#zim is waiting for dib to meet him halfway
mrehkka · 7 months
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Have a zadr gif 💕 featuring lover boy Zim and Dib freaking out about it- and a sudden realization that maybe.... he wouldn't hate it actually???
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snappedsky · 1 year
Fanatics 99.8
Pepito starts off round 3 with a bang.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Greatest in the Galaxy Part 8
Shmoopy runs a miniature X-ray scanner over Dib’s bare chest, and nods approvingly. “Your bones are healing well. But they’re still delicate and tender. I...still think you should stay here...” Dib smiles apologetically. “Sorry, Shmoopy. I gotta be there to support the team in person. Besides, I can move way easier than yesterday. I’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” she relents.
Dib winces slightly as he pulls on a shirt, short shocks of pain shooting through his chest. But he shakes it off, grabs his coat, and leaves his room with Shmoopy.
They meet the rest of the team downstairs, where they’re all finishing getting ready.
“You sure you’re feeling okay, Dib?” Squee asks worriedly.
“I’m a little sore,” he admits, “but I’m good to watch.”
“Then let’s go already,” Tak orders, “the ride is here.”
Everyone leaves the house and gets into the limousine, which carries them back to the stadium for day three of the tournament.
“Welcome to round 3, my dears viewers and audience! Let’s get right into the good stuff and see what our next game will be!”
The audience erupts into cheers as the holographic screen in the sky spins a wheel of games. All of the teams watch from their respective sky boxes.
“The next game will be...Show Your Strength! Players will display one attack against a measuring device. Whoever scores highest will win five points for their team! And our players shall be...”
The player wheels spin on the screen, picking a player from each team.
“Rory of Irk, Sped of Swif’el, Wirez of Techon-03, Glute of Mus’ular, and Pepito of Earth!”
“Hell yeah,” Pepito grins.
“A strength measuring contest,” Zim muses, “you should do pretty well.” “Oh, I’ll bring down the house,” he replies as he steps onto the balcony banister and dives off.
“I hope he didn’t mean that literally,” Squee remarks as they watch him fall.
Halfway down, Pepito releases his wings that catch him and he lands gracefully in the middle of the stadium, where he waits for the other players.
“Hey, Prince,” he says as Rory joins him. “Bad luck going up against me.”
“I’m quite excited for it,” he replies, “although, I must admit, I was hoping to go up against Zim.”
“If you wanna fight Zim, just say so. He’s always down for a brawl.”
“For this game, players will remain within our stadium.”
A small section of the ground gives way and a device rises out. It’s a large circle with a target in the middle and a rectangular screen on the bottom.
“Players will attack the target once with any attack they see fit. Whoever scores the highest wins! Player order will be randomly chosen on screen.”
On the holographic screen, a wheel displaying the names of the five players spins five times to determine the order: Rory, Wirez, Glute, Sped, and Pepito.
“Ah, I’m going first,” Rory observes. “Sorry I have to crush all of your hopes of winning so early.”
Pepito chuckles. “Well, you know what they say. Save the best for last.”
“Players may begin when ready.”
The other players step back as Rory stands a few feet in front of the target. He spends a few seconds theatrically limbering up, rolling his neck and shoulders and stretching his legs.
“Get on with it already,” Pepito groans with amusement.
Rory smirks. “As you wish.”
His PAK opens up and metallic tendrils and arms fold out and join together until they form into a giant laser cannon that nearly reaches past the stadium.
“Wow,” Pepito comments.
The cannon powers up a large ball of blue light that fires at the target with enough force to shake the stadium. The ball dissipates as it hits the target, rocking it back and forth. Numbers add up on the score board before stopping on 9,999,999,999.
“Incredible! Rory has maxed out the machine with its highest score! I think it’s safe to say who’s winning this one.”
“Good luck, my opponents.” Rory bows dramatically to the other players. They all grumble with annoyance, except for Pepito who chuckles.
“Not bad, squirt,” he remarks, “you’re almost tough to beat. Almost.”
Wirez steps up next, although him and the other three players don’t seem to have any heart in it.
He grabs a small laser gun from his belt and begins attaching devices to the muzzles, making it bigger and longer, before firing a wide, long laser beam. It hits the target dead-on and delivers a score of 890,476.
“And a much less spectacular laser weapon from Wirez, but who can follow up an act like Rory anyway?”
Wirez slinks back to the sidelines as Glute steps up. He pounds the ground and huffs and grunts, psyching himself up, before charging the target. As he gets close, he leaps and throws his whole body into it. He’s knocked down by some kind of invisible force field and hits the ground on his back, but he quickly sits up to see the score: 64, 387, 100.
“And Glute overtakes Wirez for second with his massive body.”
Glute grunts and claps his hands as he steps away, clearly satisfied with second place. Sped moves to take her place in front of the target, but on the other side of the stadium.
