#z.tao scenarios
smitten--kitten · 4 years
Giving Former EXO Members Head Under the Table:
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Secret in His Eyes
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Spinoff of Sins of the Father
Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: A vacation exploring China’s famous city was supposed to be relaxing. When you witness a horrifying murder, you instead find yourself in police custody, unable to run. Trying to stay alive, you meet Luhan, and you believe you can trust him. You never imagined that he might be the one you should be running from.
Warning: Mentions of blood and gun violence 
A/N: Sorry the gif is rough... I didn’t take as much time on it...
Part: Prologue I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12
“Well, at least we know where she is now.”
Kris was quick to give Tao a very deserved smack to the back of the head. The latter glared at the one who hit him, but didn’t fight back. 
“We don’t know where she is,” Luhan said through teeth clenched so tight his jaw muscles were crying from the pain. But it was either that or completely destroy the room to let out his desperation and frustration. 
“There was nothing else in the envelope?” Yixing asked, his own voice thick with worry. “Nothing that might say where the picture was taken?”
Tao turned the envelope upside down and shook it, but nothing else fell out.
“Why taunt you like this if they aren’t going to give a place for us to fall into their trap?” Kris wondered. 
Yixing frowned. “You think it’s a trap?”
Kris nodded. “Positive. Why else take her and then send a picture like this? I doubt they know the exact nature of Luhan’s relationship with (y/n), but I guarantee that they know about her involvement with the murder and the investigation against Luhan. Especially since word of us taking her from the motel had started to spread.”
“So, what?” Luhan scoffed. He sntached the picture from Tao and glowered down at the glossy surface. Streaks of lights bounced off photo paper despite the darkness of the subject. Without even thinking, his fingernails ripped through the back of the picture and his handles crumbled the remaining scraps before throwing the ball across the room. “I couldn’t care less as to why they took her. We need to get her back. I promised her I would keep her safe and get her back home. I plan on keeping that promise if I have to die trying.”
“Since when did the genre of our lives go from a crime thriller to a love drama?” Tao uttered underneath his breath. 
“Tragic love lives tend to be the norm in this business,” Yixing replied with a downcast face. The female doctor looked at him curiously, but said nothing. 
Luhan swallowed. “I need this to be a different ending.”
Tao tossed down the envelope where it landed near the woman’s feet. “We can’t do anything if we don’t know where to start.”
Frowning, the woman bent down and picked up the envelope, holding it up to the light. Noticing the strange action, Yixing straightened up. 
“What are you doing?”
“I thought I saw something earlier….” The woman ripped the sides of the envelope to expose the inside. Sure enough, right within the lining was an address, small and easily missed if one was looking directly into the enclosure.
“So, that’s where the trap is,” Luhan said thoughtfully. 
“Do we go in guns blazing?” Tao asked a little too gleefully. 
“Not exactly,” Luhan shot down. A new determination was in his eyes, a fire roared to life as if a can of lighter fluid had been poured over it.  “But we are going. Soon.”
He was going to get you back. He was going to make sure that you made it home, even if it meant he had to take his last breath. 
If your subconscious had been able to imagine the situation you would be in once you woke up, this… was not it. 
No, it wasn’t a luxury hotel or even Luhan’s mansion, but at least you weren’t chained to a wall or tied to an unforgiving chair. Although your wrists did hurt and red indentions told you that you might have been restrained at one point, you were free to roam around now. The room you were in was tiny, like a broom closet, but it still held a bed and dresser with enough room to maneuver around. 
Even as you slipped off the bed, you braced yourself for the inevitable outcome. You were in this room for a reason and you doubted Detective Zhuang wanted you anywhere. But if you didn’t try, you felt that you would be giving up. You didn’t fight to stay alive this entire time only to sit down a hundred feet from the finish line. 
You couldn’t believe it. It turned. The doorknob turned. Not only did the knob turn, the door opened. Was this a trap? A tease?
You didn’t care. You’d take the risk of the rogue officer mocking you. The door opened up to an industrial-looking hallway. Maybe this room really was a closet at one point. 
Stepping out with one foot, you went slowly, checking every direction for any sign of life that might force you back into the room. There was none so you kept going. 
As you went farther down the hallway you could hear the faintest of voices. You were more than certain you were getting closer to the main area of the industrial building. The only questions left were why were you here and what would happen to you if you were caught. 
The end of the hallway came. There was no exit in the opposite direction so these doors were your only option. Quiet as a mouse, you pushed one of the doors open and peeked your head through. Several burly looking men were roaming around, unpacking guns from wooden crates, going over what could have either been checklists or invoices, among other nefarious activities. Though her back was to you, it was easy enough to pick out Detective Zhuang as she spoke to one of the men.
Now that you’d pinpointed your kidnapper, you searched around the large open room for the exit that could lead to freedom. You nearly cheered out loud from relief. The exit was along the same wall the hallway entrance was and most of the way was blocked by oversized crates. Perhaps fate didn’t hate you so much after all. 
While moving in a slow, cautious way in order to avoid drawing attention, you snuck out between the doors and headed for the exit, bent over nearly in half so you didn’t create a shadow that would show beyond the crates. You hurried towards the doors, already thinking of different scenarios that would take you back to Luhan. 
Freedom was just within your reach. Only a couple more steps and-
“So glad you’re awake now.”
Damn it!
You didn’t consider any alternative. You ran for the door, hoping to make it out, but Detective Zhuang’s men were quicker. Two blocked your path while another practically body slammed you into the wall and then caged you within his arms. You kicked and squirmed to no avail as he carried you over to the woman who’d made your life hell. No courtesy was given to you. The man practically threw you down to the ground at Detective Zhuang’s feet. There was no holding back the whimper in your throat as your knees and palms scraped against the rough concrete floor. 
“You shouldn’t have tried to run,” Detective Zhuang shrugged as you nursed your wounds. 
“You didn’t have to kidnap me in the first place,” you retorted. 
She shrugged. “You should have learned to mind your business.”
“Just let me go home like you promised,” you begged. “That’s all I want.”
That was a lie. It wasn’t anywhere near the only thing you wanted right now. You wanted to see Luhan one more time, to warn him about who was really behind all of this. And to say goodbye, if this really was the end. 
Detective Zhuang sighed sympathetically. “I can't do that now. You know too much.”
“Too much?” You scoffed. “I hardly know anything. I don’t know why you’re doing this. Why you’re going against the very laws you swore to uphold.”
Bending down to meet you at your level, her eyes searched your own before drifting down the ground. “I used to believe in good. I used to believe in the law. Now all I believe in is the balance of life and death.”
You shook your head. “Why? What happened?” It was impossible to know why, but you wanted to understand. Hell, you almost needed to understand. Maybe if she gave you the reason, you could find a way to change her mind. 
It was silent for a minute or two, only the sounds of your breathing reaching your ears. Finally, she looked up at you. “I grew up in the world that Luhan controls. Before he ever rose to power, there was my father. He was the most feared in the criminal world. He ruled the underground and no police force dared to touch him. Admittedly, while growing up, I hated him. I hated what he stood for and I vowed to be nothing like him. So I became the opposite of what he was. I became the best damn officer in the city. But he was still my father. I still loved him, whether I could admit it or not.
“Then a man named Luhan started taking over, occupying territory he had no right to. And he eliminated anyone who stood in his way.” Detective Zhuang licked her lips and gave a humorless smirk. “I think you can guess what happened next. My father was taken from me, so I’m going to keep taking from Luhan until the scales are once again equal. I’ve been ruining his business, but I need more. I need his life.”
“There is nothing equal in taking a life for another life,” you argued. “If he really is the reason your father died, then as a detective, you should have let the law do its job. You can’t take justice into your own hands.” 
