aforrestofstuff · 4 years
top 5 favorite opm ships
List may vary depending on how horny I am. In no particular order:
1. Zombuki (Zombieman and Fubuki)
Is this a crack ship? It’s possible. I’m basically just shoving two characters together and going “and kiss” but that’s okay because I’m having the time of my life, baby. I’ve written 2 fics for these fuckheads and they’re not published and probably never will be. But right now I’m working on a smutty installment that Kiyoko is helping me with, and I’m probably going to publish this one. I’m really bad at writing so I needed to consult The Expert lol.
Idk I just really like their hypothetical dynamic? Fubuki is really uptight and stringy and Zombieman is easygoing.... she’s x he’s y, that kinda thing. Opposites attract. And we’ve seen how tender Zombieman is to those he cares about, as evident in his interactions with Child Emperor. He’s got many facets, including being a little bastard whenever he’s with Genus. Fubuki is the same way. They’re both all business 90% of the time but when they’re with each other, it’s not hard to imagine those hard demeanors melt away. Major Mr and Mrs. Smith vibes.
2. Tanktop Master and Mumen Rider (idk the ship name for this. Tanktop Rider?)
latest chapter has shifted my opinion on these two majorly. I always thought they were really good together but now I read their interactions over and the tension is PALPABLE....
As I’ve said before, they look like your average twink x hunk ship or whatever but Mumen isn’t a twink!! He’s super ripped! And it’s so funny to see someone already jacked as hell be dwarfed by someone even MORE jacked like TTM.
3. Batarou (Garou and Metal Bat)
7 fics of these shitheads on my Ao3. Need I say more.
4. Zombikaze (Zombieman and Atomic Samurai)
Disgruntled dead dad and disgruntled samurai dad. It’s a match made in heaven. I’ve been thinking of doing a “family portrait” drawing of Atomic Samurai and his 3 hooligans with Zombieman and Child Emperor in a sort of Breakfast Club posing with Okama on the floor and everyone else like this:
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But figuring out the posing was actually way harder than it looked at the time and so I abandoned the project. I think I have the skills to pull it off now but it’ll take a lot of time to do it right. However, despite my artistic limitations, I still ship this shit hardcore and I really like the idea of two over-the-hill, mature adults finding love on a battlefield and giving each other pointers on their specific combat styles while their relationship evolves into something more intimate on the side. Atomic Samurai could tutor Zombieman on close-quarters sword-fighting and Zombieman can teach him some more ranged techniques. Child Emperor could also babysit Bushidrill. The possibilities are endless.
5. Mumensai (Saitama and Mumen Rider)
Baby who feels too much and baby who feels too little. Mumen’s lust for life (yes, lust for life. Mumen might be borderline suicidal in how he approaches deadly threats but he still wants to live, dammit. Even if it’s just to help people) directly counters Saitama’s indifference towards it and as I said before, opposites attract. Their dynamic leaves little to be desired, honestly.
Thanks for your ask! ❤️
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