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nanshe-of-nina · 3 years
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Wizarding Russian Empire and USSR || Soviet Writers and Artists, part II
Apolloniy Zinovyevich Panterov (28 August 1866 – 19 April 1936) Panterov was born into an Old Pureblood family in Ledenets as the youngest of four sons. Through his mother, he was a first cousin of Astreya Zinovyevna Vinogradova. While attending Koldovstoretz, he became friends with Germes Arkadyevich Petukhov, who was in the same year. Though both were homosexual, it’s not certain if they were everything more than friends. He began writing poetry as a teenager with his older brother, Dionisiy. After completing his studies in 1883, he and his older brother both moved to China and lived there for two years. They were fascinated with mysticism and more esoteric types of magic and hope to find enlightenment in the east. Whether they managed that or not is unknown, though they both did pick up the habit of opium smoking that they claimed was a key to greater creativity. Upon returning to Russia, they both began writing poetry and novels, both of which were notoriously difficult to read, peculiar and surreal. Reportedly, they also both would often ingest a variety of poisonous plants (such as deadly nightshade and datura) together and then record their visions as sources of inspiration. If true, it would go a long way in explaining a lot. �� In 1886, he began an affair with a sixteen-year-old fan of his named Arkhelay Feodorovich Zmeyev. His brother, Dionsiy, would later end up marrying Zmeyev’s younger sister, Olimpiya Feodorovna Zmeyeva (later to become infamous as a KDMM-affiliated terrorist), in 1897. Panterov himself was to remain a close friend of his sister-in-law even after her marriage to his brother faltered and was likely a major influence on her own writing. Despite his many links to known revolutionaries, he professed no interest in politics or social issues. He also belonged to no definite “circle” of poets, though he is noted to have been a friend of Kalliopa Zinovyevna Chernenko. He had also many male lovers in the arts in his life, including painters, musicians, and other poets. After the Revolution, he elected to stay in Russia. He never became a target for repression, despite his family links with opponents of the new regime. His friendships with Petukhov and Devana Ipabogovna Zalischenko may have been a reason for this. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, his poetry was not republished, though he found steady work as a translator. He died in the spring of 1936. Ganimed Sidorovich Avvakumov (24 October 1878 – 30 November 1937) Avvakumov was born into a Halfblood peasant family in what’s now the Vologda Oblast. He had no formal education, but began publishing his poetry in 1898. A sympathizer of the KDMM, he welcomed the group’s assassinations of the Volshebny Duma officials and briefly participated in revolutionary activity during 1905. Throughout the 1900s and 1910s, he was a friend and collaborator of such poets as Afinagor Spiridonovich Ekkhart and Apolloniy Ilyich Myslivtsev. He was a close friend, mentor, and sometime lover of the young poet, Germes Filippovich Berezin. Though an unabashed homosexual, Avvakumov was also an intensely devout Orthodox Christian and was also fascinated with folk magic and the customs and habits of non-humans. Though he initially welcomed the BK’s overthrow of the Ministry, he was disgusted by their repressive campaigns against non-humans and the peasantry, both zemlyanin and magical. In the spring of 1933, he was arrested in Lysaya Gora and deported to Siberia for criticizing the dekulakization campaigns of the zemlyanin Soviet officials that the BK was insisting were necessary to work toward a future of communism when the Statue of Secrecy could be lifted and true equality achieved. His well-known homosexuality probably also did him no favors, as it was associated in the minds of much of the BK leadership with Leftists and foreigners. He was arrested again in the summer of 1937 and executed on fabricated charges of conspiracy and terrorism. Though only 59 at the time of his death, he looked much older. His sentence was later overturned in 1957. Noyema Moiseyevna Rozental (19 November 1885 – 8 April 1979) Noyema Rozental was an artist and painter, but is most well-known as the muse of the poet, Stefan Yemelyanovich Pugachev. She was born in Lysaya Gora to a wealthy Jewish Pureblood family and attended Koldovstoretz from 1895 until 1903, where she was an excellent student. As teenager, she and her younger sister, Solomonia, were renowned for their beauties. In 1905, she married the poet, Ilya Zalmanovich Lindenbaum, whom she had met while at school. Though they deeply loved each other, they were often unfaithful and it has been speculated that Lindenbaum was a closeted homosexual. In any case, her younger sister Solomonia introduced her to her most famous lover, poet Stefan Pugachev, in 1909. He immediately became obsessed with her and pursued her relentlessly. Though she came to love him as well, she found Pugachev’s attentions overwhelming. For instance, he became jealous when, around 1915 or 1916, she became close friends with Nastasya Vasilyevna Esaulova, who later became a famous Auror during the Civil War. It has long been speculated that Rozental and Lindenbaum were agents of the Zhnetsy. Whether or not that is true, she was certainly friends (and perhaps more) with the Zhnets, Izmail Yakovlevich Arkhipienka among others. She and Pugachev ended their sexual relationship in 1925, but