#zim just felt dib grab his arms and he was so close in his face
mrehkka · 7 months
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Have a zadr gif 💕 featuring lover boy Zim and Dib freaking out about it- and a sudden realization that maybe.... he wouldn't hate it actually???
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bugsabound · 2 years
Hit Me Back
A very short zadr/zade hurt/minimal comfort fic ive had in my wips for a few months.
Tw for blood and fighting and alot of crying
Word count; just under 1000
Zim looked like a wreck. He was bleeding and bruised and staring blankly like he wasn’t even in there anymore. Dib had done that to him.
He didn’t feel any of the satisfaction he used to. He just wanted things to feel normal again. He wanted to take pride in seeing the alien under him. But he didn’t. He had hurt Zim and it wasn’t making any of his own pain stop.
Dib glared at him, trying to catch his breath, trying to figure out why it felt so wrong. It never used to feel wrong. His breath hitched in pain. He wanted to stop looking at him like that, he hated that he just looked so sad, so hurt, so empty. He used to be so full, full of life and rage, full of passion. Zim’s eyes used to glow before he pounded Dib’s face into the pavement. He used to smile before breaking Dib’s bones, he used to fight like it was as easy as breathing. Dib looked away, a tear falling down his face he dropped his bat.
“Hit me back.” He was shaking like he’d been dunked in cold water. Zim just looked at him. He was waiting, waiting for another blow, waiting for Dib to say something. Dib had never seen him so quiet for so long. Dib choked on his own breath. His throat caught on a sob that clawed its way up his throat without his permission.
“Hit me” it wasn’t a request, it was a plea, he was begging him to hit him back, to fight back so he hurt too, so they were even, so he wasn’t the monster. Zim should hit him back, he should hit him back, he deserved it, he deserved to hurt, why wasn’t he hurting. Why wasn’t Zim hurting him like Dib hurt him? Dib’s legs couldn’t support him any longer. He dropped to his knees in front of him, meeting his level. Zim’s eyes watched him fall. 
“Hit me, Zim.” he was really crying now, he could feel it in his chest. He felt sick, looking at him, looking at what he’d done. He grabbed the bat and forced it into Zim’s limp hands. It just rolled off his lap, so Dib put it back and closed his fist over it, holding it there, forcing him to hold it. “Zim please, please please do something.”
The way Zim looked at him felt wrong. It felt like hurt and pity. He wanted there to be anger in those eyes, he wanted his Zim back. “What’s wrong with you?! Hit me, fight me Zim, come on!” When he moved his hands the bat dropped again and clanged against the floor. The sound shot white-hot anger through him. He wanted to hear it swing past his head, he wanted his ears to ring when Zim would knock him in the face with it, he wanted to hear the wood crack under Zim’s fingertips. He wanted to hurt so bad.
“Goddammit Zim,” Dib sobbed, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him close. “Please do something, do anything, please please please just hit me back,I’m sorry, please, hit me.” He flinched when a green hand moved to his face. He wanted it to be rough, he wanted it to ball into a fist and knock a tooth loose, but it didn’t. It swiped a thumb under his eye. Zim wiped away his tears, gentle when all he wanted to do was to hurt. Dib shoved his face into his chest. His voice sounded animal, insane. He sounded as wrecked as Zim looked. “Please Zim please” 
The hand cradled the back of his head, pressing Dib’s face into his shoulder, holding him in place when Dib gripped the back of his shirt and screamed. He screamed his throat raw. He gripped onto Zim’s back and yelled and sobbed and begged. Begged for his life, begged for Zim to take it, to take him, to make his bones ache and muscles tear and skin bleed. Zim didn’t say a damn word, not even a whimper of pain. He didn’t even cry. Why did Dib want him to cry? He wanted him to scream at him like he used to, to hold him down and choke the life out of him, to slice his throat and break him down until he was nothing but a dismembered corpse rotting in his arms.
“I’m sorry, Zim, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m sorry please—please–Zim, I’m, I’m so sorry.” Zim pet his hand through Dib’s hair. It was comforting. Or, it was supposed to be comforting. It wasn’t supposed to shoot white hot rage and shame through Dib’s blood. He choked on his own tears, clawed his hands down Zim’s back.
Dib pulled him in so tight he could crush him in his arms. Zim just hugged back limply. “Please Zim, please, say something, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” 
“It’s okay.” His voice was small and broken, and it came out muffled from behind Dib’s tears. Dib didn’t want to hear it, he didn’t want to feel like this, he didn’t want to feel. His chest burned. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Zim held him as he screamed, as he cried, as he beat on his shoulders and ripped at his skin.
Zim held Dib until his body slumped limp in his arms. Dib cried into Zim’s shoulder until his legs went numb, until his eyes stung from the tears, until his tears soaked through Zim’s shirt and burnt his skin. Dib cried until he couldn’t anymore. He fell asleep against his enemy, arms wrapped around him, hands tangled in his shirt. Even in sleep, he heaved sad, pitiful breaths into Zim’s chest.
Zim held him until the sun rose.
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millennialzadr · 3 years
so gir is not in my fic, i love him dearly but i needed the boys to be able to spend a LOT of alone time together and having gir around is basically like having a 3 year old who has access to explosives yknow??? how are they supposed to do difficult self work when they can't turn their head for two minutes without someone's pet (or child) being eaten?????
i plan for gir to come back AFTER the events of the fic, but as far as zim knows, gir was sadly disposed of.
zim nuzzles dib's cheek but a smell catches his attention, and he sticks his nose up to dib's mouth
when did you have tacos?! youve never made ME tacos!!
hey-- but zim...! last time i offered, you got really upset, remember...?
will you make me some?
yeah, of course.
there's tension, but dib cooks a big plate for zim and eats with him. zim wolfs his food down, it's clearly delicious, but as he eats, dib eventually notices tears filling zim's eyes.
zim starts to sniff as his tears overflow, and he swallows whats in his mouth before sitting still and staring, his expression slowly filling with despair. his hands were pressed in half fists against the top of his thighs and his posture is very stiff. he's clearly trying to hold back, but... the tears stream down his face, and soon he was sobbing, his eyes squeezing shut as he turned his face downward. his voice was filled with pain as the gate holding back his grief was finally broken, and he cried hard. it was hard to watch.
so it really was true... gir was gone. dib felt awful for zim, seeing him like this. he'd never been this vulnerable in front of him before. dib soon reached up to the blanket that was on the back of the couch and pulled it over zim's head. zim quickly grabbed onto the blanket and pulled it around himself, covering his face and hunching over into a slouch as he continued to shake and sob. dib reflexively rubbed zim's upper back. he wasn't sure what would help him, but this was definitely something zim needed to get out. he sat quietly, continuing to rub his friend's back as he listened to him cry, hoping it would convey that he was there for zim. zim sounded so hopelessly distraught, tears were pricking his own eyes now. gir had truly been zim's only companion for over a decade, dib wished he knew what happened. but almost like he could sense the question, zim spoke between strained breaths, his voice cracked and uneven.
"I don't know what happened...! All of a sudden one day, my whole base was gone, minimoose was gone, and gir was gone...!!"
So that was it. My god... How cruel. zim's leaders must have had something to do with it, it sounded too much like a punishment.
"Zim..." Dib didn't know what to say. he just stayed close, kept his hand moving. eventually, the torrent of zim's sadness finally started to ebb, little by little. to dib's surprise, he felt zim shift towards him, and felt grasping hands. zim still wouldn't show his face, but his head pressed up against dib's chest, and dib's arms were wrapped around him before dib gave it a second thought. carefully he held zim tight against himself as he slowly leaned back until he was resting reclined against the couch with zim in a curled heap on his lap. zim still shook with the occasional gasping sob, and dib let him take his time, never letting go of him.
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Membrane x Dom! Fem! Reader (smut)
So Professor~" I purred, "don't you think we should conduct some... experiments~?" Membrane's pale face tinted pink. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pressed myself against him. He seemed to get the hint and grabbed my thighs suddenly, hoisting me up off the ground.
He was in the middle of walking me to the wall when his son, Dib, walked in.
"Dad! I need your help!" He grimaced under his high collar. I removed one hand from his neck and put it on his chest.
"Go ahead. I can wait." I smiled. I didn't really want him to go, but whatever Dib needs help with must be more important.
"Are you sure?" He asked. I could tell he didn't want to leave either.
"Babe, go ahead. We can continue this later~." He set me down and sighed. He left the lab to go help his son.
After what felt like an eternity of waiting, he came back.
"What was it?" I asked, curious.
He groaned, "It was just him trying to show me that the neighbor boy with that skin condition is an alien." I softly sighed, getting up and patting his arm.
"Again? I can't imagine how hard it must be to try and take care of-" Membrane cut me off with a short kiss.
"Shhh. Don't worry about them. All that matters right now is you and me." He wrapped his robotic arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. I flushed as his hands shifted from my waist to my ass.
I involuntarily leaned against him, once more pressing myself to his body. I felt his hard dick poking just below my stomach. Grinding against him, I let out a soft moan.
"fUUUUUCKKKK." God dammit, Gaz. Things were just getting good.
"You don't have to go-"
"Membrane, I care about your kids as if they were my own. I'll be back." Using all my willpower I peeled myself off of him.
"¿Qué quieres?" "JUST GET OVER HERE!"
I sighed and walked to the living room where Gaz was seated on the couch, GameSlave hooked up to the TV.
"What is it, Gaz?" Without even opening her eyes or turning her head, she replied flatly, "Don't fuck my dad here." I raised an eyebrow only for her to tell me she was hungry. Of course. I went to the kitchen and fixed her a PB&J, brought it to her, and went back to the lab.
"DON'T FUCK MY DAD HERE!" She angrily took a bit me of her sandwich, "YA HEAR ME?!" I jumped, but chuckled as I opened the door to the lab.
It was empty. Or, at least, it looked like it. His lab was always cluttered, so it was entirely possible that he was buried under all his science stuff.
"Honey~ Where are you~?" I heard some distant clunking of metal and plastic against the tiled floor. I curiously walked over to the noise when-
"Sí, mi amor?" He called, sliding up behind me. I jumped and lightly punched his chest.
"Don't scare me like that!"
He chuckled in his deep baritone voice. "But you're so cute~" We both laughed at the uncharacteristic statement.
"That's not the only thing you are," he whispered huskily into my ear. I flushed red as he backed me up against the wall. Putting his arms on either side of my head, he lifted a knee to my crotch and started to grind against me. I gasped and put a hand on his ass.
"Nngh~ you know I can't handle this teasING AH~" Half way through my sentence he began pressing even harder. I bit my lip and started to set my head back onto the wall.
Zim, probably being chased by Dib, ruined it all. The small "child" rushed in the lab, literally screaming bloody murder. The only bit you could understand would be, "FATHER OF STINKY DIB BEAST. I COMMAND YOU MAKE HIM CEASE!" Membrane whipped his head around. Zim's face grew pale as he simply went to hide from Dib in the lab.
"Sorry about that, babe. Are you still-" I cut him off, dragging him out the alternate exit to his lab and out of his house.
"I'm not going to stand being interrupted anymore." I growled. He blushed as I practically carried his frozen body up the stairs and tossed him onto my bed. "You had your fun. Now it's my turn~" I huskily whispered onto his neck.
Placing my palms on his shoulders, I started to straddle him as I pressed my lips up against his neck, occasionally leaving a light nip as I went to the next spot. I could feel him get hard under me—and god, was I loving it. I had this towering man whimpering under my touch. Who wouldn't relish that feeling?
Groaning, he put a firm hand on my ass and gently squeezed as I found his sweet spot. I pulled back and smirked, "Who said you could do that~?" With his free hand, he pushed my head back into his neck as I went to work on the spot he loved. He wriggled and writhed under my touch, but never strong enough to put an end to my games. I licked and sucked on that spot until a deep purple hickey had formed. Satisfied with my work, I smiled and pulled away. He involuntarily let out a soft moan as I left his neck.
"Aw, does someone want more~?" I asked coyly, grinding against his ever present bulge. He groaned and frantically nodded his head. I slowly unbuttoning his lab coat, teasing him. I took off the rest of his clothes except his boxers and started to do the same.
Finally, we were both dressed down to our underwear. I traced his sides with my hands, making him shiver. I smirked and started to work my way down to the button on his boxers. Teasing him a bit more, I started palming him. Membrane's breathing was ragged.
Knowing he couldn't take it anymore, I unbuttoned the only thing keeping his cock from springing up. And spring up it did. He let out a loud groan as his dick was freed from its fabric prison.
I started playing with his tip, rubbing my fingers around his most sensitive areas.
"Y/N PLEASE~" Membrane shouted. I grinned as I stopped completely.
"Please what~?" Man, it was fun to be a tease.
"Please... touch me~" he softly moaned. It was full of lust and shame, but mostly submission.
"That's better," I said as I started to move my hand along his shaft. He was so big, how is that going to fit? Oh well. He leaned his head back into my pillow as my hand slowly got faster. Letting out moan after moan, this man of science was like gallium in the palm of my hand. I kept stroking his dick until it felt like he was close.
I pulled my hand away and looked at him coyly. He was whimpering and shaking from the sudden lack of warmth around his dick. I guided his robotic hands to my underwear and gently tugged down. He slipped them off of me while I dealt with my bra. I took his dick with one hand and spread open my wet pussy with the other. I gently guided him to my opening and slowly went down. I heard his breathing hitch as I was halfway down. I moaned out as I pushed down the rest of the way.
Groaning, I sat there for a bit letting both of us get used to the feeling. After a few seconds, I slowly nodded. He rolled his hips, sending a shockwave of pleasure through me. I gasped at the newfound ecstasy. Two metal hands were placed on my hips as he gently raised my body up and down on his dick. Moaning, I placed my hands on top of his. I bucked my hips against him, creating even more friction.
I settled into the rhythm and pushed his hands off my side and over his head. He would've said something, but my lips were in the way. Instead, he parted his lips, giving me a way to deepen the now heated kiss. I pulled away just when things started getting good, and smiled as he whined. Using one hand to keep both of his secure, I pulled out a cloth from the dresser next to my bed and tied his hands to the bed frame. Now he was completely mine.
Still riding him, I let my hands wander down his body. While there wasn't much muscle visible, there was no doubt it was there. My hands ghosted his sides, causing him to bite his lip to stifle a moan. I gently put a hand to his cheek, "Don't worry about the noise," I leaned into his neck and whisper, "I wanna hear you scream my name. I want all our neighbors to hear it. Now don't hide your beautiful voice from me~" I quickly nipped at his neck and listened to him moan out those beautiful sounds he made.
"There you go, baby~" I whispered before focusing once more on teasing his body. I dragged a finger down from the bottom of his jawline to his pelvis. I could feel him about to snap under all the pleasure he was receiving. The tight knot in my stomach was slowly getting to a point where it would have to unravel.
I shoved myself on and off of his dick faster and faster. Membrane's strained moans filled the room as he began to reach his own end.
I kept throwing myself onto him until the white-hot feeling in my stomach left. All I could hear was Membrane screaming my name as he came inside me. I smiled and fell limp on his chest.
"You did good, babe," I said, eyes half-lidded. I felt warm robotic arm wrap around my shoulder blades and a warm blanket pulled up to my waist.
I mumbled something into his chest. He looked down and sleepily grinned, "Te amo también, mi amor."