That was apparently the wrong thing to say. Grasping your chin and digging her fingernails into your skin, she hissed, “You think I didn’t consider that? There was no physical evidence connecting his death to Luhan. And no judge would be brave enough to convict him.”
“Killing him still isn’t the solution.” It was probably a huge mistake to continue insisting that she was wrong, but you couldn’t help yourself. She wanted to kill Luhan. And you didn’t even want to imagine a world where he wasn’t walking around with that big stupid smile on his face. “He has two others with him. Even if he were to die, they’d still keep going.”
Pushing herself back up, Detective Zhuang laughed once. “I don’t care about their business. They can do what they want. As soon as I have Luhan lying cold in the ground, I’m leaving the country, happy and content for avenging my father.”
You shook your head. “That won’t make you happy. Anyone with any sort of common sense knows that.”
You flinched at the noise, thinking maybe she’d finally had enough and shot you. But no pain came. In fact, it wasn’t a gun at all that made the noise. It was the main doors being shoved open. The air was ripped from your lungs as you watched Luhan strut in, his normal air of confidence tenfold. Only part of you was relieved, however. You knew he was in danger and waltzing in here like he was invincible was a dumb move. But it was also very him. 
“I honestly thought you would come sooner,” Detective Zhuang mocked. “Have difficulty finding the place?”
“Not really,” Luhan replied in the same cheeky tone. “Especially since you printed it on the inside of the envelope.”
Detective Zhuang shrugged. “I couldn’t make it too easy for you.” Reaching back behind her, she pulled out a pistol, clicking back the barrel to make sure a round was in the chamber before aiming the weapon at your head. “But now that you’re here, we can attend to business.”
Luhan threw his hands up, stopping in his tracks immediately. “I should have known it was you. (y/n) would trust you, especially since she can’t understand Chinese.”
This whole time, you’d been able to keep up with everything that was going on, but now you were lost. “What are you talking about?”
For the first time since he’d walked in, he met your eyes. “Remember that day in the car? Outside the precinct?” You nodded. “You were happy to recognize her voice, but what you didn’t know what she was saying. The other detectives were asking about who to find you, but she didn’t care. She told them to forget about you and to follow other leads. They had your statement, why would they need to find you again?”
“Why would I need to find her?” Detective Zhuang agreed. “I knew you had her. I knew where your mansion was located and that you would keep any threat to your precious empire close. If she got hurt along the way, then so be it.”
You felt like an idiot. Her words in the beginning, in that interview room… you fell for them hook, line, and sinker. “Did you plan for me to get taken?”
“I didn’t think Luhan would come get you himself, but I knew he’d try to get his hands on you one way or another. I couldn’t care less if you had proper protection. He’d keep you safe for the time being, until I had use for you. ”
“Because you’re so clever,” Luhan said dryly. 
Rolling her eyes, Detective Zhuang said, “You might want to watch that mouth. I’m a little heavy fingered and I’d hate to prematurely pull the trigger. Then again, now that we’re face to face, neither of us really need her, do we?”
All jesting was gone from Luhan’s voice. “If you want me, you’ll let her go. Now.”
Detective Zhuang acted as if she were really thinking about it, even moving her gun from you to Luhan. “That was a bit demanding, Luhan. Why would you care if a stupid foreigner died or not?” A few seconds of silence went by and then she laughed. “Don’t tell me the great Deer fell for someone? You actually let yourself develop a weakness? Well, this changes everything.” She trained her gun on you once more. “I was just going to kill you slowly. But now… now I think I’ll kill her first and let you sit on that for a while, so you can feel what I felt when you killed my father.”
“No!” Luhan fell to his knees, panic striking in his eyes. “Stick with your original plan. Kill me. Torture me. But let her go. She doesn’t deserve this!”
More silence filled the room. All the men standing around flickered their eyes back and forth between the stand off. 
“I’ve considered your offer,” she said, “but I think I’ll decline. So say goodbye- AH!” 
The gun fell from Detective Zhuang’s grip. She clutched her hand to her chest and your eyes widened in horror as you saw red liquid run down her wrist. Luhan jumped back up to his feet and ran to you while the main doors swung open once more. 
Kris and Tao charged into the room, guns in every hand that lit up with each bullet that left their chambers. Luhan tugged you out of the fire’s way, making sure to keep his body between you and the fight. Crouching behind a wall of crates, he turned your around and cradled your face as he searched for any signs of injury. 
“I’m alright,” you insisted, but he didn’t stop looking. 
“Are you sure? She’s had you for hours and-” 
You stopped him with a quick kiss. Perhaps the wrong moment, but you were too happy to be near him again to care. “I’m fine. I promise.”
Closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead against yours. “I thought I’d lost you for good. I thought you’d ran away from me.”
“Technically, I did,” you confessed. “She said she was going to send me home. I had to take the chance. I guess I should have thought about it a little more.”
Luhan pulled back and shook his head before pulling you back into a hug. “I don’t blame you.”
“Okay!” Tao called out from the other side of the barrier. “The people are dead!”
Getting back to your feet, Luhan made sure to stay in front of you as the two of you emerged from safety. Bodies littered the ground, making you shrink into his back. You wanted to leave. Now.
“That was quick,” Luhan said, impressed. 
“They weren’t the best marksmen,” Tao shrugged. 
Kris frowned at his right shoulder. “But I liked this shirt.”
Tao laughed. “I told you to change before we came.”
“Speaking of marksmen….” Luhan looked up at the ceiling, eyes scanning the windows that lined the top of the warehouse. A vague shadow moved on the other side. One of the windows above the crates opened and a figure landed on top of them before climbing down the side.
“Yixing?” You gasped at the doctor who came over, a long range rifle strapped to his back. 
He nodded at you, but there wasn’t any hint of a smile on his face. “Glad to see you’re safe.”
You, however, did give him a small one. “Thank you.”
“Come on,” Luhan urged. “Let's get out of here.”
“Don’t worry,” Kris said. “We’ll take care of this.”
Luhan gave him a short nod and led you out of the warehouse where you could breathe normally for the first time in too long.
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Eat Til Full
Restaurant Owner! Huang Zitao x (AFAB) Reporter! Reader
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Part of the 12 Days of Lust Incubus EXO collaboration! Go check out all the other wonderful writers and pieces!
Summary: Assigned to get a restaurant review for the newspaper, you must meet the owner, who hasn’t shown himself at all. Determined, you keep pushing, but what happens when he finally reveals himself? Can you overcome the reason he stays hidden?
Word Count: ~4.4K
Warnings: Sexual contents (unprotected sex, semi-public setting, slight roughness), alcohol, demons + (minimal) demonic power usage
"You know you have to get this somehow. Find a way. It's such a big hit. We have to do it first!" You overhear your boss explain to a coworker before storming off, so you decide to find out what he yelled about.
"Hey, what was-"
"Y/N, just the person I was going to look for!" She smacks her hands down onto your shoulders harder than you expect, "We have a new restaurant to get a review for, but the owner refuses to talk to us."
As your lips curl up into a devious smile, you clearly understand your goal. You've had success with every hard assignment before, so you become eager to take this one on as well, "What place is it? I've got it."
She perks up, trusting that you can solve the issue easily. Taking out a slip of paper with the address, she explains that a new Chinese restaurant impressed the city so much that the customers sometimes wait hours for seating without complaint.
"Have our emails gotten through to the owner?" You verify that the team has done the proper process. With a nod, your coworker explains that the owner has simply not replied at all.
"He's stubborn, huh?"
"Actually, nobody knows. He doesn't show himself to anyone except his higher-position workers, and those people have all known him for years."
