#zhao showed up and asked zuko to come to his tent for drinks
mugentakeda · 7 months
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mighty dragon (and fledgling)
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flameo-hotman · 3 years
Who is the scariest of those adoptive parents? And are there any non-humans on the menu? Actually, I'm behind point 7.
You don’t want to know the scariest one (though I did start a fic chapter once tagging it because said character showed up in that chapter, so that tells you exactly who the scariest one is.) Yes, there are a fair number of nonhuman on the list.
And you, along with @straycatwandering and several others have ordered adoption number seven. Sand benders.
It should be noted that at one point there is an explosion and Zuko later gets shot with an arrow, but he is fine both times. Also, there is a hint at Zukka towards the end.
Zuko sighed, as he trekked his way through the sandy prison he had found himself in. Sand as far as the eye could see and then some. He had found the library, but because he hadn’t had anything to give Wan Shi Tong, the spirit had thrown him out.
He’d run out of water that morning, and he still had no idea how much longer he had before he would find his way out of the endless desert.
Zuko didn’t want to die out here.
At least he’d still had leftover bandages from his scar. His scar which had just barely finished healing…
The scar that father gave him…
On the ship, before Zhao had blown it up, Zuko had been able to pretend and lie to himself. He had been able to trick himself into believing that Father had done this because he cared, but trekking through the Earth Kingdom and seeing how normal fathers treated their children, Zuko had been faced with the truth.
And now out here alone in the desert he had nothing but his thoughts to keep him company.
There was no doubt left that being scared and banished was not love.
So Zuko had been angry by the time he had found the library, and when he did he hadn’t carried about finding the Avatar to earn his honor back. Zuko wanted to find a way to hurt his father back.
Yet here he was, thirteen years old, alone, and if he didn’t find water soon… Well, he would be dead.
He’d used the spare bandages to soak up his sweat, hoping that he might be able to turn it into drinking water. Not that he had enjoyed drinking his own sweat water that morning.
Worse yet, he’d stopped sweating. It took a lot for a fire bender to get heatstroke and Zuko’s head had begun to ache. Fire prickled beneath his skin begging him to let it out, but if he did the unrelenting heat of the desert would worsen.
But if he didn’t let that fire out… The fire that built every moment underneath Agni’s light, filling him with power… His chi would burn him from the inside out.
If he didn’t let that fire out, he risked chi sickness.
Either he risked dying from heat stroke or dying from chi sickness.
Zuko let the fire out in an explosion of flame and heat.
Everything went dark, and the next thing he knew was the sound of footsteps clicking against glass. Glass that when he opened his eyes extended around him in a circle by three or four yards.
Okay so maybe not using his bending all week while trekking through the desert had been a bad idea. Zuko would admit that because that could have gone A LOT worse.
The next thing that he registered was that the footsteps belonged to a group of sand benders.
He winced as he struggled to his feet and readied to attack.
Even if the sand benders hadn’t seen him fire bend, there was no denying the evidence. They had found him at the epicenter of evidence. This was the closest to combustion bending that a normal fire bender could manage.
Saving up their chi and letting out all of their fire in one sudden blast of heat. Most fire benders died doing that though. If Zuko had waited a few more days, he likely would have been nothing more than a burned out husk melted halfway into the glass beneath his feet.
“Where are your parents?” The man who appeared to be their leader asked.
Zuko frowned, confusion swelling inside him much the same way his fire did. This was not how someone should act when they found an enemy combatant no matter their age. He glanced around at the other sand benders and when he saw that they were just as confused, he knew that he wasn’t the one who’d lost his mind.
Actually all but their leader stayed outside the circle of glass.
Smart, but he didn’t have enough fire left to do a repeat. Actually, he didn’t have enough left to fight them if they did decide to attack, but he wasn’t about to tell them that.
He did have the physical energy to fight them with his swords though.
The sand bender stepped towards him and Zuko stumbled back, losing his step on the slick surface. The glass gave a dull plonk sound as he landed on his butt.
A second plonk followed as the sand bender followed suit.
Zuko shot up and slipping across the glass made his way over, concern for the man filling him, as he asked, “Are you okay?”
The man laughed, but he accepted Zuko’s help back up, and then motioned for one of the others to approach them, before saying, “Ghashiun, give the boy some water.”
At first, Zuko refused the water, because he wasn’t stupid, it was probably poisoned, but then the strange sand bender drank from it and held it out to Zuko.
So Zuko accepted the water and followed the man onto one of the sand-sailers. Sha-Mo promised him food after all, and Zuko was hungry.
He pretended he couldn’t hear Ghashiun saying to Sha-Mo, “Father, he is a fire bender. We should be-”
“He is a child.”
And that had been the discussion.
A year later and Zuko had assimilated into the tribe, with only Ghashiun not accepting him. Something that Zuko didn’t understand until he overheard Sha-Mo and Ghashiun arguing one night.
“He isn’t your son! I am!”
Zuko had been planning to talk with Sha-Mo about an idea he’d had about how he could use his fire bending to propel one of the sand-surfers, but he didn’t think right now would be the best time.
Sha-Mo spoke now, saying, “And I am not replacing you with Zuko.”
“Then why adopt him?!” Ghashiun demanded.
“The Boy Has No Parents!”
Zuko snuck away from the tent and went back to his own.
He didn’t mind the thought of Sha-Mo being his dad, but if the man was going to adopt him, then he wanted to make Ghashiun like him. He had thought he would be content to just have the teen tolerant him, but what he’d overheard had changed things for him.
