vvasilisa · 1 year
for Himeko omg I forgot
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@zajevre ♥'ed for a starter!
  ━she's been staring at that exhibit for a while now.
      and Sampo has been staring at her for some time, too, cold sweat beading at the back of his neck.
      he can recognize the emotions on Bronya Rand's face- and, surely, he has recognized her too. bringing a group of unconscious people to the underground was not a feat Sampo was particulary proud of━ expecially if one of them happened to be the daughter of the previous Supreme Guardian, la cremè de la cremè of Belobog royalty. his honest mistake, truly. particulary, letting her slip away while he was, let's say, distracted by a good business offer━
      well, what can he say? the past is in the past now- is there really any use in crying over spilled milk? SURELY lady Bronya must be such a reasonable individual- perhaps even follow the same logic he applied to the situation, too!
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      some risks are worth being taken. and, well- if things go awry, he can always escape.
      “ such a nice portrait, right? makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! ”
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fanflames · 1 year
Tingyun expanding her picture business to Belobog. Y/N?
AN UNEXPECTED LETTER, for @zajevre .
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        "  i am so glad you brought this up,  madam guardian!  over the last couple weeks i have been observing who the most popular local celebrities are in the overworld and underworld,  so i would love to share with you the statistics!  captain la.ndau is a phenomenal photo subject for the common silvermane fanatic's collection.  miss se.rval land.au will also certainly garner an audience-  plus she doesn't mind photos at all, i've asked her myself!  now,  this one is a bit controversial,  but  …  since nobody can catch mister ko.ski,  there is ample opportunity to profit off of his handsome appearance through this market!  photos are much easier to capture than the man himself, after all. oh! for our underworld audience, s.eele is a phenomenal choice as well. very pretty, well known, and she makes for some incredibly dynamic poses with that scythe of her's.  "
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nazorneku · 1 year
What is a motif that automatically makes you fall in love with a muse?
omg hello and thank you for the question it's hard to say that there's a specific motif i pursue, cause if you look at characters i write, they are all aesthetically and symbolically utterly diverse— BUT what attracts me in general is the brains, i love smart/wise characters (either in one specific sphere or in general), cause it also pushes me to research that sphere if im not familiar with it... but i also love characters who speak fluent sarcasm, and thus has both sharp mind and sharp tongue but i would always go for characters with 'baggage', like complicated past or trauma, maybe smth i can personally relate to even, which also means i prefer writing introverts, as i myself am hardcore one— and lbr 'cause of this my preference is never a main character, and most of the time it's either villain or morally gray person, or reluctant ally, 'cause they are never simple, their reasoning or beliefs always carry a certain weight, 'cause they are damaged people, 'cause they've seen a lot, been through much more... and specifically this grit after being tested, after being broken and getting up, is smth that attracts me many years ago there was a post sent to a blog, which p much summarizes why i prefer writing characters with a baggage: "I chose to RP as my character, a villain character, because I feel the same pain as him. Of course, our lives and the way we see the world are very different and I won’t go around being a jerk and do what my muse does, but I understand him. I understand his sadness and his anger, here it hurts. But for me, it’s much easier to connect with him than with a happy or a noble character."
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loiyaltie · 1 year
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@zajevre asked: ‘ you always manage to put my mind at ease ’
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Blue hues soften as lips upturn, the edges lazy with exhaustion, before he shakes his head, spilling blond locks from their order and into chaos in a gesture that dispels any sense of personal achievement. "I only offer what support I can, you do the same..." After all there are few in this world who can understand the path that they traverse, the pledge of their predecessors for the sake of the city they hold dear to their hearts, the weight of Belobog's future that rests with them and their deeds.
To do less than offer ease to Bronya's troubled mind would be a dereliction of duty, and a failure to one he calls friend, for now at least.
There's definitely a ticking clock upon their friendship, he knows, for one day they will be but Madam Guardian and Captain Landau, individuality carefully boxed beneath prestigious titles they can only live up to. You must not bring shame to the name. They have a greater purpose than their personal desires though that does not mean he will not lament moments like these, miss dearly the times when they can uplift one another even when the pressure continues to mount.
His gaze tips down to the desk between them, surface littered with books and notes, the chaotic disaster that marks a test upon the horizon and he stifles the groan in his throat. The thought of absorbing more is nauseating, but cannot be denied. He may as well live in the moment and deal with the now, so he cracks his knuckles and reaches for his lukewarm coffee. "Another round of questions? Or do you want some time to review the keynotes first?" He is open to either, the rehearsal or quiet study both serve purpose and will give them chance to consolidate understanding.