Mentally making notes, you prepare yourself for finding and meeting the owner. You develop multiple possible strategies to reach your goal. After parting ways with your coworker, you grab your coat and recorder from your desk and head to your car.
Arriving at the restaurant, you notice the line of customers - mostly couples, you note - spilling out of the door. You squeeze through the crowd and ask the host about meeting the owner, only to hit a wall.
"I'm sorry. He doesn't meet with people due to personal reasons."
"I work with Exodus, the largest weekly newspaper in the city. We'd like to set up a restaurant review. It'll be great for your business. Are you one of the employees that has met him, by any chance?"
"I am his friend, but why does that matter?"
As you dig through your wallet to pull out a business card, you explain, "If I can't meet with him, I'd like him to deny me himself. Please give him my card and tell him that. Otherwise, I'll be coming every day until I get the reply."
He takes the card with an understanding nod, then asks you to leave with the promise of passing on your information. You repeat the process for a week, leaving what you're certain amounts to a sizable stack of business cards to the various workers you meet with.
On the evening of the seventh day, you get a phone call from a number you don't recognize, so you answer in hopes of hearing from the unknown owner.
"Hello, this is Y/N."
"Hi, Y/N. This is Huang Zitao, owner of Tao of China. I know that you've made a huge effort to get in contact with me."
With this, you snap up from the couch in joy, but try to keep the call professional, "Yes, sir. I'm in charge of getting a restaurant review for your restaurant. Would that be possible?"
"Do you have time on Sunday? The restaurant will be closed, so that's the only time I'll be able to show my face to you. Just you and me. No pictures or videos of me allowed. Those are my terms."
"Absolutely. Those terms are perfectly fine. What time should I got to the restaurant on Sunday?"
You hear the hesitation in his voice as he answers. It seems like he believed you would not accept his terms. "Well... I'll get there around noon, so... 12:30?" Suddenly, he regains his confidence as he sets up more terms surrounding the time of your arrival, "I'll unlock the door at 12:28 and lock it again after ten minutes. You will have to get there within that time."
"Thank you so much for this opportunity. I will definitely arrive on time. I look forward to meeting and talking with you. Thank you again, Mr. Huang."
"Uh-huh. Sure." With that nervous-sounding response, he hangs up. Although slightly confused by his response, you celebrate the fact that the owner has agreed to the interview. You pour yourself a glass of champagne and lay back onto your couch, kicking your feet onto the coffee table. You open your phone's calendar app and schedule the review for Sunday at 12:30.
For the next couple of days, you record typical questions onto a note in your phone. Some of them involve more personal topics, including the question most people wonder: Why won't Huang Zitao reveal himself to anyone?
The closer Sunday gets, the more nervous you become, which you find strange as you've dealt with private reviews plenty of times before. Maybe this happened because of the phone call. After all, you haven't stopped hearing his voice in your head. As much as you hate to admit it, his voice has even entered your dreams, which have gotten very hot and intimate the past two nights. In fact, last night's dream woke you up from getting too hot and heavy for you. Usually, you only see nightmares in your sleep, so sexual dreams definitely changed up the usual palette a bit, but also overwhelmed you.
You don't even know what he looks like, so why does his voice appear in your dreams? Sure, you appeared blindfolded in the dreams to counteract the lack of an image of him, but it all felt way too realistic. It makes you worried about meeting him - or even sleeping tonight.
Of course, needing energy for the task tomorrow, you force yourself to lay down on your bed.
After a bit of tossing and turning, you fall asleep, but your fears become true as you jolt awake around sunrise, drenched in sweat, and know that his voice invaded your dreams once again, despite not remembering the dream itself.
Throwing the blankets off your body, you rush to the shower. You quickly strip naked and step in, letting the warm water hit your head. You stay in the shower longer than normal to clear your mind. When you finally get out, you quickly dress and prepare yourself for the day ahead of you.
After double-checking that you're fully prepared, you check the clock and leave your apartment. 10:07. That gives you plenty of time, even if something goes wrong along the way. Since you live just out of the city, you catch a train and review your interview questions one last time, then find yourself wondering what Zitao looks like.
Maybe he's ugly? Fat? Why else would he not want to show his face?
You arrive at the city center before 11:00, so you decide to explore a bit before heading over to "Tao of China," and find yourself by the center fountain, staring at the coins in the water.
"People waste good money here on wishes that this fountain can't grant."
The voice makes you spin around, your eyes landing on a figure with a mask and hat covering its face. At first, you believe you mistook the familiarity, but, as he turns to leave, he instructs, "Don't become one of them."
"Excuse me! By any chance, do I know you?"
"Doubtful." He spits back before turning a corner and disappearing from your line of sight.
Following his instructions, you put your hand into your pocket and drop the coin you mindlessly twirled in your fingers moments before. You replace the coin with your phone, checking the time. 12:02. Deciding that arriving early is better than late, you slowly head towards the restaurant.
You arrive at 12:18, so you find a nearby bench and sit down to wait. You can see movement through the mostly-covered windows, so you begin to wonder about him again. You let your mind wander mindlessly for a while, drifting back into consciousness after ten minutes. As you check the time, you see the digital numbers switch from 12:28 to 12:29, so you stand up to go check the door.
Sure enough, it's unlocked. You walk in, but see no one, so you announce your arrival. Then, you hear pots and pans clanking around in the kitchen before the owner comes out to greet you.
You see his form and style before fully seeing any details. As chills run down your arms, you realize why the voice from the man at the fountain sounded familiar. Aside from the lack of the hat and mask from earlier, the outfit matches perfectly. Making your way up to his face, you find him looking down into his hands, paying attention to the cloth he uses to dry them.
"You-" You start, stopping as he bows to you, still refusing to look in your direction.
"Welcome to Tao of China. I'm Huang Zitao, the founder and current owner of the restaurant. Nice to meet you. Y/N, I presume?"
As you watch him raise from the bow, you return the gesture and reply, "Yes, sir. I'm Y/N from Exodus Weekly Newspaper. Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to review your restaurant."
You raise and attempt to finally make eye contact, but see him return to fidgetting with the rag in his hands. He clearly had his eyes on your bowed form, so you can't help but wonder why he refuses to make eye contact.
"May I start this by asking you a question?" As he hums an approval, you bring out your recorder and ask, "Why is it that, as a restaurant owner, you don't show yourself to anyone, even your workers?"
You point the recorder in his direction, waiting for him to stop tripping over his words to form a coherent response.
"Well... That's a pretty... intricate answer. The short form is that I'm not the type that should be around people. I'm... bad luck, if you want to put it that way."
"But we're together right now, so why do you still avoid eye contact?" You ask without thinking first.
"You truly don't want to know. Can we move along to the review?" His strong, stern voice doesn't match his exterior, which you can only describe as shy and anxious.
As you make a short noise in approval, you mentally note how his inner self and outer appearance vary greatly. He makes a subtle motion to follow as he makes his way back into the kitchen.
"So, this small kitchen makes all the magic happen. All the recipes took years of cooking at home to perfect, but it was definitely worth the effort."
You examine the space, wondering how any more than three people can work in here at one time without running into one another. As he continues talking, you keep the recorder trained on him so you can look around without worry. You become exceptionally glad for this when your eyes roam back to Zitao, finally meeting his eyes for a split second. You hear him stumble over his words in that next instant, but then your mind blanks. Next thing you know, you and Zitao sit in a booth, samples of food in front of you.
"You can start taking pictures of the food while I grab you a drink. Do you prefer red wine or white?"
"Uh, red, please. The food looks and smells amazing. I assume it pairs well with wine, too." You start taking photos, trying to shake away the instance where you blanked.