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Pills (Chapter 29)
(Hello everyone, Rancoeur here. I know it's been a while since I last updated this book and I am truly sorry about that. But it's been so long since I've seen Zim or have even read fanfics about it. So in a way I sorta fell out of love with it. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop updating this though. This book is a monument to how my writing has evolved over the years and is my pride and joy. I will finish it, even if it kills me. It will be awesome and I can't wait for it. Thank you for reading this and please accept this 3300-word chapter as my apology. I know it's a little short and I did want to add more stuff to it but then it just looked bloated and I didn't like that. I hope everyone is staying safe out there. Have a nice day.)
Monday morning, Dib slowly got out of bed and stretched as his alarm clock rang. The boy rubbed his eyes softly before grabbing his glasses from the nightstand and put them on his nose after turning off the said clock. He glanced outside, noticing the dark clouds coming in, and sighed.
"Already looks pretty gross out there," he muttered to himself before he started to get dressed for school.
Honestly, it felt weird to sleep on a bed after sleeping in a tent for a week. Aside from just being comfier it kinda felt... lonely. Like someone was missing.
The boy shook his head as he slid on his coat and began the trek downstairs to greet Gaz and his father. Another rare day of eating with the Professor.
"Hey dad, hey Gaz," he smiled a bit and went to the fridge to grab some juice. When he grabbed what he wanted he pulled back and shut the fridge, only to find his dad right behind him holding a new device to his head. He reeled back in surprise, "dad?!"
His dad smiled at him and waved him off, "no need to worry son, I was just testing out this new invention I'm making on you. Says here your serotonin levels are higher than usual. You must be in a good mood!"
Dib gave his dad a nervous smile and laugh before backing away to the table where his sister was eating with one hand while simultaneously playing her new game with the other.
"Yeah, you haven't mumbled about killing Zim all morning. What's wrong with you?" She spoke between bites of cereal.
"I don't know, I guess I'm just too tired to think about killing Zim," Dib shrugged as he poured himself a bowl.
"That's bull and we both know it. You talk about capturing Zim in your sleep, I can hear it in my room," Gaz tossed a glare his way before going back to her game.
Dib rolled his eyes, "whatever." He muttered as he began eating.
Still, he couldn't help but feel a strange sensation in his chest.
Zim tentatively stepped out of his home. The Dib had told him that the skool children had already forgotten about the drugs, but he still felt fear. Like there were still eyes following him as he marched down the sidewalk. A feeling of uneasiness seemed to wash over him.
Eventually, the blocky, grey building came into view. A few children were loitering about, waiting for the bell to ring. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Zim just sat on a bench and waited alongside them. Only observing them slightly.
Humans were weird on Mondays, Zim had no idea why though. Something about that particular day of the week seemed to drain all of the energy from the weird meat bags. One kid looked like he was about to fall on his face from exhaustion.
Down the street, he spotted the Dib and his little sister. A part of Zim was fearful. Now that everything had gone relatively back to normal, would Dib go back to trying to expose him?
When the two entered the skool's grounds, they separated. Gaz went to sit on the steps, playing her video game. While  Dib glanced about, when he looked his way, the human... smiled at him.
Causally Dib stepped closer and closer until the two were only a few feet apart. There was a moment of silence between them, both of them just staring at each other. It was obvious they both wanted to say something but neither knew how.
Eventually, Dib sighed and spoke a little quietly, "hey uh... can I sit here?" The boy gestured to the spot on the bench next to Zim.
Zim looked surprised for a moment before he crossed his arms and looked away with his usual snark before quipping a quick, "you may."
Dib chuckled to himself, "same old Zim." He said as he sat down beside the green alien.
With that, the two sat in silence once more, the two of them just looking down at the skoolyard. Humans shuffling about like zombies, waiting for something to happen. Eventually, Zim slumped out of his uptight posture and looked down in his lap, fiddling with his thumbs.
It was Dib who once again broke the silence, "so, what evil plan is it this time?"
Zim looked up at the human in surprise, "eh?"
"You know, to take over the world and all that?" Dib smirked and leaned close, "or did you forget your mission."
Zim immediately perked up and sneered in disgust, "of course not! And to answer your first question. WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW!" He shouted that last part accidentally as he pointed an accusatory finger at the boy.
Dib just laughed, clutching his stomach as Zim tried to regain his composure. Zim couldn't help but giggle to himself slightly.
"In all seriousness," Zim started once the two had calmed down. "I don't know... I know I have a mission. But at the same time, that mission was given to me by them." Zim found himself glaring at his own hands. He clenched them into fists.
"It feels so strange, to have a purpose one second only to realize that purpose was only given to you to get you out of the way. And now that I see past all their lies I... I don't know. I have no idea what I should be doing, or what my purpose is now or what I'm even still doing on Earth." Zim sighed and closed his eyes, he knew Dib was looking at him, either pitying him or laughing at his distress.
Instead, he felt a hesitant hand on his shoulder. Zim looked up at Dib who was giving him a comforting yet awkward smile before pulling his hand back and sitting properly.
"If we're being truthful right now I guess I'll be straight with you," Dib spoke as he laid back on the bench and looked up at the sky. "The main reason why I wanted to help you was because I was hoping you'd leave once you realized what your mission was." Dib hummed to himself.
"But now that you're off your drugs and ready to leave... I..." Dib paused, "Don't get me wrong, I still hate your guts." He huffed but then frowned, "but the thought of you leaving now... it just doesn't sit well with me." Dib admitted.
"Funny how the one I considered my worst enemy could become someone I might even call my..." Dib paused again and looked at Zim with an emotion ZIm couldn't decern, "friend."
Zim stared at Dib in complete silence, 'friend?' Dib smiled slightly before going back to looking at the cloudy sky.
Three minutes passed before Zim opened his mouth, "Dib I-" Before he could finish the ever-piercing sound of the bell rang, cutting him off. Simultaneously, Zim was both annoyed and grateful for the interruption.
"Well I guess we'll finish this talk some other time," the human spoke grabbed his bag, and got up. "I'll see you later Zim," Dib gave one last smile before waving goodbye and walking away towards the school building.
It was then that it hit Zim, he'd never seen Dib smile so much before. The boy seemed genuinely happy in Zim's company. It felt so strange, a foreign feeling, a feeling he hadn't felt since, "Skoodge."
Suddenly it felt like all the air had left Zim's respiratory organs and he fell to his knees on the ground. Tears were building in his eyes until eventually, the dam broke, and he started sobbing loudly. Trying and failing to gasp for air. His cardiac spooch felt like it was being squeezed like a stress toy. It hurt and Zim was just figuring out why.
All alone in the Skool courtyard, Zim was crying. Crying like a long-forgotten smeet. Eventually, the Irken just laid down on his side curled into a ball. How could he? What was wrong with him?! How could he have hurt Skoodge like that?! His best friend! His partner! His mate!
How could he have hurt someone so close to him, so one who had seen him at both his best and his worst?
The tears wouldn't stop.
Eventually, his thoughts went back to Dib, the human who even despite their mutual hatred for one another still sought to help him. To get him off those horrid drugs and saw him as a... a friend.
Suddenly it felt like time itself had stopped. A friend.
Zim had a friend. Quietly the little alien stood up and whipped his eyes. He found himself staring up at the sky, just as Dib had. The clouds seemed to have gotten darker, it was likely going to rain soon.
He should probably get inside-
A hand came out from behind him and covered his mouth roughly, cutting off his thoughts as he went into a panic. That was before it all went dark.
"So uh... what is it exactly?" Tallest Purple asked a hand on his chin as he inspected the strange being before him, keeping his distance of course.
"A Murthen, my Tallest, female, foot soldier class." The Doctor spoke, his back upright and arms tucked neatly behind his back as he gave a quick bow.
They all stood on the bridge of the Massive. The two Tallest were near the controls while the Doctor and his captive stood at the other end of the bridge. Behind the Doctor stood Skoodge, the little Irken was practically sweating bullets as he clutched Raz's egg. He kept his mouth shut, but every time he even glanced at the Murthen or her collar it felt like another ton of weight was added to his shoulders.
"A Murthen?" Tallest Red gave a confused and disgusted look at the blue figure, "ok...but what's it doing on our ship."
"I believe she will be a great help to our mission to subdue Zim. Despite her lower rank, she is incredibly capable and has experience in both war and combat.
"I mean, so did Tak," Tallest Purple crossed his arms.
The Doctor actually laughed and it was the most haunting thing anyone in the room had ever heard. "Oh, my Tallest, Raz here, is certainly no Tak, trust me."
"I don't even trust the way you just said trust me," Purple muttered in the background as Tallest Red stepped forward.
"Murthen, Murthen where have I heard that name before?" He squinted his eyes at Raz as Tallest Purple stepped behind him, "was it a planet we conquered."
"I assure you my Tallest, Murth most likely will never be claimed," the Doctor hummed.
'He seems so sure of himself,' Skoodge thought.
"Why's that?" Tallest Red asked skeptically.
"This is why," the Doctor spoke as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.
Before anyone had any idea what was going on, Raz raised her arm, showing a previously concealed weapon. She aimed it at one of the foodservice drones and fired and a blue beam-like laser shot out.
"AHHHHHH!!!" A scream ripped through the room as the service drone fell to the floor, the donuts he was carrying, splattering beside him. He had been shot in the lower abdomen and was clutching his melting chest in a frenzy. He was quite literally melting on the floor. Eventually, he fell silent as he collapsed on the floor, smoke coming off his body.
The two Tallest jumped back in fear, "WHAT IN THE US WAS THAT?!" Purple screamed.
"Show them," The Doctor gestured to the two with his head.
Raz held out the gun, displaying it in front of the two leaders. It was small and compact, not unlike the blasters the Irkens used. This one however was silver with a grey handle, on the sides of the round barrel were tempered glass that displayed a blue liquid.
"This is just a ground soldier-grade weapon. Yet it has the capabilities to destroy Irken armies. It's filled with a chemical compound known as H2O aka water. Due to our solubility when an Irken comes in contact with it, we tend to melt. However, that's not everything. The water is also mixed with a compound only found in Murthen waters, it is known as Gr4F8 aka Blue Gix. Mixed with water it lowers the boiling point to room temperature and creates energy in the form of light and heat. This creates the beam you just witnessed. This gun alone could destroy our entire empire and that's not even half of it." The Doctor nodded toward Raz and she lowered the gun.
"This is the kind of weaponry that can be expected on Murth, that is why we can not conquer it yet. I'm sure with a bit of studying we could find a way to make ourselves immune to this but until then. We'll just have to leave Murth unconquered. At the moment, however, I believe we should get back to the topic of Zim."
"R-right right, Zim," Tallest Red stuttered, trying to keep his composer. "Are you sure she's fit for the job?"
"Oh my Tallest, you have no idea," the Doctor smiled that irksome smile of his.
"Zim won't know what hit him."
The rest of the discussion seemed to fade out for Skoodge as he stared, wide-eyed at the dead Irken before him. He had just been shot, no warning, no nothing. He was just doing his job and he was shot and then forgotten about. Like his life meant nothing.
Already some of the cleaning drones had come over, collecting the body to be disposed of. Most likely going to be tossed out of the airlock like trash.
Skoodge looked to the egg in his hands, little Mur. Every time he looked at her he just felt more and more guilty. Her carrier was being controlled against her will and he was the cause of it.
Now he had to carry her around, an actual burden on his shoulders.
"Alright then, I guess it's settled, we'll be leaving the quadrant in a few hours to start heading for Earth," Tallest Red's voice cut into Skoodges thoughts and he felt panic run through him, that means they'll be leaving Murth and Raz's family.
Before Skoodge had a chance to voice his concerns, the Doctor was already leaving with Raz in tow.
Quickly Skoodge ran after them, once they were out of the bridge and in one of the Massive's many hallways he spoke up, "Doctor! What about the egg! There's no water on the ship!"
"Your pretty good at stating the obvious," the doctor hummed, not even bothering to look at him.
"Look Skoodge, I already told you. If you want the egg, you can keep it. But that makes it your problem, not mine," the Doctor growled, getting agitated by the shorter Irken's nagging.
"But Doctor!"
Suddenly the Doctor spun around and pointed glaringly at him, "no! I'm tired of hearing your squeaky insignificant voice!" He shouted, "one more word out of you and I'll reveal the secret about your lack of pills to the Tallest!"
At first, Skoodge was terrified but one look at the child, strapped to his chest and he was quick to shoot a glare of his own. "And reveal yourself?! Fat chance!"
"Oh please! you don't think I don't already have the Tallest under my thumb?!"
Skoodge paused and stared up at the Doctor wide-eyed, "what?"
"You heard me, I've had them on my drugs since day one! I have nothing to fear from them. Just like I have nothing to fear from you! You short, intolerable, idiotic, service drone!" The Doctor raised his hand to smack Skoodge only to collapse to his knee in pain. He grimaced and gripped his right leg in pain, a new bump already showing through his pants.
"Damn it!" He snarled and began to roll up his pant leg, showing the ugly lump on his calf. To even the Doctor's horror, it seemed to be splitting off into two.
"Damn things are getting worse," he muttered to himself and looked to Skoodge expectantly.
Almost on instinct, Skoodge pulled out 4 syringes from his pac only to pause before approaching.
"What the hell are you doing, help me!" The taller Irken demanded.
"No! I will do no such thing until we return Raz and her egg back home!" Skoodge demanded himself.
"And ruin your chances of taking over the control brains and getting Zim back?" The Doctor sneered, gripping his leg tighter now.
"The ends don't justify the means, Doctor!" Skoodge snarled.
"Fine," the Doctor stammered out, already looking out of breath from the pain. "W-with friends like you, who needs enemies," he growled and snapped his fingers, and Raz, who had been standing beside him stoically this whole time, tackled Skoodge.
The scariest part wasn't those sharp webbed fingers, or those strong four arms, no it was those cold eyes. Raz looked completely dead on the inside like she was just a body heading the commands of something that wasn't her. It was terrifying.
She was quick and strong as he pinned his arms and legs down before grabbing the needles from his hands and kicking him away once she got what she was after. Not even bothering to be careful about her egg, thankfully Skoodge used his own body as a shield for the fragile thing.
After that, she knelt before the Doctor and began to siphon out more of that green stuff from the lumps. She managed to get one of the lumps to go down but it seemed the remaining two syringes weren't enough to lessen the larger one. Only reduce it, as Raz got up to get more from Skoodge she was stopped by the Doctor standing up.
"Leave it, this will do for now," he hissed as he pulled his pant leg back down, hiding the bump. "And you," the Doctor glared at Skoodge.
"You're lucky I'm far too busy right now to deal with you. I do however have this to say,"  he looked down on Skoodge the lighting making him look absolutely terrifying. "If you pull that again, I'll make you watch as I dissect that egg." With that threat, the Doctor turned around and left Skoodge on the floor, Raz following obediently behind him.
Skoodge felt sick to his stomach like he was about to throw up. He clutched the egg tightly, trying desperately not to cry. How was he supposed to go on? He needed to save Zim, but at the same time, just the thought of abandoning Mur and Raz left Skoodge feeling sick.
"Oh, what do I do," Skoodge held up the egg, staring at the little Murthen inside as if she could give him an answer. What worried Skoodge was just how developed she was now. Her four arms had all formed and little pink and purple spots decorated her body, soon to make the pattern of one or both of her parents. Her eyes were slightly open now too. Revealing dark purple eyes.
"Oh Mur, you're going to hatch soon aren't you?" Tears started to form in Skoodge's eyes, "and your carrier won't even be there to witness it." Skoodge covered his mouth with one hand as he scooted to press his back against the wall in revelation, "and it's all my fault."
"I'm a monster," he whispered in horror. Just as he was about to break down, crying. Skoodge felt a shift in the egg and looked down at the little Murthlet inside. She had moved her hands from the clutched position they had before to the shell of the egg. She had just placed all four of them there and it completely mesmerized Skoodge. Four little blue hands with little webbing in between, even tiny little claws on each finger.
