#znation murphy
campbluesky · 25 days
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I'm an optimistic old man with substance abuse problems and a younger person who I treat like a son in place of my real son who I abandoned
I'm a pessimistic old criminal who got convicted for postal fraud and got chosen to be the savior of the human race by pure chance and have many, many issues stemming from that
And together we are
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clownieboo · 1 month
it feels like nobody in the z nation fandom talks about doc x murphy and that’s really what is shattering my heart into a million itty bitty pieces
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krakenandcracker · 1 year
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Dont worry
Murphy will save you.
art by me.
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lultimastrega · 6 months
#MURPHY #KEITHALLAN | #Lultima_Strega #LultimaStrega #ZNation #Murphy #AlvinMurphy #AlvinBernardMurphy #KeithAllan #ZNationMurphy #ZNationAlvinMurphy #ZNationAlvinBernardMurphy #ZNationKeithAllan
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zombies-and-trolls · 1 year
Murphy is so babygirl and he knows it.
“Where’s my rose? You’re supposed to bring me a rose.”
And then him playing with it after Warren drops it in his lap ohh my god-
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zaynmirrors · 2 years
Fire on Fire: Part 18 (10k)
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Pairings: 10k and mom!reader.
A/N: Hey! I know it’s really been a hot minute, I’ve had like no time to post the next couple chapters with fancy vet school and working full time. Hopefully you all can forgive me especially since the next few chapters are rough. Again, I’m sooooo sorry. :( If i managed to find some extra time would you be interested in a different 10k story line?
                                              Chapter 18
We stayed a few days, making sure doc was good to travel. Emma kept her distance from him, unsure of the new temporary member. 
She cried when I left, I heard her from outside the house. Begging for me to come back, it took everything in me to not turn around to say fuck you im not going. Doc tried to comfort me but it only turned the tears into anger. 
The first time I smelled the forgotten smell of rotten flesh I threw up. “Damn kid, you alright?” Doc asked as he held my hair. 
“Funnily enough I forgot how bad they smell” I weakly chuckled. He looked at me concerned. “What?”
“Are you-“ he hesitated for a moment, “any chance you’re pregnant?”
“Absolutely not, it’s been too long” at least I thought anyways. I’d have to try and worry about that math later. I was decently sure. 
Doc thought for a moment, his face softened “you’re right, it’s been a bit”
It took us two weeks to make it back to their camp, addy was the first one to notice. “Holy shit” she ran over and wrapped me in her arms squeezing me tight. 
I returned the gesture, watching over Addys shoulder as Vasquez and Warren turned to look. Warren let a small smile adorn her face. We took our time catching up before the plan went into action. 
I kept the hood over my head, waiting in line as Murphy bit people ahead of me. 
Did I know what waited for me? No I didn’t. Though I think I’d rather have death than being bit by him. 
“Take off that hood” one of his lackeys shouted at me. I pretending I didn’t hear him. “Yo, take it off” that earned me a shove. 
Back before the world went to shit, Angel had a friend who was deaf. He taught me some sign though I was surely rusty, I signed the best my memory could allow. The lackey was perplexed. 
“Hey they’re deaf, asshole. Leave them alone” Murphy stated, I watched as his feet made their way towards me. I swallowed down my anxiety. 
Looking up I managed to keep the hood covering the majority of my face. Murphy offered his hand and I took it. I’d been careful to remove anything he would’ve remembered was mine. He led the way inside the compound leaving the line of sick people fussing and whining. 
“Excuse me” the voice made my heart clench, one I couldn’t forget. Keeping my head bowed I watched hidden under the hood as his booted feet clunked away from us down the stairs. We came to a stop after many twists and turns. As much as I wanted to look up I didn’t. I watched his feet as he paced across the room we were in.
I heard scribbling And then nothing. A yellow note pad came into view. Written on the page was “take off the hood Y/N”. My Stomach fell, of course he knew. Carefully I pulled the hood off from over my head, light flooding my Vision. Murphy stood in front of me, blue tinged skin and his face holding a wolfish grin. 
“I really do admire your determination” the smugness exuded from him. “I knew you’d eventually come for him” 
I swallowed down “I’m here for you” he shook his head in refusal. 
“I have my own empire here, one you’re welcome to stay in” he offered, lurching closer, face looming over mine. “You’d have him, and be immune, what more could you want” his warm breath wafted on my face, the faintest hint of cinnamon scented it. 
