#zoe beretta
The winds are blowing strong today, so here's The Voice of Switzerland contestant Zoe Beretta's take on vent frecc
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news24fr · 2 years
La perte d'un demi-million d'auditeurs signifie-t-elle que Radio 2 est en difficulté ? Alors que les gros titres crient que les auditeurs plus âgés désertent la station de radio populaire après le départ de Paul O'Grady, Steve Wright et Vanessa Feltz – bientôt suivis par Ken Bruce – les rumeurs de sa disparition sont exagérées.Une station de radio opérant à une si grande échelle - avec plus de 14 millions d'auditeurs, par rapport à des concurrents commerciaux à croissance rapide tels que Greatest Hits Radio avec 4,4 millions - verra inévitablement des hausses et des baisses dans ses chiffres RAJAR chaque année.Et les rumeurs d'un changement pour plaire à un groupe démographique plus jeune et aimant les années 90 de «mamans d'humeur» pourraient également être surestimées. « Radio 2 continuera d'être une station de radio multigénérationnelle qui dessert un public de plus de 35 ans, un public cible qui n'a pas changé depuis des décennies », a déclaré un porte-parole.En ce qui concerne les présentateurs, Radio 2 n'a pas de ratés, du Breakfast Show de Zoe Ball à l'heure du thé rebondissante de Sara Cox. L'ex-Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills s'installe déjà brillamment dans le créneau de 14h à 16h : il est difficile de trouver une émission plus rythmée et plus authentique à la radio. Et en ce qui concerne les personnalités chaleureuses, Radio 2 a le roi de l'amélioration de l'humeur Rylan Clark, qui a guidé les auditeurs tout au long du verrouillage et au-delà avec son chat facile et sa pop optimiste.Rylan Clark à BBC Radio 2 en 2019. Photographie : Beretta/Sims/Rex/ShutterstockTous les bons ingrédients pour une station de radio, mais il ne fait aucun doute que la radio commerciale connaît un moment et fait des progrès audacieux pour gagner du terrain alors que certains auditeurs plus âgés ont du mal à se connecter avec Mills et le gang. S'ils cherchent une nouvelle maison, ces jeunes de plus de 50 ans ont deux endroits où ils sont les bienvenus : Boom Radio et Greatest Hits Radio, qui a fait les gros titres en signant le bien-aimé Ken Bruce le mois dernier.Boom vient de doubler son audience en un an pour atteindre près d'un demi-million, un véritable exploit pour une radio de niche où des DJ, dont le légendaire David Hamilton, émettent depuis leur domicile. L'un des fondateurs de Boom Radio, David Lloyd, est clair sur son attrait. « Nous ne nous considérons pas comme une station « oldies », parce que pour nous, les chansons ne sont pas des oldies – ce sont juste de grands morceaux de musique. Nous ne sommes pas coincés dans une distorsion temporelle, nous saupoudrons également de nouvelles chansons », dit-il."GHR a tendance à cibler les moins de 60 ans, alors que nous visons les jeunes qui ont plus de 60 ans, donc entre nous, nous pouvons attraper ceux qui tombent de Radio 2. Il n'y a rien de mal à cibler les plus jeunes, mais vous ne pouvez pas servir les gens. qui ont à la fois 35 et 65 ans.L'ancien DJ de Radio 2, Simon Mayo, présente l'émission Drivetime de GHR et il ne doute pas de ce que veut son public. "La plupart de nos auditeurs peuvent écouter toute leur collection de disques sur leur téléphone, donc si vous allez écouter la radio, vous voulez un animateur qui sera de bonne compagnie", explique Mayo."Vous avez besoin d'un présentateur qui est considéré comme un ami derrière le microphone, qui vous fait vous sentir mieux que lorsque vous avez allumé la radio."Et Mayo, comme son compagnon d'écurie Mark Goodier, sait comment tenir ce cahier des charges, soutenu par une liste de lecture de chansons familières des années 1960 aux années 90, ainsi que des fonctionnalités régulières.Radio 2 DJ Sara Cox se produit en direct sur scène au festival britannique de musique et d'arts familiaux Camp Bestival, 2021 Photographie : Dawn Fletcher-Park/SOPA Images/REX/ShutterstockMayo's Confessions, qui expose les secrets les plus sombres des auditeurs depuis plus de 25 ans, fait toujours partie intégrante de son émission, tandis que Goodier
anime le quotidien Top Ten at Ten, un quiz addictif sur l'année qui rivalise avec le PopMaster de Bruce pour le diabolisme. .Aussi forts que soient ses rivaux commerciaux, Radio 2 a encore beaucoup de raisons d'être optimiste. Alors que le line-up de Boom et GHR est majoritairement blanc et plus susceptible d'être masculin, celui de Radio 2 est plus diversifié, avec Trevor Nelson et DJ Spoony (tous deux dans la cinquantaine) apportant des airs percutants.Et le week-end dernier, Tony Blackburn a fêté ses 80 ans à l'antenne, prouvant qu'il y a encore de la place pour un DJ vétéran avec une connaissance inégalée de la musique soul de toutes les époques.Mais les vrais gagnants sont les auditeurs plus âgés de Radio 2 – à la fois actuels et anciens – avec plus de diffuseurs de haute qualité qui les ciblent que jamais.
