#zolton glass
shelldeleo · 3 years
Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh in their yard 1941.
Photo by Zoltan Glass
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Hi Wolfie! I saw you were wanting some fic prompts, and here’s another Dandelion/Priscilla one because I’ve loved the last one, and I do promise this will be the last, so forgive me! 😂 Could I please request something where after Priscilla recovers..Dandelion treats her to a romantic date where there’s lots of cute things happening, and talks of their future such as marriage, children, etc. Thanks so much!! 💕
Look who finally got round to writing this! It’s a bit of a follow on I guess from the other two so... I’m gonna link them! (1, 2) ________
Their duet at the Chameleon had been a raging success. Dandelion wasn’t surprised. Both of them had wonderfully prominent solo careers. Whilst Dandelion’s was arguably more wide spread with his time travelling around the Continent with Geralt, Priscilla had, before the accident, been the most in demand soprano for any event worth its coin. He was proud of them, of her. It couldn’t have been easy for her not being able to sing but she persevered. Their act became a regular and highly anticipated event at his cabaret. It was bringing in more and more clients each week. Zolton was almost tearing is beard off trying to man the bar whilst Dandelion was on stage with Priscilla.
The best part was she was slowly regaining her singing voice. She could now talk almost as well before. Her voice was more gravelly and her range was severely reduced but she could hold a note without coughing. They were getting there.
Their relationship seemed to be going pretty well as well despite what a certain witcher might think. Yes ok, maybe there was a slight buzz under his skin that was telling him to run away from Novigrad. The wanderlust that was calling him back to the road but he loved Priscilla, he was sure of it. Maybe once she was fully recovered they could tour the Continent together. Plus with the mages gone from Novigrad he was starting to get peculiar looks in the street. The Eternal Fire had started going after non-humans and just like in Rivia all those years ago, people often made assumptions about him due to his elf like features.
So maybe his wanderlust wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
He hummed thoughtfully under his breath as he waited outside the Chameleon. Priscilla was due to meet him there and she was late. He bounced from one foot to another, wishing he had his lute with him. His fingers were itching for something to do so he planted both hands on his hips to keep himself from fiddling.
“Dandelion.” Priscilla called.
His gazed searched the crowds in the street until he saw the long golden hair of his lover, and to all the gods did she look beautiful. He skipped over to her and took her hand in his, bringing it to his lip. “My dear Priscilla.” He greeted her with a bow.
She laughed and snatched her hand away. “Don’t you ever change?”
He pouted and looked down at his outfit. He supposed he had worn his vibrant pink, and purple ensemble quite a lot recently but that was his way whenever he bought new clothes. He made a note to visit Elihal before leaving Novigrad. He probably was due new clothes.
“Are you ready for our date?” He asked instead.
Priscilla gestured to her own outfit. A soft sky blue dress that fell to her ankles with a belt tied around her waist. She looked like a nymph or some other kind of ethereal creature, which was just perfect for what he had planned. They were to go and watch the sunset up on a nearby hill. He’d packed a hamper for food and wine, copious amounts of wine, and he was pretty proud of it all.
“You look absolutely divine, my love.” He told Priscilla, brushing his lips against her cheek. “A goddess would be jealous of your beauty.”
Priscilla shoved him in the chest. “You and your poetry.” She teased with a roll of her eyes, although there was a playful smile dancing on her lips so he knew he wasn’t in trouble.
“It’s not poetry. It’s fact.” He replied with a wink. “Now if you would like to follow me, my petal.”
He picked up the hamper and they were off. The walk to the hills outside of Novigrad was uneventful and thankfully free of any sort of monsters. If Geralt were here they would have inevitably stumbled upon a rogue wyvern or griffin or something monstrous that was trying to kill them but today the path was quiet.
“You really do look beautiful.”  He hummed as they clinked wine glasses. Priscilla smiled a radiant smile that took his breath away and then snuggled up against his side.
Oh if he could remain in any moment, to the gods that moment was it. The sun large and orange as it journeyed towards the horizon, Priscilla dressed like a dream and his favourite red wine in hand.
“Am I just a pretty picture for you to enjoy, Dandelion?” She teased as she pulled off his hat. “Beauty fades.”
“Never yours.” He vowed.
“I’ll go grey.” She hummed.
He laughed and captured a lock of her hair between his fingers. “Grey hair is still beautiful. Look at Geralt.”
She sighed. “Point taken, what about wrinkles? You seem to never age a day, Dandelion.”
“Every wrinkle tells a story, my darling.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb and brushed a chaste kiss to her lips. “I will be there for every one, if you’ll let me.”
Priscilla hummed and leaned into his caress. “Careful, Dandelion. That sounds almost like a proposal.”
That thought made him pause.
Marriage? With Priscilla. Sure he’d probably had more fiancées that Ciri had had birthdays but… marrying Priscilla?
Wasn’t that a thought….
Could he really marry and settle down?
He licked his lips and sipped his wine absentmindedly. By human standards he was already considered a life long bachelor and he’d never minded that. He enjoyed being a bachelor. He enjoyed dating and new love. It was the never-ending source for his inspiration.
