jasvvy · 1 year
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love kasai just being a little guy.
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sapphilim · 5 months
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sbnkalny · 2 years
Why's a Kulu-Ya-Ku here in amish, smoking big doints in amish smoking big doinks in amish.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 19 days
Wild Thing
Jon Moxley x fem reader
A young Jon Moxley meets Y/n somewhere in CZW in 2009 (inspired by Mox’s book)
Mentions: of blood, drug use, swearing, fighting, kidnapping
Main Masterlist
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Tonight was my first match in CZW’s Tournament of Death. I stood pacing back and forth in the locker room mentally preparing myself for the events that would occur when I could hear Eddie Kingston yelling at someone in the hallway. He sounded mad. The other men in the locker room exchanged looks and oos before one of them said “She sure is a feisty one isn’t she” to which the men all began to laugh. ‘Who is this she?’ I thought to myself. Eddie then stormed into the room and slammed the door behind him, preventing whoever was behind him from entering the room. He leaned against the door and I could hear angry knocking from the other side. “What does she want now?” said Danny Havoc. (But I just call him Grant) .“She wants to be in TOD, Jon won’t let her” Eddie explained. I didn’t know who this girl they were referring to was but she seemed pretty badass to me. A female wanting to participate in the tournament of death?! “Of course she does! Let me talk to her” said Grant with his thick Jersey accent. Eddie then opened the door to reveal a tall blonde in a Juicy Couture tracksuit. I was not expecting that. 
The gorgeous blond stormed into the room before running into the arms of Grant. “Tell Jon Zandig that I should be in TOD!” she yelled “Now doll, why do you want to be a part of TOD? You know I love ya but you’re too pretty to be doing this kind of shit,” he told her. 
“I want to prove that I can do the same thing you guys can do. Why is it that there are never any women wrestling in these shows? You know I can wrestle! I train my ass off and what do I get back? Nothing, because no one wants to hire a girl. They only want female wrestlers for swimsuit contests and dog food fights. I’m sick of doing that shit! I want to go out there and taste my own blood. TOD or not I want to show these people that I know how to wrestle!” The room was silent. I felt like an outcast, everyone seemed to know about this situation but me. 
Eddie was the first to break the silence. “Let me talk to Jon again. You know he likes you Y/n. I’m sure if you promise not to do anything stupid he will put you in the opener without TOD stipulations” 
Sure enough, Y/n got her match. I watched the match backstage with Grant, both of us hypnotized by what we were seeing. “Who is she?” I asked him, he almost looked shocked that I didn’t know of Y/n. “That’s Y/n, she’s the most badass bitch I have ever met. They call her the Hardcore Barbie because she looks like a Barbie doll and lives off death match wrestling. She’s really nice if you don’t piss her off. She also has good weed.” he told me 
I was so fascinated with her. I needed to know more about her. “Anything else I should know about her? She seems young?” I asked Grant. “Well, she started wrestling when she was 16 and she just turned 20. I know what you’re thinking, she won’t sleep with you, everyone here has tried. It’s so funny that these freaks think she would get with them. She travels with Kingston and me, so don’t you dare try nothing. I will kill you with my bare hands” 
Grant and I watched the rest of the match. I had never seen such a beautiful match. Y/n did in fact know how to wrestle. The man she stood across the ring from was twice her weight yet she picked him up with such ease. The fans loved seeing a pretty girl like herself beat up a sweaty dude. Y/n had beat the man to a pulp, she pinned him 1..2..3 and it was over. I thought it was funny how Grant watched on as a proud parent, that was his girl. I thought about what he said, how she rode with him and Kingston. Why did Eddie never mention Y/n before?
After the show, Y/n officially introduced herself to me. I felt like I was hypnotized by her beauty. She noticed how nervous I was around her and she used it to her advantage, inviting me to hang out after the show with Grant and Eddie. I had to accept, how could you not? 
