#zeda fiction
freshdickies · 1 year
3 Sentence Ficlets - Watori
I don’t have enough of these to make an AO3 entry about it just yet, but I like having things backed up and archived just in case, SO! This is gonna be my Watori 3 Sentence Ficlet masterpost! UNDER THE CUT: Jin Yuuichi x Kuga Yuuma, so far it’s all pretty soft and gentle so there aren’t any applicable content warnings as of yet To send me more prompts, please feel free to visit my CuriousCat!
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Jinyuu + white roses
Jin doesn't actually know what they are himself, but he knows that in hanakotoba, there's a different meaning for every single colour of rose. As he runs his fingers through the weightless cloud of Yuuma's hair, as individual strands drift near-translucent against the backs of his knuckles and fall as soundless and white as snow against Yuuma's nape, he wonders what a white rose might mean. Then again, maybe he doesn't care to find out - maybe for him, 'Yuuma' is the only meaning they'll ever need to have.
Jinyuu + holiday
The breeze coming off of the ocean looks good in Jin's hair, lifting it from his forehead and making it dance in the sunlight. Yuuma likes to rest his cheek against his folded arms and watch it sway, and he likes that when Jin turns to look back to where he's sitting beneath the portico, Yuuma can tell that he's not smiling despite whatever he's seeing in the future. On holidays far from home, with white sand beneath their feet and Jin's broad shoulders baking golden, he can sometimes be convinced to take a break from the worrying, too. 
Jinyuu + clean
Every moment that he's conscious since returning to his flesh, Yuuma is overwhelmed with sensation- as much the burn of incisions struggling to mend as the stuttering caress of fabric, sticking and unsticking as it slides over sweat-tacky skin. He feels filthy in his hospital bed, and his bones and sinew feel wrong all around him, like tattered clothing that he's long since overgrown. It's only months later, when he's back home in Tamakoma, that he finally starts to feel clean again- clean and new under Jin's patient hands. 
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