As he places the wine glass on the table, you reach for it, accidentally brushing hands. You look at him, but he seems to ignore as he sits back down, which immediately calms you. With an audible sigh of relief and a sip of your wine, you ready yourself for the first taste. You keep eating and drinking as he talks about each dish.
Suddenly, as you finish another bite, you blurt out, "Did you enhance these dishes with magic? Are you a wizard or demon or something?"
Rather than the laugh you expected, you find him finally meeting your eyes with his eyes full of alarm. For a second, you think you see his irises glow blood red, sending chills down your spine.
In a nervous fit, you down the rest of your wine and try laughing it off, "Wouldn't that be an interesting secret? I'm sure you'd fit in well with a demon group that doesn't have that sort of magic though." Not registering the words fast enough due to your drunken state, you just keep going, "Maybe... An incubus or something. You definitely meet the look requirements."
A chuckle from across the table makes you realize what you just said, but, instead of commenting, he simply offers to get you more wine. Feeling bold since you've gotten away with so much already, you claim, "Only if you add whatever demonic power you have into it."
"But you claimed that I was an incubus, which is a sexual demon, is it not?" He leans over the table to grab your glass, but hovers there as he stares into your eyes, "How am I supposed to put that in, Miss Y/N?"
He waits for your response before finally standing, even though the response consisted of nearly all gibberish, "Uh, well, ah... I, um, I don't know. Maybe, uh, no... No clue."
While at the bar, he declares, without even looking back at you, "Don't worry, hun. I'll show you that the demonic power is there."
You hear the wine bottle land back onto the countertop, followed by seeing your glass held in front of your face as Zitao instructs you to take it.
As you take it from his hand, he winks at you and sits back down. His eyes don't leave you, roaming your body, but his gaze makes you snap back to the reality of your being here.
"I really should be keeping things professional. I'm sorry about my state."
You start to put the glass down, but before it reaches the table, the man across from you demands, "Drink." While the voice remains calm, the eyes tell a different story. Almost as if overcome by an outside force, you find yourself bringing the glass to your lips, taking a long, drawn-out drink of the blood-colored liquid.
Suddenly, it tastes different. You find yourself craving more, so you finish it rather quickly. You feel the effects immediately as the room starts swaying. You find the insatiable craving for more of the wine morph into a desire for sex. You refuse to look up from your lap. in case you throw yourself at the restaurant owner you're supposed to be interviewing.
"Do you feel it? Do you understand why I refused to look you in the eye earlier?"
Still refusing to lift your head, your eyes widen - less at the possibility of incubi, which doesn't surprise you for some reason, and more at the idea of Huang Zitao being one.
Suddenly, you feel a hand lifting your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with Zitao again, who smiles softly before leaning in and kissing you. It starts gently, but his soft lips melt you into your desires. As you try to heat things up, however, he pulls away. A whine from you causes a low growl to escape his lips before he gets up from his side of the booth and stands near yours. In anticipation, you turn to face him, placing a leg on either side of him. You look up with an innocent but desperate look that drives him insane.
Instantly, he leans over you, attacking your jaw and neck with rough kisses, occasionally biting down slightly. He half-falls on top of you, working his hands up your body slowly, barely even touching you. In frustration, with the aid of the boldness you gained from drinking, you put your hands on top of his and push them down slightly but not enough to stop his movements.
"Aren't you supposed to be rough as an incubus? What are you so scared of?" You tease, hoping to get a rise out of him and speed up his movements.
"Shut up!" He snaps at you while turning his head to the side as he continues, "You're my first in years, okay? I don't want to break you."
You freeze from guilt as you see his embarrassment, not sure at first how to regain the mood you ruined. Instead, you bombard him with more questions, "Wait... So, you are an incubus, right? Don't you need sex to survive? How can I be your first in years if sex is your sustenance?"
"Look, there's ways to get the energy without being the one to perform in the act. There's a reason why my food is so popular for dates. Just forget about it for now. It's embarrassing enough to admit that I'm a sex demon who hasn't had sex in years."
"Alright, alright. Come here." With that, you put a hand on either side of his face and pull him in for an intense kiss that definitely speeds up the situation and puts you both back into the mood.
With your boldness, he gains a bit more confidence. He works his hands up under your shirt, placing one over your bra while the other grips your waist. He bites at your collarbone while rolling his lower body against yours roughly. You feel yourself getting wet, your body begging for more.
"Take it off~" You whine at him, "I want you now."
You push at his chest and pout up at him. With a curse under his breath, he stands back up and begins unbuckling his belt, fumbling while trying to do it quickly. Your hungry eyes stare at his crotch, excited and slightly scared to find out the size of an incubus cock. There's not much outline to give anything away through his pants, so your eagerness gets ahead of you, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants before he even finishes with his belt. As he finishes with it, his pants slide down his legs. Seeing more of the outline, you grab his member through the fabric of his underwear, finding it only half hard but still decently big.
"Help me, Y/N." You hear him breathe out. Looking up, his dark eyes meet yours and you swear you hear him tell you to suck his dick even though you never see his lips move.
You pull down his underwear at a pace that's agonizingly slow for you both. When his member finally frees itself, you immediately grab hold of it. Without wasting time, you move it into your mouth. As you move your head back and forth, you feel his size increase until he's fully hard. Sensing this, you move faster, using your hand for anything you can't take into your mouth.
After a couple minutes of this, he pushes you off, forcing you to lay flat in the booth again. He tears off your heels and quickly pulls down your pants, leaving your bottom half with only your underwear. Instead of taking it off, he starts teasing you with kisses, starting from your ankles and working his way up slowly to your inner thighs, getting dangerously close to your core. You can feel his breath as he lingers there for a few seconds.
"God, you smell so good. Can I taste you?"
"Please do~" You don't even care that you sound so needy at this point; you just want him to do something to satisfy you.
He moves your underwear to the side to lick you once, but the taste of you drives him crazy enough to involuntarily turn his eyes blood red again, so he rips it off you before pushing your legs open wider. His tongue works wonders on your clit, turning you into a moaning mess. You only last a few minutes before begging him to fuck you. Easily, he obliges, settling himself despite the small space of the booth, and slowly pushes himself into you.
Your breath catches in your throat as he buries himself completely inside you. His size feels perfect inside - not too big and definitely not too small - which you realize isn't what you expected from a demon, yet somehow even better than your expectations.
Your thoughts get cut short as he pulls out and rams back into you. A high-pitched noise leaves your lips, but he keeps going, pounding himself into you at a decent pace. It seems like the urges have taken him over, since he grunts as he continues with little regard to you.
With his steady pace, you find your orgasm build slowly, but it isn't until his pace breaks unexpectedly that you find yourself reaching your high. He reaches his shortly after with the help of your walls contracting around his member. He lays down on top of you, exhausted. All you can do is laugh at him.
"What a sex demon, drained after just one round."
"Trust me, this isn't it. It's just been a while."
Shaking your head jokingly at him, you lightly push on his shoulders to get him off you. As he gets up and fixes his pants, he apologizes for ripping your underwear. His sorry expression makes him look more like a sweet, harmless puppy than a demon, so you instantly forgive him, blowing it off like nothing. He brings you a clean dish towel to clean yourself up, then looks away. Despite being a sexual demon, his shyness around you makes you think of him almost as a child needing protection. You fix yourself up and then tap his shoulder to let him know that you're decent.
"Do you wanna continue this review another day? It's getting a bit late, and I do have to catch the train." You look outside to the darkened sky, realizing how long you've truly been here with him.
"Oh... yeah. Sure. Make sure you get back safe. I'm sorry, again."
"Don't worry, Mr. Huang. Truly. Visit my dreams, and we'll call it even." You joke as you head to the door.
