingly. 
Lan Wangji had never seen Wei Ying like this: obedient, frightened, and subdued. His heart squeezed in his chest so forcefully he could hardly breath. Overwhelmed by the sudden desperate need to be close to him, to hold him, Lan Wangji started forward, but his uncle had anticipated as much and planned one step ahead. Two sharp fingers jabbed into his meridians on either side of his chest before he could make half a move. 
Instinct overriding manners, Lan Wangji struck out his fist hard against his uncle’s shoulder, but it was too late. Even as he coughed wetly at the impact, Lan Qiren had managed to do as he intended. A palm, heavy and unyielding, slammed firmly into his nephew’s sternum.
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying cried his name, lurching forward, but two sets of hands grabbed him by the shoulder and elbow and pulled him back. 
Lan Wangji released a choked gasp. Deep within himself, he felt his golden core forcibly stutter to a stop, and the spiritual energy which flowed through his meridians faded through his limbs and tapered to nothing, like a river cut off from the sea. 
Without spiritual energy securing them in his possession, Bichen appeared in his grasp and his guqin materialized upon his table. In a heartbeat, the latter had disappeared again, confiscated by a single gesture from the Elder.  
“Relinquish your sword, Wangji,” spoke the man. 
“Do as he says, Lan Z...Wangji.” Over his uncle’s shoulder, Lan Wangji watched  Wei Wuxian let go of Suibian. Tears tracked down his pale ashen face as he lowered his eyes and allowed himself to be yanked roughly to his feet by the disciplinary officers. “I’m sorry for doing this to you. I was weak. Forgive me.”
No, no, no! Shut up! Shut up!!   
Lan Wangji trembled with everything he couldn’t put to words. His grip on Bichen slackened, and he barely noticed when his sword was taken from him.
Wei Wuxian had already turned away. 
Wei Ying, Wei Ying!!! 
One after another, the disciplinary committee left jingshi, escorting the husband of their Sect Master - their Wei-jun - away, restrained and subjugated as though he were a mere miscreant. The door slid shut just as the last of the Silence Charm ebbed away. 
“Wei Ying! Wei Ying!!” 
Lan Wangji slammed his fist against the door, but the wooden frame which would’ve usually been reduced into splintering pieces held steadfast under his hand, as strong as steel, as solid as stone. 
A faint blue glow enshrouded his residence. He stumbled back, raising his eyes to follow the sprawling aura as it merged seamlessly above him.
Echoed the Grand Master’s voice from the other side. 
No, no, no, no, no.... 
“Wei Ying! Wei Ying!! WEI YING!!” Realization dawning on him, Lan Wangji threw himself into the barrier and beat at the door again, again, and again, until his knuckles busted open and his palm bled red. He swallowed thickly, feeling bile rising in his throat. The meager pain of his hands did nothing to numb the horror festering in his chest.
Just like they’d done to his mother, the Elders had sealed Lan Wangji inside this house. 
[part 2]
兄夫 xiong’fu - older brother’s husband, this term doesn’t technically exist in Chinese, I just made it up lol 
*another part is coming! i swear! it was getting long, so i just posted this.*  
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vermillioncrown · 3 years
Oh no all this talk about shipping, and the joke about ZYX and WRH having fun attempted assassination playdates that accidentally keep him from going off the megalomania deep end. Has me suddenly shipping them
two people so very removed from the concept of romance going through the weirdest social song and dance
"oh! cssr, you condone his megalomania ways!"
"no i don't? why else would i try to assassinate him?"
z!cssr pissed that her latest attempt (experimental talisman rube goldberg-esque trap) failed, but wrh sends a letter to her next projected destination of travel w a dissection of the talisman, other possible derivations, possible use cases ranging from practical to ridiculous
ofc the letter is booby-trapped with wrh's version of the talisman, and z!cssr has to (she can't not) send back a response breaking down the second talisman
eventually turns into ->
when z!cssr is traveling through qishan territory, she gets free accommodations
wrh has a small shelf of ugly knickknacks that z!cssr sends him with a small note "this is your face" but he finds them charming
edit: lmao i fuckin flipped rube goldberg on accident, fingers faster than my brain
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vermillioncrown · 3 years
how would zyx surivive being transmigrated into the old generation?(as an oc, or as an existing chracter like, jin guangshan, wen ruohan, qingheng-jun, jiang fengmian, or lan qiren?(maybe lao-nie too..))
i've done jgs recently. wrh once. and there's a bit on wzl.
main tactic: just don't be a shit adult? idk part of being a transmigrated mdzs adult is knowing things eventually work out. ish. and there are certain things to keep on track
as lan qiren, so fun to put on the bitchiest lan face and 'hem hem', get in jgs's way post-ssc. i mean, only if gusu lan had the ability to stand up to the jins at that point, with the burning and the devastation and w/e
besides being a big bad/lqr, every major old guy has to die so that their sons could become useful
it'd be nice to be lan qiren i think. only lxc and lwj will know that their uncle didn't actually have a stick up his ass and was very good at skirting the rules ("not for the sake of it! there's nuance in application and validity.")
like, depends on when zyx transmigrates in as qingheng-jun. the only time it'd not just be a major lan fix-it is if the marriage and seclusion has already started. and zyx has to be a dad ('i mean, i always knew i'd be the dad in the relationship but -') z!qingheng-jun would feel really bad about whatever relationship the man had with lqr. and uh... his now-wife... don't get him started 🤢
as jiang fengmian: be. a. better. dad. just be better. none of this mild ass shit. also, z!jfm won't take yzy's mouth laying down. bc lady. you are an adult. calm tf down. just being stubborn in the same way when it nets you no results is dumb as fuck
lao-nie... uh well, it can't be helped. don't let the wicked man touch your 'sword'? figure out how to set the future of the clan up for calmer days and success?
as an oc. oh god. ooooh. god. they'd be in the current leading gen of shuangfeng (bc i don't like just dropping zyx without purpose or structure anywhere; i know that bitch too well and nothing will get done otherwise)
basically will be hou yuguang's junior/leash when he goes wandering up north. encounters with the first set of gusu lan bros, cangse sanren, all that jazz. bc the 'person to vent to' nature of zyx is soul-deep, they somehow end up as a 'rogue' marriage counselor? ???
(somehow ends up great friends with the now-never-mme-jin??!? "that guy sucks. all the gold in the world isn't worth it. if we shave lqr he's just as, if not even hotter")
hopefully the canon group comes into a world that's a bit nicer.
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