#zagr twins
zimsrightantenna · 3 years
You know what. Invader Zim fandom we should make our “reblog if you’re into this type of iz content” posts so we can find our own niches and be surrounded by people who want to talk about the same stuff
Here is mine
REBLOG or LIKE if you are also into 1 or more of these (don’t have to actively post but you can tag how active you are, bonus if you say which ones):
• tv series canon pictures, clips or scripts (not counting ETF or comics in this one, but unaired episodes are counted)
• earth and irk are both dystopic horrifying places to be but they still have the familiarity of home
• Dib siding with Zim instead of Zim siding with Dib
• art styles that are similar to canon but with a twist
• zadr that are enemies AND lovers, dysfunctional, aggressive, ambiguous wether they’re enemies or friends or lovers or rivals, or anything similar like zadqp (Zim and Dib queer platonic), zade or zadf
• Skoodge being a highly capable badass
• razr where Red and Zim were forced apart by their issues but still care about each other in some dysfunctional way
• competent leader Red
• Red and Purple disliking each other despite being childhood friends/twins and being forced to be corulers
• zagr where Gaz could kick Zim’s ass and he would say thank you
• intelligent, competent Zim who fails because he can’t prioritize, concentrate or see through his own delusions/paranoia
• Invader Tenn at all please my people
• zim x zim/zazr at all (especially if it’s not from the comics)
• Professor Membrane terrible father
• control brains being the first ever paks on Irkens
• paks being a second brain explored in a biological/mechanic way
• gore and biology, especially irken but any other alien or character is fine too
• Gir in general
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Sudden Devil Fausts AU Thought
When the elf reincarnation arc happens and the Shadow Palace is summoned, Josele (with her devilish twins in tow) is definitely going inside to chase down the enemy.
Josele, Nacht, and Morgen would immediately recognize the mana of a devil being used within the place and race deeper inside.
They reach the chamber where Zagred has manifested his body and is torturing Patry. Asta and Yuno have fended off Zagred’s attacks while Mimosa heals Rhya.
“Get me over there!” Morgen tells Josele through their mental link. “Now!”
Borrowing Morgen’s Light Magic, Josele races past everyone to where Patry and Zagred are. Zagred attempts to force her back but her speed overpowers the backward repulsion just enough to press forward.
As she closes in, Patry’s grimoire gains a fifth leaf and turns dark.
Zagred reaches for the grimoire and…
Morgen manifests his own body and snatches the grimoire from Zagred’s grasp instead.
“Seeing as this grimoire came with a light attribute, I think it’s better suited to me,” Morgen says while waving the book. “Better luck next time.”
Yes that’s right. Devil Morgen is gonna snatch up Patry’s five-leaf grimoire!
Does that make defeating Zagred infinitely easier in this arc? Oh it certainly does! I mean, considering that Josele already has two devils with her and years of training with them, the fight would’ve been leagues easier already.
But isn’t it also funny to think that Zagred got cheated out of a five-leaf grimoire for a second time? I think so! Also, I imagine Patry asking Devil Morgen for his grimoire back but Morgen just going “What? No. Finders keepers you genocidal maniac.” So Patry still ends up grimoireless because that elf has to take some Ls. (Sorry Patry. I do like you but I love Morgen.)
Nacht could’ve also been the one to claim the grimoire since the grimoire’s attribute would’ve changed to match the new devil owner, but Morgen doing it lets him get in his cheesy one liner.
So Morgen gets a fancy new grimoire to boost his devil magic. Nacht asks if he can get a grimoire next and Josele shuts him down. Considering what she saw Patry go through before his grimoire turned black, she’s not gonna try replicating it for Nacht’s sake.
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blackcloverfan101 · 3 years
Every Time Lucifero Kidnaps Asta and Liebe be like:
Lucifero: Face it. There is no escape. You will die in my hands. You are pathetic. And, you call yourself a devil?
Liebe: FYI, In case you haven’t noticed Lucifero, I can easily overpower you.
Lucifero: Then why are you still trapped?
Liebe: Mainly because this idiot won’t let me explain my plan *glances at Asta*
Asta: Can’t we just kill him?
Liebe: We have to break out first idiot.
Asta: Right. So, Devil Union?
Liebe: *sigh* Fine.
Asta: YOSHA! Lets go!
Liebe: Right.
Lucifero: Your pathetic Devil Union cannot overpower me.
Liebe: Yes it can! If we can kill Zagred, and the Twins, we can kill you.
Lucifero: You killed Zagred!?
Asta: Yeah! Like waaaaaaaaayyyyy back, during the Elf crisis.
Liebe: For once he’s right.
Liebe: Also I think we should stop wasting time.
Asta: Good point! Devil!
Liebe: Union!
DU Asta: Your done for! *they both say in union (quite literally)*
Lucifero: Oh no..
Megicula: It was at this moment that he knew...
Zenon’s Devil: He fucked up.
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silvyavan · 3 years
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A part of me joked that Lillith and Nahaam were Zagred's parents/main influences but damn the same pose and form TWICE really shows a similarity
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Giant black divider and horny dialogue aside, I like how Magna appears just in time to see Asta use the same type of counter against Twin Devils as two years ago when he was getting his magic knight's robe from Magna.