Skoodge felt a small blush form on his face in surprise before a small smile crept onto it as well. He placed his forehead on the shell, ignoring the slight burning sensation it caused, and smiled.
"I know I've hurt you and your family. But I swear on my life, I'll keep you safe, I promise."
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nota-deviant · 3 years
Chapter 3
Dib was surprised to not see Zim come in. It had been a routine for him at this point and now he had a pre-made cup of whiskey going to waste
"Dammit Zim, of course you wouldn't come in the day I make your drink for you"
The raven haired male grumbled to no one but himself, washing a glass and perking up at a conversation he heard at one of the close by tables
"I can't believe he's allowed to come in here"
"You think someone would shoot him already"
Dib glared. He had no idea who the men were talking about but he didn't enjoy hearing things like that in his bar. It would usually start a fight and he would end up with atleast a bloody nose or a black eye from a drunk patron
He spoke up, the two guys looking over to him with curious looks
"I don't appreciate that kind of talk in my bar. If you’re planning on killing someone, I'd rather not have the blood on my floors"
He stated in a sour tone, making it clear that they better stop or he was going to kick them out
"Of course someone like you wouldn't want that talk. Man up, a little blood won't kill ya"
"What kind of someone am I exactly?"
The two looked at each other before bursting into a brief fit of laughter
"Oh you crack me up. But of course you'd be clueless, your kind aren't very smart"
Dib wasn't having it. This conversation was about to go one of two ways. Either they leave...or things were bound to get messy
"Get out of my bar."
He stated sternly, but the men stayed put
"Or what fag?"
Dibs blood started to boil
"Look at him! You people are low but I'd never think you'd mingle with the freak that comes in everyday. Then again, you both have a thing in common"
"Yeah, we're not douches."
"Your menaces to society. Man up and quit acting like a fool around that freak"
"That freak is the only goddam person in here that pays their fucking tab"
With that, Dib grabbed the whiskey he had poured for Zim and tossed it onto the man, brown liquid staining the light blue plaid shirt he wore
Before he knew it the bar had gone into chaos. It wasn't just a small bruise or nose bleed this time for Dib...oh no..this time Dib was wrestling on the ground with the same guy, a bottle flying over them and smashing against the wall as Dib was punched smack dab in the middle of his face. Was his mouth bleeding? 
Dib couldn't tell. He never fought, and because of that he was quite easily beaten down in the brawl. Blood pooled around his head and he groaned, his left eye almost swollen shut from how bruised it was.he couldn't tell whether or not the red he saw was alcohol or blood, settling on closing his eyes and passing out 
Dib woke up later that night to an empty bar, his head in excruciating pain and pieces of glass sticking out of his torso and arms. He was just glad he wasn't shot. Dib shakily pushed himself up and groaned as the pain only became worse now that he was standing. His bar looked like it had been turned upside down and he was adamant that his father was going to have quite a few words to say to him about this
I can't believe you lost control of yourself so easily
He could already hear the words in his head as he made his way to the back to clean his wounds. He was so focused on the pain and blood that he didn't hear the door open or the crunch of glass under heavy shoes as someone made their way to the bar
"How am I going to fix this?"
He scolded himself and frowned, bandaging up his arm and jumping back as a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned around quick enough to see the shocked and angry look in Zims eyes. They were glowing in this light..almost completely red from what Dib could see. In his mind he panicked...adrenaline pumping through his veins again as he booked it for the back of the bar. He didn't know why he ran..was it because he was scared? Was he afraid that Zim was going to hurt him too now? Dib doubted it but he wouldn't put it past him, a lot of bruises were ones from the day before when Zim stayed until closing and wouldn't stop punching his arm every time he said a stupid joke. Dib got lost in his thoughts and nearly ran right into a wall, turning around and immediately being pinned by..what were they? They shone like metal and were sharp enough to stab straight through him but only went through his shirt and dug into the wall
"Who did this?"
Dib looked up, seeing Zim now at a taller point and standing on two of the weird metal legs
His voice had danger in it and he looked like he was ready to murder someone. Dib couldn't get any words out..he didn't know who..and he didn't want anyone getting hurt. Warm tears flowed down his face and Zims face softened from anger to pity as he lowered himself and walked over. Zim had never touched Dib before...atleast not in the way he was doing so now. A clawed hand wiped one of Dibs tears away and he sniffles, trying to not look as stupid as he felt in that very moment
"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop it! I didn't know how to fight him off I just-"
"Be quiet..you'll only cause yourself more harm by panicking"
Zim shushed Dib and pulled him into a hug, those same claws digging into his back as Zims face went into the crook of his neck.
They stayed like that for a good long while, quiet and both filled with fear
"I don't know who it was"
Dib finally said, Zim pulling away from the hug and giving a nod. The green man's hands lingered on his shoulders for awhile before being pulled back to his sides
"I didn't mean to scare you..I can explain everything"
"Dont..not right now atleast..I've had enough excitement for one day"
Dib took Zims hand and gave a weary smile
"Why don't we have a drink...it seems like we both need one right now"
Zim let out a weak laugh and nodded, his eyes seeming to go into a softer pink glow rather than red
Chapter 2 here
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cdarkheartzero · 4 years
Today’s theme- “Too far”
I was skimming through some comments and such and came across @the-garbage-is-my-fandom ‘s comment of “more horror art” on my “Bathtime” piece. And I was inspired. I’m especially excited for @melodyofthevoid to tear into me like I do her when she abuses my son.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen” Dib chanted to himself choking on what little air his lungs could grasp. He had never known fear like this and his body just had no idea how to handle it.
Dib mind raced, playing the previous weeks in his head, trying to figure out what went wrong. His master plan, a small gas bomb capable of temporarily paralyzing or knocking his enemy out, was finally complete. Many a sleepless night and wasted weekend on containment structure, chemical analysis and test runs. This was it. Finally, he could capture the alien menace and expose him. Finally, he would no longer be the crazy kid. Finally, the world would see the danger they were in all along. Finally.... he would be the hero.
But this wasn’t supposed to happen.
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Dib snuck in through the front door after Zim’s idiot sidekick carelessly left it open, making haste to the neighborhood taco truck’s sirens blaring in the distance. He cautiously entered, realizing the Invader was no where in sight and gently placed the bomb in the center of the floor of the “living room”. Carefully he made his way up to the wires completely covering the ceiling for shelter. Soon enough, Gir threw the door open, Damn near ripping it off its hinges, absolutely covered in grease and meat. It seemed the taco run was a success.
He wandered over to the “box” in the middle of the floor and started screaming for his master. “MASTAAAAA!!!! A PRESENT!!!!!!” He shrieked and screeched. How did Zim deal with this all the time?
Within a moment or two, an undisguised Zim angrily emerged from the toilet in the kitchen (which was a sight Dib never really got used to. How does a WHOLE BODY fit down the small opening of a TOILET?!)
“Gir! What nonsense are you going on about!?”
“I gots a present! I’m the birthday boy!”
Zim quickly snatched the “gift” from the metallic hands, studying it’s shotty craftsmanship briefly and returning his full attention to the wide eyed robot standing before him. “What have I told you about bringing junk into this house? First that street lamp-” “But I wanted a nightlight to keep the monkey away.” Gir quietly and somberly interrupted.
Zim sighed. Was this conversation going to go anywhere? No. No, it wasn’t. He might as well talk to the jar of mayo still sitting open on the kitchen table from 3 days ago.
He bent down, clutching the box to his abdomen and give the robot a small pat on the head. “Zim told you he took care of the monkey. It can’t hurt you anymore. But please, Gir, refrain from bringing more stuff home.” He said calmly with a defeated tone in his voice. Gir’s face lit up with a wide grin spanning from “ear to ear” (had he had them anyway). “OKAAAAAY!” He screeched and wrapped his arms around his master. Dib could swear he heard something pop and squish under the groans and painful sounds Zim was emitting.
Then there was a click.
It seemed like the blink of an eye it all happened. An explosion unlike anything Dib ever thought possible by his hands unfolding around him. Windows shattered as glass slashed through the air in every which way direction. Chunks of flooring and wall violently slammed into anything unfortunate enough to come into their path. The fogged air was tainted with this disgustingly potent smell blanketing the entire room. The resulting shock wave flung Dib from his hiding spot, colliding with the cold tiles beneath him.
He blacked out for just a moment, his body on fire and his ears ringing loudly, drowning out all other sound. His eyes slowly opened and he worked up the strength to push himself to his feet. He noticed the blood on his hands as he lifted himself. He wasn’t surprised he got cut. He just couldn’t determain how bad. He was so disoriented.
He tried his best to scan the room, eyes adjusting themselves from the bright blast that had just assaulted them. A shine in the corner grabbed his attention in the sea of rubble and destruction. The robot, Gir, was crushed into the wall by large slabs of concrete and tiles. His once blue glowing eyes dim and cracked. He remained motionless.
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“Oh, no.” Dib thought, realizing the severity of his actions. “Zim!” He cried out of instinct. There was no response. There was no movement in the cloud of smoke as it slowly decepated. The clearing air revealed Zim’s limp frame sprawled out within the neon-green splattered crater the explosion created by the front door. A gigantic hole displayed the vacant interior of his chest and abdominal cavity. Every bit of his internal organs were laid on the ground. His ruby eyes open and dull with his face resting almost peaceful. Dib’s stomach dropped.
Panic was setting in. He wanted to get close to the alien but it’s like his legs forbid such an action. So he goggled. “WHAT DO I DO?!” He blurted out to no one. He backed into the kitchen, never taking his eyes off the crater of debris and guts. His breathing jagged, his pulse racing and his throat overflowing, begging to release its contents on the oddly colored tiling. He felt sick.
He jumped. A sudden noise in this deafening silence. It was a voice he instantly recognized. Zim’s Computer. But it wasn’t echoing from the darkness of the house... it was coming from Zim.
The once limp body slowly started to adjust itself, trying to sit itself up. The more it moved, the more it’s contents leaked out of the organic frame. Dib just silently stared in awe....in relief.... in disgust as his fallen rival stood up. Swaying slightly as it tried to regain its balance. Their eyes locked. A shutter violently shook Dib. Zim was a lot of things. A pain in the ass. An idiot. Selfish. A narcissist. Incompetent. But this wasn’t Zim. This.... was TERRIFYING.
The creature’s thousand yard stare prickled Dib’s skin with the feeling of a million bugs crawling on his person. The paranormal investigator watched-even from several feet away- the speedy throbbing of the veins protruding around It’s eyes. The alien opened his mouth to speak and all that came out through the river of brightly colored blood was the sound of static. It was painful. SO PAINFUL to hear. Dib wanted to shield his ears from the sound but his body stood there still.
The creature’s attention tore away from Dib for a moment, eyeing the damaged robot. His PAK opened up, aggressively flinging his long, thin, robotic legs outwards. The legs came down one by one, echoing a small “clink” on the floor as the razor sharp ends touched the tile. His body lifted and made his way to the faithful metallic companion. Without saying a word, Dib watched as Zim’s body pried the heavy debris pinning the small robot. Gir’s body was released and the gloved hands gently caught him before he could fall on the floor.
“Zim.... I swear.... I didn’t mean to...-“
He was caught off when the red eyes turned to his direction again. Even without pupils or Iris’, Dib could feel the daggers being thrown at him. The mouth opened to speak. “Gir.... why?”
Dib backed up one more step, further into the kitchen. Zim’s voice.... it was wrong. Metallic. Cold. Disoriented. Unlike anything he had ever heard before. Words caught in Dib’s throat but he mustered all his strength to release them. “It was an accident. It-it was just supposed to knock you out.” Dib continued to ramble. “I don’t know what happened!”
Dib tensed up “W-what is?”
“Your existence brings misery. To your planet. To your family. To anyone unfortunate enough to come into contact with you.”
Those words cut Dib’s soul deep. It’s like Zim could read his worst fears. Something he kept hidden- that black stain in his heart-all this time. Exposed. Just like that.
Before he could say anything, the alien continued “ You have always been an annoyance, you sickening human. We cannot escape you. Your voice. Your presence. Your smell. Forever a thorn in our side. The reason my tallest find me nothing more than entertainment. Why Zim can never succeed in his goals. Now this....the only good Zim had...” he said staring at Gir’s face.
“What is he talking about? What did I do with his leaders?” Dib pondered, eyes frantically shifting between Zim’s body and the door behind him.
His neck snapped in Dib’s direction. “But that’s not the worst part. Zim always heard it. For years. It was always following me.” The legs carried him one step closer to the kitchen. Dib silently took a step backwards. “There. Annoying me. Attacking his senses. A constant reminder of the misery you cause. Zim will rid himself of this....this sound...”
Dib needed to flee. But how? This creature was in front of the door!
Zim’s lips curled up. His smirk growing, stretching wider and wider, tearing the ends of his mouth apart. Blood leaking down the sides of his face as the smile grew to sizes ever more disturbing. It was like he was trying to separate the top and bottom of head. There was a silence. With a grin unseen by human eyes before, The creature chucked.
“OnCe I sILeNcE tHaT hEaRt Of YoUrS, wiLl ZiM FiNaLLy bE FrEe?
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As the creature leapt towards the investigator, his body (FINALLY) responded by quickly dodging out of the way, slamming into the sink. The thin, metallic legs crashed into the dining room table decimating it instantly. Without so much as a thought, Dib crawled into the trash can and landed into the claustrophobic elevator to the lab. He panted and shook. It was a terrible idea to go down to the labs. A territory not his. He was out of his element and he wasn’t sure how he would escape. But it beat staying up there and getting ripped to shreds. The pink glow of the elevator made him even more on edge.
The doors opened, startling Dib who was frantically lost in thought. He ran from the elevator, peeking behind tables, tubes and anything else while keeping his senses sharp and alert. Zim was somewhere. Maybe he could just take the elevator back up and leave? But what if he was still in the kitchen?
There was a high-pitched screech pouring from the shaft he had just exited. The elevator lights flickered, sparks raining down and the glow of Zim’s upside down eyes peeked through its opening. His legs slowly pulled him out, adjusting he and Gir (whom was still being cradled) upright. “Diiiiiiiiib.... I kNoW YoU aRe In HeRe....” it gargled.
Dib patiently waited, holding back his sobs and screams, for the towering monster to pass. He needed to keep running. Find the elevator to the toilet! It was the only way! He hid. And ran. Hid. And ran. It was the most horrifying game of cat and mouse conceivable. The longer it went on, the worse it seemed to get for him. He couldn’t find the exit. And he couldn’t find Zim. Not that he WANTED to find him, but at least pass him to know he was still in this metallic labyrinth. That the kitchen was clear.
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Finally, he stumbled upon what he assumed was the elevator on the other side of a large room. He was so close-! Within a single second, his joy faded to nothingness by the familiar sound of scraping. He watched the shadow on the floor as it shakily passed by the table Dib had temporarily chosen as shelter. It stopped and stood still like a statue momentarily: Then went about it’s way. “Finally-! To that door!”
He sprinted to the exit, knocking a few items from a table and catching the beast’s attention. Running with all the strength his body had to offer, he was finally within reach of the button left of the doorframe. His fist slammed into it and the sounds of the creature hurried closer, bellowing his name in a mortifying shriek.
The double doors opened. Dib threw his body into the room only to hit into something and get pelted with tools and cans tumbling from above. Realization slapped him in the face. This isn’t an elevator....
This is a closet.