I rolled my eyes, “I just want to go back to my daughter, I can’t do that unless I get you to come with me” 
“Why would I do that?” He had a point, I had nothing to offer and by the looks of it he really did have his own empire. “Cat got your tongue” he purrs, going to cup my cheek, I coil at the touch.“Mm how about, I send you and your lover on your merry way?” 
“What’s in it for you?” I questioned, it wasn’t like him to give up this offer. Especially if 10k was pissed at me. That was something I didn’t know, and something I probably shouldn’t chance.  
Murphy looks at his nails in contemplation, picking at them. “Without him, what leverage do they have? Why else would you have come?” He had a point, but I also promised Doc I’d return Murphy to them. “Your story could be over, I could make him forget you ever left. Send him home with you to make more little monsters” The offer was almost too good. I just couldn’t bring myself to take it. I shook my head and he smirked. “Have it your way”
He gestured to the door in a nice way of saying fuck off. I didn’t budge, I stood there holding my ground as if I wasn’t on “enemy” territory. His eyes bore into mine as if searching my soul. “I really like you kid” he spoke truth, baring his soul to me. It wasn’t a confession of anything but admiration. “If i decide to leave with you, would you be willing to make a deal?” 
“What kind of deal?” I asked, unsure of what he could possibly be proposing. He just smiled as a stinging sensation erupted at the base of my neck. I hissed, trying to step forward but swayed as the room began to spin. Opening my mouth to say something but unsure if anything fell out as my eyelids became too heavy to keep apart. Darkness swallowed me. 
God my head was pounding. What the hell happened. Can I even open my eyes. It feels like I’m trying to, maybe it’s just dark. Why did it smell like bleach. I’m gonna kill murphy, my new personal goal. 
“Hey, I think she’s awake” A unfamiliar voice sounded to the left of me. I couldn’t move, what the fuck. The little light that shown threw my lashes were enough to make me close them again. There was heels clicking on some type of flooring. 
“Group welcome our newest patient, Y/N” 
Part 19
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark @ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500 @missricecrispy
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kilibaggins · 1 year
He’s Alive
Alvin Murphy x Roberta Warren
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Summary: “I feel…” Murphy hesitates for a moment, “Dead.”
“You’re not dead, yet,” Warren says, putting emphasis on the word ‘yet’ with a small smirk on her face.
“How do I know that?” Murphy asks.
Also on Archive of our Own
Warnings: Murphy mentions how he feels dead (as seen in the summary) and wonders how he can know if he is or not. Machete is seen but not used. The possibility of violence is mentioned but is not present.
A/N: I actually really enjoy this fanfic and I’m happy I wrote it! I saw the prompt “cold hands in warm hands” and almost instantly thought of Murphy and Warren! I hope you enjoy, it’s my first time writing them!
Word Count: 782
Murphy keeps looking out the small window, a blanket wrapped around his cold body. The snow falling outside makes him even colder than he normally is. He tightens the blanket around himself and shivers slightly. He hears Warren’s footsteps approach, the loud clunky sound of her boots banging against the rickety wooden floor.
There’s another seat next to him and she takes it, not bothering to ask. He likes that about her. Warren’s always willing to do what she wants and needs without worrying. It reminds him of himself, but really they’re different. Murphy makes the choices for himself, while she makes them for herself and everyone else as well.
She puts down her machete, the silver glinting in the light coming from the window. It reminds him how truly powerful she is. He likes that about her too. Her ability to do what she wants, the ability to hurt those who could hurt her or any of them. She could kill him any second, in various ways.
Warren leans forward, her elbows on her knees, looking at him with curiosity. She does this a lot. She studies him, reading him like an open book, as if she’s always had the key to the padlock Murphy had expertly designed to protect all of his precious feelings.
“Out with it,” Warren says, her tone slightly stern and it takes all of Murphy’s willpower not to snap back. Warren wouldn’t be hurt if he did, that’s not why he doesn’t want to. Warren would honestly probably laugh. It’s their thing. They snap at eachother, they’re sarcastic with one another, so why does Murphy just want to hold her hands. Why does he just want to be soft with her and have her be soft with him.
“I’m just cold,” Murphy grumbles and Warren raises an eyebrow, not really believing him. It’s not really a lie, Warren knows this just as much as Murphy does, it’s cold out. It’s snowing, and Murphy’s already a cold guy as it is, Murphy tries not to equate it to the way someone must feel on the brink of death; as if all of their life is leaving them, so it’s entirely reasonable that he’d be cold.