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so-make-the-moon · 6 years
Top 10 Favourite Youtube Channels
I’m going all in on the top 10s
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Honorable mention for Samantha Ravndahl, but I couldn’t find a gif of her. I tag whoever wants to do this! Get to it fam.
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keirauor · 5 years
Aggiornamenti vari post terremoto
Roma, mattina del 26 febbraio 2017
Sono passati più di dieci giorni da quando ho scritto qua sopra e non voglio dirlo troppo ad alta voce, ma durante la notte appena trascorsa, non ho fatto i soliti incubi collegati alla casa degli orrori! Spero di poterlo considerare come un capitolo chiuso e tornare a dormire decentemente anche nelle notti a venire... per così dire.
Ma ora andiamo per ordine in questa storta di ricapitolazione.
•Ultimo argomento toccato è stato il terremoto.
Fortunatamente non ci sono state altre scosse dopo quelle due nella notte a cavallo tra il 13 e il 14 di questo mese e parlando con Zoe qualche sera dopo (mi pare fosse venerdì 17 -bellissima data per i superstiziosi-), alla fine ho capito che non è stato esattamente un normale terremoto, ma qualcosa collegabile alla tempesta in arrivo [come i sintomi accusati, dal momento che pure gli altri medium hanno provato gli stessi tremori, la nausea e il picco di febbre. Idem per il sussurro nel dormiveglia ad inizio mese, quello però è stato percepito/visto anche dai veggenti e non solo dai medium].
Non ho mai visto Zoe annichilita come si è presentata in officina quella sera. L'ombra di se stessa.
Come se il mondo intero le fosse crollato addosso e in parte così è stato. Ha perso qualcuno durante il terremoto, non so chi, ma qualcuno a cui doveva tenere particolarmente e che era con lei in un posto molto vicino all'epicentro stesso, uscendosene poi con una frase alla "Ho visto cose che voi umani…" bloccandosi così.
Non ho indagato sulla sua perdita, non mi pareva il caso, limitandomi a rassicurarla e supportarla come potevo, giacché Hywel non stava collaborando. Hywel che non sa le cose come le so io, avendo avuto Oscar a parlarmene e lui se l'è un po' presa. Vorrebbe solo proteggerla, ma senza sapere come stanno andando le cose, come può?
Beh la risposta è semplice: non può. 
Nessuno può, specialmente tra noi miseri mortali.
•In data 19 febbraio, May mi ha portata fin sotto un molo parecchio isolato e fatto un regalo decisamente inaspettato: una Beretta.
Io, che avevo ancora ben impresse le immagini di Erika e la sua prematura morte per quel colpo sparato da Dalia, mi sono ritrovata tra le mani la medesima arma. 
Un'arma che di per sé non mi è mai piaciuta e che mi mette timore.
Nel mentre sono riuscita a raccontarle interamente il fatto alla casa degli orrori, omettendo i nomi di Daniel e Dalia e la cosa mi ha fatto sentire leggermente meglio, essendo stata la prima a cui ne ho parlato. 
Uno sfogo da cui è poi insorta una confessione da parte di May. Nemmeno lei è umana, non come lo sono io almeno... è una Lupa e mi è diventato subito più chiaro il suo interesse verso quello che combinavo o meno con Oscar sotto le lenzuola e annesse protezioni. [Temeva un mio legame, anche accidentale, con lui? Possibile. Ma almeno su questo, Oscar è sempre stato corretto e chiaro: non vuole tenermi sotto un gioco come quello. Mi sta solo facendo diventare matta col suo non rispondere ai miei messaggi e chiamate da prima del terremoto. Temo possa essergli successo qualcosa di brutto... anche se May, a sua discolpa mi ha detto che a volte spariscono per ordini dall'alto e cose così. Non so che pensare... ]
Mi ha poi fatto vedere come caricarla, scaricarla, impugnarla e spronata a provarla.
Due colpi soli.
Entrambi andati a segno.
«Penso di aver messo un'arma nelle mani di qualcuno che la userà bene.»
•La sera del 20 febbraio ho incontrato per caso Daniel a Piazza Navona e che non vedevo appunto da quella brutta notte.
Abbiamo parlato un po' della casa degli orrori, certo non sono scesa nei dettagli che ho colto, come ho fatto passare per semplice epistassi la mia maledizione, lungi dal dirgli che sono una medium vista la quasi nulla confidenza tra noi. Però anche lui, come me, stava avendo i medesimi incubi ogni notte o quasi.
Quindi una cosa non propriamente normale e giustificabile dal solo senso di colpa.
Nuovamente c'è stato lo zampino del sovrannaturale e beh, alla fine quel padre-mostro, lo era. [Non dovrei stupirmi, visto pure quel che Oscar aveva accennato sulle peculiarità dei vari lignaggi di sangue]
Nemmeno lui ha più avuto notizie di Dalia, che a quanto pare ha fatto partire per sbaglio quel colpo.
Mi sono fatta lasciare il suo numero così da provare a scriverle senza dover piombare al Casinò e capire come se la sta passando.
·Ieri sera, 25 febbraio, Zoe e Hywel sono passati a trovarmi, dal momento che Zoe aveva urgenza di parlarmi.
Prima di passare alle sue news, ho dovuto spiegare meglio a Hywel, i dettagli del mio incidente e annesse conseguenze così che potesse rendersi partecipe alla conversazione, omettendo però il fatto che sia sotto accusa.
