#zach aston-reese imagine
hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Carl’s Choice || Zach Aston-Reese
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: I think you all know how much I love ZAR’s puppy Carl by now. I’ve written a few blurbs for Zach but decided it was time to write a full length imagine for him. So I proudly present 4 times Carl chose you and 1 time he didn’t. Yes, I heavily featured Carl but Zach is in it too, lol. 
Warnings: a couple of curses
Word Count: 3,180
Lately, you couldn’t tell whether it was almost Christmas or almost Memorial Day. These 60 degree December days were seriously throwing off your sense of time. Not that you were complaining...because you’d take this weather over freezing temperatures any day. In fact, you’d decided to take advantage of the weather, throwing on some workout clothes and tennis shoes before heading to one of the many parks in downtown Pittsburgh. 
About 20 minutes into your walk you’d realized one of your shoes had come untied and you knelt down at the edge of the walkway to tie the laces back up. It was as you were adjusting your pants back down over the tops of your shoes that a high pitched bark sounded in your ears and suddenly an energetic dog was racing right at you. As you pushed yourself to your feet, you felt him quickly dance around your legs, and from off in the distance, you could hear a man yelling at the dog. 
“CARL!” You heard the man yell again as he jogged closer. As your eyes took in the broad shape of the dog’s owner, your brain processed the name and the breed of the dog still dancing around you and all at once, everything clicked. 
Squatting back down you let Carl sniff you quickly before he started licking you, attacking you with kisses. 
“CARL!” The man repeated, now just a few feet away from you. This time Carl paused and looked over towards his dad, his tail continuing to wag excitedly. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” He explained and it was now that you noticed the empty leash in his hands. “I had him leashed and then suddenly he was just taking off towards you. I think maybe he thought you were hurt.” As he rambled, he moved to hook the leash back onto Carl’s collar. 
“It’s okay.” You insisted, standing back up once again, your hands settling onto your hips. “He meant well.” A smile was growing on your face as you appreciated the man standing in front of you glaring slightly at his dog. “And it’s not every day you get kisses from your favorite Instagram pup.” You added, your lips pursing with mirth. Carl yipped happily as Zach’s brows raised, his brain processing your words. Suddenly his free hand was rubbing at the back of his neck and you could tell he felt slightly uncomfortable. 
“I should get back to my walk now that Carl is satisfied I’m okay.” You declared, not wanting this to become a big deal. “Uh...it was nice to meet both of you, good luck with the season…” After shooting Zach what you hoped was a warm smile you turned on your heel to continue down the pathway. The moment you started walking, Carl whined loudly and repeatedly until you saw him appear beside you again, Zach jogging behind him. 
“Mind if we walk with you?” Zach breathed, his voice somewhat hesitant. Your pulse skipped a beat as you watched him glance between you and Carl. Being back in close proximity to you, Carl had settled and his tail was wagging once again. 
“Sure.” You eventually agreed. Normally you would be hesitant about a man inserting himself into your walk, but it was the middle of the day, and being who he was you doubted that you were in any danger. In fact, it felt far more likely that you would trip or sprain your ankle than that Zach would cause you any harm. And since you didn’t feel like you were in any danger, having company while you continued what you were already doing didn’t feel like too much of a hardship. 
As you walked, Carl continued to yip happily, swerving to brush against your legs every so often. Eventually, you reached a point where you needed to rest, keeping up with a professional athlete and an energetic dog was just too much. As you flopped down into a patch of grass, Zach stood above you, his expression much more relaxed than it had previously been. At the same time, Carl came over to kiss your face again before plopping himself down at your side. 
“You know. I can’t remember the last time he was so calm during a walk.” Zach mentioned, his hands tucked into his pockets. “Usually he’s wanting to chase every squirrel, investigate every tree.” It was left unspoken how much Carl seemed to like you but when you finally made your way back to the edge of the park you watched as once again Zach rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. 
“Could I uh...could I get your number?” He questioned. “So maybe we could meet up and walk together again?” 
After tapping your number into his phone, you bent down to pet Carl one final time, a giggle falling from your lips as Carl perched himself against your legs for more kisses. 
Of all of the people Carl could have chosen to approach in the park, he had chosen you. 
When the weather allowed, and even sometimes when it really didn’t, you found yourself joining Zach and Carl on walks. The more time you spent together, the more open Zach became and if you were honest with yourself, those walks were always the highlight of your week. 
On a Saturday afternoon in early February, you found yourself parking along the curb of a well-off neighborhood, a small gift bag in your hand, and a large crockpot of meatballs tucked against your chest. The moment you reached the front yard, you were thrown off balance as Carl bolted across the lawn. Zach’s booming laugh reached your ears almost immediately and you murmured gratefully at him as he moved to take the food from your hands. With your hands now free apart from the gift bag, you squatted down in front of Carl, accepting all of his kisses as you pet him behind his ears. 
“And who is the sweetest birthday boy?” You cooed. Carl yipped in response and you leaned forward to kiss his head. “Yes Carl, I know. You’re the sweetest birthday boy.” When Carl started to nose against the gift bag you giggled and shook your head. “You can’t have that now, that’s for later.” You chastised. Instead, you dipped your hand into the pocket of your coat pulling out a peanut butter, pumpkin, and blueberry cookie that you had made for him for Christmas and which Zach had raved about him loving. Upon smelling the treat, Carl immediately started nosing at your hand and you shook your head. 
“Sit Carl.” You directed. When he complied, you opened your hand, allowing him access to the treat. “Good boy.”
The clearing of a throat drew your attention up and you watched as Zach gazed down at you. 
“Uh...Kelsey wants to know if she needs to do anything to the food you brought?” He murmured. 
“Oh uh...they just need to be plugged in to keep warm.” You responded, a shiver running through your body. “I’ll uh...I’ll go help her.” You added. Zach summoned Carl to follow the two of you inside and he introduced you to his teammates as you slipped your coat and shoes off and made your way through the house to the kitchen. 
As he handed you a drink a few minutes later, his hand fell to rest against your lower back. 
“You know you didn’t have to bring anything.” He spoke softly, his mouth just inches from your ear. 
“And you know my mama raised me better than that.” You replied, sipping from the drink and smiling as the fruity concoction hit your tongue. “Though you should probably try them before you think too highly of me.” You added. 
And try them Zach did. In fact, he downed at least one whole entire plate of them himself. You mingled for a bit with the wives and girlfriends of Zach’s teammates before finally settling with a plate of your own onto the living room floor while a hockey game played on tv. You’d been seated for less than five minutes when Carl jumped down from his spot next to Zach to rest his head on your lap. Within minutes, he was zonked draped halfway over your body, and the fact that he had left his dad so quickly to snuggle you caught the attention of everyone there. 
“ZAR bud, I think you’ve been replaced,” Rusty commented, a smile on his face. 
“You’re not even your own dog’s favorite,” Jake added teasingly. 
Zach just shrugged, an unreadable expression on his face. Carl didn’t move from his spot on your lap the entire game, and he’d only stirred when you ran your finger up and down his nose before murmuring that it was time for treats. 
Watching Carl dig into his birthday cake before playing with the stuffed penguin you’d gotten him filled your heart with so much happiness. He was such a sweet and special puppy that even as a cat lover you couldn’t help but adore him. 
As the sun set, you knew you needed to get home, though you didn’t really want to leave. Carrying the now cleaned crockpot, Zach walked you to your car. 
“So I’ll see you in a few days for our walk?” You questioned, the idea having been mentioned earlier in the day. When Zach shook his head negatively, you were confused but figured he’d forgotten about some preexisting plan. “Okay then.” You declared. “Goodnight.” 