Really coming full circle with the Bulls
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uozlulu · 3 years
Black Clover chapter 307 reaction and spoilers
Zenon offers his body and soul to Beelzebub in exchange for the Spade Kingdom’s continued existence. It’s striking because it’s a metaphor for some soldiers soldiering today. Zenon will give up his humanity in exchange for the longevity of his homeland despite the fact that means he will commit atrocities and war crimes. It also means possibly that Zenon, who might have had the greatest chance of pulling off a Piccolo in this arc, probably can’t due to the parts of himself he gambled away. It’s also in line with Dark Triad vs. Light Triad since it’s a rejection of humanism, faith in humanity, and Kantianism completely.
Zenon transforms into devil heart mode and the narrative rightfully points out that not only does he resemble Zagred, but without a human heart, he’s essentially already a devil.
I love how essentially Zenon and Yuno are fighting their own selves. They’re very similar people but Yuno is ever so slightly softer. Placed in the same situation, Yuno’s arrow misses its target to avoid Langris whereas Zenon sacrificed Allen and won. It’s also interesting that the narrative punishes Yuno here, but it’s also essential that Yuno fails here too. This an arc in which Yuno must keep failing because he’s never failed before properly. He needs to learn his mistake of thinking he learned enough, grew enough that he avoided training in Heart Kingdom. He has to learn even though he can manipulate mana more so than anyone around him, that it means nothing if he doesn’t train the skill. Since Yuno is a four-leaf clover and the fourth leaf is luck I think he will very much survive this war. Hopefully when this is all over, Yuno will be able to meet with Smurik whom I suspect is his past life’s twin.
A few pages ago it seemed like Yuno’s arrow cracked the space distortion, which explains why Finral is here now. I like that even though Finral and Langris only grew up together for part of their lives, Finral’s older brother instincts are so strong he acted without really thinking about it to save Langris from Zenon’s attack.
The narrative says that Finral was able to show up in the space distortion because “Langris’ Mana Zone makes it possible to activate spells.” That’s actually strangely cute because it means that Finral and Langris’ budding connection to each other and acceptance that they’re brothers that really started during the climax of the Elf Reincarnation Arc is the reason Finral is here. This is also a great way to illustrate how far the two of them have come since the start of the series as well.
Finral: If we're together, we can fight!!! Isn't that right, Langris?!! Langris: Seriously, you're one insolent big brother!!!
They grasp hands and prepare for a combined attack. Cannot wait to see what they can do as a team. I am hyped.
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allovesthings · 3 years
So did they do it ?  Did they kill the twin demons ? Because if I remember correctly, they had to destroy the heart of Zagred to kill him...
I love how thankful Liebe is to Asta. I just love the relationship forming between them !!
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alexthegamingboy · 3 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 7/03/2021
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon EP#02 - The Three Princesses: When they were four years old, Towa and Setsuna were playing together in a forest until they get caught in a fire and while trying to rescue her sister, Towa is dragged away by a portal which leaves her stranded in the present. She is found by Kagome's younger brother Sōta, who takes her in. Ten years later, Towa is being harassed by some bullies despite changing schools to avoid them, although she easily defeats them in a fight. Back in the past, the Demon Slayers Hisui (the son of Sango and Miroku), Kohaku, and Setsuna confront Moroha, mistaking her for a demon that is attacking the locals, until Mistress Three-Eyes appears and steals the Red and Gold Rainbow Pearls in Moroha and Setsuna's possession to power herself up. In the present, the bullies return and hold Towa's adopted family hostage, but she makes quick work of them and then they flee once they hear the police sirens, unaware that they were just passing by. Suddenly, a portal opens, dragging Setsuna, Moroha, and Mistress Three-Eyes to the present before Towa, who recognizes her long-lost beloved twin sister. Sensing the Silver Rainbow Pearl in Towa's possession, Mistress Three-Eyes attacks her as well. Towa tries to slash her, but her sword breaks in half, much to her shock.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars (Communications Arc) EP#08 (32) - Final Battle: Senku is shown earlier when he first de-petrified. Taiju and Senku look back at when they woke up and where everything first started. The Kingdom of Science march towards the miracle cave, consequently Senku fires the gorilla-tank with the aim of reducing morale. Kohaku and the others begin their frontal-assault, however the tank falls prey to the anti-steam vehicle traps. Magma and Chrome use their new weapon, the Sonic-Cannon to immobilize multiple soldiers of the Tsukasa Empire. Nikki and Ukyo stop Minami from warning Tsukasa. To the surprise of Ukyo, Tsukasa and Hyoga arrive at the miracle cave. Kohaku and Kokuyo rush Tsukasa in order to make time for Senku to escape.
My Hero Academia Season 5 (Joint Training Arc) EP#97 (09): Early Bird!: Creating a plan targeting Bakugo's selfish traits, The Class B Team quickly works to overwhelm Class A only to be driven back by their perfect teamwork. Bakugo will always seek a perfect victory and that includes not letting a single member of his team fall. In the end, Match 4 finishes in 5 minutes with a victory for Class A. After, Bakugo awkwardly shrugs off Midoriya and All Might’s compliments. As Match 5 nears, Monoma and his team begin discussing their strategy, with their main focus being to take Midoriya down first. Elsewhere, Midoriya practices with One For All, and the quirk operates no different than usual. At long last, the final match of Joint Training begins.