"We'll keep going until you're sure." Even if it takes till the dawn breaks, he murmurs reassuringly, quick to add that this is no burden on his time. That he is at her disposal until he is no longer needed.
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calamitus · 1 year
❛  some people never change. but we can always hope.  ❜ @ Dan Heng! Maybe sth. set pre-Belobog's finale? I leave that up to you.
🐝 * ― barbie & the nutcracker starters. | @zajevre
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HOPE IS A DANGEROUS THING. foolish at times, and unfortunate others. even so, he would be lying if he claimed not to sympathize with her situation. they may still be 'enemies' by association, but with each fleeting moment the young lady before them appears to be making sense of the world around her; questioning what she once thought unquestionable ⸻ and perhaps in some subconscious, solemn way, dan heng understands what it is to find oneself in such a predicament. ( it's a distant memory; one he can't quite make sense of, but the hope amid that cloudy confusion shines bright. ) just as he had discovered a newfound sense of hope... she, too, deserves such a thing.
he only wishes that the supreme guardian is not as haunted as the woman he presumed her to be upon their initial introduction. something akin to a hollow shell, saying words without really talking... he's still not quite sure what to make of it. ' it doesn't bode well... ' he thinks, nonetheless. fingers curl at his chin, contemplatively. turning his gaze to bronya, he allows his arms to fold across his chest & ponders for a moment, before speaking decisively:
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" and what if they don't ? would you be prepared to stand against them ? " candid, perhaps ⸻ but as strong and intelligent as she may be, it takes only a moment of vulnerability to undermine one's best efforts. dan heng thinks her more than capable, but her love and devotion are clear as day; they are strengths and weaknesses, both. ( something more powerful than can be described with words alone. something he isn't certain he himself understands. ) he digresses. " if all else fails, and it's the only way left to save them. "
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forbelobog · 1 year
his approach is quiet, unimposing. he nods his greetings to attendants, all who can assume who captain is here for. it's not hard to spot bronya at her desk, the large wooden slab looking more and more like a chain than a work station - she has hardly left it this week. they both suffered a loss in the fragmentum, and he knows her want to work through difficult times.
"your attendant says you haven't so much as looked up since this morning," he says as he approaches, setting down the bag he carried on one of the blank spots he can find, "it's almost dinner time. i brought you something warm to eat." // @zajevre
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devourersofgods · 1 year
@zajevre || Starter Call
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"I can't imagine the pain of what you've been through. Please don't carry the burden alone."
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enflaem · 1 year
" Lady Himeko. " she is almost certain one should default to 'Miss' in her case & yet it feels wrong; as if being disrespectful should she utilize anything but a title equating to Belobogian standard of utmost respect. ⸺ she pauses deliberately ere allowing steps to come to a halt; why, one hopes she is not impolitely intruding. Her stay at the Astral Express was a temporary one & yet etiquette in addition to representing the citizen of Jarilo-VI to the best of her ability had been deemed paramount. " If you don't mind, I was wondering if you could advise me on how to brew your blend of coffee. Belobog has been suffering from a shortage therein for various centuries. It has indeed been years since I had the luxury of tasting actual coffee beans rather than recycled grounds. "
What an honor it is to receive the respect of such a dignified young woman , to be entrusted with something that many would see as grossly unimportant for one now carrying the weight of a world on her shoulders . Honored as she may be , Bronya's eyes say more than any words or explanation can : they are heavy with tears longing to fall , sorrows that she only allows herself to release in the lonely hours of the night . It is something so familiar to Himeko , but she will not allow herself to overstep what Lady Bronya may be too pained to confide .
Instead , she will offer a smile — as warm & inviting as always .
' Of course ! Actually , if you'd like ... '
She turns her attention towards the passenger cabin , eyes lighting up as an idea settles in her mind .
' Why don't we go take a look at my supply ? I'd be happy to make a few cups for you to try ... Oh ! Perhaps even a few starters that could thrive comfortably in the Overworld ? '
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starblazes · 1 year
❛ It feels like one long, impossible dream. ❜
( the cruel prince / accepting !! )
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𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐃, but she didn't say as much. Stelle wasn't exactly the best at navigating sensitive conversations — sometimes she thought it best not to say anything at all, rather than fill the silence with empty words and false promises. But more than that, Stelle couldn't begin to fathom the range of emotions Bronya must be feeling now; the anguish that only a daughter could feel when she loses her mother forever.