“Wait. Fuck.” Zach breathed, his hand reaching out and falling to your hip as you leaned against the side of your car. With your lip tugged between your teeth, you waited for him to say something more. 
“Instead of a walk…” He started. “I want…” He looked nervous as he spoke and it caused your stomach to fill with butterflies. “Let me take you out. On a date.” He requested, his fingers flexing against your hip. 
Though you hadn’t seen it coming, you couldn’t deny that the thought of it had crossed your mind once or twice before. 
“I’d like that.” You agreed, leaning up to press a quick kiss to Zach’s cheek, his scruff creating a tickling sensation. “But are you sure you want to take me out when I’m Carl’s favorite?” You joked. Zach’s eyes went a shade darker and he chuckled softly. 
“He’s got good taste. I don’t blame him.” 
Being with Zach brought a new light to your life. While you had your struggles and disagreements like all couples do, being with him just felt easy. There was nothing you loved more than curling up with him and Carl on the couch at the end of a long day. 
Even though you’d only been together three months, there was a part of you that felt certain that he was the one. So when Zach asked you to go home with him after the team was eliminated from the playoffs, you immediately agreed. 
It wasn’t until you reached New York that you realized just how much of an accent Zach had and you couldn’t help but tease him about it. Just as quickly he threw back how bad your Pittsburghese was and you conceded knowing that he was right. While the teasing was a momentary distraction from the nerves you were feeling at meeting Zach’s family, the moment it ended, those nerves crept right back up. 
As you pulled up to Zach’s childhood home, you glanced back at where Carl was asleep in the backseat. Gathering your bag from the trunk, despite Zach’s protest, you watched as he tried to get Carl up and out of the car with no success. Carl’s eyes were open but he remained sprawled out across the backseat, no intention of going anywhere. 
“Carl, come,” Zach commanded, snapping his fingers at his dog as he worked to gather everything else from the car. A loud sigh escaped your boyfriend’s throat when Carl failed to obey. It had been a long drive and you knew Zach was tired so you rubbed your hand along his back. 
“Babe...why don’t you start inside.” You murmured before turning your attention to the pup in the backseat. 
“Come on Carl...car time is over.” You instructed and immediately Carl lifted his head before jumping from the backseat to stretch, pacing around your legs before trotting up the driveway. Closing the car, you watched as Zach let Carl inside before meeting you halfway up the driveway. 
“I hate you.” He grumbled, again reaching for your bag which this time you let him take. 
“You love me.” You replied, kissing his cheek before taking his hand in yours. As you turned to walk away he tugged you back to him. 
“You’re right. I do. Even if my dog listens to you and not me.” 
From the first night you’d started staying over at Zach’s, Carl had decided to make himself at home in the spot between yours and Zach’s feet. In the six-plus months you’d been together if Carl was in bed with the two of you, that was where he laid. When it was just you in Zach’s bed, Carl chose to sleep against his dad’s pillow. 
So when he started sleeping pressed against your abdomen, it had struck you as odd. But you blew it off as one of his weird dog moods. Plus, it wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy more cuddle time with the dog you’d grown to love almost as much as his owner. 
You were in the kitchen of Zach’s apartment making dinner while Zach paced around the apartment talking to his Aunt out in California on the phone. She must have asked about Carl because Zach started talking about his latest adventures before bringing up his new favorite spot to sleep. 
You hadn’t realized he was on speakerphone until Zach stepped into the kitchen behind you, stealing a piece of cooked chicken from the cutting board beside you. 
“Zach honey...I don’t mean to pry but I have to ask…” His Aunt’s voice floated through the speaker. “Is it possible y/n is pregnant?” 
You nearly cut yourself on the knife in your hand as your body froze, the knife clattering onto the cutting board. 
“I only mention it because it’s possible that Carl has sensed a change in the scent of her hormones and has moved spots due to an instinct to protect the baby.” 
The room was silent as your brain spun, overwhelmed by her words. 
“I uh... I gotta go...I’ll call you back.” Zach’s voice mumbled as the room started to spin slightly. As you wobbled, Zach’s hands wrapped around your waist and he pulled you back against his chest. Just as quickly, Carl himself raced into the room from where he had been sleeping on the couch and he nosed at your legs until eventually your body steadied itself, leaning back against Zach’s body. 
After a moment, Zach scooped you up and carried you to the couch, his lips dropping to your forehead. 
“Zach...I…” You weren’t even 100% certain that it was your voice speaking the words. As Carl jumped up beside you, Zach’s hand moved to cradle your jaw and he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“No...don’t.” He whispered. “I’ll go get a test.” He declared. 
Twenty minutes later, dinner was completely forgotten as you sat on the couch, Carl’s nose tucked against your stomach while three positive pregnancy tests stared up at you from their spot on the coffee table. Mindlessly, your fingers ran over Carl’s spine as you watched Zach sitting next to you, his head in his hands from shock. 
“We’re having a baby.” He eventually breathed, and when he looked up you saw that his eyes were filled with tears. “Fuck...I’m gonna be a dad.” Still uncertain about how he felt about that declaration your breath was slow and shaky. Then Zach leaned over and his lips crashed down onto yours. Upon pulling away, he glanced down at Carl, his fingers sliding from your neck down to the flat expanse of your belly. 
“You’re the greatest dog ever bud. Good work.” 
This time when Zach kissed you again, you could feel him smiling into it, both his and your own tears wetting your cheeks. “We’re having a baby.” It was one of the most amazing phrases you had ever heard. 
Through the entirety of your pregnancy, Carl had insisted on sleeping as close to your baby bump as possible. Sometimes it was inconvenient, but it was sweet all the same. In the time you’d been together, Carl had certainly become more your dog than Zach’s but your boyfriend never really seemed to mind. 
When you’d brought your daughter home, she’d started sleeping in the bassinet on your side of the bed. And Carl had remained by your side, though he shifted further down the bed toward your feet. You’d expected that now that Lindsey was here that Carl would resume his original sleeping positions, either between yours and Zach’s feet or at Zach’s pillow. 
And when you’d placed Lindsey in her crib in the nursery for the first time while Zach was on the road, Carl had indeed been tucked up against Zach’s pillow when you crawled into bed. 
You’d stirred sometime around 2:30 in the morning according to a glance at your phone. You’d expected to be up for a feeding by now but you hadn’t heard anything from the baby monitor. Immediately panic flooded through your veins and you almost jumped out of bed. A glance back revealed that Carl was also nowhere to be seen and that caused another wave of fear. 
Racing to your daughter’s nursery you leaned over the crib and immediately almost cried in relief. Lindsey was doing just fine, her tiny fists were balled up above her head as she slept, soft snores like her dad spilling from her lips. 
As your heartbeat returned to its normal rhythm, your eyes drifted further down the crib. There, curled up in a ball with his snoot resting on your daughter’s foot was Carl, peering up at you in the dark. A light laugh spilled from your throat and you reached down to pet him gently. 
“I guess you have a new favorite girl don’t you boy?” Carl didn’t move but it was clear from the look in his eyes that he was going to do whatever it took to keep her safe. 
By choosing you that day in the park, Carl had given you everything you could have ever imagined. Now he has chosen your daughter. Chosen to protect her, chosen to love her just as much as he loves you. He was truly the best dog and you were so grateful for the day he had bounded into your life. 
“Love you, Carl.” You murmured, petting him once more before returning to bed, certain that Lindsey was in the best of hands. 