remained friends. He ended up killing himself in 1930 and she and Lindenbaum divorced shortly after. Afterwards, Rozental moved into the home of her friend, Esaulova, through whom she came friends with Merkuriy Ilyich Znamenshchikov and Austaras Perunovich Kalnietis, amongst others. This proved to be a fairly short arrangement, however, as Esaulova was arrested in September 1936 in Ledenets. Esaulova’s husband, Mstislav Ivanovich Dunyaev, was on edge after his wife’s arrest and sensing this, Rozental moved out. In June 1937, meanwhile, Esaulova finally broke and was put on trial along a group of other Aurors who had supposedly been plotting a coup. Dunyaev, who had probably triggered his wife’s concession by denouncing her as a traitor to her face, killed himself after the day after her execution and their three children were all sent to Vyraj. Rozental publicly said nothing about these events, though she later admitted she didn’t know what to think. In 1938, meanwhile, she finally remarried to a Georgian historian named Teimuraz Koridze. In 1956, meanwhile, she unexpectedly received a letter saying that the charges against Esaulova had been dropped. After being released from Vyraj, Esaulova’s older sister, Apraksa, greeted her as an old friend and insisted that she had nothing to apologize for. Esaulova’s also released daughters, Zlata and Zoria Mstislavna Dunyaeva were not so forgiving, however, and sarcastically thanked her for doing so much to clear her supposed friend’s name. From the 1950s, Rozental began to be portrayed as a manipulative and greedy whore in accounts of biographical accounts of Pugachev before being excluded altogether. This was partially at the instigation of Pugachev’s sisters, who had never liked her. She died in 1979 after a long illness. Anfisa Yarilovna Nartsysova (11 October 1886 – 8 September 1941) Nartsysova was born into a wealthy Pureblood family. Her father was a scholar of arcane languages while her mother was a musician. She had three half-siblings from her father’s first marriage and one full sister. Her family life was unhappy: her parents’ marriage was strained and her half-siblings disliked their stepmother and half-sisters. This meant that she greatly enjoyed her time as Koldovstoretz and began writing a poetry as a teenager. She adored the work of Afinagor Ekkhart and Kalliopa Chernenko, though she never met either of them.   In 1905, she married her school sweetheart, Orfey Apolloniyevich Soloveitchik, who had been born two members of the KDMM and was in training to become an Auror. They had two daughters, Kalliopa and Yevridika, and a son, Filammon. Despite her intense love for her husband, she had affairs with fellow poets, David Yakovlevich Balshemnik and Violetta Georgiyevna Stern. During the Civil War, Soloveitchik fought for the VSDP. During the war, she and her three children lived in the Crimea, but they fled to Romania after the defeat of the VSDP. Much to her surprise, she was reunited with her husband in Bucharest, as she was certain he was dead. Nartsysova continued publishing her poetry while living in Romania, but her family was nonetheless still financially strained. She reestablished contact with her old friend, the writer Gleb Borisovich Paradiesgarten who had elected to stay in Russia. In 1924, she and her husband and children moved to France, but she found herself out of step with the most of the VSDP émigré community, who were infuriated when she expressed admiration for the rabidly pro-BK poet, Stefan Pugachev. She and Soloveitchik both became increasingly homesick for their homeland and he, raised in a revolutionary family, began to commiserate more with the BK than the ex-VSDP members he was surrounded by. At some point, he became an agent of the Zhnetsy, a fact confirmed by the memoirs of the sons of Zlata Bogdanovna Sorokina and Fekla Mitrofanovna Ponomarenko, both of whom were stationed in France in 1934. Around this time, Nartsysova asked her friend Paradiesgarten about the possibly of returning and he cryptically replied in French, “You’ll love the harvesters here.” Nartsysova and Soloveitchik both returned to the USSR with their children in 1937. He was implicated in the kidnapping and murder of the prominent VSDP Auror, Anatoly Apollonovich von Hahn, though Fekla Ponomarenko’s son later claimed that his actual abductors were a pair of professional Zhnetsy assassins, Aristogiton Filippovich Babunsky and Frina Levonovna Mirtova, a fact confirmed by archival evidence. Nartsysova, however, does not seem to have known of her husband’s espionage or double-dealing, yet she was to suffer for it anyway. Furthermore, the fact that she and Soloveitchik had been living abroad was another issue and a third one that his paternal half-cousin, Taliya Artyomovna Soloveitchik (sororal niece of Aglaonika Ptolemeyevna Zvezdova) had been arrested on charges that she and her maternal first cousin, Ipatiya Nestorovna Levandovskaya, had both been privy to the treason of their shared lover, Merkuriy Znamenshchikov. These series of compromising factors that no one was willing to help Nartsysova or her family. In 1941, her husband and three children were arrested on charges of espionage. Her husband was promptly executed and her three children were shipped off to Vyraj while Nartsysova was exiled to Tatarstan. She pleaded that she’d rather go to the camps with her children, but her pleas were disregarded. Certain that her children were likely doomed, she poisoned herself in September of 1941. Her son Filammon, like that of many other children of the condemned, temporarily escaped Vyraj by volunteering to fight in