Food Wars: The Third Plate (Promotion Exams Arc) EP#56 (19) - A Declaration of War: With the exception of Soma, Erina, Megumi, and Takumi, all of the rebels lose their matches against the Elite Ten and are expelled. The remaining rebels decide that the only way to overturn the expulsions is to challenge the Elite Ten to a Shokugeki, but they cannot convince Azami to agree to the challenge. Joichiro and Senzaemon unexpectedly arrive and propose a team Shokugeki called a Regiment de Cuisine. Joichiro offers to join Central if the rebels lose, and Azami agrees. Joichiro, Senzaemon, and Dojima proceed to personally train Soma and his friends. They start with a 3v3 cooking match where Joichiro, Soma, and Erina compete against Dojima, Megumi, and Takumi. They must cook Hachis Parmentier, with an additional rule that teammates may not speak to each other. During this match, both Joichiro and Dojima diverge from the standard hachis parmentier recipe to further test the students.
Black Clover: Six Months of Training Arc EP#157 - Five-Leaf Clover: Gaja asks Asta about his early life and the Devil in his Grimoire so Asta explains about being found by Father Orsi, his childhood with Yuno at Hage and his initial failure to receive a Grimoire. After Yuno was attacked by Revchi, Asta was granted the 5 clover Grimoire and was accepted into the Black Bulls while Yuno was accepted by the Golden Dawn, later finding the Demon Dweller sword that allowed him to borrow the magic of others and his first contact with the elves, when Patry was still masquerading as Licht. He also explains how Yami taught him Ki detection. Gaja asks how Asta activates his devil form so Asta explains about his visit to the Witches Forest and his fight against Ladros when he activated his devil form by accident, then his training at Yultim volcano where he activated it intentionally. Asta explains how he received the Demon Destroyer sword during the Elves invasion that helped in his defeat of the devil Zagred. All that remained was his trial by Parliament and attempting to prove his innocence. Satisfied with the tale Gaja resumes dueling with Asta. Meanwhile, Loropechika explains to Noelle how everyone is improving and Noelle is hopeful she can get revenge for her mother. Gaja disarms Asta and momentarily sees Liebe manifesting himself to protect Asta from harm and decides he must push Asta to his limit to grow his powers even further. Within Asta, Liebe declares events are getting a lot more interesting.
Slightly Damned Page 1015: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/1015
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icewitcher · 4 years
Black clover 268
THAT CHAPTER IS SO INTENSE, I WANT TO CRY BUT AT THE SAME TIME I WANT TO HEADBUTT AND VIOLENTLY MURDER SOME DEVILS (*cough* Lucifero*cough*) Also I have several questions that might be important and could possibly bring more drama, tears, malice and anger for the characters in the story. Also the page that I show you are probably coming from a fanmade translation, when the official version will be out  I will replace the page those translation by the accurate one if I may say. If you want to know when a more official version will be out then ...
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That’s the countdown, think you can handle it ?
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Me: I would like to call Devil May Cry agency please. It’s for a important job, a job about killing some devils.
It was literally my reaction when I read that page, I swear ! But... FUCK YOU DEVILS, MY BOY ANTIMA PASS THE GATE !!! I’m sure they thought they let something important go away by taking their anger on Antima when they throw him.
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Lichita, huh ? You can’t tell me there is no connection with the elves or Licht especially when she found this !
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So this is why she gave up Asta to the orphanage. Too bad she didn’t know her son is magicless or else she could have live with Asta.
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Look at how much he is happy and how cute he is with Lichita !!! This is why the following pages are heartbreaking and that I have the sudden urge to go in BC universe, go to hell and kick devil’s ass until they beg me to give them mercy.
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AT THIS POINT IT’S NOT DANTE, VERGIL, NERO AND THE REST OF THE DMC GANG WE NEED, IT’S GABRIEL BELMONT|DRACULA FROM CASTLEVANIA: LORDS OF SHADOW WE NEED !!! HE BEAT TWICE SATAN ASS SO LUCIFERO SHOULDN’T BE A PROBLEM FOR HIM !!! Also Liebe|Ribe said “the superior devil” and not a superior devil so it confirms that Luci is the devil king and that there’s not another stronger, powerful devil hiding behind unless... Tabata is the guy behind Black clover so everything is possible. But... HE WAS FUCKING READY TO POSSESS ANTIMA, BLESS GOD ASTA’S MOM FOR SAVING HIM !!!
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Thoughts of Asta’s mom: FUCK OFF, DEVIL !!! DON’T TOUCH MY SON !!!
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You got me once Tabata but not a second time ! I mean... A stab in the stomach doesn’t mean she is dead. Tetia, that we all thought to be dead, was still alive and possibly went to Heart kingdom so she can live with the living twin peacefully. I think there is a possibility she is still alive but where ? I am honestly too scared to give you my thought but since Lucifero is a bastard... I’ll say he kept her as his personal prisoner in the Underworld or in the real world, either playing with her body or her soul. Something dark, something that will make Liebe|Ribe|Antima snap for good leaving Asta defenseless at the crucial moment. Because yes Lucifero seems (more like is but not a word about it) to be a big bitch there. And I have a very bad feeling, a bad feeling that manifests when I read next page...