With heavy dread, Dib turned his face to see that he and the creature were mere inches away from each other. There was no where to go. Never taking his eye’s off Zim’s, he felt two sharp knives glide over his ribcage, gently banging on each bone as they made their way to their target. It’s face had a permanent smile, gradually becoming more and more uncontrollable the harder and faster the thrashing in Dib’s chest became. As the blades slowly began digging in and red blood mixed with green, 5 words continuously haunted his thoughts.
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Thanks so much to anyone that read this! I hope you enjoyed!
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snappedsky · 4 years
Fanatics 81.1
An old, dangerous enemy starts resurfacing.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Reawakening Part 1
           The morning bell rings and everyone takes their seats. Miss Sweeties has her usual bright smile as she addresses the class.
           “Good morning, everyone,” she chimes, “let’s give a great big ‘welcome back’ to Squee who has finally returned to class! It’s good to have you back, Squee.”            He forces an awkward smile and nods appreciatively while the rest of the class replies apathetically.
           After morning announcements are read, everyone heads to their first class. Squee clutches his books to his chest and keeps his head down as they go through the hall.
           “You okay?” Pepito asks.
           “Yeah,” he replies, “just…I didn’t think coming back to Skool would take some getting used to.”
           “Well, you were gone three weeks,” Dib points out, “although one of those weeks was Spring Break, so technically two weeks.”
           “It felt longer,” Squee mutters.
           They arrive to their first class and take their seat as Mr. Stutters starts the lesson. Squee tries to focus, but he finds his mind wandering. He can feel a prickling in the back of his neck, like something’s nearby. Something bad. He tries to ignore it, knowing the Night Terrors are keeping watch. But throughout the hour it steadily gets worse.
           Panic starts to rise in his gut. Something’s watching him. He can feel it. Something’s coming. Something familiar. Something dark. It’s closing in around him. It’s gonna get him!            Squee cries out and falls out of his desk, covering his face. He looks around but sees only the classroom and the stunned faces of his classmates.
           “Squee,” Mr. Stutters says in surprise. “A-are you okay?”
           Squee stands up, clutching his arms. “I-I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well. May I go to the nurse’s office?”
           “Alright,” he nods.
           “Could Pepito escort me?”
           “Um well,” Mr. Stutters hesitates but isn’t even given a chance to answer before Pepito stands up. “I suppose.”
           Squee nods appreciatively and grabs his bag before he and Pepito leave. They quietly go down the hall, Pepito watching him closely. But before they even get close to the nurse’s office, Squee grabs Pepito’s arm and takes him into the boys’ bathroom. He quickly makes sure all the stalls are empty before locking the door and sighing heavily.
           Pepito continues to watch him quietly as Squee drops his bag on the counter and looks at himself in the mirror.
           “Ugh, look at me,” he groans, running his fingers along the dark shadows under his eyes. “I look like an exhumed corpse.”
           “No you don’t,” Pepito argues, “just a regular corpse.”
           Squee chuckles and sits on the counter, resting against the wall. He warily eyes his bag for a second before rubbing his tired eyes.
           “Nny was right,” he sighs, “I’m not ready to be back to Skool. I just thought I could force myself.”
           “So leave,” Pepito suggests as he sits next to him. “Hell, drop out. Who cares.”
           “I can’t drop out,” he argues, “but maybe I will go home. I can’t make it through the rest of the day.”            Pepito stares at Squee, at his tired, heavy eyes and weak smile. He can tell that something is tearing him up on the inside, but he just doesn’t know what. He refuses to pry though, worried that it might push Squee away.
           Squee rubs his aching head and looks at his bag. “Pepito,” he says, “could you look in my bag? You should find a stress toy.”
           “Alright,” he nods. He quickly finds the toy sitting atop the notebooks and bombs and he senses something evil and dark inside it before he even grabs it.
           “Where did you get this?” he asks.
           “It found me,” Squee replies, “destroy it please.”
           Pepito holds it in his palm and it burns to nothing in black flame. Immediately, Squee lets out a sigh of relief.
           “That should give me some peace for at least a little while,” he says.
           “Is that the thing causing you so much grief?” Pepito asks.
           “Well…it’s part of it.”
           Squee grabs his bag and stands up. “Tell Mr. Stutters I had to go home. Maybe I’ll try again next week.”
           He starts to leave the bathroom when Pepito says, “it’s the Nightmare, isn’t it?”
           Squee stops but doesn’t turn around. Pepito stands up and faces him.
           “You can’t outlast it like this, Squee. It doesn’t work that way. It’ll keeping wearing you down and wearing you down until there’s nothing left.”
           “How do you know?” Squee questions.
           “My dad told me all about it when I was a kid,” he explains, “he taught me about all kinds of dark and evil things. The Nightmare is one of the darkest. Look, we can help you-.”
           “No!” Squee cries, turning around. He looks at Pepito with sad, begging eyes. “Don’t tell the others. I don’t want them getting wrapped up in this. They have nothing to do with it. And neither do you.”
           “I’ll be fine,” he insists, “I just…have to last long enough.”            Pepito stares after him hopelessly as he leaves.
           Squee hurries down the hall to the front door. As he nears the front desk, he sees someone standing there, talking to the receptionist.
           “Oh, there he is,” she says, “Squee, your uncle is here to see you.”            “Uncle…?” Squee questions. He stops as the person looks at him and his heart leaps into his throat.
           “Hello, Squeekers,” Jimmy grins.
           Squee immediately whips around and races in the opposite direction. Jimmy lets out a good-natured laugh and goes after him. “Come now, nephew. Now is not the time for tag.”            Jimmy doesn’t have a chance of catching Squee, but he at least keeps him in his sights as they race through the Skool. Squee bursts out the backdoor onto the thankfully empty football field and stops about halfway across it. He turns back to face Jimmy just as he exits the building.
           “What’s this?” he scoffs as he steps down the stairs, brandishing two knives. “You squaring up? Ready to grow a pair and face me?”
           Squee doesn’t reply, just looks upwards. Jimmy stops and looks up to see Reverend Meat falling towards him.
           He doesn’t even have a chance before the large man lands on him, crushing his spine against the cement stairs. Then, he picks up the limp body, rips it in half, and tosses both pieces into the air, where they’re sliced to pieces like sushi by the Doughboys.
           While they make quick work of the zombie, Sickness lands on the ground next to Squee and grabs his shoulder. “You okay?”
           He nods wordlessly.
           “Sorry, I don’t know how he got past us,” she says.
           “And I thought we were being so vigilant,” Eff says as the other Night Terrors join them, once they’ve rendered Jimmy’s body to unrecognizable chunks.
           “The others can’t be far away,” D-boy points out.
           “Yeah,” Reverend Meat nods and holds out his arm to Squee. “Let’s get you home quick.”            Squee nods and climbs onto Reverend Meat’s back before the Night Terrors leap away.
           Meanwhile, at home, Johnny paces back and forth across the living room while Devi and Tenna watch him from the couch.
           “Jeez,” Devi scoffs, “you haven’t even been home two days and you’re already on edge. What’s your problem?”
           “I’m not on edge,” Nny argues, “I’m always like this.”
           “Well, I can’t argue with that.”
           His pacing is interrupted when the door opens and Squee and the Night Terrors walk in.
           “Squee, you’re back early,” Nny says. Squee immediately leans into him, burying his face into his chest. Johnny gently rubs his head. “What happened?”            “They’re here,” Reverend Meat says plainly.
           He snarls. “I knew it.”
           Back at the Skool, lunch has just begun. As Zim, Dib, Gaz, and Tak sit at their usual table, Pepito stands in front of them. They look at him expectantly and he takes a deep breath.
           “I gotta tell you guys something.”
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And so Zim was standing outside the Membrane residence, clutching several different varieties of chocolate bars in his arms, sweating like a sinner in church. No one had responded to the doorbell, so he rang it again with his foot, barely regaining his balance before the door cracked open.
Dib peeked out, wrapped in blankets and looking pale as a sheet. "Oh wow, Zim, it's great to see you and all," he said dispassionately, "but Dad stuck a leg thing on me so I can't actually leave the house without getting administered a shock that supposedly will knock me out. Come back tomorrow and I'll fight you then."
"I am not here for YOU." Zim tried unsuccessfully to hide the candy behind his back. Dib barely looked at it before a shudder wracked his body and he blinked heavily.
"Go away, Zim." With that, Dib slammed the door shut.
Zim scowled at the door. He knew it wouldn't be EASY, but Dib could be a little more cooperative.
He headed behind the house, glancing up to see a window hanging ajar. Quickly ejecting his PAK legs, he scaled the wall like a spider, still holding onto the chocolates.
"HEY! Gaz! HEYYY!" he called in the window, which led into what looked like her room. She was lying sprawled out across the bed, and her head popped up. Zim couldn't help but think her hair looked somewhat appealing messy like that, but he had no time to relish it before Gaz had jumped to her feet and rushed over the the window, snagging his collar and yanking him close.
"What. The hell. Are you doing here." she hissed, furious.
"I have these!!" Zim tossed the chocolates in the window at Gaz's feet. She looked down at the mess on the floor before pulling him in completely.
"Why are you bringing me these. I told you to go away."
"ZIM HAS. . . I have done some thinking. And I realized I needed to tell you something."
Gaz let go of his shirt and stepped back, letting him brush himself off. She folded her arms.
Clearing his throat needlessly, he took his wig and contacts off again, slowly, not losing eye contact. Gaz squinted at him.
"I want you to keep looking." was all he said, finally averting his eyes.
Gaz didn't reply. She took a step closer.
"I also want to look at you," he blurted.
"Answer my question, Zim!!" she shot back, folded arms tightening somehow.
"Because I believe you to be. . . superior." He fiddled with his hands.
Gaz picked up a candy bar and opened it. "Why did you bring so many of these?"
"I didn't know which you preferred."
She took a bite. "These. These ones are my favorites."
"Zim will remember," he said quickly. "For the future."
Gaz chewed and swallowed, taking her time. "The future?"
"If you will permit me to." Zim stood at attention, saluting for good measure.
"Stop that."
He did. Gaz ran a hand through her hair, sighing deeply.
"Take a seat."
He sat down next to her on her bed and resisted the urge to flop backwards so his antennae could feel everything.
"You pissed me off earlier," Gaz told him, still paying close attention to her chocolate.
"I could. . . tell. The candy was a peace offering-- and you have accepted it by, eh, accepting it!!"
"Yeah, as long as you bring more."
"Are you going to bring more?" Gaz turned to look at him with those eyes.
"Y. Yes. If you are accepting my offering, does that mean you--"
"I don't know, Zim." She looked away again.
"But you-- but your face went red to indicate attraction. I read about it. It happens, it's called blushing! You did it!! And you didn't talk fast enough when I--"
"YES, Zim, I know I like you, that doesn't mean I automatically want to be with you!!"
"Is that a NO???" Zim considered the ways he could doom the woman who told him not to use mind control.
". . . . . ."
"You are not answering again. Is it a yes?"
". . . Dib is downstairs," she said quietly.
"I can be quiet. So quiet. He'll never hearrrr. NEVER!! I will simply climb up here every day! And bring you candy, and we can-- talk? I can take off my disguise. Like THIS!!"
"Why?" Zim thought quickly. He knew his words would never be able to describe the greatness of Gaz, or confirm to her that his feelings were genuine. He needed to take ACTION!! His mind raced as he struggled to remember something, anything humans did to one another to show affection--
He leaned over and pressed a firm kiss to Gaz's cheek, pulling back as quickly as he came.
"I don't know," Zim answered honestly as Gaz went rigid, her only motion her hand slowly reaching up to touch where his lips had touched her cheek.
"That's so stupid," she said.
"You did that wrong."
"What?" Zim was pretty sure he did it right.
"Try again." She was decidedly not looking at him. Her face seemed to be lit up again with that lovely shade of pink, though, and she didn't seem to be about to kill him, so he figured maybe he made the right decision.
He leaned in again, aiming his lips for her cheek, but without warning she turned her head so her own lips were in the way instead. Zim, shocked, pulled back instantly.
"Aaaa!! WHAT WAS THAT!!!"
"It was a kiss." Gaz looked away, folding her arms again, her face quickly turning to stone. He'd done something wrong. He'd messed it up-- "You should go--"
Zim grabbed her shoulders and yanked her close, pressing his lips firmly into hers, turning his head for a better angle for good measure.
For lack of a better word, Gaz melted. Her arms went up and around his neck and she slowly drew her fingers across the skin of his head, kissing him back. One hand went up to feel an antennae, and Zim fell forwards, losing all inhibitions and bringing his hands to the skin of her soft face.
She was drawing herself up on the bed, leaning closer, pressing herself into him. One fingernail was drawn down the left antennae--
A harsh set of knocks to the bedroom door sent them leaping away from each other, both red as a tomato.
"HEY!!! Gaz, I saw Zim outside--"
"GO AWAY, DIB!!!" Gaz shouted, as Zim booked it for the window. He nearly tripped over his own feet, as his legs seemed to have lost all solidity.
"But I think he was looking for you!! You should lock your windows, he could totally break in. I don't even want to think about what he'd do if he somehow latched onto you--"
It had taken one day. Zim almost wanted to laugh, except he was just as horrified. It had taken ONE DAY. He fell over the windowpane.
"Dib, I don't want to HEAR IT!!!" Gaz sounded angrier than he'd ever heard her. She was frantically trying to fic her hair and brush off the rest of her clothes, despite the fact that Zim hadn't touched them. She was so cute when she was panicking.
"Get out!!" she hissed at him, and Zim snapped back to attention. Yes. Leaving. He was leaving.
"Tomorrow," Zim whispered. "I will see you. At school!!!!"
"Dib will probably be sick again." Gaz smiled, a tiny, tight smile. Her hands were drifting back to her arms.
Zim snatched them, holding them tightly. "Zim will sit with you at lunch."
"That'd be okay."
He smiled back, then quickly pressed a cheeky kiss to her lips before pulling away and hopping out the window.
Gaz couldn't risk rushing to the window to see if the idiot had broken anything landing. She yanked the door open slightly, giving Dib a death glare.
He didn't falter, just glared back. "He wanted to get in and talk to you. He had all these chocolate bars--"
Gaz remembered the floor behind her a split second before she slammed the door shut. "I'm tired. I think you infected me, I'm taking a nap."
"Come on!" he yelled at her door. "You never get sick and you know it!"
"Goodnight, Dib!"
"I'm gonna watch the front door. Have you locked your window yet?"
"I'm not locking my window, it's too hot in here!"
"Okay, I'm. . . . I'll be on the sofa." Dib sniffed, and Gaz would have felt bad for him if he hadn't ruined her first kiss mere moments ago.
After a minute, she headed back to the window and looked down. Zim was lying unconscious on the ground below.
"GO HOME!" she whisper-shouted as loudly as she dared.
Zim's head still drooped, but the PAK legs picked him up and wandered out of the yard and onto the sidewalk. Gaz facepalmed and fell backwards onto her bed. Him. HIM! Horrible. Disgusting. What was she thinking.
. . . . Still, she liked the antennae.
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krizaland · 4 years
It Takes Two to Tango (Yandere!Zib x Reader)
This was one of the many wonderful ideas requested by @zestyfrogs  I had a ton of fun working on this!  
I’d also like to give a special shoutout to my dear friend @melodyofthevoid for introducing me to the song used in the fic! Thank you so much, friend!  It fits Zib like a glove!
Be warned: There are obsessive behavior, implied stalking, drool, and forceful kissing ahead!
Here’s the song btw
“Y/N…..Y/N~ Time to wake up my love~”
Your heavy eyelids slowly opened to a blurry figure’s cold hand caressing your cheek.
You tried to rub your eyes but your arms felt like they were being held down by tight metal cuffs.