the GWW, but was killed in action in 1942. Her two daughters, however, were released from Vyraj in 1955 and co-wrote a memoir of the Soloveitchik family with their second cousins, the three daughters of Taliya Soloveitchik. Taliya Timonovna Lavrinenko (9 December 1888 – 31 August 1959) Lavrinenko was born into an old but impoverished Ukrainian Pureblood gentry family who had long since been forced to sell off all of their land. Her father was an almost perpetually broke artist and idealist, who died at the age of 42. She never completed her final year at Koldovstoretz due to her family’s financial problems. During World War I, she disguised herself as a man and reported the dire situation of the war’s carnage in newspapers, but was forcibly silenced in 1916 by the Volshebny Duma because her reports of the carnage were stoking unrest in the population. Though previously not much interested in politics, she sided with the BK in the Civil War, as she shared some of their beliefs (chiefly, atheism and preferring workers and peasants to the Pureblood gentry.) In the 1920s, while holding many different jobs, Lavrinenko began writing satires about life in the wizarding Soviet Union. At the time Afanasiy Kostov enjoyed them and often read them to his daughters, but she ran afoul of Rodion Feodorovich Gornostaev’s campaigns of purity around art, music, and literature after the end of the global wizarding war, as did Kalliopa Chernenko. Neither was arrested, but both were effectively prohibited from writing, though Lavrinenko eked out a living as a translator. Though perpetually in poor health and dogged by depression, she proved to be surprisingly pugnacious in her old age, refusing to apologize to comments she made to foreigners protesting her treatment at the hands of censors. After Kostov’s death in June 1953, the question was raised of readmitting her to the VSSP, yet it was dropped when she made it clear she would not beg for forgiveness. The poet, Yevterpa Ilyinichna Andreyevskaya, who had tried to get Lavrinenko to repent, attributed her refusal to arrogance and stubbornness (as did many others) and attacked her for it. These attacks stopped, however, after word leaked to the British and American presses, but she claimed she had no energy left to write anymore. She died in 1959 at the age of 70. Germes Filippovich Berezin (31 May 1889 – 20 December 1926) Berezin was born in what’s now the Ryazan oblast to a Halfblood peasant family. He attended Koldovstoretz from 1899 until 1907, during which time he began obsessively compose poetry. In 1906, he moved to Lysaya Gora and found work at a bookbinder’s shop; his first poem was published two years later. He moved to Ledenets in 1909 and quickly became friends with Afinagor Ekkhart and Ganimed Avvakumov and was later introduced to Kalliopa Chernenko, Apolloniy Myslivtsev, Dionsiy Dmitryevich Polynkin, and Stefan Pugachev. He was politically sympathetic to the goals of revolutionaries and was friendly with Pavsaniy Lvovich Lebkuchen, a member of the KDMM who would assassinate Asenefa Yakovlevna Voshkina, head of the Ledenets Zhnetsy, in 1918 on the orders of Olimpiya Zmeyeva.  He married three times in his life and had numerous affairs with both men and women, including with Avvakumov and Lebkuchen. Berezin was pleased with the abolition of the VD in 1917 and initially greeted the rise of the BK with joy. By the mid-1920s, however, Berezin was developing a reputation of recklessness and alcoholism and the wizarding Soviet government became concerned about his mental and physical health. After a plea from the Serbian-born Zdravko Vlajković, Marena Volosovna Kulchytskaya had Berezin confined to Zhiva’s Hospital. In December of 1926, however, he checked himself out and returned to Ledenets. He was found dead there four days later of an apparent suicide. His death caused on an outpouring of grief from his fans. His friend, fellow poet, Stefan Pugachev was both grieved and furious with Berezin for having killed himself, though he would himself commit suicide four years later. It has been suggested that he and Pugachev were actually murdered by the Zhnetsy, yet the truth is unknown.   Gorgiy Gektorovich Levandovsky (8 July 1897 – 25 September 1937) Gorgiy Levandovsky was the son of Gektor Diogenovich Levandovsky, younger brother of Nestor Diogenovich Levandovsky, and Khepziba Finesovna Krapivina, a sister of Zakhariya Finesovich Krapivin while his half-uncle, Askaniy, was the husband of Lyudmila Vyacheslavna Vishnevskaya. While he was raised largely in Russia itself, he often visited his uncle during summers in Corscia and therefore got to know his uncle’s wife, Aglaonika Zvezdova, and their close friend, the writer and philosopher, Dionsiy Polynkin. Probably due to such connections, he believed himself untouchable and had no problem zealously denouncing writers, artists, and others he felt weren’t following the party line. Those he attacked included Oleg Yegorovich Sauer, Stefan Pugachev, and David Balshemnik. He also attacked his paternal uncle, Nestor, when he was briefly arrested in 1924 for giving a speech that offended the sensibilities of Georgiy Andreyevich Pszeniczny, then a member of the Commissariat of Magical Education and Culture. In 1925, when Zaria Kresnikovna Krasavkina and Yefrem Iosifovich Levandovsky (of no relation) broke with Afanasiy Kostov, he took a hardline Kostovist stance. Four years later, he also supported the sacking of his aunt Zvezdova from her position as the Commissar of Education and Culture. Though a prolific writer and talented organizer, his reputation was almost uniformly terrible. The