"Don't tempt me. It'll be bad for you. I don't know how you have energy right now." You turn around to wink at him as he says it, but he continues without acknowledgment, "Oh, and feel free to call me Zitao - or even Tao if you want."
"The energy is my secret, Tao, but if you visit me tonight, I might just tell you." With that, you leave the restaurant and make your way back home, wondering why the demonic energy really didn't affect you.
Shortly after arriving home, you get a call from your mother, whose voice shakes as she tells you her reason for calling, "Y/N... I'm sorry for calling this late..." It's only 22:00, but okay, you note to yourself. "I met with your father, and I... I have something very important to tell you."
"My father? I thought he abandoned you after getting you pregnant."
"Y/N. Please, just listen... Uh, this might not sound realistic. Trust me though, okay?"
"Okay?" You've never heard your mother sound so concerned before, so you can't even begin to imagine what happened.
"So, your father. He's... well, he's not human. He came to me last night. He's... God, Y/N, he's an incubus."
"So, I'm..."
"A half-demon? He called you a cambion. He says you're still human, but you have powers. I don't know what to think. He thought you would die at birth. He's surprised you've lived to your twenties. He-"
"Mom. Overload. I need processing time. Can I call you tomorrow?"
"Sure, honey. I'm sorry. I wish I would've known sooner."
You hang up and drop your phone onto the couch you've been resting on.
A 'cambion'? Is that why? Sure, I've been lucky in life, but is it all because of demonic power? What powers do I even have?
Trying to factor the demonic energy into your life, you drift to sleep on the couch. Not too long into your sleep, however, you awaken to someone's lips on your neck. As you slowly open your eyes, the first thing you see are giant bat-like wings. Too tired to be fazed by it, you trace the wings down to the shirtless man nibbling on your neck.
He stops to smile at you. The smile looks far too innocent for someone with black bat wings protruding from their back, but you simply smile back.
"I know that it isn't exactly visiting your dreams, but do I still get to know your secret since I visited you?" He practically purrs at the end, trying to kiss up to you to get the information you planned to tell him regardless.
You sit up straight and rub your eye, trying to fully wake up. You explain that you didn't know until a few hours before, but that you have demonic energy in your veins, so you have to assume that to be the reason.
"You're a cambion? Who's your father?"
"His name is Changmin, but that's all I know of him. I've never met him." You explain, watching the boy for any reaction.
"Changmin... Oh! One of the eastern elite five! How special~ Y'know, you might be more powerful than me then. He's one of the top three incubi elite. Though he is known to bounce around, so it makes sense that he didn't stick around after your mom got pregnant."
For the rest of the night, you and Tao alternate between explanation and demonstration of incubi and succubi powers. Even with multiple rounds of sex throughout the hours, you don't get the slightest bit drained, shocking and delighting Zitao each time.
* * *
If she won't die from this, maybe I should stick with her for a while. It's much better than what I've been doing as the alternatives.
Zitao silently decides to claim you as he leaves with the approaching dawn, hoping your cambion power will help you both along the way.
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bobbyseyesmile · 7 years
not to sound dramatic
but i’m fucking proud of Tao and actually wish him all the best in this world
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exhoe-imagines · 7 years
Pricey Presents
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Anonymous Requested: Can I request some Tao Christmas morning opening present fluffffffff 😘😘😘😘
A/N: YAY SOME TAO!! I love my baby so much, thank you for requesting him!! I hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas <3 - Admin Ruby
Word Count: 1,302
Warnings: None
The soft murmur of your name had you burying your face further into your boyfriend’s chest, groaning a bit when he chuckled.
“Baobei, wake up,” Zitao murmured, his voice still deep and groggy from sleep. You shook your head and wrapped your arms around his waist, sighing in content when you felt his warm skin on your hands. Zitao welcomed your touch and returned the gesture by moving his hands to caress your waist, rubbing small circles on your skin.
You felt yourself slowly lulling back to sleep, only perking up when you felt Zitao’s hand start to tickle your sides lightly.
“No,” you whined, trying to get out of his grasp, but ultimately failing when he held onto your tighter, tickling you faster than before. His childish giggle grew louder the more you squirmed until you finally got out of his grip, sending him a glare once you sat up. He pouted as you moved to get out of bed, and he stuck his hands out, silently begging you to get back in bed.
“I thought you wanted me to wake up,” you teased as you pulled on a sweatshirt, trying to warm up after abruptly leaving the cozy covers. Zitao sent you his best puppy dog face as he shook his head.
“I wanted you to wake up so you would cuddle me,” he grumbled, stretching his arms as he followed you out of bed. You grabbed one of Zitao’s plain shirts off the bench at the end of your bed and threw it at his bare chest, snickering when he stumbled to catch it.
“How dare you treat me like this on Christmas?” Zitao scoffed teasingly, pulling the fabric over his head.  Your eyes widened at his words, completely forgetting the holiday you had been waiting months for was finally here.
“Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” you grumbled, scrunching your nose. Zitao stared at you in disbelief, mumbling something about how he had ‘tried for over an hour,’ but you brushed his words off, grabbing his hand to pull him into the living room.
Your white and silver Christmas tree glimmered under the sunlight streaming through the window, the tinsel and ornaments hung beautifully from the branches. Presents, big and small, sat under the tree, wrapped in different red, black, and white paper. The colors weren’t the most traditional, but Zitao had practically begged you for a white Christmas, and you couldn’t say you were entirely against it.
“I want you to open my presents first,” you told him, and Zitao nodded, plopping down onto the couch and holding his hands out. You handed him one of the smaller gifts first, the little box cleanly wrapped with shiny white paper. Within seconds, the perfect wrapping was completely ruined as Zitao tore the package open, making you chuckle over how excited he was.  
He opened the box, smiling when he saw the small stuffed animal inside. Pulling out the plush panda, Zitao blushed a little when he saw it was holding a soft heart that read ‘I love you.’
“I-I know it’s not a lot, I have other presents for you, I just had to get it though.” You moved next to him on the couch, sitting down crisscross as you faced him. Zitao held the panda in his hand, running his fingers over the soft black ears.
“Thank you, love.” He looked up to you, covering his face a bit with his hand as he laughed, his eyes forming into small crescents. You grinned back, happy he was content with his present, before you grabbed another box, handing it over.
Zitao continued opening his presents for a couple more minutes, making sure to kiss you at least once every time he opened a new one. You had gotten him a new pair of sunglasses, a couple of tank tops he had been eyeing the last time you went shopping, and a few pairs of earrings. Zitao had practically screamed when he saw the dangly silver, thanking you a million times before putting them on hastily-making sure to check the front-facing camera on his phone to ensure he looked good.
“Mhm they look good on you,” you told him. The small silver charm hung nicely from his ear, matching his other few piercings pleasantly.
“Yeah?” he asked, playing with the jewelry while you nodded. Your confirmation was good enough for him as he turned off his phone before facing you.
“Your turn.” Zitao grinned, jumping up from the couch to grab the remaining presents from under the tree. You waited excitedly, watching with a grin on your face as your boyfriend tried to balance the boxes in his arms.
“You didn’t have to get me that many presents,” you chuckled, gesturing to the many packages stacked in his grip.
Zitao scoffed, shaking his head. “Baobei, I will spoil you as much as I please.” You blushed and nodded, the endearing term making butterflies in your stomach appear.
You helped grab some of the boxes from Zitao’s arms, setting most of them on the couch and the ones that didn’t fit on the ground. He handed you a couple medium sized packages first, his smirk growing larger when you started to open them.
You carefully tore the wrapping, smiling softly when you saw what was inside. A bunch of clothing you had wanted recently was nicely folded inside the box, shirts and sweaters in all your favorite colors stacked on top of one another.
