dphotoworld · 4 months
Nikon Z 90 формата DX появится в этом году?
Беззеркальный эквивалент почтенной флагманской ... Читать дальше »
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boredtechnologist · 5 months
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Avalon Hill's "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" for the Heath/Zenith computer
Reviewing Avalon Hill's "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" from a deep philosophical perspective requires an exploration beyond its gameplay as a flight simulation and into the broader existential, ethical, and political implications it presents.
1. The Ethics of Nuclear Warfare and Deterrence: "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" places players in the cockpit of a B-1 bomber during the Cold War, tasked with penetrating Soviet airspace to drop a nuclear bomb. This scenario invites players to confront the profound ethical implications of nuclear warfare. Philosophically, it echoes the moral dilemmas associated with the use of atomic weapons and the doctrine of nuclear deterrence. The game raises questions about the justifiability of using or threatening to use nuclear weapons, the concept of mutually assured destruction, and the moral responsibility of individuals (in this case, the player) within a military structure that can lead to mass destruction.
2. The Dehumanization of War Through Technology: The game's focus on operating a nuclear bomber can be seen as a commentary on the dehumanization of modern warfare, where technology distances the individual from the direct consequences of their actions. Philosophically, this aspect of the game prompts reflection on the ethical implications of conducting war at a remove, where the human cost of actions becomes abstracted through the lens of technology, raising questions about the disconnection between decision-makers (or players) and the human lives affected by those decisions.
3. The Concept of Free Will in a Structured System: While players have control over the bomber and its mission, their actions are within the constraints of the game's programming and the military scenario it simulates. This dynamic can be interpreted through the lens of free will and determinism. The game becomes a metaphor for the tension between individual agency and the deterministic nature of structured systems (in this case, military and political systems), reflecting on how much autonomy individuals truly have within such systems.
4. The Psychological Impact of Simulated Violence: Playing a game that simulates the dropping of a nuclear bomb invites analysis of the psychological impact of engaging with simulated violence. Philosophically, this raises questions about the desensitization to violence through media and games, the moral ramifications of simulating acts of extreme violence, and the blurring of lines between entertainment and the grave realities of war.
5. Political Propaganda and Ideological Conditioning: Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" can also be interpreted as a product of its time, reflecting the ideological biases and political propaganda of the era. It invites players to critically examine the role of games in shaping political and ideological narratives, and to consider the extent to which entertainment reflects or reinforces prevailing geopolitical views.
6. The Existential Fear of Annihilation and Human Survival: Finally, the game touches on the broader theme of existential fear associated with nuclear annihilation. The Cold War era was marked by a pervasive fear of global nuclear war, and the game encapsulates this existential anxiety. Philosophically, it prompts reflection on the human condition in the nuclear age, the existential threat posed by human technological advancement, and the moral imperative to manage and mitigate risks that threaten the survival of humanity.
In conclusion, Avalon Hill's "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" is more than a flight simulation game; it serves as a medium for philosophical exploration. It engages players with themes such as the ethics of nuclear warfare, the dehumanization of war through technology, free will within structured systems, the psychological impact of simulated violence, political propaganda, and the existential fear of annihilation. Through its gameplay, "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" provides a platform for players to engage with deep and complex ethical, psychological, and existential questions.
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igotyouradio · 4 months
pls use us ip address in requesting
u93 MIX 94.1 102.7 DABOMB SUNNY 106.9 ELECTRIC 94.9 KS95 LEO FM RADIO KUMU KONG RADIO KISS 98.5 95.3 97.5 THE BEAT 1045 THE BEAT 102 WYBR KISS 104.7 B97 STAR 101.5 96.9 THE WAVE PARTY 105.3 POWER 103.1
AT40 STAR 96.U 106.9 MORE FM
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wetsteve3 · 1 year
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'75, Z90 with a DT175 motor...