Le notizie che mi ha portato Zoe non sono state di certo piacevoli, visto cosa ne è venuto fuori.
Qualcosa di allarmante e se fosse vero, renderebbe ancora più critica la mia situazione.
Astarte, uno dei nomi con cui viene chiamata la Dea.
Zoe ha parlato di Teologia con un esperto e ne è uscito fuori che Astarte è mutata in altro in tempi abbastanza recenti, cosa successa anche in epoca medievale. 
Astarte è la stessa essenza di un Demone: Astaroth. 
Riprendendo le cartelle di Marilena e Salvatore, ha scoperto che nello stomaco di entrambi è stato trovato sangue di donna. Della "sacerdotessa", probabilmente. 
Ha letto sommarie informazioni sul culto di Astarte, le adepte erano solo di sesso femminile e consumavano abitualmente rapporti con i fedeli, cosa che ha fatto anche Marilena.
Sua ipotesi: sembra che io per qualche ragione, o forse solo per caso, fossi stata scelta come Sacerdotessa di Astarte o come sacrificio. L'incidente potrebbe avermi allontanata dal Demone, che come regalo mi ha lasciato la maledizione. 
Maledizione e patto, sono cose che si collegano ad una natura demoniaca. 
Marilena e la sua frase La Dea tornerà presto.
Che dire? 
Sono ancora più confusa e allarmata di quanto già non fossi... 
Ora devo solamente organizzare un incontro a tre con lei ed Elia, come mi ha chiesto, per vedere se può darci qualche consiglio in merito e magari una mano, soprattutto per la mia maledizione, visto il suo essere un ex prete.
Io... Io non so più dove sbattere la testa e di indizi ne ho sempre avuti pochi a mia disposizione, nonostante mi stia dando da fare con ricerche e affini...
Il ciclo del mio #mainagioia non avrà mai fine temo.
E in tutto questo, prosegue l'ondata anomala di gelo e la latitanza di Oscar.
Dove diamine sei finito?!?
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usuallyrics-blog · 6 years
New Lyrics has been published on usuallyrics.com https://usuallyrics.com/lyrics/star67/
[Intro – Lil Wayne:] That’s what they doin’, camera on, they actin’ like these singers, man. I ain’t goin’ to the studio until I got a situation. A subject, I need a beat, I need the producer. Who gonna be on the hook? Man, what is you doin’? Go in the studio with fuckin’ clips, clips, ammo!
[Verse 1:] Brand new Beretta, can’t wait to let it go Walk up in my label like, where the check though? Yeah, I said it, wouldn’t dap you with the left ho Shut the fuck up, text from a centerfold, I ain’t reply Let her know I read it though Voice mail say she ready though Niggas know I’m credible, ain’t no pussy on a pedestal Got my foot on the ‘cedes Benz pedal Doin’ 90 on the bridge like, “nigga you already know” And if you don’t know, then now you know, now you know Switchin’ up the angles Now I’m in the Rolls with illuminated angel Four or five chains made of gold gettin’ tangled My nigga Biz said, “the first mill gon’ change you” Change for the better, hit it then dead her That’s my vendetta, keep this shit together Goddamn, we ain’t even gotta scam Cocaine coupe, we ain’t even got a scale Used to flip apps, now that old plug murked Ain’t a damn thing changed, you can still get the work
[Interlude:] Just hold on one moment and someone will be right with you (We’re sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service)
[Verse 2:] Yeah, I remember how I went to Louis V with Haf’ Watched them spread ten thousand dollars on the glass I never ever thought I’d see that in my life Now I’m in the East cause my boys are gettin’ right, man I was on TV makin’ fifty racks a year After helpin’ mama out the shit would disappear I am not a man, I can’t do this on my own So I started askin’ them if they would put me on And they did put me on, yeah, they did put me on Now we in the basement and we workin’ on the phone Now we in the basement and we workin’ on the phone, line Line blowin’ up, workin’ on the phones Now we in the basement and we workin’ on the phones But I just couldn’t do it, had to leave that shit alone, man
[Interlude:] Hear what? Yo hear what, tek time [Laughing] Ahh, nuh shake Yo hear what? Wa gwan tek Gill Him fried, him fried and a sleep awhile ago inna di van You know Drizzy
[Hook x2:] Blowin’ up, line blowin’ up, they need the whole thing Blowin’ up, my niggas really need the whole thing
[Verse 3:] I do better with the rider in my system Oh yeah, I’m on deck, when you call me I’ll listen I listen unless I been mixin’, you know when I’m mixin’ You know when I’m mixin’, I smoke when I drink, it’s tradition Like Zoe mama I go hippy Peace sign in the air like I’m Nixon I’m mixin’, I am not Esco, but it was written I knew when they didn’t, I been had these visions Of the life I’m livin’ since I was Jimmy All I had to do was just go and get it, and now we..
Who is Drake
Aubrey Drake Graham – Canadian actor and musician. Degrassi: Jimmy Brooks from the next generation. As a rapper, Drake uses his stage name.
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Evan Stone gets pleased with his face down
Three beautiful milfy blondes Tyler Faith, this brunette gets as much pleasure as she can as she masturbates.
