jynxd · 6 months
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Jinx had never been at the top of her game as she was now that things had finally become so clear. All of those days of pain were behind them and now more than ever she felt more dedicated to the cause. Eager to prepare for the upcoming war that she hoped would come. The first step towards that had been firing fishbones.
Now she was two days in figuring out how to construct a prosthetic arm that would be the next weapon for them. The loose cannon still wasn't so sure she could do it, but she at the very least had a blueprint. Had set up a design that she thought seemed functional, including adding in some nice new features. However there was the worry of what if it wasn't good enough?
'Gotta say sis, that's brave of you, trying to make a whole arm. Do you really think you are capable of that?' Jinx glared at the Vi doll sitting on the corner of her workshop table. 'You're only going to disappoint him, just like you've always disappointed Sevika.'
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"Shut up, you're distracting me." Jinx let out a growl, taking out her gun and shooting the vi doll, putting a whole right in the middle it's head. She watched with satisfaction as it fell onto its back. No longer was she going to let even the voice of the traitor distract her. Let it lie to her. "That's what I thought."
Jinx tucked her gun away just as she heard familiar steps. There would never be a need to look at its source when she knew Silco's steps so clearly. Yet he managed to steal her attention anyway as she sat down Sevika's old arm, which she had been studying, and glanced back at him. "Well, any news on the war yet? Have they figured out it was us yet?"
She lifted her goggles, eager to hear what he had to say. Already her fuchsia eyes were glowing with excitement. " Oh, watch out for that gemstone holder there, don't wanna trip over it." Jinx pointed at the device on the ground not far from him. Admittedly her whole area was a mess, with papers of failed drawings tossed aside half-hazardly. "And all the papers, sorry about the mess." @zaunseye
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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  ◈  ⇢   @zaunseye  ⋯  Closed Starter .      ❝ Ahri finds a meal in the middle of Zaun . ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱  𝐀𝐡𝐫𝐢 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲. 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝   the way this dark-haired woman berated a rat vastaya. There was no hunt in it, she simply killed him and laughed over the dead body as he suffered. something about 'too many rats anyway' and 'one less body to worry over'. Ahri's tongue brushed over her lips, the smell of her beating heart echoing into her ears. The hunters always became the hunted when their arrogance gave wind. She could smell it, the sickenly twist of bitterness made her nose scrunch up. Golden eyes peered down at the group she joined with. A scrawny man barely at five feet, a fish-like vastaya with fins against the top of her head, and the average height of her prey, with dark brown hair and scars across her face. Her pale skin spoke of little sunlight, but her scars spoke of battles once fought.
 Claws dug into the stone as she crouched, her tails flicking around. The woman didn't even know she was dead yet, but she was. The moment Ahri decided she would be her prey, her sentence was set. As the trio wandered into the alleyway, Ahri dropped down and dragged her claws against the ground. The sound caused the group to twist around. They were already in her grasp, as she released the pheromones, lulling their senses. She didn't care what scent it took on for them, all she knew was that it had infected their minds, drugging them to her control as she let out a little yelp. She stood up on her feet, her claws digging into the ground. Each tail reached out and grabbed the fish vastaya and the scrawny man and shoved them against the walls.
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 "Run," Ahri whispered, as she twisted her pheromones to immediately induce fear. The woman who had been so arrogantly confident suddenly produced wide eyes of terror and twisted on her feet to run. Her hand reached for the knife as Ahri lowered down and started to change. Blood pumped through the veins, fear permeating the air as Ahri fed upon it. She jumped up against the wall as the 90-degree turn and lept forward, slamming the woman onto the ground. She slashed with a knife, cutting into Ahri's arm as Ahri grabbed her wrist and broke her hand. A guttural scream of pain left the woman's mouth as Ahri got off of her and slammed her up against the wall. She let out an eerie fox scream, only causing the other to panic.
 Immediately, her mouth wrapped around the woman's throat, and clamped down shut. The woman screamed and struggled, blood choking in her throat as Ahri refused to let go. Despite all her struggles, Ahri just bit down harder and dragged her back as she felt the woman punching and fighting. Slowly it died down, though the woman wasn't dead yet. Letting go of her neck, she ripped at her skin, eating at her flesh. The woman was gurgling with terror and pain as Ahri started to feast upon her alive. Foxes started to eat their prey when they were living.