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How much do we bet that Lucifero, by some miracle, was somehow still around and heard what Lichita said to AMD ? I think you know where I’m going with this one and yes that’s probably the scariest thought that I ever had about Black Clover... Imagine that Lucifero connect the dots, realize that Asta is the blood son of the woman he killed when he tried to take possession of Ribe body and being the bitch he is will tell him something like this and we have a discussion like this:
“Tell me human... How do you feel if I told you that your own mother prefer to give her mother love to a devil instead of you, her own blood child ?”
“What are you talking about ?”
“So that devil of yours didn’t tell you anything... Secrets are always ending up to be reveal, lower devil.”
“Your mother told to your devil and I quote Live, Liebe ! My beloved son...” and your devil called her mother”
And us, readers, knows it’s the truth and I’m scare to know Asta’s reaction if it does happen. With ki, he will know that Lucifero tell him the truth even if he is the one to have murder the mom. Imagine to be Asta for a second: a boy with no magic in a world where magic is everything, you are an orphan, your foster brother that have the same age than you is powerful, a goddamn genius and is praise by evryone by your only father figure. You live with, minimum, ten years of being bullied, called terrible words and your own family don’t believe in you. If it wasn’t enough, your brother get a legendary grimoire. Then at least 6 months later, you save your own country from a devil only to be chosen as the scapegoat of the situation because you have yourself a devil. You are more or less exile from the kingdom to search proof of the existence of devils, you fight more tha one and when you’re against the strongest one, your opponent drop that fucking bomb, he says to your face that your own mother place you in an orphanage but adopt the first injuried, almost dead kid that turns to be a devil and in her dying moments call said devil “my beloved son”.
Personnally I think I will be super mad, angry and full of hatred especially if no one told me what are the circumstances that could have push her to abandon me. And I feel like will not tell Asta that tiny but important piece of information. Asta is the kind of person to act on his emotions, by impulsions and since that part is about malice, anger, hatred and other negative emotions, I feel like Asta WILL be the one to do a big mistake and then Lucifero will use that to his advantage like I don’t know, revive Astaroth from the depht of hell or possess Asta since he has no problem when it’s about to control the body of someone that don’t have mana.
But my friends... THE HYPE IS STILL THERE !!! I WANT TO KNOW HOW THE FIGHT ASTA VS ANTIMA WILL CONTINUE AND END !!! Just please, Tabata don’t do a repeat of the events of the past to make Antima realize that Asta is Lichita’s son and kinda like a brother or something more for him when his host is almost dead.
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cosmicstardust17 · 4 years
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⚠️DO NOT USE OR REPOST MY WORK PORFAVOR And please DONT STEAL OR TRACE ⚠️ and DONT COPY come up with your own shit lol              The Zagr smeets and Azar in their disguises they look completely different in there real forms which i have drawings of that in previous post  now let me explain their backgrounds..... and i will be making profiles for all of them. Zar: The oldest of the zagr smeets a very serious cold and dangerous person he also has a split personality which can lead him to seriously hurting someone but he does have the ability to love and care for people he is also Asexual. also he is blind from one eyes which was a result of really dangerous that happened to him as a kid which will be revealed in a future comic.  Azar: The second oldest but not blood related or adopted he just started living with them i have his backstory in comics already which i will be finishing and posting later on in the future his parents were killed at a younger age also he really loves being around Miz and he is really self-destructive and destructive to the people or things around him he can be calm and chill tho, there are a lot of things wrong with him that mostly connects with his really torturous and depressing child hood.  Fun Fact:(Azar) his name means fire. Also (Azars and Miz’s relationship is like Mikasa and Eren then add sum Krista and Ymir into the Mix then a cup of ruby and sapphire lol)  Miz and Zag:The third oldest Fraternal twins they look nothing alike in their real forms Miz got way more of her mothers genes than Zag who looks so much like his father Zim. Miz is seven Minutes older than Zag. Zag has a more shy and timid personality but can very silly,stupid and LOUD, Miz is very calm and nice but can be a very mean cruel person she can kick ass but does get bullied once in a while along with her siblings she ends up winning the fights anyway but does get cuts and bruises from her fights. Her yandere best friend is Azar they love to hangout with each other Azar does have a major crush on Miz but Miz doesn't feel the same which does hurt Azar but spoiler alert i already have the ending for my Zagr Smeet Au and they both get a really Happy ending with          ( each other) lol.  Zak: The youngest and most obnoxiously loud and hyper of them all. He can be a really positive dude and really chill and can get really sad sometimes his personality is kinda like amethysts and peridot mixed together aka from Steven universe. Since the Zagr smeets grew up without a father figure Zaks father figure is gir most of his personality and hyperness  was influenced by Gir. Zak moslty hangs out with his older brother Zag and they both love to get into trouble together and are really mischievous.  All of them sometimes Give Gaz a hard time since she is a single mother caring for 5 children on her own on earth while Zim was out in the Universe fighting. Everything else will be revealed in comics in future post.  
