#ship: jinyuu
freshdickies · 1 year
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I am DEFINITELY gonna make more of these bad boys
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misinininining · 2 years
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sunlight creeps in 
world trigger - Jin Yuuichi/Kuga Yuuma - M - 2.6k
Yuuma, Jin, and a late night in Tamakoma.  Today's bar is closer to the Tamakoma branch building, and he has a room there to crash in when training runs late, so he figures that he'll just stay there for the rest of the night. He prefers to be closer to his friends, even if they're all sleeping—something about the people he cares about being within reach soothes the part of his brain that is always ready for an attack.
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B, C, F, and G to start~?
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Man, so many! I am very suggestible when it comes to ships and my friends are talented so it is very easy to draw me into things 😂 Some examples off the top of my head, mostly MP100 and World Trigger:
Minori/Mob, which i hadn't really thought about until Mis put it in my head and now they're married with children in my endgame headcanons
Hatori/Minegishi - that one's your fault hehe
Not from anyone I know personally, but various Pixiv artists and doujinshi sold me on TachiNino
....I feel like at least half of my watori ships are Mis's fault now that I'm thinking about it hahaha
(honorable mention to jinyuu as well, since it was in my mind when I started the series from Mis talking about them - i feel like it's very likely I would have started shipping them independently anyway, bc the dynamic is Very Good, but Mis made it inevitable ksdjfskd)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
YuuOsa and TachiJin come to mind... I LOVE both as platonic relationships, but I just... don't see Osamu or Tachikawa as someone Yuuma or Jin would be attracted to, respectively? And top Yuuma just isn't it for me. (I do actually own a single OsaYuu doujin... because the art was gorgeous and it had post-body-recovery Yuuma with his missing limbs and eye, which I am always down for, lmao.)
Azuma with his kids, especially Miwa/Koarai/Okudera - I just can't imagine him not being incredibly scrupulous about maintaining healthy boundaries with the teenagers under his care, and the alternate character interpretation of "predatory Azuma" that i've seen in a lot of the azumiwa/etc content is... extremely Not For Me.
It's not a huge ship, and basically nonexistent on the eng side of fandom, but Hyrein/Osamu still baffles me. Like, Osamu-fuckers chase ur bliss, etc, but Hyrein had SO LITTLE to say about Osamu personally compared to other Border agents he fought (Izumi, obviously, but even Miwa and Karasuma) that I just cannot imagine Osamu leaving any impression on him at all, let alone the obsessive villain/hero ship that has apparently spawned more doujins than haiizu no i'm not salty leave me alone
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
HMMM this is a really hard one to quantify since there are some fandoms that I tend to return to periodically, and often have like... one primary fixation but several running in the background that can still Activate me periodically. The longest individual fixations tend to be around 1.5-2 years (Transformers, Star Trek, Promare, and MP100 all reached that point) - but there are comfort fandoms that I circle back to repeatedly that have been in my life for decades (Star Trek and Pokemon are a couple of the major ones, and Ar Tonelico is a more recent example that hasn't quite hit a decade yet but shows no signs of going anywhere). And while MOST of my fic/art consumption and creative output is in Watori right now, I still would say I'm in MP100 fandom to some extent - I still buy shimateru/Claw-centric doujins when I see them, a lot of my friends are still active in the fandom, and I've got shimateru WIPs I hope to circle back to eventually. OTOH I don't really see myself returning to writing for Promare and don't currently have any interest in my older Star Trek WIPs, but I still like to rewatch both of them, I have no intention of selling any of the Promare merch that is in every room of my house, and I still love going to the Trek con in Vegas every couple of years and have some future cosplay plans... And you can still absolutely activate those parts of my brain if you talk to me about the Dominion or Kraylio, hahaha. It's very nebulous but I kind of like it this way! I like still feeling connected to my fandoms even after the intense hyperfixation phase has faded.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
I always have one or two Big Fav Ships in any given fandom, but I've always been a multishipper also, so "true" OTPs are a little rarer. I remember Ishihime in Bleach being one of the first non-canon ships I felt pretty strongly about, and disliking Ichihime as a result, but I also liked Ulquihime a lot, so... lmao. The first truly exclusive OTP I can remember might actually be Han'Gerrel/Zaal'Koris from the original Mass Effect trilogy, which was incidentally also the beginning of my shift from primarily-het shipper to primarily-gay shipper hahah.
I think in my mind, something qualifies as an OTP if it's like... the True Ending in my mind, even when I also enjoy other ships. Like- in MP100, Shimazaki and Teru just Are Together, even though I also sometimes enjoy other ships involving them like touishima, shimamine, riteru etc - those other ships just always are "relationship history" or "alternate timeline" in my head, and I never really imagine them long-term in the same way.