Was she numb? Heartbroken? Bitter?
None of them could have foreseen the outcome of their fight with Cocolia; though they all knew that Stelle had to win. Perhaps a few of them had thought — or hoped — that Cocolia would come to her senses in the end; but she never did, and in her last moments she was grasping at the Stellaron, grappling at the last vestiges of power.
Stelle averted her gaze. Perhaps Bronya, most of all, had wished better for her mother.
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❝ ... ❞ She bit down on an apology, knowing it was useless right now. No amount of sorries would make the situation okay or take away Bronya's pain. So instead, Stelle looked forward. To an uncertain future. ❝ What do you plan to do now? ❞
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Unlike the rest of the people on Jarilo, Sampo isn't necessarily stuck there. If he could choose a location to live at freely (devoid of his obligations as a Masked Fool that is) would he still stay in Belobog? Or would he try to find a new place to live at if he could?
bless you and your spot-on questions so much ━ @zajevre
      I headcanon that Sampo has seen many, many planets in his travels━ I genuinely think that he has grown slighty attached to some and would go back to visit not for the people, if anything for the sights. 
      But as for living? He'd choose Belobog.
      I think that, with the information he had before popping to Jarilo-VI one day, he found the planet a bit stimulating to land onto- and not for the sights. It was all snow to him- mainly, he initially picked it as a way to relieve his boredom- this guy has seen his fair share of the universe, and snow isn't something new to him at all. 
       What made him stay are the people, and the extremely tense situation between the Overworld and the Underworld.
      Sampo seeks two things from his adventures: profit and entertainment. He found both in Jarilo, and as he settled down into his act he studied everyone around him, and had an endless list of entertainment at hand- and, if we take into consideration the plot of Jarilo in-game, at some point he was entrusted with a task to push the events forward for the Trailblazers.
      Even before that, I think that Sampo stayed out of curiosity to see how the whole Overworld VS Underworld was going to end. If there was going to be a genuine push back against Cocolia's regime, if there was gonna be a riot- he became part of Wildfire just to have a middle seat to the show. 
      And, meawhile, he continued to form bonds. most of these bonds want to bonk him upon the head or throw him into jail, but- regardless of that, he's grown a bit fond of all the characters in Jarilo. Their relationships are complex things, their growth, conflict and friendships are something good to watch, like a soap opera. It's so interesting for him that, upon being asked that, he replies that ''he's in no hurry to leave'' because he made himself comfortable in Belobog. He's never in an hurry to leave, and never leaves a play unfinished: he stays for the end credits.
      There are very probably even other planets where he's treated much better than in Jarilo: where he's beloved, anxiously awaited and welcomed with cheerful smiles, probably even a celebrity or an idol somewhere- but he'd rather stay where he has familiar, interesting, stimulating bonds and can have his share of fun.
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fanflames · 1 year
" You must excuse my curiosity in matters like these; there is little opportunity for any citizen in Belobog to dream of the stars and travel to make such a reality but... do you do this often? Venture into the unknown, utterly unaware of what perils might await you there? ⸺ I imagine it to be terribly daunting, no matter the routine. " as a military leader first & everything else second, she certainly would know; how various agonies & anxieties would never wane, no matter how much of a second nature the battle for survival would ultimately become. Nevertheless, her thoughts & emotions tied therein are a secret she keeps, offering amicassador a gentle smile instead, attention flickering towards documents in front of her instead for a moment ere fixating other's gaze once again. " That said, allow me to properly welcome you to the City of Everwinter, Lady Tingyun. "
AN UNEXPECTED LETTER, for @zajevre .
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        she had to admit that it was a bit nervewracking coming here by herself.  especially after the crisis on the luofu,  it was a miracle that yukong  (  begrudgingly  )  allowed her to head this mission.  there was little information on jarilo-vi to brief herself on;  tingyun knew of the snowy plains and she knew only one city inhabited the world.  fragments of intel like this was gleaned from the careless ramblings of march 7th and stelle.  despite this,  it was surprising to see just how empty and just how frigid this place truly was.