 Her ears flicked forward though, and her claws pressed down against the woman's chest as she struggled and kicked in pain, her claws digging right over the woman's heart as she looked forward. She could smell the presence of a man, and her tails spread out, all nine of them. She snapped her jaws, as blood coated down her chin, dripping onto the woman's face as the woman was slowly dying underneath her grasp. Ahri's display didn't speak words, but actions.
 This is my prey. I found it first!
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 The growl echoed, as she swallowed down the meat as her mouth watered. Still watching the man, she allowed a scent to weave through the air, working to charm him. Enough so that he did not interfere, she would not give up her dinner. Immediately she looked down and using her other hand, started to draw out the essence of the woman, the glowing blue light swirled around her hand as she could feel the life in the essence.
 She would feed well tonight.
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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RP: Found Culprit
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"What?! Are you telling me you, brat, do not even have the galls to finish me after all of this?!"
Despite the man's attempt to yell as loudly as possible, his voice was hoarse and shaky. His body had exhausted itself screaming in agony over the last couple of hours. He was marked by signs of torture. Bruises, the size of balled fists and knuckle imprints bloomed across his torso, belly and back. One of his eyes had swollen shut, blood dropped from a busted, split lip and his hair had a sweaty dampness to it.
The man was kneeling on the floor with thick ropes binding his hands behind his back. The cap of one of his knees had jumped out to the side, making the entire knee swell and turn dark purple-blue. It stood in stark contrast to the man's chalk-whiteness.
Jinx had disappeared outside of the front door of the almost empty warehouse. As soon as she had left, Sevika turned around with a far greater speed than expected. The brown woman crossed the space between her and the man, whose nose was still crusted up with the snot of his not-yet-healed disease. Without any hesitation, Sevika shoved two of her metal talons into his nostrils and pushed his head up. The sharp metal cut and irritated the slimy tissue and the man let out a sudden wail.
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"She's not a brat", Sevika spat out, "She's the boss's daughter! You watch your mouth around her."
She scowled as she inspected the sniffling man below her before she eased her claws out of his nose. The man sneezed, his body bending forward as if he wanted to protect his vital organs and his face from the sharp metal arm hovering far too close for personal comfort.
However, he wasn't even granted that comfort for as he curled in on himself, the Chompers attached to his belly sunk their iron teeth deeper into his exposed flesh. Tears welled up in his eyes before he uncurled himself. The grenades continued to jiggle in him but remained blissfully untriggered. His dried blood had mixed with the smell of the urine, he must have let go off in the early hours of torture.
Sevika scoffed in disappointment. The men working for other Chem-Barons became more lacklustre as time dragged on. Silco was right. The whole rabble had turned into parasites, dulling their claws and fangs in the process. Lowlife vermin, which could not even stick to something as simple as a quarantine during the Sickly Months for their safety. And look where it had gotten them!
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"A word of advice:", Sevika spoke and her lips pulled into an unfriendly smile, dark eyes blackening with bile, "Once Silco finds out who's behind his current state, you are going to wish that Jinx in her impulsivity had just killed you."
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The door to Silco's office was open with such gusto that it banged loudly against the opposite wall. Only one person would ever have the courage and nerve to barge into the Eye of Zaun's office unannounced and unhindered like that, and that very same person was now standing in the doorway, her chest heaving for she had sprinted from the docks all the way back to The Last Drop.
Where Sevika was tall and a muscular, dark behemoth, Jinx was small, lean and as pale as a ghost. The only stark detail about her appearance was her long cobalt-blue braids, which swayed behind her trembling legs like the nervous tail of a cat. She was dressed in punkish attire from a black tank top to purple striped pants to purple sleeves, ending in a pair of dark, finger-less, leather gloves with golden brass on the knuckles.
Right now, Jinx looked even more dirty than she was anyhow from her experiments and misfiring explosions, covering her in soot and smudges of ash. Her utility belt missed two Chompers and Zapper's barrel tip was darkened from dried up blood. Some blobs still trickled down the edge. Jinx's huge, sapphire-blue eyes were darting around, looking for Silco with an expression of concern, alarm and excitement.