“Thank you, baby,” you leaned forward to kiss Zitao, pecking his lips soft with yours. The thought that he had remembered exactly what you wanted warmed your heart, and you silently thanked the universe for giving you such an amazing boyfriend.
After you had modeled a couple of the sweatshirts, letting Zitao take a picture of you in every single one and gushing over how cute you looked, you folded the clothes back up and placed them in the box.
The presents didn’t stop there. Boxes filled with jewelry, your favorite snacks, more clothing, and even some of your boyfriend’s own merch were passed your way, and after almost forty-five minutes, you were finally done unboxing them all.
After you had put the last few presents back into their boxes, you cuddled up next to Zitao on the couch, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to get me that much.” He leaned over and kissed the top of your head, smiling against your hair.
“I have one more gift for you,” he chuckled, and you looked over at him with wide eyes.
“Zitao!” you whined, shaking your head. “I don’t need anything else; I already have you.”
He cringed slightly, laughing. “You’re so cheesy, just let me give you this one last present.”  You sighed, knowing there was no way of getting out of it, and nodded.  
Zitao reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small silver key, handing it to you. You stared at it incredulously before looking up at him in shock.
“I swear Zitao- if you got a car-“
Zitao cut you off, laughing while he shook his head. “I didn’t don’t worry.”
You sighed in relief, the number of cars your boyfriend owned was far more than enough, and you weren’t sure you were ready to take care of another one.  
“I did, however,” Zitao started, and you held your breath, “buy us a motorcycle.”
You looked at him with wide eyes; mouth parted in shock. “You’re kidding me.”
He shook his head, a devilish grin spreading across his face.
“So,” Zitao snatched the key from your hand, twirling it between his fingers, “what do you say we go for a ride?”
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bad-exo-imagines · 7 years
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Admin Beep Pea made a joke about tao being a paranormal investigator, and then i went and made EXO UNSOLVED, aka tao and jondgae as ryan and shane from buzzfeed unsolved - Admin RDB
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thirsty-for-jae · 7 years
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NCT Dream is shaking. SM is shaking.
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justtextmeoppa · 8 years
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❗ When Yoongi is jealous of your friendship with Tao ❗
-  For this cute @jihope-taoris, I really hope you like it! M. ♥
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dingdonghun · 6 years
Music Post~
I’m going to do a post on my favorite groups and my favorite songs from those groups, because I need a distraction.
This will be long so I will put it under a read more klgfdjhfdljh
If some are longer than others it is because I know that group much better than the others. I am still getting into certain groups!
... I will link every single song because I love you
I will also be adding my biases and wreckers for each group under the gifs! (Bolded means they are my ULTs)
(☀) I will add this if I really recommend the song, because it gives me fuzzies when I hear it!
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Monsta X 
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Literally the rest of them
Currently though?
Group songs:
Rush (☀)
Perfect Girl (☀)
Livin’ It Up
Solo songs/Covers:
Changkyun - Fly With Me
Changkyun - Instagram (☀)
Jooheon - Should I Do
Jooheon - Rhythm 
Jooheon - Stay Strong
Jooheon - Red Carpet
Collab songs:
Giriboy, Madclown, Jooyoung, No Mercy - 0
Jooheon - Mad Clown - Get Low
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(ot12) Yifan
(Ot12) Tao
Group songs:
Dancing King
Electric Kiss
Playboy (☀)
Sweet Lies
She's Dreaming (☀)
Ooh La La La
Love Shot (☀)
Solo Songs/Covers:
Chanyeol - All Of Me
Chanyeol & Sehun - We Young
Kyungsoo - Nothing On You
Jongdae - I’m Not Okay (☀)
Jongdae & Chanyeol - If We Love Again
Suho - Do You Have A Moment
Suho - Dinner
Lay - What U Need
Lay - Give Me A Chance (☀)
Lay - Namanana
(ot12 for life idc) Kris Wu - Juice
Kris Wu - Like That
Kris Wu - July
Kris Wu - Tian Di
Kris Wu - B.M. (☀)
Kris Wu - November Rain
Luhan - Skin To Skin (☀)
Luhan - Roleplay
Luhan - Adventure Time
Luhan - Lu
Z.Tao - Black White (☀)
Z.Tao - Beggar
Z.Tao - 19
CBX songs:
Hey Mama 
The One
Blooming Day
Collab songs: 
Kyungsoo & Yoo Youngjin Tell Me (What Is Love) (☀)
Lay & Jason Derulo & NCT 127 - Let’s Shut Up And Dance
Lay & Alan Walker - Sheep (Relift)
Z.Tao & Wiz Khalifa - Hello, Hello
Kris Wu & Jhene Aiko - Freedom
Jongdae & Alesso - Years (☀)
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Group Songs: (I love every single song by BigBang so I am trying to be picky here gdfjhgfdkjhg)
Fxxk It
We Like 2 Party (☀)
Bang Bang Bang (of course)
Fantastic Baby
Bad Boy
Solo Songs/Covers:
T.O.P - Doom Da Da
T.O.P & GD - Zutter
GD & Taeyang - Good Boy
Taeyang - Ringa Linga
GD - One Of A Kind
GD - Crooked (☀)
GD - Coup D’etat
GD - Go
GD - Who You?
Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips
Seungri - 1, 2, 3! (No I don’t support him, I think he is disgusting, but this was one of my favorite songs.)
Collab Songs:
Seungri & Mino- Where R U From
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All of them
Currently Jimin
Group Songs:
Not Today
Airplane Pt 2
Come Back Home
Rap Line:
Ddaeng (☀)
Cypher Pt. 4
Solo Songs/Covers:
RM - Joke
RM - Moonchild (☀)
RM - Forever Rain (☀)
RM - Do You
J-Hope - Daydream
J-Hope Airplane
Suga - Agust D
Suga - Give It To Me
Collab Songs:
RM & Wale - Change
J-Hope & Supreme Boi - Hangsang (☀)
BTS & Steve Aoki - Mic Drop
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Group Songs:
The 7th Sense (☀)
Simon Says
Regular(ENG), Korean, Chinese
Baby Don’t Like It 
Baby Don’t Stop
Limitless (☀)
Solo Songs/Covers:
Ten - New Heroes
Doyoung - Mine (☀)
Doyoung - Breathin
Jaehyun - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (☀)
Stray Kids
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Group songs:
Get Cool
N/S (Felix’s voice makes me blush like mad in this one.) (☀)
My Pace
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Group songs:
Killing Me
Rhythm Ta 
Love Scenario
Bling Bling
Solo Songs/Covers:
Bobby - Tendae (☀)
Bobby - Holup! (☀)
Bobby - Firework
MOBB - Hit Me
MOBB - Full House
Epic High, Bobby, Hanbin, Mino, Beenzino, Verbal Jint - Born Hater 
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Group Songs:
Just Right
Girls Girls Girls
Stop Stop It
If You Do (☀)
Solo Songs/Covers:
Jackson - Different Game
Jackson - Papillon
Jackson - Fendiman
Jackson - Okay (☀)
Jackson - Bruce Lee
Jus2 - Focus On Me
Block B
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Group songs:
Nillili Mambo
Shall We Dance
Very Good
Collab songs:
Mino & Zico - Okey Dokey (☀)
Zico & Don Mills - Tough Cookie
Zico & Crush & Dean - Bermuda Triangle
Zico & G.Soul - Anti 
Zico & Dean - Pour Up
Solo songs/covers:
Zico - Artist
Zico - I Am You, You Are Me
Zico - She’s A Baby
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Group songs:
Really Really
Solo songs:
Mino - Fiance 
Mino - Body
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Group songs:
Good Evening (☀)
Solo songs:
Key - Forever Yours
Taemin - Want  (☀)
Taemin - Move (☀)
Taemin - Thirsty
Taemin - Danger
Taemin - Sexuality
Taemin - Artistic Groove (I love all of his songs but we are trying to limit it lmao)
Jonghyun - Lonely
Jonghyun - Shinin’
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Group songs:
Trauma (☀)
Very Nice
Lilili Yabbay
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Young K
Group songs:
Shoot Me
Solo songs/Covers:
She Will Be Loved
Solo Arts/Songs
This is for artists I have only heard solo songs from but not their group music OR just solo artists in general.