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        their circumspective nature was more than understandable.  this was not the first government to hesitate in matters of commerce and it would not be the last.  however,  she more than appreciated the welcome that the madam guardian herself set for her.  within belobog's frosty roads there was warmth to be found in their culture,  remarkably formal and reserved but otherwise polite even towards a newcomer such as herself.  guards galore were stationed at all sides of her as she navigated her first days here.  a timely audience with the illustrious bronya rand was a greatly appreciated perk,  as well.
        clawed hands cradled the tea cup offered to her upon her arrival.  the steam radiating off of liquid's surface was welcomed in earnest,  its ghost leaving behind wafts of something herbal and floral.  a long,  generous sip filled her chest with a much needed warmth.  a relieved sigh,  then came the guardian's burning questions.
        "  you must excuse my curiosity in matters like these;  there is little opportunity for any citizen in belobog to dream of the stars and travel to make such a reality but...  do you do this often?  venture into the unknown,  utterly unaware of what perils might await you there?   ⸺   i imagine it to be terribly daunting,  no matter the routine.  "  bronya's speech was remarkably formal and calculated in a way that was to be expected of a political leader.  an even rhythm,  careful anunciation,  and virtually no tonal fluxes to be heard.  any diplomat would be truly impressed by the tact in which she expressed herself.  
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        though   ...  somebody as practiced as herself in the art of perception would notice that this question was outside the realms of business.  interesting,  but not something she felt the need to dwell on.  tingyun smiled and replied back with similar tact.  "  please,  i don't mind at all!  it's truly an honor to be sat before the madam guardian herself in the first place,  let alone to have her interested in my adventures.  to answer your question:  yes,  i make trips to other planets quite frequently.  though,  it has been a while since i've gone to a new planet.  helm master yukong,  my superior,  has been apprehensive of sending me out after our own stellaron dilemma,  so it is incredibly exciting to be out in the galaxy again! "
        her rambling came to a natural close as she took the opportunity to sip tea once more,  the brew notably cooler than her first sip.  even the office was colder than what she was used to out on the luofu.  lashes fluttered from cup to companion   ⸺   she noted the soft,  unwavering smile upon bronya's features as her eyes smoothed over the endless documents that bordered her desk.  a fine desk it was,  large with rather sturdy construction from what she could tell.  a subtle nod guided her gaze back to tingyun's.
        "  ...  that said,  allow me to properly welcome you to the city of everwinter,  lady tingyun.  "  bronya graciously said.  she noted that her tone became the slightest bit colder,  not out of malice but out of scripted obligation.  
        the foxian's line of sight gravitated towards the grand,  open window at their left.  from here she could see the buildings of the city,  the vendors' booths,  the trollies,  and the people who have spent their entire lives in this city.  she thought of how they would never live to see this planet dethawed and flourishing.  for a moment,  tingyun thought of how perhaps she might if this all worked out.  what an oddly sobering thought.
        it was as she said,  though.  jarilo-vi truly was unique in every way.  with somebody so young and bright at it's helm taking initiative the way bronya rand has,  even an outsider could find inspiration in her vision.  tingyun turned back to her companion and smiled warmly.  left fist met right palm in the luofu's traditional greeting.   "  and allow me to thank you,  madam guardian,  for your exceptional hospitality.  i am thrilled to experience your beautiful city for the first time.  let the relationship between our homes flourish under your leadership.  "
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elsolaer · 1 year
*She throws Stelle a long look; there is no need for commentary, merely a drawn out oblique glance carrying in it slight bewilderment.*
UNPROMPTED, from stelle, for @zajevre .
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        how do you cope with being a vessel for a seed of destruction?  since being awoken on the space station,  very few of her questions had been answered no matter how much she attempted to pry for more details.  constantly,  she was met with shrugs and convoluted explanations that were no better than silence in her mind.  stellaron this,  fragmentum that  ...  it was all frustratingly foreign to her.  not to mention that she remembered virtually nothing of her life before this.  her irritation does not burn hot,  no. if anything it was a lukewarm complacency that was only ever expressed through requests to stay behind.  (  this was always denied,  but it never hurt to ask.  )
        her thoughts were heavy in her mind as she walked alongside bronya.  her intention was not to tune out her friend,  not by any means,  but her tendency to zone out got the better of her once again.  truthfully,  stelle did not know if she would have gotten out of her thoughts anytime soon if it weren't for the harsh,  metallic clang of her boot hitting a trash can.  if it were not for the way she inherently leaned into the monotone,  she would have jumped out of her skin.  gloved hand rose to meet her mouth in the vaguest indication of surprise.