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promisinininining · 5 years
posterior posting // shitposts
the content creator is gurgling again // rambles about current fic projects
mewmews // cats
mis-takes // hcs/fandom-related chatter
mis-types // personal chatter
postmoogling // answered asks
mp100 / mp11
world trigger / watori shitposting
char: eyes on the hunt // esme
char: rabbit heart // kozue kiyomi
char: an undesirable child // akechi goro
char: defy fate // persona 5 protagonoist
char: extraordinary commoner // hanazawa teruki
char: just for funsies // shimazaki ryou
char: lying is a bad habit // kuga yuuma
char: the burden of foresight // jin yuuichi
char: an untrustworthy smile // inukai sumiharu
ship: a tender violence // shimateru
ship: our dream to grasp the stars // jinyuu
ship: catch and release // haiizu
ship: second nature to love you // faume
ship: a love that shapes the narrative // shuake
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rabzkay · 6 years
Atomisk, Haruko and Jinyuu, Hidomi and Iide! now in the list best ships ever!
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strawnillas · 7 years
Starving [JinYuu]
requested by my friend dyan!! i asked on twitter for ships and a number for a random song on my spotify playlist, and she got Starving by Hailee Steinfieldd, Grey and Zedd ;)
enjoy the drabble sweetheart!!
Yuuya is very inexperienced when it comes to life in general.
That’s pretty much common knowledge among his friends and peers. So, they often try to introduce him to various fun and exciting things! He likes all of them, really, like the roller coasters, the cosplaying, the fashion and everything in between.
But so far nothing has been able to beat the excitement of LBX battles. And he’s okay with that, because LBX battles are special to him.
That is, until Jin kissed him when they were 16.
It was soft, gentle, with Jin’s hands holding onto Yuuya’s own. And much too short, when Jin pulled back and looked away, his face bright red just like Yuuya’s.
Yuuya, in a daze, wrapped his arms around the other teen and pulled Jin back in for another kiss. And another. Each one lasting longer than the one before, and each one tasting better and better with each brush on their lips and each pull of their hair.
By the time they’re both positively gasping for breath, Yuuya can hear nothing but the beatings of his heart in his ears and feel nothing but the racing of his heart and the butterflies frolicking in his stomach.
Jin smiles, lips bruised and eyes in a trance. “I think I woke up a kissing monster.”
Yuuya shyly grins back before he leans into Jin again. “And I’m hungry for more.”
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freshdickies · 1 year
3 Sentence Ficlets - Watori
I don’t have enough of these to make an AO3 entry about it just yet, but I like having things backed up and archived just in case, SO! This is gonna be my Watori 3 Sentence Ficlet masterpost! UNDER THE CUT: Jin Yuuichi x Kuga Yuuma, so far it’s all pretty soft and gentle so there aren’t any applicable content warnings as of yet To send me more prompts, please feel free to visit my CuriousCat!
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Jinyuu + white roses
Jin doesn't actually know what they are himself, but he knows that in hanakotoba, there's a different meaning for every single colour of rose. As he runs his fingers through the weightless cloud of Yuuma's hair, as individual strands drift near-translucent against the backs of his knuckles and fall as soundless and white as snow against Yuuma's nape, he wonders what a white rose might mean. Then again, maybe he doesn't care to find out - maybe for him, 'Yuuma' is the only meaning they'll ever need to have.
Jinyuu + holiday
The breeze coming off of the ocean looks good in Jin's hair, lifting it from his forehead and making it dance in the sunlight. Yuuma likes to rest his cheek against his folded arms and watch it sway, and he likes that when Jin turns to look back to where he's sitting beneath the portico, Yuuma can tell that he's not smiling despite whatever he's seeing in the future. On holidays far from home, with white sand beneath their feet and Jin's broad shoulders baking golden, he can sometimes be convinced to take a break from the worrying, too. 
Jinyuu + clean
Every moment that he's conscious since returning to his flesh, Yuuma is overwhelmed with sensation- as much the burn of incisions struggling to mend as the stuttering caress of fabric, sticking and unsticking as it slides over sweat-tacky skin. He feels filthy in his hospital bed, and his bones and sinew feel wrong all around him, like tattered clothing that he's long since overgrown. It's only months later, when he's back home in Tamakoma, that he finally starts to feel clean again- clean and new under Jin's patient hands. 
