#let me be clear though: new ways to live is not good XD
softgrungeprophet · 1 year
skimming some asm (650-651, 658 etc) as reference for a suit
and god
there's a reason dan slott is one of my least favorite marvel writers lmfao
650-651 were okay.
658 is not even okay. It just sucks. And it's a great precursor example of the exact same shit that plagued his Fantastic Four run. Just, completely unfunny, uncaring, and shallow. Reading this, how can I be surprised he whiffed Johnny so badly in vol. 6? The night and day difference between these, and his Spider-Man/Human Torch comic, is baffling to behold. ASM 658 is dogshit by comparison lmao (and most of Johnny's treatment in Slott's F4 run is just as bad.)
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girl8890 · 2 years
Needing You
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Request: Could you write something about Chishiya, guy who has a nightmare about the reader, this would be outside of Borderland's. I would really appreciate it and I love the way you write, by the way english is not my first language.
By: @cresentmoon8
Summary: After meeting you and escaping borderlands, Chishiya thought that the nightmare of a life he was living was over. But the nightmare of almost seeing you die during a game still follows him. He’s always put up a front as being a strong person, but after this last nightmare he can’t help himself and carry out the need to hold you close and cry in your arms.
Pairing: Chishiya x reader
Genre: nightmares, fluff, angst
Rating: V
Warnings: post borderlands, nightmares, murder, blood, crying Chishiya, cuddling, neglectful parents, familial pressure, one kiss
A/N: Not me writing a AIB fic LOL! It’s been so long since I even thought about writing for AIB (even though I’m still obsessed with the fandom), but once I got this request I was all for it. My requests are still closed for this fandom, but I thought this was such a good idea, and I needed a fluff cleanser anyway XD Enjoy bbys!
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Drip… Drip… Drip…
Chishiya slowly opens his eyes, the fog not letting his vision stay clear. The outlines of his vision is still hazy even after he blinks his eyes a few times.
Drip.. Drip.. Drip..
He goes to rub his head, a sudden sting hitting his temples or at least he thinks there should be, but realizes he’s tied to a chair - unable to move anything, but his head.
He hears the sound of something dripping on repeat drip faster. The sound doesn’t have him looking around in search for its owner, though, but the smell that is coming from it. It’s the smell of bone and blood. Two things he’s been accustomed to longer than he would like too admit.
It’s then he realizes he doesn’t know where you are. If he’s strapped to this chair, then where could you be? The last time he saw you was when entering a game-
Turning his head slightly, he finds his answer. You’re strapped to a chair, head down, and blood dripping off your face. Chishiya goes to scream, yell, anything to get your attention but no sound comes out. He struggles in his restrains, trying to get to you, but somehow the ropes around his body get tighter - stopping himself from having any ability to move.
Step. Step. Step.
He hears a new sound, and stops his struggle. It’s a sound of footsteps that’s owner he hasn’t thought about in a long time. Something you helped him forget about, but always in the back of his mind would know forever. The steps of a man always filled with determination and pride, but he would use those boots to stomp on Chishiya’s own pride and determination have change he got.
Chishiya looks around, wondering where the steps are coming from in this extreme dark room. After looking behind him, he looks back at you, and sees the man right behind you. The man’s who’s footsteps halted, and look down at him through his glasses.
“What a disappointment you were Shuntaro. Can’t even save your own girlfriend.” His father says, although his face is extremely dark to see the usual strong features his father has.
Chishiya’s father then grabs at your hair, pulling your head back and pulling out a knife that he aims at your throat. Chishiya screams at him to stop, but once again no sounds comes out. This time, as he moves to get out of his restrains, his chair also starts to move backwards. Away from you slowly and getting faster by the second.
No matter how tight the retrains get he still try’s to get to you, all the while not taking his eyes off of you. Your face is bloody, and the blood continues to pour off of you profusely. Your eyes slowly peel open, and Chishiya freezes. Your eyes are like a void instead of there usual bright color. The whites of your eyes gray and creamy.
“Why, Chishiya?” You cry to him, blood increasing as it starts coming out of your eyes now. “I thought you loved me.”
Chishiya does love you, he tries to scream that to you even as the horrific sight of you bleeding from nothing is making his heart beat like crazy. He feels tears fall down his face, this all to much for him to hold it back.
His father chuckles at him, and how white teeth shin against his dark face. “Pathetic,” His father says before slitting your throat. Him undoubtedly cutting the right jugular to kill you.
Chishiya screams, and screams, and screams, but it’s all silent. His ears ring, and tears fall from his eyes while he watches you slowly die and choke on your own blood. With one last big breathe to scream at his father all of his hate, he…
Chishiya jolts up out of bed, the scream from his dream joining him as he wakes up from a terrifying nightmare of almost watching you die in front of him again. He clutch’s at his chest, feeling his heart against his palm through his shirt and beating to fast to be okay.
You jolt awake when you hear Chishiya scream next to you, rolling over to hold him by his hips even if he’s not sensing you’re there at the moment. This has been happening a lot lately. Ever since you both exited the games, the last game being the worst of all, Chishiya has been suffering from nightmares.
He never tells you what there about, but the way he jolts awake always wakes you up too. The games making you wake up from the slightest movements now, and that trait following you even after escaping.
“Chishiya… it’s okay… I’m here, your alive-“ You stop your usual soothing words when you hear Chishiya start to cry. It’s a small sound, but your ears catch the sound nonetheless.
You sit up, look at the love of your life with his face in his hands as he shakes with a sob. You pull him to lean against you chest, and you don’t even think he feels you doing so, but you try your best to comfort him anyway.
You’ve never seen Chishiya cry before, not since the last game, at least. The last game had you close to death, and if it weren’t for Chishiya saving you, you would have died. It was a game like no other. One where you were on top of crates, and you had to get to the other side without touching the ground.
Each time you jumped a crate, though, the ones it front of you would get further and further away. Like the metal boxes knew you were coming, and wanted to see just how fast all of you could run.
Well, you couldn’t run fast. You weren’t the most athletic person, and instead relied on your wits to get through the games. Your foot slipped on the edge of one of the crates, and you smashed your face against the metal box in the process. Your hand slipped next, the blood from your smashed nose that you hit against the metal create making your vision dizzy. If it wasn’t for Chishiya catching your hand at the last second, you would have died.
You never saw Chishiya shed a tear before that, but one drip of the salty liquid did leave his eyes that day. Almost seeing you die, and then the blood on your face making it hard for Chishiya to keep his control. The blood proving just how close you were to dying.
But this isn’t just one tear. There’s streams of tears coming down his cheeks, and you keep trying to whisper insurances that whatever he dreamed about was just that… just a dream.
“I-it wasn’t fake. It was real… You died… I failed you.” His last three words are said so small, you barely hear them. If it wasn’t for his close proximity, you would have missed them. You clutch onto him even closer to your chest, realizing what he probably dreamed about by his words.
“You didn’t fail me, and I’m not dead. You saved me, Chishiya. You saved me. Not Arisu or Usagi, but you… And for that, I’ll be forever grateful.”
Chishiya slowly picks his head up off your chest, wiping his eyes quickly as he does. He blinks at you, his vision finally clearing from his tears and being able to see you. You show him a small smile, and Chishiya’s lips part as he takes your appearance in.
Your not bleeding, your neck isn’t slit, and you aren’t looking at him with dead eyes like his dream depicted. You’re your same beautiful self, and now reality is crashing down on Chishiya. It was all a dream… and he was crying about it.
Chishiya was taught at a young age to stay strong in every situation, but seeing his own shitty father hurt you was to much for him. Especially when you said you thought he didn’t love you. The whole thing broke him. Broke him to the point he cried so hard that it woke him up from the dream.
He swallows against the lump in his throat, and with a shaking hand touches your cheek. Feeling your soft skin under his finger tips and confirming that you are, in fact, alive. Chishiya closes his eyes, suddenly feeling a boat of shame hit him in the chest from him waking you up like this.
“I’m sorry,” Chishiya says.
Your eyes widen ever so slightly, and your smile vanishes. You, being the best girlfriend in the world, crawl into his lap and make him wrap his arms around you. Your arms go around his neck, and then you clink your foreheads together. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, Chishiya. The past is the past, and now we’re out. I will also always be here for you. No matter what the situation.”
Chishiya blinks his eyes open up at you, seeing your pretty eyes so close to his. Although your words warm his heart, he still has to confirm something. “You know I love you… right?”
It took so long for Chishiya to admit he loved you, to the point it hurt you a few times while you were both in borderlands. It wasn’t until he almost saw you die that he admitted his feelings for you right then and there. He never wanted to hurt you or see you hurt again. That’s why you saying you didn’t think he loved you in his dream hurt so badly, making him start to cry in real life.
You raise a confused eyebrow at him, and take your forehead off of his. You don’t understand why he’s asking now, but you don’t need to. You see in Chishiya demeanor that he needs this. He needs you to answer this question because if you don’t it will shatter his world. He’s needing you to answer this question truthfully, but there was no way you were saying the opposite of the truth, anyway.
“Of course I do. I always have, baby.”
Chishiya’s lips twitch up in a smile, unable to help himself as he pulls you in for a singular deep kiss. Your confession clearing his head of all doubts, and making him feel ten times better then he was a few seconds ago.
The both of you then lay down, still holding each other like if you don’t the other person will disappear, and soon fall asleep.
Not before Chishiya whispers in between the two of you, you already asleep so you don’t hear, his own confession of how he feels about you.
“I always loved you too.”
The End
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pack-the-pack · 7 days
Going though your blog and answers has me ✨ fascinated ✨ and I mean that in the most positive of ways. ABO is a hit or miss because it frequently intersects with my scent kink but only in the most specific of ways lol. (It has also been rotting my brains in trying to come up with different hcs lately so thank you for satisfying that scratch)
Originally came here from your slur list which I'm Obsessed with because mundane world building (mundane as in every day, I very much love it XD) so going through it was such a treat.