French-born Russian and Armenian writer and dissident, Goderna Vladimirovna Oleneva called him, “a fascinating combination of both cynic and fanatic.” His cousins, Ipatiya and Astreya Nestorovna Levandovskaya also reputedly couldn’t stand him due to his personality and attacks on their father and avoided him whenever possible. He was also portrayed negatively in the memoirs of defector, Saule Menulisovna Raudonaite, with whom he had an affair in the mid-1920s. Nevertheless, in the late 1920s, he assisted Lyudmila Vishnevskaya and Mircha Perunovich Zelenko in seeking to get Dionsiy Polynkin, to return from exile. However, his career came to an abrupt end in 1932, when Kostov disbanded all literary groups and merged them into the Wizarding Union of Soviet Writers (Volshebnyy soyuz sovetskikh pisateley) with Polynkin as its head, probably as Kostov had grown extremely irritated by Levandovsky’s self-importance and presumption. As recounted in the memoirs of Vesela Vadimovna Lebedeva, wife of David Balshemnik, his sudden loss of power was widely greeted with mirth and rejoicing. His former friends and allies, including Agafonik Varfolomeyev and Tomislava Mitrokhina, largely abandoned him, though he and the playwright, Gleb Vsevolodovich Kipranov, remained friendly. His fate was sealed, however, when Vishnevskaya was arrested in April 1937. To try to save himself, he wrote a letter to Kostov and the SK denouncing her and reporting negative comments she’d made about Sevastyan Viktorovich Ryndin and the late Dariy Kserkovich Mironov. Things then got even worse for him when Mircha Zelenko was also arrested that summer and Vishnevskaya and Zelenko were both battered into confessing that they’d been involved in a conspiracy with (among others) Anfisa Zoranovna Krupina, Nestor Feodorovich Voinov, and Merkuriy Znamenshchikov and that he had been an active participant in the plot as well. He was executed 25 September 1937 on the same day as his friend Kipranov and a host of former Zhnetsy who had been implicated, including Lyudovik Karlovich Kardos, Orifiya Borislavna Zhovnirenko, Miloslav Vyacheslavich Klyukvin, Melina Aristeyevna Slivchenko, and Afina Yakovlevna Eulenburg. His wife, Danuta Patrikeyevna Andryushkevich, and his cousin, the aforementioned Ipatiya Nestorovna, were also both arrested on charges that they’d known of the conspiracy, but failed to report on it and were each given ten year sentences in Vyraj. Both were freed in the 1950s. His two sons were permitted to be adopted by their maternal grandfather, Patrikey Vitoldovich Andryushkevich. Agafonik Agafangelovich Varfolomeyev (30 December 1895 – 21 June 1956) Varfolomeyev was born in Primorsky Krai in the far east of Russia. His father died when he was young and he was raised by his paternal grandfather, a Russian Orthodox priest. He first joined the BK in 1918 and took back in the Civil War in the Far East. After the end of the Civil War, he relocated to Lysaya Gora and turned to writing about his experiences during the war. Around the same time, he fell in with the clique around Gorgiy Levandovsky, though he was to desert Levandovsky after 1932. In 1925, meanwhile, he married Tomislava Mitrokhina, then a fellow crony of Levandovsky. They had two daughters, Agafya and Vekenega. Though as hardline a Kostovist as Levandovsky and Mitrokhina, Varfolomeyev had a dual nature. He seems to have recognized and genuinely appreciated the talents of writers such as David Balshemnik, Apolloniy Myslivtsev, Gleb Paradiesgarten, Kalliopa Chernenko, and Taliya Lavrinenko while simultaneously calling for their heads. Not surprisingly, Balshemnik’s widow, Vesela Lebedeva had trouble knowing what to make of him. As another example, his friend and fellow writer, Aleksey Levontyevich Esaulov, recalled that, in 1937, Varfolomeyev had expressed regret to him about the arrest and execution of Esaulov’s cousin, Nastasya Vasilyevna Esaulova. He also vouched for Esaulov to Kostov when Alsu Andreyevna Zherebtsova repeatedly tried to arrest him. Despite this, after hearing of the arrests of his former friends, Gorgiy Levandovsky and Gleb Kipranov, he promptly wrote a letter denouncing them both to the Zhnetsy. He used this to explain why he and Mitrokhina both came throw the Great Harvest unscathed, it’s far more likely that they were both spared on the strict instructions of Afanasiy Kostov himself, who still believed there were ways to make use of them as both of them. Years after the fact, Kostov’s eldest daughter, Avdotya, recalled that her father had once commented to her that Varfolomeyev and Mitrokhina were “malleable masochists.” In the 1939, he became the head of the VSSP, displacing the more rabidly bloodthirsty Vratislav Dobromilovich Nikonov. He secretly welcomed the more liberal and less censorious literary atmosphere during the GWW. He was disappointed and confused about the return of repression after it ended, yet outwardly became an uncompromising supporter of Rodion Gornostaev’s repressive policies around art, literature, and music. He dutifully expelled Taliya Lavrinenko and Kalliopa Chernenko from the VSSP, but admitted privately he had no idea why they were being singled out for attack. It is likely that Gornostaev decided to sacrifice them both because of the intrigue of his arch-rival, Dmitry Romanovich Knorozov, trying to undermine his position, but, as per usual, Varfolomeyev was informed of none of this. He was even more distressed and hesitant when the Domovoy Conspiracy began in 1949 (the idea that non-humans were conspiring to destroy the wizarding USSR with the help of halfbreeds) and at first tried