She begins running around in a tight circle, going faster and faster until she’s causing such air force, the other players have to fight to not get pulled in. Finally, she shoots across the stadium faster than a bullet and hits the target dead-on. Just like with Glute, she gets knocked back, but sits up to see her score. 60, 997,823.
“Ooh, just shy of Glute’s score. It’s clear that Rory has a tight grip on first place, but will Pepito be able to get second?”
Sped lumbers with disappointment to the sidelines and Pepito steps up. As he stretches his arms, he smirks at Rory. “Watch me take first place, Rory.”
“Oh, I’m watching,” the Irken prince grins with amusement and excitement.
Everyone blinks with surprise as Pepito throws off his shirt and his boots.
“Uh...what are you doing?” Rory asks.
“What? I don’t wanna rip my clothes,” Pepito replies.
He rolls his shoulders and takes a few deep breathes before black energy rises out of his body. He begins to grow, getting taller and wider; his horns get longer, his feet and hands grow long claws; he gets big wings and a long tail.
When his transformation is done, more energy swirls around him furiously. He points his hands at the target and the energy converges in his palms, forming it into a tight, compressed ball, so dark and dense all light seems to disappear around it. He grits his fangs and shouts with exertion as he fires the ball directly at the target.
There’s a sound like a sonic boom and an explosion so bright it blinds the whole stadium and everyone watching at home. When the light disappears, all that remains is a crater where the target used to be.
“I...I don’t believe! Folks, I am an AI built for talking, and I am almost speechless. That target was built to withstand a gajillion amount of pressure, and it has just been destroyed! That should be impossible, but we are all seeing it with our own eyes or other ocular devices! I think we can safely say that Pepito has taken first place for Earth!”
The stunned silence is broken by the Battalion whooping and cheering and the rest of the audience soon joins in.
“Incredible,” Rory breathes in awe as Wirez, Glutes, and Sped gawk.
Pepito shrinks back to his normal form, doubled over and panting heavily. Then he grins brightly and throws out his arms, drinking in the cheers. “Of course! Earth is number one after all!”
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snappedsky · 3 years
Fanatics 81.3
Round One: Fight!
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Reawakening Part 3
           Johnny charges Zoli, the blades of his knives clashing against her scythe. She shoves him back and swings at him. He slams his foot onto the blade, driving it into the ground, and charges again. Letting go of her scythe, Zoli grabs both of his arms, just barely keeping his blades away from her face. Locked in this position, they snarl and glare at each other. Then Zoli smiles.
           Nightmare tendrils burst out of her back. Johnny gasps with surprise and, unable to escape Zoli’s grip, they smack into him, knocking him back. He skids across the ground and before he barely has a chance to look up, the tendrils knock him aside.
           He cries out in pain and shock as he slams onto his back. The tendrils quickly wrap around his ankles and he tries to cut them off with his knife, but there’s too many. They pick him up, swing him through the air, and smash him into the surrounding buildings. Each time, Johnny cries out in a little more agony.
           Finally, the tendrils drop him about six feet from the ground. He hits it hard, groaning painfully. As he struggle to stand up, covered in bruises, cuts, and gashes, Zoli stands over him, grinning.
           Crouching beside him, she grips his hair to lift his head. But he snarls and swipes at her with his hand. She barely dodges, stumbling back and laughing.
           “Lookit you,” she remarks as he glares at her, his eyes narrowed and frightening. “Beaten to a pulp and still you’re a terrifying beast. You really are one of a kind.”
           “But you’re still just a human,” she adds.
           Johnny spits out a glob of blood as he slowly rises to his feet. He prepares to charge but before he can take a step, Zoli’s tendrils lash out and pin him to the wall. He roars and exclaims angrily as he tries to push them off, but they’re just too strong.
           “Wanna know a secret, Nny?” Zoli purrs into his ear. “All those times you thought you beat me fair and square, I was holding back.”
           Johnny freezes, his eyes widening.
           “That’s right,” she grins, “do you know why? Because the Nightmare always wanted you alive to feed off you. A corpse doesn’t have an imagination. But you don’t really have an imagination anymore either, do you? But do you know who does?”
           Johnny’s right arm suddenly rips through the tendrils and swipes at Zoli, scratching her cheek. She stumbles back for just a second before a larger mass of Nightmare appendages burst out and slam into Johnny, wrapping around his arm and face and pressing him harder into the stone wall.    
           Zoli chuckles as she faces him, wiping dark red blood from her face. “You got nothing, Nny. You are nothing. Which means…I don’t have to hold back anymore. Goodbye, Johnny C.”
           The tendrils pick him up off the wall and continuously slam him against it again and again until he smashes through it. They let him go as he slumps to the floor within the building, the surrounding walls crumbling around him. His eyes crack open just enough to hopelessly watch as the ceiling crashes down on top of him.