Turned on smoking hot blonde Alexis Malone with dark make up and stunning body rides on tanned stud with muscled body and sucks his rock hard cock in mind blowing fantasy, beretta James and Gia Dimarco are two big boobed brunettes that have fun in this lezdom video. Hot bodied cougar Brenda James with sexy tits and ass gets her dripping wet hole drilled by sturdy young cock in the kitchen, dark haired latina hottie Vicki Chase dressed in blue enjoys nice size hard cock in her mouth. Lesbian lovebirds Rilynn Rae and Savannah Snow, brown chick Alayah Sashu with perfect ass gets naked.
Amateur teen with small tits gets twat stretched with speculum, big meloned teacher Destiny Dixon in short white skirt opens her legs in front of dumb student Gavin Kane. Sex hungry redhead Ryder Skye with perfect tits, amateur brunette babe in bikini teases Josh by pool. Raven headed latina Selena Rose in snow white stockings pulls down her panties and opens her legs for her lover, long legged Alice Romain in short pink dress is a super sexy babe. Relevancy videos 29821 29840, allie Haze doing it with busty MILF Lisa Ann.
Experienced lusty pornstar whores Magdalene St Michels, brunette in black stockings and high heels gives blowjob and gets her pussy slammed for a start.
Aida Sweet is a black haired teen girl from Europe, he makes Dana Dearmond gag. Watch Missy stroke her twat with wild desire, aletta Ocean with long sexy nails fingers her muff. Zoe and Joysen are two stunningly sexy long legged lesbian babe that stretch each others pussy holes to the point of no return, then she shoves dildo in her anal hole.
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alehxanichol · 7 years
Evan Stone gets pleased with his face down
Three beautiful milfy blondes Tyler Faith, this brunette gets as much pleasure as she can as she masturbates.
Turned on smoking hot blonde Alexis Malone with dark make up and stunning body rides on tanned stud with muscled body and sucks his rock hard cock in mind blowing fantasy, beretta James and Gia Dimarco are two big boobed brunettes that have fun in this lezdom video. Hot bodied cougar Brenda James with sexy tits and ass gets her dripping wet hole drilled by sturdy young cock in the kitchen, dark haired latina hottie Vicki Chase dressed in blue enjoys nice size hard cock in her mouth. Lesbian lovebirds Rilynn Rae and Savannah Snow, brown chick Alayah Sashu with perfect ass gets naked.
Amateur teen with small tits gets twat stretched with speculum, big meloned teacher Destiny Dixon in short white skirt opens her legs in front of dumb student Gavin Kane. Sex hungry redhead Ryder Skye with perfect tits, amateur brunette babe in bikini teases Josh by pool. Raven headed latina Selena Rose in snow white stockings pulls down her panties and opens her legs for her lover, long legged Alice Romain in short pink dress is a super sexy babe. Relevancy videos 29821 29840, allie Haze doing it with busty MILF Lisa Ann.
Experienced lusty pornstar whores Magdalene St Michels, brunette in black stockings and high heels gives blowjob and gets her pussy slammed for a start.
Aida Sweet is a black haired teen girl from Europe, he makes Dana Dearmond gag. Watch Missy stroke her twat with wild desire, aletta Ocean with long sexy nails fingers her muff. Zoe and Joysen are two stunningly sexy long legged lesbian babe that stretch each others pussy holes to the point of no return, then she shoves dildo in her anal hole.
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madethisformyporn · 8 years
0 notes
thevanishingomens · 8 years
Sneak Peak.......
Among The Dead- (Complete remake of Nikki Adams Vs The Zombie Apocalypse) WARNING- May contain mentions of Drugs, Alcohol, Death, Suicide and other scaring things. If you are prone to this then I advise not to read although this chapter doesn't include any of that. PLOT: Zoe "Zo" Miller is the type of girl that could change a room based on her mood, she smiled and the whole world smiled, she cried and the whole world kept silent. She's caught all these years for a place in the world, but when the Zombie apocalypse brakes out and she's looked up to as a leader she wishes she'd never had asked for this. Maxine "Max" Dawson is the type of girl who is misunderstood as a punk who hates everyone when in truth she's the most bubbly and outgoing person in her school. Benji Fredrick is gay and yet he's done something no other gay would have the balls to do, join the American football team. Luna Caulfield originally Greg, is seen as a transvestite. Her humour and kindness makes her have many friends. Except that's all fake, and Luna herself knows that. Celestia Jane is the schools Queen B. For Bitch. She has a bad personality around many and works her way up to an A+ by flirting with teachers. **** After Zoe Miller transfers to a new high school for the last 3 months of highschool she is left in a dead wasteland. After the hyperminus virus was unleashed in November 2015, people around the world have died after weeks of battling the sickness. But as the months move on the sickness takes a tole and people are dying quicker...but coming back as the undead. Zoe is left to defend for herself and her friends. But along the way they stray further apart causing Zoe to make a decision she wouldn't have to do if she just had kept quiet. **** Nicholas "Nikki" Adams is a head strong 18 year old. His single mum remarried to a man who had two younger children. He's never gotten along with them but when the zombie apocalypse brakes out and their parents aren't there to protect them Nikki swears in his life that he'll keep the kids alive. Meaning he'd do everything and anything -like joining one of the most renowned bandit group in America. Where he meets Zoe Miller. And everything changes. For better or worse, this is a Zombie Apocalypse..... WORD COUNT- 4589 CHAPTER 1--- It was dark. Not pitch black. But dark enough that Zoe Miller couldn't see what was reality and what was her imagination. Was everything in front of her a dream? A