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sovtime · 17 days
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12 апреля 1961 года советский космонавт Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин совершил первый полет в космос.
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dmitriy-rusanov · 4 months
Если бы наша планета была в другой галактике.
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veaento · 6 months
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вчерашние фотографии звезд.
сделал их, когда шел домой.
на первой фотографии видна кассиопея. всегда ищу и нахожу её, когда смотрю на звезды.
еще был виден юпитер. ярко светился. (на фото его нет)
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angel-oriel · 14 days
Где-то далеко в космосе на одной из галактик есть планета Мяукурий :) Там коты настороженные чуть-чуть, украдкою ночами лакают Млечный Путь и сторонятся созвездия Гончих Псов.
Somewhere far in space, in one of the galaxies, there is the planet Meowkury :) There the cats are a little wary, sneaking at night to lap up the Milky Way and avoid the constellation Canes Venatici.
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blayccee · 16 days
С подругой ходили вчера на лепку из глины))
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На мастер-класс
Был посвящен дню космонавтики, однако из всех присутствующих только мы с подругой и еще одна девчонка слепили что-то в тему))
Готовое изделие можно будет забрать только через 4 недели, пока все подсохнет, пока в печи будет, процесс долгий. Надеюсь, что все будет нормально, не потрескается. Волнительно)
Вообще прикольно, мне понравилось. Теперь хочу еще сходить, но уже на лепку на гончарном круге))
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megai0vania · 12 days
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itsgerges · 5 months
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Best Greetings
Why Does Venus Have No Moon?
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus with original orbital distance =84 million km and Mars had migrated into Mars current orbital distance (227.9 million km)
Through Mars motion from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm), Mars had collided with Venus (at first) and then with Earth (at second) and then reach to its current orbital distance point (227.9 mkm).
Mars had moved from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) under force for that Mars had pushed with it all collisions debris in its motion direction
By that Venus had found NO Debris Around – For That- Venus Couldn't Create Its own Moon
From these collisions debris the Earth could create its own moon and also Mars moons are created from them and the rest debris are attracted by Jupiter Gravity and Created The Asteroid Belt.
Mars itself had collided with Earth and caused the moon creation
The planets order (Mercury – Venus –Earth) proves Mars was the second planet after Mercury
My diameter equation proves Mars original orbit was between Venus and Mercury because Mars diameter is created based on its original orbit and for that this original orbit data is found in Mars diameter equation-
Pluto Was The Mercury Moon and had migrated with Mars migration- the same one reason caused the two planets migration, 
Shortly One great force stroke Mercury, Pluto and Mars, in order
Means, Mercury had received the most strong stroke directly, Mercury couldn't escape from its fate. But Mercury axial tilt was (One Degree) and after the stroke be (0.01 Degree or even Zero)!
The third stroke be received by Mars by which Mars had Migrated
The second stroke be received by Pluto, which caused Pluto to be flying along the solar system and reach to the end point of the solar system.
The solar system end point with distance (5906 million km) is a defined geometrically –
Before Pluto migration –
Neptune orbital distance was 5906 mkm
Means, Neptune was in the position in which Pluto now be found.
Pluto had flying along the solar system distance and reach to Neptune position, and had collided with Neptune, pushed it out of its orbit and then put it out of (Pluto Influence area) – That's why Pluto Neptune Distance = Pluto eccentricity Distance
Almost Pluto moon is created by this collision with Neptune means- Pluto almost was a great in size as Mercury but Pluto is broken by the collision with Neptune in two parts Pluto and its moon (many proves are found in my paper for this fact)
Thanks a lot
Physics Nobel Prize For Imaginary Ideas!
Gerges Francis Tawdrous
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow
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vladimir777sk · 23 days
🟢🔵🟣 Watercolor Galaxy
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blackhester · 17 days
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oriel-retro · 2 months
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Первый космонавт в мире Юрий Гагарин.
Фото сделано в 1961 году, спустя несколько часов после полета в космос.
The first cosmonaut in the world Yuri Gagarin.
The photo was taken in 1961, a few hours after the flight into space.
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galapatrik · 1 year
🚀 С Днем космонавтики , дорогие друзья !
🚀В этот день 12 апреля 1961 года Юрий Гагарин стал первым человеком , который полетел в космос. Посмотрите на архивные кадры , как он готовился к полёту и как его торжественно встречали на Земле !...
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🚀Happy Cosmonautics Day, dear friends! 🚀
On this day, April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to fly into space. Look at archival footage of how he prepared for the flight and how he was solemnly welcomed on Earth!
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dmitriy-rusanov · 3 months
Полетаем и баиньки…
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brumi5 · 9 months
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kart-blansh · 10 months
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Космический инопрешленец
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noikfolder · 2 months
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