“Don’t think too hard, Dandelion.” Priscilla cupped his cheek and he blinked a couple of times. “It was a joke.”
“A joke.” He repeated. “Maybe, maybe.”
Priscilla sighed and leaned into his chest as they watched the last light of the sun fade from view. “I know you, Dandelion. You are not the marrying kind.”
He pouted even though she couldn’t see. “I could be.”
She shook her head. “No, but that’s no matter. I love you and I know you love me.”
“More than anything.” He vowed and kissed her hair.
“And for now, that’s enough. We’re enough.” She breathed and as the stars began to shine in the night sky Dandelion couldn’t help but agree.
“We are enough.” He whispered against her hair. “My gorgeous Callonetta.”
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Congratulations on your new follower milestone!! You DESERVE them ALL! ✨ For the song prompts, could I request Dandelion x Priscilla + And I love her by The Beatles, please? Thanks so much!! 😘💕
Thank you my darling!! Can I just say you have chosen my favourite band outside of TAD. Well done!! Also, I’m not saying that Dandelion is Paul McCartney... except that is EXACTLY what I am saying. ____________________
Dandelion adjusted his hat before strutting out onto the small stage he’d had built in the Chameleon. Normally he preferred to let other performers take the stage in his cabaret but tonight was different. Tonight, Priscilla would be performing. He glanced back behind the curtain where she was waiting with his precious elven lute in her hands. She still struggled to talk, let alone sing, after the attack on the streets of Novigrad so her opening performance at the Chameleon would be a duet.
Their first duet.
He relished in the romanticism of it all. The wounded maiden made whole again by her lover’s song. He could’t have written it any better himself. Well, he probably could have and he probably would. Once Priscilla had her voice back he was immortalise the entire saga on the page, in a beautiful melody composed especially for her divine vocal talents. Until then, he was her voice and she was his lute. Well, not his lute. That wasn’t exactly the most flattering of images and she would probably make him eat his hat if she knew he’d even thought it. He would have to come up with something better but these things took time. For now, he would focus on their performance.
“Beloved audience!” He announced with a flourish, delighting in the way his bright silk clothing sparkled in the light of the candles. “Thank you so much for joining me tonight at the Chameleon!”
There was a cheer and a thunder of hands banging on the tables.
“Get on with it!” Zolton cried from behind the bar.
“All in good time, my friend!” Dandelion winked at the dwarf and then gestured widely to his audience. “Now, as you all may know. I am the owner of this fine establishment, but tonight I will be regaling you with a performance of my own!”
Another cheer from the audience.
“But I couldn’t do it alone. Oh no, for you see I appear to have lost my lute!” He cried in mock despair.
“Lost his marbles, more likely.” Zolton grumbled from the bar as he cleaned the glasses with a cloth.
Dandelion shot the dwarf a sharp glare this time but didn’t rise to the bait. “Luckily!” He continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted at all. “The beautiful Callonetta is here to help. We simply cannot have a cabaret without music, after all! Please, raise your glasses and welcome my darling, Callonetta to the stage!”
The audience roared and Priscilla stepped out. She was clutching his lute in her hands and, for the first time since he’d known her, she looked to be nervous about performing. One hand reached up to the red scarf around her neck, a present he’d bought her to cover up the scarring.
“Are you ready?” He asked, feeling a rush of adrenaline flow through his veins. He couldn’t help the toothy smile on his face. It had been ages since he’d performed like this. More recently his performances had been more of a private matter whilst he focussed on Priscilla’s recovery.
She nodded with a gentle smile before she turned to face the audience, fingers on lute strings. She played the opening notes, capturing the audience under her spell, before Dandelion took a deep breath and began to sing.
It was a quiet sort of song, probably out of place in the Chameleon but he had absolutely insisted that their first duet would be one of love. She’d laughed at him and called him a sentimental idiot. He had to agree but how could he be anything else when she kissed him so sweetly. He would play the fool forever more as long as he was allowed to keep kissing her.
But alas, he was a poet and part of the performance was to seduce his audience, not his love. So he winked and flirted his way through the performance, kissing one lucky lady’s hand during a break in his melody. He enjoyed it. He may feel guilty about it later but he enjoyed having the opportunity to flash a smile and a wink at his gorgeous audience.
There was one line that he knew would be Priscilla’s so at the start of the stanza he twirled around on his heels to face her. He almost stammered over his words as he caught her eyes. They were more gorgeous than anything he’d ever seen, shining blue sapphires framed by radiant blonde locks. To all the gods he loved her, he loved her more than he ever had before.
“A love like ours Could never die”
He cooed softly, brushing his fingers along her cheek bone and delighting in the blush that bloomed on her pale skin.
“As long as I Have you near me.”
He winked at her and turned back to the audience for the rest of the song. They clapped and whistled loudly as the song drew to a close.
“Dandelion.” Priscilla whispered as the bowed together, hand in hand. “That wasn’t what we rehearsed!”
Dandelion just smirked. “Was it not, my love?” He winked and kissed her hand. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“You’re a fool, Dandelion.” She laughed as they bowed for a final time.
“A fool on the hill.” He murmured as a wave of inspiration hit him. “I should write that down.”
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