Jay Park - V(☀), Mommae, Me Like Yuh, Yacht, You Know(☀), Soju
Yongguk - Hikikomori, Yamazaki (☀)
Jessi - Wet, Gucci
Ravi - Nirvana, Bomb
Jung Yong Hwa - That Girl
Jooyoung - Wet, Call You Mine (☀)
Jimin Park - April Fools
Giriboy - Take Care Of You
Dean - Instagram
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forsaken-city-rp · 5 years
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Welcome to the Forsaken City!
We’re glad to see that you have arrived safely within the city limits.  You have three days to make your facebook and add the admins Z.Tao, Hoseok, and Seunghyun.  But be careful, the sun is rising quickly, and hunters are always on the move.
NAME, STAGE NAME, AND GROUP:  Lee Sejin, iMe Entertainment trainee (participated on Produce x 101)
AGE:  Unknown, but he appears to be twenty-three
SPECIES:  Qareen
LIT RP SAMPLE:  There had always been something doubtful within the existence of someone like Sejin, an inability to protect himself only enforced his fear more than he had intended it to do. The Qareen’s build was fragile, thin and weak - leaving him an easy target for people who could harm him. Like hunters. He didn’t even remember why his master had sent him out, though he could only begin to guess that it hadn’t been very important to begin with. The man didn’t trust Sejin to do anything of importance. Normally something like that would frustrate an entity like the Qareen, but for a person as beat down as Sejin was it was actually a peaceful thought. His existence didn’t matter. His success didn’t matter. His failure mattered even less than that.
He had felt the presence of hunters chasing after him the minute he had turned the corner back into the suburbs of Seoul, the Qareen had gone to the forest to gather some materials that his master would use - not that he knew the purpose of them to begin with, but that wasn’t really of interest to him. Sejin knew he was being followed and that he couldn’t show up in front of the door with a bunch of humans following him. His brain was ringing with numerous thoughts but all ended up forming scenarios that would lead to his demise. Then again, he couldn’t die. Since the hunters didn’t have his heart. So none of the outcomes were near reality. The best plan Sejin could think was to just walk around the city until the humans would eventually lose their patience and just attack him the soonest chance they’d get.
And so they did. He had been walking back and forth through Seoul for a good hour when the hunters seemed to consider the idea of just settling with the idea of taking out their frustration on the not-so-important supernatural creature that they had been tracking. Sejin had felt the first bullet, it pierced through his shoulder as he watched it fly into the distant darkness of the night in front of him. The Qareen just fell down, clutching his shoulder as he hissed in pain. The sensation, however, did end up fading into nothing. Especially the more pain was inflicted upon the fragile figure that belonged to Sejin. The young man eventually became quiet, something the humans considered a sign of death. It’s not like they could check for a pulse or something, Qareens didn’t have hearts. So they left him there, in the middle of the side-walk bruised and beaten surrounded by splatters of blood. Sejin would get up eventually, such things just take time.
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
Lost and Found
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Genre: Neighbor!AU
Pairing: Tao x Reader
A/N: This little oneshot is inspdired by the above moodboard made by @xui-n-soowillbethedeathofme (I didn’t think you’d mind if I put it here)
If there was ever a tangible example of the boy next door, it would be your mysterious neighbor.
Okay, he wasn’t really that mysterious, you just didn’t know his name. And he didn’t live next door, instead occupying the the place above you in the little building you called home. But he still embodied that archetype. He seemed sweet, was ridiculously adorable, and unknowingly made you crush on him from afar.
You didn’t see much of your neighbor, just crossing paths when you were leaving and he was coming home or vise versa. He always had a smile for you accompanied by a short nod of hello that would tossle his light blonde hair.
Each time those small interactions happened, you tried to gather up the courage to ask his name or create some form of small talk, but by the time you opened your mouth, he was gone.
With a heavy sigh, you went into your apartment. If only you could get those words out. Why was it so hard to say “Hi, I’m (y/n). What’s your name?”
Inside your apartment, you rested your forehead against the door, groaning. This was a perfect example of how pathetic you were. Oh, well. For all you knew, he already had a significant other  and wasn’t interested in making new friends.
Like you did most work nights, you made yourself dinner and sat down in front of your TV to catch up on the latest dramas, content in your isolation. It wasn’t the most exciting way to spend the evening, but hey, it worked for you.
The only downside is that if you didn’t keep your mind in check, your imagination wandered off to you staring in your own romantic drama with your neighbor as the male lead. That wasn’t creepy, was it?
Absentmindedly, you sighed at yourself as you munch on the bowl of pretzels in your lap. Yup. Pathetic.
Knock, knock, knock!
The banging coming from your front door startled you awake. At first, you ignored it as you lied there whimpering. It was Saturday and you were supposed to be sleeping in, especially after staying up a little too late last night. Your friends had talked you into going out for drinks last night and you were reaping the consequences of that decision currently.
Knock, knock, knock, knock!
Kicking off your blanket, you marched out of your bedroom and threw your door open.
Any curse that you had lined up died on your lips as soon as you saw it was your neighbor who had woken you from your slumber.
“I am so sorry, I know it’s early, but have you seen Lanyun?” He looked genuinely worried as he fidgeted from one foot to the other.
You frowned, confused at his question. “Who?”
“Lanyun. My dog.” He held his hands out to indicate how big of a dog he was talking about.
Right! You’d often seen him taking a beautiful white puppy with blue eyes out for walks. The fact that he owned such an adorable dog just gave him brownie points in your eyes.
“Did he escape?” you asked, the thought that you probably looked like a trainwreck dancing in the back of your mind. His dog was apparently missing, your ratty t-shirt wasn’t the most pressing issue at the moment.
Your neighbor nodded frantically. “I accidentally left my door open for a second and he must have slipped out. I can’t find him anywhere around here.”
“Give me one second. I’ll get changed and help you look for him.”
“Really?” His eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Of course!” You shot him a brief smile as you motioned for him to come inside. “Wait here. I’ll be right out.”
And so, just like that, you left your neighbor in your living room while you scurried off to your room to change. You just threw on some athletic gear and tennis shoes and headed back out. The quicker you started looking, the better chances you would have at finding the pup.
“Okay, let’s go!”
Locking up your apartment, you followed your neighbor down the stairs and and into the street below.
“So, is there anywhere Lanyun likes to go?” you asked.
He nodded. “He likes the park. Usually when I take him for walks, he pulls me in that direction.”
“Okay,” you nodded. “Let’s head in that way and see if we see him.”
The park was about three blocks away. Not much was said between the two of you. Both of you were occupied calling out for Lanyun and keeping an eye out for the wayward puppy. There was no sign of the poor thing and everyone you stopped to ask told you the same: they hadn’t seen a dog run by in the last few minutes. Maybe heading for the park wasn’t the smartest idea. Maybe the two of you should split up to cover more ground.
But just as you were about to suggest your latest idea, you reached the park and notice a little white fluff wiggling near the base of a tree.
“Hey, look!” You pulled on your neighbor’s sleeve point in the direction of the tree.
“Lanyun!” He took off, running across the street and barely missing being hit by a car before his feet hit the grass.