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pucks-no-fucks · 5 years
Cold Feet: Zach Aston-Reese Imagine
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Summary: Y/n meets Zach Aston-Reese’s teammates, the Pittsburgh Penguins for the first time
Authors note: I wasn’t sure how well I was going to be able to write this and I’m sure I didn’t do Zach Aston-Reese justice but I really loved writing this!
Warnings: None, it’s fluffy
Requested: Yes | No
Requested by: @hockeyboys101 I really hope you like it ❤️
You and Zach met each other just 8 months ago. It felt like it was just yesterday that you had spilled your drink all over him in a rush to get to work. Zach had ran into the small shop to get a bottle of water before his morning practice. Jokes and numbers were shared and here you were now. Standing outside of the PPG paints arena.
“Hey”, Zach whispered. “You’ll be fine. Don’t be nervous, the guys will love you”.
Zach’s comforting words, although meant to sooth your conscience, only raised more worry. Zach grabbed your hand and pulled you into the arena. It was beautiful in there. The floors so shiny and clean.
“Are you really staring at the floors”, he laughed.
Your pushed him away gently. “The floors are so clean! Cleaner then my floors will ever be”! Zach raised his brows with a chuckle.
After what felt like forever you finally reached the ice. Zach guides you to the benches and the both of you started to lace up your skates. Eyeing Zach’s skates you laughed. He pulled the laces so tightly in such a quick manner you couldn’t help but laugh. He looked up with a big smile. Jake Guentzel skated over with a boyish grin.
“Hey you must be Y/N! I’m Jake”, he said holding out his hand.
You took it and shook hands with him. “Hey!”, you said nervously.
Jake laughed and winked at Zach. “Don’t worry Y/N. Zach talks about you all the time. Y/n this and Y/n that! After hearing so much about you the guys are excited to finally be meeting you”, Jake replies, assuring you that you need not worry.
It made you feel a lot better. Jake skates away letting you finish tying your skates. Zach face was red from embarrassment, making you smirk.
“Embarrassed Zachy boy”, you teased.
Zach rolled his eyes but stood. You finished tying your skates as quickly as possible and stood up, standing in front of your tall boyfriend.
“I could never be embarrassed of you”, he mutters silently but drags you onto the ice with him.
Slowly the rest of the Pens players started showing up and skating on ice. Jake kept skating circles around you and Zach as he introduced you to the other players. Letang and Geno were a delight to talk to and teased Zach in a brotherly manner. You and Anna, Geno’s wife, hit it off immediately.
Giggling with Zach, you skated over to Crosby. Sidney Crosby was someone you admired greatly, and who’s approval you craved most from the entire team. Sidney sees you with Zach and skates away from Alex, Letang’s boy, telling him he would be back in a minute.
“You must be Y/n, I’m Sid”, he reaches out for your hand. He shakes your hand firmly but with a smile.
“Zach talks about you a lot. We can’t ever get him to shut up”, Sid says smiling. “But you should know that he loves you a lot. Welcome to the Pittsburgh family” he says pulling you in for a hug.
The simple gesture made you so happy you nearly cried. Zach’s team accepted you. You and Zach continued to skate for a little while, before deciding you two should head out. After taking off your skates and putting them in your bag, Zach grabbed your hand gently.
He looked over at you and smiled. “I love you Y/n”.
“I Love you too Zach”, you smiled, resting your head on his shoulder. You left the arena behind to exchange it for your shared apartment with Zach.
In the car Zach was all smiles. Even though it wasn’t uncommon it had you wondering.
“Zach what’s up with the face”, you joked.
“I think Jake may have a tiny crush on you”, he laughs, but keeps an eye on the road. The thought made you giggle.
“I don’t think so Zach”, you said smiling.
Pulling into the parking lot, Zach chuckled. “I told you they would accept you”.
Shaking your head you replied, “Its still nerve wracking”.
Zach smiled widely, “But now your part of the Pittsburgh Penguins family”.
You put your hand on his and leaned in. “Totally worth it”, and you kissed him.
Zach’s hands reached up to cup your face and in that moment you realized something very important. There was no place you’d rather be then living in the moment with Zach and taking on every crazy adventure with him. He pulled away slowly but laughed mischievously.
“Zach what are you thinking”, you snorted with a teasing tone.
“Just glad you didn’t get cold feet and run out on me”, he retorts but grabs your hand.
Lovingly, Zach looks at you. “I love you baby”.
You reached over the console and cupped his face. “I love you more”, and kissed him again. There really was no place you’d rather be.
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blueskrugs · 3 years
18 w/ zar pleaseee?💌
until i get proof of life out of the ducks for him, i'm in denial that he was actually traded 💛
18. "I love you, but please stop whatever it is that you're doing."
length: 288 words
Zach got restless during the offseason. He picked up new hobbies quickly, but he could never really stick with them. (The singing lessons were funny while they lasted.) You never really knew what he was going to be getting up to each week. You were used to it after a couple years, for the most part.
Zach had disappeared outside a few hours ago, which meant he was up to something, so you went to find him.
“I love you, but please stop whatever it is that you’re doing,” you called as you got closer. Zach startled a little, but didn’t look up from whatever he was stirring with a popsicle stick. You sidled up next to him and peered at what he was in the plastic cup he was holding, something clear and thick. “Zachary, what the fuck?”
“It’s resin!” Zach sounded so proud of himself. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “I was bored so I asked Matty for some advice on how to get started.”
You vaguely remembered Matheson picking up resin work during quarantine. You made a mental note to text Emily and tell her that Mike was no longer allowed to give Zach advice.
“Here, watch,” Zach told you, nudging you with his elbow. You watched as he poured the resin in the cup into a nearby mold. It didn’t look like much right now. As if Zach knew what you were thinking, he added, “I’m just trying to get the hang of it right now, but there’s some really cool stuff you can do with it.”
“As long as you’re having fun, babe,” you told him.
Zach beamed at you, and you went back inside, leaving him to his crafts.