He didn’t want the same bitter feelings that had plagued him and Azula to carry over to his relationship with his new brother. It would make missing Azula all the worse because without Ozai in the picture maybe things would have been different.
Without Ozai, Zuko wouldn’t see all of his failures in all of her successes.
They had always gotten along better when Ozai was away from the palace.
Zuko thought back to another conversation he hadn’t been meant to hear and he knew what to do.
The next morning, when Sha-Mo and the other men had gone scavenging, Zuko found Ghashiun and the other teenagers in the tribe.
“I know you are planning on raiding the Beifong caravan that’s coming through the Misty Palms Oasis today,” Zuko stated, as he made his way over to where they sat drawing up their plans in the sand.
Ghashiun sighed and looked over at him like Zuko was a buzzard wasp that had found its way into his tent.
Zuko pressed on, “I also know that they hired the Hami Tribe to transport them and their shipment through the desert and that the Hami have faster sand-surfers. So you have no way of keeping up with the caravan.”
“If you’re not going to say anything helpful, you can stay back at camp, Zuko.”
“I’ve been saving up my bending, and I can use my bending to make our sand-surfer go faster than theirs,” Was Zuko’s answer. And while he hadn’t tested it yet, this raiding party seemed like the best chance to do so.
Ghashiun was silent for a moment, before asking, “What does you saving your bending up have to do with making us go faster?”
“Fire benders get our power from the sun, and when we don’t use it fire builds up inside of us. If we let it out all at once, you get an explosion, but if I controlled that flow, I could use it to propel our surfer.”
“Well, shit, okay, let’s try it.”
They waited between the sanddunes that the shippment would be going through and waited.
Despite the fire bubbling beneath his skin, Zuko still relished the feeling of the sun beating down on the bare skin of his back, knowing that he would need every bit of fire Agni could give him for getting away once they had the goods.
It wasn’t long before the sand-surfers from the Hami tribe appeared, and as they reached the space between the dunes, Ghashiun signaled the rest of their group and the fun started.
Zuko darted in with his swords, and slashed the sails of the front three surfers, before one of the gaurds that the Beifongs had sent to protect the shipment stepped in his way.
The guard paused when he realized Zuko’s age, but that was the guard’s mistake.
He lunged forward, slicing at the man’s sword hand and slamming the butt of one of his swords into the side of the guy’s head. Then he moved onto the next guard.
As the sand began to clear, Zuko realized that Ghashiun had started having the cargo loaded up onto the sand-surfer they had brought with them, so he retreated to the surfer.
But right as his feet hit the surface of their surfer, a sharp pain went through his side.
Zuko looked down and saw the head of an arrow sitting out of him.
“Get the surfer going!” Ghashiun shouted to Lek, and a moment later their surfer began moving.
Then he looked over at Zuko and any joy he might have had at their success died on his face.
“It missed my vitals,” Zuko assured him, before he steadied himself by leaning against their ill-gotten goods, and pulled the arrow the rest of the way through. His soon-to-be brother looked like he was going to be sick when Zuko cauterized the wound.
Ghashiun then asked, “And what if that arrow was poisoned?”
“I’m a fire bender. I can burn off the poison.”
Thankfully his plan to use fire jets to make their surfer go faster worked perfectly, and the surfers that he hadn’t slashed the sails of faded away in the distance.
Once they had sold the goods off to the beetle headed merchants, Ghashiun turned to Zuko and admitted, “You know for a fire bender, you’re not half bad.”
“Thanks,” Zuko answered his brother with a smile.
A few years later Zuko and Ghashiun were hanging out in the oasis when the Avatar came to town, and Ghashiun looked at the sky bison with curiosity.
“No, we are not stealing that kid’s bison,” Was Zuko’s answer, before he went inside of the hut with Lek to get something to drink.
Well, Lek went in to get something to drink… Zuko went inside to get a better look at the cute water tribe guy, that was hanging out with the Avatar.
And based on the way the guy looked at Zuko, the curiosity was mutual.
When he overheard them talking to the professor, Zuko saw his way to finding out water tribe’s name.
“I actually know where the library is.”
“Really!?” Water Tribe asked, looking absolutely delighted.
Zuko nodded, and introduced himself, “I’m Zuko, and if you want I can show you how to get there, but you should know that Wan Shi Tong won’t let you in without knowledge to trade.”
Once Sokka had introduced himself and his friends to Zuko, they went outside.
Ghashiun took one way at the look Sokka was giving Zuko, and then snorted at Zuko, who just shrugged innocently.
Once they had reached the outskirts of town, Zuko uncovered his personal sand-surfer. Unlike normal ones, this one looked more like the surfboard that he had seen people use on Ember Island. Which was better suited for using fire jets to traverse the desert.
“Where is the sail?” Aang asked, glancing between it and the sand-surfer that Ghashiun and Lek had used to get to the oasis.
Zuko’s answer was simple, “Those are for sand benders. I’m a fire bender, so I use my-”
“YOU’RE A FIRE BENDER?!?!” Sokka screeched.
Zuko lifted his goggles, to show off his scar, and answered, “Scarred by the Fire Lord himself. Now do you want to see the library or not?”
Of course well they were in the library, Ghashiun went and stole Appa.
Who would have thought a stolen sky bison was what would get Zuko involved in the war after ignoring it for the past three years. And of course, his dad, Sha-Mo, would think the best way to make up for that would be to give the Avatar a fire bending teacher.
And it wasn’t like anyone they ran into would realize who he’d been before he’d found his home in the desert.
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