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courtesanofdeath · 3 years
now you! top 7 BC fav characters, fights, magic???💕💞💗
omg noooo why would u do this to me heidi 😭asking people for their fav things is so fun but actually doing them yourself is hard lol but thank you for asking and giving me a chance to ramble once again! 🥰 this is suuuuper long im sorry!
fav characters
asta -- the bestest boy
fav fights
asta vs liebe -- I CRIED. they really went full circle with that. asta finally meeting his demon, + reflecting on his mentors + liebe thinking of asta's mom at the end. and haruka mirai (op 1) playing throughout the whole thing made it all better. everything about it was *chef's kiss*
black bulls vs vetto -- this fight was really when i started to really love the series and the characters! like it was good before the seabed arc but that arc really made me even more attached!
asta and yami vs dante -- the sword pass !!!! chills !!
asta and yuno (ft yami) vs zagred -- my fav part about this was lumiere, licht, and nero's involvement omg. i cant even put it into words but them working together then asta and yuno and yami doing the final blows was just so great! also i know asta says 'im gonna become the wizard king' a LOT but when nero healed him and she goes 'become the wizard king' then they showed the flashbacks of asta's training and fights, I was a big mess !!
julius vs patri -- julius showing off his grimoire + a series of really cool spells, all so so so good!
the whole fight in the witched' forest -- asta turning into a demon for the first time, vanessa and finral doing a lot of super cool things, fana and mars being cute after being chaotic, and vanessa getting rouge. so much good stuff !!
the captains fight -- dorothy vs yami specifically, but also nozel vs fuego ! all the captains (minus rill) got to show off their super cool moves!
these are not animated yet but i also really love the fight scenes in the manga -- asta and liebe vs the twin devils, nacht vs the twin devils, dante vs magna, noelle vs vanica, and charlotte vs vanica. also the cute little fight with nacht and asta at the beginning (chibi liebe so cute)
fav magic
gravity magic -- this is just in general for me; i think gravity manipulators are so cool (like chuuya from bsd) the potential is endless !
painting magic -- again so much potential! rill's magic is always so fun to see!
dream magic -- same with dorothy! we haven't seen her go all out yet so im really hoping we get to see her do so later on! but her magic is so fun and pretty!
dark magic -- super cool and bad ass. it's considered ~ weird magic ~ in the clover kingdom so im really curious what type of magic they have where yami came from. also kind of irrelevant but i really like how yami says the spells lol
finral's spatial magic -- i saw a post about how if finral really stepped up his game he'd be able to do that thing that gojo does (like the thing where no one can touch him) but also so much more things! finral is only for support but i think his magic can do so much cool things
time magic -- it's pretty ambiguous but i just love it so much. the last spell that julius did during the patri vs julius fight was so good !! im really curious what kinds of spells he had in that massive grimoire that's gone so soon 😭
lightning magic -- luck's to be specific. like you mentioned, there's variety of the same types of magic, which is so cool, and i think luck's is my fav one. so much power !! it's perfect for him. i just love watching him go feral with it lmao
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The Fall of the House of Usher with the Black Bulls? Bonus points if you add some eerie aura to it, but that is totally up to you! Thank you in advance!
Hello! Thank you for requesting this fic. I took the liberty to apply some more themes from “The Fall of the House of Usher” than just the prompt’s family, eerie, and home themes. Twins, legacy, and of course, the quintessential haunted house, are also explored in this story!
As a sidenote - this fanfic features an ensemble cast, but primarily revolves around Secre and Zagred. Happy reading, and thank you again for requesting! (ᵔᴥᵔ)
Zagred haunts her. In a mansion overflowing with people and endless cheer, he haunts her.
“You had five hundred years to make peace. I had to die and then wake up as a ghost, with all the same pain and memories I had when I was still alive. I possessed a human being. You spent your life sitting on top of a statue before finding a boy to manipulate into doing your bidding.”
As she makes her way through the winding halls of the grand castle, Secre remembers speaking with Patolli of the Elf tribe few times in her five hundred and seventeen years. Still, there are words reverberating through her head in his voice, words he's never spoken to her since he barely knows her. Patolli barely remembered her when they met face to face again after the souls of the dead elves ascended, and she can't blame him. She'd been a crown prince's servant – her existence was meant for the shadows.
And yet, that's not how it is now. There aren't enough shadows in Henry Legolant's mansion for Secre Swallowtail to hide in.
“I can't change my actions, nor can I change my feelings, but you... You pretend like you've always cared. At least I did what I did out of rage, even if it was misguided, but you spent five hundred years chasing a rock. Who can you blame for your eternity of longing? You could have chosen death in those five hundred years, but you chose to wait instead because you had an inkling of hope that your beloved could be brought back.”
Secre swallows the lump in her throat and makes her way down the small flight of stairs. It seems her room is on the second floor of the grand castle today, instead of the fourth floor she'd walked up to the night before. The landing is buzzing with Luck Voltia's electric currents, and what she senses to be Charmy Pappitson's cotton magic. The smell of freshly baked bread gently wafts through the landing, infecting each and every one of her senses with the kindness and love she's been starving for, for five hundred years.
It's hunger, this feeling, not longing because the longing she had for Lumiere is moot now, because Lumiere is dust. He's the ash at the bottom of a fire pit in the early rays of dawn, but the hunger she feels now is something different, something more manic, something that slept quietly in her chest during her time as a bird, but suddenly awoke when she came across the fifteen-year-old boy who desperately reminded her of a dead dream, a dream where she and her Lumiere had a child, a child that doesn't exist.