nightmare? A dark tunnel. Road separations. Concrete and asphalt broken. Cars stripped and parked. They've been there for ages, for years. From when it all began. At the end of the tunnel a lights, as if God was standing there. They stood before her. Waiting. Gnarling and groaning incoherently. Zoe breathed slowly and quietly. Frozen as if not to alarm them. Her right hand hovering over her holster which held a 9mm silver Beretta gun. On the left side another gun, an exact replica of the Beretta. She had other holsters going down her right leg, containing either guns or different types of daggers. On her back, holstered onto her was a black Katana sword and a machete. Her black skinny jeans were ripped. What used to be her white tee was now a mixture of grey from dirt and red from all the blood from those monsters whom she had previously caught her way through. Her black hoodie jacket, unzipped, had seen some better days. It was 4 sizes too big but warm for cold days and practical. Her combat boots, muddy and worn out. Her long white bleached hair up in a high ponytail, covered in dry blood and muck, dirty from going a week without a shower. Her face dirty, unwashed and covered with blood.  She looked like one of them, smelt like one of them. Zoe stood looking like a mess. Prepared for the herd of Zombies ahead of her, at least that's what she had in mind. Surviving. Zoe would take a big chance grabbing her gun and shooting her way out, but getting her sword out would take precision and could alarm them to move. But just as she sat her hand down and grabbed onto her gun, someone began shooting a machine gun, hitting everything in front of her. Other guns going off as well as some grenades. Zoe jumped to the ground, her gun out and waiting to see what it was. A group of men came down, cleared out all the herd before pulling them away from the road, other cars that had broken down from the start were scattered around the road, they had a big military truck with them. Just as Zoe got on her knees and began to squat to make a get away she heard a gun click its safety and then press up against her head. Zoe lifted her hands in defeat after holstering her gun back. "Don't shoot" Zoe pleaded in a monotone voice. "What's your name kid?" A mans voice asked. "Zoe. Zoe Miller" Zoe stated as she sat her hands behind her head in surrender. The man lowered his gun behind Zoe, grabbed her arm and helped her up. "Well Zoe Miller. I'm Benji...Benji Frederick" the man said with a slight happy tone, Zoe immediately turned around to see the man take a mask and goggles off to show a young dashing man. With a brown quiff of hair and dark green eyes. He let out a smile as Zoe's eyes widened. "Benji" Zoe mumbled before jumping into a tight hug with the man. "Good to see you Zo" Benji said as he hugged Zoe back with a warm heart. They let go just as the group of men huddled around them. "Who is this? A survivor? You know each other?" A man asked, he had goggles on but no mask, he took them off to stare Zoe up and down. "She's a friend of mine. From High-school. We haven't seen each other in a long time" Benji said as he patted Zoe on the shoulder as reassurance. Zoe gave a laugh. "You used to be the quarter back. Does that come in handy now?" Zoe asked as a joke, she was applauded with laughs from the men. "Actually it does. Anyway you should come with us. I haven't seen you in- well since you know...you'd love to see our little place. A valley up North. Walls and fences up. Guards. Food, water and shelter. Besides, you should see who's there" Benji said as a way to persuade Zoe to follow him, go and stay with them. "I don't think it would be a good idea considering-" "Nah it's alright. We have enough shelter and necessities for you. It would be good for you to be social. Besides the more the merrier, right?" The man who had taken the goggles off said, he gave a smile and a kind gesture towards their military truck. "I'm Joel by the way. Second in hand of our group. And also father of these three. Mariana, Julio and Gabriel" the man said, he had a slight Mexican accent as he gestured towards the three beside him. They took the masks off to unveil a lovely smiling lady with short hair and tanned skin, she was in between two young men, older than her. One was taller than the other, with black hair and brown eyes, with a beard, that was Julio, the oldest. The other had short brown hair and brown eyes, tanned like the others, with some stubble. Gabriel, the youngest of the three, same age as Zoe. He clearly had his eyes checking out Zoe, but in a sweet and non sexual way. Zoe waved them hello. "We have time for introductions later. We should probably leave now before more of them come. Let's go" Joel said gesturing for everyone to quickly get in the truck after noticing about 15 of them start walking in. The men were getting ready to leave when they heard tiny footsteps and crying. "Zeze?" (pronounced zeezee) a young child's voice asked out into the tunnel, they all turned around to see a 2 year old, wearing light blue and dark blue overall pyjamas that had white stars on it. The child stood with a small white blanket and a dummy in his mouth. "hey...Ash, come here buddy" Zoe said, beckoning the child to come over to her, the child began to slowly make his way over. "You have a kid?" Benji asked looking down at Zoe as she took the little boy into her arms. Zoe gave a chuckle as she slightly shrugged, pulling baby Ash closer into her arms. "Long story" Zoe replied. "Well good thing we have a lot of time in our hands now" Joel said, once again offering a ride, gesturing the others to get in as well, Zoe gave a nod. They all got in. Zoe in between Benji and Gabriel with Ash still in her arms. The tunnel was long and dark. Zoe had been there for so long that when they got to the end of the tunnel, light shimmering in from the morning sun she was surprised. After getting under the sun fully Zoe was squinting her eyes. She took a deep breath in of the clear air and then let it all out