But that’s not all.
“Liar,” Warren says, sitting back in the chair and crossing her arms. She’s still looking at him as if she’s reading a mystery novel. Murphy tries to ignore her from his spot but honestly that does the opposite of proving anything. It makes him look more suspicious. Murphy takes a breath and keeps looking out the window.
“I feel…” Murphy hesitates for a moment, “Dead.”
They sit there in silence for a moment, Warren looking at him and Murphy staring out the window, trying his best not to let himself show his true emotions even though he knows she can see them. She always can.
“You’re not dead, yet,” Warren says, putting emphasis on the word ‘yet’ with a small smirk on her face. Murphy scoffs and shifts in his seat, tightening the blanket around himself again.
“How do I know that?” Murphy asks. Warren looks at him confused for a moment, before noticing the way he shivers. She leans forward and grabs at the corner of the blanket, slightly pulling it out of the way. She grabs one of his blue, cold hands and holds it between both of her warm ones.
“You feel that?” She waits for him to nod, “That’s how you know. You can feel me, and that’s all that matters.”
Murphy looks down at her hands and smiles before closing his eyes, allowing himself to savor the feeling. Warren lets go of his hands a minute later and he opens his eyes, panicked, and notices her moving her chair closer. She rips away the blanket and wraps it around the both of them. It’s an uncomfortable position, Warren sitting in one chair with armrests and Murphy in another. Murphy leans his head against her shoulder and feels her warmth quickly filling his very soul.
Sometimes Murphy feels dead. When he’s sitting alone, the cold biting at his already old finger tips. When he’s able to walk through the crowds of dead ones without even the smallest scratch, or when he’s in danger. When he closes his eyes at night and sees nothingness…
But it’s moments like these that remind him that he’s alive. When Warren punches his shoulder. When Warren makes him roll his eyes. When he’s able to lay here and feel her warmth. When he’s able to feel safe, even with someone who could hurt him. She chooses not to.
That’s what matters.
He has picked a side.
He’s alive.
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multitudcs · 1 year
;; Spending the last few days re-watching Z Nation while hgh as a kite has left me in a very good mood. Yes, I love Z Nation. Yes, I prefer it majorly over TWD. And yes, I'm still mad they cancelled it and brought out the terrible Black Summer series instead.
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starpaw0007 · 2 months
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i cant get this stupid ZNation crossover idea out of my head. It takes place during an alternate version of Season 2 Episode 9 "RoZwell"
Several months before the zombie outbreak, ZIM is captured by the government and transferred to Roswell, New Mexico. Just before the outbreak, he is put in a kind of stasis chamber for observation- the scientists never get a chance to come back for him when all hell breaks loose and he is soon forgotten.
Three years later, the Murphy gang arrive in Roswell and while exploring the underground base for supplies, come across the lab where ZIM has been in stasis for the entirety of the zombie apocalypse. He's let out, and ends up joining the Murphy gang since he has absolutely zero zombie apocalypse experience (minus mall zombies). He's kind of like a stray cat who just keeps hanging around.
Doc and 10K have a running bet for a while on whether or not ZIM's alien race is here to take over the Earth or not. Of course the gang eventually find out about ZIM's mission (pretty early on) and Warren tries to kick him out of the group since, you know, they're trying to save the human race and that's a huge conflict of interest.
His mission to destroy Earth is put on hold as he decides to help the gang find a cure- the zombies are taking all the glory of destroying the human race and ZIM can't have that. He has to SAVE the Earth so he can DESTROY it.
On top of all this, ZIM is trying to get into contact with his Tallest and dealing with PAK malfunctions as a result of government experimentation.
If you want more context, here's the entire RoZwell episode on youtube for free!