And now having spent almost an hour scrolling, I can confidently say that I love your blog ~
(I'm also on your 'give chan all the love he deserves' boat and currently Going through it trying to find good fics XD. If you have any recs I would be forever grateful <3)
Food for thought: I know most head cannons around abo stay relatively away from deviation aside from personality (going off fanfics, I haven't explored blogs that much, a travesty I'm now realizing), but knowing that in humans neither sex nor gender is binary in any way has me wondering what those deviations might look like in an abo setting. What would intersex look like in this setting? Pheromones are pretty obvious, certain scents being correlated with certain presentations, but the potency could also bring up insecurity (going off your beta having weaker scents hc). Glands could be missing or placed differently (is the scent kink obvious lol) but seeing as they're important for communication, that could be an interesting take on ostracization as the "inept" one. I won't get too far into the surgery done to irl intersex folk because this is fun fantasy, but it's another aspect to explore.
All to say, I'm just fascinated with the evolution and the "how we got here" side of abo and all the ramifications that come with it lol.
Hope you have a good day! You've made mine with a new blog to explore -w-
So sorry, for taking so long to answer. I've been neglecting my asks a lot, there's nearly 100 of them, and I know I'll never get them down to a reasonable number. Oop :V But slowly I'll get through SOME hahahaha. First things first: I'm incredibly grateful for all the kind words. I know I've slowly got less and less time over the years to dedicete to this blog, But I still try to come by whenever I have some time to spare. And to know that there are people out there that really enjoy what I write and create is very heart-warming. Ah yes, the infamous slurs post. The A/B/O magnet that curses my notifications lol. Like I said in my last post, one day people will realize this is for FICTION, and as you said, world-building, not a real thing? Antis be bafflings as always, but what else is new, ey? YES! Channie deserves so much love. I unforutetly don't have any fanfics to rec, even though I am writting one myself. But I gotta say, as I write, writing Chris' persona (because when it comes to Real People fanfiction, especially idols, I make it very clear that we're dealing with their personas as artists, not them as real people in their private lives) is surprisingly difficult. Most of all when it comes to writing him as a source of conflict. Because bloody hell, he's so sweet, I can't write him being petty or whiny belivably enough! When I do write my fanfic though and at least post ONE chapter, I'll let you know, if you want I can send you a link also. Now for the interesting part. As always, omegaverse biology! I think it'd be interesting if intersex people were like, maybe anatomically like one dynamics, but behaviourally like another. Specially on their scent. You look at this big person, and you think "there goes an Alpha", but then they just smell like sweet Omega or Beta and you're like "wait a sec--". I like the idea of different shapes and placements of glands too! That'd be quite interesting. As for the gonads and reproductive organs, technically in my verse, Alpha females and Omega males are in a way, already what one may consider intersex (at least one interpretation of it). Female alpha have a slit/vagina that acts as a sheath for their penis, which only grow upon arousal, much like cats. And at least in my verse, Omega males have a vestigial penis and testicles, that although not functional for reproduction still react to arousal and stimulus. They also have a womb accessible by their booty, which I know many people don't like, but hey, my game my rules, right? Thinking of other possible intersex presentations in a verse such as this, then one could maybe argue for functional and larger penises for "supposed" Omegas while keeping the ability to carry offspring. And for female Alphas maybe maintining the ability to carry children, like Beta females, but having a smaller, non functional penis. And also a myriad of other possibilities. Would that be enough to constitute a new dynamics? Maybe, idk actually. I think much like in real life, it'd be up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to be segregated and categorized as something other. It's certainly a fun thing to consider and build a story or some headcanons in the very least upon. Thank you for the ideas :))
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covenofwives · 26 days
I was clearing through my folders to get rid of some files and came across this scene I had written for the god sibling au. This scene won't be in the new story so decided to post it here so my work doesn't go to waste. I'll put it and context for it under the cut
so this scene was not long after it was revealed 4K and Sapnap were brothers and Sapnap has made it clear he wants no contact with 4K. XD is overly curious as to why but 4K tells him to drop it so XD goes to HD. This was before certain parts of the story were changed and Drista was still involved.
Please enjoy my messy writing
“Don’t you think that’s weird? He’s never mentioned having a brother to you?”
“It’s really none of my business what he wants to mention to me or not.” HD responded so calmly. It irked XD that he wasn’t taking it seriously.
“But that’s not right, is it? They should be closer, right? Like you and George are. Has he said if something happened between them? Or…”
HD pushed himself to sit up then. It was rather easy to tell he was annoyed and XD quietened down. “I think,” he spoke matter-of-factly, “that it’s weird you take such an interest in everyone else’s relationship with their siblings, when your own relationship isn’t exactly a shining example.”
XD was stunned to the accusation. His mouth felt numb till eventually he moved it enough to make a sound. “E-Excuse me?”
“You’ve hardly spoken to Dream for…what, a year or two? And somehow that gives you authority over what a perfect sibling relationship should look like?”
“Me and Dream are…fine! We talk!”
“You talk now, and even then it’s not a lot.” HD looked to XD. “George tells me when you first met him, he didn’t even know you and Dream were brothers. You didn’t tell him anything, not even a mention that you had a brother. He had to ask.”
“We look alike! Our names are the same for Prime sake!”
“Yes. Which is how George guessed it. And he tells me that you only told him when he asked you. You didn’t think to mention that you had a brother? Not even a ‘by the way, I’m your best friends sibling’? And what of Drista? I think I’ve seen her more times than you have.”
“I’m busy!”
“Too busy for your siblings. But not for George.”
XD must have made an expression because HD softened his voice a little, as though realising he had gone too far. “I’m not saying this to be cruel, which yes is a first for me. But I’m just pointing out that you’re so concerned with mine and 4K’s sibling relationships that I just think you’re maybe projecting worries for your own one.”
“I just… You told me you didn’t have a sibling and I just wanted to help.”
“Yes, which I am grateful for. But 4K isn’t like me. He’s kept his ear to the ground and his eyes open. If there is some reason why he and Sapnap aren’t close, or together, then I trust he has good reason.”
XD said nothing. He turned his head away, too shamed to look at HD because something about the words were true. Maybe he hadn’t been doing it on purpose, but his focus to get George and HD in contact with one another was overtaken with a new focus for Sapnap and 4K.
“I’m not trying to prove it more but…when me and George hang out, what do you do for the day?”
XD had to think about it before answering. “I… Well last time I was in my glade, just working on stuff and-”
“Alone?” HD pressed. “While me and George were hanging out, you didn’t think maybe Dream would be alone too and want to hang out? Did you even ask?”
They didn’t. XD hadn’t asked Dream to hang out in a long time. They hadn’t asked Drista either. Because in the past, when they first came to the overworld to live, they would ask and Dream would excuse he was busy with friends and Drista would be too focused on her own powers. They both pulled away and DreamXD slowly just let them go. They stopped asking because it hurt to always know they’d be rejected.
“I know you won’t drop the issue with 4K and Sapnap. But I just think instead of trying to fix everyone else’s family stuff, maybe focusing more on your own is better for you.”
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Aaaahhhh, loved the new chapter!! 
There are so many emotions and certain things keep building up with each hunt that passes and I’m so excited to see what will happen when one (or all) of them snap!
Though I’ll try to keep this comment organized XD
Ok, so first off, it makes so much sense the night terrors have been constant. With such a similar environment to that traumatic encounter with the demon, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s how it was for them back then too, (or even worse and for longer) when they had just survived the encounter. No wonder the boys wanted them to rest. Although clearly, they were being pretty vigilant about the emails from FEI. They were being smart and snatched the phone to make sure it wasn’t about a demon. They are obviously relieved it wasn’t anything that might uncover them to y/n and they could spend a calm night watching over them.
Speaking of which it was so funny how excited they were about the prospect of y/n killing mothman. Not even to do it themselves, but like taking delight in the idea of their hunter doing it, haha! Which makes the fact that y/n decided to mess with them even funnier, because the way Sun fell silent, makes me think, that for half a second, they thought y/n was for real about the boyfriend thing before remembering that it was ridiculous. And then y/n specifically saying they would rip Mothman’s heart out (which haha, metaphor for breaking up also). Y/n might as well just have asked the boys to marry them XD
Ahh, but then we get to the more serious aspect of the hunt!
First I want to say that I really loved that bit of foreshadowing with the “we won’t let you fall” bit! Considering what happened at the barn and all, they sure kept their promise! Even if they were frustrated at them for needing to do so in the first place. 
But as exasperated as the boys were, it really makes sense that the hunter wanted to check! Their observation of the possible refuge of the mothman was pretty good, with entrances to the place and the difficult access to it. Not to mention people would be wary of the place coming down like Sun was, so a nest would be undisturbed for the most part. Not arguments the boys would like to hear though haha! But their frustration is understandable, when they have grown to love the hunter so much. Even as far as to comment that they would have been safer by not becoming a hunter. But that wouldn’t have really been them, then. And they definitely wouldn’t have met as well.
Oh and! Something that really caught my attention with this one is the great kindness and compassion of the hunter. When they saw the woman with her dog, braving the same place where she was attacked to warn people, they saw themself in her. How such a relatively quick encounter can mark someone for life. And they handled it. Because they knew what it was like. And they are once again reminded why they do this job. If I’m not mistaken, this is the one occasion in the fic where we have seen the hunter interacting with an actual survivor. We already knew of course of their moral compass, not caring that Nate Fleet was a jerk and willing to use their image without permission for fame (also… I just realized his name was probably because his presence was fleeting XD) because they still lament his death and feel guilty for not being able to save him. This time we see them reaching out and caring about those that have to live with the consequences of an encounter. They know the feeling of being thought crazy and the frustration that comes with wanting to prevent a danger and not being taken seriously. And I feel this is what Sun and Moon witness too, something that the hunter themself might not notice in themself but it’s so clear to the boys. Their heart is beautiful because of their kindness, and their strength at braving dangers so that others don’t have to suffer like they did. 
It’s something so special about them! How much they treasure life! It’s precious to them and it shows with every chapter! From their sympathy for the people affected, to their grief for the baby owls (which by the way OUCH, I was so hoping they would make it T-T), to their worry about Sun and Moon, that while not human, to the hunter are very much worth protecting like anyone else. And they suffer so much when life is harmed. Taken unfairly. So much so that they didn’t hear any words from Sun as he was scolding them because they are so caught up in wanting to protect everyone to impossible standards that the guilt is just more crushing than anything. Sun and Moon are just so frustrated because y/n seems to not value their own life as much as they value the ones around them. It’s a nice narrative conflict, how for y/n, the priority is protecting everyone else, while for the boys, it’s to protect the hunter.