in a sigh. It was warm, she felt warm, as if the sun had had given her a hug itself. Although that would burn her to death, melt her but still....warm like a hug. As the truck made its way down the high way through the countryside. The ride was bumpy. Zoe could hear the birds chirping. The sounds, the sights and smells began to make Zoe's head turn. Make her dizzy and her vision blurry. She began to sway left and right until- It stopped. **** When she opened her eyes she was back to that day. The day it happened. It had started months before, but over the course of time it worsened. So much that on that day there was nothing they could do. They were just high school students. They were just there to learn. Zoe wearing black skinny jeans, a grey denim crop top with a loose black tank top over. A camouflage hoodie jacket wrapped around her waist. Combat boots given to her from her commanding officer as a present when she was in training. Her white bleached hair wavy and down to her back. Her makeup done to perfection yet her posture laid back, with a black leather backpack on. "Hey do you hear me?" A young woman's voice said as she tapped Zoe's shoulder. Zoe looked down to see her shorter friend Max Dawson. Max's hair was a light brown colour, put into a messy bun. Her eyes matched her hair but with a swirl of a caramel fudge colour. Her makeup also done, yet she was dressed laid back as well. Black skinny jeans, a band tee and a GOT hoodie over it, with some vans on. "What? Sorry I was...daydreaming" Zoe replied with a small smile, Max shrugged, "what were you saying anyway?" Zoe asked. "I was saying...i can't believe you decided to leave me to go on a date with Zach!" Max exclaimed. The school had been quiet for weeks, lesser pupals came in ever day. So much that today it was almost empty, the school felt haunted to the girls. They were dreary. "It wasn't a date. We went to the cinema and then had pizza over at Bubba's" Zoe said, she immediately stopped herself to think. "Never-mind. It does sound like a date. But believe me I didn't think it was a date" Zoe said with a shrug and a laugh. Max kept quiet until she looked up at Zoe. "What does Zach have that I don't?" Max asked Zoe. Zoe thought for a bit until a grin escaped her mouth and she answered. "A dick" Zoe said causing Max to playfully punch her arm, "no but seriously let's drop this. Onto more important news- where is everyone?" ...... "Zo?" Benji's voice asked, Zoe was knocked out, she sat in the truck unconscious. Ash wasn't in her arms anymore but instead in Mariana's arms. "Where..am i?" Zoe asked, gaining consciousness. She lifted her head up, her eyes gradually opening more, she locked eyes with Ash's worried eyes and she gave him a grin. "We're here. Our safe place" Benji said with a grin. Zoe straightened up and began to look out the military truck with a stretch, she locked eyes on the tall guarded walls and the main gate. Fences surrounding the walls, barbed wire everywhere. This place was fortified. But for how long? Zoe took Ash back into her hands, along with her backpack that Ash had dragged along with him when he appeared in the tunnel. Whatever this was, it was better than where she had been before. Those memories would stay with her forever. Benji held Zoe's hand as he helped her and Ash get down from the truck, he held a rifle up for any close by Zombies. Zoe had one of her Beretta's out, aimed and ready to fire. As they made their way up to the gate Zoe fired her handgun, getting perfect headshots on all Zombies she aimed at. The men with her and Benji looked at her in awe as she fired repeatedly never missing. She was soon out of bullets but that didn't seem to bother her as she holstered her gun back into its place and instead took a dagger out. She kicked zombies in the knee and then used the dagger to stab them in the head. "You're good. Good shot" Gabriel said to Zoe as he walked over to her with his gun aimed at a Zombie beside her. He shot. Zoe put her dagger back. "Mhm. I had lots of practice" Zoe said walking away behind Benji. Gabriel followed them, still shooting along with the others. Benji signalled the men up at the top of the wall to open the gate. They did. Benji sat his hand on Zoe's back as a way to drag her along with him. Zoe walked, holding the scared and quiet Ash in her arms. "Gabe go get our leader" Benji ordered. Gabriel nodded walking off with rifle in hand and Mariana beside him. Joel patted Zoe in the back before walking away. The gates were closed. Inside the walls were yards of cabins and small shops. Some tents and medical offices were put up. Military personnel stationed at the top of the wall with state of the art guns and weapons, others stationed around the small valley surrounded by woods outside the wall. "Benji. I see you brought us some more people-" There stood before Zoe was someone she thought she'd never see again. Wearing black skinny jeans, black tank top and yellow leather jacket, with holsters and weapons attached to her. Her brown hair in a messy bun. Her eyes widened looking at Zoe. There stood before Zoe was Max Dawson, her old best friend. "Max" Zoe stated. "Zoe" Max stated. She wasn't amused. But once she locked eyes on the small child in Zoe's arms. With a blanket around him and his eyes terrified she could only feel pity for them. "Benji what do-" "I'm not staying don't worry" Zoe said cutting Max off, "I just need some baby formula and a place for the night. I'll leave early morning tomorrow" Zoe stated. Max was surprised. "Why won't you stay?" Benji asked, he looked over at Max with a pleading look. Silently begging her to let Zoe stay. "I don't want to cause any trouble...besides- I have to go back. I need to get some people" Zoe said looking at Max. Max gave Zoe a glare. "Your new group I assume?" Max asked bitterly, her hands on her hips. "No. The father of the child, his step dad and his step siblings" Zoe said. Max raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "How many?" Max asked. "Woah Max you're