The only way to wake up your eyes was to blink a few times.
However, what you saw before you made you wish you hadn’t.
Standing before you was a grotesquely disheveled Dib! His skin was moldy-green and covered in warts and throbbing veins.  His glasses were cracked and his eyes had yellowed. Even his hair was off, as his usual cowlick, had doubled!
Drool dribbled down his chin as he revealed his jagged, pink teeth.
He honestly looked more like Zim than Dib!
You choked back the urge to vomit as you could feel the madness oozing from his eyes.
Figures, his mental instability was remained the same.  
“There we are! For a minute there I thought you were dead! I mean, sure I could’ve cloned you but I don’t really have time for all that.” Zib chuckled as he clapped his hands together.
“What the- Dib?! What happened to you?! And why am I chained up?!” You spluttered as you wriggled in your restraints.
“Oh! I guess I have changed quite a bit since we last saw each other, but for the better don’t you think?” Zib chirped as he gestured to himself.
“What?! For the better?! Have you even looked in a mirror!? You look like you’re made of mold!” You snapped.
Zib’s face twisted the moment those words left your lips.
“Are you kidding me?! Even after all the pain I’ve endured, I’m still not good enough for you?!” Zib snarled, causing a few flecks of drool to pelt your face.
“What are you talking about?!”
“What I’m talking about is the fact that I did this for you!” Zib turned around and gestured to the massive PAK fused the back of his head.
You let out a horrified gasp and tried to look away.
“What’s the matter Y/N?! Don’t you recognize your boyfriend’s PAK?!” Zib giggled.
“Wait! What the- What did you do to Zim?!” You stuttered as tears begun to form in your eyes.
“I defeated him that’s what! I defeated him and saved our world!” Zib boasted as he put a hand on his chest
“You….You killed Zim?!” Your voice was shaky as the tears poured down your cheeks
“Well when you say it like that you make it sound like a bad thing.” Zib chuckled as he put his hands on his belly.
“It is a bad thing! What is wrong with you?! Why couldn’t you get it through your stupid, big head!? Zim didn’t want to destroy the Urth anymore! He had changed! He-”
“He could never change, Y/N! Never change! Zim was nothing more than a vile, alien monster! Don’t you get it?! He was just trying to use you for some, sick twisted scheme of his!” Zib interjected as he snapped a finger in your face.
“The only monster here is you, Dib! Look at yourself! Do you have any idea what you’ve become?!”
“You…You really are insane! I can’t believe I ever stuck up for you!” You seethed as you shook away the spit drops on your face.
Zib went silent for a moment as his left eye twitched.
“You really are insane! Insane! Insane! Insane!”
Your words echoed in Zib’s mind over and over again.
A deranged smile spread across his face as a small giggle escaped his throat.
The giggle grew into a chuckle and the chuckle grew into a laugh.  Soon his laughter grew and grew until it morphed into full-on maniacal laughter.
“W-What’s so funny?” You stuttered as a shiver ran down your spine.
Zib’s laughter slowed to a stop as he wiped away a tear.
“Ah, I know you don’t really think I’m insane. Right?”  
“Right?!” Zib demanded as he clutched your face.
Zib’s yellowed eyes pierced deep into your soul.
You swallowed thickly and tried to open your mouth to speak.  Unfortunately fear had robbed you of your voice! All you could do was slowly nod and pray Zib would let your face go.
“That’s what I thought..”  Zib growled as he released your face.
You let out a sigh of relief as you felt your heart pound in your chest.
“After all, you’re my soulmate! You would never think such horrible things about your soulmate!” Zib’s words seemed more directed at himself rather than you.
Noticing you were scared out of your mind, Zib’s face softened for a moment.
“Oh now don’t look at me like that. You know I didn’t mean to frighten you! I love you! I would never harm you! I’ll prove it!” Zib pulled out a small remote and pressed a button.
You were freed from your restraints and fell flat onto your bottom.
“There. See? I set you free!” Zib cooed as he put the remote back into his pocket.
After jumping to your feet, you noticed an opening that seemed to lead to a hallway.
Without thinking, you tried to make a run for it! However, you escape attempt was cut short by Zib clamping his hands around your waist.
“Now, now, Y/N. Don’t make me regret my decision…”
You let out a shriek as Zib twirled you around to face him.
Zib let out a chuckle as he flashed you a toothy grin.
You wriggled out of his grip and tried to run once more but Zib pulled you right back to him.
“Let me go, you creep!”
“No…You have no idea how long I’ve waited to make you mine. You’re not going anywhere..” Zib’s voice was a low whisper as he gently caressed your cheek.
You swatted Zib’s hand away as you tried to tried to wipe off the flecks of spit on your chin.
Zib simply tutted and shook his head.
“I know, I know, I know…This situation’s strange….”
“It takes a little getting, a little getting used to…”  Zib grabbed your shoulders and spun you back around.
“Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me more! Than you possibly could!” Zib demanded as he shook you.
You peeled his moldy-green claws off of you, only to feel them wrap around your wrists instead.
“It’s not that complicated. No matter what they say, You’ll never need another me…” Zib purred as he tightened his grip.
You let out a yelp as you frantically tried to free your wrists.
“It’s not that difficult, to get your head around. You’ll never need another me!” Zib pulled your wrists close to him.
You pulled and tugged as Zib continued to sing.
“You’ll never never ever never need another me!”
You finally managed to free your wrists as you bolted for the hallway, only to be stopped by Zib once more.
He zipped in front of you and pulled you into a very tight tango.
You tried to break free but the more you struggled, the tighter Zib’s grip became,
“I know, I know, I know…I��m always in your place…”
You managed to pull away but Zib simply pulled you right back.
“But don’t you see my dear? I am your doppelgänger! I have your face…”
You let out a gasp as Zib clutched your face and pulled you as close as possible.
You could see your face reflect off of Zib’s cracked glasses as his worm-like tongue slid out of his mouth.
“Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me more! Than you possibly could!” Zib begged as he pressed your face against his.
Zib’s claws dug into your skin as he pelted your face in spit.
“It’s not that complicated. No matter what they say, You’ll never need another me!”
You pushed Zib off of you and wiped away the spit he left behind.
“It’s not that difficult, to get your head around! You’ll never need another me!” Zib growled as he tried to run towards you.
You managed to doge him and tried one last time to escape.
A large tentacle jutted up from the ground and wrapped around your waist.
“You’ll never never never ever never need another me!” Zib sang as the tentacle pulled you back into his arms.
Zib hummed as he continued to dance with you.
You wanted to fight back but you had run out of energy. All you could do was hum along as Zib led you around his lab.
Soon the tango from hell slowed to a stop as Zib gently dipped you
“It’s not that complicated. No matter what they say. I’ll never need another you…”
Zib’s eyelids lowered as he leaned in closer.
“It’s not that difficult, to get my head around. I’ll never need another you…”
Before you could respond, Zib crashed his lips onto yours.
All you could do was let out a muffled squeak as Zib’s worm-like tongue invaded your mouth.
Zib let out a growly moan. Oh how long he had waited to taste your sweet, sweet lips.
Eventually, you and Zib had to part for air.
Zib slurped up the remaining drool and lifted you back up
“I’ll never need another you….”
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letaintedserpentine · 4 years
ZADR WEEK: Cryptids
How long had Zim been stuck in here, when Dib was debating whether to follow him? Blame… fault? Dib shook the thoughts out of his head. None of it mattered now. Finding Zim took priority.
Zim is lost in the land of the fae, and Dib’s trying to find him. cheers to @zadrweek3 for hosting!!! :D Full fic below or in AO3
Time… moved differently with the fae.
It felt like hours, days, weeks, that Dib stumbled and worked his way through blurred landscape of blue and dark, even if he knew  it should’ve only been minutes since he landed.
The theory was all too correct- and Dib, through his dragged limbs and heavy breaths, could only suppress his guilt.
How long had Zim been stuck in here, when Dib was debating whether to follow him?
Blame… fault?
Dib shook the thoughts out of his head. None of it mattered now. Finding Zim took priority.
Sweltering, Dib marched on with almost no sense of direction. The world before him changed in an instant, the blues lighting up to yellows with no gradient between. Dib clutched his head as he tried to adjust to the scenery, his mind failing to catch up in the in-between of the last second to now.
His glasses, while firmly perched in his nose, did nothing for him in this realm. Everything was either to bright or too dull for him to focus on properly- it was giving him a headache to stare.
As if only unlocking certain senses gradually, pitched laughter rang in his ears, like someone just blared their speaker.
The blobs of yellow and green moved around him, like a crowd with a practiced stance. They mingled freely, lightly touching him at times, brushing past him, as the crowd murmured and laughed.
Music so sensual and sweet almost got Dib to sway on his feet, only for him to realize that if he got caught in their trances, he might never get out. Still, the fae persisted.
“Come dance with us,” whispered one, before drifting away with a giggle.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to just leave everything behind here?”
“Forget about all of it, and just dance?”
Their voices were a nice lull, comforting, engaging, and their warmth so real that he couldn’t feel but be lonely.
Would it really be that easy? Dib wondered dreamily, feeling the change in his body as it no longer grew weary. He was relaxed, too relaxed, and ready to just… give in.
Give… up?
Dib snapped out of the trance, and the whispers around him ceased, falling into muffled laughter.
“They failed?” A familiar voice rang.
Dib whipped his head around, only to see more blurs. He couldn’t be mistaken. He knew that voice anywhere.
“It looks too drab to be entertaining.” Another peal of laughter emerged. This time, they parted for him, to showcase, to mock him? He couldn’t care less about what these things thought of him, but Zim had to be here-
He just needed that flash of green, of those crimson eyes- he would recognize those shades easily, no matter how his vision failed him in this new world, he just needed to find him-
A thrilled ran through the crowd as the voice once again spoke, teasing and serious all at once. “You can eat him.”
It was a shock still, to find him. Dressed in a flowing white and gold robe, he was the only one that looked real to Dib, what with everything still looking like under the lenses of a filter.
Zim was the one that popped up in all this madness, features stark and defined. He was taller than Dib, now- with an air of power that only came when you’ve won everything and got bored of it.
Dib would never admit how much it bothered him to see Zim look... competent. That, and the cruel smile that played on the alien’s lips.
“Zim?” Dib said, his voice still and unbelieving.
Zim’s swept the crowd and turned to him, then, without any recognition, bypass him entirely.
Dib felt his blood rise. “I know I took so long but that doesn’t mean you get to act like you don’t-”
The mild murmurs all around him ceased once Dib raised his voice, and the silence felt threatening.
Zim’s impassive face never changed.
“The act’s not funny, Zim.” Dib said, his voice losing almost all his hold. “I didn’t come all this way to take you home for you to brush me off.”
“I don’t even know who you are.” Zim issued an order without ever leaving his gaze. “He’s disturbing the festivities. I think one of the back gardens needs fertilizer. Take him away.”
“You’re lying!” Dib said, frustrated but not unwilling to fight. He broke free of the blobs that were intending to capture him, aiming towards the Irken. It was a frenzied approach, less careful that he would’ve when given the chance to prepare, wishing for luck to take hold.
It didn’t. He was pinned to the floor before even reaching Zim half-way, the faes that captured him silent and stoic. All unreal.
Sharp metal pressed against Dib’s neck as Zim watched from afar, the fae soldiers waiting for an order.
“I changed my mind.” Zim said, a devious glint in his eyes. “Clean him up and take him to my quarters. I want him alive.”
A sickly sweet scent overpowered Dibs senses, and the world- not quite his world, faded away.
His hair was uncomfortably damp, and something too soft covered his body, fuscia robes flowing over his arms and legs. Dib was struck by the sensations and forced his torso upright, wincing as his body felt heavy.
He didn’t remember going to sleep, and he didn’t feel all that well-rested. But consciousness was enough of a sign for him to stay alert. He felt watched.
Was Zim-
The Irken stared at him, contemplating.
Dib noted his still damp body. “Did you bathe me?” He couldn’t keep the incredulity from his voice.
“I have servants for that,” Zim answered, ever so smoothly.
“And this?” Dib gestured to the robe.
“I’ve always liked that color.”
“Wear it yourself.” Dib snapped.
Zim moved to come near him, and Dib unsubtly moved back. Zim didn’t look bothered, and closed in until Dib could see the intricate embroidery of his clothes- of colors that he thought the Irken wouldn’t pull of, but did.
Although maybe it had been more about Zim’s movement rather than the clothing itself, the way he carried himself all knowing, untouched by anything of this world-
Zim lightly grabbed his chin. “Red does not suit you,” he said, almost disappointed. “Darker, maybe.”
“I’m not your toy.”
“I considered leaving you to rot.”
Dib hated the way that Zim acted impervious. “Why didn’t you?”
Zim’s lips twitched. “You antagonized me.” Dib was about to protest, but without any other warning, Zim pressed his lips to Dib’s- demanding and hungry. His lips were coaxing, relentless, persuasive- Dib could feel any reservation of his crumble as his mind fell slack.
His lips was soft, which was a pleasant surprise. In the back of his mind, Dib wondered if Zim had always tasted this sweet.
Zim’s tongue was long and slimy, utterly alien, and yet Dib couldn’t help but shiver. It didn’t matter how much his mind connected Zim as his rival- because even this felt like a battle, a war to see who could claim the other.
Zim was intoxicating- passion ruled over logic at this point, and Dib didn’t know how far they would’ve gone if Zim hadn’t decided to deepthroat him with his tongue.
Dib shoved the Irken off, coughing, his face burning.
“Have I broken you already?”
Dib glared at him while he controlled his breathing. Meanwhile, Zim looked barely bothered, aside from the way his eyes darkened in color.
He might’ve looked as stony as he could. But Zim was never that unfeeling. Emptiness was a staple to him, as well as boredom. Zim would never admit how he felt a little more whole as he explored Dib’s mouth, a little less drowning. He could, however, admit to wanting to do it again.
Dib didn’t look as receptive.
“Zim,” Dib tried again, “We don’t- I don’t-”
Zim clicked his tongue. “You talk as if you know me, human.” Amusement glinted off those bright beady orbs.
A familiar rage rose inside Dib, one that fired him up as much as he could to bring the alien down, but this time, to get him on his side. “I do. You’re an invader trying to take over Earth but I always end up stopping you, you have a robot that calls me Mary for some reason- You don’t remember any of that?”
Zim’s mind rejected the possibility. He’d been alone for as far as he could remember, deftly seizing power in the fae court as easy without any opposition. In a place where the demons couldn’t lie, he had the advantage, and he just needed to learn how to hide it. If he’d had some other life before this desolated place, he’d remember it.
“You lie.” Zim hissed at him.
“No, it’s the truth.” He had to convince Zim somehow. “Gir is probably wondering where you are. Don’t you want to come back to him?”
The name tugged something deep inside him, and Zim gripped the sides of his head, his antenna falling flat against it. “Who are you?! Tell me!”
Never give the fae your name.
“Zim…” Dib didn’t know if he should. It was the one taboo with them. Zim’s been a part of this society for who knows how long that he had probably picked up some tricks to use his name against him.
But this was Zim! His alien rival first and foremost! He was either falling for an obvious fae trap… or a part of him trusted the alien.
“I’m Dib.” He answered quietly.
All at once, Zim stopped fidgeting. Dib could recount the exact second that recognition flashed in those pinkish eyes.
A scowl, one so unhinged and so entirely his Zim, morphed the alien’s features.
Zim pinned him down. “You pushed me here!”
It took Dib a moment to remember what he was talking about, in between noticing Zim’s hands against him again.
He focused. Time worked differently here, it felt like it had been ages. But rummaging around his memory, he remembered.
