harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
Vesper: Mamaa~.
MC: *wants to sleep for a little longer*
Vesper: Mamaa~. Vesper wakes you up. *kisses their cheek*
MC: *chuckles because of her cuteness*
MC: Good morning, Vesper.
Vesper: *beams cutely* Good morning, Mama!
Zarif and Avaris: *burst into the room, only to immediately show disappointed faces when they saw that Vesper had arrived first*
Zarif: Vesper, you promised that we would wake them up together.
Avaris: As a princess of Hades, it is unbecoming of you to break a promise.
Vesper: I didn't break a promise.
Zarif: Yes, you did!
Vesper: No, I didn't. Mama taught Vesper that if I crossed my fingers behind my back, then the promise didn't happen. *proud smile*
MC: ...
Leviathan: So you are a bad influence on our daughter.
MC: I called that as being street smart.
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: Anyway, what do you think?
MC: *having been told they might die in the future* Well, I have seven wonderful children and I've met three of them already, so I think it's okay.
Leviathan: You don't understand the severity of the situation, do you?
MC: Hm?
Leviathan: If that's the only issue here, why would they bother to visit you in this timeline?
MC: To spend time with me?
Leviathan: *unamused* You're an idiot.
MC: And you made a child with this idiot.
Leviathan: ...
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lingrimmart · 1 month
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L: A couple of days ago we had our first DnD session with our friends! It was insanely fun—we all got into it right away and didn’t mess up nearly as much as we could have. After the session, I drew Dizir's character named Zarif. He’s a gladiator who traveled to the North in search of worthy fighters for his arena; he’s more of an actor than a warrior. Dizir kept calling Zarif as Zephyr by mistake, so we decided that’s either his local nickname in the North or his stage name.
Zephyr can drink without limits because he doesn’t need any (lol), skillfully avoided aggressive flirting from the innkeeper, but couldn’t save his cloak from getting puked on. We left off on a cliffhanger—Zephyr was attacked by a bear, and we still don’t know how it’s going to end.
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siyahveizmarit · 6 months
Travmalarla dolu bir geçmişi olan biri asla gerçekten sevilebileceğine inanmaz. (nerden biliyorsun diye sorma)
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delidolubirigibi · 2 months
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parcalaryokolus · 8 months
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Onarılmaz bir şey yaptım.
Bir bağ kurdum.
Bu günübirlik dünyada.
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salaibirhobbit · 6 months
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aycicegimisali · 4 months
“Yorgun düşmüş kalbim seninle elem nedir bilmesin.”
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1siirsever · 6 months
"Her şeyi yazmıyorum, korkuyorum. Yazarsam çok dağılacağım gibi..."
- Nilgün Marmara, Defterler
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beyazkuguu · 2 months
Bir şeyler dışarıdan kötü görünmeye başlayana kadar, içeride olanları kimsenin ruhu duymaz...
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yagmurd3niz · 7 months
Yarayla alay eder,
yaralanmamış olan.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Devils of Hades, Tartaros, and Gehenna: *are glaring at each other*
Bimet: This is absurd. The descendant of Solomon is the Queen of Tartaros. They can’t have another child from Gehenna or Hades.
Eligos: Excuse me, Bimet. Do we have that kind of law?
Bimet: Yes!
Eligos: Okay.
Foras: I strongly disagree with you. The descendant of Solomon is the Queen of Hades. After all, how else could such an adorable princess exist?
Barbatos: It's clear that Princess Vesper takes after the descendant of Solomon!
Sitri: Doesn't she look like His Majesty Leviathan more?
Glasyalabolas: What about your Prince Zarif, Sitri? I don’t see any resemblance to Solomon’s descendant in him.
Sitri: *frowns* Can you say that again?
Mammon, Satan, and Leviathan: ...
Avaris, Zarif, and Vesper: *quietly observing the situation*
Satan: MC is mine.
Mammon: No. I won't be giving master to you, Satan.
Satan: Haaaaahhhh???
Leviathan: Given that we have a daughter, it’s only right that they stay with me.
Zarif: Can we stop this now?
Mammon, Satan, and Leviathan: *turns their head at him*
Zarif: Mom isn’t a queen of any country in hell. You might be surprised to learn that, besides us, there are four other children they have with each king who isn’t here at the moment.
MC: ...
MC: Huh?
Zarif: *looks at MC* So Mom, don't be bothered by these stupid men.
Satan: Haha, yes! Listen to my son!
Zarif: You're included.
Satan: Huh?!
Mammon: Looks like your son dislikes you.
Vesper: We children don't like our fathers. *said that while smiling*
Leviathan: ...
Avaris: Oh, but I have a good relationship with Father.
Avaris: But I sometimes hate him for monopolizing Mother.
MC: ...
MC: So... You all traveled here to spite them?
Vesper: No, no! We came here to see Mama!
Zarif: Mom, your birthday is coming soon and we want to celebrate it with you.
Avaris: We'll give you the best birthday ever.
MC: Oh... *smiles* Thank you.
Mammon, Satan, and Leviathan: *sensed that something's going on*
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sadecezeynep16 · 3 months
"Kelimeler, duygularımı dile getirmek için yeterli değildi.."
- Bir İdam Mahkumunun Son Günü
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efsungeradam · 4 months
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delidolubirigibi · 2 months
İnsanlar sana kapıyı gösteriyorlar, sen hala pencerelerine çiçek koyuyorsun, yapma...
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parcalaryokolus · 1 year
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İstediğim tüm kitapları alabilecek kadar param olsa yeterli fazlasında gözüm yok.
16:48 21.9.23
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karamelmakiyatoluu · 2 months
Çünkü yürekleri acıyan kadınlar ağlamazlarsa, ölürler.
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