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hockeybabe87 · 3 years
Send me a song and your fav hockey player and I’ll write something for you 🎶
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leafsbabe · 3 years
how Zach Aston-Reese is like as a boyfriend
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- Zach is an absolute sweetheart
- he’s very affectionate and soft
- loves loves loves spending time with you
- he’s not too clingy and gives you all the free time and space you need but if you feel up to it he definitely likes to just hang out and chill 
- it’s just something about sharing a space even while doing nothing that’s just so nice
- like he’ll work on something on his laptop on one end of the couch and you’re doing one thing on the other end of the couch and maybe Carl is running around because he’s got the zoomies and all is well
- he tries to be a good partner and values communication a lot
- it’s important to him that you know you can come talk to him if there are any issues 
- but with him there are barely ever any problems
- he tries his best to be fully involved in everything and if he has to miss important events because of hockey he always makes it up to you
- and it doesn’t really matter to you that you can’t celebrate your anniversary on the exact date only that you celebrate it at all and he would really go all out
- tries his best to keep up with chores and if he’s too tired because hockey he’ll ask nicely if maybe you can take care off a few and if you’re having a hard time he takes care of them for you
- when he’s on the road he likes facetiming you a whole lot
- just to hear you talk about your day and maybe have you show him Carl
- maybe to fall asleep with you
- speaking of Carl 
- Zach would definitely call you his mom
- like he comes home from a roadtrip and you’re asleep on the couch because you were waiting up for him and Carl is just napping on you in a cute outfit you bought him and when he hears Zach come home he scrambles up and you move a bit in your sleep and he reacts to that and Zach just looks at you full of love which you don’t see because you’re asleep but then he leans down to Carl to give him some pats and whispers to him what a good boy he’s being protecting mommy while dad is away and ah my heart i can’t take it
- and then he’d probably scoot you over a bit so he can squeeze on the couch with you two because he’s too tired to carry you into the bedroom and he doesn’t want to wake you up because you look so cute and soft so he just joins you on the couch
- he definitely has some great blankets on the couch
- like you’ll just chill on the couch, cuddling, watching a movie, curling up under a cozy blanket
- very versatile cuddling vise
- he loves holding you and having you close but he also likes it when he can just snuggle up to you and have you run your fingers through his hair
- very affectionate
- not really in a pda way though
- like he loves having you close in private but he won’t go and make out with you in a corner at some public event
- lots of hand holding and small kisses though
- his beard can get a bit scratchy sometimes but he takes care of it so he doesn’t leave beardburn all over your face
- Zach loves spoiling you
- it’s not even about like grand gestures and expensive gifts but he likes bringing home flowers for you because he loves the way you light up and immediately go pick out a nice vase for them or making your favorite food for dinner 
- definitely down to take baths together
- not even in a sexual way just in a romantic way with like bubbles and candles and soft music
- he would definitely try to have a date night at least every two weeks or so 
- just a day where you can relax together and just treat yourselves
- maybe pack up Carl and some food and head out to a park for a picnic
- or get dressed up and go to a fancy restaurant
- or get dressed up and go get fast food because you’re not gonna snitch to the trainers about him not following the meal plan
- Zach would totally take you out on a stargazing date
- look me into my eyes and tell me that this sweet soft man wouldn’t pack some blankets and take you out to look at the night sky and talk about everything and nothing while laying half on top of each other
- he’s just amazing not only because he’s just a great boyfriend but he also puts in effort 
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nhl-stories · 3 years
Think I Could Love You – Zach Aston-Reese
Requested: Yes ∆ No
Author's Note: I recently got into a relationship for the first time since I fully came out as asexual, so this is semi-biographical. Hoping to bring a little more representation in the world, especially representation I wish I had seen when I was younger. If people are feeling this in any type of way I think it's something I'd be excited to revisit. Also this gif is the epitome of heart eyes 😍
Word Count: 1.7k​
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It was our third date and I was terrified. Of the implications and expectations. The ominous idea that we’d be having sex, something that was largely invented by 90s TV shows, clung to the back of my mind.
Yes, I was well aware that it was an arbitrary rule, but nonetheless it put a panic through my body. I felt so physically ill by my anxiety I thought about canceling, though logically I realized that would merely postpone the third date and my panic would continue ad infinitum until he just said we shouldn’t date.
With all the build up in my mind, the fear grew cold and sickly inside me. And yet, nothing happened.
He was a gentlemen who walked me home and gave me a pretty chaste kiss goodnight.
Initially it was relief, but now the prospect just loomed and the fear made its home, forming a constant, dark pit in my stomach.
I tried my best to ignore the growing hole. While I didn’t let it take over I can’t imagine I was great at hiding it entirely. But Zach never let on otherwise, which for better or worse made me feel at least comfortable.
Comfortable enough to go back to his apartment for a drink. Comfortable enough to stop myself from getting in my own way. Comfortable enough to let him slip his tongue in my mouth.
Despite all my hang ups, scratch that, hang ups implies my feelings are invalid, inhibitions was probably a better choice of words. So despite my inhibitions, making out was one of my favorite activities.
There was something so beautifully carnal and intimate and simple about it. The closeness, the feeling of someone’s tongue in your mouth. And fuck, Zach had a perfect velvety tongue that almost made me forget what I had been worrying about.
But then there were hands. Hands move from hair and heads and necks; they move lower, to chests and waists and hips and… and maybe for someone else that’s part of the thrill. For me it feels like the headlights of a semi truck veering full speed towards me.
I freeze.
My grip on his hair goes limp and my lips stop moving. There’s no way to save face at this point; maybe I should be brave enough to not want to try.
“You okay?” Zach pulls away, his brows knit together.
“I– I,” the words get stuck in my throat, and I glance down at his hands that feel like a vice grip on my hips.
“Oh sorry I,” he moves his hands and I feel the oxygen reaching my lungs again, “just assumed that…”
“I understand, it’s just I’m,” I let out a heavy sigh, I’m a coward.
“Are you a virgin?”
I cover my face, it’s mostly in frustration at my inability to just spit it out but obviously comes across as embarrassment.
“It’s okay if you are,” he’s trying to be nice but it comes off patronizing in my exasperation, “We can take it slow or I can–“
“No I’m not a virgin, I’m asexual.”
“Oh?” it’s a statement and a question and somehow not one of the reactions I prepared for, making this feel even stranger and harder to navigate.
“It’s new– well not new I’ve been this way my whole life, it’s just I recently came out fully and you’re the first person I’ve really dated since so this is all new territory for me, at least talking about it.”
“Do you want a glass of water?” I don’t know how to react to his non-reaction. “You just seem a little flustered.”
“Uh- um- yeah sure. Water sounds nice.”
He gets up and I think for a second I should bolt. Start fresh with the next person. Then a cold wet nose presses against my shin and I look down to see his dog, Carl. I give him a scratch behind the ears and in response he hops up on the couch for closer cuddles.
Now I feel trapped by the 10 pound dog on my lap.
“He’s a pretty good emotional support dog,” I give half a laugh as he hands me the glass, I down most of it in one gulp.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so weird?”
“Was it that noticeable?”
Now I’m mortified, “I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it.”
“You’re normally a very naturally cool person, so I think you were trying so hard to act cool it seemed a little force,” my face is so aflame it almost hurts, “I didn’t want to embarrass you by pointing it out.”
“It was just we were on our third date and I was so nervous cause that’s the sex date–“
“It is?” He chuckles and I’m so embarrassed I want melt away.
“Well for a lot of people and then you didn’t make a move and maybe I should have just been fearless and said something but instead I’ve just been nervously waiting for it to happen so we can have this totally not awkward conversation.”
His smile is so sympathetic and understanding my stomach does a flip.
“I personally think the sex date happens whenever it feels natural, which could be the first date or what I thought would happen tonight after our 5th date or,”
“8th date,” I correct him and his brows furrow together as he tries to remember these three missing dates.
“I’m counting when you came back to my place after we went to the bar after game, and when we ran into each other while you were walking Carl, and when I had you come with me to pick up that Craigslist couch.”
“You count that as a date?”
“Well you prevented me from maybe getting murdered,” I smirk, “so pretty good date.”
Our natural banter reminds me why I’m even willing to feel this open and exposed. But the tension slowly starts to sink back in like a thick fog. I don’t see a clear path forward, unsure of where to go from here.
“So,” Zach he braves the topic first, “I’m stupid and don’t know anything about asexuality.”
“I totally understand, people don’t really talk about it a lot, which is why it took me 28 years to understand that about myself and I’m still learning.”
“But you’ve had sex before?”
Now I’m in familiar territory, the first question my friends would ask when I came out. I feel a weird burst of asexual confidence burst through me.
“Yeah, probably more felt like I had to more than I wanted to and it made me hate myself a bit,”
I can’t believe I just said that and realize the confidence made me overcompensate, I stop myself from saying anything else that might scare him more.
“But that’s a conversation for my therapist.”
I take another drink of water and immediately hate allowing the space for more silence.
“I’m not fully sure where I land on the spectrum, I’m still trying to figure that all out and I could tell you I feel demisexual sometimes or aegosexual or just like graysexual.”
I can feel tears forming in my eyes, it’s cathartic saying these things out loud. I’m still terrified and confused but mostly I’m free.