Eddie explained to me why he hadn’t introduced me to Y/n before. He told me she was known for using her looks to her advantage. “So like she sleeps with people for matches?” I asked him “That’s gross, she would never do that. She mentally fucks you. If you look her too long in the eye you’ll fall right into her trance. She hypnotizes you and manipulates you. She looks all sweet but trust me she has a bad attitude” “So why do you hang out with her then?” I asked him 
“Because she’s fucken wild. She’s so fun to hang out with and she always has weed. Someone needs to look out for her. There are creeps out there man. For god sake she’s a skinny tall blond who lives in Juicy Couture, what do you think will happen?” he told me. Eddie had a good point. 
That night Y/n and I became good friends. Eddie was right when she said she was wild. Once she had a few drinks in her and some of the good shit she was the life of the party. I didn’t understand why Eddie kept Y/n a secret, sure you could tell that she had a few screws loose but don’t we all? For fucks sake if someone willingly wants to participate in TOD you know there’s some form of mental issues going on.
Just then a man approached Kingston and me. He had a fresh buzz cut, was covered in tattoos, had what seemed like a freshly broken nose and looked like the kind of guy who would have women chained up in his basement. “Where is she?” he spat, in a thick Russian accent. I could tell that he and Kingston knew each other, the tension was thick in the air. “Where is who?” Eddie spat back, his New York accent being more noticeable when he was mad. “You know who, stop playing dumb, bum” he responded. “You’re a real fucking idiot, Sasha, she left hours ago. I have no idea where she went but even if I did there’s no way I would tell you” Kingston spat. The men stood chest to chest, eyeing the other down. I did nothing, even I knew not to get involved in whatever this is. Now I didn’t know who the ‘She’ was that they were referring to but by now I think I had an idea. Then Grant came into the mix yelling “I told you if you ever showed your face here again I would fucking kill you” Just then an all-out brawl began. The two men began beating Sasha to a pulp. That’s when I noticed Y/n had vanished into thin air.
I let Kingston and Grant take care of Sasha and went looking for Y/n. In the distance, I heard the sound of broken glass. I followed the sound and found Y/n smashing the windows of a beat-up junk car with a baseball bat. She was mad, she looked evil. Now I knew why Eddie had warned me. “Hey, hey, hey! What’s going on here? What are you doing Y/n?” She turned to face me and I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. Her once bright green eyes had turned a deep forest colour, the whites of her eyes now red. Her makeup was smudged and her cheeks were stained with fresh tears. I was scared. I felt like she was staring into my soul, being able to read my every thought, know all my secrets. “What do you want, Mox?” she said through gritted teeth. “I just want to know what’s going on here. Why are Grant and Eddie beating the snot out of a guy named Sasha?” Her face dropped at the name, that told me what I needed to know.
Just then I heard someone yelling and honking a horn in the background. I turned to find Grant and Eddie yelling at us to get in the car! Y/n and I jumped in the car and sped off. The car was deathly silent. No one dared to say a word. I looked at Grant’s hands that gripped the steering wheel. His knuckles were bloody and bruised, that’s when I noticed the blood on Eddie. The silence was broken when Y/n began to laugh, Grant and Eddie began laughing as well. “What the fuck happened back there?” I asked with genuine concern in my voice. “That jackass back there Sasha, I broke his nose after he followed me home after the show last week. I don’t even want to think about what his intentions were, "she said. “Not to mention 'someone' stole $500 out of my purse at the show today” “If he ever showed his face around here again I said I would kill him” Grant responded. “I smashed his windows because that’s what he gets for trying to kidnap me and stealing my $500” I was honestly speechless. “ I found a bunch of money in his car so it’s only fair I split the reward with all of you,” Y/n said. I watched her pull the fat wad of hundreds out of her pocket and began counting it. “$500 for Grant, $500 for Eddie, $500 for Mox and $1,500 for me. Thank you, Sasha” “Thank you Sasha the rest of us chimed in” From that moment I knew Y/n and I would be best friends. 
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thedman0310 · 16 days
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I think AEW should actually be more fucked up actually. Hang someone from the roof by hooks, Zandig style
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when i think of the zandig-era of czw, i think of tajiri asking why zandig was doing like a big light tube spot or something in front of a few dozen people.