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wimpydave · 3 months
2024 Suzuki QuadSport Z90 Review - Great Youth ATV | ATV Tube
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aldiyaralasrea · 5 months
مول زيد 90 التجمع الخامس | Z90 Mall New Cairo
أعلنت شركة زودياك للتطوير العقاري عن مشروعها الرائد عن مول زيد 90 التجمع الخامسZ90 Mall New Cairo في موقع حيوي يتوسط قلب القاهرة الجديدة. على شارع التسعين، والذي يعد طفرة في قطاع العقارات، حيث يقدم مجتمعًا متكاملاً لخدمة رواد الأعمال وأصحاب الشركات. يتميز المول بتوفير مساحات متنوعة وخدمات تشجع على الابتكار وتوفير بيئة عمل مثالية.
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moootr · 6 months
عروض سوزوكي على الدراجات النارية كواد سبورت زد90 - السعودية - Suzuki QuadSport Z90
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clinic1500 · 8 months
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چسب آب‌ بندی z90 مایعی شیری رنگ با خاصیت آب بندی ۱۰۰% و بدون نیاز به تخریب است که جایگزین قطعی قیر و عایق های سنتی می باشد و پس روی سطح کاملاً بیرنگ میشود.
این ماده که بر پایه رزین های آکریلیک و با بهره ­گیری از تکنولوژی نانو ساخته شده است، قابلیت ترکیب در هر نوع دوغاب را به راحتی دارا بوده و پس از اجرا، پیوند قوی با سازه کرده و دارای نفوذ عالی در انواع سطح (حتی آهن و چوب) می باشد.
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jaguarmen99 · 9 months
3 エムトリシタビン(茸) [US] 2023/09/05(火) 12:09:47.23 JhC5zpmQ0@doru51zomi僕は財団作ってくれませんか?みたいなお願いをしたんですよ。毎���ジャニーズから3%売上くれれば、相当数の被害者救えるんじゃないっすか?って林さんとね。https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1698617973236457472/pu/vid/1280x720/y1e-KbEBArErHSJv.mp456 ミルテホシン(東京都) [US] 2023/09/05(火) 12:19:05.73 Wyg3aCD60>>3これもう慰安婦だろ213 エムトリシタビン(東京都) [DE] 2023/09/05(火) 13:47:03.83 XcHOZfkb0>>3被害者の会なのに代表の平本は被害に遭ってないのが1番のツッコミどころBBCインタビューで自らそう発言している過去にはジャニーズの入り方指南をし、ジャニーズで良かった発言までしている被害者より加害者側だろ35 ラルテグラビルカリウム(京都府) [US] sage 2023/09/05(火) 12:15:39.32 YRgLE/z90パヨクに喰い付かれてるなあこういうのが得意だなパヨクは142 アバカビル(ジパング) [IN] 2023/09/05(火) 12:37:17.69 DyvDLrss0基金作ってもまたこいつらがセミナーやカウンセリングとか設定して中抜きするんだろ225 エトラビリン(東京都) [US] sage 2023/09/05(火) 14:01:00.07 AXbvYWhA0慰安婦ムーブしてきたな227 ビダラビン(東京都) [US] sage 2023/09/05(火) 14:02:16.36 AwPYEwUC0>>225北朝鮮と強いつながりのある韓国の慰安婦団体と強いつながりのある団体のメンバーが立ち上げたペンライトとかいうのも出てきてたしそりゃね
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fivealphabets · 10 months
Vnus Z90
On this page, you can find the official link to download Vnus Z90 Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File) on your computer. Firmware comes in a zip package containing Flash File, Flash Tool, USB Driver, and How-to Flash Manual. Vnus Z90 Stock Firmware (Flash File) The Flash File will help you Upgrade, Downgrade, or re-install the Stock Firmware (OS) on your Mobile Device. In addition, the Flash File…
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tomoevo4wo4 · 1 year
1: それでも動く名無し 2023/06/19(月) 18:27:53.07 ID:r2bbp/z90 名前だけ知られてるけど 続きを読む Source: 鈴木さん速報
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orange1896 · 1 year
ME740078 FUEL FEED PUMP B220301000657 SANY