Back when Silco had gotten infected with Noxian Flu from an envoy from another, back then unidentified territory, Jinx had been in a lot of alarm. Most diseases during the Sickly Months could bear quite the fatal results. However, Singed had assured her that with enough Shimmer, some additional medicine as well as lots of rest, her father would recover swiftly, provided he stayed quarantined.
It had only been a couple of days ago that the eerie doctor deemed Silco healthy enough to come back to The Last Drop to do some mild work. Yet even so, Sevika had pulled double duty to ensure none of Silco's plans were delayed. The gang had also done its hardest to ensure that the common people had no idea that the Eye of Zaun had gotten sick to the point he had been bedridden for weeks.
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Even so, it was still hard for Jinx to see her father in the state, he was in now. Silco could work mostly normally, however, he still relied on a highly decorative cane to get from one place to the next. Still, the Doctor had said that her Papa had survived the worst of the disease and was well on his way to recovery.
Jinx tried to steady her excitement. Letting the door fall shut behind herself, she rushed over to the desk and with hands slamming upon the wood, she leaned forwards, balancing on the tip of one foot, the other leg kicking up, as Jinx announced with a bright smile:
"WE FOUND THE CULPRIT, PAPA! He works for Finn!"
Starter for @zaunseye.
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gauntlets-shot · 6 months
starter for @zaunseye
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Being an enforcer was a sham. Caitlyn found out the hard way. All those years idolizing them, believing their good deeds, their courage, their dedication to the idea of being heroes when in reality, they were the opposite. They were like evil henchmen, serving a corrupt dictator (Marcus, the current sheriff) who had a connection to an even more corrupt party, the leader of Zaun. Marcus had besmirched the name of the sheriff, the heroics of Grayson, and the enforcers as a whole. How could anyone stomach the deception? How could they be the people Piltover trusted to protect them? Where was their nobility.
Caitlyn soon found out that if she wanted to make a difference in the world, she's had to go A-wall. With the help of Jayce, Caitlyn had him construct a super suit that served as both armor and a slight ability enhancer that would help her move quicker and punch harder with the power of hex gems. However, those were just precautions. She equipped herself with a rifle, one stronger than the ordinary rifle. Instead of bullets, it shot out blasts of hex energy, something Jayce himself had crafted and though it was experimental, Caitlyn only agreed to the format because she wouldn't have to carry literal ammo. Just shards of hexgems to power the weapon, much like her suit.
Her suit ended up looking too flashy for her endeavors so, after adding a black cloak over the whole ensemble, Caitlyn set off to Zaun. Her main goal was to find the leader Silco and after running into some of his goons, she was able to make her way right to his headquarters...which seemed odd. It couldn't have been this simple to find him and it wasn't. After being tricked, Caitlyn was captured, her rifle had thankfully merged into her suit to stop from being taken. When Caitlyn finally came too, she was tied to a chair, facing somebody sitting at a desk in the dark. "Where am I? Where's Silco? I'm putting an end to your little shimmer scheme once and for all!" Probably not the wisest thing to say when she was defenseless but she'd probably get some answers spewing out nonsense.
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bluefeathrs · 4 months
📐 + Silco ( @zaunseye ), who is 182cm (5'11.7")
Height Comparison! || Accepting! || @zaunseye
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Was it just her or did something about him seem... dangerous? ...Maybe it was just the eye...
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sanguine-salvation · 7 months
starter for @zaunseye, who called upon the Angel of Death...
Few called for the Angel. But those who did, well, it'd be rude to turn them down, wouldn't it?
Of course, they weren't going to make it easy, oh no. If Silco wanted to meet them, he'd meet them in their element, and see if he was as ready to face the city as he proclaimed himself to be. Really, gang leaders and mob bosses were a dime a dozen, and usually terribly boring. Hardly worth the thought or bother. Because it itches still, let him, always let him, like a dog. But something about Silco's invitation... something just nipped at them long enough. Going back. "Shhh." Like a dog. Quiet. Wrong.