You sprinted after him, bowing to the poor driver in apology as you crossed the street. By the time you reached the tree, your neighbor was sitting on the ground, Lanyun licking kisses all over his chin.
“I’m glad... that was... him,” you huffed between breaths. Damn, you were out of shape.
Jumping to his feet, your neighbor held tight to his dog. “Thank you so much. I might not have spotted him without you.”
Waving away his compliment, you giggled, “It’s not a problem. I’m just glad we found him.”
The smile on his face was so bright and shining you were biting back your own obnoxious grin. Then he laughed.
“I just realized I never got your name.”
“(y/n),” you replied, holding out your hand.
Shifting Lanyun to one arm, he shook your hand with his free one. “I’m Tao.”
Finally. You had a name. And it fit him so well.
“You know,” the smile on Tao’s face shifted to a smaller, shyer version of what it once was, “we’ve been neighbors for a while, but I think this is the most we’ve ever said to each other.”
“I think you’re right,” you chuckled.
“Do you want grab a cup of coffee?”
You blinked. “What?”
“Co-ffee,” he repeated teasingly. “There’s a little cafe just down the road. We can sit outside with Lanyun, talk for a little bit.”
“I’d like that,” you replied. You would like that a whole lot.
“Let’s go.” Tao held his hand out, palm up.
You were pretty sure he wanted you to take it, but you were frozen. He wanted to hold your hand while you walked to the cafe? Was this going to be a date?
Laughing at you, he took your hand, giving you the chance to pull away if you so wished. You didn’t and you let your not-so-mysterious neighbor lead you down the road to grab a cup of coffee. You couldn’t ask for a better first date.
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ao3feed-ateez · 3 years
by fr13dm1lk
This is literally just a self-indulgent work where I create any scenario I think of so I'm not having to make 2343584325934 different books on 100 platforms. Everything is kind of in the title, and if you by chance happen to find something that you like, go ahead and take a read. I may add on more to the tags as these (mostly) one-shots progress, but for now I think I've added enough.
Words: 164, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: K-pop, Monsta X (Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, TFBOYS (Band), ATEEZ (Band), 2PM (Band), DEAN (Korean Musician), Korean Actor RPF, NCT (Band), WAYV, SuperM (Korea Band), SHINee, ASTRO (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), EXO (Band), NU'EST
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Monsta X Ensemble, Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Yi Yangqianxi | Jackson Yi, SHINee Ensemble, Kim Sejin (BTS), Stray Kids Ensemble, NCT Ensemble, WayV Ensemble, TOMORROW X TOGETHER Ensemble, Zhang Yi Xing | Lay, Jackson Wang, Huang Zi Tao | Z.Tao, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Monsta X Ensemble/Reader, Bangtan Boys | BTS Ensemble/Reader, Lee Hoseok | Wonho/Reader, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Reader, Choi Soobin/Reader, Lee Felix/Reader, Kim Jongin | Kai/Reader, Lee Taeyong/Reader, Wong Yuk Hei | Lucas/Reader, Jackson Wang/Reader, Han yu/reader, Huang Zi Tao | Z.Tao/Reader
Additional Tags: Smut, Reader-Insert, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Fluff and Smut, Cock Warming, Street Dance of China - Freeform, 18+, Edging, Control, Fanfiction, Age Difference, cpop idols, monsta x - Freeform, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Anal Fingering, Gender or Sex Swap, Alternate Universe, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Accidental Kissing, Hate Sex, Love/Hate, Multiple Orgasms, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Public Sex, Drunk Sex, Angry Sex, Angry Kissing, Seven Deadly Sins, Mentioned SHINee Ensemble, Mentioned NCT Ensemble, Possessive Sex
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bobbyseyesmile · 7 years
Moodboard!Fuckboy series - TAO
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cyjaes-thighs · 6 years
Song Tag
Honestly I’m pretty bored and I’m trying to avoid cleaning, so I’m going to finally list 10 songs that I’ve been listening to recently for @impy96 since the dear tagged me in this thing... ages ago.. whoops ily. <3
1. NCT U -  Timeless.. (Taeil has the voice of an angel and I will fight anyone who says otherwise)
2. Ten - New Heroes (Even though it’s just a station my boi put out such a bop)
3. Monsta X - Jealousy (I still can’t believe Wonho just name-drops Shownu like that; wyd child?)
4. Pentagon - Shine (I like this song way more than is socially acceptable)
5. Jeong Sewoon w/ Sik-K - Just U (Probably my favorite song of the year so far)
6. iKon - Love Scenario (I typically don’t listen to iKon but this one got me good)
7. TVXQ - Love Line (The! kings! are! back! And honestly, Chance At Love was just too repetitive for me. This one is just simple and pure)
8. Z.Tao - Beggar (This song is ADORABLE I don’t care who you are)
9. Day6 - Hunt (Can YoungK just... not. That would be great, thanks)
10. Honestly, just Day6′s entire Moonrise album because, let’s be honest, what else do your ears need? Perfection is already here, right in front of you. If I have to get specific I suppose I Loved You gets played a lot. (Dowoon gives YoungK an egg, you just can’t ask for any more than that)
(Honestly, this entire list could have been Day6 but I controlled myself I’m trash)
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bad-exo-imagines · 7 years
Tao as your boyfriend
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Gif not mine ~ Admin RDB
 very clingy and needy. and whiny.
since he’s really clingy he’s way too over protective
“Tao what the hell!” “you didn’t see the way they were looking out you Y/N!” “TAO THAT’S MY COUSIN! YOU JUST BACK KICKED MY COUSIN IN THE HEAD!”
speaking of martial arts, he’ll try teach you how to use nunchucks, but embarrass himself trying to show off and they’ll fly out of his hands. and into the tv.
you better be good at killing spiders, or at least getting rid of them, because we all know he’s too scared to do it
don’t watch any sad movies or else he’ll cry forever. when you watched Up he would randomly cry for weeks thinking about Carl and Ellie
 “baobei, they had such a nice long relationship. they grew old together!” “Tao it’s been 3 weeks.” “They loved each other!!!”
also horror is banned too. he got scared over that cute kids movie ParaNorman, so there’s no way you could watch anything that’s actually scary around him.
the  entire time you’re dating you don’t know if you can mention anything about exo. so you don’t. except for luhan, he is safe.
“Turn the music up now~! we got th-” “Baobei i’m home!” “-AT GOOD GOOD I GOT THAT GOT THAT GOOD GOOD.”
You take a lot of selfies together and he asks you to send them him to post on instagram. and then crops you out.
he’s also gonna make you be his photographer all the time. he’s got a cool outfit? you have to take pictures. he’s in the studio? you have to take pictures. he’s breathing? you have to take pictures.
he’ll constantly brag about how he’s so much smarter than you, then scream cause he thought the new coat hanger you bought was an intruder   
on your mom’s birthday the two of you flew to your parents house and had a nice little vacation. sadly he broke his leg while you guys are there and he had to go back home. he then unfollowed you on all social media and announced he's going solo.
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mysticalwizardfan · 7 years
10 Recent Song Obsessions
I was tagged by @baepsae-butterfly this is gonna be fun, thank you. 
In no order....with Youtube Links. 
Something - TVXQ
Take The Dive - Jonghyun
Beggar - Z.Tao
Hush - My 9M
The Boots - Gugudan 
One & Only - Go Won (Loona)
True Colors - JBJ
Wolf Baby - TRCNG
Full Moon - Dreamcatcher 
Bebe - Seo In Guk 
I tag @kpop-reactions-and-scenarios @krypto112 @biaswreckers-inc @-happytbh- @kpop-state-of-mind @yehet-me-up @minsugasnerd and @2seokforyook
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