hotbin · 3 years
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Compost is what is produced by a natural process which breaks down organic matter (food waste, leaves, garden waste) over time to produce a wonderful rich soil-like material. Compost can be added to your garden to improve its condition and feed it the nutrients it uses to produce plants, fruit, vegetables year after year. Compost is a super-food packed with goodness and we are simply putting back what we take out. Find out more about Home Composting at hotbin.ch . .
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nearlyzerowaste · 7 years
Why I want to try living a zero waste lifestyle and my previous failure
I have always been intrested in chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences and as soon as I started studying chemistry at uni, I found out more and more about plastic and all its negative side effects. 
As a diver I learned about plastic waste way before that but in the last two years I found out more and more about waste and other problems associated with plastic.
About a year ago I found out about the zero waste movement and I was fascinated by it. I came across Lauren Singe, Bea Johnson and other zero wasters in ted talks and blogs.
I decided to start zero waste there and then...and that was a mistake. At first it went ok and the only waste I made that wasn’t recycable or reuseable were fruit and vegetable stickers. 
Because I lived in a small village in the swiss countryside I did not have a lot of possibilities to bulk shop and so I lived of vegetables and rice and I soon became bored and sick of these two things.
Soon I stopped my attempt at zero waste but not without being more thoughtful about my purchases and integrating a few zero waste swaps into my routine.
Forward to February this year, I moved to Zurich and I started zero waste all over again. This time slower and more aware of my needs and my happiness.
The blog is here to help me stay focused and motivated, to record my progress and to share my failures and my achievments.
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lovesanimals77 · 5 years
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Reposted from @zerowastecalifornia - SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 2019 @ 8:30 PM TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS FOR EARTH HOUR! WWF: We live in an interconnected world. Every action we take impacts life around us, and increasingly those impacts are harmful. Our ever-growing demand for food, water, and energy is changing the climate faster than predicted—and it comes at a cost for wildlife, wild places, and people everywhere. This Earth Hour, millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour to show their steadfast commitment to protecting nature. Together we’ll speak up for wildlife and forests. We’ll show our support for rivers and oceans. And we’ll rally around crucial actions needed to curb climate change. Life is resilient when we give it the chance to bounce back. Please join us in turning off our lights for one hour at 8:30 p.m., YOUR local time on Saturday, March 30, 2019, to show your support for a healthy planet. You can also text EARTHHOUR to 43144 to join! 📷 And info: worldwildlife.org #zerowaste #zerowastehome #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastelife #zerowasteliving #plastic #zerowastebathroom #zerowasteitalia #zerowastekitchen #climate #hot #zerowastejourney #zerowastegermany #zerowasteuk #zerowastevegan #earthhour #zerowasteshopping #zerowastemalaysia #zerowastespain #zerowastecooking #zerowastetips #zerowasteswitzerland #zerowasteaustralia #zerowasteottawa #zerowastedeutschland #zerowastetravel #zerowasteblogger #ZeroWasteBrasil #zerowasteph #zerowastegirl https://www.instagram.com/p/BvlYQi7jsEp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fkhgxlpx5812
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zerowastehome · 7 years
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@zerowasteswitzerland took me to businesses offering #ZeroWaste alternatives in the Jura region of 🇨🇭today, including @cavalbocal. A cute little bulk shop! ----- @zerowasteswitzerland m'a fait visiter des entreprises proposant des alternatives #zerodechet dans la région du Jura en 🇨🇭dont @cavalbocal. Un magasin de vrac tout mignon! ----- #zerowastehome #zwhtour #unpackaged #packagefree #vrac #bulk #bulkiseverywhere #bulkisbeautiful #trashfree #cavalbocal #zerowasteswitzerland http://ift.tt/2ymIMCz
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taralina14 · 8 years
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ZeroWaste everyday... FAIL...! We thought that we've finally found a pasta produkt NOT packaged with plastic... well, they were even devided in 2! packages... well- we keep looking... #zerowastefail #zerowasteeveryday #pastainplastic #zerowasteswitzerland #zerowastezurich
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nearlyzerowaste · 7 years
my zero waste fails
I had some fails, which I would like to share with you all. Hopefully they will help someone if they want to start to join in on trying the zero waste lifestyle.
In each post I will try and tell you what my fail was and how it came to be a fail. I will also try to come up with solutions or show you my solutions.
Please keep in mind that these fails are my personal fails and my solutions may not be helpful to everyone. Additionally, I would like to point out that some fails and solutions are specific to the country or region I live in.
I hope you will like the posts and that they will help someone. ^^
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nearlyzerowaste · 7 years
zero waste fail #1
My first fail was to start zero waste immedeatly after I found out about it and I didn’t think about how I would succeed.
I vigorosly started to only buy food without plastic packaging and that meant vegetabales, fruits and pasta in cardboard boxes was pretty much all I ate at that moment.
In switzerland there is this stupid rule that organic produce may not be mistaken by the buyer for normal produce. This regulation results in excessive plastic packaging of organic produce. That ment organic produce was of my buy list.
Meat as also eliminated because I didn’t want to use tupperware to buy it and most stores didn’t think about letting me purchase meat with my own containers.
I broke of my experiment in trying to live zero waste because it strained my mental health and I was exhausted trying to find food without plastic packaging I liked to eat. I am a person who lives for good food, and I don’t mean fancy food. A good strawberry can give me so much joy or a good stake can make me happy for a whole day. So eating a diet of mainly pasta (which by the way I never loved anyways) was horrible for my mental and physical health.
Solution: Start slowly integrating zero waste in your daily routine. The second time I started I was detirmend to succeed and I reasearched other peoples fails and tips on starting zero waste. 
Easy things to start with: 
-bring a reusable water bottel everywhere you go (glass is way better than aluminium in my point of view and there will be a post about why)
-bring a cloth shopping bag with you wherever you go
-buy/make reusable produce bags
-shop at a local farmers market (most farmers sell their produce with less plastic packaging or none at all and you’ll get more seasonal produce)
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taralina14 · 8 years
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Plasticfree July 2016.... Failed badly... we had a fantastic evening at the opera in Avenches, but unfortunately the festival catering has still lots of plastic infra... #zerowaste #zerowastezurich #zerowasteswitzerland #plasticfreejuly #zerowastefail
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taralina14 · 8 years
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Plasticfree July... all good things from the farmers market in one bowl...healthy, easy to prepare... #plasticfreejuly #zerowasteswitzerland #zerowastezurich #zerowastelife #zerowaste #photooftheday
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taralina14 · 8 years
Plastikfreier Juli - und jetzt? 6 Ideen zum ausprobieren.
Plastikfreier Juli – und jetzt? 6 Ideen zum ausprobieren.
Eine Bewegung aus Australien: der plastikfreie Juli. 2011 als kleine Community in Perth angefangen, erhält die Initiative nun weltweite Aufmerksamkeit. Über 18’000 Likes auf Facebook – überschaubar, aber wachsend. Plastikfrei unseren Alltag bewältigen zu wollen, will heissen, konsumieren zu können, ist eine richtig, richtig schwierige Aufgabe. Fängt schon morgends beim Bäcker an, der die…
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