Despite the obvious open invitation to use the front door, Viktor made short work of climbing up the outside of the warehouse, using the fortuitous shipping crates to make it all the faster of a trip. Dirty salt-worn brick dug at their hands and the frigid bay air prickled up their skin, and for a moment they felt that nostalgic exhilaration of how they used to snoop around rival warehouses, teeth bared and eyes bright, blade in hand and hungering for blood like a rabid dog on a leash, waiting for the command from the grotesque man choking them at the collar.
Wrongwrongwrongwrong, it itches. Stop. Stopstopstop.
... Bittersweet at best, but they still felt the thrill all the same. Yes, just, that thrill, not the rotten filth it was covered in. This wasn't the same. This was personal curiosity, this was stalking through the grass as a new beast was released into the wild.
The window was easy to pick open— all the old warehouses were— and with care they peered in. Ten men already? Industrious, and they were not unfamiliar to Viktor, who liked to keep their eyes on everything in the city. Silco had guts for sure in his choices: there were already a number of Penguin's old ex-street runners— in the Bird's territory at that! The sheer admirable gall of it!— and everyone else was a known mugger or thug or dealer. And to keep them interested as a new face in a city of dangerous old guard?
Maybe Silco was as refreshing as he had promised. Maybe he was just rich. Maybe he was just lucky.
No, no, he would prove it with his words, not his hires, or he would be liberated of his suffering in dead-end ambitions. Viktor slipped down into the darkness, slithering between the supports and beams of the abandoned building, still reeking of salt and fish as the men moved about clearing it. Distracted. Very capable, but distracted.
Their eyes locked at the manager's office. There. A shadow in the weathered glass, jumbled by a splinted crack that threatened to give way any day now.
They moved dead silent, nothing but a shadow against the wall, dodging eyes as they slunk up the railed staircase. They could hear the shuffle of another body in the office, and what luck, the door had been left ajar.
And then it wasn't. Viktor smiled brightly as they laid their weight against the door behind them, now in the room with the man himself, arms crossed and eyes narrowed in prowling fascination at the man's back.
The knives were set, unreadied for now, at their hips.
"Silco, I presume. Sorry, I'm early."
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zaunseye · 6 months
What’s your opinion of the mun’s fashion sense? (the clothes they like to wear)
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"They drape themselves in mostly ill-fitting, oversized pajamas and lounge clothes. Hardly anything that makes an impression beyond 'lazy'." He shook his head with relative disinterest. "On the odd occasion, they might dress themselves in something proper -- something that shows their true and vibrant nature of neon green and violet purple, but they rarely find the motivation to do so. A pity."
He shrugged a shoulder while adjusting his own vest. "Give me an afternoon with them at the tailor's, and I could have them looking halfway decent."
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gnarledbite · 1 month
What Flower Used In Victorian Flower Language Are You?
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azalea - "take care of yourself"
Oh boy, that’s gifted kid burnout if I’ve ever seen it. You chose to go into academia, and you enjoy learning, but at this point you have to force the dedication you have. You have niche interests and the way you show love is by sharing knowledge. You may look outwardly like you have your shit together, but inside you are in emotional turmoil. Take some time for self-care, it’s not actually effective to stress about everything, you’re only making things harder on yourself. I promise you, it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s also okay to rely on other people and let people in. You’re not a machine, you can’t keep on going endlessly. When you were a child, did people often “compliment” you for being so mature? Those weren’t compliments, you had to grow up too soon. Get in touch with your inner child, I swear that it’s healing. The people that are meant for you will be there when you're messy. I believe in you.
Tagged by: @masquenoire (ty!~)
Tagging: @byanyan @zaunseye @chaotic-watchtower (for Dan!~) @mxldito @halfghcst @sanguine-salvation & whoever else wants to do this!~
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cxpperhead · 4 months
Fan Fiction/RP Tropes tier list
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Tagged by: @thecreativeforge (♡) Tagging: @bluefeathrs, @gin-n-chthonic, @question-marked, @red-hemlock, @the-rorschach-mask, @the-arkham-librarian, @umbrellamedic, @zaunseye and anybody else who'd like to do this?
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restrainedhungr · 4 months
which horror subgenre are you?
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Monster movies
Fear of the foreign and inhumane. Some might call you childish or flamboyant. You have an affinity for the silly things in life. Things that are odd, queer, and camp. You host great parties.