It's this hunger that finally compelled her to stop using that fifteen-year-old boy for her own agenda. It's the hunger that drives her now, that drives her to protect that boy and his friends, to look at the shadows of Henry Legolant's castle with love instead of fear because now the shadows can help her to find the best spots to launch an attack if someone tries to hurt the boy and his friends, these human beings that are filling the hole in Secre's heart.
Atonement? I was fifteen when I died, fifteen when I woke up again. How can you look at me like I'm trash when you were the one who received the mercy of time when all I received was uncontrollable rage at knowing that no matter what I did in the end, I could never bring back what I lost? How can you look at me with such disdain knowing you're worse?”
Perhaps that's why her Lumiere is dead now. She has to pay for her negligence of a child who looked to her as a companion. It doesn't matter that Asta forgives her, that the others see her as a part of their family, none of it matters because Secre committed the same sin as Patolli, used a depressed, lonely boy to commit violence in the name of her beloved, used Asta to revive her Lumiere to defeat Zagred, just like Patolli used William Vangeance to revive his Licht, the Licht that never loved Patolli like Patolli loved him.
Just like the way Lumiere never loved her the way she loved him.
“You're worse than I will ever be, Secre of the noble house of Swallowtail. You're a filthy noblewoman who had everything and pretended she had nothing. You deserve this pain more than I do. You deserved to lose your Lumiere after five hundred years of waiting. You deserved to be strung along like the little rat that you are.”
It stings, but it's true, and maybe that's why Secre is still here and not dead at the bottom of a river. Zagred haunts her because he knows her. Zagred knows her as intimately as the verdant forests of the Forbidden Realm know the sun. Secre starves for kindness and warmth, just like Zagre starves for a corporeal body. Secre didn't kill herself in her five hundred years as a bird because for her, it was a blip on the radar, nothing more than an obstacle for her to get past to bring back her most precious light, her Lumiere. Nothing was sacred in that quest – not the fifteen-year-old boy who cried for magic so that he wouldn't be discriminated against, not the Magic Knights who were too daft to notice that she wasn't just an ordinary bird, and certainly not the nobles who were too ignorant to notice how they themselves sowed the seeds of dissent in their own kingdom. For Secre, none of it mattered because only Lumiere mattered.
And Zagred knows, and so he haunts her.
He takes on the voice of an elf she barely knows, and he finds her deepest, most repressed feelings before snatching them from the depths of her chest and bringing them into the light. Zagred forces her to admit that she's no different than the elf who almost sacrificed the entirety of the kingdom to bring back his brethren. Patolli of the Elf tribe barely knows her, and she barely knows Patolli of the Elf tribe, but Zagred knows her more than Lumiere ever did, and so he haunts her, haunts her under the guise of an elf who'd murdered countless human beings and managed to get away with it all. Patolli is her long-lost twin, and Zagred will never let her forget it.
She walks into the dining hall, the tables already decked with food, beverage, and cutlery. The voice has shifted now, becoming more and more like the creature it belongs to, and not the elf who escaped.
Secre attempts a smile on her saturnine face, and finds that the effort hurts. She stops before Charmy and Luck can get a look at her. They're occupied with putting on the finishing touches to the overflowing table, Luck setting booby traps on Magna Swing's plate and fork, while Charmy instructs her sheep to pack food for the magical beasts living in the castle dungeons. They don't notice her yet, because she's a wraith in her own right, a ghost drifting from room to room.
“Oh, you're up,” she hears Yami Sukehiro drawl. She turns to the taller man, also an early-riser but just as clandestine as Secre. There's a cigarette hanging from his mouth, and his clothes smell like fresh leaves and dew, so she suspects he was out training in the forest before Charmy can ring her breakfast bells.
Secre nods in assent and turns back to the two young adults who've finally noticed her and are waving her over to take a seat. She attempts another smile, and this time, something resembling a smirk appears on her lips, but it still hurts, because Secre isn't used to smiling. She didn't smile when she and her Lumiere used to spend hours poring over books and tinkering around with magic in the castle yards. She knows little about how to socialize, but she tries. She tries because Zagred will kill her otherwise, under the guise of her spiritual twin, the elf named Patolli who has left Clover without being punished for his crimes.
“But I'm not really here, am I, Secre Swallowtail?”
“Nero, there you are!” Asta calls out, barging into the breakfast hall with his cleaning outfit already coated with dust and mud. “I was wondering where you went!”
“She came down to eat like a normal person,” Yami deadpans before bonking the boy on the head with a closed fist. Asta screeches in pain before passing out for ten seconds. When he wakes up, his eyes are sparkling with endearment, and Charmy has a pail of food ready for the beasts in the dungeon.
“I'll be right back,” Asta declares with more sparkles than necessary, and then he disappears, and Zagred's voice gets just a little lower.
“And he's not your son.”
Secre blinks, her red eyes going redder. No one notices, not even Yami who is dangerously observant at times. She looks down at the plate that Luck has filled up for her. Her ears perk up at the sound of Vanessa Enoteca's tell-tale yawns, and her eyes land on Rouge the cat, who cocks its head to the side and watches her, its fur as red as her eyes.