to take a moderate line, but he eventually relented and went along with it. By this point in his life, he was in failing health on account of his heavy drinking and his leadership of the VSSP had come increasingly under attack. His marriage to Mitrokhina also became strained, as she suspected that he was found the company and conversation of the young poets, Yevterpa Andreyevskaya and Afinodora Svarogovna Plotnikova, far more congenial than hers (which was true) and that he was being unfaithful to her with them (which was not, though it seemed a reasonable suspicion as he had been unfaithful to her many times before). The pressures in his life only increased after the death of Afanasiy Kostov in June 1953. Like Plotnikova, he supported at least some moderate reform, but had no idea how to go about this and his proposals to the SK were continually ignored. In 1954, however, his relationship with Mitrokhina drastically improved when they came under joint attack by writers and artists who had not forgotten their past behavior of vitriolic criticism and cliquishness and their bound was renewed by the onslaught. One of those who criticized him, though in relatively gentle terms, was his former friend, Aleksey Esaulov. The final blow, however, came when in 1956 when Bereginia Forkiyevna Rechenko gave a speech denouncing the abuses of Kostov’s regime. Afterwards, he wrote a plea to the SK asking them release Kalliopa Chernenko’s daughter and Nastasya Esaulova’s sister and children from Vyraj. He then killed himself that June. His daughter, Agafya found his body the next morning. Tomislava Vladislavna Mitrokhina (2 November 1898 – 23 December 1969) Mitrokhina was born in Lysaya Gora as the daughter of actors, Vladislav Stefanovich Mitrokhin and the Croatian-born Vekenega Branković. She studied at Koldovstoretz, completing her studies in 1915, but was not involved in politics before 1917. Only 19 at the time of Revolution, she quickly thrived in the new regime. In the mid-1920s, she became associated with Gorgiy Levandovsky’s clique and married fellow member, Agafonik Varfolomeyev. Initially, she was on friendly terms with the poet, Stefan Pugachev, but abruptly turned on him in 1929 and began denouncing his work in 1930, accusing him of being an opportunist (ironic, since he had supported the BK long before her) and a Lutsenkoist. Pugachev mentioned her in his suicide note, sarcastically saying, “My eternal thanks to Tomka.” She was, however, quite unrepentant and went on to write even more vitriolic attacks on other writers, so much that Dionsiy Polynkin and Ariadna Trifonovna Giatsintova, the head and deputy head of the VSSP were offended by her behavior and reproached her on several occasions to cut it out. Though quite the Kostovist himself, another writer Vratislav Nikonov privately called her a “bootlicking whore.” During the start of the Great Harvest, she helped draft the letter from the members of the VSSP calling for the executions of Zaria Krasavkina and the other defendants. She, however, panicked when her former friend, Gorgiy Levandovsky, was arrested, and promptly wrote a letter to Kostov and the SK denouncing him as a counterrevolutionary, though it’s more likely that she was protected at Kostov’s explicit instructions. She then went on to draft the letters demanding execution for the defendants second and third show trials and the seven Aurors condemned in July 1937. In the 1940s, like Varfolomeyev, Mitrokhina became a zealous supporter of Gornostaev’s artistic policies and supported his attacks on Kalliopa Chernenko and Taliya Lavrinenko. During this time, she developed intense jealousy of the young poet, Yevterpa Andreyevskaya, who had recently joined the VSSP as one of Varfolomyev’s deputies. Years later, Andreyevskaya, who eventually developed a distaste for both Varfolomeyev and his wife, referred to Mitrokhina years subsequently as “Varfolomyev’s myrmidon.” While much of her public behavior present a one-dimensional portrait of a mean-spirited bully, her diary and private correspondence with Levandovsky and, especially, Varfolomeyev present a slightly more complicated picture. She never quite understood the whys and wherefores of Kostov and the SK’s use of terror and abrupt policy shifts and was tormented by it. She was, however, less tormented by the Domovoy Conspiracy than her husband, as she had few friends among writers and artists other than him, and aroused his fury when she published an article denouncing the writer, Artyom Artemiyevich Lunin, without his prior approval. She was sacked because of this, and apparently decided that Yevterpa Andreyevskaya and Afinodora Plotnikova had turned him against her. After Kostov’s death in 1953, she took the opposite position on reform as Varfolomeyev and intrigued to get her previous position back, though she failed and Andreyevskaya was not sacked. Despite this, they came under attack as a unit which renewed their affection and closeness for each other, especially when Despina Arkadyevna Einhorn indirectly reminded people that Varfolomeyev and Mitrokhina had among those who’d essentially bullied Stefan Pugachev to the point of suicide. She was widowed in June 1956, when her husband committed suicide at the age of 60 and afterwards largely faded from public way. She did, however, come out of semi-obscurity long enough to write a blistering attack on Despina Einhorn’s memoir, calling for her to be hung and insisted that there had been “very few” false arrests during the Great Harvest. This, however, backfired and left her even more of an outcast among writers and artists than she had been before.