        stelle's head turned slowly to meet the gaze of her companion's bewildered glance.  it was evident that she was trying not to show the full range of her shock at the stumble.  the container wasn't anywhere near the path that the trailblazer was meant to follow.  in her distraction,  she managed to swerve towards the pale brick walls as opposed to the clean,  straight path that bronya was guiding them through.  she stepped back slowly and with the grace of a dog on its hind legs.  if it wasn't awkward enough,  stelle needed a moment to shake a particularly wet leftover that stuck to the box of her shoe.  gross.
        she turned and wandered back to her spot beside bronya with a sideways glance in her direction.  the silence between the two was thick enough that she felt the need to explain herself.  an awkward,  lopsided smile prefaced her words.  "  um  ...  i was thinking about stars again.  sorry.  "
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loiyaltie · 1 year
👫 There's a lot of respect held between these two. Not only that but a lot of shared mutual understanding. Their journeys have run in parallel most of their lives, and their values - between personal motivations and familial pressure - are aligned for the most part. It's the kind of respect that forges silent understanding, the nod in passing to remind each other to keep going the worst will pass.
👫 With the weight of the positions they hold there is often little room for error or panic so when things do go wrong they have an unspoken understanding that they can call upon each other. Whether they use it depends on where they are in life, but Gepard holds fast to it. No matter how high Bronya climbs as long as her values to protect the people remain he will always move at any hour to be commanded by her, to aid her.
👫 Training days comraderie!! When aiding each other in training to better themselves, they get a little competitive but in the we can do better not in the I'm better than you kind of way. How long will it take Gepard to find a blindspot to land a hit on Bronya? How long will it take Bronya to break Gepard's shield? They've kept meticulous records over the years, celebrated significant achievements quietly, pushed each other through lulls in progress, witnessed each other's victories and picked each other up after defeat. Around this time period was the closest they have ever been for after duty pulled them in different directions and friendship became a luxury neither of them indulged in to the same depth.
👫 Though their dynamic has changed there is still a part of Gepard that considers Bronya a friend, though they cannot call it that. Instead he lets it show quietly, making regular reports to her office so he can check on her wellbeing, on occasion bringing a lunch to her that 'the aide just handed to him in passing' there was no aide. He will offer to take on extra work if she needs a soldier she can trust and the ranks are running thin and do what he can to alleviate burdens. Occasionally even ask if she can 'come and witness progress on fragmentum containment' aka get out your office for 5 mins.
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starwrote · 1 year
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" lady bronya! i'll do better next time.. i swear." completely embarrassed at how his wanted artwork of conspirators - gepard understood it was only a matter of time before she saw the comparisons between the rest. rubbing his head, the captain tries his best to remain collected amongst his soldiers. / @zajevre
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k0ski · 1 year
SETTLING DUST. // @zajevre
the sender nudges or touches the receiver to check and see if they’re alright after the attack.
" j-just give me a minute, okay? these old bones don't work like they used to... "
voice a low, withered groan, while sampo koski was by no means a feeble fighter, he was also not a fighter by choice. the shadows were where he belonged, picking at opponents in blinding flashes. where was he? where was he coming from? his enemies should be lost to the panic of wondering where in the name of the aeons he was popping out of, like some kind of murderous ghost.
but here, out in the open...
gripping one of his twin blades, he moved.
a flash of lightning, within a blink, the tip of the curved knifepoint was an eyelash away from a concerned face. feline reflexes that had allowed for such an instantaneous assaults froze just as swiftly, sampo's jade eyes widening in a glimpse behind the mask--a look of genuine shock. but swiftly, the pieces that fell were forced back together, and he promptly withdrew.
" my, my, lady bronya! my apologies, i thought you were one of those little beasties here to finish me off! "
in a glint of red, the blades vanished, and he looked about. the danger was... gone. the fragmentum beasts hunting him like pitiful prey here in the snow were gone, with only traces of them lingering in the form of broken monster armor.
" did you... come to my rescue? "
eyes sparkle in the heart-warming realization, looking at bronya like the golden savior she was. ... or, would it more appropriate to say silver? that was her whole thing and all.
" i can't believe it! sampo koski, worthy of the supreme guardian's protective gaze! "
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