Oh and to finish, I want to add a little sidenote! This is just speculation, but I really wonder if that broken ray will be relevant later on. A jagged metallic edge seems like something likely to accidentally cut someone if not careful hmmmmmmm. Might not come up again as anything much, but with the reveal approaching I’m just gonna be paying attention to aaaaall the details I can haha! Awesome chapter, Naff! I’m so excited for what’s to come!
Ahhhh, I love seeing you in my inbox! ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh yeah, the cryptid hunter had a rough time revisiting a terrifying memory, and worrying over Vanessa isn't help them either. The boys see this all too well.
PFFFT Sun/Moon hearing Y/N talking about the possibility of ripping out mothman's heart: How do we say we love you without saying we love you?
Oh my gosh, yes, a, thousand times yes to your cryptid hunter analysis ;-; I am eating up your words ♥ ♥ ♥ Sun/Moon are frustrated because this was such a reckless, dangerous thing Y/N did?? Why! (They know why) but still, they hate that isn't kinder to themselves, so they must pick up the slack and see to it that Y/N is treated with the utmost care they deserve!
Oh ho, a theory?!?! Hehe, I love to hear it :D
Ahhh, thank you so much for your wonderful comment and thank you for reading, babe! ♥
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voidcat-senket · 3 months
Fanfic Writer Ask Game: 💥🚀🍬😎🚦
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change? Finn is a Jedi okay bye. (I don't even go there really. Ask me about my Incredible Uncoolness In Regards To Hating JJ Abrams another time LOL). There are certainly Adjustments to Canon I've made in various fics but... hard to pick just one thing lol.
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go? If I bother to outline it's usually when I'm halfway through a fic and I'm writing down what scenes I need to reach the end. I don't pre-plan the fic paths I let them reveal themselves to me
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom? Not usually at the same time but yeah. Also I've been writing for decades so uh let's say top 5 fandoms? -Closing the Space (between us) is my alltime top fic, it's HunterxHunter, Killugon Reunion Fic -Plant Your Roots Inside of Me is my second best fic ever, it's Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, Cal/Bode, Haunted!Tanalorr -Photographs of Dementia is probably my favorite Sherlock BBC fic, it's Moriarty/Moran and at the time was the longest fic I'd ever written. I was a prolific Mystrade writer, but I think the MorMor fic had way more interesting characterization. (I do really like Fantasia too though, that's a Mystrade musicians AU) -Not Unusual is my favorite Star Trek fic, it's NuTrek Academy Era McKirk -Defract: Clear Blue Skies is probably my favorite Stargate Atlantis fic. It's not particular impressive but I love it a lot. John breaks a speed record :P
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? Eh. It so depends! What I need is solid characterization and similar needs, goals, situations, internal lives for the characters. So if the characters are really on point in a total AU? LOVE IT! If it's 100% canon compliant? LOVE IT! I've seen middling to unrelated characterization in both those categories as well so. Yeah. Canon Compliant Characterization I guess is where I'm going XD
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.? Over the years I've been slowly upping the happiness. It used to be bad or ambiguous. Now it's good or ambiguous! But my line is skewed. For example, Roots apparently didn't have a happy ending?? News to me! ;)
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morievna · 2 years
Mix 18 – Ugetsu’s grand return 🥳
Ohh sorry so much I was meaning to write about this chapter since awhile, but my job was demanding lately and I also got new obsession to over-think *cough* BSD Stormbringer *cough* But here I am finally getting time to gush about Ugetsu and Mafuyu xD
(btw i had fun with creating new pfp with this picrew)
This post will be more Ugetsu-centric – I will focus on Mafuyu later on together with covering mix 19 – though maybe after full scans will be available since judging from spoilers it relies a lot on visuals. But in short, it is so beautiful chapter with Mafuyu’s arc blooming 💖
As for now - what can i say -  mix 18 is simply perfection. Feel prepared to me simply counting up things I loved xD
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Honestly I love everything about it  – finally getting Ugetsu’s return in such amazing way, the way Mafuyu was portrayed in such human and vulnerable way and character development of them both. Besides, interaction between them were pure gold xD I liked how funny was clash between their personalities, which balanced more serious and angsty side of this chapter.
I really like how Given is consistent with themes and parallels between all characters, especially Akigetsu and Mafuyama in this one. It feels very thoughtful how Natsuki-sensei planned all of it.
Okay, so let’s start digging~~
If you read my analysis of Ugetsu’s booklet from movie  - you know that I was concerned with how he was shown so alone and isolated from outside world; with no human interaction except that text from Akihiko.
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Honestly I literally gasped when he admitted that by himself in this chapter xD
Really wow – such development considering that he started as character ‘i-have-no-friends’ and neglecting himself in lot of ways. He went long way T_T
I really liked his vibe in this chapter – it really feels that he thought over his life and changed. Even without clear destination – it feels symbolic that he no longer wants to live in temporary hotels and wants to sell his old house ( which was symbol of his cocoon) – like butterfly he is now free to live fully and make connection with outside world.
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So proud of Ugetsu~~
I am really curious if we will got more spinoff or something about Ugetsu – it really feels like some part of his life ended, but new possibilities are ahead – I really love how carefree he ponders on his future. Also since Natsuki-sensei mentioned on her twt that she made changes to booklet story to include improved version to Given vol.8 – I still think she likes Ugetsu quite a lot xD
Okay, let’s move on Mafuyu-Ugetsu bond ~~
I love their dynamics so much – in this chapter it was really perfect way how to show kinda mentor-student relationship should work (and without mentor dying per trope *sighs in bsd*).
I loved how Mafuyu opened to Ugetsu about he is going through – because of he knew what’s Ugetsu been through and how they are alike, these factors helped him to admit his deepest worries and insecurities. Though this arc Mafuyu talked to others, but it was the heartfelt connection between MafuUge that let him to be more at ease speaking himself. Like Ugetsu being comfort friend for him like no other.
I love Mafuyu reaction to Ugetsu’s spontaneous decision to go together to SYH live :D
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They are just perfect xDD
On more serious side, I really liked hands symbolism in this – at first Mafuyu is uncomfortable with this decision like feeling desperate that Ugetsu didn’t understand him and grasping him to wait, not wanting to go and confront Uenoyama.
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But then after they talk more – Ugetsu’s points get through to Mafuyu. I also loved how Ugetsu knew what to say and  how help Mafuyu. Like literally he said what Mafuyu needed to hear – both calling out on lack of communication with Uenoyama, making good points on indecisiveness having painful consequences, and praising him for trying his best.
It is great too that Ugetsu didn’t handed full solution for Mafuyu – ‘only’ provided support and good insights and ultimately gave Mafuyu push in right direction, which is taking him by hand to SYH debut (meanwhile Mafuyu ceasing to resist).
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What’s more, it is really good that they got separated in the crowd – Mafuyu has to alone make decision for his own future and this is giving him that free space. After all, from story perspective mentor is supposed only to show protagonist way of living and giving advice like fundament -  and protag must have built on that by himself and go beyond.
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Besides, I really love that callback to chapter 27 – on one side we have that emotional scene with Ugetsu/Mafuyu crying due to being terrified of what comes with future, and to balance that we have frame with comforting ‘all will be okay’ providing support to one another.
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Excuse me now to cry in the corner a bit T_T
Ngl Ugetsu looking melancholic when Mafuyu brought up his story with Akihiko also made my Akigetsu heart weep a bit too T_T
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Finally - to end on positive note,
mentor-student dynamics is often show that student could achieve at what mentor didn’t succeed -  that’s why imo (contrary to Akigetsu as these ships were paralleled in this chapter) Mafuyama will get their happy ending with most likely pursuing music as career. And since story established that Mafuyu and Ugetsu and inspiring and helping each other -  I hope one day we will get Ugetsu happy ending as well – by that I mean him being renowned violinist while having friends and/or loving husbando xD
That’s all for now – thanks for reading and have great day <3
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marinerainbow · 9 months
11, 15 and 21 for Poppy! 😊
Yay!! More OC POV asks! :D
11. What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
"Oh, I love a good mystery novel!" The rabbit chirped excitedly. Her fingers drummed on the coffee mug she was holding, "I'm actually reading this book about a murder case that takes place in a mansion! There are six suspects, and they all have their own motivation to kill the man. And it's up to the butler to figure out who killed him, and where, and with what weapon!"
Realizing she got a little loud, Poppy cleared her throat before offering a sheepish smile, "Sorry, that probably sounds morbid. I also like romance and historic fiction novels. I don't own a television myself, but I do enjoy going to the theater. And my friends have their own TV's, so I can watch movies with them. And one friend in particular is warming me up to horrir movies. Just last night, we watched Night of the Living Dead together. I do own my own radio, too. I can't pick just one genre of music, though; it all depends on my mood!"
She hummed to herself as she took a sip of her beverage before answering the last question, "I can't think of too many specific titles that I enjoy. At least not at the moment. There are too many, really. But the ones I can think of right now are Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Phantom of the Opera- the novel and the musical. And this more recent fantasy movie called Legend. Have you heard of it? It's a little dark, but it has a happy ending." The rabbit looked very happy right now. Not a single strand of her fluffy black hair was out of place in that toony way to show stress.
15. Do you play any instruments?  Which ones?  How long have you been playing?
This new question made Poppy nod, still wearing her smile on her face, "Yes, I do! Not many, though. I can only play the piano. I even used to own one in my old house, during my life as an actress..."
At this, the light in her eyes diminishes somewhat before she let out a small sigh, "It's gone, now... My first boyfriend took it with him... It's ok!" She raises a hand then, quick to assure you to not worry about her, "That was years ago. If I had a bigger place, I would get another one. I do want to try to move into a house again for that reason... I miss playing, even if it was just for myself." She breathed another sigh through her nose before taking another drink of her drink.
21. Describe your ideal partner.
This time, the question caused her to almost choke. Mostly because it caught her off guard. Poppy had to grab a napkin to cover her mouth and regain her composure. After clearing her throat, she looked to you again. She was smiling again, but there was a hint of nervousness behind it too, "You're really interested in my taste?" This conversation was starting to feel a little too much like the kinds she would have with Shiny.