Towards the end of her life, Mitrokhina became a recluse, only occasionally leaving her home late at night to take walks alone. When died in 1969, no one but her daughters and grandchildren came to her funeral. In her memoirs, Vesela Lebedeva recalled that she learned of Mitrokhina’s death when one of her friends (whom she did not name) gleefully informed her on the morning of December 24, “Christmas has come early this year: Tomka’s finally dead.” Yevterpa Ilyinichna Andreyevskaya (1 December 1909 – 30 September 1981) Andreyevskaya was born in Ledenets in 1909, the daughter of Ilya Zenonovich Andreyevsky, an Auror and Mokosh Volosovna Tkachevskaya, who came from Old Pureblood landowners who were descended from the 10th century Varangian völva, Hulda the Weaver. Her father fled Russia after the Revolution and ended up dying in Yugoslavia at some point after 1919.  In 1918, meanwhile, her mother remarried to Aniket Irakliyevich Leonidov, who had become an Auror under the VD, but was one of the many who sided with the BK during the Civil War. While attending Koldovstoretz, she befriended Taliya Anatolyevna Krupina, the eldest daughter of Anfisa Zoranovna Krupina who was in the same year as her. Krupina encouraged Andreyevskaya’s love of poetry and her first collection was printed in 1931.  She also began writing plays in 1934, the same year she married Aleksandr Ivanovich Semyonov, a rozhdennyy zemley writer and scholar, by whom she had two sons, Irakli and Ilya. That same year, her mother’s three brothers, Perun, Khors and Kresnik Volosovich Tkachevsky, were deported from Ledenets to Astrakhan because of their Old Pureblood origins. Khors and Kresnik would be arrested in 1935, sent to Vyraj, and executed in 1937. Her mother and aunt, Zemlya, both were horribly grieved at their brothers’ fates, yet at the time, she rationalized and even justified her uncles’ deaths. In her later years, however, would come to deeply regret those feelings. At some in the mid-1930s, she became a close friend of Yuliya Kostova. Though Kostov despised most of his second daughter’s friends, he was fond of Andreyevskaya, because he liked her verse and found her honesty, cleverness, and industriousness a welcome respite from the duplicity, stupidity, and laziness of most of his daughter’s companions. While she was not an informer during the Great Harvest, she went along with most of the repression campaigns, for instance, happily signing petitions calling for the executions of Krasavkina and Yefrem Levandovsky in September 1936 and another one in 1937 calling for the executions of seven Aurors, including Znamenshchikov and Nastasya Esaulova. In 1940, she divorced her first husband and married the actor, Afinodor Dionsiyevich Shpynev, though he seems to have been rather more enamored with her than she was with him. The marriage was not a success; her sons both hated their new stepfather and stepbrother and the war brought new challenges. She participated in the Global Wizarding War, but was shocked by the incompetence and lack of good command when it began. She recorded in her journals that much of the problems were a result of the policies of Kostov, in particular the Great Harvest, as it had destroyed many talented people and made the environment hostile and threatening. Meanwhile, around 1942, she became an object of scandal after she and her friend, Yuliya Kostova, both become infatuated with the Auror, Ilya Zinovyevich Piorunek. Afraid of what her father would do if he found out, he rejected Yuliya, but seemed more receptive to Andreyevskaya’s advances. The jealous Yuliya then retaliated by informing Piorunek and Andreyevskaya’s respective spouses. Kostov then intervened and ordered Andreyevskaya and Piorunek to return to their spouses. Though Piorunek’s relationship with his wife recovered, Andreyevskaya’s relationship with Shpynev only got worse. They had a daughter in 1946 (named Mokosh after her maternal grandmother), but afterwards lived separate lives and each found some comfort in extramarital relationships. One of Shpynev’s lovers was none other than Yuliya Kostova, who was just as unhappy in her second marriage to Zinovy Minosovich Morozenko as she had been in her first. Though Andreyevskaya’s personal life was in shambles after the end of the GWW, her professional life had never been better. In 1946, she was allowed to go on a diplomatic mission to the United States, where she was greeted with acclaim, and then became one of the three deputy heads of the VSSP with Agafonik Varfolomeyev as its head. The writer and poet, Mel’pomena Apollonovna Kozlovskaya, was extremely unfond of her, describing her as high-handed and patronizing and was disgusted by Andreyevskaya’s treatment of older writers such as Gleb Paradiesgarten. Kozlovskaya’s opinion further soured when Andreyevskaya supported Rodion Gornostaev’s crusade against Kalliopa Chernenko and Taliya Lavrinenko. Meanwhile, things only got worse after Gornostaev’s death in 1948 and Kostov decided that there was a conspiracy afoot involving non-humans and halfbreeds. Initially Andreyevskaya tried to take a moderate stance on the so-called Domovoy Conspiracy, but herself became a target of attack and capitulated. Andreyevskaya had trouble adjusting during the period after Kostov’s death. She was initially still pro-Kostovist and attacked Despina Einhorn and Gleb Paradiesgarten for their work. Her turning came after Rechenko’s speech in March 1956. Shortly after, she and Shpynev divorced and went their separate ways. That August, she received an unexpected invitation from her long-estranged friend, Yuliya Kostova, that August; Yuliya was dying and wanted to make amends before her death. Throughout the rest of 1950s, she grew closer to both of her sons than she had before, but they frequently disagreed on politics. In the late 1960s, she became privately discomforted with many of the policies of Svyatoslav Savvich Tarakanov and felt that the wizarding Soviet Union was in dire need of reform. She became regretful of her past and tried to make amends: she defended Noyema Rozental and arranged the republication of Despina Einhorn’s wartime journalism and decried how the victory over Grindelwald in the global war was being used as proof of the greatness of the wizarding Soviet government when she knew all to well that its many blunders and mistakes had contributed to suffering.