“And I have all these terms and definitions I can throw out there and act like I didn’t have to Google all this understand myself, but really I have no fucking clue and I’m not even sure I want to label myself more.”
“I do know I’m romantically attracted to you and I really like going on dates with you and I love how you make me laugh. And I can tell you sometimes I do get turned on by things and other times I think I just like the idea of sex more than the practice. So I can’t promise I’ll ever get there sexually with you, but I’d still like to see where this goes.”
Zach’s face is blank as he pets Carl, who’s moved closer to comfort his dad, though I think he is also very conflicted about which person on the couch needs dog love more.
I can’t tell if he just doesn’t understand or is processing what this even could mean for himself or in general. I don’t blame him, but the silence is overwhelming.
I take the chance to wipe the tears that are spilling from the corner of my eyes.
He grabs one of my hands and takes a deep breath, “Ok.”
“Okay…?” now I’m the confused one.
“I can’t imagine how hard it was to have that bottled inside of you for so long or how much courage it took for you to even say all that to me,” he moves his other hand to brush away the remaining tears.
“And I like hanging out with you, so I’ll be your practice dummy.”
“Practice dummy?” I can barely hold back my grin, the butterflies of new romance replace any remnants of darkness in my stomach.
“Yeah, you’re still learning what you want, what you need, so learn with me,” he says it all so nonchalantly, like he doesn’t even know this is something I dreamt of someone saying to me after coming out, “It’s not that different from other dating, if it’s stops being fun we part ways.”
“And you’re sure you’re okay with all this?”
“How can I be sure of something I haven’t tried?” He cocks an eyebrow.
“Also a little part of me knows if I had any other answer this would somehow get out there and then everyone would think I’m an asshole to people who come out to me,” he lightly laughs, “and that’s a super bad look for me.”
It’s never felt this light and easy with someone before and I can’t help but laugh, “Ooh yeah, really bad look for you. I’m happy to take advantage of that though.”
“But seriously I’m all in, and if that changes I’ll let you know. And you let me know if it changes for you too.”
I have so many things I want to say, to clarify, or justify. But he’s made it so simple and perfect I don’t want to wreck this moment.
Instead I pull him into a tight hug, thanking him without words.
After a moment he pulls away a bit, “we can still make out right?”
I laugh, “Oh yeah I don’t find that overtly sexual, just fun,” I give a coy shrug, “as long as you don’t get too handsy.”
“Got it, keep my hands to myself,” he gives a little salute.
I’m smiling so hard I can tell my face will hurt later.
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
Okay okay okay hear me out the fic you posted with Freddie using prompt #34 is cute and all but like I'm 5'10 and not a twig so can I get #34 prompt with a boy of your choice (preferably a Pens player) wearing the MC's sweater on a roadie since it smells like home??? It's fine if not thanks lovely
I have to admit I know of four players on the Pens so this is someone I found on the roster who went to the same school my best friend goes to, so here we go. This is mostly dialogue bc sorry
34. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
Send in a boy and a number from this prompt list!
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You were frantically searching your closet trying to find it. You had no idea where it could have disappeared to, wanting to wear it tonight because it was going to be cold. It was your favorite sweatshirt, and it not being in your closet was sending you into a panic. 
Your phone buzzes on your dresser, Zach Facetiming you from wherever he was on the road. “I can’t talk long,” you say, disappearing into your closet without even seeing his face. 
“Are you ok?” he asks, noticing the panic in your voice.
“Yeah, I’m just- fuck,” you cut yourself off, not sure how to express your frustration. “I’m trying to find the sweatshirt my brother got me from Belfast? The gray one that’s really warm that I was going to wear tonight because it’s fucking cold.”
“Babe,” he calls, trying to get your attention as you continue to ramble.
“I know it’s not at my parent's house-”
“And I haven’t worn it recently for it to be in the hamper-”
“And it doesn’t look like it’s on the floor of my closet-”
“Come to the phone.” 
“I can’t, I need to look for this sweatshirt.”
“Y/N,” he says in a sing-songy voice. “Come here, please.”
You huff, walking back to your phone to see him strategically holding his phone so the logo of his sweatshirt is showing. “Is that my sweatshirt that I’m looking for right now? Why are you wearing my sweatshirt? Aren’t I supposed to steal your clothes?” 
He laughs, “Fuck those gender norms, who needs them. It smells like you, sorry I wanted a piece of my girl with me on the road.” You can’t help but smile, even if you were a little irritated by him taking it. Maybe this is how he feels when you take his clothes? “I know for a fact at least three of my sweatshirts are in your closet, wear one of those tonight?” he suggests.
“I want my sweatshirt back, though,” you whine, knowing you were never going to see it again.
“That means you have to give me back my clothes.”
“Ah fuck.” 
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ehghtyseven · 5 years
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zar and turbo battle it out, meanwhile jakey... [x] [x]
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
Can we talk about taking care of Zachary Aston-Reese? when he’s sick? Because poor baby is and I really just wanna tell him to listen to me because of my nursing background 🥺
@6erikjohnson6 made it just in time to be my last one for tonight!
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Our sweet boy Snackary is feeling poorly rip Snackary
You get a text from him early in the morning saying that he wasn’t going to attend practice that day because he was feeling ill
You send him a sad face, telling him you’ll be over as soon as you can
After running some errands you finally make your way to Zach’s apartment, bags of medicines, food, drinks, and other assorted remedies in tow
You go into the apartment using the spare key and head straight to where Zach is laying flopped over the mattress in his room, and he definitely looks sick
You sit on the side of the mattress and run your fingers through his hair, subtly feeling his temperature which was abnormally warm
“Baby, its me. I brought you some things” you whisper to him as he stirs awake
He mumbles a hello and thank you in response before taking your hand in his putting it on his cheek
“Your hands are cold. They feel nice” he murmured
“I know. But i got some stuff to help you so you have to let go for a second”
He whined but let you go, and you walked over to the bags
You had him start sipping on some water and sucking on a ginger candy to help settle his stomach as you replaced the empty tissue box on his beside table
You made a cold compress for his forehead, and as you placed it there you could hear him mutter a quiet “i love you”
Your heart broke seeing him in this state, but you whispered an “i love you” in return
You stayed at his apartment for the next day or so, making sure he was taking care of himself and recovering well
And once he was better, he took it upon himself to treat you when you inevitably caught his bug
You couldn’t even be mad about it because he was just as sweet
Heckin soft i love it
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Not So Christmas Proposal (Zach Aston-Reese)
@6erikjohnson6 I wrote this because ZAR needs more love.
“Zach?” You ask, while taking off your shoes and putting your coat in the closet by the door. “Where are you?” Hearing no response, you make your way through the house. Something from the corner of your eye stops you from moving away from the living room. Making your way towards the Christmas tree, you see that there’s a present already under the tree.
’Huh, there wasn’t anything under the tree when I left.’ You think to yourself. “Zach?” You call once more. Still getting no response, you move to sit next to the tree. Picking up the present, you see that it’s addressed to you.
“Isn’t it a little too early for opening presents, (Y/N)?” The sound of Zach’s voice startles you, causing you to jump. You hear Zach’s laugh, and as you look up at your boyfriend, you see a twinkle in his eyes. Zach moves to join you on the floor. You lean over to press a kiss to his lips.
“Hi.” You say.
“Hi.” Zach says, “find anything interesting while you were out?”
“Nope.” You then moved from sitting to lying on the floor. “Why did I leave Christmas shopping until December?” You whine. Zach chuckles at your words.