Once you confirmed you really were, Poppy nodded and glanced away. Not to avoid your gaze, but to ponder her answer. You could tell by the way her nose twitched occasionally- that was always a sign she was thinking about things, "Hm... Well, respect is most important. For both parties. I'd want a partner who wouldn't take advantage of me. I've already had enough of that... I'd also like a partner who can help me be more... Outgoing? Confident? I know I struggle with that sort of thing on my own. But won't try to force me to do things that make me uncomfortable, you know?"
The horror toon was silent for another moment, before nodding her head with a soft smile, "That's what's most important to me. I don't care what they would look like, or where they came from. I just want a kind, understanding person."
(Girl has dated a homeless fox, a former villainous wolf, and a drunkard rabbit. I think it's safe to say that she ain't picky XD)
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lananiscorner · 2 years
The Sandman rewatch - episode 9
So I like to do this thing where, if I didn’t consider a show a complete waste of time and if it does have an actual arc spanning the season, I watch the season twice–once as a binge watch and then once more episode by episode, because it helps me notice things I didn’t notice at first, especially in cases like this where I’m almost entirely unfamiliar with the source material.
Anyway, any and all chronological thoughts and ramblings about episode 9 of The Sandman beneath the cut, because spoilers.
“I don’t know how she did it, but I think Rose just got Lyta pregnant.” That’s a good way to start a convo, Matthew lol.
I love Lucienne’s malicious compliance with her “new” old role. And Matthew is so offended on her behalf. XD
Okay, so we can expand the list of “people the Corinthian is good with and let’s live” from “like-minded serial killers and gays” to “like-minded serial killers, gays and kids” lol.
This “cereal convention” is honestly the best fictional idea ever. Like, it crosses more lines than a bunch of hopscotching kids. Also, as an avid pun lover myself, I appreciate all the murder puns when Jed and the Corinthian arrive at the convention.
The Good Doctor looking at a fellow criminal chatting up Jed: “You may want to advise him to stay clear of the convention areas” lol.
“Where we’re going, we won’t need to defend ourselves” says Rose heading towards a convention of serial killers XDDDD.
Okay… so Lyta’s pregnancy advanced a couple of months in her dreams…
Hector: “Does this look like a nightmare to you?” Lyta: “Not at all.” Giant cracks in the ground: *looming ominously*
Omg, Dream is so fish-out-of-water asking Lucienne for advice/help lol.
Omg, Unity is so sweet it’s heartbreaking. “I’m going to have a life after all.” You’re killing me here, Unity.
Awww, Rose is worried she and her brother may have changed too much to get along. Understandable. That cut to Jed eating chicken fingers in his bathrobe is gold though.
And of course Jed goes looking for trouble the second he’s unsupervised. This is why I will never have kids.
Alright so, taking Hector out of the dreaming after giving him a chance to say goodbye? Fair. Immediately aftwards telling Lyta that you’ll take away her baby eventually? Kind of a dick move, Dream.
Not gonna lie, Rose this-dream-is-over-ing Dream was kind of badass.
Damn, Rose just casually swiping those tags…
I just LOVE this entire montage of Gilbert checking in on those convention panels. You can see he’s mildly confused in the first one (“Make it pay”, which, if you don’t yet know that they are serial killers, sounds like it could be about animal hunting), somewhat perplexed in the second one (“Woman’s Work”, which sounds mostly innocuous until the mention of “brute force” in the end), and then finally the shoe drops in the last one (“Religion”) and he just has a massive “oh crap” moment.
Oh my god, Philip Sitz has to be THE worst ultra-fan ever. Seriously? Promoting your own blog with your own photo and your own RL name on it when you’re trying to infiltrate a serial killer convention? He couldn’t be more set up to get killed if he was called Leeroy Jenkins and wearing a red shirt.
Also, Gilbert’s look of absolute horror when he sees the Corinthian makes sense when you know that Gilbert is also part of the Dreaming.
Awww, Dream admitting to Lucienne that he was wrong… these two melt my heart. In a strictly platonic way, but still, melting.
So Gilbert left because he wanted to experience life in the human world. Can’t blame him, honestly.
Of course Jed walks in on the Corinthian just as he’s about to kill Philip… and runs straight into Fun Land. Talk about the fish jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Poor Gilbert learning about Rose being a vortex and that he’s now made it easier for Dream to find and kill her.
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jennyandvastraflint · 2 months
Thanks, anon! Let's get to it!
Rain - What's the most emotional scene you've ever written?
This is a pretty tough question to answer because I wrote a lot of very emotional scenes... I think one that was the hardest to get through was the entirety of The Other Crimson Horror, dealing with the repercussions of the Eleventh Doctor literally assaulting Jenny :|
Snow - Who is your coldest/most stoic character and how do they express themselves?
I'd have to say, probably Seven of Nine? I haven't written a lot of J/7, and sort of left my WIPs to vegetate, but she'd canonically be a rather stoic character. Most of my characters tend to become very emotional at least when their loved ones are in danger. (This of course depends at which point you would put Seven, but I'm sort of stuck halfway through S6 of Voyager rn, sooo I'd go for late S4 or S5 as a point of reference) She communicates fairly directly, I'd say? Instead of relying on social code of people she has not grown up with, she prefers to directly state what bothers her/what she observes, and I honestly really admire that about her.
Wildfire - Who is your most emotional character and why?
I'd say it depends greatly on the fic I'm writing, but the (Thirteenth) Doctor and Vastra are probably battling for first place. Vastra would win, though, because I am putting her through some fuuuun stuff XD The aspects I want to explore are often those the show/audios/books left unexplored or only brushed, and Vastra (as well as the Doctor) has such a plethora of trauma to choose from? And she canonically sucks at communicating (I love you, but please for the love of god communicate with your wife!!!), which makes all those bottled up emotions even more delicious. Also she will start snapping necks the second Jenny is in danger and I think that is very hot of her.
Lightning - Have you ever spontaneously added something to your story that you wouldn't have added normally? If so, what made you do it?
Oh I do it a lot! Going to go with my Turn Loose the Mermaids series for this, which was originally supposed to be one part, but then @capybaraonabicycle sort of encouraged and inspired me so much that I continued writing it, and suddenly I had four parts planned out. In part 2, I for instance added an entiiiire section with Thasmin and Vastra getting new clothes (hey, my requirement for that part was literally "Vastra gets a skirt that goes spin and is delighted by it"). For the third part, I originally wanted to briefly introduce the crew, but it sort of turned into an entire chapter on its own, so I practically added all of that. There are also like... Two? Three? side plots I added to the fourth part (that I still have to write), which introduce more characters or tie the ones we already know closer together. I think I just go with what comes to me in the moment a lot, even though I try to stick to my outlines. Often, I am just guided towards something new, though! And I feel like a lot of my fics are much better with additional stuff I improvised along the way as opposed to the very first, original outline.
Rainbow - What do you think makes your story unique/stand out?
I like to think demons run, souls linger covers a part of the story that hasn't been told before and fills out a gap between canoncial information, while also giving a fairly good insight into Jenny and Vastra's introspective lives and feelings after the events of Demons Run.
Eclipse - What's the most common reoccuring theme of your WIP(s)?
Something about loneliness and codependency, I think. Trust as well, it's all aspects I very much relate to and find interesting to explore. I think another one would be dealing with nightmares/bad memories of some sort, but loneliness and codependency are the most common ones. There's just something about it that speaks to me, always has.
Clear Skies - How long have you been writing your current WIP?
Seeing as I have like... Eight? WIPs (that I've actually started writing and more than 40 ideas), I'll answer this for... The Madame, the Maid, and the Mistress, I think, which is still half finished and there were about seven WIPs that got in the way XD I started really writing it last May, so it's been almost eleven months... I'm not half as far as I would have liked, but I wrote a lot of other fics since then as well.
Fun Fact: I've been working on my longest WIP for over three years nearly non-stop now, and we're at about 250k?
I hope you enjoy these answers, anon, and I realise I have a LOT of WIPs to write XD
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Well, here's that last bit of currently-completed art I was hinting at.  It's fanart for a certain awesome comic by @the-exiled-comic, The Exiled, featuring my absolute favorite character from the comic, OceanClan's medicine cat Whisperleaf!
I'm always a sucker for the snarky characters, and "snarky medicine cat" is one of my favorite character types in Warriors (there's a reason Jayfeather and Yellowfang are two of my alltime favorite Warriors characters), so I was already predisposed to like Whisperleaf. But oh, did this guy turn out to be so much more than just that snarky character. He has honestly brought so much compassion and clear-headed perception into the true anxiety and pain underlying much of Fishpaw's earlier behavior, and a clear understanding of how badly other characters have been treating her and why it was wrong, to the story and to Fishpaw's life.
I don't think Fishpaw has had anyone (in a positive of authority) this truly supportive, understanding, and comforting in her life up until this point - her mom is completely overbearing and controlling and awful, Coralclaw was awful, Crowstar publicly humiliated her by refusing to make her a warrior even though she caught prey during her assessment like she was supposed to and refused to even let her ask why she was being denied and refused to offer an explanation (why no, I'm not still salty about that, why do you ask? XD)... Firespots is a good dude, but he's a rogue without much power to really help her other than letting her vent to him, and Cloverfall was good and tried to help her, but was a bit too busy to really be there for her the way that Whisperleaf has been.
You can just see such a change in Fishpaw since she started training with him. With Coralclaw, she was defensive and yeah, maybe a bit bratty, but the more we see of how Coralclaw treated her as her mentor, the clearer it becomes how much that was a defense mechanism against the treatment she was getting. But now that she's training with a mentor who actually respects her and is supportive and kind, she respects him in turn and is an attentive apprentice to him, even trusting him enough to tell him about her sneaking around, something she was absolutely terrified about telling Cloverfall about. Even if she isn't meant to be a medicine cat in the end (not sure whether she is or not), whether she eventually returns to warrior training or not, honestly, I think this time of training with Whisperleaf was sorely needed and is doing a hell of a lot to boost her confidence and make her feel more secure and more loved and supported, not just by Whisperleaf, but by the Clan as a whole, because Whisperleaf is helping her see that a lot of her insecurities about how her Clan perceives her come from her anxiety rather than reality (though Coral, Sandy, and Crow being awful to her wasn't just her anxiety fooling her, sadly...)
