#zarrak soulbinder
woozyintyria · 6 months
if all your charr had to do one of those escape room puzzles together, how would it go?
oh man. if ALL my charr were in an escape room? to be clear, this collective includes: no less than 2 legion defects, at least 1 war criminal, 1 priory archon, 2 loyal soldiers, 1 inquest agent, 2 mists-originating charr, 1 asura, 1 ex lunatic, 1 wine grandma, and 2 pirates.
I think things might get a little chaotic.
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woozyintyria · 1 year
Got possessed and tried writing something from Grauuls and Zarrak's younger days. I'm fighting with the post format so this isn't really edited.
"Grauul? What the hell are you- how did you get here?"
The hissed whisper filled the quiet of night, so loud Zarrak was afraid it might wake her bandmates. Ash legion worked well in the dark after all, and even the moon hadn't bothered to show up tonight. No one had, with the warband officially on leave for a week.
No one except her sister, it seemed.
Grauul had changed some since the sisters had last seen each other. Her eyes glowed red, just like their mother's had. Her hair was longer, tied back loosely out of her face with a few trinkets tied in as jewelry. An odd stroke of vanity, one Zarrak had never seen in her before, not in their 13 years growing up together. It'd been more years than that since they'd last spoke - no, since Grauul had won, and threatened to kill Zarrak and Pallus if she ever saw them again. The two had fled to the legions, and clawed their ways into warbands to stay away from the madness.
But here she was. No weapon in sight, save a pair of small blinking red eyes by her side. Another surprise.
Catching Zarrak's attention, the cub shrunk away a little as though to hide behind the safety of Grauul'a foot; Grauul stepped away.
"Take her. I do not need her."
"Do not need-?" Zarrak blinked, looking sharply up at her sister's ever-grim face. Already Grauul was stepping away, as though that were the end of it.
"Grauul, you can't just abandon your cub-"
"She is not a necromancer. She is not worthy of my legacy. You take her, or she will die trying to become one."
Zarrak bit back a snarl, tail thrashing behind her. The sisters stared, each silently commanding the other to back down. Eventually, Zarrak looked away and slumped in defeat. No, not defeat, she reminded herself as she looked to the wide eyed cub. For her benefit.
Grauul grinned in wicked triumph, fangs flashing in the glow of her eyes. She didn't care what reason Zarrak had for acquiescing. She had won once again.
She turned to leave, padding away into the darkness without so much as another word.
"Wait, does she have a name?!" Zarrak hissed, stepping after her, though she received no answer, and soon Grauul was gone.
Sighing, she turned to the cub, almost surprised to see her still standing there. She was small.. likely freshly weaned. The cub fiddled her claws together nervously, as though waiting for something to come. The hand gently reaching forward to pat her head was not what she'd expected, starting in surprise.
"My name's Zarrak. Did she.. do you have a name yet, cub?" Zarrak whispered, kneeling down in front of her.
"Well, it looks like you'll be staying with Aunt Zarrak for a bit. Don't worry.. you're safe with me."
Zarrak gave Kuma a reassuring smile before standing, leading her back to camp. Internally, she wondered how the hell she'd explain this to her legionnaire. Though Kuma didn't reply, a hesitant hand reached out, fingers curling around Zarrak's hand. She didn't know love yet. She would though. Zarrak would make sure of that.
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woozyintyria · 5 years
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decided to tackle another alignment chart because these are stupid fun to make
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woozyintyria · 7 years
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Zarrak is a naughty old woman.
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woozyintyria · 8 years
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Meet Zarrak, resident sassy grandma. She hates Flame just as much as any other charr, but she’s got her own personal reasons.
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woozyintyria · 7 years
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Thanks to the update today, Zarrak now has the horns I’ve been drawing her with!
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woozyintyria · 9 years
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