not doing this right? It's Zoe! We can help her and her group out. At least for a few days. What if someone is hurt?" Benji said worried as he grabbed hold of Max's arm. Max pulled her arm away from Benji. "How many" Max repeated. "6. Including me and Ash, it's 6" Zoe stated with a sigh. "We don't have room" Max stated about to walk away. "Max! We have yards of land that aren't being used! It's Zoe" Benji exclaimed. "Even more reason not to let her in. You want baby formula? We can set you up with a duffle bag with meds, water and food but you can't stay" Max said pulling away from Benji once more before taking a step forward. She stopped once she heard Zoe chuckle. "I don't even know why I thought you'd have changed over time? You know- while you've been hating my guts about something that happened 5 years ago, I've been wondering if any of you have been alive. I looked for you everyday for a year around the whole world after you kicked me out, left me behind. You left me to die and instead of hating your guts, I went to look for you to try and ask you to be my friend again. But I see that it takes more than an apology for you. So what do you want?" Zoe stated. "I'm not asking this as a way to let me stay here. But I would like to know. Why?" Zoe asked, she held Ash closer to her heart. "You were going to get us killed. All that was in your head was finding your dad to find a cure. And when you found him you nearly died because of him. You protected us, you did! But you're reasoning of always being tough was just going to get us killed. You're stubborn and always risk your life. And when we got to Jeffersons. We wanted to stay. It was safe and it was going to be safe for a long time. But you just had to screw Jefferson over. Find all his flaws" Max said. She was feeling a lot of emotions, most of them anger. "I haven't gotten myself killed yet" Zoe said with a chuckle. That only made Max angrier. "Look. I get that i'm rash and make stupid decisions. Keeping you guys safe was my priority, it always has been. The me being too tough is just another one of your excuses. You know the real reason you kicked me out is because I'm one of them, we never knew what would happen and you were afraid I'd turn. That I was a danger. You were afraid, and you still are. Not because there's a possibility I'll turn and hurt the people you care about but because there could be a possibility of you dying" Zoe said, she looked down ashamed. "You know that's not-" "You can stay the night. Tomorrow morning we go get the rest of your people. Bring them back and help you out. But then you can leave. Alright?" Benji said cutting Max off. "Benji what are you doing? You don't lead this valley!" Max exclaimed. "I don't. But neither should you. You're just like Jefferson. Zoe, follow me. I'm still humane" Benji said as he sat his hand on Zoe's back and gently pulled her along. Leaving a furious Max behind with her fists tightened. **** "You're all stitched up now" Benji said as he finished using the needle and thread to stitch up a deep gash on Zoe's torso. She had been stitched and her wounds cleaned. "How about you and Mr. Ash here go take a shower. Make yourselves at home. This may be my cabin but it's also yours now" Benji said as he began to grab all the medical tools and cleaning tools he had used. "Benji" Zoe said as she grabbed Benji's hand, "thank you" she replied in a mumble as she leaned in for a hug. Benji smiled before walking away to the kitchen leaving Zoe to grab the extra clothes Benji prepared for her. ...... "How are you feeling now?" Benji asked sitting from the dinning room table. The table set out for him, Zoe and Ash to eat. Zoe had come back from a refreshing bath with Ash. Ash was changed into some new overalls, while Zoe was stood before in red shorts and a black tank top. It was a warm day and an even hotter night. Zoe had her black hoodie jacket tied around her waist. She sat Ash in the kids seat, her plate was full with the stew Benji had prepared. Ash had some on his plate but only enough that would fit him. He immediately grabbed hold of the kids spoon and began to eat with a smile. Zoe looked at Ash until she snapped from a trance and began to eat. Her hair was back into a high ponytail. Benji was still wearing the black skinny jeans and tee, his rifle strapped to his back and holsters on his waist holding guns, daggers and even a crowbar. They looked like a family, peacefully eating in the dimmed cabin light as if the apocalypse wasn't happening just outside. After the meal they all went to bed, Benji was in his bedroom putting ammo into his guns before finally going to sleep. Zoe laid Ash in the crib Benji had gotten them, she sang one special song to ash to make him fall asleep. Once her task was done she flopped onto the bed and looked at look at her leather bag which was filled with clothes for her and Ash, along with a book and pen, some photos and a purse with money and an Iphone. Her old stuff all kept as memories. The Iphone was turned off the day it happened, she would turn it on some days and look over the photos she had. She preserved the battery. She hadn't looked at her phone in 2 years. All her holsters and weapons were on the ground next to her bag. Except for a dagger under her pillow and a metal bat next to her as a precaution. Zoe was tired, so tired that her eyes began to flutter. Becoming heavy with sleep. She closed them with a deep breath and it was all so calm.... **** Zoe could hear voices. Mumbling and ranting. She couldn't make out what they were saying, it was all black until she heard fingers clicking at her ears. "Hey do you hear me?" A young woman's voice said as she tapped Zoe's shoulder. Zoe looked down to see her shorter friend Max Dawson. Max's hair was a light brown colour, put into a messy bun. Her eyes matched her hair but with a swirl of a caramel fudge colour. Her makeup also done, yet she was dressed laid back as well. Black skinny jeans, a band tee and a GOT hoodie over it, with some vans on. "What? Sorry