#Evika Brighteye
woozyintyria · 6 months
if all your charr had to do one of those escape room puzzles together, how would it go?
oh man. if ALL my charr were in an escape room? to be clear, this collective includes: no less than 2 legion defects, at least 1 war criminal, 1 priory archon, 2 loyal soldiers, 1 inquest agent, 2 mists-originating charr, 1 asura, 1 ex lunatic, 1 wine grandma, and 2 pirates.
I think things might get a little chaotic.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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remembered the meme for this and felt compelled to draw my girls
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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Sometimes Evi likes to steal Cuchak's hat, just to keep her on her toes.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
hello my beloved mutual can i interest you in a juno? an extremely rich and princess like intimidating lesbian who is a master tailor and a queen at manipulating nobles and royalty? a woman who is absolutely brought into her element when surrounded with class? who'll bitch slap you for talking down on her or ian? in golden diamond heels, gliding through hallways and acting as the straight one for her servants antics only to join them herself? :3c
OOOH man I think she'd get along great with a couple characters!
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First up is Evika: lipstick lesbian, leyline expert, order of whispers spy, master mesmer. Imagine what they could do together? Evi loves a good scheme, and loves those high class parties with all sorts of terrible people she can learn incriminating secrets about.
She may not be a tailor, but she can infuse all of your clothing with glamour sigils so the click of your heels always sounds imposing, or stains simply slide off your expensive gowns.
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ALTERNATIVELY, we have Mahir. He was not raised in high society, but he has the confidence and swagger of someone who does. He's also just annoying enough to old money nobles that his lackadaisical nature tends to encourage them to get cocky, and clever enough to drop the act to make them realize they crossed the wrong man.
He also makes a fantastic wingman, and knows the best places to get well-raised animals of all kinds.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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woozyintyria · 2 years
They're lesbians, Harold
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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They knew each other, once.
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woozyintyria · 3 years
While I'm posting stuff, here's a doodle of my asura-turned-charr Evika. She's still working on a way to undo the self-perpetuating illusion magic without blowing herself up, but that doesn't mean she can't enjoy herself in the meantime!
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woozyintyria · 3 years
A follow up Evika/Ven Kal for what she looks like outside of the Charr suit, including some patterning crossover on the face due to unintended magical side effects.
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woozyintyria · 5 years
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decided to tackle another alignment chart because these are stupid fun to make
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woozyintyria · 6 years
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I filled out a meme with some of my characters for funsies
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woozyintyria · 6 years
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I colored it
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