“And they aren't yours to protect.”
Patolli the elf's voice is gone now. It's Zagred, the demon, the being who knows her better than Lumiere, the creature who stole everything from her, her life, her light, her humanity.
Secre's eyes bleed red and she wants to destroy, wants to burn down everything in her path because she's hollow, her soul is corrupted, and she's one step away from becoming a monster like Licht, a monster that Asta and the Black Bulls will have to euthanize once she loses control.
“Nero-san? Is everything alright?” Secre hears, finding that the rage vanishes suddenly. She blinks a couple of times to completely wash away the reverie before turning to the familiar voices.
It's Grey and Gordon, their eyes filled with worry. Noelle is right behind them, pretending she isn't concerned, but her fists are balled in her lap and she's pensive, waiting for Secre to answer their question.
“I'm fine,” she says, the plastic smile budding on her lips, “just hungry.”
“Then you should eat!” Noelle squeaks, because she can't help herself when she's worried, and now Grey is shakily piling too many warm biscuits onto her plate while Gordon is pouring her coffee, and Charmy is singing, and Yami is smoking, and there is warmth, and love, and cheer, and Asta is back, and Asta is everything she's ever hoped her child would be, a beacon of hope in the darkness she's always lived in.
“Thank you,” Secre says.
'Fuck you.' She hisses inwardly at Zagred's voice, Zagred who is only dead in his corporeal form, but not in essence, because demons don't die.
“But we're cousins now.” Zagred coos back, because Zagred knows her intimately, the demon that set her tragedies in motion, who wants her to lose her mind when her grief becomes as all-encompassing as Licht's, and she becomes a demon herself.
Because that's what she is now – one step from becoming a demon.
She looks around the table at the family of misfits, all of them unrelated to her in every shape and form, and yet fundamentally her family – her lifeblood. Her Lumiere always told her to find her own happiness, but he had been her happiness, but now her Lumiere is dust, and she's still alive.
She attempts to smile again, and this time, Yami smiles indulgently at her efforts while Magna asks her if she wants more biscuits, even though there are seven biscuits on her plate.
Zagred haunts her, and Lumiere is dust. Patolli is her spiritual twin, and Asta and the Black Bulls are the children she never dared to ask for, for fear of retribution. Her light is gone, and the demon persists, but now she has this – this castle and this home, these shadows she has grown to love.
“I'll see you soon.” Zagred promises her.
And the red of her eyes bleed redder, because Secre isn't worried. When the time comes, she will trust her family to take care of her like her Lumiere took care of Licht. Because this castle, this home, is testament to the faith that they will put her to rest when the time comes.
“Thank you,” she says again, and takes a bite from her biscuit.
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silvyavan · 4 years
Rule of Five and Astaroth
*McDonald's voice* Can I get a number five theory with demöns?
I've been wanting to make a post about this for a While So Here We Go:
Asta and Liebe's lives are very much connected to the number 5.
Five leaf clover grimoire, Fifth of October were found, five scars and all that. At the age of 5 or so, children awaken their magic. At 15, they get a grimoire.
The number five is pretty relevant to both of them, as its likely a number of meaning to Asta specifically.
And I feel like this is gonna be even more obvious in the later climax of the Qlipoth Arc.
Now, about Asta's devil union form that has me BUGGING:
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Where the fuck did the second horns/additional markings come from??? And whats with the crosses??? Is Asta some antichrist???
So then it hit me, that Asta's parentage isn't so much as "Asta has demon parentage/is half demon" so much as "Asta has a demon ancestry/ancestors used to mess with demons". It would make more sense that way.
With Licita never actually stating that she was cursed, simply that she has a body that steals mana and life force from around her. Plus, being cursed wouldn't actually be enough to throw someone out of the village entirely, but being related/descended from a demon (seeing as how the villagers knew what a devil looked like) might. It would also explain why Licita was so used to the idea of demons or superstitions about them: she has one as an ancestor. And maybe at some point down the line the genes either went dormant/became too thin to actually show any traits.
I'm going with the dormant option because Asta and Liebe's devil union would essentially awaken the dormant genes, but only while in Union form as a way of exposure.
It would also make sense as to how Asta survived while being in contact with Licita when he was born. Licita was probably under the assumption that, since the cursed body took Asta's mana as a baby, it would take his life too. But it wouldn't because Asta's life force isn't completely human, so while he would have ended up being a sickly child, he wouldn't be dead per se.
Its a different take from the half demon theory but its also something that Tabata would pull in his reverse trope habit.
As for Astaroth, someone on twitter shared this handy pic:
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Which shows an approximate show of which demon goes first and who goes last. The order and the Qlipoth positions are actually reversed, so we'd get something like this:
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Which is a little approximate and not sure if it goes this way, but there's a strong possibility that Astaroth would be the fifth demon to bust out.
With Asta's name being up to several meanings, some that come up is meaning the word "to love" from Nordic (connected to Licita who named Liebe "love" in German), "great strength" (his main ability), "star-like" (his personality) and a literal exerpt from the name Astaroth (this fucking bitch).