The scene was once set- Dib, the paranormal enthusiast, wanting to gather data on fairy rings, and the skeptic alien tagging along for kicks.
There was a mystical magical circle there, mushrooms enclosing a suspicious a suspiciously lush patch of grass-
Dib jokingly pushed Zim in the direction of one of those rings, seeing as the other had been complaining about his desire to take notes on “weed”, and Zim retaliated with a harder shove.
It didn’t take long for Zim to become serious, aiming to push Dib in despite his protests, and with adrenaline that backed Dib up, Dib resisted- but in turn had Zim fall in, disappearing without a trace.
Dib protested, “You’re the one that started pushing! I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“Too slow, Dib! Too slow!” Zim shut his eyes, his grip piercing Dib’s wrists. “They might’ve hidden my memory but it’s back now, Dib-worm. I know you pushed me.” His voice grew thick with emotion. “I’ve spent too long in this rotten masked land- always feeling misplaced, missing something and never knowing what-”
Zim tightened his grasp.
To Dib’s surprise, pale pink tears streamed down from Zim’s eyes.
For a moment there, Dib thought Zim would lean down to kiss him again. And even a stranger thought, he knew he wouldn’t be opposed if Zim did.
But Zim slackened his grasp, eased off him and cleared his eyes, his stress finally dawning on him.
He pulled Dib up and leaned on him, grasping his shirt, not quite an embrace but not too far from it.
Zim burrowed in Dib’s neck, savoring the feeling of finally, finally being whole. “You’re never leaving me again, Dib-stink. Even if I have to keep you on a leash.”
His breath was cool on Dib’s skin. Dib swallowed dryly. “Well, uhh… next monster hunt, I’ll let you stick to me.”
The punch to his gut, Dib conceded, might be entirely earned.
“Let’s go, Dib-thing. Time to go home.”
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bugsabound · 3 years
6 for the writing prompts!
6: “i missed you… a lot” 
AH okay this wasnt gonna take so long but i got NERVOUS about actually posting it where people could see grgrgr okay
(Could be read as zadr or zadf)
The sky always seemed to blur in moments like this. The colors mixed and faded into an afterthought as sneakers pounded against the concrete. Dib's heart beat in his ears, blood rushing through his veins, adrenaline crashing over him in waves like an ocean in a storm, threatening to knock him over, to take him down, to drag him out into the sea of madness. The feeling was overwhelming, like fire in his skin, like his blood had been replaced with pop rocks, like his chest had been carved open and inside was the entire sky. 
It was the feeling of Zim. 
Zim was back, he was right there. It was like Dib was in a haze, like the entire world was narrowing to the sidewalk in front of him. To the wet dew on the early morning grass, to the mud slicking under his shoes, to Zim standing there clicking an alien tablet like he hadn't noticed Dib racing towards him like a bullet, to Zim, to Zim. He skidded to a halt at the edge of his yard, panting ragged breaths, sounding as if no one had ever taught him how to breathe. He was dizzy with adrenaline, the world seeming to spin until it was them, just them. 
“Zim!” The name was ripped from his throat in almost a cry, a desperate plea to get his attention. Zim's eyes snapped to his like magnets, a pink hue breaking through those ugly purple contacts. His wig was off center, and his cheek had a light purple bruise that Dib didn't remember giving him. He set his jaw. Dib tried to copy him, if only to stop the trembling in his bottom lip. He exhaled sharply, shoulders slumping in something that felt far too similar to relief. Zim opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but Dib didn't wait for a response. He bolted forward, grabbing Zim and sending them both tumbling to the ground. He wrapped his arms around him tight, like if he didn't hold on Zim would vaporize into nothing before his very eyes. Dib twisted and let his own back take the blunt of the fall, rolling with him in the mud. He supposes this was something akin to a hug. 
Zim let out a strangled scream as he wrestled himself out of Dib's death grip. His pak legs deployed and staked into the soft ground, stopping them from rolling another inch. He managed one blow to Dib's face, setting his glasses off center. He reeled back for another when he realized the boy under him was laughing. He stalled, waiting for Dib to attack him back, but he just smiled a large toothy grin, showing off a snaggle tooth that never grew in right, and a chipped front tooth that was no doubt the result of one of their previous tussles. 
“Asshole!” The laugh punched out of Dib like a truck. He felt stupid for the single tear that managed to seep out of his eye. “Where have you been?” he reached up and dragged Zim down on top of him in another hug. His pak legs felt like a cage from the outside world. Zim wanted to yank back. He knew he was stronger than Dib, knew he could easily pull out of Dib's hold and blast his head off with a laser. But the Dib was gasping into him, a hicuppy laugh that sounded close to hysterics. 
“What is wrong with you?” Zim carefully folded the metal legs away, sitting up onto his knees and inadvertently taking Dib with him. He didn't want to let him go.
“Shit, Zim,” he smiled. “I missed you, fuck…” He shook his head and pulled back to look at the disgruntled alien. “I missed you... A lot.” Zim's eyes narrowed in confusion, like he had somehow fallen into a wrong dimension, like this Dib wasn't quite his Dib. Dib dropped his arms and flopped back into the wet grass with a sigh. “God, I thought I was gonna go insane without you here.”
“You… missed me?” Dib threw an arm over his face, giggling like an idiot, relief washing over him because Zim was here, kneeling beside him, hand still pulled back like he was ready to swing again. Dib didn't mind it, he couldn't bring it in himself to care when the pain stinging his cheek was so familiar. "Well um… of course you missed me. I am Zim." 
Dib actually snorted at the concept lm "Asshole," he mutters again. "You gotta stop leaving like that. I was sure you had died this time."
"Mm, and celebrated no doubt," Zim hummed, dropping his arm and standing to dust himself off of the mud and grass. He fixed his wig, and without thinking, offered a gloved hand to pull Dib up off the ground. By the time he realised what he'd done he had half a mind to yank his hand back, but Dib was already grasping it like a lifeline as he pulled himself off the ground with Zim's steady grip. "Quit blubbering. Your stupid human emotions are getting on me."
"Yeah, yeah." Dib wiped a palm over his watery eyes and settled his glasses back on his face. Despite everything in him, Zim smiled. A crooked smile with sharp pink teeth and nervous eyes that almost sent Dib into another laughing fit. Dib bumped his shoulder into Zim's."Don't look at me like that"
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intheticklecloset · 4 years
Unconventional Discoveries (Invader Zim)
This is the fic I’d had written before things went downhill in a hurry. I feel okay about posting it now, so here it is. Keep in mind it may still be a while before I can post another. I do sincerely appreciate your support and patience. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.
Fandom: Invader Zim
Shipping: ZADR
Requests Filled:
Are either of their necks ticklish?
Does Zim have a navel?
Are Zim’s antennae ticklish?
Ticklish palms suggestion
Dib didn’t think he’d ever get tired of hearing Zim’s ticklish laughter.
Right now he was sitting beside his friend, lazily digging into his side with one hand, grinning at how Zim laughed and curled up but never brought his arms down to protect himself. They were lying outside, the stars and nearly full moon their only other company in the otherwise empty backyard of Dib’s house.
He’s really cute, Dib thought. I wish I could tell him without it being weird. He decided to change things up, sliding his hand slightly so his fingers now tickled Zim’s belly. The Irken’s laughter died down a little in intensity, but never in happiness. Who knew we’d end up really bonding over something so simple and fun?
After a few moments, Zim squirmed in such a way that the hem of his uniform rode up just a little, exposing the slightest sliver of his green stomach, and a thought Dib had had a while back rose to the surface. “Hey, Zim,” he asked casually, knowing the alien could easily keep up a conversation while being tickled to hysterics, let alone gently, “why don’t you have a belly button?”
Zim giggled for a few seconds more before replying, “It is simple anatomy.” The way he grinned widely while saying this almost made Dib laugh, but he was truly curious, so he kept it to himself for now. “Humans have belly buttons because that’s where their mothers’ placentas attached to them inside the womb.” He rolled onto the side Dib had just been tickling, facing him completely and trying to make eye contact. Dib used the opportunity to dig into his now exposed other side, and Zim squealed with a new wave of laughter. “Irkens are birthed from within laboratories; we merely mix DNA together to create ideal offspring. We have no placentas. Therefore, we have no belly buttons.”
“It’s too bad,” Dib said with an exaggerated, forlorn sigh. “I would have enjoyed tickling it if you had one.”
“Somehow I think you’ll survive, human.”
Dib rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. Zim still called him ‘human’ and ‘Dib-stink’ and other names that used to be derogatory, but he’d come to see them more as terms of endearment now that they were such good friends.
“Makes me wonder if you’re ticklish somewhere unconventional to make up for it.” Dib hummed, scanning Zim up and down. After a moment, he moved his hand from the alien’s side to grab his wrist and pin it down, palm up. He scribbled the fingers of his other hand along the area. There was no reaction, other than a slightly bewildered look from Zim. “No?”
“No,” Zim confirmed, pushing himself up into a seated position, pivoted to face Dib. “Are humans ticklish there?” He snatched his wrist away, grabbed Dib’s instead, and repeated the action. He was surprised to find the human smile and instinctively try to pull his hand out of his grasp. Zim’s grip tightened. “Here?” He peered at the lines etched into the human’s palm, tracing them. “Fascinating.”
“It’s not a conventional spot to be ticklish,” Dib replied, the sensations tickly but not enough to make him giggle – just smile. “But some of us are sensitive there. It’s not too bad for me, though.”
“Yes, I can see that.” Zim let go of his wrist, smirking. “Interesting. What other nonconventional spots are there?”
Dib quirked a brow. “Excuse me? I believe I asked you first.”
“I don’t recall you asking me anything.”
“What about your antennae?” Dib asked, reaching up to gently run his fingers along one. He was intrigued to find it felt like pipe cleaner. Zim let out a small shudder and pulled away. Dib grinned. “Are they ticklish?”
“Not ticklish,” Zim replied, “but…sensitive.”
“Does it hurt?”
At Dib’s questioning look, Zim nodded, giving him permission to experiment further. He reached up, gently brushing his fingers along the length of one antenna, watching Zim’s eyes close in contentment, perhaps even ecstasy. “Does it feel good?”
Zim hummed in the affirmative. “Very.”
Dib pulled his hand away. “Do they have a purpose or are they just kind of…there?”
“My antennae help me hear and sense my surroundings. Sometimes they help me enhance my emotions.”
“Enhance them? How?”
Zim frowned. “Not enhance. More…enunciate them. Make them come across as more intense. I cannot demonstrate; they only react when I’m truly feeling something. Perhaps one day you’ll see.” Dib nodded. Zim studied him. “Your turn. What other nonconventional spots are there?”
Dib thought for a moment. “I don’t know…I guess…ears, maybe?”
“Are yours ticklish?”
“I don’t know, actually.”
Without asking permission – not that Dib moved to stop him – Zim reached for Dib’s ear and ran his fingers along it gently. To his delight, Dib giggled and scrunched up his shoulders, pulling away.
“Okay, okay,” he breathed, a slight pink in his cheeks now. Seconds later he felt Zim’s fingers along the skin of his neck, making him giggle even more and reach up to grab his wrist. “Hey! Take it easy.”
Zim’s eyes were alight with excitement. “There are more spots to discover. This pleases me.”
“Glad I could make your day.” Dib’s tone was sarcastic, but good humored.
He reached for Zim’s neck next, skittering his fingers. Zim also giggled and scrunched up his shoulders. Dib smiled, then paused when a thought came to him. Zim reacted far more when Dib blew raspberries on his skin than when he simply used his fingers. Could that also be true for his neck? It would certainly be fun to find out…but no. If he’d thought Zim using his tongue was intimate, this definitely would be.
As if sensing his hesitation, Zim tilted his head. “What is it?”
“Do not lie to me.” Zim’s tone was neutral, but the way he said it made Dib’s insides flip.
He blushed. Sighed. “I just…wondered how you’d react if I tried a different technique. That’s all.”
“Well? What is stopping you?”
Curse this alien and his eternal lee mood! “Zim. It’s…definitely intimate. I don’t want to make things weird.”
“I don’t think things are weird.”
“I haven’t done it yet.”
“Then show me.”
Dib looked Zim in the eye, trying to communicate how serious he was about this. To his surprise, he found that Zim was not only serious as well, he was…curious. Hopeful, even. Dib took a huge breath, let it out in a huff of nervous resignation, and scooted a bit closer.
“Listen. If you feel uncomfortable at any time – for any reason – stop me. Okay, Zim?”
“All right.”
With another breath and a slew of nerves, Dib leaned in gradually, giving the alien plenty of time to protest or push him away. He was shocked and more than a little terrified when he stopped just an inch from the skin of Zim’s neck. Heart thudding wildly, blushing like crazy, he decided to just get it over with. He sucked in a lungful of air, then blew a raspberry.
Zim shrieked and burst into hysterical giggles, scrunching his shoulders up and forcing Dib to back up. Dib sat back, unable to help his smile. Zim reached a hand up to the spot Dib had been, rubbing it, grinning. “Why didn’t you just say you wanted to try a raspberry there? That would have been much simpler.”
Dib shifted so he was seated again, shrugging. “I guess. It’s just…it’s more personal to want to try one there, that’s all.”
Zim suddenly leaned forward, eyes bright. “I want to try.”
“On me?”
Dib clenched his fists in the grass, swallowing. “Uh…s-sure. That’s fair.”
Without any hesitation, Zim leaned in and blew a raspberry on Dib’s neck. Dib giggled and scrunched up again. Zim pulled back, looking at him. “I forgot. Raspberries do not work as well on you.” Then he leaned back in and ran his tongue along the skin in the same spot. This time, Dib squealed and laughed, instinctively pushing Zim away.
Zim chuckled, sitting back without a fight. “I enjoy this very much.”
“Learning what tickles you and what doesn’t.”
Dib smirked, then – suddenly overcome with a desire to make Zim laugh again – tackled the alien to the ground, pinning him. Their faces only inches away, Dib said, “I like the learning, too. And now that I know your neck is ticklish…” He leaned down and blew a raspberry again, enjoying Zim’s shriek of delight. He murmured, “Tickle, tickle.”
Zim gasped. “No!”
Dib grabbed the Irken’s wrists, pinned them at his sides, and proceeded to blow raspberry after raspberry, teasing all the while, sending Zim into desperate, elated ticklish laughter.
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Sub! Membrane x Fem! Dom! Reader (smut duh)
•brief sad boi hours
•headcanon middle-name for Mem that I did research for
•a praise kink (me too)
•pussy eating (yEs plEasE)
•overstimulation (yESSSSSSSS)
•bondage (tie me up science daddy I mean what?)
Membrane's POV
'This is what I get for always setting the bar,' I thought to myself. I was currently sitting in my office, burying my head under mountains of failed designs. I'm such a failure. I don't understand why anyone likes me. I bet my kids hate me too. I'd had to make my wife take care of them for the past few weeks as I tried to work through this burnout. She'd always come into my office late at night and hug me from behind, telling me about what happened that day.
"Dib finally decided to try and make friends with that one kid down the street, and Gaz beat the Wither in Minecraft—she's been prepping for a while," she had said. She'd paused, rubbing my shoulders, "Any progress so far?" I shook my head and laid it down on my cluttered desk.
"Don't worry, baby. I'm sure you'll find a breakthrough soon enough." She patted my back and reminded me to take my medicine before she went to bed. I couldn't get into bed with her. I didn't deserve to. She was doing so much while I just... Why does she like me? I'm not half the man she married.