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ME740078 FUEL FEED PUMP B220301000657 SANY
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29260034471 紧锁轴Y936(JKKMS).1-7 9415-11021 4190002481 套筒4481.371.069 6900005709 PLATE LH REINF 26370005681 车速表CS905-3 29270012321 仪表盘Y918PJ 4110000907055 塞 4110001704217 传动油散热器 08086-10000 29050021631 REAR AXLE ASSEMBLY 6410006023 左履带盒 GB5782-M16*115EpZn 26330013411 优先阀 VLE-150 4110002409101 DRAW BAR; WELDED ASSEMBLY; HEAVY DUTY ZL50F3.11-1 29170089523 中罩总成 29010031882 板 6220000443 启动机612600091037 11219681 固定板 4120009742020 后车架 4110001645472 接线端子 SAK-2.5mm 24A 6900017490 聚合氯化铝PAC F0501-205-544 罩盖 ZL50G.11.3 4120006309004 直接头LGB177-21816-60 3214524761-A D3-4120000064 数字万用表MS8261 4110002769045 配电箱橡胶圈 4120006283 排水管 4190000009 液压油箱总成 4110001194005 铲斗总成BG280 11215471 齿轮泵100/80R隔油 4110000081426 筋板 4120010628 右平衡箱壳体 4120005359 左箱总成-YM 6216000510 反比例溢流阀AP04G2YR21CN 29070023561 右操纵箱线束 4120008889001 东日扭力扳手 SPFH67N2*16*52N 29240015461 第二道气环-C05AL-2W1708 4110000160049 法兰 FZDYGYF953(TY) 滚珠轴承X2240410100 4110000186817 L952D SELL MACHINE 4120017100 护板 28010010611 工作泵吸油胶管 GB5782-M12*70EpZn- 4120018431004 前气缸盖罩J8D00-1003206 F612630080088 前输出法兰总成 14529324 2110900302 世达扳手83314 29420000141 固定板 13022340 4120008287 吸油胶管 29130004081 左履带盒 GB93-14-65Mn 26070000681 E6225F主线束 14410262 销轴 6244000030 海绵 26290029391 板 28140012031 ZL20E变速软轴支架 13968610 锥度绞刀10 4190015628 前车架线束 7100002274 LEVER VALVE G1900L2244106E3R LG953N加强斗(2.8m3) 4110002434005 螺栓 29400000791 NUT_WELD HEX HD 4110000499278 电磁阀线束 4110000560336 阀座 612600113614 MT76整机 弯板 LGB304-A2-2 4110000014037 发动机后罩海绵 4041001392 燃油箱总成 11210572 停用-顶部内饰板总成 26331029011 VOLVO D13专用工具 28010007901 8t斗杆压套 28190000521 E6210FS履带式液压挖掘机 A3910824 29260101901 橡皮筋 得力3211 30g/袋 8230-02760 FZ0001227 油水分离器至储气罐气管 29270007511 前车架总成 中联ZF1-210 9200001198 飞轮总成A3912907 14405593 环箍76 Q67676 29240102431 履带800×50 26020003541 槽板 5304000241 ECU 线束612600190474 4041015639 第十次强制保养 6105Q-1014001 29380018711 弹性元件NG12 11211642 动臂灯线束 655.6.7-3 12335386 O型圈 26350004711 调整垫片 4110015797008 支撑板 14578629 14405575 板 11212111 氟油封60×80×12 HG4-692-67 14402785 卡板 9200001536 水泵中间垫块1000114275 14615991 6900018011 LG936L无机具装载机-03613115GK9 ZL50G.5.1-15 6217000030 LG933轮式装载机 14547794 支撑杆1001133601 14606740 28350002231 旋转轴唇形密封GB9877.1-88 SW35*56*12 A39-4110001985 平衡轴壳体 26012001861 转向泵驱动齿轮 11223523 传动轴C45*1255.5 F31EM-12170 驾驶室附件 29120204651 燃油预滤器F122-B-001 29410000211 传动油散出油钢管 4110015577021 LG6360E挖掘机250h强制保养包 29430007241 线束防护板 6213000232 护罩 ZJ4110001003070 吸油盘 4110000846083 玻璃刀 11214641 管夹 4041001744 软管LGB125-004112 D01023074 29420001191 彩色纸箱 6233000706 变矩器总成 14401533 角钢 4130000090 加强筋 3214650979 4110003164226 气封20 F21Q6-20810 筋管1 12273934 4120005644 箱体 D30-1111062A 28010015141 Anti Slip Plate (VPM-Part) F孔50J 加高接头 28060004511 胶手套 6410005039 接头块 29170051311 侧卸油缸HSGK-125*70*680-1045 4090000171 G9190拉美分体式驾驶室 14596245-B 6420001200 信号放大模块YGX931B 4130000042 板2 14546242 4041001643 进油阀块E6250F-BVBJ 14676463 深度尺 14531012 6420000212 