“Because you always do.” You give Zach a glare, which he returns mockingly. “So, who’s the present for?” He asks you. You shrug your shoulders, looking at your boyfriend he motions for you to look at the present. Groaning, you raise one of your arms and Zach helps pull you up so that you can sit again.
You look at the present and see that it’s for you. You recognized Zach’s handwriting. “It’s for me.” You start to shake the box, trying to see if you could figure out what was inside. The box wasn’t light, but it wasn’t heavy either.
“Are you gonna open it?”
“But it’s not even Christmas!” You exclaim, handing the present for Zach to hold, hoping that it will keep you from wanting to know what was inside.
“(Y/N), you’re eventually going to cave in and open this before Christmas Eve, so just open it now.” Zach says. You think about your boyfriend’s words. He was right, you wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about what was inside the box.
You huff, “okay. I’ll open it.” Zach smirks, knowing that he’s right, and hands you the box. Carefully, you remove the wrapping paper from the box. You see that it’s a shoe box, you smile, thinking that it was a pair of shoes that you’ve been eyeing. Your smile turns into a frown, when you see there’s another box wrapped inside the shoe box. Taking the box out, you begin to unwrap it, and to your disappointment it’s another box. You look up from unwrapping the second box to see Zach’s amused face.
By the time you’ve unwrapped the third box, you were starting to get annoyed with all the boxes. At this point, you look up and see Zach recording you. “Zach! Put the phone down!” You try to grab your boyfriend’s phone from his hand; he just laughs and moves his arm further away from you.
He gives you a kiss on your forehead. “You’re almost at the end of all the boxes.”
His words give you some relief, knowing that there was going to be an end to all of this. You tear through the wrapping on the fourth box and see one last box, at least you hope this is going to be the last box, since it was the smallest one. You briefly look up, and see that Zach is still recording you.
Unwrapping the box, you see a black velvet box. Your heart starts to beat faster. Slowly, you open the box. When your eyes meet what’s in the box, you look up at Zach, your eyes are wide, and you’re sure that your jaw is on the floor. Zach gently takes the box from your hands.
“(Y/N), I’d love to say I knew from the moment I met you that you were the one for me, but that’s not what I knew.” At the sound of his voice, you feel yourself slipping back into reality. “When I first met you, I knew we would be friends for a long time. What I didn’t know, was that I was going to want you in my life forever.” Zach takes the ring out of the box and grabs your hand. “I’m not the best with words, so, (Y/N), will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Launching yourself into Zach’s arms, you feel his arms go around your waist. He easily stands up from the floor with you in his arms and moves the two of you to the couch. Zach takes your left hand, silently, he asks if he can put the ring on your finger. Nodding your head, you allow him to put the ring on your hand. Once the ring is on, he brings your hand up to his face and kisses the palm of your hand.
“Now, what should we order in to celebrate?” Zach asks.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Hi! I'm glad to see that your muse is back, or at least it's what it seems like. When you're done with the Josty fic, could you write something fluffy with ZAR where you're cuddling on the couch, talking about Carl then one of you drop a "Yeah he's a good family dog", and you both freeze because you've never really talked seriously about your future together? Your "Shut Up and Dance with me" blurb made me fall for him
For the moment my muse actually seems to be on...we’ll see how long that lasts. You guys are killing me with the ZAR requests as frequently as he’s killing me with content of Carl. Damn a girl can dream about this being reality. I deviated from the prompt just a little but not that much. I’m so glad you loved that blurb...if you haven’t already read it, I also wrote a little something based on a Moulin Rouge song for him that is super sappy and cute and features my favorite puppy. Anyway, enjoy! (996 words)
You’d finally reached the stage of your relationship with Zach where you felt comfortable using the key he gave you to let yourself into his apartment. Of course, you’d been letting yourself in while he was on the road for a month or so but this time he wasn’t on the road, he was just at practice. And you were supposed to be at work. 
But you’d woken up with a migraine and upset stomach and had called in sick before rolling back over in bed. When you’d woken again the migraine had subsided a bit but a lingering throb was still present at the base of your skull. Deciding you needed cuddles, and they couldn’t wait until Zach was done at the rink, you slipped on a pair of sweats, one of your boyfriend’s hoodies, and made your way across town from your apartment to his. 
Once inside you made your way over to Carl’s crate in the corner and opened it, reaching in to pet the sleepy puppy. Immediately he stirred, nuzzling against your hand but he stayed mellow and lazy in temperament and allowed you to pick him up, carrying him over to the couch. There you snuggled down into the fluffy cushions, Carl settled on your chest as you scratched gently over his ears and down his back. 
“Chill with me until your daddy gets home?” You suggested, Carl responding by licking your fingers and further burrowing himself against you, under the blanket you’d pulled over yourself. 
You must have dozed off again because the next thing you remembered was warm fingers brushing hair off of your forehead before a pair of lips kissed the same spot. Stirring you watched as Zach made his way around the couch, tucking himself under your legs. 
“Are you okay babe?” He questioned, not used to you being in his apartment in the middle of the day. With a yawn, you nodded, reaching down to pet the puppy resting against you acting completely undisturbed by Zach’s arrival. 
“Woke up with a migraine and an upset stomach so I took the day off.” You murmured. “And then I decided I wanted cuddles.” You added causing Zach to chuckle. 
“I would have just come over after practice if you had texted me.” He mused, fingers tracing patterns over your calves. 
“But then I would have had to wait…” You whined. “Instead I came over and got immediate snuggles.” Zach’s eyebrow raised and you lowered the blanket to reveal the snoozing puppy cuddled into your chest. Zach’s eyes immediately went soft and he smiled over at you. 
“He’s such a cuddly dog.” Zach mused and you nodded, petting Carl gently until his little black eyes peered up at you. Still, he didn’t move, content to stay right where he was, warm and with your rhythmic breathing to soothe him. “He’s gonna be a good family dog, he’s so patient,” Zach added and suddenly it felt like your heart stopped. 
A family? 
You’d been together for a while but you certainly hadn’t had any conversations about anything longer than the end of this season. It seemed like Zach had realized how his words had come across because he also sat frozen, his fingers no longer moving gently over your skin. It was Carl’s whine because you had stopped petting him that pulled you back from the depths of your brain and you gently nudged Zach with your foot. 
“Wanna elaborate on that whole family thing?” You whispered softly watching as Zach blushed. Zach carded his fingers through his hair, his expression unreadable. 
“Some of the guys were talking…” He started, pausing almost immediately. “Dumo about Brayden, Muzz about his daughter…” When he trailed off again you gave him a minute before gently nudging him with your foot once more. “I don’t know…” He mumbled. “I guess I never really thought that was something I’d ever have but...lately I can’t help but picture a little one with your eyes, skating with them, snuggling them, seeing whether they take after you or me more…” 
Carl attempted to break the stillness of the air by pushing his nose against yours before turning and finally pacing down your body to greet his dad. 
“I guess...I wanna be more than a dog dad. And you’re the only one I can imagine having my kids.” 
Carl yipped softly, his tail wagging frantically back and forth. 
After a moment you pulled yourself upright, shifting to tuck your legs underneath you. 
“Sounds like someone else is cool with that idea.” You teased, leaning closer to Zach. Biting your lower lip you took a deep breath. “Carl would be a great big brother…” You pondered, a smile growing over your face. “And you’d make an incredible dad.” You added, closing the distance between you, your lips seeking out Zach’s gently. You couldn’t deny that you’d also thought about a family with Zach, but it was mostly just you being wistful, not sure it would ever come to fruition. This conversation though, it made you want it all the more. So breaking the kiss you trailed your mouth over to Zach’s ear, whispering softly. 