I was...daydreaming" Zoe replied with a small smile, Max shrugged, "what were you saying anyway?" Zoe asked. She felt as though she'd seen this before. Heard this before. Deja vu? "I was saying...i can't believe you decided to leave me to go on a date with Zach!" Max exclaimed. The school had been quiet for weeks, lesser pupals came in ever day. So much that today it was almost empty, the school felt haunted to the girls. They were dreary. Zoe looked into classrooms to notice about 5 people in every room. Zach, that's all we talk about nowadays, Zoe thought. "It wasn't a date. We went to the cinema and then had pizza over at Bubba's" Zoe said, immediately stopping herself. "Never-mind. It does sound like a date. But believe me I didn't think it was a date" Zoe said with a shrug and a laugh. Max kept quiet until she looked up at Zoe. Zoe remembered the so called date with Zach, they ate and talked. Talked for hours about everything and anything. About her past and about her friendships but never about Zach. "What does Zach have that I don't?" Max asked Zoe. Zoe thought for a bit until a grin escaped her mouth and she answered. "A dick" Zoe said causing Max to playfully punch her arm, "no but seriously let's drop this. Onto more important news- where is everyone?" Zoe asked. "Maybe its the virus?" Max said with a shrug. "I'd laugh if it was zombies" Zoe stated with a snort, Max playfully punched her arm before both began to walk as Max explained the plot of the latest Game Of Thrones episode. They had been talking while walking through the hallways of their school and yet what used to be full packed was now an empty hallway. Only 7 pupils had walked past them, and one janitor. They all looked sickly. In the west wing of the school it was packed with students. Anyone that was in was out in the west wing, no sense in scattering them around so all classes were going to be held there. As Zoe and Max were making their way to their class they passed by a girl on the ground groaning, her skin was turning dark grey and her veins a visible dark purple. Blood was dripping from her eyes, ears, nose and mouth. She looked up with pain at Zoe and Max. "Woah you ok?" Max asked as her and Zoe squatted beside the girl trying help her up. "I....don't feel so good" the girl replied before puking up dark, semi dried blood. She was left with her head dangling low and trembling. "Is this that virus?" Zoe asked the girl, she didn't reply but groaned lowly. "Hey can you hear us?" Max asked shaking the girl. The girl groaned once more before jumping into Max trying to bite her, in a hurry Zoe grabbed hold of the girls head pulled her away and then slammed her head against the wall leaving them enough time to run away. "You alright?" Zoe asked as they ran. "Yeah, she just scared me" Max said as they halted to a stop at the door of their class, talking and gossip was heard from the room. They opened the door panting before getting in to greet their class and teacher. "Sorry we're late. A girl in the hallway was acting out and jumped on Max" Zoe said, the teacher let them sit. "If it's the girl I think then I hope you're alright. She bit me 5 minutes ago" the teacher said as she showed the bite mark. Zoe looked at her skeptical, she shrugged it off before sitting at her seat and looking out the window. Noticing smoke of nearby houses or buildings in the far off in the city. In the campus slowly limping around were students, Zoe found it odd so she kept her eyes on one and focused on him. Looking him from toes to head, she looked at his face closely and noticed it looked burnt. His skin was flaking and he looked as if he was decaying. And that's when it all hit her. "Zombies" Zoe mumbled to herself when suddenly the teacher stumbled to the ground, shaking viciously as if having a stroke, foam leaving her mouth and her eyes rolling up with blood dripping out like tears out of her eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The students began to panic, one slowly made his way over while others tried calling an ambulance but to no avail there was no service. The ground began to shake when bombs went off at the school. Zoe saw the military trucks arriving at the campus with rifles and any weapons. Using rpg's to fire bombs at the school. Fire began to spread. The city was in flames and that's when she noticed the herd of dead flowing in and out of her school. People in her class began dropping dead like their teacher, the teacher began to groan after seconds of being still. The boy who was beside her bent down to hear her breathing when suddenly she grabbed his head and chomped down on his neck, ripping it and beginning to devour the kid. Others who weren't on the ground ran out of the room only to be encountered with more of the dead. Some made it pass the herd but others were immediately eaten. Zoe and Max stood there before hearing a scream from behind. Their classmates Celeste and Luna were being cornered, infected were ready to pounce when Benji, the schools quarterback slammed a metal chair against the first 2 in the herd. Celeste and Luna ran down to Zoe and Max after Zoe yelled for them too. Benji ran back to them. "Gimme a chair" Zoe asked as she started to panic, the dead coming closer. Benji handed Zoe another metal chair, she held it all the way back before she flung it against the window smashing it to a million pieces. Zoe jumped out the window, Max and the others followed her. She noticed one of the metal legs from the chair snapped off due to an unscrewed screw. Zoe grabbed hold of the metal leg before looking out at the scenery. The whole world around them burning to the ground. The sky turning grey, flames everywhere. Dead people walking while others were being eaten. Rifles, handguns and shotguns going off. An apocalypse was brewing... ****THE END**** (Please no stealing) If you guys enjoyed it then please leave feed back as I would love to hear if I could change anything? 💕Much Love....Bye💕
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