cushion 5111000718 弹簧阀继电器14601-13330 LG26240013683-1 反射镜 Z90-15233-50 F3902127 电机 4130001415 气门弹簧612630050005 14880382 6410007411 L97X集中��滑采购装机总成(标准臂) 4120009139001 排气管 29130021651 网络单门门禁控制器 海康DS2601 11219010 O形圈GB3452.1-15.0*1.80G F404012 销轴 29240101781 前桥总成 29430004353 插头(世达29732) 26320001841 散热器进水管 28250021571 FRONT FRAME 6410005915 CLAMPING PLATE 960262 26050001531 驾驶室主线束 28230021321 电瓶线LGB340-15*800P1L10L8-1L1 29220030831 LG969N传动轴总成 28230011461 熔芯 B7606-1001440 3214530544 配重 28020005561 缓冲套 14579047 29150027921 停用-堵头 LG-B F952-36001AF 上架JU636 ZL50G.11-2 26330033191 护套982951-3650 11213266 标志标识 5302114JA9A 海绵 LG9140000180 HYDRAULIC CONTROL ASSEMBLY 4120000090050 支架Ⅵ 4120011025 软管LGB165-006060 960145--- 14404040 挡圈04064-03818 26030005461 自吸泵 6230000392 过渡接头 29010028301 单极滑触线吊卡320A 4014000435 振动电池阀 29270023351 后车架线束 13021565 7300000478 密封垫D01118699 4120009292045 蓄电池(48V 320A ) 29360028801 弯管接头 LG2990000056 衬套245000065 26330005491 急停按钮自锁机构ZXF8030 4190000379 节流阀芯 29170045001 限位块 90003802576 2617002815009 小腔胶管 26330034221 定位块 28410000051 O型圈 26010009941 海绵 29170013141 调速器轴套15841-55452 4110015809002 燃料软管 F3802767 警顶灯开关JK939-B01JDD F31Y1-06780F 钢板t24*2050-Q345B 6105QA-1112013-1 14544913 激振器 4190002852 修理包4110001241001 6387500084 垫圈 4030001252 左上扶手 LGM0760WA00 ES-620诊断仪连接线束 4110015826 E6205H主线束 TD226B-6(13020178) 4180000025 A508前驱动桥总成 6214000166 太阳轮149615A 13970950 LG2838000784 加长接头A 26330065491 方管 28131003591 L946油缸总成 29050013591 网板 26290005241 鞋套 鲁泉塑业(单位:双) 4120004489 ATTACHING PLATE (74*19*12 2*M8 15018744 28100011311 螺塞 4043002194 变速箱支承座 4120001059011 O型圈21X3.1 26240009321 驾驶室前处理、电泳日常检测实验数据记录表质记126-3号 4110000727068 铰接板 6270000389 导风罩DB0539 612600081573 6430001204 板 2628000247 行走配流盘 29380032821 密封件包 14406646 后罩 14401034 5220000026 钢管总成 29020008421 后车架线束 29330083541 A508A后驱动桥总成 6214000498 气门摇臂轴490B-03204 50F1111AA2 发动机总成 ZHBG44(SDLG3) LG13-ZS4*350 29014004211 六角头螺栓0L1143(3/8-16×63.50) 11214522 L933油缸总成 29330085481 盖 29170078641 第一横梁 6280000251 活塞背母24A058390 26011002041 CROSS RECESSED SCREW PAN M6x12 4120002712 螺母M10 26290004681 停用-侧齿 29400000921 移动硬盘 L0200Y3215G29A10 六角头螺栓GB/T5783-M10×40-10.9 4130000699 两联阀模块 1547254 4190000598 固定架 14408751 FRAME 4011001247 皮带 4041001026 圆丝座M12*30*26 4110003513141 自动排水阀(SAD402-04) 9310015108B 六角法兰面螺栓1003639481 3214531866 26130016181 机油冷却器D2500-1013100 1036-00290 29150026901 L916机型标识 3211110709-E 4030000748 液压油散热器Z06048.36.00 14880426 4110001100267 螺钉-内六角凹端紧定24T606081 3120900848 SIX POINT SOCKET SCREW PAN M6X12 L058FL2215AK6E0 万向节十字轴总成UW42118P D6114ZGB 4120001004406 左油缸支座 28310004201 叉底拉板 6299000493 支架B ZL50F.12.1-6 2120400425 小臂油缸总成 6303900477 销GB91-2*16EpZn-Q235A 7118-23540 26360000981 节温器C5274887 4120000558401C 驾驶室956 6242000218 转向板 4120005834005 右支架 6900001627 发动机总成 26110008721 夹箍D00-190-03+A D02113775 26441007641 PLATE 14628658 后桥左油管 6390202164 调速弹簧129940-61360 26180028221 动臂后座 29310019871 风扇托架总成 1000951590 29170036972 剥胶芯3/163/16 29250000141 张紧轮612630060881 4110000189018 石棉垫 4120006263008 水散热器总成LY-LG953N-2A-1301100 4120006572015 轴套 29210010901 前桥壳总成 F1004021-56556 锥螺纹丝锥NPT3/8 29260203612 R-K5V200DT主泵 J11214226 6013 6410006059 液压油散回油胶管 29291007371 潜水泵 28030004281 PLATE 29420002083 SQ3502145KG01手动调整臂总成 29330049271 动臂 29270027831 WASHER_Q40308 29130019681 盖板 6410002562 盖4644311121 14527267 FP840-042020 回转减速器总成JMF-29-01-RK-19 4120001057 筋板 Read the full article