Tagged by Stolen from: @zaunseye
Tagging: You! O:
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zigg--muses · 1 year
[ the muses ] // directory.
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url: @crimson--corvid name: ruairí byrne media inspo: vampire the masquerade fun fact: is a vampire with a craving for murderers
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url: @the--e--nygma name: edward e. nygma media inspo: dc multiverse fun fact: has a genius level intellect and an inferiority complex
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url: @lethal--laughter name: jack "the joker" napier media inspo: dc multiverse fun fact: will laugh at your funeral after he sends you to it
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url: @john--doe name: john doe / joker media inspo: telltale batman series fun fact: wants to make friends and enemies alike
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url: @neo--knight name: terry mcginnis media inspo: dc multiverse fun fact: has multiple kinds of daddy issues
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url: @nightmares--child name: terrance ward media inspo: marvel multiverse fun fact: can turn into your worst nightmares
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url: @mad--mal name: mal mcmason media inspo: marvel multiverse fun fact: is a mutant who can turn into organic malachite
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url: @jughead--jones name: forsythe "jughead" pendleton jones III media inspo: archie multiverse fun fact: turns into a real howler on full moons
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url: @biotic--timebomb name: commander hieu shepard media inspo: mass effect universe fun fact: a secret agent who saved the universe that one time.
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url: @earthquakxr name: lance alvers / avalanche media inspo: x-men evolution (mu-11052) fun fact: can literally make your house rock
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url: @laughing-hellblazer name: john constantine media inspo: hellbazer (vertigo) fun fact: has just enough charm to trick the devil, himself
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url: @mxchineherald name: viktor media inspo: arcane (riot) fun fact: a scientist with the most complex deathwish
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url: @zaunseye name: silco media inspo: arcane (riot) fun fact: a powerful chem baron and world's worst dad
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jynxd · 6 months
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Things hadn't gone like they were supposed to and it sent her in a panic. It wasn't something she could control, with the shattered state she was in. A state in which Vi induced, causing her to break down immensely. She wasn't in control of her impulses, then, when she heard the click of a trigger that activated the impulse to shoot in the direction of the sound. Only to find out that the person she'd shot had been Silco.
'I'd never have given you to them.' The guilt plagued her mind, because she should have believed that from the start. If she had they wouldn't be in this position and he wouldn't be dying in front of her eyes. She could see the light fading as he let out his last words.
This was going to be the day she showed him the weapon she had made, she was going to make him more proud of her than he had ever been. Instead she let her sister get between them, let her take up more space in her mind. So, the moment his jaw slacked and his head sunk, her expression had changed. Jinx knew where she belonged, which seat it was always meant to be.
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"He was right all along, you, were never going to accept me and now you've made me your enemy." All the hatred that had been building over the years, the hatred he helped her harness, had fully come to the service now. No longer would Vi matter in her mind, she was the enemy. "Congratulations, sis, you made your choice, now you have to make your bed with it."
It was then that she heard even the slightest movement from Silco's chair, her brain immediately focusing on him. Whether it was real or in her mind didn't matter, because maybe he wasn't gone yet...
Jinx frantically reached into her pocket for her knife, and cut the rope. "You can't die, I won't let you." She said, her voice dripping heavily with desperation as she held him in her arms, not unlike how he would hold her. Didn't spare another word, glance, or even a thought at the woman who truly no longer considered family and ran out. Singed would know what to do.
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"You have to help him," Jinx called out immediately as she practically destroyed Singed's door with a single kick. The hinges of the door breaking as she charged in, not too different from how Silco had the last time they were here. "Daddy, he's been shot...but I can't let him die, please."
Jinx was the reason he was like this, she had shout him and that weighed heavily on her. Silco was the only person she had left. The only one that mattered. If he died, she would be left with nothing. Nothing but the pain of knowing she was the cause. She wasn't even sure she could live with herself.