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wildetuinplanten · 23 days
Gewoon duizenblad en Wilde bertram. Duizendbladfamilie.
Gewoon duizendblad Achillea millefolium is een algemene plant die het vooral als secundaire pionier uitstekend doet op relatief arme zandige tot kleiige gronden. Ze hebben weinig nodig om een dicht netwerk van planten te maken die prachtig bloeien. Gewoon duizendblad Ze beginnen al in het midden voorjaar en kunnen heel lang doorgaan totaan een vorstperiode aan toe. Hij kan ook prima gemaaid…
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regioonlineofficial · 2 months
Den Haag is de enige grote Nederlandse stad die direct aan zee ligt. Het maakt de stad uniek, maar zorgt ook voor uitdagingen. De zeespiegel stijgt de komende jaren verder en dat betekent dat er maatregelen nodig zijn om Den Haag veilig te houden. Daarom werkt het stadsbestuur aan een strategie voor de toekomstige omgang met het water.  Wethouder Robert Barker (Buitenruimte, Dierenwelzijn en Milieu): 'Den Haag staat bekend als die mooie stad achter de duinen. We zijn trots op onze natuur, de stranden en Scheveningen. Onze ligging betekent ook dat de stijgende zeespiegel een uitdaging vormt. Om de stad tegen het water te beschermen, moeten we aan de slag. Onze dijken houden ons niet voor eeuwig veilig. Daarom denken we nu al na over wat er nodig is om Den Haag in de toekomst veilig én leefbaar te houden.'  Klimaatverandering tegengaan Den Haag doet veel om klimaatverandering en daarmee de stijging van de zeespiegel tegen te gaan, bijvoorbeeld met het Haags klimaatakkoord. Het is tegelijkertijd belangrijk om óók maatregelen te nemen die de stad helpen om te gaan met de onvermijdelijke gevolgen van klimaatverandering. De stijging van de zeespiegel is daar een voorbeeld van. De verwachting is dat het tempo van de zeespiegelstijging de komende eeuw verder toeneemt. De bovengrenzen van de klimaatscenario's van het KNMI gaan uit van 2 meter stijging in 2150. Deze stijging heeft ook gevolgen voor Den Haag. Vooral de bebouwde kust is kwetsbaar. Een meter zeespiegelstijging betekent op bijna dagelijkse basis wateroverlast op de kades van de haven. In combinatie met stormachtig weer wordt het risico op wateroverlast en overstromingen nog groter.  Den Haag stad aan zee  Voor Den Haag zijn twee oplossingsrichtingen geformuleerd. De eerste zet in op het behouden van de huidige kustlijn. Door preventieve maatregelen wordt de waterveiligheid geborgd. Ook worden maatregelen genomen om de gevolgen van overstromingen te beperken. Gedacht kan worden aan het toekomstbestendiger inrichten van buitendijks gebied door lokale ophogingen van kades en infrastructuur, trapsgewijze kades, het aanwijzen van overstromingszones en goed gecommuniceerde evacuatieprotocollen.  Den Haag stad achter de duinen  De tweede oplossingsrichting zal de Haagse kust drastisch veranderen. Hierbij wordt ingezet op een zandige duinenkust langs de gehele Haagse kustlijn. De hele stad komt hiermee achter de duinen te liggen. Het strand verschuift zeewaarts. Het Westduinpark en Oostduinpark kunnen op termijn zo met elkaar worden verbonden.  Wethouder Barker: 'We laten ons niet verrassen door de stijgende zeespiegel. We gaan nu onderzoeken wat de verschillende oplossingsrichtingen betekenen voor de toekomst van Den Haag. Met de resultaten gaan we in gesprek met de stad. Zo zorgen we er samen voor dat Den Haag ook in de toekomst een fijne, groene en veilige stad blijft waar het prettig leven is.' 