           Meanwhile, across the city, Eff swings his knives at Jimmy who narrowly dodges. Sickness tries to kick Dillon who barely sidesteps her powerful legs. Reverend Meat punches at Krik who runs away from the large fists. And D-boy glares at Edgar.
           “Aw, how come I get stuck with the boring, old man?” he groans, “can you even fight?”            “I have been recently forced to take it up,” Edgar replies.            
           “Wow, sounds threatening,” D-boy remarks sarcastically. “Well, on the plus side, this’ll be easy.”
           He brandishes his mallet and swings for Edgar. But before the hammer can connect, Nightmare tendrils erupt from the side of Edgar’s head, catching it.
           “What-!” D-boy starts to exclaim when the appendages smack him away.
           At the same time, more tendrils emerge from Jimmy’s chest, Krik’s stomach, and Dillon’s arms. They lash out at the other Night Terrors, taking them by surprise and knocking them away. They all land in a heap next to D-boy.
           “New tricks, indeed,” Eff groans as they get up.
           Reverend Meat spots Tess nearby, rubbing her hands as she watches them.
           “Tess did the same thing,” he points out.
           “Yeah, we should’ve seen it coming,” Sickness grunts.
           “Whatever,” D-boy snaps, “it’s nothing we can’t handle.”
           “Think so, huh?” Jimmy smirks as the zombies stand before them, the Nightmare tendrils agitating around them.
           “We fought off the actual Nightmare before,” Eff scoffs, “you little puppets are nothing.”            “We’re not puppets. We’re the ones in control,” Jimmy sneers and all the appendages lash out.
           The Nightmares quickly leap backwards. They try to fight off the tentacles but there’s so many, it’s like a forest of wriggling blackness. The tendrils wrap around them, smack them, and push them down, crushing them like ants. And the zombies watch and laugh- except for Edgar who mostly just watches.
           To finish off the assault, the tendrils lift up the Night Terrors and smash them into the road, creating a small crater, before slithering off them. The zombies stand over them as they lie in the dirt, groaning painfully.
           “You guys are pathetic,” Jimmy scoffs, “you may have ‘special powers’ and be more durable or whatever, but now you’re just humans. And humans can’t beat monsters.”
           “Monsters, huh,” Reverend Meat sighs, “is that what you think you are?”
           “Uh, duh,” Dillon snorts.
           “You’re not monsters,” Eff argues.
           “You’re just a monster’s puppet,” Sickness adds.
           “You want monsters?” D-boy challenges as he sits up. “We’ll give you monsters.”
           He grabs his face, his fingers digging under the flesh, and rips it off like a rubber mask. When he looks up, his smile is unnaturally long and his eyes are big and purple with black swirls in them.
           “What the-!” Jimmy exclaims, all the zombies taken aback.
           As he stands up, Eff also rips off his face. He has the same unsettling smile but his eyes are just big, red orbs.
           Sickness doubles over, grunting in exertion as her stockings and boots are ripped away by her legs transforming into razor sharp blades. And when she looks up, her eyes have been replaced by screws.
           The zombies stumble back as the Night Terrors jump out of the hole, Reverend Meat in the lead, hanging his head.
           “You wanted monsters?” he asks as he looks up, his eyes now big, white orbs. “You got them.”
           Meanwhile, the Epic flies across the city carrying Zim, Dib, Gaz, Tak, and Pepito. They’re quiet, tense as they wait to arrive at Squee’s house.          
           About halfway there, something smashes into the underside of the car.
           “What the hell was that?” Gaz cries as they swerve to and fro.
           “I don’t know!” Zim exclaims as he struggles to retain control. “We can’t stay in the air! Brace yourselves!”
           He brings the Epic down, landing hard on the wheels and skidding to a stop. Everyone takes a second to catch their breath before getting out.
           “What hit us?” Dib asks.
           “I don’t know,” Zim replies as he examines the bottom of the car. “But we’re not gonna be able to fly now.”            “Guys,” Pepito says. Everyone looks up and spots a woman with very long, black hair. She’s wearing a brown trench coat over a dark green tank top, matching shorts, and knee high black boots, and has a large scythe leaning against her shoulder. Her eyes are dark red and her unsettling smile is full of fangs.
           The kids glare at her suspiciously as she stops in front of them.
           “Ah, the Battalion,” she sighs, “gee, it sure is swell to finally meet his other friends.”
           “You’re Zoli,” Pepito states.
           She snickers, her smile growing. “That’s right. And you’re the last obstacle in my way.”
           The Battalion quickly draw their weapons and prepare for battle.
           “Aw, how cute,” Zoli coos and pats her scythe. “This should be fun.”
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