Also, the fact that this guy is straight-up willing to chew StarClan out for harassing Fishpaw with frightening prophecy dreams when she's already dealing with enough anxious and guilt over Cloverfall's death... I swear, every new page that comes out just makes me love Whisperleaf more. He is just such a solid, kind guy, as well as being delightfully snarky and 100% done with StarClan and Crowstar's nonsense. XD
Anyway, I'm not 100% happy with how this turned out, but I'm still pretty pleased.  I was trying to draw a sand dune with grass as the background since OceanClan lives near the beach, not sure how well I actually got that across... ah well. I'm really happy with how Whisperleaf himself turned out, though I feel like I went a bit far with the texture and with trying to get sort of a dappled lighting effect due to the nearby foliage... again, ah well.  This guy was super fun to draw. He's got this droopy cheek fluff in the comic, and looks like he might be on the skinny side, so I leaned into that here, hopefully I had the right idea when drawing his build, apologies if I didn't. It was a lot of fun drawing him in my style, getting that trademark serious/exasperated expression of his down, peppering those leaves throughout his coat, and all of that. I hope you like it, @the-exiled-comic!
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lunapwrites · 2 years
My Unhinged Rec List From Remus Lupin Fest 2022
All the fics were great, but there were a few in there that SANG to me. So now y'all get to hear about them. Anyway, going down the list in no particular order...
let nothing you dismay by @krethes
Rating: T Length: 3,107 words Summary: Remus expected to feel anger when he saw his father ensconced in a cabin in frigid mountains of Finland, of all places. ... [But] anger had not come to him, no. Seeing his father there, rail-thin and haggard and a bit mad, had pushed aside all of the negative emotions that had built up over the years. Lyall had never handled grief well—first, the loss of his son’s humanity that drove him to try to cure Remus, and then Hope’s passing pushed him to necromancy—and Remus could no more blame him for disappearing than he could ask the moon to stop rising. He’d only felt relief, and it thawed his icy reservations.
Once again, Krethes and I are same-braining on the matter of Remus and Lyall, except she took it in the direction I couldn't. XD Absolutely adore this version of them, and all the little ways they're similar and different as well, and the very deliberate forgiveness that's present in this story which doesn't come easily -- it's a choice! And it's a choice Remus continues to make over and over again, and that felt right to me. HERE for it. Heads up though if you're going into this looking specifically for Wolfstar: it's present in the story, but very background.
Moonlight Mile by @jennandblitz
Rating: T Length: 17,043 words Summary: Twenty years after surviving the War, Remus and Sirius are, naturally, extremely involved in werewolf advocacy. Their lives are full of it—their support group, passing laws and acts, banishing any kind of prejudice—but one quiet, routine Flower Moon upends their existence; in the best way it could.
This fic is literally one of the most wholesome goddamned things I've ever read in my life, please go place it directly into your eyeballs. Remus and Sirius living out in the countryside with their approximately three dozen adopted animals, and they are Doing Good. (THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD BOIS IN THIS PLEASE GO AND APPRECIATE THEM.)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy...Best Friend, Brother, Roommate, Lie by @femme-de-lettres
Rating: T Length: 9.071 words Summary: “Sirius and I,” he paused, trying to figure out how to proceed. He’d been wondering for a while if he should tell his mother about the state of his relationship with Sirius, but the time had never seemed right—now included. Or, Hope Lupin keeps count of how many attempts it takes her son to finally admit that he's in love with his best friend.
The gays? Disasters. The Lupins? Iconic. The vibes? Fluffy. Did I mention this is at least half from Hope's POV? Because it is. If you need a fic where Remus just has the absolute best parents, this is the one for you.
Wildflowers by @deathcabformoony
Rating: T Length: 3,493 words Summary: It was Sirius’ turn to smile; a smug and playful grin. In that moment two things became transparently clear to the God of Death: One: it was no wonder that everyone, mortals and immortals and all of the creatures in between, were so taken with the young new god. Two: Remus wasn’t an exception to that rule, much to his own surprise. - - - - A Hades & Persephone AU. Written for the Remus Lupin Fest.
Okay but literally the summary says it all, I am screaming crying throwing up, I am UNHINGED over this entire concept and it is just written so fantastically and their dynamic is just so !!!!! My friend, you just get them. I need an entire series of this injected directly into my veins please and thank you.
I've Been Told About You by chosisme
Rating: E Length: 12,527 words Pairing: Remus Lupin/Charlie Weasley Summary: “Charlie Weasley,” Remus deadpans. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to pull.”
The writing in this is gorgeous, and the characterizations are just SO FUCKING ON POINT. I am going to actually just let the opening speak for itself:
There is a vantage point from the northern side of the dragon sanctuary where Charlie Weasley can look out over the Carpathian Mountains and imagine that the world is just that: the peaks of the range rising like the barb-ridged spine of a Norwegian silver, actual dragons curling in tight whorls of scales and teeth behind him, and the sky a call to action. Romania is beautiful in January, when the sun glints off snow and slipstreams down the frozen waterfalls of ice, and the pine trees rise like bear-traps out of the powder. Charlie likes this view especially: it's the view that sank a talon into his heart when he was eighteen and never let him go. He's never met anybody who didn't look at this view and say anything other than: "Wow." Sometimes they say: “Blimey.” The first thing Remus Lupin says is: "Dementor breeding ground."
If you are not opposed to the pairing and your first reaction is not to run towards this fic at top speed I do not know what to tell you, truly.
the grace unasked for by @broomsticks
Rating: T Length: 17,511 words Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks Summary: What if… instead of going to Bill's after the Malfoy Manor, Harry and co. flee to Tonks' parents' house, where Remus and Tonks are hiding with Andromeda? How would Remus and the others react and handle this? Remember, Tonks is in her last trimester, her dad just died, she's still being hunted down by Bellatrix and everyone is in hiding, and suddenly Undesirable No 1 shows up with a tortured Hermione, former hostages and a dead house elf and his presence is now potentially threatening everyone's safety.
I am biased AF because I betaed this one and I know how much sweat blood and tears she put into it AND YES I'M RECCING IT TO ALL AND SUNDRY, JUST SKIP OVER THIS PART BESTIE ILU anyway it's a fix-it that both does and doesn't, and the interactions between ALL the characters are so real and powerful and complicated, and there's briefly mentioned past Wolfstar, and just... it's so worth a read if you're even remotely into Remadora, okay? Just give it a go. <3
The Moon Never Hangs Quite the Same by @inmyownlittlecorner5
Rating: E Length: 11,213 words Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape Summary: Remus Lupin promised himself he would never transfer the werewolf Curse to another living being. After the first war with Voldemort, with his life in shambles, Remus retreats to a cottage in the woods to live out the rest of his miserable life in self-imposed exile. One winter night, a lost soul seeks shelter during the full moon, only to find a caged werewolf inside. Remus's worst nightmare is about to begin.
Okay. So Snupin is usually a stretch for me, owing to their, uh... fraught history, to put it lightly. But this particular author is one that I trust IMPLICITLY with any kind of Snape content in general. She made them make sense. Also, her werewolf lore is just really frickin COOL. (I also definitely didn't re-read this when I went to link it, whoops! Got sucked right back in haha.)
Youthfully Felt by @nymphadoratonqs
Rating: E Length: 9,909 Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks/Fleur Delacour Summary: “Mmm, love you,” Tonks smiles and tells him.
“Is that why you want your girlfriend to fuck me?” -- It's two years or so after the war and things have changed for the better, though not a lot. At least not for Remus and Tonks, or Bill and Fleur. Things are different now, but they can still rely on old friends, as well as find new love.
Hi hello yes this is a poly fic with healthy poly dynamics in addition to some spicy smut and I am here for it like yes, I will take my cake and have it too, please. Criminally underrated. Characterization is on point. They all deserve this, and the role choice here was positively inspired.
a broken pot can still hold water by littleoldrachel
Rating: T Length: 18,562 words Summary: Admittedly, today is perhaps not the day, given that he near collapses into his bed with a groan when he reaches it and doesn’t wake up for fifteen hours. And so this, coupled with the sheer brain fuckery moving back to Hogwarts is wreaking on his already tentative mental stability, Remus feels like a spider’s web stretched taught in a windowpane. Any minute, someone could come along with a Scourgify! and wipe him away. All of this to say, out of all the students he’s mentally noting to check in with, or who he thinks may need some additional support, Oliver Wood is a fairly middling student who slips through the net, a Cornish Pixie unlocking its own cage. Which is why it takes Remus a frankly unforgivable amount of time to realise that Oliver Wood really is Not Okay.
This fic broke me in the best/worst way; definitely handle with care if eating disorders are a trigger point for you, but like... gosh. Remus Lupin, the teacher we all wish we had, and who we all wish we could hug when he inevitably works himself into the ground. This fic handles things with such genuine care and compassion, and also will hit home hard if you've got any kind of neurodivergence. <3
Son of Lughnasadh by @bluesundaycake
Rating: T Length: 12,042 words Summary: There's something in the air on the full moon of Lughnasadh. Remus Lupin settles in self-exile in the Clocaenog Forest, Northern Wales in a werewolf sanctuary. It's nothing like he expected but everything he needed. So what's this unsettling feeling that prompts him to follow his nose to Little Whinging? A Remus-Raises-Harry fic. Set in summer 1985.
I am once again admitting bias because this!!! This was my incredibly specific prompt!!! And of COURSE they knocked it out of the freaking park, because that's just what they do! If you haven't read any of Pahn's work before, know that they write some stellar magical lore, and their werewolf lore here is no exception. AND (!!!) there is a part 2 on the horizon, which I am SO HYPED FOR because this set up is BRILLIANT. Features Ace!Remus and honestly one of the coolest Lyalls I've ever had the privilege to read.
Anyway, those are my personal top fics of the fest, so I highly recommend checking these out, but absolutely go read all of the fics if you get the time to do so! There were some cool concepts out there.