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
GCW Tournament Of Survival 8 Results (6/3): Deathmatch Tournament For GCW Title Match
By /Updated: June 4, 2023 1:28 am EST Game Changer Wrestling presented Tournament of Survival 8 from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The event got underway with former GCW World Champion Nick Gage addressing the fans. The founder of Combat Zone Wrestling John Zandig, who was set to be inducted into the Deathmatch Hall of Fame immediately following this event, brought out the ToS…
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jasvvy · 1 year
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Overdenkingen Met Spurgeon | Niet tevreden met het voedsel van de wereld De ziel die ooit heeft leren zwemmen in de rivier van Christus, zal, wanneer zijn aanwezigheid wordt teruggetrokken, als een vis zijn die door de visser op de zandige kust is gelegd, hij begint te trillen en is in zware nood, hij zal snel sterven, als hij niet opnieuw in het water gedragen zal worden. U kunt de smaak van het brood des hemels niet in uw mond krijgen en daarna tevreden zijn met het eten van as. Hij die nog nooit iets anders heeft geproefd dan de bruine, gruizige koeken van de wereld, kan heel tevreden over hen zijn; maar wie eens het zuivere witte brood des hemels heeft geproefd, kan nooit tevreden zijn met de oude koeken van de wereld. Een mens die een ​​hartstochtelijke omgang met de komende wereld heeft is bedorven voor deze wereld. Ik bedoel niet dat het hem bederft voor de noodzakelijke dingen, want het hemelse leven is het ware leven, zelfs op de aarde, maar het bederft hem voor de zondige genoegens van deze wereld. Het voorkomt dat hij zijn ziel met iets anders voedt dan de zoete liefde van de Heere Jezus Christus. Jezus is het belangrijkste ingrediënt van al zijn vreugde en hij vindt dat geen ander genot onder de hemel het waard is om vergeleken te worden met de zuivere wijnen van de Koning.
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sbnkalny · 6 months
How can i explain this to the WIFE-BEATER! ZANDIG, wife BEATER, nick MONDO, we are the most Cryptic and confusing things and i love it. we also have Discworld costumes ready, which is exciting
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osidius-el-enfatico · 2 years
Nico what is your take on the impending doom of twitter.com
feel like I'm watching zandig vs sick nick mond in czw's tournament of death II (2002)
it's great
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frentique · 3 years
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mox-in-a-box · 4 years
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✨Hardcore ✨
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horrorpaingoredeath · 3 years
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Up now for pre-order, coming September 3rd! MATSUNAGA WAS RIGHT "Kings Of The Deathmatch"  CD :: https://bit.ly/matsunagawasright  Digital :: https://ffm.to/matsunaga  Kings Of The Deathmatch T-Shirt :: https://bit.ly/matsunagakingsshirt  Kings Of The Deathmatch T-Shirt + CD Bundle :: https://bit.ly/matsunagakindsbundle  Logo T-Shirt :: https://bit.ly/matsunagalogoshirt  Logo T-Shirt + CD Bundle :: https://bit.ly/matsunagalogobundle  Horror Pain Gore Death Productions welcome Matsunaga Was Right to the roster with the new release "Kings Of The Deathmatch"! Hailing from Columbus Ohio comes the first wave of Deathmatch Grind, Matsunaga Was Right! Following up on the five star (in the Tokyo Dome) release 'Twenty Strands Of Barbed Wire' comes the next chapter in a career of bloodstained debauchery and carnage. "Kings Of The Deathmatch" showcases fifteen glass covered tracks that would put a Zandig match to shame... no pussy shit! For fans of Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Eat The Turnbuckle, Full Of Hell, Pig Destroyer, The Ultimate Warriors, backyard wrestling, tape trading, CZW, ECW, FMW, GCW, ICW No Holds Barred, Jun Kasai, New Jack, Nick Gage, weed and ultraviolence. FREE MY BOY 2-6! #matsunagawasright #kingsofthedeathmatch #horrorpaingoredeath #hpgd #grindcore #grind #nickgage #fullofhell #pabstblueribbon #agoraphobicnosebleed #pigdestroyer #zandig #theultimatewarriors #czw #ecw #fmw #gcw #icwnoholdsbarred #junkasai #newjack (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHkClMLJlr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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