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jonashellsen · 2 years
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This weekend I, together with my club, arranged a big archery competition. Hylanderpilen. I also had the crazy idea to live stream the event. In just one week I put all the technology for streaming together and managed to learn at least as much that it actually worked pretty well. Of course there are things I would like to have made differently, but I’m still really satisfied. I used an Atem Mini Pro video switcher together with a Nikon D850, a Sony Z90 and some mixed gear for sound. Next goal is to learn how to make animated logos and lower thirds, together with to-graphics from the excellent Ianseo software. #archery #targetarchery #competition #livestream #livestreaming #atemminipro #blackmagicdesign #sonyz90 #nikond850 #ianseo #sonypxwz90 (på/i BK Fiskgjusen) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClkGQCiIm3W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xingtia · 2 years
What does galvanized steel coil g60 mean?
Customers often say I need galvanized steel coil G60, so do you know what is galvanized steel coil G60?
It turns out that the Chinese method of indicating the zinc layer thickness of galvanized steel is directly Z40g Z60g Z80g Z90g Z120g Z180g Z275g such a conventional method of expression. Overseas, they prefer to use G30 G40 G60 G90 to indicate the amount of zinc.
The amount of galvanization is a commonly used and effective method of indicating the thickness of the zinc layer of galvanized sheet.
Domestic standard values for galvanization: the unit of galvanization is g/㎡.
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Here is the ASTM standard for galvanized steel coil zinc thickness.
SI system    Inch system
     Z90                G30
     Z120              G40
     Z180              G60
     Z275              G90
For example.
G90 is the average minimum weight of 0.9oz/ft2 measured at three points on both sides of the galvanized sheet, i.e. the SI unit is 275g/㎡.
In simple terms on galvanized steel coil G60 is what we normally call Z180g zinc-coated galvanized steel coil.
And we have prepared a handy zinc layer comparison table for you so that if you meet a customer later and are asked about galvanized steel coil G60, you will know how much zinc layer is to be expected.
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wimpydave · 8 months
A Small Fun ATV ! 2023 Suzuki QuadSport Z90
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totalpos · 2 years
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