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i-bring-crack · 3 years
Considering I write fem Giyuu ships, I had an idea that just popped into my head after I reread the lady and her butler (goddamn is it one of the best webtoons for me--)
Tltr: The boys (Sanemi, Kyojuro and Sabito) think Giyuu is pregnant, shenanigans ensue...
So for some unknown reasons(money) Giyuu is living with Sabito, Sanemi and Kyojuro until they all finish college.
During one of these normal days Giyuu gets the news that Tsutako is pregnant, yay.
As an offer Tsutako let's Giyuu have her baby photos as well as the papers bc she is moving to another house and she doesn't want to loose them papers and photos whilst moving.
So Giyuu takes them home where she places them in the table and promptly leaves again bc Shinobu called her for smth idk.
Anyways Sabito comes in and finds the photos sticking out of her purse, curious as he is, tries to take a pick inside and is confused to see what the photos are.
Sanemi finds him looking through Giyuu's pursed and asks what the hell is he doing and Sabito shows him the scans and him, being the oldest of seven knows exactly what those photos are and is just like "Oh fuck, Giyuu's pregnant."
They quickly call Kyojuro to tell him about it and all he's also like "What? she doesn't have a boyfriend?"
So they start thinking she must have been hidding some secrets from them, which makes them all sad since they are friends(maybe her only +Shinobu and Tan), then Sabito thinks that it wouldn't really be possible for her to hide it from them since she is always so open about what she does, so it must have been possible that someone forced her to it.
Before jumping to conclusions they all just put back the things and try to wait for her to explain to them instead.
So they do and she comes home back at midnight to be greeted by 3 men just staring her as they sit in the sofa with serious faces.
She's like, really really tired and mad bc Shinobu played a few test subjects and pranks on her again so she doesn't want to deal with whatever she did wrong but she's not escaping this conversation any time soon.
Kyojuro tries to lighten her up by saying that whatever she needs they will always be there for her and that none of them will judge her or leave here during these times.
Sabitos gets all full emotional saying that he should have told then sooner and that why didn't she trust them before and that she is just too young to have done this. You know that meme:
"You're too young! You're too beautiful!!"
"What. The. Fuck are talking about?
Sanemi getting riled up demanding to know the name of the father and wanting to beat his ass.
At that last part Giyuu is like "oh you saw the pics" and decides to just say that "yeah a baby is coming." Literally leaving the fact about it being Tsutako's child not hers and that she wanted it to be a surprise 3 months from now because that's when Tsutako plans to make the baby shower.
With that out the way she just goes to sleep.
The next three months are really weird to her cuz the three of them are all being really really protective of her, and even when she already says she doesn't need help in anything they still do it for her.
She just let's it off the hook bc midterms are coming.
They find out only after attending Tsutako's baby shower, and by then, they had told all of their friends(hashiras, kamaboko squad, maybe even their families Oh God that one is going to be so great) who asked Giyuu about the baby and her telling them about Tsutako's child.
And bc they are such good friends, all of them just decided to bet their money on who asks to be the father first while also hiding the secret from the trio.
Their faces at the baby showers are just *chef's kiss*
Bonus on the whole thing:
-Yeah a lot of funny miscommunication got involved so when Sanemi tried to ask about the baby's father again, she just says it's nobody important (cuz Tsutako's fiance was an asshole, that's kinda why Tsutako wanted to move and she also wanted to keep it a secret from him though she didn't tell Giyuu about that part.)
-Considering Sanemi's past with his abusive father it just gets him more into the overprotective father role, almost going so far to find that bastard who made Giyuu pregnant, but at last couldn't find him.
-He still has a murder plan for that bastard (XD)
-Fun moments of Kyojuro and Giyuu going out to the mall and looking over the baby's section. (IMAGINE THE MOMENTS DAMMIT)
-They probably go to the mall a lot of times now just see the baby toys and stuff, maybe get realky emotional in the process.
-Add on after edit: KYO TELLING RUKA and Ruka telling her about the moments when kyojuro was a little baby, as well as giving good food recipes for food cravings.
-Sabito being the most overprotective by making her a healthy meal every day or working out or just anything that Shinobu tells her is good to do.(His only father figure is Urokodaki so he hopes he can be just as good as him.)
-He sees a ramen bowl and he just yeets it to the trash.
Sabito: Gimme that *takes beer out of her hands and throws it*
Sabito: Nope! *Slam dunks that cigarette to the ground*
Sabito: Why aren't you working out today, you need to get you cardio done! Do you want that baby to be dissapointed in you once it comes out?!
-Giyuu just listens to him, he's been her back up bone for years, ain't nothing really changing.
-Uzui, Muichiro, Tanjiro and Mitsuri betting on Kyojuro to make the first move.
-Masachika, Genya, Kanae, Obanai and Himejima being there for Sanemi and betting on him.
-Makomo, Nezuko, Inosuke and Shinobu betting that Sabito will fly first fir the position and possibly use this a chance to get to date Giyuu.
-Tanjiro poor boy, he can't face any of them for a while bc of his lying face.
-The Kamados baking so many goods for Tsutako's baby.
-Shinobu telling them this and that about how to take care of Giyuu or lying to keep the secret up.
"Yes you must give them a lot if hugs."
"Oh, sometimes women don't throw up a lot."
"Yes, take her to swimming classes." She knows Sabito won't last a day with swimsuit Giyuu.
-Uzui creating the most flamboyant baby shower. His wifes are smitten with the things about the baby.
-Oh god the strenghts Makomo, Masachika and Uzui go to get their ships sailed.
-Mitsuri just gushing about the baby, when she gets to meet them she squeals so hard she faited of cuteness (fair)
-Edit: Even Oyakata-Sama is on this! Being Giyuu's superior he can't help but worry about Giyuu's pregnancy when he was told about it, his misunderstanding was cleared and let her visit Tsutako whenever she wanted.
-Giyuu received a lot of presents for the baby who she gave to Tsutako, she was really to have so many nice and supportive friends, even if like, only three of them didn't know about it.
After the misunderstanding Tsutako is like "Sis I'm jealous, why can't you lend me at least one of them."
-Anywaya since at the end Tsutako lives close to her now and the misunderstanding was clear, they are still overprotective, just this time Tsutako is cared for she treats them like little brothers, and judges their capabilities as Giyuu's boyfriend candidates.
Giyuu is happy that they are helping her and her sister.
All four of them wait for Tsutako when the baby is born.
They like the kid a lot. Even if it isn't Giyuu's.
Plus weirdly enough it looks like Giyuu bc they are always frowning too...
Edits: Grammar and yes the baby's name is Giichi
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interact-if · 3 years
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Day 5 of the interviews! let’s give it up for Ligia! :chinhands:
Ligia, author of Love the Guard, Be the King
Latino Heritage Month Featured Author
Mathias' heart has been bleeding since his father, the former King, decided to punish you for his mistakes. As the youngest child of a lesser bourgeois, you were raised in the castle, between the King’s cruelty, the Queen’s friendship, and  Mathias’s kindness (or supposed kindness?).
Now, more than twenty Carnivals since your arrival, the King is dead and the Queen’s sickness  worsens each day. As the azure taint spreads in the kingdom and the Opalean Wars come to an end, it’s Mathias’s time to sit on the throne.
Will the docile Prince become a kind King, a violent Monarch, or a ruthless Tyrant? Will you have any say in it? And how much will your relationship change?
Love the Guard, Be the King Demo | Author’s Kofi | Read more [here]
Tags: historical, romance
Q1: So, tell us a little bit about the projects you’re working on!
With pleasure! Right now, I’m working on three main projects. My personal Visual Novel project, “Love the Guard, Be the King,” a second Visual Novel I’ve been secretly working on with a good friend for the past 10 months or so, and I also have an ongoing book series about hot, quirky supervillains—but I’ll focus only on the first two cause that’s what we’re here for, right? Hahaha.
LtGBtK is a really intimist experience, focused more on the MC’s and RO’s character arcs and how we can change depending on our experiences and how we feel about them. The entire plot happens in only four days, but it takes into account almost 30 years of history—basically Mathias’s (the only RO) entire life!
“Crystal Library” has mystery, romance, magic, 6 ROs, and a ton of memorable scenes already. I’m working on the graphics and the programming for this one, while Coco Nichole (@dreamybard), one of my favorite writers ever, is the brilliant mind behind the plot and all of CL’s characters! I can’t wait to share this one with you all. Romance is optional in both. :)
Q2: What excites you most about using interactive fiction? What are some of the biggest challenges?
What I LOVE and FEAR about all types of interactive fiction is how it invites players to, on a much deeper level, be part of the narrative. When reading books, we all work hard to translate beautiful sentences and scenes into images in your head. We interact with it, yes, but when playing IFs, we also explore the narrative in a different way; we have so much more agency over what happens! We sometimes have different paths to choose from, beautiful illustrations to unlock, or character traits that change depending on our choices… it’s amazing, and, IMO, it’s a very unique way to experience narratives.
But it’s also very complex, very demanding, and it can easily get out of hand if you give the players too many options/branches to follow, mainly when working with small teams or, in my case for LtGBtK, alone. *takes a deep breath* I just hope I’m doing a good job. .-.
Q3: What has been something in your project you’ve had to do a weird amount of research for?
Besides programming lol basically everything. For LtGBtK, I’m trying to create this weird fantasy with a modern-medieval society (?), so I’m constantly researching medieval customs, traditions, tools, and weirdly specific stuff like socks. Did people wear socks in the medieval era? What were their playing cards made of? When was ice cream invented? How did they shave? How did kids become knights? What were their perfumes made of? And soaps? What did they eat? How different was their wine? And what kind of materials or slang or fabrics can I use, and what can I change without completely breaking immersion?
 And then I shove all that into a pot and adapt it to a world where Mathias can literally put the world on fire with a wave of his hands. ♥
Q4: Which of your characters is most like you? How?
I think I’m a mix of them all, but mainly Mandra and Rafa (one of my main characters in my supervillain books). They have wildly different personalities and stories, but those two have clear views of the kind of person they want to be, they’re not afraid of their soft sides, and they are ready to work hard to become good at what they love. Rafa has a specially strong connection to her brother, like my siblings and I, and Mand is often locked in an eternal state of wanting to be alone and wanting to be surrounded by family/loved ones, so I guess we meet there too!