“You just let me know when you want to make it happen.” Carl jumped to the floor as Zach’s hands pulled you over his lap so that you were straddling him. As you shifted you felt him grow hard against you and you felt your smirk grow. A squeal quickly followed as Zach lifted you and started for his bedroom, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck. 
“How about we start right now?” He suggested, kicking the door shut behind him. 
At that moment you were certain you couldn’t love Carl more for bringing you and Zach even closer together and pushing your relationship forward. 
“Practice makes perfect.” You whispered as Zach’s lips trailed down your throat. You couldn’t help but squeal again as Zach ground against you. 
“I’d rather just make a baby.”
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Claiming Carl - Zach Aston-Reese
Word Count: 1664
POV: Reader
Warnings: fluff
Notes: This wasn’t requested but @iculyrea​ and I were chatting about this, and well I just decided to write this cute lil piece. Happy Reading!
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Once Zach met Tika, the Italian greyhound or Iggy, you knew that the two of you would be getting one. It's all he talked about for weeks before meeting him and all he mentioned thereafter. "Babe, look at this one, he's so cute. Don't you think?"
"He is adorable." You'd agree because honestly, the dog was.
 "We should get him. Don't you think?"
 "I don't know, Zach. A puppy is a huge responsibility and you're gone with hockey so much." It wasn't that you didn't want a dog; you just weren't sure you wanted a puppy. They were so much work, potty training them and having them chew on everything. You just didn't know if you wanted to go through it all with Zach being away so much.
 "But babe, I swear I will do all of that when I'm home. You'd only have to do it during road trips." He grabbed you around the waist and sat you down on his lap in front of the computer. "Just look at him. That sweet little nose and his tiny pink paws, and those eyes, babe they're just begging for you to bring him home."
 Were you seriously considering this? When you looked at the puppy your heart melted a little. Zach rested his head on your shoulder. "Pretty please babe." Ugh, he had you then, hook line and sinker.
 "It says that he'll be available first part of March. What does your schedule look like…"
 "Does that mean we're getting him?" He had you half-turned so that he could see your face.
 "Yes, we can get him." He went to say more but you pressed a finger to his lips. "On the condition, that we start looking for a house. He'll need a yard to run around in, and I won't have him going on the balcony on a pee pad every time he needs to go out."
 "I'm already ahead of you on that." To say you were shocked was an understatement. The two of you had been talking about getting a house for a while now, but hearing that he was actually looking into this was news to you. "I contacted a realtor the other day, there are a couple new developments over by the practice arena that seem like they'd be perfect for us." You spent the next hour looking online at different houses, most of which were new construction.
 The next day Zach was off, you went house hunting, and fell in love with the third one you saw. It was perfect in every way, and even though Zach insisted that you look at the other three places, you'd already made your mind up. At the end of the day, he agreed with you and the two of you were finalizing papers for the sale in two weeks.
 During that time, you packed up the entire apartment for the move while also getting all the necessary things for the new puppy. You got him a cute little collar and leash, while Zach picked out a dog bed that looked so comfortable you could sleep on it. You'd been in the new house for a week before you and Zach went to pick up Carl, the name of the Italian greyhound that you both fell in love with. He was trembling a bit when Zach scooped him up in his arms and he was a lot smaller than you expected.
 "Hi Carl, don't be scared." You said in a soothing voice as you petted your new pup. Zach held him close to his chest and he seemed to calm a bit before you put him in his dog seat in the car. "I'm going to sit in the back with him so he's not frightened."
 "For how hard you made me work to get Carl, you sure seem to have taken to him." Zach teased you.
 "I was never opposed to him per se. It's just all the puppy training, but you're gonna be great at it, aren't you Carl?" He was curled up in his little fluffy seat, his eyes wide as Zach drove to your new home. "Should we keep his name or change it?" In the beginning, the two of you had discussed naming him something different, but now it just didn't feel right.
 "I don't know babe, I kind of like Carl the Iggy."
 "I do too. It just sort of suits him." You snuck Carl a dog treat, that's you packed for him and he gobbled it down. "You're a Carl aren't you boy?" He looked up as you scratched behind his ears and you swore he gave you a smile, but you'd never tell Zach that because he'd make fun of you. In no time you were pulling up into the driveway and taking Carl inside to his new home.
 Carl really didn't know what to do when Zach put him down in the kitchen. His small paws hit the floor and you could hear him patter around the kitchen, just checking things out. Over by the island, you had his dishes filled with food and water and he went over and got a drink. "Oh my gosh Zach, he's just so cute."
 "I knew you'd love him." Between the two of you, you took more pictures and videos of Carl then you knew what to do with over the next couple of days. Which is why Zach decided Carl needed his own Instagram page.
 Carl was doing so well in his new home. He hardly made any messes in the house, in the short week that you had him and he absolutely loved having cuddle time with you and Zach. On a night Zach had free, the two of you decided to watch a movie. You were in the kitchen finishing up the popcorn, while Zach was supposed to be queuing up the movie you'd pick and grabbing the wine, but when you walked into the living room you found him videotaping Carl. Apparently, Zach had thrown your favorite cuddling blanket on the couch before getting the wine and poor little Carl was trying his hardest to make it up on the sofa so he could nuzzle with his mom and dad.
 "Zach," you yelled at your boyfriend. "Help him up. He can't do it by himself."
 "Babe, he'll get it, just wait."
 Carl continued to struggle, clawing at the blanket and practically bringing it down on top of him. The longer he worked on getting on the couch, the angrier you got with Zach for not helping the pup. "Zachary," your voice was stern and it startled Carl, who leaped onto the couch finally.
 "See babe, I told you he'd do it," Zach said smiling at you, to which you just simply rolled your eyes. Setting the popcorn down on the coffee table, you scooted it into the corner of the couch grabbing the blanket while Carl scooched his way into your lap. "Why are you sitting way over there?"
 "Because you were being mean to my baby." Carl for his part just nuzzled close into your neck and you stroked his short fur.
 Zach tugged on your exposed toe. "So I'm not your baby anymore?" A pouty lip coming across his face, while he gave you his own version of puppy dog eyes. God, you had a weakness for this man when he did things like this.
 "I guess you're still my baby too."
 His face lit up, and he crawled over to your side of the couch grabbing your ankle this time. "Mmm…then can you possibly come over here with me?"
 You gave him an exaggerated sigh, followed up with an, "I guess." He propped his right leg up on the couch for you to sit in between his legs, and you did, leaning back against his chest as his one arm wrapped around your waist and the other came up to pet Carl. The three of you watched the movie like that, Carl falling asleep halfway through.
 By the end of the movie, Zach was nodding off as well. "Babe, come on let's go to bed." His grip tightened around you, holding you closer to him.
 "Let's just stay here." You could feel his erection growing as your body pressed against him. He nuzzled the side of your neck peppering you with kisses there, and when you moved your head to give him greater access, you accidentally bumped Carl, reminding you that you still had him in your arms.
 "Zach, stop."
 "I have Carl, so we can't…" You let your words drift off, knowing he would get the point.
 He groaned. "This is literally the first drawback of having a dog." You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped your lips; your laughter causing Carl to wake. "Oh great now you woke the baby, and we'll never get him back to sleep." The two of you both burst out laughing, causing Carl to look at you strangely. He wiggled and you set him down, and his little feet carried him over to the door to wait for you or Zach to take him out.
 Getting up you handed Zach the leash to take the pup outside. "I believe it's your turn."