Going into the kitchen, I saw she left out a plate of food for me. 'I'll eat it later,' I thought. I made some coffee, took my medicine, and went back to work.
|—— time skip ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ——|
He was overworking himself. This was so easy to see, even his son could see it without his glasses. (And you don't even wanna know how bad his vision is.) If he continued like this, this burnout wouldn't be temporary.
But how to make him take a break? I sighed to myself as I made the kids their breakfast. I know Gaz has some friends she was going to hang out with over the weekend... if I could convince Dib to stay at a friend's house I could definitely...relieve some tension.
Speaking of, Dib looked up at me after he finished his pancakes. "Mom, do you think I could investigate Zim at his house?" I choked on air before composing myself. "Yeah, sure! That sounds great!" He immediately set out to grab his science stuff and ran next door. One down, one to go.
A few minutes after she finished eating, I went over to my daughter. "Gaz, sweetie, you ready for me to drive you over?" She nodded and went up to her room to grab her suitcase and a bag. I drove her down to her mysterious friend's house and returned to get my tired husband (bitch me too).
"Cariño~ ¿Dónde estás~? Desayuno está listo. " He trudged into the room, goggles off, mumbling a tired "buenos días". He grabbed a cup of black coffee and sat down with a plate of the now cold pancakes. His eyes were open. I couldn't help but stare into them. It was rare to see them after all.
His eyes are why I fell in love with him. It should be a crime to constantly hide away such a beautiful thing—they were milk chocolate with hazel flecks spattered near the pupil. However, the dark circles that almost constantly accented them? Not so much. He needs to take care of himself.
"You should show your eyes more."
"What?" Oh fuck I said that out loud. I turned slightly red as he chuckled. "Well, I'll try for you, mi amor." A smile tugged gently at my lips. He lifted up the surgical mask he wore and sipped his coffee. I couldn't help but smile sadly at him.
"Well... if you'll try doing that, do you think you could do something else?" I asked cautiously. He raised a brow. "Do you think you could, now hear me out, do you think you could take a break for me?" He visibly tensed. Eyes looking anywhere but mine, it was clear that he was nervous.
"Um... about that-" I put a finger up to his lips behind the mask.
"I already know. That's why I'm asking. If you don't stop overworking-"
"But what have I done to deserve a break?" he said, voice breaking, "I haven't come up with any plans or inventions, no innovative ideas whatsoever—I haven't even been there for the kids! I don't deserve a break."
"Oh, baby~" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my level. "You're trying too hard. Nothing will come if you try and force it. Clear your mind. Take a break. (Let me fuck you)." I muttered the last part under my breath, but he seemed to hear it.
"¿Q-qué?" He flushed a contagiously violent shade of red, as mine was soon crimson too.
"I-I mean... if you want to?" Oh fuck I made a mistake. "I just I thought it might make you feel better or relieve some tension or-" He gave me a quick, passionate kiss on the lips.
"I'd love to." Gears turned in his head, "But what about-" "I already took care of it." He gaped, but quickly shut his mouth and nodded.
Both red, I led him upstairs to the bedroom.
"Take off your clothes, Miguel. " His eyes widened. I raised my eyebrow, "Did I stutter? Strip." He flushed crimson and began to comply. I took off my blouse and shorts and threw them onto the floor. I looked over my shoulder as I went over to lock the door—he only had his boxers on, but a noticeable tent around his groin was preventing him from taking them off as well. I chuckled, and walked over to him.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Tell me, what did I tell you to do?"
"And what have you not done~?"
Smiling coyly, I whispered, "Would you like any help with that~?" He nodded, not wanting to make eye contact. I grabbed his jaw and forced his head towards me. "Look at me and say it."
"Y-yes please~" I hummed in approval. I took my fingers and teased around the area his bulge was most present. "Ngh~ Y-Y/N~ pLEASE-" I quickly unbuttoned his boxers and his erect cock sprung up. He groaned in pleasure.
"Sounds like someone is a bit pent up~ hm?" I ran my fingers down his shaft, going at an uneven pace to mess with him. He leaned up against the bed frame, chest heaving up and down from my touch. "You really ARE pent up~!" I chuckled, "Man, am I gonna have fun with you~". I pulled my hand away and slowly took off my bra and panties, flinging both at him. I chuckled as he was still frozen in place yet red as ever. I pulled him onto the bed, placing his head at the foot of the bed.
"A-amor, ¿qué haces?" He stuttered. I smirked as I grabbed two pairs of handcuffs from my bedside table.
"Don't worry, darling~" I purred. "Just focus on me~" I handcuffed his hands to each side of the bed frame. I sat myself down on his abdomen, placing my hands on his broad chest.
I leaned down to his neck and whispered, "I want to break you. If it's ever too much just say our safe word, (s/w), got it?" He nodded. "Good boy~ now..." I lifted myself up onto his face, "Eat me out." I looked down to make sure he was okay with it. His mouth opened ever so slightly as I held open my pussy over his lips. "Come on, what are you waiting for~? You can start whenever you want to~" I settled myself down onto his face and felt his tongue push into me. I gasped and pulled his hair on instinct. I looked down to him, eyes full of lust. I bit my lip and smiled.
"I knew you were good at kissing but THIS is a pleasant surprise~" I nodded to him to go at his own pace. I bucked my hips against him, pressing him further in. His tongue pushed inside me reaching tight crevices that would otherwise be missed. "Gah~ Mi-Miguel~" My grip on his hair tightened as he began to probe around inside me. "Y-yeah~ Just like that~ Keep goING AH~" My thighs squished the sides of his face as I involuntarily tensed at the sudden ecstasy. I leaned back onto my arm, pushing his head closer to my heat.
"Just keep going~" I moaned, "You're doing so good~! Ngh yeah right there~ right tHERE YES~!" I bucked my hips as he worked on me with his tongue. "F-Fuck Miguel~ You're so good~ Just a bit longer~" I panted out between moans. The knot in my stomach was about to snap and I couldn't hold it back any longer. My back arched as I screamed his name and came all over his face. Waves of ecstasy crashed through me as I fell forward, only holding myself up with my arms.
Panting, I pulled myself off of his face and closer to his stomach.
"We aren't done?" He asked, out of breath. I raised an eyebrow and looked behind me. It seems that I wasn't the only one currently riding out an orgasm.
I smiled coyly, "Not yet, but you've done really good so far!" I looked him dead in the eyes—they were closed but it's the thought that counts. "Remember, if it's ever too much, just say (s/w). Okay?" He nodded.
I slowly put myself on top of his dick, groaning as it twitched inside me. I moaned out as I got closer to the base of his shaft. I bit my lip and looked up, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"Are you alright, dear?" I nodded hastily and started to slam myself onto him. Slower at first, but it soon got up to speed. My hands were planted on his sides as I rode him. "F-Fuck you're so gOOD~!" He moaned my name out loud and twisted against his restraints. Fuck he looks so hot... I picked up the pace and kept slamming down onto him. Tears began to stream down the sides of my face as I groaned out his name.
"¡(Y-Y/N)~ Voy a-!" "Just a bit longer, baby! You think you can do it?" He nodded and panted as he tried to delay the inevitable. He bit his lip and opened his eyes, rolled up to the top of his head.
"Almost~" I felt the knot burst yet again as he released inside me. I panted and quickly undid the handcuffs, pulling him overtop of me right-side-up in the bed.
"Te amo, amor, so please take care of yourself. Can you do that for me, please?" He simply nodded and pulled me closer.
"I'll do anything for you, mamacita~"
Middle name for Membrane came from Miguel Alcubierre (a Mexican theoretical physicist)
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darkgunslinger · 4 years
Adamantine Shield short (from Saving Zim)
Just a little taste @luckyrabbit1927 of what I promised - taken from a section of deleted chapter way waaaay back - of more Zim/Prof.M scenes. Why am I always so shy to post these? XD
He held his hands out. He wasn’t sure what else to do.
This wasn’t exactly in his repertoire of experiences.
Membrane had only turned away to grab some printed schematics and brood over them a moment, and there hadn’t been a single sound to draw his attention.
Perhaps Zim had seen an opportunity, or imagined one, and before he’d realized how erroneous it was, he’d crashed to the floor – his departure from the bed a regretful fall – and the thin line of IV tubing had crisscrossed over one arm and around his foot. The telemetry leads, having been stretched unceremoniously, pinged off one by one, causing the ECG to protest with alarms.
Zim struggled, tightening the tubing, and furthering his panic. Membrane, seeing the situation develop, paused for just a millisecond before approaching, and when he did, the creature’s panic intensified. In just one moment Zim had become a wild, terrified animal.
“Everything’s all right. You’ve got yourself tangled up.” But that one extra step seemed to trigger an even stronger reaction.  
Zim rolled onto his side, unable to steer himself vertically, the twisted tubes snagging against his arm and ankle. “Stay! Stay a-away!”
The professor watched the Irken’s tiring struggles. He acted as though he was in a snare.
What signals remained from the Irken’s vitals escalated into the dangerous zone. Warnings on the professor’s wristplate flared in response.
He didn’t understand why Zim was so terrified.
“I need to free you little one, if you just let me approach.” He took another step and stopped. Zim’s claws blindly jerked around to slash at the tubing. Goaded by the fear the tubes inspired, his aim was appalling. Long scratches of deeper green began to appear from slit skin. Unable to breathe above the barbs of panic, Zim tried to prop his right arm beneath him, but his hand slid, shiny with blood, and he went back down again.
The professor could not endure it. He closed the gap between them and was not dissuaded when Zim spent all of his breath to release a bone-chilling scream.
“There there now, I’m freeing you. It’s all right, hush, hush.” Quickly he loosened the tubing around his shivery leg and arm in the hopes that this would dissolve the Irken’s undue terror. His vitals were in the red, his blood pressure falling fast despite the aggressive speed of his heart rate.
He held his littleness to his chest, feeling every shake and shudder bully the frailness that remained. “Let’s do our breathing exercises, hmm? I think now is a good time as any. You remember what to do? Breathe in, deeply now, and feel how my chest moves. Hold it in a moment, and then let it out.”
He exaggerated his chest movements so that Zim would feel them in turn. His tiny body was ice cold, skin clammy with sick-sweat. Though his eyelids were open partway, the pink pupils were extremely dilated. Barely visible nostrils flared somewhat, but it seemed unlikely he’d even ‘switch on’ enough to remember to breathe.
“Everything’s okay.” The professor said, keeping the cadence of his voice soft and steady.
Zim’s claws clutched insensibly on his arm as if it were a ledge he meant to cling to. His eyes slowly began to focus, the deep magenta almost warming up. As much as the professor saw him coming back to himself, he did not rush or hurry him.
When he seemed better able to comprehend the situation, he looked about him, blinking. He watched the little creature’s antenna unfurl until it gradually straightened. For much of his panic, the one antenna had dangled from his head like a velvet shoelace.
Those large eyes, shimmery with undisclosed emotions, blinked again, and his pink pupils coasted around as if he was looking for a target: something that had triggered the antagonism. The only ghoul was the fear, shelved deeply inside. It was the same adulterated fear most animals showed when faced with something beyond their control and comparative safety.
The professor had once tried to treat a deer he’d encountered on the road late one June summer’s day when Dib had been attending school. It had clearly been hit by a car or truck, and had been left for dead. Its hind quarters had taken the main brunt of the collision, and its back legs were broken. Prof. Membrane coaxed it into the backseat of his car where it bleated and struggled. He wasn’t sure why he’d chosen to take responsibility for it. He supposed it was simply because he couldn’t just drive off and leave it there. He’d always taken the mantle of the world’s problems as his own, knowing he’d been gifted with foresight and intellect. What was the point of the gift if he didn’t apply it?
But alas, the deer did not survive. Like Zim’s wild nature, fear itself seemed to devour its mind along with its vestiges of life, and before he’d even managed to haul it onto a table with the help of his two co-workers, it had died, not of its injuries, but of terror.
It was why he had curtly let Zim go without argument after the ‘baloney’ incident. Quite recovered and eager to move on, Zim had hurried away without much afterthought or conversation, as if lingering any longer might trigger some trap or plot beset by the wiles of man. He had wanted Zim to choose his next step, but sadly, he had intervened when that next step was never chosen.
At least, unlike the deer, Zim could understand human language. He would watch the professor’s expressions, as if trying to guess the deeper intentions beneath the words.
One day he hoped Zim would come to trust him.
“It’s okay now. Nothing’s here to harm you.”
Claws ran frantically along the brittle bones of his legs and arms, as if he half believed the tubing to still be there. A caged beast, used to being bound, may have had similar reactions.
His troubled eyes tirelessly checking and rechecking everything, Zim assertively pushed himself from the man’s gentle hold and stood precariously on stick-like legs, his left leg failing to bend as if the joints had locked up.
“You need a break from this room, don’t you?” He knelt close and took his hand before the Irken had a chance to get dizzy and topple over. Without any telemetry leads, his vitals were now closed to him. He had to now rely on Zim’s body language alone. “You are not trapped here, little one.” He wanted to affirm, in case that was what was on the Irken’s mind, and why wouldn’t it be? He was largely under their control; it had to be this way in order to keep him on the road to recovery. Even so, being mostly confined to one room allowed one’s imagination to fill in the blanks.
Membrane wondered if all members of Zim’s race were this highly strung, and prone to stress.
The Irken’s worried eyes swept upwards to look at him, again trying to determine the lies or the truths.
He had not given the former soldier his prognosis yet. He’d been holding back on it, fearful that Zim may take it very hard, or shelve it, like he did with things he’d rather ignore. Dib himself was still trying come to terms with it. Once he was onboard, the professor would inform the patient as gently as he possibly could. But not telling him was making Zim wary. He knew his continual existence here, in one corner of the lab, weak and disseminated, spread wide his suspicions. It was very likely that Zim already knew. But admitting it was something else entirely and therein lay the problem.
The Irken’s continued quiet was abnormal in every sense. When he’d sat on a chair years before, recovering from his sausage deformation, he had posed every question, yelled every suspicion, and demanded and shook until he was able to work his brain and limbs enough to flee. Even then, he’d been much more vivid and brighter a character. This creature before him was full of fear, lungs lugging heavily through his chest wall, greyer skin slathered in sweat, eyes rimmed and wide, limbs and hands shaking constantly.
“Recuperation is vital. But! I can take you wherever you’d like to go. I’m here to look after you. It’s my sworn oath.” He looked for signs of recognition, of understanding.
The Irken took a loud swallow, his eyes dull with drugs and exhaustion. He stood there, head bowed, looking brittle and ancient. Every night spent here seemed to enlarge those wrinkles under his eyes. His skin wasn’t as grey as it had been since his circulation had improved, but the professor couldn’t seem able to get the skin as green as it used to be. What vital ingredient was missing? What did the poorly thing lack?
Maybe it wasn’t medicine at all.
Maybe it was just care and warmth that the little bug needed.
“Let me show you my favourite room.” He said, squeezing gently on Zim’s arm. “No tubes. No wires. How about it?” The Elite’s eyes, hazy and unfocused, as if he was unfastening himself from the world a little at a time, started to shimmer, and the tension inside softened beneath his touch. “Let’s lift you up.” 
He felt those bird bones as he picked him up, and then he sat him on the crook of his arm.
The invention room was tidy and spacious, with tables assembled down one side. A great ponderous machine stood at the back on a round podium beside several test dummies. The machine was oval in shape, with gadgets bristling down its sides like hedgehog spines. “I call it the Adamantine Shield.” He said proudly when he watched Zim turn his head towards it. He was clued up on technology and the intelligence behind it. He would have made a very good co-worker. “It’s just the prototype at the moment. It’s designed to withstand blasts from an outside energy source, be they physical projectiles or energy pulses. Let me demonstrate!”
