#zeb wells is on thin ice. i think he's a bad writer but like. in a b-movie kind of way???
softgrungeprophet · 1 year
skimming some asm (650-651, 658 etc) as reference for a suit
and god
there's a reason dan slott is one of my least favorite marvel writers lmfao
650-651 were okay.
658 is not even okay. It just sucks. And it's a great precursor example of the exact same shit that plagued his Fantastic Four run. Just, completely unfunny, uncaring, and shallow. Reading this, how can I be surprised he whiffed Johnny so badly in vol. 6? The night and day difference between these, and his Spider-Man/Human Torch comic, is baffling to behold. ASM 658 is dogshit by comparison lmao (and most of Johnny's treatment in Slott's F4 run is just as bad.)
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