With Astaroth most definitely being part of the Qlipoth, and several namedrops and lore connections which I mentioned here, this bitch would definitely be the type to just leave a bunch of bastardly descendants around for either host material or simply for the shits of it.
I can imagine that, with Morris adding the growth of the Qlipoth, Asta beating the ancient demon and having to take time to get to spade on its own and maybe even cutting down the second ancient demon, we can approximately predict that he'll readily arrive in the battlefield when the 4th/5th gate opens to raise the stakes.
So I'm assuming that Astaroth is gonna see this gremlin with a parody of his face cutting up his coworkers and think "Ah shit, the descendants survived. Welp, I wanna retire after this either way, so time to pick up an heir."
The reason for this is that Astaroth is also gonna be the 5th "demon" Asta fights (Zagred>> Dante>> Nacht>> Ancient Twin Demon>> Astaroth) in this arc as well.
With the number 5 playing into the likely fight against Astaroth, I'm assuming that either Astaroths death gives Asta some form of hint or bonus to defeat Lucifero: either a weakness of his or a new sword.
Like a Fifth Sword.
My theory is that Asta's fifth sword is gonna be a sword from the Underworld, likely one that had been under Astaroths possession, and the one with which he'll be able to completely defeat Lucifero with. Because a sword that was made in the Underworld will absolutely mirror the effects of the host in the human realm to the devil in the origin world.
Its also a numeric symbol, with each of the swords from Licht representing the three leaf Clover (faith, hope, love) and Yami's would represent luck (either they were lucky to beat Dante or unlucky that Zenon came in the last minute). With that being in mind, the fifth "leaf" or sword in this case would definitely be a demon sword.
People have also speculated that Asta and Liebe's Devil Union form looking unfinished or yet to grow fully, so maybe Astaroths death would give/develop The form to full maturity in a way.
But that's just my crackhead two cents.
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icewitcher · 4 years
Black Clover chapter 265...
That I would like to call the chapter of the elves return and brought us some pleasant surprise. First of all...
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THAT PLACE IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND THE NAME OF THE ELF VILLAGE IS BASICALLY HEAVEN OR ELYSION !!! I know Elysion is related to hell but considering everything the elves went through.... Safe to assume it’s basically their Elysion. And nexxt page left me with a wonderful thought(s)...
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TAKE THAT ZAGRED !!! NOW LOOK WHO’S LAUGHING, BITCH !!! So they are Licht’s and Tetia’s children ? They have human blood and especially the blood of a royal and while they look young it won’t be a surprise if I learn they are 500 years old or some shit like this meaning... STEP DOWN TRASH KING, THE REAL HEIRS ARE COMING FOR THEIR THRONE !!! (if only it could happen... but being elves AND foreigners it’s not gonna to happen even if they have Clover’s royal blood in their veins.)
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Okay... Who else here shed a tear and knows he is going to cry when this scene will be animated ? Personnally I know I will if it is really well executed. Also Secre, best girl and I was right to put you in my top 10 of BC characters and put you to Yuno’s place after I read the RAW version of this chapter ! But also RIP the other twin even if you were present through Yuno. Unless we are hiding us something, something big concerning the local loud boy of the Black Bulls. Whatever is Asta backstory, we are going to learn his origins sooner or later in this arc. I bet we will learn it towards the end of the arc because there is too much revelations for now. Between Yuno’s legacy as the prince of Spade, Vanica revealing she took a kid as an hostage when she was fighting Acier, Nacht being the vice captain of Yami’s squad AND a devil’s host and now this ? We will loose our mind.
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So let’s resume: Asta will be train by Nacht and Gimodelo to have a better control on his devil’s power after Antima’s betrayal (Yes I call that a betrayal and yes I’m still mad at AMD.), Bell is gathering mana for Yuno and defeat Zenon once and for all and the Heart’s kingdom squad will be trained by Patri and the others to learn “extreme magic” (can’t wait to see what it is). In other words, the members who were sent to Heart kingdom will train harder than these past six months to counter attack in two days and Yuno and Bell... are just gathering mana ? Is it the big mistake that Yuno will do and it will cost something dear to him (*cough* Asta *cough*) that I saw coming from far away ? Does he really think it will be enough to beat Zenon who, I remind everyone (I love to put salt in the wound), decimate half of the Golden Dawn (could have been the entire squad if it wasn’t for William and his arcane magic) while using 55% of his devil’s power, devil that the only thing we know for now is his magic: spatial magic. That’s why I say Langris or Finral OR both is going to give Yuno a major boost against Zenon because right now and in the state Yuno is, there’s no way he could win. While Noelle and Asta will have no problem to defeat Vanica and Dante but like I said it in a another post, I don’t believe Asta will win against Dante for the second time. You want more details ? Go read this post I made one or two days ago.
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cosmicstardust17 · 4 years
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⚠️DO NOT USE OR REPOST MY WORK PORFAVOR And please DONT STEAL OR TRACE ⚠️ and DONT COPY come up with your own shit lol 
This is my zagr smeet oc Miz without her disguise so basically her real form shes the third oldest along with her fraternal twin brother who i will be revealing in the future with his other siblings. Anyway i will be posting more of Miz in the future along with her back story. She also has extra antennas which i will later explain why in future post and comics.  🌠👽❤👩🏽💀
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