Like a kid in a toyshop, he put Zim down on one of the chairs and approached the monolithic object. He tapped on a button, and it deposited a capsule. The capsule opened, revealing a pulsing blue strap. He extended it in his hands, revealing a thin metallic strip. This strip he placed along a wooden dummy’s shoulder. “It adheres to anything. Fabric. Skin. Armour. It automatically configures the body of whoever is wearing it, and once activated, it envelops them in a nigh-indestructible shield.”
Zim cocked his head, one eye slowly narrowing.
“I do apologize! I get my best ideas from you!” The professor was saying, instantly seeing the recognition form in the Irken’s dark reflective eyes and from the slant of his antenna. “Your PAK produces absorbent shielding upon activation! Taking from your life energy in order to maintain it! I have created one that feeds on the energy it absorbs! Making it infinitely better! Here, let me show you just how it works!”
He took a device from a drawer, one of those surgical lasers that only worked for short distances. He walked close to the dummy wearing the metallic strip, and hit the button on the surgical laser. At once a shield of rushing azure appeared, and the weak laser beam fizzled as if the bubble shield’s surface was corrosive. The dummy remained protected.
“Hey. Th-that’s pretty cool.” Zim croaked, antenna docking forwards. “Have you tried sh-shooting some m-missiles at it?”
“Everything! Nothing gets through. But it’s top secret. I do not want the government using this technology. They’d exploit it for nefarious purposes.”
“What do you need it f-for?” Zim’s voice was a thin weedy rasp.
“I want it for my son in case he takes space exploration seriously. It’s completely harmless, only serving to protect the user. I do not endorse weapons, or anything that will encourage violence. My gift is to help others: the world, if necessary, even when humanity is set to destroy it.”
“W-Why?” He rasped.
“Because Earth is my home, as it is yours, little one. You may try to disagree with me, but you know it to be true. I hope that you’ll see the good here, and in every living thing. For a heart is a heavy burden.”
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spyroforlife · 5 years
Oh no I wrote a full thing based on this post I did a while back haha enjoy some fluff that got more emotional than I expected
- - -
Dib was already ranting as he walked into Zim's base, shrugging out of his coat and tossing it onto a table as he crossed to the couch. “-got like three projects due within the week and end of the year tests coming up and Dad still keeps trying to get me to intern at his lab every weekend...”
“Did I fucking ask?” Zim snapped, looking up from his tablet with a scowl.
Dib just invited himself right onto the couch, flopping down and continuing to complain, “And don't even get me started on Dad nagging me about college...” He pulled his boots off and dropped them carelessly on the floor. Only when he had done that did he finally acknowledge the death glare Zim was giving him. “Call me pathetic if you want, but your place is about the only place I can go to get away from things for a while.”
“It's not my fault you decided to sign up for all AP classes for your last semester of high school,” Zim said, rolling his eyes. “Don't you fledgling humans try to take it easy during your very last year of adolescent schooling?”
“Most people do, yeah. But apparently I'm supposed to have 'higher standards' for myself.” Dib did finger quotes. “Whatever, at least it's almost done.”
“Right. Now if you don't mind, I'm working.”
Dib moved over to try and looked at his tablet, and got a boot in the face for his efforts. Zim hissed at him and Dib grabbed his ankle, shoving his foot aside. “What are you working on, huh? Let me see.”
“Get away from me, hair beast!”
They spent a few seconds wrestling for the tablet, Dib trying to grab for Zim's wrists while Zim kicked at his face and chest. Dib's superior height gave him quite the reach advantage, but Zim wasn't afraid to fight dirty. But Zim quickly noticed that Dib didn't seem to have as much energy as usual, and moments later his suspicions were confirmed as Dib yawned and took a lazy swipe for the tablet that Zim easily avoided.
“Ugh, I don't even care, your plans suck anyway...”
“What? Say that a little louder, you insolent piece of-” Zim's antennae perked as Dib slumped against him, body falling limp. “Eh? Dib-stink?” He prodded Dib's forehead and leaned him back, then realized his eyes were closed. He fell asleep?! That, or passed out. “Dib?”
There was no answer. Zim squinted in confusion, dropping an antenna to hover it next to Dib's nose. He felt air and confirmed that he was still breathing.
“You humans are so weak and pathetic,” Zim sighed, pushing Dib off himself and moving away. He looked back at his tablet, scrolling through the plan he was working on. But he kept stealing glances at his foe, expecting him to wake up any moment now, loudly huffing and making comments about humans having zero energy. And still, Dib slept.
Honestly, it was sad. Zim enjoyed their rivalry, he used to find it annoying but now he looked forward to matching wits and might with the human. He greatly respected him as an enemy and even trusted him as a friend. Well, kind of. It was complicated, but Zim did know he could rely on Dib to help him when he had no other options, and he liked spending time with the other. They've had many deep discussions in recent years and it was pleasant spending time with another intellectual. Not that Zim would ever admit that out loud.
So, rather than feel glad that Dib was quiet and nonthreatening right now, Zim found himself feeling disappointed. That hadn't been much of a fight. Nowhere near as glorious as their battles usually were. They needed to settle it properly. And to do that, Dib would need to be properly rested.
Zim set his tablet aside and picked up the remote to lower the volume on the TV. It was getting dark outside, so he asked Computer to dim the lights in the living room. Once that was done, Zim shifted closer to Dib, examining him curiously. The human looked rather peaceful, his expression calm and without the stress he so often carried these days. Zim carefully took his glasses off and put them aside, then kept gazing at his face. It was strange that Dib would leave himself vulnerable like this. But then, he didn't seem to fall asleep by choice. He really was that exhausted.
Zim's gaze traveled further. The other was laying on his side, curled up a bit, knees pulled up against his chest and head resting on an arm. It was almost... cute.
Zim growled at himself and tore his eyes away. He was not going to entertain that line of thought anymore. Of course Dib wasn't cute. He was a gross, primitive alien that was going to belong to the Irken Empire one day. Zim might even force him to be his personal slave as payback for all the trouble he's caused him. Sure, Dib was tall, and smart, and he had that delightful sharpness to his eyes and a sort of weird quirk to the corner of his lip when he smiled that was positively delightful and-
And Zim forcibly derailed that train of thought and tried to ignore how his face grew warm and tingly.
Dib groaned and shifted around, and Zim saw him shift his head off his arm, though he continued sleeping. He looked uncomfortable though, his head tilted at an odd angle. Humans generally slept with pillows. Perhaps they needed their heads elevated while sleeping, Zim reasoned. He debated over what to do next, he could easily just grab Dib's coat and fold that up to put under his head, or he could let Dib rest against him...
He sighed and added this to the long list of things his enemy would have to suffer for, and moved closer, pulling Dib's head up onto his lap. He looked ahead at the quiet TV, mumbling to himself about all the shortcomings of humanity. His attempt to distract himself from the awkward situation failed. The show was boring and his mind wandered to how nice it was having the other's weight on him, his warmth seeping through Zim's clothes, and when Zim let his right hand rest on Dib's shoulder, he felt the other gently shift in closer to him, body curling up even more.
Zim's face grew warmer and he asked himself why he was doing this. Yes, of course he wanted his enemy well-rested so they could continue fighting, but... why was he doing this specifically? Why was he letting Dib lay on him rather than just walk away and wait? What did he gain?
Comfort, a small voice whispered. This was comforting. It was domestic and tender and... it made his heart ache but felt good at the same time. He shouldn't like this. Invaders worked alone. He was trained to be a single cog in the huge machine of the Irken Empire. His loyalty was to his Tallest alone. Irken soldiers were not supposed to desire companionship. It was an unspoken taboo.
Yet here he was. On a distant, unremarkable planet an entire galaxy away from his own. Sitting on the couch with an alien creature curled up next to him, asleep and trusting. And it was nice. It felt right.
“You're pathetic,” Zim whispered to himself. He could be honest with himself when no one was around to hear. “It was bad enough when you grew attached to GIR, and to Computer and Minimoose... and now you're attached to him? Your enemy? Why? What is it about him? You shouldn't be doing this. You need to shove him off. Tell him to go sleep at home and challenge you in the morning once he's suitably recharged. Just... just push him away. Right now.”
But he didn't. He stayed there, listening to Dib's steady breathing, even starting to rub slowly along the other's shoulder. His hand slipped down past where Dib's sleeve ended, fingers glancing over skin. Dib twitched but didn't wake up, and Zim figured the feel of his glove must have surprised the other. It probably was a little cool.
Zim lifted his hand and tugged the glove off, setting it down and moving his hand back to Dib's arm. He reached out slowly, at first only letting the very pads of his fingers touch the other before pulling away. As soon as he did, he registered the warmth of Dib's skin and the softness of it. Zim moved his hand back, now resting it fully on Dib, and he closed his eyes as he savored the human's body heat. How were they so warm? Of course he had studied human vital signs and knew what their internal temperature was, but to think they were so warm even on their skin like this...
Zim's internal argument continued to rage. This was unacceptable. He was out of uniform for one, but also, his hands were sensitive and he was opening himself up to injury or disease by touching an alien lifeform without a glove!
“Disgusting, putrid, inferior creature,” he murmured as he slowly began petting Dib's arm. “How dare you give me these feelings. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't want to do this. I should throw you out the door right now.”
Dib slept on, peacefully unaware. Zim curiously moved his hand up, drifting his fingers against Dib's hair instead. He covered his mouth to muffle the shocked noise that escaped him. It was even softer than the skin! Well, perhaps it was a little messy, matted in places and definitely could be washed more often... but he still found himself fascinated with the texture, running his fingers through it over and over again. He's grabbed Dib by the hair before, yanked him around, or just ruffled it to tease him. But that was always with his gloves on. He never realized just how soft the other's hair was until now.
He decided to just stop arguing with himself. His feelings right now were new and confusing and he just didn't want to deal with it. He was going to stay in the moment, enjoying the feel of Dib's hair between his fingers and the warmth against his body, and let himself be content.
Several minutes passed. Zim relaxed more and more as he got used to this, leaning back and smiling when he felt Dib move a hand to his leg and just hold onto it, apparently enjoying their newfound peace just as much. Humans sure did move a lot during their sleep cycles, didn't they? But then he felt Dib's breathing slow further, and his antennae picked up the other's heart rate going down. Not by much, but it was notable. These were the signs of deep sleep, Zim had learned back when he first arrived. It was fascinating watching it happen naturally and not due to him drugging a human into sleep to watch the entire process on monitors. Entirely for scientific purposes of course.
This was when humans began dreaming, he knew. He wondered what Dib would dream about. Probably something weird. Dib was very imaginative and his many encounters with the supernatural probably led to some vivid dreams. Maybe Zim will ask him when he wakes up.
To Zim's surprise, Dib thrashed slightly, baring his teeth for a moment and groaning. His fingers dug against Zim's leg.
“What's wrong?” Zim asked.
Dib shook, muttering something that didn't seem to be English. It was just a garbled phrase that likely made sense only in his dream. Zim frowned. Was Dib having a nightmare? Why would he not just wake up from it, then? That's what the humans in the shows seemed to do, they would just scare themselves awake from their nightmares.
Maybe it was more difficult in real life. Should Zim wake him up then? Whatever he was seeing must be really distressing him, based on the tremors going down his back and the way he nervously kneaded at Zim's leg. Then again, if Zim woke him now, he might just get punched in the face. He's woken Dib up a few times before and the reaction was usually violent.
Zim chewed his lip as he tried to decide what to do, and while Dib's movements slowed, he kept shaking, whimpering now. Zim sighed and resumed stroking his hair, using long, slow passes that went partway down his neck before going back up to the top of his head. As he did, he began singing softly. It was an old irken lullaby that never quite went away over the generations, even as natural births declined and test tube smeets became the norm. The comforting melody persisted no matter how society changed and even now was used among friends and loved ones to soothe their worries. Zim had always liked the song but never imagined he would ever use it. But the words came easily to him nonetheless, and though Dib couldn't possibly understand the lyrics, he relaxed in response to the tune, his shaking slowing and then stopping altogether. He stopped whimpering as well, instead seeming to hum for a couple notes before falling silent.
“That's it,” Zim whispered, leaning forward and seeing that Dib's expression was peaceful again. “Those nightmares aren't real. You're safe.” He leaned back and continuing singing, closing his eyes as he did. He felt a little silly, but at least Dib could finish resting. And they could keep fighting. Because that's why he was doing this. To get Dib back into fighting shape. Yep.
It was about thirty minutes later when Dib woke up. He woke up slowly, feeling so warm and comfortable he almost didn't want to get up. Then he felt someone stroking his hair with slender fingers and heard a familiar voice singing above him.
He kept his eyes closed as he rushed to piece together where he was and what was happening. He had gone over to Zim's base to hang out just to get away from his own house for a bit. He had playfully fought with him for a while... he remembered being really tired the whole time. He must have fallen asleep.
He realized those were Zim's fingers running through his hair, unbelievably gentle and comforting. And that was Zim's voice singing in a tone softer than Dib has ever heard him use. He recognized the words as irken, and though he didn't understand them, he somehow just knew it was a lullaby. He's heard Zim swear at him before in irken, or mutter to himself, and it always seemed so harsh, but this was different. The lyrics were pronounced with trills, chirps, and purrs. He never expected to hear something so sweet from Zim. Who knew he could sing like that?
As he woke up more fully, his brain started going a thousand miles an hour. Why was Zim holding him and singing a lullaby to him? Sure, things have been better between them in recent years, but they were still enemies. Zim could have done any number of terrible things as soon as he fell asleep. He could have thrown him outside. He could have attacked him, or taken him into his lab to experiment on, he could even have seized the chance and killed him! But he didn't do any of that. They were still on the couch from what he could feel, his head was in Zim's lap, and the other's bare hand was playing with his hair.
Something about it really got to him and he found himself feeling emotional, chest tightening. He wondered if it was because he liked Zim, or if it was just that he was so lonely he would take any affectionate touch right now. Maybe it was a mix of both. He felt so safe here with the other, Zim's attention was bizarre yet very wanted and Dib found himself thinking that this was what love felt like.
And it was time to nip that in the bud. Ignoring that happy warmth in his chest, Dib opened his eyes and pushed himself up, pulling away from Zim with what he hoped was a convincing scowl. “Oh ew, I fell asleep on you? I'm out of here, I need to make sure you didn't take any of my organs.” He jumped up and Zim growled, getting to his feet as well.
Dib was partway to the door before realizing his glasses were missing and he still needed to put his boots and coat on.
“Forgetting something?” Zim asked, holding the glasses by an earpiece and giving it a wave.
Dib turned and went to grab them from him, sliding them on and then rushing through putting on his boots and coat, all while Zim teased him.
“Haha, so pathetic that you fell asleep mid battle, but now we can continue!”
“We could... or I could just go home, your lullaby really helped get rid of my stress. Thanks for that!” Dib grinned and ran for the door, swinging it open.
“Wha- hey! What lullaby?” Zim shouted. When Dib ran outside, Zim let out an irken swear and chased after him, hastily pulling his glove back on. “Get back here and fight me!”
“You gotta catch me first, bug!” Dib called over his shoulder. He couldn't help but laugh at the way the other glared at him. “And you might wanna put on your disguise if you're going to follow me.”
Zim let out a yelp and quickly ran back into the house to get his disguise. When he ran back after Dib, he was laughing, and Dib laughed too. “You're going to suffer greatly when I catch you, Earth-filth!”
“If you catch me, cicada!”
Dib may not know exactly why Zim chose to hold him throughout his nap and sing to him, but he felt like in some small way, they had bonded just a little more while he slept. And judging from the way Zim was smiling at him, he felt the same.
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