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nabloge-blog · 7 years
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Такие дела...#деньги #актив #недвижимость #роберткийосаки #сочи #краснаяполяна #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #winwinclub#prizm #vomer #airbnb #payoneer #zemlyanin #деньги #актив #недвижимос��ь #банныеколдуны #роберткийосаки #сочи #краснаяполяна #доход #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #winwinclub #prizm #vomer #airbnb #payoneer #pkvmeste #пищажизни #furorbc #incrusis #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin https://www.instagram.com/p/B7luPKcluHE/?igshid=dpg4twks5u1o
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Общая живая Баня до 5 человек. ♨️Чистый четверг🧼 💮 На дровах! 🌻 Каждый четверг. 🕗 Время: 20:00 ⏳ 3 часа - 500 р. 🏊‍♀️ Большой бассейн. ✉️ Сочи, Юртовский пер. 📝 Запись ватсап: 89182337714 (Константин) ☕ Фирменный чай в подарок ! ⚠️ ВОЗМОЖНА ОПЛАТА PRIZM⚠️ #женскаябанясочи #общаябаня #банясочи #банянадррвах #сочиотдых #парнаясочи #банявсочи #банябассейн #сочиотдых #массаж #массажсочи #сочи #природа #любимоедело #prizm #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin (at Sochi, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7iOMxdl0Hd/?igshid=kou5odq39vxv
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Учиться, учиться и ещё раз учиться.....Знание свет а незнание тьма. КООПЕРАЦИЯ. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #деньги #актив #недвижимость #роберткийосаки #сочи #краснаяполяна #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #winwinclub#prizm #vomer #airbnb #payoneer #zemlyanin #деньги #актив #недвижимость #банныеколдуны #роберткийосаки #сочи #краснаяполяна #доход #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #winwinclub #prizm #vomer #airbnb #payoneer #pkvmeste #пищажизни #furorbc #incrusis #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin (at Sochi, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7iK6W0lCE9/?igshid=14wi2rhoqf9fe
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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⚡⚡ТОЛЬКО 18.01. НЕОБЫЧНОЕ событие центра ⚡⚡ ‼ ДЕНЬ ОТКРЫТЫХ ДВЕРЕЙ для ВСЕХ кому интересна БАНЯ и МАССАЖ‼ ❄18.01. (СУББОТА)✅ в 19:00 КРЕЩЕНСКИЕ КУПАНИЯ ⚡⚡✨ Приглашаем на Купание в ХОЛОДНОМ и СВЕЖЕНАБРАННОМ БАССЕЙНЕ для наполнения жизненной энергией в Центре Развития Человека "FreeDOM" ♻Восстановительно - 💚 оздоравливающий 💦банно - 🙌🏻массажный день для всех✅, а так же 🙏🏻специалистов в этой сфере повышающих свой уровень. А так же музыкальный вечер и живое общение с музыкантами и гостями, угощаем "Волшебным ЧЙаЕМ" и ЭКО-сладостями от VegTasTe!💚 🌳Центр развития человека FreeDОМ совместно с 🌑Balaji club 🎇 и Vegtaste ВЕГ-RAW кухня! Приглашают окунуться в СВЕЖЕНАПОЛНЕННЫЙ ХОЛОДНЫЙ БАССЕЙН ✨ 📚Подробности программы https://vk.com/topic-165455786_398836... 🎁БОНУС - По вашему желанию вы можете попробовать в Центре Развития Человека "FreeДом" другие услуги по оздоровлению и развитию человека. А так же оценить ЭКО-сыроедную кухню и товары, настоящую русскую баню на дровах с бассейном Русская БАНЯ и ЧАЙНАЯ и другие возможности для ЗОЖ. 📅 Дата: 18 Января (СУББОТА) ⏰ Начало: 14:00 💜 БЕЗОПЛАТНОЕ событие, но ограничение по местам, 15 участников. ⛪ Где: FreeДОМ | Центр развития человека, Юртовский переулок, 5 (ост. Вишнёвый пер, маршруты - 7,16,86, 87, 101, 102, 104 от ж\д вокзала 15 мин. в пути) 📲Вопросы по участию:+79182337714 (Константин) ⚠️ ВОЗМОЖНА ОПЛАТА PRIZM⚠️ #женскаябанясочи #общаябаня #банясочи #банянадррвах #сочиотдых #парнаясочи #банявсочи #банябассейн #сочиотдых #массаж #массажсочи #сочи #природа #любимоедело #prizm #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin https://www.instagram.com/p/B7aXHmAFjuM/?igshid=yo2zpm2tdanj
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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🌻 ЖЕНСКАЯ банька на 5 человек! 🌻 На дровах! 🌻 Каждую пятницу! 🌻 Время: 18:00 🌻 3 часа - 600 р. 🌻 Сочи, Юртовский пер., 5 🌻 Запись ватсап: 89182337714 (Константин) 🌻 Фирменный чай в подарок ! ⚠️ ВОЗМОЖНА ОПЛАТА PRIZM⚠️ #женскаябанясочи #женскаябаня #банясочи #банянадррвах #сочиотдых #парнаясочи #банявсочи #банябассейн #сочиотдых #массаж #массажсочи #сочи #природа #любимоедело #prizm #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin (at Sochi, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Wp0ZTlRkh/?igshid=1uj2sodyfp9x
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Волшебные мгновения без суеты. Люблю тебя @free_dom_sochi за эти встречи...... #freedom #freeдом #отдыхвсочи #зожсочи #вегансочи #вегадомсочи #ретритсочи #гостевойдомсочи #хостелсочи #банясочи #центрразвитиясочи #любимоедело #артистысочи #zemlyanin (at Sochi, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B66AcyUlatD/?igshid=1hq1o4iide5hn