Q5: Does your heritage influence your characters as you create them? (How? Why or why not?)
Yes! There are the very basic ways, like habits, names, food, family dynamics, settings (mainly in my books, which are all very Brazilian), and Holidays. And then there’s a more personal way that I’m not entirely sure I can explain because I lived in Brazil for 28 years, and I’m not sure I can put that into words. The classics of our literature are different, Art, architecture, and music developed differently, my country was violently colonized and still faces the results of that violence (including but not limited to structural racism, classism, misogyny etc), I learned some Capoeira in my physical education class at school, we call non-Brazilians “gringos,” and so on. This is my normal, and this is what my characters would see as normal too, because I don’t know any different.
At the very core, all my characters are influenced by my country’s history, by our relationship with other countries, and by the values my parents taught me, passed down to them by my Indigeous-Spanish-Portuguese-German foremothers/fathers. :P
The main, more palpable way my heritage influences my characters, though, is through humor and theme. I think Brazilians have a very specific, sharp, and often very smart kind of humor that, IMO, stems from the type of history our country has, and the way we look at life, sometimes translating pain into humor. As for themes, I usually write about what makes me angry... and there’s a lot in Brazil’s history and modern society that causes me that. :)
But all I know for sure is that I want to show the world Brazilians are much more than samba and soccer.
 Q6: What is something you love to see in interactive fiction?
Other people! In the same way I add my history and worldview to my creations, I always approach stories thinking that there’s a whole, well, history behind them. And I love that! Also, I adore choices that feel impactful + good friendships and family relationships + soft romances with mutual respect. ♥
Q7: Any advice to give?
Hmm. Be proud and celebrate who you are and where you’re from. Learning and understanding the world inside us is a life-long process, so it’s always a victory to discover new pieces of ourselves. :) Also, if you can, talk to people that come from different cultures than yours to expand your worldview, don’t be afraid to be soft (the world needs more kindness), and please study personal finance. Seriously. XD
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sapphirelass · 3 years
Deal? - Remus LupinxDaughter!Reader
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Hi! :)
Deal? (Part 1) | Oh, darling... (Part 2) | I’ll be by your side (Part 3) 
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
You probably already knew this, but still XD
(Y/N) - Your name
(Y/N/N) - Your nickname
(Y/H/L) - Your hair length
I swear, my next story won’t be about Umbridge XD
Word count: ≈ 2300
Warnings: Umbridge, angst, slight swearing
“I do not wish to criticise the ways of the school, however you have been exposed to some rather irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed - not to mention” the toadlike professor threw a dark glance at a sandy haired student and smirked evilly, “extremely dangerous half breeds”.
The student in question raised her hand angrily, and glared at Professor Umbridge. “Yes?” the teacher smiled sweetly, “miss… Lupin, am I correct?”
“Yes, (Y/N)!” she began, “but that’s besides the point. Look, I know what you’re doing, but Professor Lupin was the best DADA teacher we’ve ever had, and I’d be more than happy to bet everything I own on that being quite a common opinion in this classroom!”
Most of her fellow classmates nodded furiously, and the young girl turned her head towards her professor, who immediately cleared her throat and declared: “Well, I’m afraid simply being a beloved teacher doesn’t really matter, dear.  Werewolves are still extremely dangerous creatures. They are beasts that are undeserving of respect and that should not be allowed to be part of our fine wizard community. They are uncontrollable, and highly likely to injure or possibly kill young witches and wizards, including their own children.”
She flashed a cruel, yet pleased, smirk as (Y/N) furiously stood up, despite Hermione desperately trying to force her down.
“You have NO IDEA what you’re talking about!?” she whispered angrily, her nails digging into her palms as her fists clenched. “You have probably never even met one of these so called ‘half breeds’, have you? No, you were most likely just told some bizarre stories containing more lies and made up facts than truths, and decided to put that worthless ‘knowledge’ - if you can even call it that - to use by spreading rumors and destroying the lives of innocent people.”
Umbridge looked frantic, and was about to speak up, but (Y/N) got there first. “I despise people who look down on others. People who claim to be better than everyone else. People like you. You certainly don’t deserve respect!”
She took a deep breath, and was about to continue when Umbridge’s shrill voice forced her to stay quiet. “That’s quite enough! Detention, miss Lupin. The rest of the week, five fifteen, don’t be late”.
A few hours later, (Y/N) made her way back to Umbridge’s office. She knew her friends had wanted to talk to her, but she had done her absolute best to avoid them all afternoon. She simply didn’t feel like explaining to them why she had done what she did. She’d gladly do it again though. Her father was the kindest, wisest, most incredible person she had ever met. He had done everything in his power to give her a good childhood, and no one had the right to insult him. She’d defend him to her last breath if that’s what it would come down to.
She knocked on the door carefully, and pushed it open when she heard a shrill, terrifying voice sing a sweet “come in”.
“Oh, miss Lupin, almost late I see!” she said arrogantly. (Y/N) didn’t have time to answer before her teacher continued. “Sit down.”
The detentions went on for another four days before Umbridge told her she didn’t have to come back the following evening, but that she better hold her tongue unless she longed for more. (Y/N) tried to keep that in mind, but still lost her cool a few more times before the end of the semester. However, the Christmas holidays were approaching, and though her red, swollen hand caused her to worry slightly, the idea of seeing her dad and godfather caused her enough joy to tip her mood over to “mainly happy”.
She stepped off the train with her friends, and immediately spotted her father on the platform.
“Dad!!” she shouted, and threw her scratched arms around his constantly scarred torso. “Merlin, I’ve missed you so much”. She buried her head in his shoulder, simply enjoying the feeling of love and safety that he somehow instantly gave off.
“Hello, darling!” he said gently, returning the bone-crushing hug. “I missed you too, believe me…”
(Y/N) wanted to stay like that forever, but eventually let go as she intended to at least try to keep her… problems… hidden. She had never really been able to keep secrets from her dad, and therefore didn’t want to do anything he would consider “out of the ordinary”. If she did, he’d figure it out, or persuade her to tell him everything within minutes, and she knew he’d feel guilty if he realized what she had done for him. She understood perfectly well that the scars on her hand were deep enough to be visible for the rest of her life, and that nothing she would say could convince Remus Lupin that it was not his fault. She was left with one option: He could not, under any circumstances, know. Ever.
They carried her trunk together, and walked a few feet behind the rest of the gang.
“So?”, her father inquired, “How are things? You all doing okay?”
“I suppose”, she answered, “Our new DADA teacher is quite a daft prick though.”
“(Y/N/N)!”, he muttered sternly, casually trying to hide a smile, “Are you sure that’s the right word? Sounds rather rough, doesn’t it?”
The witch shrugged. “No, I think it fits rather nicely. It’s almost as if she’s trying her very best to prevent us from learning anything helpful…”
“That’s… well, that doesn’t sound very promising, does it?”
“No, hence the slightly offensive description… But enough about her, how are you? Had any company while I was gone?”
The older wizard smiled, easily noticing the tone of his daughter’s voice switch into a far more joyful, energetic one - One he knew and loved!
“Oh yes, I’ve spent quite a bit of time at headquarters, and Sirius essentially isn’t allowed anywhere else, so we’ve done a lot of catching up. There is, believe it or not, a lot to talk about after 12 years without seeing each other, so it’s been very nice.” He turned to her, smiled even broader and added a quick “But I’ve still missed you.”, before quickening his pace to catch up with the others.
Later that night, (Y/N), Remus, Harry and Sirius were sat in the living room of number 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry and Sirius were playing catch with an old snitch they had found in the house, lazily throwing it back and forth. (Y/N) lay on a sofa, a thick leather bound book tightly clutched in her hands and her head resting on her fathers lap. He was deeply invested in A Guide to Medieval Sorcery, and father and daughter were simply enjoying a nice, calm evening.
All of a sudden, Sirius grabbed the snitch, sat up straight and reached out towards his godson.
“Harry, what’s that on your hand?”
The dark haired boy pulled the sleeves of his jumper further down and mumbled a quiet “nothing”.
“Sure, let me see then”
“No, it’s fine, don’t worry abo…”
Harry didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, as Sirius had risen from his seat and forcefully grabbed his left hand. The slightly faded “I must not tell lies” was still readable, and Harry winced as the look on his godfather’s face went from composed to furious in a matter of seconds.
“Sirius, I…”
By this time, both Remus and (Y/N) had put their books down, and were carefully observing the “argument”.
“It’s our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Umbridge. She’s quite generous when it comes to giving detentions. But mine’s really not that bad now. It barely hurts anymore…”
“That’s totally barbaric!? Moony, we have to…”
“Harry”, Remus interrupted his old friend with a worried look on his face, “What do you mean by ‘quite generous’?”
His heart practically skipped a beat when he felt his daughter shift uncomfortably, however it was Harry who answered.
“‘m quite sure half the Gryffindors have been to her office at least once by now. Even when you’re not really doing anything wrong, she’ll make up a ‘reasonable’ excuse…”
As Harry spoke, (Y/N) had unconsciously been pulling the sleeves of her jumper closer to her fingertips. Remus obviously noticed and made eye contact with Harry, nodding discreetly towards his daughter as if to ask if she too had… well… yeah? Harry closed his eyes, knowing full well how his friend wanted to hide her scars from her dad. It had taken hours of convincing before she had even let him, Ron and Hermione see, and he understood why she didn’t want Lupin to know. He did, however, not like the idea of lying to his former professor, and nodded slightly.
Remus closed his eyes looking simultaneously sad and angered, sat up straight and muttered “(Y/N/N)?”
The young witch took a deep breath and was about to move away from her dad, but he was faster and quickly grabbed her hand. He was very gentle, but she flinched anyways, as her last detention had taken place only a week prior.
“(Y/N/N)”, he repeated, “show me”
“Dad”, she mumbled quietly, “‘tis fine, don’t worry”
“(Y/N)!” His voice sounded far sterner now, “I’m serious. C’mere”
“No, I don’t want…”
“It’s not a question of whether or not you want to, Love”, Sirius explained before his friend could think of a response. “Show your dad.”