She carefully sat unconscious Silco on the table, the same table she'd been on the day prior. Where he took her to save her, too. This table would be where they both would be saved... "Please tell it me it's not too late to save him." @zaunseye
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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◈  ⇢ @zaunseye  ⋯  Childhood Memories .    ❝ age 12 (Mel) ❞
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Mel flinched just at the memory, as she turned her head away from Zigg. Damn, those memories and how they still left a mark on her skin like the scars on her back. Her hand reached up, brushing against the lightened skin that marked her back. Not even her gold tattoos that splayed over her back could hide those marks of Noxian status.
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"It was the day my mother named me. 'You are the Medarda of War,' she told me. Trying to twist my heart mind and soul to war. I was on my knees crying, my back bloody and bruised from a beating. Noxus is unforgiving, if you do not learn to bear the pain of hardship, you will break in war. I think what is worse though is that these were given to me by my Mother, herself. The Great War Chief, Ambessa, a jewel of Noxian generals," Mel spoke with a slick venom over her lips.
"'If you cannot bear the act of pain, you cannot carry the mantle of war, my daughter! Whip away your tears but do not dare cry out,' she told me. And I did just that, my bloody hands wiped away my tears, leaving the marks of blood on my cheeks. I'm not sure what I expected, I had hoped for a mother who might hold me, and tell me she didn't just cut my back up with five lashes from a whip. I took another five more lashes for my actions to help another child soldier. I tried to harden myself, still wanting to try and prove myself to my mother. That child, I defended them, taking a hit for them when they should have taken it themselves. I do not regret my actions, though, in the end, I couldn't save her. She died not two months later,"
I quiet hush came over as she flexed her claws, remembering the way they dug into the blood-soaked earth as she was on her hands and knees as a child. "Everyone in Noxus sees a hero, but my mother was no hero. They say in Zaun, there are monsters, but I can tell you this," Mel looked over to Zigg as she shook her head.
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"She is a monster of her own making. I would rather face Zaun than ever see her face again. My mother," The word slipped from her lips with disdain as she growled at the tip of her tongue. "Is no mother. Oh, she created the Medarda of War, I am war. But I will not be her war,"
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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"I am sorry I lost the target." Jinx sat on Silco's desk, her boots pushed softly against his thighs and her head snuggled against cupped fingers, which held onto the injector. "We passed the old Arcade and suddenly, they were all too loud again. I... I didn't mean to freeze. But it is how the target got away. I don't even remember where it went."
Dialogue starter for @zaunseye.
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runes-menagerie · 3 months
get to know the mun.
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what's your phone wallpaper : Crystal Exarch FFXIV
last song you listened to : Dragonsong FFXIV Heavensward theme
currently reading : Helluva Boss, Baldur's Gate 3, and FFXIV fanfics mostly.
last movie : D&D movie
last show :Ghost Hunters
what are you wearing right now? Lounge pants, t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and crocheted shawl
How tall are you: 5'10"
piercings / tattoos ? Used to have basic ear piercings, none presently. No tattoos either
glasses / contacts : Glasses
last thing you ate? Ice cram and peanut butter
favorite color : Jewel tones
current obsession : Helluva Boss, FFXIV, BG3, Minecraft
do you have a crush right now? : Bli (@jynxd)
favorite fictional character : Too many to list
last place you traveled : Pennsylvania, USA
Tagged by: @zaunseye
Tagging: @blackrosesmatron, and whomever else wants to do this.
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bluefeathrs · 2 months
what type of soul do you have?
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Changeling Soul
You have acquired the Changeling soul. too fast. and too much. your heart burns crimson inside your chest. you move closer to what you want. what you need and you just beg for no more change. subject to all eyes. even ones on the back of their heads. to be beautiful and yourself is possible. and you are living proof of that. without the salt the sea would not be itself. what would be the defining feature of the ocean without the salt, its size? to rid of it would be cruel. like a life long friend being taken away. you are no longer afraid of yourself. and no one can convince you of that. you will, must, not move backwards. you are not a failed version yourself when only one of you exists. you are you and that is a miracle. the blood that runs in your veins pump with the greater cause to lead your life how you want it. and I'm cheering for you.
Stolen from: @vin-robles & @cosmic-gemstone
Tagging: @zaunseye @masquenoire @red-hemlock @smilingmxsk @byanyan @mxldito @sanguine-salvation @crimson--corvid & whoever wants to take this! Tag me!
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