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Вид из холла "Сочи Парк Отель" #отдыхвсочи #сочипаркотель #актив #недвижимость #отдыхвсочи #квартиравсочи #доходнаянедвижимость #роберткийосаки #сочи #адлер #краснаяполяна #доход #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin (at Сочи Парк Отель) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Jb8GWlcba/?igshid=7ww76lyv7md7
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Доброе утро друзья....В скором времени представим вам топовый проект "ЗЕМЛЯ ИЗОБИЛИЯ" кто не готов ждать за подробностями в ЛС. Подробнее тут 👇 Telegram: https://t.me/golddigital WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Iz8fD4UWF0d8px074PpXp3 Инструменты вашего изобилия во всех сферах вашей жизни. ПРАВИЛА: Данный чат как центр повышения правовой и финансовой грамотности делиться опытом и знаниями об инструментах инвестирования и личностного роста. Данный чат для людей ведущих осознанный образ жизни, готовых переехать или у��е живущих на земле. Адекватные и желающие получать знания, затем перейдут в чат где будут обучаться как это сделать. Если кто то попал сюда по ошибке, просто тихо удалитесь. Telegram: https://t.me/golddigital WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Iz8fD4UWF0d8px074PpXp3 #деньги #актив #недвижимость #роберткийосаки #сочи #адлер #краснаяполяна #доход #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #winwinclub #prizm #vomer #airbnb #payoneer #pkvmeste #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin #криптовалюта #криптоновости #инвестиции #криптотрейдинг #криптофонд #вложения #bitcoin #sochicripto #criptofond #furorbc https://www.instagram.com/p/B440K5nl8Dj/?igshid=1su9t1bm2qzpd
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Сочи ночью прогулки ну очень.... #sochifornia #sochinight #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #winwinclub #prizm #vomer #airbnb #payoneer #pkvmeste #teacasa #furorbc #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin (at Sochi, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B43D-BpFA1y/?igshid=7ffhqtkduzv3
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Приглашаем вас отдохнуть в центре развития человека "FreeДом" Гостевой дом: https://www.airbnb.ru/rooms/37736743?shared_item_type=1&virality_entry_point=1&sharer_id=285253369&source_impression_id=p3_1566684308_zXrKT0UXjaguva5S Хостел: https://www.airbnb.ru/rooms/38036197?shar ⚠️ Возможна оплата PRIZM⚠️ #отдыхвсочи #sochifornia #prizm #гостевойдом #хостелсочи #сочиномер #вегадом #каворкингсочи #банясочи #природа #практикисочи #zemlyanin #freedom #арендасочи #праздниквсочи https://www.instagram.com/p/B41sVVrFO2f/?igshid=1lj1j4rfntsyt
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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Настраиваемся на практику...#yoga #yogasochi #yogamore #пассивныйдоход #активы #природа #любимоедело #winwinclub #prizm #vomer #airbnb #payoneer #pkvmeste #teacasa #furorbc #финансовыйплан #zemlyanin (at Сочи Сегодня) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4zN_30lGiw/?igshid=1ixzjpmbhr9x7
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konstantinhramtsov · 5 years
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🗓12.11 18:00-21:00 (количество мест ограниченно, запись @zemlyanin_sochi Тема Вечера: ДОХОДНАЯ недвижимость и колесо жизненного БАЛАНСА. 🤗✌🏻НИхао!!! Ждем вас в ЧАйном Доме TeaCasa В Программе: Доходная недвижимость. 1. Термины и понятия. 2. Основные стратегии в недвижимости. ▶ Как создать пассивный доход на недвижимости от 27% до 150% годовых без стартового капитала ▶ Самые актуальные и работающие стратегии, рекомендации и советы ▶ Инструменты настоящего инвестора ▶Алгоритм поиска и подбора инвестиционного объекта ▶ Методика расчета эффективности объекта . Разобраться с основными стратегиями в недвижимости. Понять что есть возможность создать себе источник пассивного дохода. Определить свою личную эффективность. Разобраться в алгоритмах дальнейших действий. Об этом вам расскажет Константин Храмцов . 🌍По традиции: HumanDesign Сделаем 3 разбора первым 3 людям написавшим в ЛС: Хранителю Чайного-Дома и пришедшим на ШОУ!!! . 🍃Чай от Хранителей TeaCasa . 🍪🎂🍰🍯🍮🍭🍬🍫Полезные Вкусности к ЧАю приветствуются!!! . ✅ДАТА: 12/11 18:00 -21:00 ✅МЕСТО: Чайный дом TeaCasa . (Пирогова 36а/3) ✅ВХОД: 300р + donation ✅ТРАДИЦИИ: РОЗЫГРЫШ ЧА (репост + быть в группе ChaShow™ & 茶 TeaDudePro 茶 ) . ⚠Вступайте в Чат ЧаШоу: https://buff.ly/2X2YPD2... . . #TEADUDE #chashou #ChaShow #ЧАШОУ #деньги #актив #недвижимость #роберткийосаки #сочи #адлер #краснаяполяна #доход #пассивныйдоход #активы #teacasa #zemlyanin (at Сочи Сегодня) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4uV-T_lVmy/?igshid=vcjyr9o3l08b
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