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campbluesky · 21 days
I feel like the wide shot at 38:23 in S2 Ep10 of Z Nation perfectly captures how Murphy is in the group at this point. Ostracized. The group has treated him like less than, like a package since day one. They treated him poorly and he didn't fit into the group well to begin with. It didn't help that literally all of them except for 10k knew each other. Of course, theres the episode where they finally start seeing him as a friend, but only because he brings them supplies. And despite them saying that, their attitude towards him doesn't change. He is still Murphy. And of course, he slowly becomes more zombie looking, making the group ostracize him even further, except now they're treating him as less than human. They're treating him as a zombie. Despite clearly being something in between human and zombie. He gets even more disconnected from the group and slowly starts gaining a connection to the zombies. They stop going after him, he starts to see himself in the zombies, and he starts to feel bad about killing them. Then, he can stop them, stall them, make them back off. He can make them understand, he can teach them to play fucking patty cake if he wants, they would listen and understand. He sees himself in the zombies and starts to feel one with them. He feels deeply connected to them. He feels like they're his people, his flock. Hes deeply, deeply connected to them, feeling deep negative feelings about killing them and hurting them. And the group disproves. The group tells him that he is going to need to make a choice eventually. They justify the killing of his people by saying that it's just survival, not even willing to make a compromise. And they're still. Treating him like shit. He is not a part of the group. He is a prisoner. He is their cargo, their package, their cure. That's it. They have made that abundantly clear. He is not one of them. He is not a human. He is not a part of the group. He's just Murphy.
Green text = edited in after the original posting
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moth-related-inquiries · 11 months
List of Characters
— —— - ೃ࿔₊ - —— —
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┊⋆ ˚✯┊☪︎⋆ ✩
☪︎⋆。˚┊˚✩ ┊
┊⋆。˚. ੈ ┊
Please only ask for:
Captain Boomerang
Harley Quinn
Evil Flash
Wonder Woman
Please only ask for (platonically):
King Shark
Little Ivy
ᨏᨐᨓ •°✮°• ᨓᨐᨏ
Please mainly only ask for:
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Micah Bell
Kieran Duffy
Sean Macguire
Javier Escualla
Sadie Adler
Mary Beth
Please do NOT ask for:
Uncle 😪
Mary Linton (I don't wanna hear it, yall)
Leopold Strauss
Colm O'Driscoll or any of the O'Driscolls
The Pinkertons.
Braithwaites or Grays (with the exception of Beau and Penelope)
Angelo Bronte 🤢🤢🤢🤢
ᨏᨐᨓ •°✮°• ᨓᨐᨏ
Please ask for:
Addison Carver
Alvin Murphy
Mack Thompson
Javier Vasquez
Please only ask for these characters platonically:
Steven 'Doc' Beck
Lt. Roberta Warren
Citizen Z
Charles Garnett
Lucy Murphy
Nature Boy
Lilly 'Sarge' Madison
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lultimastrega · 6 months
#MURPHY #KEITHALLAN | #Lultima_Strega #LultimaStrega #ZNation #Murphy #AlvinMurphy #AlvinBernardMurphy #KeithAllan #ZNationMurphy #ZNationAlvinMurphy #ZNationAlvinBernardMurphy #ZNationKeithAllan
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shelbysgifs · 1 month
hello my name is shelby (she/her . 23 years) and i honestly have no idea how tumblr works. i am literally just a quotev roleplayer who made this page because i was spending too much money on gif pack commissions and thought it was about time that i just start making my own. all resources found on this page will be free &. at this time i will not be taking any submissions or commissions.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀.ᐟ as far as rules go i ask that you like/reblog any gif packs you plan on using, that you DO NOT use my gifs to resell for personal monetary gain and that you DO NOT use them in any racist, homophobic, transphobic, incestuous, taboo, or otherwise bigoted and disgusting threads, prompts, and roleplays.
dev patel in monkey man (working on) dev patel in lion (temporarily paused, halfway done) dev patel in the green knight (clipped) daniel sharman in fear the walking dead season 8 (ep 7-8 clipped) ben schnetzer in warcraft (clipped)
ben schnetzer in the truth about the harry quebert affair damon wayans jr. in the truth about the harry quebert affair ben schnetzer in y: the last man fionn whitehead in dunkirk nat zang in znation seasons 1 - 3 tadhg murphy in black sails season 2 roland reed in black sails seasons 2 - 3 zethu dlomo in black sails season 3 - 4 tom hopper in black sails seasons 1 - 4
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zombies-and-trolls · 1 year
How the hell did the group get absolutely read to FILTH in that hotel in Season two, and hear everything about how Murphy doesn’t get the respect he deserves and no one acknowledges all he does for them
And then the group is STILL assholes to him.
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So, today I realized that I seem to akwardly crush blue characters
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I sent the lovely Keith a shirt and he posted this on his Twitter! He’s sooooo sweet! I love the entire Z Nation cast so much 💙 https://teespring.com/stores/z-nation Also, I will do a giveaway soon, I’m sorry guys, I haven’t had work in 4 months so I’m just broke 😭
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