 "Ugh, I can't wait till he's older and we can get a dog door. That way he can take himself out and I can take you to bed." He grabbed the leash, giving you a quick kiss as he headed over to Carl.
 "Until then, I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom." You gave him a sly wink before sneaking off down the hall to wait for him. You heard him mumble something to Carl and all you could do was laugh, having a new puppy was definitely going to be a bit of an adjustment.
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archaicbro · 4 years
a thought that keeps me up at night is carl finally getting to tika's size and reeser buying him all the clothes he's been wanting to for months and getting kelsey to take carl's pics whenever he's on the road and—
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wearepenguins · 5 years
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i have been found deceased..
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leafsbabe · 4 years
how Zach Aston-Reese is like in bed
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what Zach Aston-Reese is like in bed:
- Zach is a big sweetie
- he always wants to take things slow and thoroughly spoil you
- loves to just kiss his way down your body
- until he’s just where he wants to be
- he just feels good between your legs
- the feeling of your thighs around his head
- and your hands in his hair
- best feeling in the world for him
- when his mouth is not otherwise busy he’s very vocal in bed
- his moans sound so sweet
- Zach prefers soft lovemaking over rough fucking 
- but he’s always ready to give you what you need
- no to shower sex
- but yes to bathtub cuddling that leads to some nice foreplay that leads to more
- loves being the little spoon
- and when you’re done you can let Carl into the bedroom again and he always manages to take up way too much space for his tiny body so Zach and you always cuddle close
his dick:
- he’s big
- and weirdly pretty
the experience:
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Baby Aston-Reese
So I’m super nervous about posting this as it is my first fic I’ve ever written. I started off with Zar because I love him very much and it was just easier to write for him. I hope you like this. Please feel free to leave constructive criticism as I always want to improve my writing. Again I hope you like it! -E
Mentions: Zach Aston-Reese
Warnings: None, maybe a cuss word?
Word Count: 1,119
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“So Y/N, are you excited about the wedding?” your coworker, Jamie, asked you.
“Not nearly as excited as getting to meet Lily,” you replied, smiling, as you rubbed your swollen belly.  
“Isn’t she due in a few weeks?” your charge nurse, Bridget asked.
“Two weeks, but it seems like forever, I already love her more than anything, but I’m ready to be able to sleep without feeling like I’m going to wet the bed.” you joked.
“How is Zach?” Bridget asked.
“Good, as long as he stays healthy.” you sighed, looking up at the T.V. which was currently showing the pregame for the Penguins vs. the Flyers game.
You suddenly grimaced, grabbing your back.
“Y/N are you okay?” Jamie asked, noticing your sudden change in demeanor.
“Yeah, just Braxton Hicks, nothing too major.” looking up at the T.V.
Suddenly feeling wet between your legs, you look down to see a small patch of clear liquid forming on your scrub pants.
“Are you sure about that Y/N?” Jamie laughs, quickly realizing what was happening.
“Of course she couldn’t wait until Zach was done playing.” you laughed, trying to not grimace again from the pain.
“When do you want to call Zach?” your best friend, Kathy asked.
“Not until I get closer to giving birth.” you said, “Plus there’s no way I want Zach to miss the game this close to the playoffs.
"Y/N, you know Zach will be upset if he misses anything,” Kathy responded.
“And I’ll be upset if he misses the game, I might not even give birth tonight anyway,” you responded by throwing your hands up at the T.V. showing your displeasure at the call on the ice.
Kathy laughed, as Bridget came in to check on you and to see how dilated you were.
“Well Y/N, you are at seven cm, you might want to call Zach,” she said glancing up at the screen.
Kathy stood up, stretching her legs, “How about I go down to your car and grab your hospital bag and call Dana to get Zach off the ice. They are about ready to start the second intermission, and it won’t take long for Zach to get here."
"Kathy, don’t call Zach, please.” you practically yell as she’s walking out of the doorway.
She turns around smiling, “Fine, I’m not going to argue with the pregnant nurse.” she winked towards Bridget, putting her hands up in surrender.
“Y/N, I wouldn’t say anything but, you need to call Zach,” Bridget says, pulling her gloves off, “You are at eight cm, you should know better than anyone how quickly you can go from eight cm to ten cm."
Kathy looked at you pulling out her phone.
"FINE! Go ahead and call Dana, and pull Zach off the ice, I don’t want to hear the complaining from fans because it’s your fault Kathy!” you yell, just as another contraction blindsided you.
“Y/N, no one will be upset that Zach is leaving the game early because his fiancé had his baby.” Kathy replied walking back into the room, “Dana should be talking to Sully now to get Zach on his way here."
You both looked up at the T.V.  as the commentators were confused by the sudden timeout called by the Penguins.
"It seems as the Penguins just burned their timeout.”
“I don’t know why they would do this so early into the third period.”
“Well, it looks like they are changing their second line as Aston-Reese is heading down into the tunnel.”
“Okay Y/N, you are at nine cm.” your OGBYN, Dr. Smith, said while smiling brightly, “Almost time to start pushing.”
You looked at Kathy with a horrified look on your face.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
With tears threatening to spill over, “I can’t start pushing without Zach. I won’t. I refuse."
Kathy rolled her eyes, "Y/N, she said it’s almost time to start, not that you have to start right this second.”
You just nodded, not knowing what to say. Your crazy mood swings are something that you wouldn’t miss, along with the morning sickness and the weird cravings.
“Lily, please wait a little bit longer for daddy to get here okay?” you pleaded.
Another contraction hit, prompting Dr. Smith to recheck your dilation.
“Y/N, as soon as you feel the urge to push, I need you to push.” Dr. Smith instructed.
“Kathy, please call Zach and see where he is, and put him on speaker” suddenly angry that he wasn’t there with you.
Kathy pulled out her phone quickly dialing Zach as not to upset you even more than you already were.
“Hello?” you heard Zach’s voice ring through the phone.
“Zachary Aston-Reese, if you aren’t in this hospital room within the next five minutes I swear, you will be sleeping on the couch for the next three years.” you spat out, grabbing the side of the hospital bed so hard your knuckles started to turn white.
“I’m at the hospital right now. What room are you in?” Zach asked as calmly as he could.
“219” Kathy replied quickly as your focus had turned back to the game.
“Oh come on! You are joking, that was clearly goalie interference.” you cried.
“Is she seriously watching the game right now?” Zach laughed. “Only my fiancée.”
“Yes, she is. She wouldn’t let me call you when she was dilated to seven cm because she didn’t want you to miss any of the game so close to the playoffs.” Kathy replied, shooting you a sideways glance.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Zach asked rushing through the door, still suited up in his gear.
“Oh just peachy, Zachary. It’s not like there is a human being trying to push her way out of my vagina or anything.” you snapped.
Zach smiled sheepishly, “You’re right, dumb question."
"Okay Y/N, since Zach finally decided to grace us with his presence, smell and all,  I’m going to need you to push.” Dr. Smith said with a smile.
After a few hard pushes and a whole lot of not so baby friendly words, you were welcomed with the cries from your new baby girl.
“She’s beautiful, just like her momma,” Zach whispered as Lily was placed into your arms.
After about ten minutes, you and Zach turned as there was a knock at the door.
Kathy, smiling, asked if you were up for visitors because as she put it “There is a waiting room full of smelly hockey players who wanted to see Lily. Oh, and the other families were starting to get upset."
You and Zach just laughed and looked at Lily, who was peacefully sleeping in the bassinet next to the bed.
"Of course,” you replied with a smile.
Again I hope you like this! Send in requests as I’m very excited to start writing! -E
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