“(Y/N/N)”, Harry mumbled, “Just… just do it”
“No! I can handle it! Stop making it sound like I’m too weak to do so!”
She felt a tear escape her eye, and stood up to leave the room when Remus waved his wand and locked the door.
Taking yet another deep breath, his daughter turned around, made her way across the room, pulled her left sleeve up and slammed her scarred hand down on the table for the other three to see.
“There! You happy now?!”
A flood of tears were streaming down her face, as her dad, godfather and best friend leant closer and read seven deep-red, awful, heart wrenching words:
I must not defend filthy half breeds
Remus put his head in his hands and stood up, while Sirius moved closer to his goddaughter and pulled her into a tight hug. Harry joined the embrace and comfortingly rubbed her back.
“why? Why (Y/N/N)?”, her father whispered quietly, his voice barely audible.
“I… I couldn’t…She… sorry…”
The usually calm, collected girl was completely lost for words. Shaking. She had no clue what to say, all she knew was that she had to let her dad know that she was sorry. Sorry for making him feel guilty. Sorry for causing him so much pain. Sorry for not being strong enough.
She walked over to him and noticed heavy, wet tears on his face too. Carefully she wrapped her arms around him, and together they sank down onto the cold floor. They sat there for what felt like hours before Remus finally spoke up, repeating his previous question.
“Why, darling?”
She met his sad gaze and collected her thoughts before quietly whispering “She keeps saying horrible things - pure lies - and she’s enjoying it. She’s throwing insults my way every chance she gets. If I don’t stand up and fight, everyone will think she’s right, and she’s not. Nothing will ever change unless someone works for it, and as soon as that someone backs down, they’ve lost. I’m not having that.”
He looks back at her, his eyes full of pride. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You mean besides being the most phenomenal dad imaginable?”
He chuckled softly, ruffled her (Y/H/L) hair and held his hand out. (Y/N) slowly placed her hand on her father’s and shifted her gaze towards the floor as he examined the neatly written letters. With a worried expression on his face, he grabbed his wand and moved it back and forth over the scars while quietly muttering a few carefully chosen words. The pain immediately became more endurable, and after putting his wand away the older wizard grabbed his daughter’s shoulders gently, and looked at her in a sad, yet determined way.
“(Y/N/N), as honourable as your intentions are, please don’t do this for me. I’m not going to tell you to back down, but if you’re going to keep it up, don’t let it…” He paused, trying to find the right words. “I can’t stand the thought of you getting injured because of me. I’m not wo…”
“Yes, you are! Stop saying that! I’ll be a bit more selective, if that’s what you want, but don’t you dare tell me not to fight for you. You are my dad, my only family, and there is not a single person on this planet less deserving of disrespect, insults and hate. Dad, you’re amazing, and I’m not letting her fool people into thinking you’re not.”
After a moment of silence, a quiet, “I still don’t like it…”, escaped his lips.
“I know.” She sighed, “That’s why I originally didn’t plan on telling you.”
(Y/N) was fiddling with her fingers, not quite meeting her fathers warm gaze, when she suddenly sat up and said, “Let’s make a deal? I promise to choose my fights more wisely, and in return, you won’t blame yourself for the consequences of said choices? Sounds fair, doesn’t it?”
Her father sighed, but reluctantly answered, “Fine, as long as you promise me one more thing.”
“You won’t hide scars or pain from me ever again, no matter whether it’s physical or mental, okay? You’ll let me know, and let me help, always!”
She held her right hand out, her dad shook it and they shared a smile. This time, a true, pure one that actually reached their identically green eyes.
~ L
Part 2 Oh, darling...
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
6 vs 9
Thank you for answering my question on Ni and worrying!
I have debated on 6 vs. 9 before, but I’m pretty sure I’m a 9.
Not sure if you want an answer or not, but why not? I’ve got time. ;)
I do see 6 aspects in myself:
Lots of self-doubt and over-thinking. I take commissions as an artist and usually I’m excited to hear about a new commission but then get worried and think I won’t be able to do it / won’t do a good enough job. <- if you are a 9, this could just be your line to 6 and general anxiousness about doing a good job per your (I assume) 1 wing.
Being indecisive when anxious and wanting someone to tell me what to do/solve my problem. <- Hmm, I haven’t talked to my 9 core friends about this a lot, but I do notice some of them consult me in a “this is happening!!!” way and I give them suggestions on what to do, so… I’d say 9s will consult people they trust if they don’t know what to do. Also, did you decide on INFP? If so, indecisiveness is Ne.
I tend to plan for the worst/expect the worst (but hope for the best). <- Pessimism is a human condition. xD
I don’t project, though - I do worry that people may not like me, but I don’t test them to find out if that is the case and I always blame myself for it (i.e if they don’t like me it must be because I’m boring or weird or not emotionally reactive enough). <- I used to do this way more when I was young. I’d send an e-mail, get anxious if I didn’t get a normal prompt response, comb back over what I said searching for anything that might have upset them, and feel anxious for no reason assuming someone is mad at me. I would send out little feelers to see what was going on – quick texts or notes in a friendly tone to see if that generated a response. Now I just assume, when that anxiousness kicks in, that as adults, we’re all busy. But self-blaming is a condition of Fi, and not related to Enneagram type, IMO.
Also, I don’t provoke people to examine reactions. In fact I hate conflict (the classic “raised voices = yelling” 9 issue is true for me; in 95% of arguments I’m the peacemaker trying to find middle ground between other people). <- with me, it depends. I have zero problems with conflict at home or arguing with my parents / family members, but the less I know you and the less I trust you, the more I don’t want to fight with you. It’s true, though, that I have that bratty 6w7 energy that sometimes provokes to get a rise out of my loved ones, which my mother (a 1w9) absolutely hates. It’s hard to shut off, but I try for her sake. Course my father is quarrelsome too, so we’re like a tempest in a teapot sometimes.
I also don’t see many positive 6 aspects in myself:
The ability/desire to build connections and make a security system. <- Interesting. My security is my bank account and having a few people I can count on. It’s not stalking up my pantry, for sure. *cough * weak Si, like what kinds of foods even go together? *cough* Though I work very hard in my family business so we can all thrive, which is a security of its own.
Being loyal to friends and checking in with them to make sure we’re “okay” (I never do this barring an actual argument or something - mostly I ghost people; loyalty is not my strong suit!) <- This is very true of me. If anyone picks on any of my friends, I will get offended and fiercely defend them (even if I have criticisms of them myself). And I do like to stay connected as an extrovert. But following up what I said above, I don’t try to build super close connections as much as I did when I was younger. I’ve realized people have their own lives, and you’re lucky to get their attention at all. But I don’t ghost people. I used to stay in very immediate contact with them.
I feel very little need to connect with other people. My friends are basically my family and in-laws -  about 10 people who I truly trust and would do anything for. I don’t really want more people-related responsibilities. <- lucky little sp-dom introvert. ;) Though I can somewhat relate. More people means more energy going out, and I spend so much of it on my books and hobbies, I don’t have a lot left over. I was laughing with a fellow sp-dom INFP just yesterday about how we are both like “OMG, I have SOCIAL events in October, 5 of them!! I’m going to be so busy!!! Will it be too much???” Chill, girl. They’re interspersed over weeks. Stop over-thinking “invasions of my time!”
Meanwhile, I have many positive and negative 9 attributes:
The core problem of 9, apathy, is a BIG problem for me. Many problems in my life have been caused by not acting, by waiting too long in hopes that the problem will go away, by riding along on easy work (even if it is work I love and is worth doing) and not doing the hard work that would lead to the achievements I really want to make (writing a novel, etc.). I’m not a lazy/apathetic person in general - I can (and do) work extremely hard (I run my own art business and working 12+ hours a day is typical for me). But it’s a mental apathy issue, the quailing at mentally facing hard tasks and ending up doing small easy things that soothe me. <- aww, tho I relate to procrastinating. Being around 9s, it kind of amuses me to watch you self-soothe. Like, shouldn’t you be studying for your math final and not reorganizing the bathroom cabinets? And it seems like 9s can drag their feet even when it’s important until they decide to do it, then nothing stands in their way.
Other 9 aspects/problems I can see in myself:
Being vague - not knowing what I really want and getting frustrated by not having a clear vision of what to do. <- yeah, that’s 9ish.
Suppressing anger and other “negative” emotions because of seeking inner peace/blankness. And if I do express anger (usually in a burst under stress) I feel guilty about it. <- 1 wing, yeah.
Setting up walls between other people and myself because I can’t deal with their emotions. I don’t struggle with the intense kind of “merging” described by many 9s, but I think that might be because I’m Fi-dom and probably sp-dom. But it is still exhausting to handle the emotions, opinions, etc. of many people for long periods of time. <- I need to ask my 9w8 INFP more about this specifically, but I don’t know that she fully merges so much as prematurely (sp-dom) throws up a barrier and says Nope to things, in hopes of avoiding other people creeping into her feelings. And yeah, she finds being around especially temperamental or high energy people difficult, since it’s such a bombardment of drama + her own intense reactions.
Tolerating behavior I don’t like for too long because “they might have good intentions.” Thinking positively of people because believing the worst of them feels mean. <- same for me, Ne + compliant type issues.
I have very strong opinions but I don’t like to argue with other people. I tend to believe that if the truth exists, other people will be drawn to it without my twisting their arm and making them see it. <- that’s nice of you and very healthy Fi-dom. I … will absolutely argue up to a point, then decide it’s not worth my time and pointless.
My motto (good and bad) is often “Let’s wait and see if things improve.” <- haha.
Also, although I do struggle with 6ish self-doubt, when it comes down to it I trust my gut and believe that I know what is best for myself. People can give me advice and I’ll nod and thank them but inside I’m thinking “You don’t know me!” In general I am (or at least appear and strive to be) a cheerful, emotionally stable, positive person. So… I still think 9 gets more points. But honestly, this is one of those things that makes me believe in tritypes because I relate a lot to both of them! Thank you for reading all of this!
Go with your gut. Be a happy little 9. :)
ETA: Regarding relating to them both -- of course you do, 6 is your stress line, so it will show up regularly. ;)
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