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freshdickies · 1 year
World Trigger Ship Stamps
You can Right Click>Copy Image Link and add these bad boys to your Bio, Pinned, or About Page! I’m slowly creating more & I’ll add them to the original post as I go.
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freshdickies · 11 months
For the fandom ask meme: B, C, R, S, X!
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Ranazu, I think! It didn't take a lot of convincing to get on board and now I love them the most for each other, but I didn't consider it til the notion was shared with me and I considered their dynamic in a new light
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
I don't actually think that there are any pairings I WISH I liked...? I'm more of a 'I either like it or I don't' kinda person when it comes to ships. That said, I think sometimes we all sit with our rarepairs and wish OTHER people liked them as much as we do
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Man, let me think... I don't know, I usually hunt down my compatriots or convert people by sharing my enthusiasm for a ship 🤔 Maybe if I had a more straight-foward Viza ship than 'I believe this man fucks well and deserves hole,' I'd be alone in that?
S: What's a headcanon you have?
I think that Shimazaki must have received at least SOME training in massage and acupuncture at a school for the blind, since those are professions into which visually impaired people are typically funneled in Japan. I think his extra sensory abilities would make him naturally extremely good at both. I ALSO think he would hate to have a boring, stereotypical blind man's job, and if he was ever offered work by Spirits & Such as an act of kindness and Reigen asked if he could give massages, he'd lie outright to avoid doing it.
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Shimateru, Jinyuu, JYuri
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aftokrator-official · 11 months
K, O, U, X, and Y!
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
there aren't enough of us!!!! (World Trigger) But that DOES make it one of the most chill anime fandoms I've ever been in, so I mean, silver linings lmao. There's something very fun about the camaraderie in a small fandom and I definitely feel that here as well! I enjoy how chill everyone is and how everyone has made themselves comfy in whatever corner of this sprawling cast makes them happiest, but will also visit and appreciate OTHER people's particular fixations.
MP100 has its *cough* problems but frankly as a veteran of Promare circa 2020 it feels downright calm lmao. It helps that I pretty much exclusively spend time in the Shimateru niche these days, which is of course full of the coolest people in this fandom. My primary complaint is that I wish I could just enjoy seri-rei and shima-mine in peace without landing among a bunch of assholes but eh, at least there are some fantastic Japanese artists in those ships whose work I can enjoy without reservations. And it makes me pleased in a deeply petty way to write seri-rei but ONLY as a background ship to shimateru LMAO
Arknights is great. Bee and Mis are awesome. Wait what do you mean there are other people in Arknights fandom
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Shuffle gave me Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men, and now i'm thinking of Afto AU Utagawa/Kikuchihara and FEELING THINGS. ;-;
You're gone, gone, gone away, I watched you disappear All that's left is a ghost of you Now we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do Just let me go, we'll meet again soon Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around I'll see you when I fall asleep
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
in no particular order from current and recent fandoms:
Yuzuru/Chika (mostly as part of the Yuzuru/Chika/Izuho OT3 but I like them on their own too)
Enedora/Mira (specifically and especially in a "divorced but still hooking up" way)
Croix/Jakuri (Ar Tonelico 2, objectively THE best canon pairing in the AT series don't @ me)
Silco/Jinx (Arcane)
honorable mentions to Touma/Izuho (i like her with chika and yuzuru best but i Cannot deny the appeal of their agegap dynamic), Katori/Wakamura (so so SO divorced), and SeriTome (doesn't quite fit my headcanons for either of them but it's REALLY cute and makes a nice little agegap trio with shimateru and mobrei lmao)
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Shimateru from MP100
Tolnar from Arknghts
Jinyuu from World Trigger - i have several faves but I think this is the only one I don't really multiship
Y:  A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Hmm... The Expanse might count - I do admittedly adore the main canon ship of Holden/Naomi, but I never really got into any non-canon shipping for the series. I never did read much fic for it, but I was mildly active on Tumblr while the show was airing, so I guess it counts lol.
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freshdickies · 11 months
Ask game: AV!
A: Your current OTP?
OTPs never really die! That being said, OTPs I'm currently still feeling Strong Things about on the daily are Shimateru from Mob Psycho and Jinyuu from World Trigger.
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
I don't really go for OT3s for a lot of complicated reasons I won't get into, one of which being I just DO NOT like or trust how other people handle the depiction of polyamorous ships in their fanworks. So many people go either the 'everyone loves one-another flatly, equally, and interchangeably, and nobody feels insecure or jealous or has to renegotiate boundaries' OR the 'the author's REAL OTP and their plus 1' route with their fics and I'm not into it. I mostly do polyamorous ships with my own OCs and my friends' OCs.
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